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Open Thread – Alaska Women Not for Sarah Palin, Part 4

Alaskans for Truth Rally, September 2008
Downtown Anchorage, Alaska



197 Responses to “Open Thread – Alaska Women Not for Sarah Palin, Part 4”
  1. 264 Crayons says:

    Interesting news – Bristol & Levi announced their engagement (forgive the double post either I clicked too fast or there’s a glitch here.)

  2. 264 Crayons says:

    WOW I wonder if Sarah’s head exploded – Bristol & Levi announced their engagement.

  3. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    I just found this on a website – guidelines for posting, and I think they are just awesome!

    But…is Twit a vulgar word? I use it all the time for you know who. Or is it just a good word that describes a vulgar person very well? Will I go to poster he11 for saying it so often? I’m gonna worry about that for a day or two…

    Add Comment

    Keep it clean. Avoid language that is obscene, vulgar, lewd or sexually-oriented. If you can’t control yourself, don’t post it.
    Don’t threaten to hurt or kill anyone.
    Be truthful. Don’t lie about anyone or anything.

    Be nice. No racism, sexism or any other sort of -ism that degrades another person. PLEASE TURN OFF YOUR CAPS LOCK, and forgive people their spelling errors.
    Let us know if it’s getting out of hand. Please use the “Report Abuse” button on offensive comments.

    Share what you know, ask about what you don’t. Give us your eyewitness accounts, background, observations and history. What more do you want to know about the story?
    Stay focused, and ask questions. Keep on the story’s topic.

    And remember – don’t feed the trolls.

  4. Enjay in E MT says:

    Looks like another late post for the Open Thread –
    Found this quite informative on HuffPo –

    Hope it goes viral to every voter !!!!

    snip] So the Republicans now have the audacity to argue that President Obama and the Democrats are somehow responsible for the hardships that they themselves created. In effect they want the election to be a referendum on whether the Democrats have mopped and swept fast enough cleaning up the mess that they created. [end snip

    read more @

  5. fishingmamma says:

    I may be a little late to this particular party. But — the law of the land holds that a woman’s marital status and motherhood status or plans are illegal questions when it comes to asking for a job.

    Leas-a’s campaign ads were all — “I’m a mom!!!!” Sarahs’ —I’m a mom!!!”

    Mine – I have training and experience!


  6. Lee323 says:

    Palin’s tweet today on racism and the NAACP’s resolution: “I’m busy today so notify me asap when NAACP renders verdict: are liberty-loving, equality-respecting patriots racist?Bated breath,waiting…”

    Contrast her shallow deflective sarcasm with the following outstanding scholarly blog post about the truth on racism in America and the Tea Party. Save it in your files because a post like this (epic and harrowing) doesn’t come along very often:

    • bubbles says:

      sent this on with a stern reminder that democrats better get their act together or else.

    • Terpsichore says:

      And considering there is zero reason for her to inject herself into this issue, the tweet is twice as tremulous and terrible.

      1) Someone is really is starting to think she’s important
      2) Someone is really trying to stay in the current ‘news’ cycle (if you can call tweeting that)
      3) Someone has seriously left a giant Moose Poo for her detractors to mine when (if) she decides to run for President.

      What’s she gonna do? Say she never wrote it? Say the meaning was taken out of context? No sweetie, and actual adult would have tweeted something like “Disappointed NAACP questioning Tea Party re: racism. They r good patriots, love liberty and freedom 4 all”.

      Nope, she chooses to go the low road.

      It I had not already had it with her, this one tweet would make me over her. How can anyone ANYONE (sorry for yelling) think someone who writes childish things like that is in any way fit to be president of our country?

      Or do people really want children running our country?

  7. BuffaloGal says:

    The GOP Is Like a Sociopathic Ex-Boyfriend: If They Can’t Have the Country, No One Can


    ***** Honestly, I think it’s time to start trying out the meme that “The GOP loves America the same way your creepy stalker ex-boyfriend loved you. If they can’t have their country, no one can — and if you try to leave, they’ll throw acid in your face, kill your cat, and burn down your house.

    I don’t think that’s particularly hyperbolic — Republicans have made it clear in the past year and a half that if they can’t govern the country, they’re going to render it ungovernable. I think their behavior seems very literally sociopathic. *****

  8. Zyxomma says:

    This being the open thread, I’d like to post the text from an email I received today in toto:

    “Announcing the nation’s largest summit and day of action to end mountaintop removal:

    Appalachia Rising
    September 25 to 27, Washington DC.

    Mountaintop removal has already destroyed over 500 of the world’s oldest mountains, more than 2,000 miles of streams, and has contaminated our nation’s waters. Stand for the abolition of mountaintop removal with the named and unnamed heroes of coalfield organizing and celebrities Woody Harrelson, Ashley Judd, Gloria Reuben, Ed Begley Jr., Kathy Mattea, Kyra Sedgwick, Kevin Bacon, Darryl Hannah, author Silas House, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., and climate scientist James Hansen on the Monday, September 27 Day of Action!

    Register Now! Click here or go to

    Hope I can get to DC for this, and hope to see some familar Mudpuppy faces there as well. Health and peace.

  9. hedgewytch says:

    Here’s my prediction. Sarah will try to get nominated to the GOP, but they’re not gonna have it. Pay back time for them. So, she’s gonna run under an independent ticket. All she will end up doing is being a sideshow and a drain off of the GOP voting bock. Those true conservative republicans will vote Dem if they can’t find a decent candidate other than Huckabee, Gingrich or any of the other zombies that are currently lining up.

  10. Baker's Dozen says:

    The Gorilla test revised.
    Have you wondered why people don’t notice what’s going on around them? Take the original Gorilla test, and then the new one. See how you do.
    DON’T read past where it tells you to stop: it’s a spoiler for the new test. Really do take the test first. Then, come back and tell us how you did. It really does explain a lot about why we sit here saying, “don’t they SEE that?”

    Oh, I notice things. I got it (chest puffed out, fluffing hair, walking into wall) 🙂

    • aussiegal77 says:

      Saw the gorilla, did NOT see the curtain change colour OR one of the players leaving. Point taken!!!

      And you have spooked me even further about Palin’s chances!! ack!

      • MonaLisa (inCT) says:

        I saw spotted the gorilla and saw the black-teed girl leave, but didn’t notice the curtain

      • Baker's Dozen says:

        Sorry to spook you! but isn’t it interesting what we see and don’t see. I had a dad that taught me to be very observant and to be aware of what was going on, even when paying attention to other things. It has made a difference, though it doesn’t always happen.

        • aussiegal77 says:

          It was definitely interesting and I love social experiments like this =D

          Dude – I AM spooked today about this whole Palin 2012 thing. Even my husband is noticing my jitters! Or the hand wringing I should add =D

          I’ll get over it……just really really really DON’T want it to happen but these freaking pundits I tell ya! UGH.

  11. LoveMydogs says:

    Like all nightmares and boogeymen, I have to believe that she will disappear when the lights are turned on or when the people wake up. Has anyone else noticed how the comedians have stopped giving her any airtime (or when they do the jokes tend to fall flat) because she isn’t even that funny anymore? I think that the majority of America is tired of her. She and her rabid fans and the people who have bought and paid for her have to keep her in the spotlight in a desperate attempt to keep her relevant. The real nightmare (the one we cannot wake up from) is the desperate straights that so many of our fellow citizens are in right now. People need jobs. They need help while they cannot find them. The gulf is an environmental and, soon to be very real, financial disaster. Our young men and women are still in harm’s way in 2 wars that we cannot afford (politically or financially). Far more important than the irrelevant Sowa is how we are going to get Congress working together again. If people support her picks in the fall, I fear that more people will suffer. But that might be a good way to make her irrelevant once and for all. And maybe wake the dumbsh*ts up to the fact that competent, smart people (who are not batsh*t crazy) need to be in charge.

    • aussiegal77 says:

      Which is exactly I want Palin to just freaking go away and let the adults do the work, she is a moron and a spoilt child to boot, sapping everyone’s energy and time.

  12. LoveMydogs says:

    She didn’t have to offer any ideas or solutions up here and this red state voted her in because they hated Murkowski and would NEVER vote for a Dem. Plus….”she’s hot”. Maybe the rest of the country will learn from Alaska’s mistake. There is still that quitting thing……

    • aussiegal77 says:

      It seems like much of the same factors are in play for many people who would consider GOP with her on the ticket – she’s hot, they hate Obama and the Dems or think Dems are incompetent. This is quite a concern for me because well, GWB twice!!

      I can easily see the same thing happening with Palin…….

      • OMG says:

        I share your concern. Palin is playing the media like chumps and getting her name in the media on a daily basis…and for accomplishing what?! While people may say that she’ll have to come out and give press conferences to be in presidential politics, I’m not so sure. She can still claim victim and the GOP will nod their little heads since they always love to scream media bias. Of course, she can appear on Fox (except perhaps O’Reilly) because, to conservatives, they’re “fair and balanced”. Now that the majority of independents (according to the polls) say that they’re disappointed in Obama, they may just buy every filtered sounded bite that Palin feeds them too. I do not want her to win the nomination. I want her humiliated and run out of politics long before that!

      • Wolf Pack says:

        I think she has zero chance of ever being elected to public office again. Americans don’t like quitters.

        She is now officially an entertainer, like Anna Nicole. Nothing more, nothing less.

    • heidi1 says:

      Yes, there were reasons she was elected governor, but they were “local” reasons. How many Alaskans voted for her – was it something like 177,000? (Please clarify the vote numbers for me). HA! Not to disparage the state of Alaska, but that number is less than the size of the “town” I live in here in SoCal. Her ‘governorship’ was insignificant, other than the horrible damage she did to the state during her truncated tenure.

      She will meet up with a brick wall against the tens of millions of voters in the Lower 48. Are possibly 20% of them rabid bots? It’s sounding like that, but they won’t all vote for her when pen hits paper, or the lever gets pulled, on election day. I had some bot ‘friends’ (no longer friends) who said they liked $arah, but would never vote for her. For every one of the bots who idolize her, she will inspire many more to vote to make sure she NEVER sees elected office again.

      The story of the two Tri-gs must get out! If not, this will have been the greatest hoax ever pulled in the history of our country. Please hammer this home to everyone you encounter. The sheer madness of this attempted duplicity disqualifies $arah from even having the right to call herself a “rill ‘murikan”. P.S. She is single-handedly ripping the GOP apart.

      • Zyxomma says:

        You make several good points. There are over 58,000 people in my NYC neighborhood, and we have very few buildings over 6 stories high, so we’re a tiny shtetl. I doubt that there’s one Palin voter in the entire East Village (unless said voter has Alzheimer’s, which is possible).

      • Rene says:

        I am not a fan of the theories on her children. Who CARES??? Her political issues are the issue.

        • nswfm says:

          Rene, the bald face lying and fraud is what matters behind that. The people who are covering up for the insurance fraud that are behind this matter.

      • beth says:

        Heidi1 ~ I must respectfully disagree re: “The story of the two Tri-gs must get out! If not, this will have been the greatest hoax ever pulled in the history of our country. Please hammer this home to everyone you encounter.”

        *Unless* there is PROOF of something La Grizz, dear Queen Sowa, has said and/or done, ‘getting it out’ is totally counterproductive. Rumours, innuendos, and speculations are *not* proof of anything about her; as such, they will be dismissed as one more example of the mean, nasty liberal’s ‘hate’ of her, their being ‘scared’ of her, and/or of their constant ‘picking on’ the poor dear because they [the liberal’s] can’t stand “the common sense solutions” she has for Amurrica.

        Please, please, please *don’t* use “The story of the two Tri-gs” IF you want to *inform* people about the *real* Sowa!

        Tell them, by all means, about the debt she left the town of Wasilla when she finished as Mayor there; tell them, by all means, that *her* brand of christianity [lower case, intentional] believes in casting out of witches; tell them, by all means, that she whips up passions *against* people and ideas, but she offers *no* concrete alternatives –ever; tell them, by all means, not only those things, but all the rest of the *proven* things, too. Tell them and them give them unassailable proof that what you are telling them is 100% *true*! By all means, *inform* folks about the divisive, ethically-challenged, truth-skewering person that $P is, but do it with verifyable, unimpeachably-accurate, source-accessable, non-speculative *FACTS*.

        Anyone can spread rumors, but they’re just rumors and aren’t worth the breath they’re spoken with. *Facts*, on the other hand, do *not* lie…they’ll never let you down. If you want to expose the fraud that is $P, only use the *facts* about her, to do so — she certainly has supplied us all with enough of them over the years. And it’s those *facts* that we all need to use as we give “everyone [we] encounter”/the world *proof* that she is an untrustworthy, dark-souled, manipulating, dangerous woman. And a total idiot! beth.

        [/end rant]

    • benlomond2 says:

      sorry… can’t resist 🙂 🙂 …is part of the issue in Alaska that the male to female ratio is skewed ??….maybe equaling out the numbers would help …..then the guys wouldn’t fall over themselves so badly when seeing a pair of naughty monkeys………. ( running for the hills as fast as I can… 🙂 )

  13. SkagwayKid says:

    Folks I think we got the wrong impression of SP. Her vanity could be my economic salvation. Put up a few posters that S is the new Ester leading us to the promise land, she has to know that the road to salvation is strewn with setbacks. Easy to clear the trail with a few bags of gold. The presidential campaign is an ideal time to stand in line with our hands out. Go gal go, Sarah I’m a bit short this month could you help out. You never know Sarah might just go with it. Hey a better Idea, Sarah, how would you like to be top consultant to BP. Lessons to teach obvious are the size of the garbage bag and density (weight) of tar balls.

    • thatcrowwoman says:

      One of these days I’ll reclaim Queen Esther (NOT granny feckin’ fraud) for my tribe. She gives Hadassah/Esther a bad name, and I may never forgive her for that. But that’s a rant for another day…

      • aussiegal77 says:

        I love the book of Esther and I just re-read it the other day. Palin is no Esther.

  14. aussiegal77 says:

    I wanted to share this Daily Kos post with you guys about Michele Obama:

    I admire Michelle immensely because she is unfailingly kind. I know that she is smart enough to avoid the nasty right wing blogs like Redstate and Free Republic but she must have heard some of the terrible things said about her husband and her children, and herself. Yet she doesn’t retaliate by going on facebook and pounding out a screechy nasty post or go on Twitter and blast out a spiteful tweet. She focuses on her family, her husband and doing her job as First Lady.

    Even if the detractors like Drudge twist her efforts to tackle childhood obesity – she just keeps her head down and gets the job done. I don’t know how she feels personally about all of this but what I do know is that she makes an effort to be civil, to be kind and to be compassionate.

    I can only hope that I can one day mature into such a great lady as Michelle Obama. As a Christian woman – SHE is one of my role models.

    And oh, how ironic that they are attacking her for her work on childhood obesity and twisting it into something racial. If our children keep on the way they are – healthcare costs will dwarf even the deficit today. How hard is it to figure out that healthy citizens = productive economy = competitive player in the world? Or hard working & disciplined kids = productive adults = more hardworking & disciplined kids in the next generation? Why is the America that these right wing people yearn for seem to be one where everyone is entitled, lazy, intolerant, bigoted and mean spirited? And anyone who says, no we are better than that are branded a traitor?

    • SkagwayKid says:

      Right on! Your comments are well taken, the SP thing is a show, distracting or good for laughs,

    • aussiegal, that was so well said. I would add that Michelle Obama is also the kind of role model to her own daughters that every mother should try to be. She shows them by everything that she does what it means to be a strong woman and a good citizen.

      • aussiegal77 says:

        She just really tries to be a decent human being, despite the provocations. I don’t for one second think she is a saint. I am sure MO has her faults, we all do. But I just appreciate that she is real and genuine. That she does put in an effort to be a decent person.

        I guess I am just really sick of seeing so many “christians” act like monsters, without generosity, without compassion. All they do is judge and point and sneer and jeer and condemn. I really truly recoil at them. Can’t they put themselves in the shoes of someone who has been unfortunate? Have they no heart, no empathy, no sympathy?

        Ok fine, maybe some people made stupid choices and are suffering for it but don’t we all make mistakes? Why is it always ok for christians to rub it in when they see someone fail or stumble but take umbrage when their hypocrisy is pointed out? I am SO SO SO tired of these people.

        • LoveMydogs says:

          Don’t be so sad….they are christians in name only. I can run around and shout to the world that I am a ballet dancer but that doesn’t make me one. It is actions that count. If one does not display (on a daily basis) the basic decency that Jesus preached and try one’s best to live by it, then one can call oneself whatever one likes but it does not make it so. These people do NOT have open hearts when it comes to daily actions and words.
          Another good reason that politics and religion should not be mixed-EVER. It is sad to me that so many of the world’s religions have become politicized. So many of the churches around here have giant red campaign signs on their lawns that I want them paying taxes. The deficit would be gone in no time.

          In the words of the Dalai Lama (who does not profess to be a Christian but has always displayed many of the qualities that it seems should be found in one):

          “May the poor find wealth,
          Those weak with sorrow, find joy.
          May the forlorn find new hope,
          Constant happiness and prosperity.

          May the frightened cease to be afraid,
          And those bound be free.
          May the weak find power,
          And may their hearts open in friendship.”

          • aussiegal77 says:

            I find it so discouraging because I do live in a more conservative area of chicago (i.e. suburbs) and most of my friends are conservatives. My pastor especially is someone that I admire a lot but even he has been deceived by Palin! He all but endorsed her one Sunday during service which, STILL, has me in shock. I guess I’ve just never experienced politicization to the point of having to endure it during the Sunday service.

            I wanted to shout “THIS IS MY SANCTUARY! You believe what you want but do NOT shove it in my face from the pulpit!!”

            I was so upset at him and still am. But I say he is deceived because if he knew her true character, if he would just spend the time to find out and not take her at her word (SO MANY do just that), I know he would be hard pressed to see her as an authentic Christian. I can cite several sermons which he personally preached for which she is easily the example of what NOT to do.

            Just stops me cold when I see otherwise intelligent people fall for her lies.

          • nswfm says:


            Isn’t endorsing a political candidate grounds to have your church’s tax exempt status removed? That guy should watch it. As a tax payer, if these churches are going to break the law, I want to see them held up as an example of what not to do if you want tax exempt status. Ignorance of the law is no excuse, either.

            Setting the stage for a collision of religion and politics, Christian ministers from 22 states will use their pulpits Sunday to deliver political sermons or endorse presidential candidates — defying a federal ban on campaigning by nonprofit groups.

          • slipstream says:

            Or, in the words of Jesus’ mom:

            “He has scattered the proud in the imagination of their hearts,
            he has put down the mighty from their thrones,
            he has filled the hungry with good things,
            and the rich he has sent away empty handed.”

            Luke 1:51-53

    • bubbles says:

      this is so sad

    • A fan from CA says:

      It’s very sad.

      If I hear anyone diss the let’s move I’ll ask what the disser thinks of Laura Bush’s effort to get kids to read?

      Do these baggers want a nation of fat illiterates?

      • aussiegal77 says:

        I know, doesn’t it just take your breath away? She’s advocating for healthy kids and they can even find a way to demonise that.

        • Zyxomma says:

          Aussiegal, if you haven’t yet seen Agora, please seek it out. It shows, better than any movie I can think of, how religious intolerance and thinking one has the only truth, leads to tragedy. While I doubt that the real Hypatia (who has been one of my heroes for ages) looked like the gorgeous Rachel Weisz, it’s a must-see film. P!sses me off that this film is so under-the-radar while Mel Gibson’s anti-semitic Passion of the Christ was a blockbuster.

          • nswfm says:

            Um yeah, and look at where Mel, Mr. Holier than Thou is today.

          • aussiegal77 says:

            Mel Gibson is an embarrassment to my beloved Australia so please keep him here (or on an island somewhere in the Pacific) – he is disgusting.

            The thing is – I do believe that Jesus is the way, the truth and the life but I would never force anyone to believe the same. Everyone has to make a choice – that is the point. These so called Christians think they can run roughshod over everyone in the name of “salvation”. My message to them is – if murdering someone or maiming them is justified in the name of God in THEIR eyes then congratulations, you’re officially a tool of Satan.

            I am all for evangelism but I happen to think that the Bible calls on us to make disciples not mass converts. How can I evangelise if I don’t give a rats ass about THE PERSON? And am only looking to convert? And maybe that person won’t make the choice I hope they make but so what? Does that mean I hate them and cut them off? Or mock them and scorn them? No. I won’t be that way, that’s hateful and I refuse to be that way.

            We can disagree and by all means, let’s debate and talk then debate some more. I will be honest with whoever wants to know my views. But I will never ever use my faith to justify something evil. You know why? Because at the end of it all – I have to be the one to stand before God one day and give account of my life and everything I did and said and thought. I don’t need any more sins than I already have to account for.

    • leenie17 says:

      I work in a city elementary school where the vast majority of the students are African-American or Hispanic and about 87% of the kids in my district qualify for free or reduced-price lunch. Sadly, we have two seemingly opposite groups of students in our building: those who do not get enought to eat at home and depend on school food (yecch!) for the bulk of their nutrition, and those who far too much junk food and are obese. Often, it is a combination of the two factors – cheap food is usually low on nutrition – that causes the children to be obese but still have poor nutrition.

      It breaks my heart to see them so overweight at such a young age because I know what kind of future they will have if they don’t get healthy. I also see many of their parents who are also obese and know they won’t be getting the support and guidance they need from home. Far too many of them spend their after-school hours playing video games instead of being more active.

      I applaud Michelle Obama for her efforts to improve the health of our youngest generation and for her consistent choice to take the high road when she and her family are trashed by the media and the general public. She’s a very classy, intelligent, educated woman and I love that she can be a role model for many of my students.

  15. Jo Ann says:

    I’ve not read the responses above as yet, but did get my Anchorage Daily News this morning and am just sick! The front page and top article is “SarahPAC propels Palin beyond celebrity status”. I cannot believe that Alaskans (I am one!) will/would support her in a run for President of the United States IF she were to run!

    I so blame John McCain for bringing this ‘character’ to the forefront w/o having vet her. Next blame goes to the media for giving her a voice in no matter what she says or does and not verifying for truth. And, the final blame goes to those American citizens who have provided her money and support during the past couple of years.


    • johnny says:

      according to the FEC report, only one alaskan contributed to her fund this quarter.

      • slipstream says:

        Can we find out the name of that traitor?

        • MonaLisa (inCT) says:

          We can point and snicker, every time we see him! (Would that be ‘mean-girl’ enough for you, Sarah? Because that’s about as far as WE would go, since we’re not the type to set fire to anything….)

          Was it Chuckles?

    • mea says:

      did you read how her fundraising “paled” when compared to Michelle Bachman and Mitt Romney?
      did you read the DailyDish article about how rah-rah must have an election team in order to run a campaign successfully, and she tends to alienate people who work with her?
      have calmness…..she cannot win the Presidency, no matter what she does.

    • thatcrowwoman says:

      “…beyond celebrity status…”
      Isn’t that like brittney-lindsay-paris-kate-octomom territory? Wouldn’t want to visit, much less live there!

      The camera is increasingly unkind to her, also, too. Not that there’s anything wrong with that…

  16. bubbles says:

    AKM!!!…..ok. ok…i’ll be good. was it the making chitlins thingie?
    i was just foolin’. i don’t like to cook chitlins cause the neighbors complain. i make my sister do it. (smiley smiling)

    • thatcrowwoman says:

      *sticking my nose in where it doesn’t belong*

      with cornbread, also, too? and turnip greens with a bottle of hot sauce on the side? and peach cobbler for dessert? Sweet tea? (Shudder! Littlebird loves her sweet tea, but I like mine unsweetened…)


      • bubbles says:

        {{{{{{{{Crow}}}}}}}}….yes! with all the above…plus don’t forget the candied yams and the cold potato salad….ohhhh and above all the peach cobbler. i think i will make small one just for me.yum.

        • Baker's Dozen says:

          Peach cobbler!
          Can you cyber-send some to all of us?

          • thatcrowwoman says:

            a friend brought me a bag of fresh figs from her tree today (I’ve never had one fresh off the tree before, but I do like me some fig newtons…) and also, too, a bag of peaches from her recent excursion through Georgia. Too hot to bake cobbler, and I’ve never tried to make one in the microwave, but come stand here over the sink with me and enjoy the juicy goodness. 🙂

            *Cyber-sharing with you all*

        • jimzmum says:

          Hello? Green beans and new potatoes.

          • bubbles says:

            yeah dozen you know i would if i could.

            green beans and new potatoes! please send!

        • thatcrowwoman says:

          I’ll pass on the candied yams, but mama’s tater salad is world class (and she taught me well). I’ll send some along the vanilla ice cream for topping the cobbler 🙂

          • benlomond2 says:

            …and that’s HOMEMADE vanilla Ice Cream, thank you very much !!!! the best thing that ever happened was the electic motor on the ice cream maker,,,,,,that dang cranking by hand use to really suck !

          • bubbles says:

            OMG…you pups are killing me here. can you imagine us all together in one giant Mudstock party? eating all the foods we pups know how to make? one day perhaps. one day.

  17. aussiegal77 says:

    The chatter continues about Palin 2012 (which I suspect she is enjoying enormously).

    I want to throw out some questions for mudpups from this article I read:

    First some quotes:

    “In many ways, Palin’s moves mirror her run for governor. She came from the outside, taking down the GOP establishment, including the formidable Governor Frank Murkowski. She stayed on the outside for months, not bothering to build a campaign but delivering key speeches across the state attacking “the old boys club” that raised speculation she’d potentially run. And, finally, when she did announce her campaign burst into life fully formed.”

    I like this analysis because you can clearly see the same tactics this time round.

    Do we think the Palin AK strategy will work for a Presidential election?

    Second quote:

    “6. Relatedly, her criticisms of the Obama administration are such that if she really believes what she says is true then, frankly, it would be unpatriotic not to run.”

    The argument has been made that a Palin campaign would be based primarily on harnessing the emotions of the disenfranchised. That to her supporters, she is not an embarrassing brazen know-nothing but well….Queen Esther fighting for her people against all the odds.

    However – my question is – wouldn’t Palin at some point during her campaign HAVE to provide ideas and solutions? Slogans and cheerleading may well win her the GOP nom. but I have a hard time believing it will carry her thru the general.

    What do we think, Mudpups?

    • Wolf Pack says:

      Name one thing Sowah has done that qualifies her to be President?

      And just as a clue….. quitting as a lame duck, half term Governor doesn’t cut it.

      • aussiegal77 says:

        That’s exactly what I mean – WE know she can’t possibly be President but do other people who don’t pay attention?

        She manage to win the AK governorship with no substance whatsoever and now with more money, more influence and an obsessed base – can she pull off the biggest political coup in US history?

        • Wolf Pack says:

          Alaska is not the lower 48. Alaska leans far right. Alaskans don’t show up to vote and don’t follow their politicians closely. There is barely any media. What little media their is, is worthless.

          There would be no outlet for her without Fox. Only about 3 million watch Fox, very insignificant.

          Her role is to be just another voice bashing the Dems and Obama. A dumber Limbaugh, Hannity, Beck, and Coulter. The vast majoroity of money she has gotten has come from big party officials who are using her to regain power. They do not want her, rather her influence on the ignorant and uneducated.

          Her nomination would be a nightmare for her party. We already saw that towards the end of McCain’s campaign with real conservative intellectuals dividing the party and saying Palin is too radical.

          • aussiegal77 says:

            Then I think this may be the only way to defeat her. To have her win the nomination then split the party. We all know she has no ideas on how to run this country, that much is obvious. So maybe the solution is to have the blood letting in the GOP – show her once and for all for the dummy she is. Even her hardcore supporters must expect something at some point.

            I’m still hand wringing……I’m just very worried it will be Bush….3.0!

      • lilybart says:

        Sigh, it’s CommonSense of course, the thing no one else has.

      • Baker's Dozen says:

        Name one thing she’s done that qualifies her to be mayor of a small town.

        • North of the Range says:

          Right. Exactly. And yet there she is.

          No one should underestimate her backers or what they can accomplish. They are not rubes, and they have been spinning straw into gold for a while now. Those of us who see that it really is still just straw think that’s what others in the electorate must see, too, but that has worked to her advantage before, because– gasp– they don’t! Even if Keith Olbermann states the obvious every night. The danger is to just look at the surface, dismiss her as unqualified and unsuitable based on her experience and actions, and forget about the resources that can be brought to bear on her behalf when the time comes.

          And to answer AussieGal’s original question, she did not have to provide ideas and solutions to win the 2006 Governor’s race; just ask Andrew Halcro and Tony Knowles and the rest of us who thought that her lack of specifics was excruciating, like political fingers on a chalkboard, and yet– shinyness and vague, visceral, I’m-a-regular-rill-Alaskan-just-like-you carried the day. To folks who might say, well, that was just the Alaska electorate, I would reply, do we really want to take that chance of underestimating again, with much higher stakes this time?

    • Good point. One would hope that she would have to provide more than slogans, and that the news folks would actually do some real research and not give her a pass on all the inconsistencies in her blah blahing. But then, did George W. ever have real solutions when he was running? I don’t remember – I’ve blocked out most of those eight years.

    • lilybart says:

      If she wins the nomination, then the red states will vote GOP as they always do and that is how it is now.

    • thatcrowwoman says:

      I’m busy today *wink* and I think I’d better cool in the pool before I respond. My head may explode pondering the possibilities. Oy, vey!

      (hearing my mama…”if you can’t say something nice…)

      something nice about granny feckin’ fraud?
      Well, she did bring us all together here on themudflats.
      no…never mind.
      That’s all I’ve got… but that is one BIG Something Nice, eh?
      Hope that burns her biscuits and flattens her bumpits. 🙂

    • mudkitten says:

      If she runs, it could very well be as a third party candidate. That’s good news for us, of course.

      She is egotistical enough to want to run her own show and selfish enough not to care what it does to the Repubs. If somehow she got the Repub nomination, even at the top of the ticket, she would have to get along with others and follow the advice of stratagists. I really can’t see her being a team player and submitting to handlers again. She certainly didn’t like that in the ’08 campaign.

      • jojobo1 says:

        I don’t know look what all the GOP people running left us with an old man and a no nothing do nothing bully winning the nomination during the primaries..If the GOP did what the DEM did McCain and palin would never have gotten as far as they did.I’m talking about dividing the votes instead of winner take all as the GOP does.Doesn’t give some people any choice at all.

    • strangelet says:

      I’m not an Alaskan, of course, but from reading the ‘Flats I’m pretty sure that Massie is makin’ some stuff up. The “formidable Governor Frank Murkowski”? By the time that election season rolled around, weren’t almost all Alaskans pretty much fed up with Frank the Bank?

  18. CO almost native says:

    “refudiate”?! Bwa ha ha….snicker. Another entry from the Palin’s No-So-Precise Dictionary 😉

  19. BuffaloGal says:


    • BuffaloGal says:

      Well that single “dang” wasn’t supposed to go wandering out there by itself. Little bugger got away from me. It was supposed to be:

      Dang! my last post got snagged by the mod filter. I’ll wait patiently for it to be released but in the meantime here’s the link I was trying to post. At the 9:20 mark Palin’s artful use of the English language shows itself as she calls on POTUS to ” refudiate ” the NAACP’s msg about the Tea Party.

      note: link goes to a bot site but it’s not an overly painful one. also, i suggest letting the video load up while on pause and then slide over to the 9:15 mark. much easier to deal with

      • jojobo1 says:

        Didn’t listen to the video but IMO she is the one with no backbone or she would be talking to other stations besides faux noise and using face book and twitter to try and fool people into believing what she says

  20. BuffaloGal says:

    Her most recent interview w/ Hannity – she blathers on in her usual fashion and then, at the 9:20 mark, she calls on the President to ” refudiate ” the message that the NAACP is putting out about the Tea Party being racist.

    Wasn’t a slip of the tongue either. She spit that one out there clear as day. You can hear Hannity react in the background as he catches what she’s said.

    Of course, in the Fox transcript they have written it as ” repudiate ” and they have decided not to include the interview with the transcript. Luckily , a palinbot site has a copy of it . ( it’s not the c4p site tho ) If you can’t listen to all of it just let it load up all the way and then slide on over to the 9:15 mark.

  21. BuffaloGal says:

    $P’s tweet of this morning :

    **** I’m busy today so notify me asap when NAACP renders verdict: are liberty-loving, equality-respecting patriots racist?Bated breath,waiting… ****

    I do believe there’s an extra dash of seething worked in with her daily snark.

    Here’s a link to a CBS article about the NAACP vote on the Tea Party

    • johnny says:

      I’m busy too, so notify ME asap when she tweets as to what she meant by this racist statement “He’s not one of us”. And why the Secret Service had to increase protection of the Obama family as a result of her inciting rallies.

    • Terpsichore says:

      Really? She tweeted that?

      Isn’t it “baited” breath, as in, sardine-mouth?

      When someone takes time to tweet something that starts with “I’m busy today”, you know someone’s sense of self-importance has just gone another notch up the meter.

      Yep. Just screams “I’m ready to be President”. “Oh, sorry Mr. (or Ms.) head of Opposition Party, I’m too busy today. Sorry Mr. Netanyahu, just notify me asap what you want me to do regarding Palestinians in Gaza. Sorry NAACP representative, won’t talk to you after what you did to my Tea party friends!”.

      I’d expect that from a junior high schooler, but NOT an adult woman who has apparent aspirations for the highest office in our land.

      • Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

        I’d expect anything from Palin – as long as it was nasty, mean, stupid or clueless! Her best skill is making other people barf.

      • JR says:

        Actually, it is bated, a shortened form of “abated” or lessened…so “with bated breath” means you’re so worked up that you’re hardly breathing. Which completely contradicts the I’m-too-busy-to-pay-attention BS she leads with…

      • ValleyIndependent says:

        Apparently, we’d both have gotten the phrase wrong.

        From the Oxford American Dictionaries:

        bated |ˈbātid|
        adjective (in phrase with bated breath)
        in great suspense; very anxiously or excitedly : he waited for a reply to his offer with bated breath.
        ORIGIN late 16th cent.: from the past participle of obsolete bate [restrain,] from abate .

        USAGE The spelling : baited breath instead of bated breath is a common mistake that, in addition to perpetuating a cliché, evokes a distasteful image. Before using the expression bated breath, think of the verb : abate, as in : the winds abated, not fish bait.
        bate |bāt|
        verb [ intrans. ] Falconry
        (of a hawk) beat the wings in an attempt to escape from the perch : the hawks bated when the breeze got in their feathers.
        ORIGIN late Middle English : from Old French batre ‘to beat’ (see also batter 1 ).

        • Terpsichore says:

          Well, there you go, learn something new every day!

          At least from Mudflatters!

    • laprofesora says:

      Please tell me this tweet is a joke…

    • B in Co says:

      Who does she expect to notify her? This is just another opportunity for her to divide people, make tea baggers angry at “those” people at the NAACP. Let’s get those tea baggers all hot and bothered as if they aren’t already.
      Apparently she is so excited for this vote, so she can say the “others” are picking on her and her baggers. Always an immature victim.

      • Rene says:

        Does she really speak for all of the tea party? She is about a brillant rock.

    • PA_John says:

      On top of everything else that has been mentioned on this item, who’s she kidding about “notify me asap” ?? I suspect her crackberry is open to FauxNews all day, and every tweet referencing her pops up on the front page. She will know as soon as everyone else …. its definately a ploy to get her gang all riled up.

      That woman is an idiot.

    • jc in co says:

      She’s such an uneducated dolt I’m surprised she didn’t say she was waiting with “baited” breath. She must have piper googling things for her since the RR/Eureka debacle.

      • CO almost native says:

        Has Palin returned to “fish swimming upstream” and “dead fish in the water” imagery? Using “baited breath” would be fitting for someone who resides at the bottom of a chum bucket…

    • aussiegal77 says:

      Oh Sarah. We all know you have no idea what “bated breath” means.

  22. BuffaloGal says:

    $P’s tweet of this morning :

    **** I’m busy today so notify me asap when NAACP renders verdict: are liberty-loving, equality-respecting patriots racist?Bated breath,waiting… ****

    I do believe there’s an extra dash of seething worked in with her daily snark.

    Here’s a link to a CBS article about the NAACP vote on the Tea Party

    • johnny says:

      I’m busy too, so notify ME asap when she tweets as to what she meant by this racist statement “He’s not one of us”. And why the Secret Service had to increase protection of the Obama family as a result of her inciting rallies.

    • Terpsichore says:

      Really? She tweeted that?

      Isn’t it “baited” breath, as in, sardine-mouth?

      When someone takes time to tweet something that starts with “I’m busy today”, you know someone’s sense of self-importance has just gone another notch up the meter.

      Yep. Just screams “I’m ready to be President”. “Oh, sorry Mr. (or Ms.) head of Opposition Party, I’m too busy today. Sorry Mr. Netanyahu, just notify me asap what you want me to do regarding Palestinians in Gaza. Sorry NAACP representative, won’t talk to you after what you did to my Tea party friends!”.

      I’d expect that from a junior high schooler, but NOT an adult woman who has apparent aspirations for the highest office in our land.

      • Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

        I’d expect anything from Palin – as long as it was nasty, mean, stupid or clueless! Her best skill is making other people barf.

      • JR says:

        Actually, it is bated, a shortened form of “abated” or lessened…so “with bated breath” means you’re so worked up that you’re hardly breathing. Which completely contradicts the I’m-too-busy-to-pay-attention BS she leads with…

    • laprofesora says:

      Please tell me this tweet is a joke…

    • B in Co says:

      Who does she expect to notify her? This is just another opportunity for her to divide people, make tea baggers angry at “those” people at the NAACP. Let’s get those tea baggers all hot and bothered as if they aren’t already.
      Apparently she is so excited for this vote, so she can say the “others” are picking on her and her baggers. Always an immature victim.

    • ks sunflower says:

      Funny! Liked the 2012 kinda-of-sorta scribbled off as if indecisive. Let’s hope the humor lasts should she get more serious.

    • ks sunflower says:

      Funny! Liked the 2012 kinda-of-sorta scribbled off as if indecisive. Let’s hope the humor lasts should she get more serious.

  23. jimzmum says:

    Did I find this here? I can’t remember.

    Go here:

    First, type in Sarah Louise Palin

    Then, Sarah Heath Palin

    And, to really cap off the whole thing, Sarah Louise Heath.

  24. jimzmum says:

    Did I find this here? I can’t remember.

    Go here:

    First, type in Sarah Louise Palin

    Then, Sarah Heath Palin

    And, to really cap off the whole thing, Sarah Louise Heath.

  25. laprofesora says:

    As per Paylin’s running in 2012:

    1) Not only do I think she will, I hope she will. It will be the only way to push the MSM to get serious about investigating her.

    2) If you’re worried about her running, re-read the “backasswards” tweet. Every one of us who has endured her idiocy, her meanness, her ignorance, her lack of empathy and compassion, her lies and her manipulating behavior, is stockpiling our rage for the day we can protest her candidacy. Every time we read her disrespectful words to our President, we are fortifying ourselves for the battle ahead. We have waited, sometimes impatiently, but if she runs we will be ready for her. Sarah Louise Heath Palin and her handlers have NO idea what is waiting for her if she runs for president. She will be completely unprepared for our response. I am looking forward to fighting her with everything I’ve got.

    • bubbles says:

      me too too.

    • B in Co says:

      If she does run we will not be in the minority. People that have kept quiet and don’t follow politics all that much will be mobilized.
      Most people don’t know as much as we do about her but they do know how wrong she is for any public office much less the Presidency.

  26. laprofesora says:

    As per Paylin’s running in 2012:

    1) Not only do I think she will, I hope she will. It will be the only way to push the MSM to get serious about investigating her.

    2) If you’re worried about her running, re-read the “backasswards” tweet. Every one of us who has endured her idiocy, her meanness, her ignorance, her lack of empathy and compassion, her lies and her manipulating behavior, is stockpiling our rage for the day we can protest her candidacy. Every time we read her disrespectful words to our President, we are fortifying ourselves for the battle ahead. We have waited, sometimes impatiently, but if she runs we will be ready for her. Sarah Louise Heath Palin and her handlers have NO idea what is waiting for her if she runs for president. She will be completely unprepared for our response. I am looking forward to fighting her with everything I’ve got.

    • bubbles says:

      me too too.

    • B in Co says:

      If she does run we will not be in the minority. People that have kept quiet and don’t follow politics all that much will be mobilized.
      Most people don’t know as much as we do about her but they do know how wrong she is for any public office much less the Presidency.

  27. Kallie in Texas says:

    What a three-ring circus with all those clowns!

  28. Kallie in Texas says:

    What a three-ring circus with all those clowns!

  29. mag the mick says:

    Since this is an open thread, I’m going off topic to write that this last Sunday was the 5oth anniversary of the publishing of “To Kill A Mockingbird”. I would bet that this book was very significant and meaningful to many of us Mudflatters as we came of age. Scout’s was a voice I identified with as soon as I opened the book. Although the book traditionally is said to be about race and injustice, I’ve always seen it more as a story about growing up and about learning who to trust. It is a beautiful story about innocence and loss. I’d love to hear from the rest of you who loved the book. Happy birthday, Mockingbird, and thank you, Miss Lee.

    • A fan from CA says:

      I loved the book and the movie.

    • jimzmum says:

      I honestly thought the book was about my daddy. I was seven when it came out, and mother and daddy took turns reading it aloud, and I was allowed to listen. My father was an attorney and a judge in a small town, he wore glasses, he hunted, he was always being nice to everybody, and listened. Sometimes, the police or sheriff would bring babies and children to the house for Mother to take care of. Sometimes Daddy would. They (the babies and children) would stay with us till somebody came to get them.

      It took a lot of convincing me before I started to understand that Miss Lee had written a book about all pretend people that she made up of bits and pieces of people that she really knew.

      It remains my very favorite book that I have ever read.

      • Mag the Mick says:

        Although the characters are, as you say, pretend characters, she seems to have cut the character of “Dill” from the whole cloth of her childhood friend Truman Capote.

      • bubbles says:

        ah hah…now i know why you are the honey you are. what a wonderful daddy and mom you have. i will always remember Scout and Boo. Ms Harper Lee wrote a good one. bless her.

      • mady says:

        That is too precious! It’s still one of my favorites too. And I am happy to say that high school students still read it and love it.

    • CO almost native says:

      I taught “To Kill A Mockingbird” for years to high school freshmen, and shared some of my Omaha growing up stories- many kids were shocked that these attitudes and actions weren’t fantasy. I agree about the messages of loss of innocence, although numerous students pointed out the important lessons of standing up, being a model of integrity. It was amazing, listening to kids, listening to each other. It was a book, they said as graduating seniors, that changed their lives.

      I second the thanks to Miss Harper Lee.

    • To Kill a Mockingbird is one of my favorite movies and books as well. No surprise that so many of us here like it. I actually saw the movie, which was excellent, before I read the book. The book is even better.

      • Zyxomma says:

        I, too, saw the movie first (I was barely six when the book was published), but read it shortly thereafter. Scout was one of the first characters in any book with whom I could identify.

    • Moon says:

      “To Kill a Mockingbird” is also one of my favorite books. The first time I read it, I was 11 and on Dr. ordered best rest for 3 months. ( I had mono – so yes, mono *can* last a long time 😉 I remember crying while reading it.
      I’ve read the book aloud to my children several times, and they both identified very strongly with the character, Scout. In fact, my son was crushed to find out Scout was a girl. He did end up naming one of his chickens “Scout”.

    • AKPetMom says:

      It’s on my summer reading list, every summer. Finished it in early June and will probably read it again.

    • Irishgirl says:

      It ranks as one of my favourite books ever. There was a fantastic article about the book and Scout in the HuffPo very recently.

  30. mag the mick says:

    Since this is an open thread, I’m going off topic to write that this last Sunday was the 5oth anniversary of the publishing of “To Kill A Mockingbird”. I would bet that this book was very significant and meaningful to many of us Mudflatters as we came of age. Scout’s was a voice I identified with as soon as I opened the book. Although the book traditionally is said to be about race and injustice, I’ve always seen it more as a story about growing up and about learning who to trust. It is a beautiful story about innocence and loss. I’d love to hear from the rest of you who loved the book. Happy birthday, Mockingbird, and thank you, Miss Lee.

    • A fan from CA says:

      I loved the book and the movie.

    • jimzmum says:

      I honestly thought the book was about my daddy. I was seven when it came out, and mother and daddy took turns reading it aloud, and I was allowed to listen. My father was an attorney and a judge in a small town, he wore glasses, he hunted, he was always being nice to everybody, and listened. Sometimes, the police or sheriff would bring babies and children to the house for Mother to take care of. Sometimes Daddy would. They (the babies and children) would stay with us till somebody came to get them.

      It took a lot of convincing me before I started to understand that Miss Lee had written a book about all pretend people that she made up of bits and pieces of people that she really knew.

      It remains my very favorite book that I have ever read.

      • Mag the Mick says:

        Although the characters are, as you say, pretend characters, she seems to have cut the character of “Dill” from the whole cloth of her childhood friend Truman Capote.

  31. JUST A THOUGHT says:

    History repeats itself…remember how Hitler came to power.

    Bloggers can get the word out. Mrs. Todd Palin is not the only

    one that tweets. Be intellegent, not petty bloggers. Don’t fall

    into the footsteps of Mrs. Todd Palin ($arah), with MIDDLE SCHOOL

    GIRL tactics. This woman is not fit for any public office. Sad that

    Alaskan voters were blindsided and elected her as their governor.

    Keep up your blogging. $arah belongs on Todd’s fishing boat and

    NOT IN THE WHITE HOUSE. Remember, we had eight long years

    of George Bush. He was nothing but a figurehead, with all his

    puppet masters pulling the strings. Now the same puppet masters

    are pulling $arah’s strings.

    • A fan from CA says:

      So very true. Had a Repub friend tell me they didn’t vote for the candidate but the people behind the candidate. They won’t vote Dem because they buy into the meme about all tax dollars going to welfare cheats if the Dems are in power. They just refuse to deal with the facts. Of course, she doesn’t get much in the way of fact because she relies upon a conservative husband to sort things out. The only good news for this couple is that he can’t stand the Sow any more than we do.

    • kate says:

      Who would be part of Gov. Palin’s “kitchen cabinet?” Is Todd or her father the one giving her all the ideas? Surely it wouldn’t be college comrades or friends from Wasilla High. Most aspiring and successful politicians gather trusted, smart friends along the way — at law school, at jobs, through political networking…. where do Palin’s come from?

      • Blue Eyes says:

        Better yet, who would be in her cabinet that she wouldn’t throw under the bus when she felt like it? Let’s see who would really want to work with her now since she doesn’t listen to anybody. Well, maybe except for the voices in her head.

      • benlomond2 says:

        ..Can you imagine her picks going thru Senate Confirmation hearings ??????? bhahahahahahahahahaahah!!!

      • heidi1 says:

        Taco Bell.

  32. JUST A THOUGHT says:

    History repeats itself…remember how Hitler came to power.

    Bloggers can get the word out. Mrs. Todd Palin is not the only

    one that tweets. Be intellegent, not petty bloggers. Don’t fall

    into the footsteps of Mrs. Todd Palin ($arah), with MIDDLE SCHOOL

    GIRL tactics. This woman is not fit for any public office. Sad that

    Alaskan voters were blindsided and elected her as their governor.

    Keep up your blogging. $arah belongs on Todd’s fishing boat and

    NOT IN THE WHITE HOUSE. Remember, we had eight long years

    of George Bush. He was nothing but a figurehead, with all his

    puppet masters pulling the strings. Now the same puppet masters

    are pulling $arah’s strings.

    • A fan from CA says:

      So very true. Had a Repub friend tell me they didn’t vote for the candidate but the people behind the candidate. They won’t vote Dem because they buy into the meme about all tax dollars going to welfare cheats if the Dems are in power. They just refuse to deal with the facts. Of course, she doesn’t get much in the way of fact because she relies upon a conservative husband to sort things out. The only good news for this couple is that he can’t stand the Sow any more than we do.

  33. OMG says:

    Putting things in perspective:

    Crazy people have way to much money to throw at other crazy people.

  34. OMG says:

    Putting things in perspective:

    Crazy people have way to much money to throw at other crazy people.

  35. mea says:

    rah-rah reminds me of a mega-church pastor, and in that way, kind of scares me. People give money and adoration to such people as rah-rah. she may be a “maroon” (or even an ultra-maroon) but her followers will still put her in office.

    We definitely should start now to put up No to Sarah signs, just so we all know that we’re out here in the world, and that we are many.

    I got invited to a Tea Party meeting……perhaps I should go, so I know how the enemy thinks?!
    wow, that would be very traumatizing.

    • MonaLisa (inCT) says:

      I’ll send you chamomile tea, the variety of chocolate of your preference, and violet healing vibes your way if you do, Mea!

    • ValleyIndependent says:

      By all means go, ask questions, and see if you can get some folks to think about the potential consequences of what they are advocating. I suspect you will find the more extreme among them have no idea what they are likely to end up with if they get their way, having not taken the time and energy required to get past the talking points to what they would mean in actual practice.

      • barbara says:

        really – just ask them how all the wars plus militarizing the borders are going to be paid for if taxes can only go down. and write a boots on the ground post if you do (i don’t think i could stand to do it, but i do think i would go to a town hall put on by a republican just to ask that very question. they’re constantly bitching about taxes and the deficits and the MIC and the wars are never mentioned in the same breath).

      • mea says:

        your responses comfort me and give me bravery and make me smile.
        I am more than ever intrigued to see what is being promoted in my own neighborhood (which, in my area, means a drive of over an hour)
        I’ll need all the soothing treats (single malt!) afterwards. thanks.

  36. mea says:

    rah-rah reminds me of a mega-church pastor, and in that way, kind of scares me. People give money and adoration to such people as rah-rah. she may be a “maroon” (or even an ultra-maroon) but her followers will still put her in office.

    We definitely should start now to put up No to Sarah signs, just so we all know that we’re out here in the world, and that we are many.

    I got invited to a Tea Party meeting……perhaps I should go, so I know how the enemy thinks?!
    wow, that would be very traumatizing.

    • MonaLisa (inCT) says:

      I’ll send you chamomile tea, the variety of chocolate of your preference, and violet healing vibes your way if you do, Mea!

    • ValleyIndependent says:

      By all means go, ask questions, and see if you can get some folks to think about the potential consequences of what they are advocating. I suspect you will find the more extreme among them have no idea what they are likely to end up with if they get their way, having not taken the time and energy required to get past the talking points to what they would mean in actual practice.

  37. ks sunflower says:

    Good morning all! Once again starting my day with thoughts of Palin. Sure hope the day gets better than this.

    I, too, was discouraged to read that a strong rumor persists that Sarah will announce for the Presidency on Reagan’s birthday, February 6th at the Reagan Library in Southern California. You’d think Nancy and Ron Jr. would put a stop to that, but with Murdoch supposedly on the Board of Trustees for the Library, the rumor seems to have more validity.

    I hope the mid-terms aren’t as much a failure for the Democrats as is traditional. The Republicans/Tea Party are running so many poor candidates – truly mean and wacky ones (uh-oh, sounds like Sarah’s been cloned, doesn’t it?). Anyway, getting out the moderate Independent and Republicans is as important as 2008, but getting out the Democrats is even more important. I just worry that people are growing weary of the to and fro of all the hardships and arguments. Who knows? Maybe we can manage it after all.

    I hope R’ipley in CT’s statistical predictions come true.

    • Lori in Los Angeles says:

      I highly doubt the powers that be at the Reagan Museum will allow it. SP stood them up after an appearance was scheduled and invitations were sent.

      The Republican women who organized the event are pissed. They won’t speak about it publically, but I know several of them, and they have the grifter’s number.

      That said, I believe she WILL announce and will move the venue to Illinois (land of Lincoln).

      If the media does it’s job, she will denounce them as “lamestream” and picking on a woman.

      From then on, the campaign will be done through ghost-written proclamations on facebook and FAUX news pre-screened questions. No debates. No news shows.

      I remain confident that only her base will fall for this fraud.

      • heidi1 says:

        Thank you, Lori. Very glad to hear your insight on the museum/library. But I still have my plans & protest signs in the making for a trip to San Clemente if need be. Note to $arah: Avoid band of furious Republican women at all costs!

  38. ks sunflower says:

    Good morning all! Once again starting my day with thoughts of Palin. Sure hope the day gets better than this.

    I, too, was discouraged to read that a strong rumor persists that Sarah will announce for the Presidency on Reagan’s birthday, February 6th at the Reagan Library in Southern California. You’d think Nancy and Ron Jr. would put a stop to that, but with Murdoch supposedly on the Board of Trustees for the Library, the rumor seems to have more validity.

    I hope the mid-terms aren’t as much a failure for the Democrats as is traditional. The Republicans/Tea Party are running so many poor candidates – truly mean and wacky ones (uh-oh, sounds like Sarah’s been cloned, doesn’t it?). Anyway, getting out the moderate Independent and Republicans is as important as 2008, but getting out the Democrats is even more important. I just worry that people are growing weary of the to and fro of all the hardships and arguments. Who knows? Maybe we can manage it after all.

    I hope R’ipley in CT’s statistical predictions come true.

  39. The GOP must see what a desperate situation they are in. They are reviving the birther idiocy because they think this is the only way they can win. That’s foolishness to the nth degree.

    Palin will not win any sort of nomination, because she has wayyyyy too much dirt on her. The voting public is very different than the intertubes public, in my opinion. And different than the Faux news public. The engaged people vote more consistently, and for the candidate that is the most realistic. Palin is such a fraud that I think, of the 20% that “say” they support her, that only about 8% will actually vote. Mostly because it would mean they would have to put their money where their mouths are, in a manner of speaking.

  40. The GOP must see what a desperate situation they are in. They are reviving the birther idiocy because they think this is the only way they can win. That’s foolishness to the nth degree.

    Palin will not win any sort of nomination, because she has wayyyyy too much dirt on her. The voting public is very different than the intertubes public, in my opinion. And different than the Faux news public. The engaged people vote more consistently, and for the candidate that is the most realistic. Palin is such a fraud that I think, of the 20% that “say” they support her, that only about 8% will actually vote. Mostly because it would mean they would have to put their money where their mouths are, in a manner of speaking.

  41. Wolf Pack says:

    Sowah can run but, she can’t hide behind Murdoch’s boxers (or briefs) forever.

  42. Wolf Pack says:

    Sowah can run but, she can’t hide behind Murdoch’s boxers (or briefs) forever.

  43. benlomond2 says:

    …i’m thinking it’s ALL to keep the base fired up for the elections in the fall…keep the morans excited and all frothy, so they’ll go vote in the the midterm election… which typically have low turnouts..especially for the party in power….

    • silverball says:

      personally…i like to think of them as maroons…..just seems so cartoony…and therefore, more appropriate…..

    • A fan from CA says:

      I think you’re on to something. Of course, this may have the opposite effect and get the less likely voter out to the polls also too.

      The more h8te sowa and company spread around the more they motivate other to get out to stop them.

  44. benlomond2 says:

    …i’m thinking it’s ALL to keep the base fired up for the elections in the fall…keep the morans excited and all frothy, so they’ll go vote in the the midterm election… which typically have low turnouts..especially for the party in power….

    • silverball says:

      personally…i like to think of them as maroons…..just seems so cartoony…and therefore, more appropriate…..

    • A fan from CA says:

      I think you’re on to something. Of course, this may have the opposite effect and get the less likely voter out to the polls also too.

      The more h8te sowa and company spread around the more they motivate other to get out to stop them.

  45. jimzmum says:

    The Newt is thinking about running? Says he’s never been more serious? Good grief.

    • hedgewytch says:

      Isn’t it nuts that someone like Gringrich can use a complete bat-crap crazy woman such as Palin to promote himself politically as the “sane” one?

    • Rene says:

      He probably figures that if Palin is going back to school now to learn what she should have known, that it wouldn’t hurt to try. He is probably ahead of the game versus the ole gov.

  46. jimzmum says:

    The Newt is thinking about running? Says he’s never been more serious? Good grief.

    • hedgewytch says:

      Isn’t it nuts that someone like Gringrich can use a complete bat-crap crazy woman such as Palin to promote himself politically as the “sane” one?

  47. merrycricket says:

    That woman is far to mean, vindictive and ignorant to be appropriate for public office. The MSM had better be ready to treat her like any other candidate and insist on interviews with questions that are not prescreened. I swear if they play by her rules I will be so ticked off.

  48. merrycricket says:

    That woman is far to mean, vindictive and ignorant to be appropriate for public office. The MSM had better be ready to treat her like any other candidate and insist on interviews with questions that are not prescreened. I swear if they play by her rules I will be so ticked off.

  49. GoI3ig says:

    Good Grief. There was more speculation in the news today about 2012. It speaks volumes for our country that we are even having that conversation. The dumbing down of America continues.

    • aussiegal77 says:

      The only sane and reasonable response to the prospect of a Palin presidential campaign in 2012 is hysterical laughter followed by hiccups & the sniffles from laughing so hard.

    • Rene says:

      She will run. Her fan base has hyped her up so much that she will believe that she can win. Then, she will split the Republican base severely. She will hand over her votes to a less wanted candidate. The Reps will have to realize that with a rogue celebrity, you might not get what you want. Look at our President. The hype was so extreme that they expect him to solve all the problems in the world and our country in 2 years. The fall off the pedestal is a long and hard one.

  50. GoI3ig says:

    Good Grief. There was more speculation in the news today about 2012. It speaks volumes for our country that we are even having that conversation. The dumbing down of America continues.

    • aussiegal77 says:

      The only sane and reasonable response to the prospect of a Palin presidential campaign in 2012 is hysterical laughter followed by hiccups & the sniffles from laughing so hard.

    • Rene says:

      She will run. Her fan base has hyped her up so much that she will believe that she can win. Then, she will split the Republican base severely. She will hand over her votes to a less wanted candidate. The Reps will have to realize that with a rogue celebrity, you might not get what you want. Look at our President. The hype was so extreme that they expect him to solve all the problems in the world and our country in 2 years. The fall off the pedestal is a long and hard one.