Oyster Roundup!
~Thick and fast they came at last, and more, and more, and more!
Time Magazine is a tad late to the party on this one.
At Techpresident, Nancy Scola dives into the numbers from Palin’s political action committee, Sarah PAC. Among the expenses? $22,000 to the firm Aries Petra Consulting, including $10,000 in June for “Grassroots/Communication Consulting” and $6,000 a month in April in May for “Consulting Internet, Message.”
“Aries Petra is helmed by Rebecca Mansour, described by Politico’s Ken Vogel as ‘a Los Angeles screenwriter and political neophyte whose creation of the popular cheerleading blog Conservatives4Palin endeared her to Palin’s inner circle and led to her being hired to help manage Palin’s Internet presence, including her closely watched Facebook page.'”
Could it be Mansour, not Palin, who puts together posts like the one suggesting environmentalists are to blame for the oil spill?
Could it be? Yes it could. The Mudflats and others were on this back in February.
Good Question
Here’s a good question from citizen watchdog Andree McLeod. Why is Mike Nizich, Chief of Staff to Governor Sean Parnell filling the only public member slot on the board of the Alaska Aerospeace Corporation? Can he represent both the governor’s office AND be a member of the genral public? Hmmm.
In a letter to the governor’s office, McLeod says:
Documents received from your office show that citizen Nizich did not take leave for his Aerospace Development Corp. activities…and that chief of staff Nizich attended those meetings. Minutes also reflect that he represents the gov’s office as he clearly states that he would report back to the governor…and not the people of Alaska .
This is a HUGE conflict of interest as there is ONLY one allotted public member slot on that board, per AS 14.40.826. This board oversees a huge amount of public dollars funneled to the private sector. The presence of high-priced lobbyists at these meetings clearly demonstrates the significance of $$$ that relates to this board. Where is the public oversight? The chief of staff’s continued presence on that board in the ONLY public member slot violates Sec. 14.40.826 and renders public oversight inoperative.
The board’s integrity is disabled and its mandate is compromised by the chief of staff taking up the ONLY public member position on the board. So, when will you enable the AADC board to be above-board, remove your chief of staff, and appoint a real, genuine and bona fide member of the public to the Alaska Aerospace Corporation, per AS 14.40.826?
I wonder what the Palinbots will say about this one? Can’t wait to hear how McLeod is only bringing this up because she’s jealous that Sean Parnell is sooooo good lookin’.
Exxon v. Exxon?
So, here’s something to think about. What if Exxon ends up acquiring controlling interest in BP’s stake on the North Slope? Does Exxon then have controlling interest in both competing natural gas pipeline proposals, Transcanada/Exxon and the Denali project (BP and Conoco)? What impact will this have on the gasline project? And its value to the State. That moment of head scratchery from Facebook Friend CC. What I want to know is what are they still doing in the state, anyway? Just askin.
Will You Be My Friend?
I’ve had a lot of people ask me why I’m not on Facebook. Well, I am! You can friend me under “Ak Muckraker”. You’ll have access to all the blog posts via Facebook (although they’re usually a couple days late) and you’ll also get updates from my real life… Yes, I do have one. although it’s very small. There’s also a Mudflats fan page HERE, but I’m still getting it up to speed. And don’t forget to follow Mudflats on Twitter!
Not Too Late for Vegas, Baby!
In exactly one week, thousands of progressive activists will descend on Las Vegas for the fifth annual Netroots Nation convention. If you’ve never been to Netroots Nation, make this your year. The 2010 midterm elections are coming up, and you’ll find lots of ways to get active and involved, and meet fellow progressives who share your passion, your vision and your enthusiasm!
Speakers include: Sen. Al Franken, Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood, Elizabeth Warren, Gov. Brian Schweitzer, Ed Schultz, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Majority Leader Harry Reid, Sen. Jeff Merkley, Sen. Ben Cardin, Sen. Tom Udall, Rep. Alan Grayson, Rep. Raul Grijalva, Rep. Jared Polis, Rep. Donna Edwards, Rep. Jerrold Nadler, Rich Trumka, Jennifer O’Malley Dillion, Jon Vogel, J.B. Poersch, Tim Wise, Lizz Winstead, Majora Carter, Markos Moulitsas, Tarryl Clark, Bill Halter, George Goehl, Phaedra Ellis-Lamkins, Deepak Bhargava, Gerald McEntee, Eliseo Medina and many more.
There will be 345 speakers and presenters, 30 training sessions on online tools and offline organizing, tons of social events, and networking opportunities galore. The Alaska crew will be keeping you posted on our adventures – if we don’t melt first!
There are No Coincidences
A nonprofit group is planning a series of scientific panels to examine the potential impacts of the development of the proposed Pebble Mine site north of Lake Iliamna in the Bristol Bay watershed. And the study is being conducted by a Keystone Center, a group hired by… Pebble Limited Partmership, the company behind the mine proposal. Imagine that.
(Associated Press) Todd Bryan, a senior associate with the center, said Thursday that the process dates to 2008 but was slowed pending baseline studies by Pebble. He said it’s coincidental the discussions were announced after the Alaska Legislature authorized its own independent study.
Bryan said the center’s process is neutral, aimed at publicly analyzing information to help people make informed decisions on whether or how to proceed with a project.
A neutral coincidence from a giant mining conglomerate? Look! A unicorn that poops money!
I don’t know where Time is going with that “maybe Palin’s not posting her own Facebook posts” bit, but the bottom line is that it doesn’t matter who’s posting them. Whether Palin is hitting the enter key or Mansour is, Palin is endorsing whatever is posted on her Facebook page, and thusly is responsible for it.
Additionally, if Palin is NOT writing what is posted on her Facebook page, then it should be made clear who IS the author of those posts. I’m not certain if you can show who the admins of a Page are, the way you can with a group or the way you can see who the creator of an event is, but SOMEWHERE (like maybe in that useless “tell us about yourself” box), it should say who is administering the Page if it’s not Palin.
That’s the other interesting thing with facebook. Wasn’t there something in the description when we all signed up that says that you won’t misrepresent who you are – iow, that the person whose name is on the page is the person doing the posting? Or do they just not worry about it if the page is for a politician.
It might be different between Pages and Profiles. Profiles are for people, like you or me, but Pages are for businesses, bands, celebrities, etc. Those Pages are often run by other people (or so I would imagine), so it’s a little different. But in my opinion, at least, in that case, there should be a little Admin box somewhere on the Page, so we can see who is running that Page (if for no other reason than to have a contact point). In most cases, it doesn’t matter as much – bands post videos, tour dates, etc. Businesses post info about sales or new releases, or whatever. Celebrities, however, are different. They are individual people, and so what is posted on those Pages are much closer to how a person’s Profile operates. So there should be some sort of verification that the Page is being run by that person, or let us know who is.
I don’t know where Time is going with that “maybe Palin’s not posting her own Facebook posts” bit, but the bottom line is that it doesn’t matter who’s posting them. Whether Palin is hitting the enter key or Mansour is, Palin is endorsing whatever is posted on her Facebook page, and thusly is responsible for it.
Additionally, if Palin is NOT writing what is posted on her Facebook page, then it should be made clear who IS the author of those posts. I’m not certain if you can show who the admins of a Page are, the way you can with a group or the way you can see who the creator of an event is, but SOMEWHERE (like maybe in that useless “tell us about yourself” box), it should say who is administering the Page if it’s not Palin.
That’s the other interesting thing with facebook. Wasn’t there something in the description when we all signed up that says that you won’t misrepresent who you are – iow, that the person whose name is on the page is the person doing the posting? Or do they just not worry about it if the page is for a politician.
It might be different between Pages and Profiles. Profiles are for people, like you or me, but Pages are for businesses, bands, celebrities, etc. Those Pages are often run by other people (or so I would imagine), so it’s a little different. But in my opinion, at least, in that case, there should be a little Admin box somewhere on the Page, so we can see who is running that Page (if for no other reason than to have a contact point). In most cases, it doesn’t matter as much – bands post videos, tour dates, etc. Businesses post info about sales or new releases, or whatever. Celebrities, however, are different. They are individual people, and so what is posted on those Pages are much closer to how a person’s Profile operates. So there should be some sort of verification that the Page is being run by that person, or let us know who is.
palin’s teabaggers not vile racists? this from mark williams head teabagger to pres. LIncoln.
Dear Mr. Lincoln
We Colored People have taken a vote and decided that we don’t cotton to that whole emancipation thing. Freedom means having to work for real, think for ourselves, and take consequences along with the rewards. That is just far too much to ask of us Colored People and we demand that it stop!… See More
In fact we held a big meeting and took a vote in Kansas City this week. We voted to condemn a political revival of that old abolitionist spirit called the ‘tea party movement’.
The tea party position to “end the bailouts” for example is just silly. Bailouts are just big money welfare and isn’t that what we want all Coloreds to strive for? What kind of racist would want to end big money welfare? What they need to do is start handing the bail outs directly to us coloreds! Of course, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People is the only responsible party that should be granted the right to disperse the funds.
And the ridiculous idea of “reduce[ing] the size and intrusiveness of government.” What kind of massa would ever not want to control my life? As Coloreds we must have somebody care for us otherwise we would be on our own, have to think for ourselves and make decisions!
The racist tea parties also demand that the government “stop the out of control spending.” Again, they directly target Colored People. That means we Colored People would have to compete for jobs like everybody else and that is just not right.
Perhaps the most racist point of all in the tea parties is their demand that government “stop raising our taxes.” That is outrageous! How will we Colored People ever get a wide screen TV in every room if non-coloreds get to keep what they earn? Totally racist! The tea party expects coloreds to be productive members of society?
Mr. Lincoln, you were the greatest racist ever. We had a great gig. Three squares, room and board, all our decisions made by the massa in the house. Please repeal the 13th and 14th Amendments and let us get back to where we belong.
Precious Ben Jealous, Tom’s Nephew National Association for the Advancement of Colored People Head Colored Person
In trying to counter the NAACP’s contention of racism within the Tea Party, Williams validated it with stunning viciousness. Ipso facto. The End.
The longer you pretend, the longer this false wall exists. Dear Gentleman brother Ben, would you kindly walk with me on the eastern shore? Let us talk with the Alquonquin. Let us walk in peace to dicuss the future of the Chesapeake lands.
My jaw is on the floor after reading that.
You left out the implied post script bubbles…
PS- Mr Lincoln , please make sure it is clear with this repeal that our northern Native brethern do not want to see “no dogs, no natives” signs come down in businesses in Alaska, nor that our western sisters want to see an end to families who have been in California since before it was a US territory being called Mexican- these neighbors want to be sure all the benefits which accrue from such things continue to flow their way…
We need to add another PS. from Chinese/Asians who didn’t mind the rampant discrimination while they toiled to build the Transcontinental Railroad, the Irish and Italians who experienced intolerance when they immigrated to New York City, women who were second class citizens for centuries…the list goes on and on.
wow just wow
I saw that last night on some show. Well, it doesn’t matter who had it on. It always amazes me that people who are racist or who lean that direction have a way of saying just the phrase that confirms it while they try to deny it. But this written piece is beyond everything else. And it’s in writing, so he (and everyone associated with him) can’t deny it or say that they were misquoted or it was out of context.
So have the tea party nuts who are in charge come out firmly against this latest proof that they embrace people with racist ideas just as the NAACP pointed out?
No, Williams and his letter were not strongly condemned by the Tea Party folks…..They merely changed his status to a “spokesperson” on Tea Party websites, thus proving the NAACP’s point once again:
Honestly, it’s starting to depress and frighten me. When you go about your daily life, you never know when you are rubbing elbows with people who believe these things. They seem less and less compelled to keep quiet about it, however. My US Representative has a Facebook page that he consistently uses to bash Obama even though he never backs up his assertions with any kind of evidence. To help the Representative “prove” his claims, another person in my district wrote the following:
“…Obama’s policies have all been based on racism… …Obama is a rascist…spread the wealth is rascist…Obamacare is based on racism…the new fianacial reform is based on racism…the future of the Democrat party depends on keeping racism alive in America…”
And seriously, how racist is it for Palin to charge the Obamas with setting the NAACP straight about the Tea Party? Why the Obamas when she thinks they can do nothing else right? Because of the color of their skin? Racist much?
palin’s teabaggers not vile racists? this from mark williams head teabagger to pres. LIncoln.
Dear Mr. Lincoln
We Colored People have taken a vote and decided that we don’t cotton to that whole emancipation thing. Freedom means having to work for real, think for ourselves, and take consequences along with the rewards. That is just far too much to ask of us Colored People and we demand that it stop!… See More
In fact we held a big meeting and took a vote in Kansas City this week. We voted to condemn a political revival of that old abolitionist spirit called the ‘tea party movement’.
The tea party position to “end the bailouts” for example is just silly. Bailouts are just big money welfare and isn’t that what we want all Coloreds to strive for? What kind of racist would want to end big money welfare? What they need to do is start handing the bail outs directly to us coloreds! Of course, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People is the only responsible party that should be granted the right to disperse the funds.
And the ridiculous idea of “reduce[ing] the size and intrusiveness of government.” What kind of massa would ever not want to control my life? As Coloreds we must have somebody care for us otherwise we would be on our own, have to think for ourselves and make decisions!
The racist tea parties also demand that the government “stop the out of control spending.” Again, they directly target Colored People. That means we Colored People would have to compete for jobs like everybody else and that is just not right.
Perhaps the most racist point of all in the tea parties is their demand that government “stop raising our taxes.” That is outrageous! How will we Colored People ever get a wide screen TV in every room if non-coloreds get to keep what they earn? Totally racist! The tea party expects coloreds to be productive members of society?
Mr. Lincoln, you were the greatest racist ever. We had a great gig. Three squares, room and board, all our decisions made by the massa in the house. Please repeal the 13th and 14th Amendments and let us get back to where we belong.
Precious Ben Jealous, Tom’s Nephew National Association for the Advancement of Colored People Head Colored Person
In trying to counter the NAACP’s contention of racism within the Tea Party, Williams validated it with stunning viciousness. Ipso facto. The End.
The longer you pretend, the longer this false wall exists. Dear Gentleman brother Ben, would you kindly walk with me on the eastern shore? Let us talk with the Alquonquin. Let us walk in peace to dicuss the future of the Chesapeake lands.
My jaw is on the floor after reading that.
You left out the implied post script bubbles…
PS- Mr Lincoln , please make sure it is clear with this repeal that our northern Native brethern do not want to see “no dogs, no natives” signs come down in businesses in Alaska, nor that our western sisters want to see an end to families who have been in California since before it was a US territory being called Mexican- these neighbors want to be sure all the benefits which accrue from such things continue to flow their way…
We need to add another PS. from Chinese/Asians who didn’t mind the rampant discrimination while they toiled to build the Transcontinental Railroad, the Irish and Italians who experienced intolerance when they immigrated to New York City, women who were second class citizens for centuries…the list goes on and on.
wow just wow
I saw that last night on some show. Well, it doesn’t matter who had it on. It always amazes me that people who are racist or who lean that direction have a way of saying just the phrase that confirms it while they try to deny it. But this written piece is beyond everything else. And it’s in writing, so he (and everyone associated with him) can’t deny it or say that they were misquoted or it was out of context.
So have the tea party nuts who are in charge come out firmly against this latest proof that they embrace people with racist ideas just as the NAACP pointed out?
No, Williams and his letter were not strongly condemned by the Tea Party folks…..They merely changed his status to a “spokesperson” on Tea Party websites, thus proving the NAACP’s point once again:
Honestly, it’s starting to depress and frighten me. When you go about your daily life, you never know when you are rubbing elbows with people who believe these things. They seem less and less compelled to keep quiet about it, however. My US Representative has a Facebook page that he consistently uses to bash Obama even though he never backs up his assertions with any kind of evidence. To help the Representative “prove” his claims, another person in my district wrote the following:
“…Obama’s policies have all been based on racism… …Obama is a rascist…spread the wealth is rascist…Obamacare is based on racism…the new fianacial reform is based on racism…the future of the Democrat party depends on keeping racism alive in America…”
And seriously, how racist is it for Palin to charge the Obamas with setting the NAACP straight about the Tea Party? Why the Obamas when she thinks they can do nothing else right? Because of the color of their skin? Racist much?
This is a couple of days old, so I apologize if it was posted before, but it’s a pretty funny take on the Bristol-Levi reunion:
“But the conviction that celebrity is transferable, like chicken pox, is still going strong in Wasilla.”
Good article. I followed the link to Mercede’s blog and read a few posts. I don’t know what her intention is, but to me she sounds like a lot of us who have a blog – we want a place to voice our opinions about things in our own lives, or we use it as an on-line journal. Big deal. She really didn’t say anything negative about the Palins except in the post where she tries to set the record straight on who took the photos at Bristol’s condo. And, of all the young people involved in that particular drama, Mercede comes off sounding the most reasonable and mature – and not vindictive like Bristol, who seems to be following in mama’s footsteps.
Bristol apparently wants Mercede to take down her blog. Seems to prove that Bristol is trying to do all the controlling by threatening that any of Levi’s family won’t ever see Tripp again. Gee, I wonder where Bristol learned that tactic.
This is a couple of days old, so I apologize if it was posted before, but it’s a pretty funny take on the Bristol-Levi reunion:
“But the conviction that celebrity is transferable, like chicken pox, is still going strong in Wasilla.”
Good article. I followed the link to Mercede’s blog and read a few posts. I don’t know what her intention is, but to me she sounds like a lot of us who have a blog – we want a place to voice our opinions about things in our own lives, or we use it as an on-line journal. Big deal. She really didn’t say anything negative about the Palins except in the post where she tries to set the record straight on who took the photos at Bristol’s condo. And, of all the young people involved in that particular drama, Mercede comes off sounding the most reasonable and mature – and not vindictive like Bristol, who seems to be following in mama’s footsteps.
Bristol apparently wants Mercede to take down her blog. Seems to prove that Bristol is trying to do all the controlling by threatening that any of Levi’s family won’t ever see Tripp again. Gee, I wonder where Bristol learned that tactic.
For those that might not be aware…. the NEW SPLDF ( Sarah Palin Legal Defense Fund ) is begging ( or praying maybe..? ) for donations right now.
One of Sarah’s Cult Stalkers , Adrienne Ross, has created a YouTube clip of her own in the Ca$H Cows image. Right down to even using $$$$$ Cows own ‘ poor-mans teleprompter ‘ to get her point across. It’s quite FUNNY… and sad at the same time.
( That would be Warrior Shield Adrienne…able to defect Costco tomatoes with her own body)
I guess some people will do anything to get someone else’s attention and be noticed.
** And for you Alaskans… look at that ad for Joe Miller on the sidebar. Is THAT really the ad he is running for Senate? He looks like some Breitbart/O’Keefe Pimp in that get-up.
If her motivation is truth, why is she so disinterested in the truth about Palin, and why is she promoting fiction about Palin, instead of the truth?
For those that might not be aware…. the NEW SPLDF ( Sarah Palin Legal Defense Fund ) is begging ( or praying maybe..? ) for donations right now.
One of Sarah’s Cult Stalkers , Adrienne Ross, has created a YouTube clip of her own in the Ca$H Cows image. Right down to even using $$$$$ Cows own ‘ poor-mans teleprompter ‘ to get her point across. It’s quite FUNNY… and sad at the same time.
( That would be Warrior Shield Adrienne…able to defect Costco tomatoes with her own body)
I guess some people will do anything to get someone else’s attention and be noticed.
** And for you Alaskans… look at that ad for Joe Miller on the sidebar. Is THAT really the ad he is running for Senate? He looks like some Breitbart/O’Keefe Pimp in that get-up.
If her motivation is truth, why is she so disinterested in the truth about Palin, and why is she promoting fiction about Palin, instead of the truth?
I just got it that Mama Grizzlies are called SOWS as in Sowah… tee heee heee heee hahahahahaha
just for fun I put Sarah Louise Palin into the Palin baby name generator and I’m Still Laughing hysterically with such a picture in my mind! Fellow mudflatters, I give you:
(hakuna matata…)
hahahahahahahaha caw Caw CAW CAW CAW!!!!
spackle camshaft palin
aka thatcrowwoman
I just got it that Mama Grizzlies are called SOWS as in Sowah… tee heee heee heee hahahahahaha
just for fun I put Sarah Louise Palin into the Palin baby name generator and I’m Still Laughing hysterically with such a picture in my mind! Fellow mudflatters, I give you:
(hakuna matata…)
hahahahahahahaha caw Caw CAW CAW CAW!!!!
spackle camshaft palin
aka thatcrowwoman
Welcome to Vegas, AKM and any Mudflatters coming to the desert southwest! Bring your shorts. It was 110 degrees here yesterday. Next week promising to cool down to about 104. The convention center should be cooled down, though. And oh yeah, I hear there’s some sort of conservative website conflagration–I mean convention–here at the same time. Party in Sin City!!
P.S. I am not responsible for Sharron Angle. She’s a whackaloon. Between her, John Ensign, and our lame duck governor (who didn’t even win his primary), Nevada is getting painted with a very ugly brush. Please believe me when I say not all of us are as nutty as they are.
Band together with the non-nuttty ones and get your voices heard! You’re being drowned out by the completely nutty ones, but it looked like Harry Reid was up by 7%. Build on that momentum!
Now you know how we feel in Alaska – we aren’t any more responsible for Sarah Palin than you are for Sharron Angle. Too bad we can’t buy them both a one-way ticket to an uninhabited island somewhere.
Welcome to Vegas, AKM and any Mudflatters coming to the desert southwest! Bring your shorts. It was 110 degrees here yesterday. Next week promising to cool down to about 104. The convention center should be cooled down, though. And oh yeah, I hear there’s some sort of conservative website conflagration–I mean convention–here at the same time. Party in Sin City!!
P.S. I am not responsible for Sharron Angle. She’s a whackaloon. Between her, John Ensign, and our lame duck governor (who didn’t even win his primary), Nevada is getting painted with a very ugly brush. Please believe me when I say not all of us are as nutty as they are.
Band together with the non-nuttty ones and get your voices heard! You’re being drowned out by the completely nutty ones, but it looked like Harry Reid was up by 7%. Build on that momentum!
Now you know how we feel in Alaska – we aren’t any more responsible for Sarah Palin than you are for Sharron Angle. Too bad we can’t buy them both a one-way ticket to an uninhabited island somewhere.
Okay, got it. Ak you have been friended. Or whatever they call it on FB!
Okay, got it. Ak you have been friended. Or whatever they call it on FB!
Any one see Gov (as in REAL Governor) Granholm on Olbermann last night? Intelligent, informed, thoughtful reality based woman. She’s a woman a real feminist could support. I’d love to see her one on one with Palin.
Yeah, it’s really too bad she can’t ever run for president. I like her a lot. Articulate and all that other stuff!
I saw that, but Palin can’t speak in English as her only language and is not about to be shown up by an attractive intelligent woman who doesn’t drag her family around as a shield. Isn’t going to happen.
$$P can’t even work it with a man in her own camp re: recent Bill O’Reilly segments featured by AKM.
Any one see Gov (as in REAL Governor) Granholm on Olbermann last night? Intelligent, informed, thoughtful reality based woman. She’s a woman a real feminist could support. I’d love to see her one on one with Palin.
Yeah, it’s really too bad she can’t ever run for president. I like her a lot. Articulate and all that other stuff!
I saw that, but Palin can’t speak in English as her only language and is not about to be shown up by an attractive intelligent woman who doesn’t drag her family around as a shield. Isn’t going to happen.
$$P can’t even work it with a man in her own camp re: recent Bill O’Reilly segments featured by AKM.
From Alaska Dispatch this morning, Craig Medred disputes the Mama Grizzly persona. Enjoy!
I enjoyed it immensely thanks
From Alaska Dispatch this morning, Craig Medred disputes the Mama Grizzly persona. Enjoy!
I enjoyed it immensely thanks
Hey, AKM!!! I have a question for ya…
Out of all the cool people who will be attending Netroots Nation (including you and Shannyn, of course!) who would be the person you would most like to meet?
(And do they really have money-pooping unicorns in Alaska??? I never saw one of those!)
I’d like to meet Al Franken, myself….
We used to have money-pooping Unicorns in Alaska. They were eliminated last year as part of aerial predator control program.
What’s that, the PFD?
Hey, AKM!!! I have a question for ya…
Out of all the cool people who will be attending Netroots Nation (including you and Shannyn, of course!) who would be the person you would most like to meet?
(And do they really have money-pooping unicorns in Alaska??? I never saw one of those!)
I’d like to meet Al Franken, myself….
We used to have money-pooping Unicorns in Alaska. They were eliminated last year as part of aerial predator control program.
What’s that, the PFD?
Mama Bear: a self-perpetuating phenomenon of, by and for the media.
“I hope we don’t hear from Sarah Palin about media bias anymore, because it is amazing the ability this woman has to get media attention with as little as she does, whether it’s a Twitter or a Facebook update.”
With out Palin’s critics, Sarah Palin would not be as huge as she is. Let’s face it the negative and positive that provides her with an abundance of money. She is like a Political reality star who says really odd things to get attention and it works well. How is that different from Rush or Glenn Beck? They know what buttons to push. This is not PR genius but a learned trick from shock jocks. Those who believe her think she is funny and tough. Those who think she has a brain of rock, think she is lacking intelligence and hopes that people are “really” kidding in thinking she would make a wonderful politician. So, if she can bring some publicity to other sites, media, etc. so be it. Everyone is cashing in if we are really going to be honest. A symbiotic relationship is born, the yin/yang of the world. But just like all carnival rides, they eventually get old! And one member will refuse to play and then it all stops and will go away. Then the next best cash cow will be born and so it starts again. Her fans think she is feared, but it isn’t fear but rather shock. She will never be the President, she represents one side of a coin and is a one-trick pony in a one- horse town!!!
Mama Bear: a self-perpetuating phenomenon of, by and for the media.
“I hope we don’t hear from Sarah Palin about media bias anymore, because it is amazing the ability this woman has to get media attention with as little as she does, whether it’s a Twitter or a Facebook update.”
With out Palin’s critics, Sarah Palin would not be as huge as she is. Let’s face it the negative and positive that provides her with an abundance of money. She is like a Political reality star who says really odd things to get attention and it works well. How is that different from Rush or Glenn Beck? They know what buttons to push. This is not PR genius but a learned trick from shock jocks. Those who believe her think she is funny and tough. Those who think she has a brain of rock, think she is lacking intelligence and hopes that people are “really” kidding in thinking she would make a wonderful politician. So, if she can bring some publicity to other sites, media, etc. so be it. Everyone is cashing in if we are really going to be honest. A symbiotic relationship is born, the yin/yang of the world. But just like all carnival rides, they eventually get old! And one member will refuse to play and then it all stops and will go away. Then the next best cash cow will be born and so it starts again. Her fans think she is feared, but it isn’t fear but rather shock. She will never be the President, she represents one side of a coin and is a one-trick pony in a one- horse town!!!
off topic. did you folks see the Jeffery Dunn article in Huffo about some dumb ass fat f***ers that carried assault rifles in the Bear paw parade in Eagle River. A bunch of whacked out Scarah supporters. how embarrassing!! these lazy fat asses should grow the f*** up!
We had the same nut jobs that had to prove that they really still have some testoserone marching in the Palmer Days parade. Was real impressed with Eddie Burke packing heat.
The right to bear arms doesn’t mean its a substitute for viagra.
I tried to reply earlier, but I used a word that sounds like Niagra, but starts with V. Anyway, my post was censored.
My point was we say Eddie Burke and others with firearms all allglow at the Palmer Days parade this summer. I’m not opposed to the second amendment, although I still question the intent, but having to show up at a community event with a firearm, well thats just some guy trying to compensate for something lacking elsewhere.
I think maybe we’re not going to the Alaska State Fair anymore. Same crowd.
off topic. did you folks see the Jeffery Dunn article in Huffo about some dumb ass fat f***ers that carried assault rifles in the Bear paw parade in Eagle River. A bunch of whacked out Scarah supporters. how embarrassing!! these lazy fat asses should grow the f*** up!
We had the same nut jobs that had to prove that they really still have some testoserone marching in the Palmer Days parade. Was real impressed with Eddie Burke packing heat.
The right to bear arms doesn’t mean its a substitute for viagra.
I tried to reply earlier, but I used a word that sounds like Niagra, but starts with V. Anyway, my post was censored.
My point was we say Eddie Burke and others with firearms all allglow at the Palmer Days parade this summer. I’m not opposed to the second amendment, although I still question the intent, but having to show up at a community event with a firearm, well thats just some guy trying to compensate for something lacking elsewhere.
I think maybe we’re not going to the Alaska State Fair anymore. Same crowd.
From a little but busy island off the other edge of the continent (Manahatta, to use its old name), it sure seems like much of Alaska exists in an alternate universe. Could it be that artificially compressing Alaska (minus the Aleutian Islands) into a single time zone has somehow caused a space-time anomaly?
Alaskan mudpuppies, please weigh in with your opinion. Meanwhile, I think the Aerospace Development Committee needs to find a healthy array of protesters at the entrance to their next meeting, and I’m hoping that more of us are signing the Pebble Mine protest petitions.
From a little but busy island off the other edge of the continent (Manahatta, to use its old name), it sure seems like much of Alaska exists in an alternate universe. Could it be that artificially compressing Alaska (minus the Aleutian Islands) into a single time zone has somehow caused a space-time anomaly?
Alaskan mudpuppies, please weigh in with your opinion. Meanwhile, I think the Aerospace Development Committee needs to find a healthy array of protesters at the entrance to their next meeting, and I’m hoping that more of us are signing the Pebble Mine protest petitions.
Damn! Here I am 3 hours from the Atlantic coast and there’s not a single restaurant that offers oysters! These stories are making me HUNGRY!
Damn! Here I am 3 hours from the Atlantic coast and there’s not a single restaurant that offers oysters! These stories are making me HUNGRY!
Still cannot find you on FB.
Did you search for Ak Muckraker?
Here’s a link to AKM’s facebook:
ooops – trying again
Still cannot find you on FB.
Did you search for Ak Muckraker?
Here’s a link to AKM’s facebook:
ooops – trying again
Super dooper. Palins discovery show will be a huge flop and $$$ loss. The Levi & Bristol show will be the second. Maybe then, after losing a few million, these TV folks will stop wasting airtime on the Palins & Co.
Super dooper. Palins discovery show will be a huge flop and $$$ loss. The Levi & Bristol show will be the second. Maybe then, after losing a few million, these TV folks will stop wasting airtime on the Palins & Co.
Lindsay Hayes who Palin paid for speech writting use to be a speech writter for Ted Stevens
not sure if that is important but I thought I would mention it
Lindsay Hayes who Palin paid for speech writting use to be a speech writter for Ted Stevens
not sure if that is important but I thought I would mention it
“Could it be Mansour, not Palin, who puts together posts like the one suggesting environmentalists are to blame for the oil spill?”
Palin needs to hire another PR spox – RAM makes her look even more stupid than she already is. Even more stupid, even more mean-spirited and even LESS qualified to hold higher office. That money spent is going to waste, time for some common sense firin’!
“Could it be Mansour, not Palin, who puts together posts like the one suggesting environmentalists are to blame for the oil spill?”
Palin needs to hire another PR spox – RAM makes her look even more stupid than she already is. Even more stupid, even more mean-spirited and even LESS qualified to hold higher office. That money spent is going to waste, time for some common sense firin’!
It’s amazing how Netroots has grown over a few years. It sure beats the pants off of those nasty Valuey Votery Summity things that the crazies have been putting together. I hope there will be good info coming out of Netroots about how to more effectively counter the lies and spin being churned out by the radical right. I look forward to your recap when you get back. Your fired up energy of last year was motivating.
And, Dang! RAM is making awfully good money for creating the illusion that $P can string together coherent thoughts. Even though TIME mag is only now picking up on it, I’m glad they put it out there.
Gotta say – the unicorn cracked me right up!
geddoudaheeyah Buf! TIME got a clue?
It’s amazing how Netroots has grown over a few years. It sure beats the pants off of those nasty Valuey Votery Summity things that the crazies have been putting together. I hope there will be good info coming out of Netroots about how to more effectively counter the lies and spin being churned out by the radical right. I look forward to your recap when you get back. Your fired up energy of last year was motivating.
And, Dang! RAM is making awfully good money for creating the illusion that $P can string together coherent thoughts. Even though TIME mag is only now picking up on it, I’m glad they put it out there.
Gotta say – the unicorn cracked me right up!
geddoudaheeyah Buf! TIME got a clue?
Keystone Center
puts emphasis on themselves as mediators and educators…
I know a couple of the names they have on the Alaska science panel for the Pebble thingy… decent folks…
That being said , am deeply uncomfortable with Peb Partnership having co-opted and thus defined the set of arguments the outfit is looking at…
Keystone Center
puts emphasis on themselves as mediators and educators…
I know a couple of the names they have on the Alaska science panel for the Pebble thingy… decent folks…
That being said , am deeply uncomfortable with Peb Partnership having co-opted and thus defined the set of arguments the outfit is looking at…
Netroots is tougher than the Tea Party. They cancelled their July Vegas event supposedly because of the weather. Ha! Thanks AKM for keeping me well informed, and thanks to those who post for keeping the conversation interesting.
Didn’t the Tea Baggers cancel due to lack of participation? It’ll surely be hot, but tea goes into boiling water, which is hotter than Vegas.
I think lack of attendance was the rill reason, but they claimed weather was the factor. Apparently they are unaware of the widespread use of the novel technology of AIR CONDITIONING in Vegas, or were all their events being scheduled outdoors? I’m surprised the teabaggers would convene in such a hedonistic location in the first place. Like Capt. Renault in Casablanca.. I’m shocked, shocked to find gambling (and drinking and prostitution) going on here.
Of course it was for lack of attendance and the real reason they want to hold it in Vegas IS for the gambling, drinking and prostitution, but this lady in the photo vetoed it:
Did ya see that sign teabagging for Jesus LOL Must have been before they found out what it meant.
Yes, that is EXACTLY why I put that link in there.
Yeah heaven forbid Tea Partyers actually WORK up a sweat for something they believe in – which is why it is perfection itself that the Quitter Lazy Gal Sarah Palin in their patron saint. She can’t even be bothered to write her own facebook posts or twits.
Those teabaggers are sweaty all the time, from what I have seen!
…and for good reason Lilybart.
Netroots is tougher than the Tea Party. They cancelled their July Vegas event supposedly because of the weather. Ha! Thanks AKM for keeping me well informed, and thanks to those who post for keeping the conversation interesting.
Didn’t the Tea Baggers cancel due to lack of participation? It’ll surely be hot, but tea goes into boiling water, which is hotter than Vegas.
I think lack of attendance was the rill reason, but they claimed weather was the factor. Apparently they are unaware of the widespread use of the novel technology of AIR CONDITIONING in Vegas, or were all their events being scheduled outdoors? I’m surprised the teabaggers would convene in such a hedonistic location in the first place. Like Capt. Renault in Casablanca.. I’m shocked, shocked to find gambling (and drinking and prostitution) going on here.
Of course it was for lack of attendance and the real reason they want to hold it in Vegas IS for the gambling, drinking and prostitution, but this lady in the photo vetoed it:
Did ya see that sign teabagging for Jesus LOL Must have been before they found out what it meant.
Yes, that is EXACTLY why I put that link in there.
Yeah heaven forbid Tea Partyers actually WORK up a sweat for something they believe in – which is why it is perfection itself that the Quitter Lazy Gal Sarah Palin in their patron saint. She can’t even be bothered to write her own facebook posts or twits.
Those teabaggers are sweaty all the time, from what I have seen!
…and for good reason Lilybart.
If Palin is such an idiot with all these consultants, can you imagine what she would be like without any consultants?
Good point!! I just wonder how they are going to spin the Bristol-Levi saga (heard they too are shopping for a reality TV).
Heard they have a show, but the pg is changing it to a 6 part mini-series, but who knows!! I do think that we will hear there is a show already in the works.
“The Real Housewives of Wasilla!” THAT I would watch.
I just threw up a little
This sounds like a scene from “The Wizard of Oz”: ignore the man behind the curtain. By the way, I think connecting the term “reality tv” to Bristol and Levi is an oxymoron. Or maybe just moronic…
How about BOTH? Oxymoron moron. That’s a pretty apt description of all things Palin.
The consultants’ valiant efforts to make Palin appear edjumacated aren’t working very well.
In addition to going on television, Palin has written many deep thoughts on racism and tolerance on her Facebook page in her daily New York Times column, “I Too Am Literate So Shut Up.”
That says it all. I love wonkette, but haven’t yet read the comments, so there will likely be some comedy gold in there as well.
Sarah doesn’t like being around people smarter than she is. They make her look dumb. Even BillO and Beck and that’s not saying much.
Why would any major marketing firm, or consulting firm take on a client who is so inferior in so many ways. And is constantly sticking their foot in their mouth. The professionals are too often reduced to haveing to shoveingl up Sarah’s grizzley mess. Why would they go there when there are more better clients for the asking, if you are one of the big agencies.
Look around, the world is full of idiots that appeal to large numbers of people, for who knows why. I really can’t fault Discovery channel, or anyone hooking up to Sarah’s parade. They will ride it till another celebrity baffoon comes along. I’m still trying to figure out what Paris Hilton did to make her deserve all the attention she gets. The world is full of them.
Why doesn’t the GOP just put Michelle Malkin or Ann Coulter as their front runners. They are partisan educated women. How is Sarah Palin any different? Well the later part maybe. I love laughing with Keith Olbermann, but I don’t want him to be the President. No offense to Keith. But if the fighting is already happening between camps. They better start debating and offering solutions. I am happy to vote for Obama again. With a track record of voting NO, I don’t see how they will solve the problems we face. Doing nothing is an option. And if that is their intentions, they deserve Palin as the face to represent their party.
Doing nothing is NOT an option!!!
double negative and all…
Love to watch Fox for a good laugh every once in awhile. The poll on Obama and Palin is out and guess who has a chance to tie Obama. Ha Ha. LOL. and ahahahahahah. And if we took that same poll against Palin, the tooth fairy would win. Geesh.
Palin endorsed some local Wasilla Republican party candidates for office who were lacking brainpower, and in one case, at least, ethics. Her choices for appointments when she become governor were not better, and apparently, neither are her choices for consultants. Birds of a feather….
these pictures are so great
Those are so funny – and so very non-partisan.
If Palin is such an idiot with all these consultants, can you imagine what she would be like without any consultants?
Good point!! I just wonder how they are going to spin the Bristol-Levi saga (heard they too are shopping for a reality TV).
Heard they have a show, but the pg is changing it to a 6 part mini-series, but who knows!! I do think that we will hear there is a show already in the works.
“The Real Housewives of Wasilla!” THAT I would watch.
I just threw up a little
This sounds like a scene from “The Wizard of Oz”: ignore the man behind the curtain. By the way, I think connecting the term “reality tv” to Bristol and Levi is an oxymoron. Or maybe just moronic…
How about BOTH? Oxymoron moron. That’s a pretty apt description of all things Palin.
The consultants’ valiant efforts to make Palin appear edjumacated aren’t working very well.
In addition to going on television, Palin has written many deep thoughts on racism and tolerance on her Facebook page in her daily New York Times column, “I Too Am Literate So Shut Up.”
That says it all. I love wonkette, but haven’t yet read the comments, so there will likely be some comedy gold in there as well.
Sarah doesn’t like being around people smarter than she is. They make her look dumb. Even BillO and Beck and that’s not saying much.
Why would any major marketing firm, or consulting firm take on a client who is so inferior in so many ways. And is constantly sticking their foot in their mouth. The professionals are too often reduced to haveing to shoveingl up Sarah’s grizzley mess. Why would they go there when there are more better clients for the asking, if you are one of the big agencies.
Look around, the world is full of idiots that appeal to large numbers of people, for who knows why. I really can’t fault Discovery channel, or anyone hooking up to Sarah’s parade. They will ride it till another celebrity baffoon comes along. I’m still trying to figure out what Paris Hilton did to make her deserve all the attention she gets. The world is full of them.
Why doesn’t the GOP just put Michelle Malkin or Ann Coulter as their front runners. They are partisan educated women. How is Sarah Palin any different? Well the later part maybe. I love laughing with Keith Olbermann, but I don’t want him to be the President. No offense to Keith. But if the fighting is already happening between camps. They better start debating and offering solutions. I am happy to vote for Obama again. With a track record of voting NO, I don’t see how they will solve the problems we face. Doing nothing is an option. And if that is their intentions, they deserve Palin as the face to represent their party.
Doing nothing is NOT an option!!!
double negative and all…
Love to watch Fox for a good laugh every once in awhile. The poll on Obama and Palin is out and guess who has a chance to tie Obama. Ha Ha. LOL. and ahahahahahah. And if we took that same poll against Palin, the tooth fairy would win. Geesh.
Palin endorsed some local Wasilla Republican party candidates for office who were lacking brainpower, and in one case, at least, ethics. Her choices for appointments when she become governor were not better, and apparently, neither are her choices for consultants. Birds of a feather….
these pictures are so great
Those are so funny – and so very non-partisan.