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Murkowski’s Write-In Campaign–What Are Her Chances?


The supporters have been rallied, the big announcement has been made and Senator Lisa Murkowski is off and running on her whirlwind write-in campaign!

So what are her actual chances of winning?

1) There is the problem of her name.

Lisa Murkowski…doesn’t exactly roll off the tongue or the pen.  However, it looks like a write-in won’t be as stringent as was once thought.  Just “Lisa” would not be enough according to outgoing Lt. Gov. Craig Campbell. However, voters would not need to spell Murkowski’s name correctly if “intent could be ascertained” according to Division of Elections Director Gail Fenumiai…even “Lisa M” is a possibility.  However, there are rumblings of problems (see item 4).

2) There is the problem of the “oval.”

Alaska uses the cards and card-reading machines. So, even though a voter may have written Lisa Murkowski’s name perfectly, it doesn’t count if they don’t color-in the oval next to it for the machine to read. This particular issue is of concern to those who have questions about machine tampering — the only way to catch a ballot that does have the dot colored in but was somehow unread by the machine is in a recount.

3) There is the problem of history being against her.

A Smart Politics analysis of data from the Clerk of the U.S. House of Representatives and State of Alaska Division of Elections finds there have been eight general election write-in campaigns for statewide office in Alaska over the past 26 election cycles dating back to 1958.

Two of these campaigns were for U.S. Senate seats.

The highest percentage went to Wally Hickel in 1978 — he managed to get 26.4 % against Jay Hammond.  The next highest went in 1998 to Robin Taylor, running against John Lindauer (R) and Tony Knowles (D).  Robin got the highest number of votes ever for a write-in…40,209.  However, he ended up with only 18.3 % of the vote and Tony Knowles won the day.

The most important thing to take away from this…ALL OF THESE CAMPAIGNS FAILED!!! 

4) The most troubling aspect…this will be the dirtiest, most vile, most antagonistic campaign in Alaska’s history.

–Miller supporters have already threatened to have people named “Lisa M” run write-in campaigns simply to GUM-UP THE VOTING SYSTEM. (Who couldn’t see THAT coming?)

— The Tea Party Express said they will come back and work “twice as hard” against a Murkowski write-in campaign.  Who doesn’t think that’s “code” for spend double the money they did did the primary?  Since they spent almost $600,000.00,  that’s almost $1.2 million of outside cash.  The commercials they bought for Miller previously were full of lies and misinformation.  One can only imagine how much worse they will be now.

–Spokespeople for Murkowski have indicated the gloves are coming off.  Murkowski already stated that the Alaska GOP Primary was “hijacked” by an “outside extremist group.”  Andrew Halcro stated to the New York Times that it would be “the kind of campaign you should have seen in the primary” — in other words, “no-holds-barred, pedal-to-the-metal stuff.”

Sarah Palin needs a Miller win to give her any kind of political credibility going into a run for President in 2012.  This is the endorsement that counts.  When Palin gets desperate, many of us know exactly how far she’ll go.

5) There is a very great potential of heartbreak.

I understand that Sen. Murkowski’s supporters have only the best of intentions here for their candidate, but I don’t think they have taken a long, realistic look at this decision and its repercussions.   The reality is that the Division of Elections won’t even look at the write-in ballots unless they have the most votes and according to Alaska history, THEY HAVE NEVER HAD THE MOST VOTES.

So let’s just say that unicorns start popping up around Alaska and Lisa Murkowski miraculously achieves what no other Alaskan ever has…”winning” as a write-in candidate.  That’s when the real work…and the real fight…begins.

Every single one of those write-in ballots will have to be inspected individually by a member of the Division of elections and in front of representatives from the campaigns.  The Miller “observers” can and will question every ballot they can get away with.  That campaign showed during the absentee count that they are willing to go as far as falsely besmirching the reputation of innocent Alaska citizens in order to clear the field of experienced observers.    

Thanks to their lawyer, Snidely Whiplash…errrr…Thomas Van Flein.

I saw Van Flein in action at the Division of Elections.  He was hounding and harassing the staff over every rumor and innuendo he’d read in an email.  I can’t even IMAGINE what it’s going to be like if they have to go through the write-ins.  The Murkowski people are going to have to fight for every single ballot and that’s what I mean by heartbreak.  You see, in the unicorn scenario, they could receive the most number of votes.  However, for all the reasons listed above and adding-in human nature, a chunk of those will inevitably be thrown out in the “knock-down-drag-out observation process.”  If it’s too many…

You see what I mean by “heartbreak.”  Even if we’re overrun with unicorns, I don’t think anyone believes in a three-way race Murkowski is going to get a commanding lead.  Whatever lead they might have could be tossed away in unacceptable and challenged ballots.

So, what are Senator Murkowski’s chances?  If you judge by the enthusiasm of her supporters, she has a shot.  If you judge by the practicalities of a write-in campaign in general, her chances aren’t good.  If you judge based on the write-in campaigns in Alaska’s history, she has no chance at all.

So the question you have to ask yourself…do you believe in unicorns?  

Stay tuned and break out your popcorn…



242 Responses to “Murkowski’s Write-In Campaign–What Are Her Chances?”
  1. ADQ says:

    could it be that lisa’s real agenda is to keep joe miller out of the senate. one way or another?

    See new post up. A write-in is a write-off. It works exactly the opposite way. AKM

  2. OregonOak says:

    Progressives should recognize what a golden opportunity this is. Even though people take pride in their ability to vote strategically in Alaska, shifting weak candidates into leading positons on the other side of their true preference, now is the moment for Alaskan Democrats to understand that the stage has been set and McAdams is a great candidate, and would make a great US Senator. I met him in Las Vegas at Netroots Nation. He is personable, knowledgeable and understands at his core the issues and policies which will move Alaska forward. There should be no strategy other than to Donate, Talk, FundRaise, support, rally, Donate and get on board for McAdams All the rest is just foolishness now. Murkowski may hate Paylin, but that is the extent of her Progressive ideas. She supports all the Big Boys, in Oil, Banking, Media, and the Right Wing agenda to a large degree. Democrats could go a long way this time if they realize that they are the Party of the Middle Class, the Fishermen, the Oilmen and women, the military, the teachers, doctors and nurses, the small business owners, and the only way to recover American Values is to shift from support of the Big Boys to US, the people who actually know how to get things done.
    Fulll disclosure: I am a former Alaskan from 1980 to 1994, living in Wasilla, Palmer and Girdwood. My heart still lives there. I am writing as an Alaskan. Alaska can change the course of the nation this year. Go all out for McAdams.

  3. sjk from the belly of the plane says:

    what are the chances Linda that you’ll finally do some e-mail analysis?
    didnt think so….what happened to the $6K we sent ya?

    • gm says:

      Wow. Be nice to Linda please. I got my money’s worth. . .and appreciate all the time she’s put in watchdogging our elected officials. Sometimes it’s just important for them to know someone is paying attention.

    • Elsie says:

      Linda has put THOUSANDS of hours into research and reports for you, and me, and anyone else’s benefit, always freely given, carefully written, thoroughly done, and from a continuous stance of her own fine character, decency, and integrity.

      She’s amazing.

      You? Not so much.

      • sjk from the belly of the plane says:

        really? she made promises. and didnt deliver. no explanation. she’s amazing? not so much. try keeping your word first.

    • Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

      I did not expect this from a regular poster, one who can also email Linda directly to ask questions. Linda has referred to this many times – maybe you missed those references?

      Aside from that, I agree with Elsie. Linda has worked tirelessly, has been the subject of emotional abuse by Palinbots, a myriad of other sacrifices have been made by her for the progressive / Democratic issues, events, candidates and fundraisers!

      I’ll bet I sent in more than most, plus donated a camera when Linda’s broke, and do you hear me asking for my money’s worth? No, I’ve gotten it a thousand times over. Don’t be rude to our hard working bloggers. Very few individuals would stand in their shoes. I’m very proud of them!

      • sjk from the belly of the plane says:

        asking what happened to $6K isnt rude dear.

        • Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

          “I did not expect this from a regular poster, one who can also email Linda directly to ask questions.”

          It most certainly is rude to jump in with a snide comment which is also off topic. Email her directly with your questions.

        • fawnskin mudpuppy says:

          i wholly support mz linda in all that she’s done to bring forth the truth.

          and i am, also, amazed with the vitrio lemitting from our regular poster here.

  4. TimFromLA says:

    Who would have thought that electronics voting would come in handy? I wonder if MurCOWski is having second thoughts about them DIEbold machines?

  5. LoveMydogs says:

    Lisa gets you 6 more years of “No”. How is that better than Joe? And how is another republican (whatever the name) going to help our causes? He/she isn’t.

    • Paddlefoot says:

      Thank you LMD for your reply, I understand when you say “that kind of thinking” but the reality is that Miller beat Murkowski in the election, and my “kind of thinking” didn’t work. Do you want 6 years of Miller or 6 years of Murkowski in which we can call her out because we wanted her to rise above the fray, I think she may actually listen. I’ve voted my “liberal conscience” in every election and Jimmy Carter and Barack Obama are what I have to show for it. This election is very important and I think I am an intelligent voter. Thanks for listening, I’m listening too.

      • shorebreeze says:

        That, as Arthur Schlesinger would have used the term, is Doughface logic. The reality is that there’s a vicious Republican civil war in a 60 percent Republican state. The closer the two of them get to an even split of the Republican vote, the better a shot the Democrat has — so long as Democratic voters stick together. This is an opportunity Democrats rarely get in Alaska, and should therefore be taken — and all the better that they’ve nominated a good solid candidate with a local government and schools background and a brain and a sense of humor. Any Democrat who goes for Murkowski in this context — who, let’s face it, is a fair bit closer to Miller than to McAdams — is running up the white flag when they have no business surrendering.

      • LoveMydogs says:

        In my mind, 6 years of Murkowski or 6 years of Miller is basically the same. If either one of them goes to Washington DC it will be bad. Yes, Miller is a nutjob and yes, Murkowski is more polished. But their agenda is the same. “No” to anything progressive. “No” to anything the democrats, or progressives, or liberals, or PO tries. “Yes” to big corporations. “Yes” to climate change deniers. “Yes” to repeal of health care reform. “Yes” to continued tax cuts for the richest. “Yes” to deregulation. “Yes” to privatization of Social Security. Perhaps their only real difference is with women’s issues and maybe education. Joe Miller is not going to make me live barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen even if he is voted in. I will be the worst “burr under his butt” in his world. She may seem the lesser of two evils on the surface but she is an obstructionist. For goodness sake, she wanted to introduce a bill to allow big companies to be allowed to keep polluting the air we breathe. She voted on the side of BP. She answered my e-mails for the last 2 years with nothing but the party line blather and refused to engage with me when I tried to discuss my point of view. She has made it clear, over and over, what she stands for and against. That is why I will continue to vote my conscience.

        I know how you feel. I too vote my conscience every time and, more often than not, I find myself heartbroken and depressed on election night. That is not a reason not to keep trying.

        • Paddlefoot says:

          Thank you for your replies Lee and LMD, you are both right, it’s just that I am so disgusted with this Tea bagger movement and these clueless puppets that I want to assure their demise. Murkowski has certainly alienated me with her party line stances, especially with health care. So, McAdams all the way, let’s make Alaska proud and stand up to the monied interests and greed that threaten our existence.

  6. Paddlefoot says:

    Believe me, there is nothing I’d rather see than 2 Democratic senators in Washington, but I’m also a realist. I voted for Murkowski in the primary because I didn’t want the T party to think that they had any influence whatsoever in this state. I am registered as Undeclared and I’m not sure why anyone would vote for Miller thinking that it would be a good idea for a victory in November. This is historically a Republican state and even though there are a large number of undeclareds and undecideds the fact , the truth is, that Republicans are often elected if in doubt. I voted for Halcro, he is certainly the intellectual standout, unforunately it has not been to his benefit. He does not hide his disgust for Palin or Miller. He is very open minded as far as I can tell, not indebted to the party line. Please help me out. I’m gonna write in Lisa because if I vote for Scott, it may give Miller a victory.

    • LoveMydogs says:

      This is exactly the kind of thinking that gets us to the losing place. We complain that our elected Democratic representatives have no spines. Where are ours? How can we hold them to the fire and expect them to do what we want them to do if we don’t have the courage to back them up? McAdams is about as moderate as it gets. If half the republicans in this state looked at his platform they would probably vote for him (well….maybe not half). It is easy for me—I do not want either of the other 2 in Washington. Andrew Halcro is well spoken and reasonable but…..I am NOT voting for Lisa out of fear that Joe might win. In fact, I believe that republicans that voted for Joe are going to vote for Lisa because they are scared of the big bad ‘D’ winning. Let them be scared. We need to raise our heads high and go for it. Like I said before, we have to stick together. And I repeat. I can survive losing. I cannot survive not trying.

    • Lee323 says:

      -You voted for Murkowski in the primary because you didn’t want the Tea Party to think they had influence in Alaska.

      -You’re going vote for Murkowski because if you vote for Scott, it may give Miller a victory.

      -But you really want two Democratic senators in Washington.

      Hmmm. When are you just going to vote your conscience for the candidate you want to represent you? You don’t sound like a “realist” to me. You sound like you’re playing chess or betting the horses.

      Instead of playing around with your ballot, and moaning about Jimmy Carter and PO, get off your duff and work for the Democratic candidate. If he loses, he loses — that’s democracy — at least you could have the satisfaction that you tried your best.

  7. Naomi Schiff says:

    Happily sent a little money to Scott McAdams; I figure a contribution goes farther in AK than here in CA! Maybe we can make a difference if we all pitch in.

  8. Zoom Zoom says:

    It is simply not that hard to envision a scenario like the one illustrated below, in which Ms. Murkowski got the votes of about 50 percent of independents, 25 percent of Republicans (mostly those who disliked Mr. Miller), and 35 percent of Democrats (mostly those who thought Mr. McAdams’ candidacy was not viable and were voting tactically). That would get her to about 37 or 38 percent of the vote overall, which could potentially be enough to win depending on how Mr. Miller and Mr. McAdams split the remaining votes.

  9. austintx says:

    Another fine report from Bill Scannell concerning this issue.

    Confusing Murkowski Write-In Process Will Just Confuse Alaskans

    “Alaskan prisoner-of-warblog Bill Scannell took on another dangerous undercover assignment for your Wonkette: the announcement of Senator Lisa Murkowski’s wacky scheme to try to get Alaskans to write something, with a pen! (The usual expression of Alaskan literacy is a sad face “drawn” with urine in the dirty snow behind a tattoo parlor.)”

  10. Gasman says:

    You discount the very real possibility that Murkowski is doing this just to spite Palin by doing all that she can to see that the Tundra Twit’s sycophant goes down in defeat. Murkowski’s motives are probably more personal, but in her fear of what the teabaggers represent, she is not alone within the GOP.

    I sincerely believe that the GOP is standing on the precipice staring down into the gaping void of oblivion. Murkowski is trying to pull the party back while Palin, Miller, O’Donnell, Angle, et al., are pushing with all their might to take the party right over the edge.

    The GOP will not survive a hostile takeover by the teabaggers.

    • Mudflatsfan says:

      I hope you are correct Gasman. I truly don’t really care if the Republicans win, I would much prefer that the Dems hold on to all seats. However, there has to be some logical Republicans (winning) their races when the repertoire subsides. i.e. McCain. Hope he is still a moderate and is not pushed into being ole’ crazy man.

  11. renegade says:

    Seems to me quite possible that Miller moved to Alaska because of the PFD. If I had a family of 10, like him, I might do the same.
    Fortunately I live in New Mexico where we have TWO DEMOCRATIC senators. As Jackie Gleason would say, “How sweet it is.”!!!!

  12. seadog says:

    The Christian Science Monitor has contacted various pollsters on Murkowski’s chances:

    With social media and the arrival of the internet in the Bush, it ought to be an interesting race.

    Miller didn’t care about the Native vote, and the Natives practically begged Murkowski to run – that is 10% right there.

  13. Sourdough Mullet says:

    One thing I’ve never understood is why this country can’t change the election laws to allow voters to “rank” candidates. For example, in a 3-way race, a voter who wants Scott McAdams to win, but definitely does NOT want their vote to enable Joe Miller in any way could vote:
    #1 McAdams
    #2 Murkowski
    #3 Miller
    The winner is the person who gets the highest cumulative score.
    Don’t they do this in European countries where there are many parties running candidates? I can’t imagine that it would be so difficult to institute. Imagine how different this country might be today if G.W. Bush hadn’t won the 2000 election because of all the votes for Ralph Nader?

  14. Zyxomma says:

    Alaska Democrats, progressives, liberals, teachers, union members, students, and smart people of all stripes: Do the right thing. Vote for Scott McAdams. Lease-A has proved, over the last two years, that she does NOT have your best interests at heart. Vote for someone who does: Scott McAdams. He is (truly) one of You.

  15. GA Peach says:

    Wish I were an Alaskan, so I could vote for the only Public Servant running.

    Instead, I have to listen to Newt embarrassing salamanders.

    “Gingrich also lashed out at Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski for trying to get re-elected through as a write-in candidate. He said Murkowski should cede to Joe Miller, and, that the time for running as an independent has long since passed.

    “I would say Senator Murkowski is fundamentally cheating,” Gingrich said in a speech to the Values Voter Summit on Saturday.

    Newt knows “cheating” intimately.

  16. Amy B. says:

    I think Lisa Murkowski’s chances are good. For one thing, she has just effectively wiped out Joe Miller’s primary difference – that he’s the anti-establishment candidate. That just doesn’t wash now with both the formidable GOP machine and billionaire-fundedTea Party Express being for him and against Lisa.

    Yes, McAdams seems like a solid guy, but Lisa Murkowski just did a very rare thing for a politician: she’s showing real guts.

    • LoveMydogs says:

      Too late for Lease-a. She hasn’t shown any guts for the last 2 years IMHO. Not once did she stand up against the party of No (not even when it meant the betterment of the country and/or her state). She was right there obstructing everything that I stand for.

      • Amy B. says:

        But she’s standing up to them now, big time. The entire GOP machine and Tea Party Express are gunning for her now. And besides, maybe if our politicians weren’t schackled to their parties, they’d get a lot more done for us. I think a Murkowski win would have a huge psychological effect on this paradigm. The country is trending more Independent, and Alaska certainly is. I don’t think Scott McAdams can win this, and Joe Miller is such a bought and paid for weasel, there is no telling what harm he will bring to Alaska – and by extension as a US senator, to the country – on behalf of his extremist benefactors.

  17. Ripley in CT says:

    I can’t say one way or another much about Murkowski because I’m not an AKan. However, the idea is not new. Lieberman pulled this stunt as an Independent and won. He wasn’t running against a teabagger, though. I think she has just as much chance of winning as he did. We’ll see how malleable the AK voting public is when it comes to the rhetoric that Miller is going to pull out and what Palin is going to spew.

    The other side of this, a side I am keenly interested in, is how Palin will respond. She thought she had ambushed Murkowski with Miller and was ready to claim a teabagger victory in her home state. Murkowski has effectively “stabbed this plan in the heart”, even if she loses. Because if she doesn’t win, McAdams will. And Palin will blow a gasket even worse than she is now. THAT is worth the price of admission.

  18. OMG says:

    Maybe Murkowski is fighting back in more ways than we know. Maybe she is one of a very rare breed of republican today that is fighting against Palin and the Tea Partiers. Even Karl Rove rolled over after Palin smacked him for his disparaging words against O’Donnell.

    As long as Miller loses, to either opponent, then the tea party loses and is handed an embarrassing sign that screams: we don’t want you to rule our lives.

    Fingers crossed that Tea Party supported nutbars lose across the nation. Palin will still have a platform but it will be far smaller than the one she is currently standing on.

  19. benlomond2 says:

    with Lisa TO’ed… maybe some rotten fruit about Sarah will drop out of a tree…. I don’t think Lisa is in the same boat as regular citizens when it come to the intimidation factor that Sarah seems to have… this could be REALLY good in the long run….

  20. Kimosabe says:

    Miller is worse than Palin because he is not a transparent twit. He’s well educated, well-spoken, and looks the part. He’ll do fine in debates and won’t duck the press. And he must be stopped at all costs.

    Tho I am no longer an Alaska voter I’ve sent $100 to mcAdams.

  21. Lani says:

    Wow. I am loving this, as a resident of the final state (Hawaii) [until Puerto Rico]. It is not my business, so I will try to keep nose out of it… But as the remnent of the colonial/imperialist age… we have things in common with Alaska. So this election is VERY interesting to us in the island state.

  22. LoveMydogs says:

    OK mudpups. This is my last rah,rah.

    Remember when Ted Stevens came back to Alaska before the last election and he was greeted with the same shining eyes and well wishes that you saw around Leasa? And a democratic collective groan nearly pierced the air? And the fear was still there in your belly that this is a red state and he has all that seniority in the senate and oh god, we might lose again? Did you change your vote? No. Hel* no. And Begich won. McAdams can do the same. He needs our faithful, unwavering support. If you voted for Miller to keep Leasa out of the race, it is now even more important to fulfill your original plan and vote for Scott. Do not run scared. Do not waver , because they want you hiding back in your progressive closet again. Don’t wait for the polls. Vote early. Let the chips fall where they may. At least you voted your conscience and not your fear. Your fear is what these people depend on. Do not give into it. Help Scott get his message out there. The other side is just as freaked out right now (esp the Miller folk). I’m telling you. If we stand strong and united, he can beat them both because their vote WILL be split. Ours CANNOT be. I can survive losing. I cannot survive not trying.

  23. AlaskaSundog says:

    Marguita Mixxe,

    Re: Sarah Palin’s dog. No, she’s not beating it. She ate it long ago, with mashed potatoes.

  24. AlaskaSundog says:

    I volunteered to work for the Scott McAdams campaigned. I am concerned that he’s not known YET and also that he may not choose to reveal Miller’s skeletons as they are dug up. We are aware of Miller’s frequent job changes, the nepotism of when he put his wife on the federal payroll as his aide, and possibly his applying for & taking farm subsidies (still being researched but it looks like YES right now). I think the biggest bones tho will be his military career. He graduated West Point & then had a 5 yr obligation. He only served about 2 1/2 & then quit. He said in Sunday’s ADN that the military let him go cuz they didn’t want to pay for Yale or Harvard etc so they let him go. Something is fishy since he said he went to Yale on a scholarship . Also, the 5 years he owed was for West Point. He QUIT before completing his service. Was he afraid after his first tour ? Is he a coward? His bronze star is for service –not VALOR. He left as a lieutenant when he should have been a captain. Sometimes when a soldier does something bad & the military wants to get rid of him/her without bad PR especially with an academy grad, they let him resign. Or perhaps he got out on a Section 8 ( psych discharge) (think Klinger in MASH) ? Consider PTSD . So, assuming he’s out with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, yet he’s suddenly sane or stable enough to enter Yale for a law degree, pretty smart huh! He’s a self-serving scammer and a quitter or a coward. That said, research is in order & the truth will be found but for sure, what he told ADN AIN’T the whole story & it doesn’t even make sense. I hope that all VETS find out the truth & hold him accountable & disgraced. So his policies + his huge character flaws make him a disaster for Alaska. I’m working for McAdams who is decent, intelligent & really knows & loves Alaska. National issues may not now be his forte but it wouldn’t take him long to take it in. He is all for Alaska & families & isn’t afraid to buck the system for us. That said, I will work for him & hope he takes Ak by storm. However, if in the end, I have to vote for Murkowski as the lesser of EVIL & BAD, I will. McAdams really needs to have a way to publicize Miller’s character, not just policies, & inequivocal proof. Joe Miller is NOT a good man. I’ll try hard for McAdams & hope others get to know him. Seriously tho, I’m freaking out. Yea, Take a chill pill, I know. Wish Murkowski had stayed out . Complications . Geez, I’m too old for this. Wait, maybe with her warchest & ready to play in the mud with Miller, Murkowski can get the research & put out the ads that reveal him for the fraud he is. Yeah. OK Gone

    • LoveMydogs says:

      Please do not go over to the dark side out of fear. Stay here in the light. Yes we can! Remember?

    • Moose Pucky says:

      McAdams is well-known by many and well-credentialed. I have heard him speak on national issues and I would put him ahead of Begich on those. The whole country would be well-served by this young (39), intelligent, thoughtful, public servant.

  25. marguita mixxe says:

    Well, I for one and THRILLED Lisa is running! Hey whoever thought that an idiot would be our 1/2 term quitter gov?

    GO LISA GO!!!!!

    Sara is probably beating her dog right about now!

  26. Pamy says:

    I think this is Murkowski’s way of giving the Palins and the R leadership the finger. My first thought was for her to endorse McAdams, but her write-in will do.
    Allllrighty then! I finally donated $300 to McAdams today. My money’s on him.

  27. Bigtoe says:

    An earlier post described what I hope will be a knock down drag out fight between Lisa and Joe and that Scott McAdams might benefit from that. I still think Scott would do better against Miller without Lisa in it but a few years back I believe Knowles and Sturgelouski(sp) had a real humdinger and Wally Hickel showed up at the last minute getting in the race just under the gun and rescued us from the mudslinging. I see Scott McAdams in the “Walley Hickel” role here. I’m voting for him regardless. He’s blue collar AND educated, what a combo. And he isn’t a whackadoodle!!!

  28. AKjah says:

    I am sad that Lisa did this. She could have backed out and handed this to Scott McAdams. But nooooo. She puts all of Alaska at jeopardy . Well the fan is on now and they will just start throwing right now. This is beyond popcorn. Got scotch?

  29. far from fenway fan says:

    Just found the following statement by Randy Ruedrich. He basically is saying that Murkowski is the enemy. WOW! The R’s are really not all all united in this:

    Today Senator Lisa Murkowski announced she would re-enter Alaska’s US Senate race as a write in candidate. Regardless of her decision the Alaska Republican Party stands firm behind our elected Republican Senate candidate Joe Miller.

    “The Alaska Republican Party has been respectful of Senator Murkowski’s service and tried to give her a moment of pause with which she could come to the right decision,” said Alaska Republican Party Chairman Randy Ruedrich. “I am disappointed the Senator has decided not to respect the will of Alaska’s Republican Primary voters. The 2010 Republican Primary turnout of 110,688 set a new Republican turnout record. I was hoping Senator Murkowski would recognize this fact and acknowledge this election was not an anomaly, misunderstanding, or mistake, but rather the definitive decision of a large plurality of Alaska primary voters. That decision deserves her respect.”

    “I want to make perfectly clear to Senator Murkowski and all of Alaska’s Republicans that she will receive no support of any kind from the Alaska Republican Party,” Ruedrich went on to say. “Lisa has chosen to run against the Republican Party and its primary voters. We will treat her candidacy as we would anyone who chooses to oppose our party’s nominees.”

    • BS says:

      FU Rude-Rich. You weren’t singing that song when Palin and Miller were trying to take you down. Have you no shame?


    • Eddie in Anchorage says:

      “..our elected Republican Senate candidate Joe Miller…”

      Uh,…Randy, let me help you out: He was nominated, not elected. “Elected” is what Scott McAdams will be on Nov. 2.

      “I am disappointed the Senator has decided not to respect the will of Alaska’s Republican Primary voters.”

      Actually, her decision isn’t an affront to voters. It’s a decision to run independent of the party structure. If she somehow wins, you’ve already seen that she has a long memory, much like her idol Ted did. The Dems will be proud to have her caucus with them if she re-enters the Senate. The only way Alaska loses in this election is if Miller convinces enough people that he somehow has their best interests at heart.

    • lemonfair says:

      I keep thinking how ticked off I was at Joe Lieberman running in the general, after being turned out by the party in favor of Ned Lamont in the primary. I always felt that any candidate not willing to abide by the primary vote shouldn’t be running in the primary at all, or should run on two party ballots to begin with (as some candidates do). This situation really isn’t any different. Lisa seems to be saying, “gee, I didn’t know they were going to put that much effort in, and I didn’t know they could really win. I want a second chance.” She made her bed, and now she should lie in it.

    • Lee323 says:

      Ruedrich: “Lisa has chosen to run against the Republican Party and its primary voters. We will treat her candidacy as we would anyone who chooses to oppose our party’s nominees.”

      Hmmm. Isn’t that essentially what Palin’s Tea Party Pets (Miller and O’Donnell) did to their respective state “mainstream” Republican candidates?

      So, let me get this straight, Randy. Baggers Miller and O’Donnell are now claimed as the loyal beneficiaries of the party they sought to bring down in the primaries? Didn’t someone recently tweet that selling out your political beliefs is the same as the world’s oldest profession?

      Who are the whores now?

  30. BS says:

    Bottom line – we must have a Democrat majority in the House and Senate. Everything else doesn’t matter. Don’t start thinking Lisa isn’t so bad. Yeah better than Miller. But we cannot let the Republicans win; if they do, there will be hell to pay.

  31. Terpsichore says:

    Wow. I’m of two minds on this (hardly surprising as I’m a Geminii!).

    On the one hand, if I had been an elected senator serving for the past 6 years, and truly believed the opposition candidate(s) would not serve the people I had sworn to serve, I absolutely would not retreat, but ‘reload’ (I hope Sarah remembers her own words when she responds to Murkoski’s news).

    On the other hand, if Miller was chosen fair and square by voters, should Murkowski just slink off and keep her nose out of it? I feel no imperative that a failed candidate should endorse the winner of their primary. As I keep hearing from people, it’s a free country. No one is obligated to endorse anyone else.

    I don’t envy AKs choice for senator, partly because FL is in the midst of a similar situation. The only difference? As much as anyone might disagree with any of the candidates positions, I can’t say that any of The Big Three (Crist, Meek, Rubio) are actual nutters. Plus, they all have very solid education and political experience in their backgrounds.

    Rubio is called the Tea Party candidate, but he is not. He’s a major Bush Republican, but has not, in the past, been what I would call ‘tea-partyish’. He is, of course, courting the tea party for their votes.

    I wish that Florida had run a real Tea Party candidate for Senator (like Rick Scott). I promise you, if they had, Northern Florida would have dropped Rubio like a hot potato. Called him a RINO.

    Anyway, another way the FL and AK senate races are alike is that in both, if the seat goes to a Republican, a seat is not lost – both were held by Republicans (Martinez and Murkowski). Both would probably have voted with the party of no, both Murkoski and Miller have made it clear they will continue the same strategy, in FL, Rubio has already proclaimed he will be voting no to basically anything sponsored or presented by a democrat. Way to get things done, Rubio!!! Decide how you’re going to vote before you even know what you’re voting for!

    As for Crist or Meek? I still haven’t made up my mind. But it would have been so much easier if one of the two was an actually nutter. If I were in Delaware or Nevada, I would not be in any sort of quandry.

    • A Fan in CA says:

      Being from a place that has a choice between another of $arah’s girls, Carly or Barbara Boxer the choice is easy. A vote for the Party of No Ideas or a vote for getting our country back on track.

      I think both FL and AK have exactly the same choice. You have 2 Party of No candidates or someone who can vote for the restoration of the real America.

      Keep it simple folks. Murkowski is not a friend of the vast majority of folks in AK or the USA.

      • ks sunflower says:

        Gosh, I hope Barbara can beat Carly. It should be a no-brainer, but I hear it’s close. My hopes are pinned Barbara.

  32. Julie Brown says:

    Isn’t there some way the lower forty-eight (i.e., the rest of us) could MAKE Alaska secede?

    Anyone? You guys think I’m joking?

    • Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

      No, we’ve heard that plenty.

    • AKPetMom says:

      So sorry, that won’t be happening, you’re stuck with us! At least this is a great place where you can come and get away from the traffic and air pollution in the lower 48. It’s us and Hawaii that are your vacation destinations. The lower 48, well, that’s where Alaskans and Hawaiians go when we are forced to visit relatives.

    • Mo says:

      Make Texas go first.

  33. Molly says:

    I think the more important question is: What are Scott McAdams chances, given a Lisa Murkowski write-in campaign?

    • Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

      If moderates who aren’t happy with Lisa, Republicans who don’t like anything about Miller, and progressives all voted for McAdams, he could win. Lisa’s counting on stealing those votes from him, but I’m not going for it.

  34. far from fenway fan says:

    Where does the State Republican Party stand on all this? I know the feds are backing Miller but what has Randy Ruedrich got to say?

  35. Latitude 66 N says:

    Admittedly this is a long shot, but what if Lisa knew her chances were slim but was ok with losing to Scott over Miller? If she wins, well, she wins and we all know she’d be happy about that. But if she loses and McAdams prevails, well that is a big, wet, nasty fish slap in ol’ Quitter’s kisser. It would actually be a great strategy for endorsing McAdams without actually coming out in favor of a Dem. Or is that just a bit too much to swallow?

  36. far from fenway fan says:

    I never liked how Lisa got that seat in the first place but I had come to view her as hard working and intelligent … UNTIL Obama was sworn in. Then she became a snarky republican who wasn’t interested in what was best for Alaskans – only what was best for the republican party. Now she wants to play nice b/c she NEEDS our votes. Sorry, girlfriend, it doesn’t work that way!

  37. St. Elias says:

    Well, as already acknowledged by Mudflats, this is indeed going to be a tough one. Going down in history too, for certain, bet on it.

    Only other time in our history a significant write in was mounted in a general, this occurred back in 1978. Started when Hickel ran in the GOP primary against Hammond, Hammond was going for his second term and had beat Hickle by a landslide, 7000 votes in the primary four years before, Hickel came out about 600 votes ahead around midnight or so primary election night 1978. So much ahead that he famously told his supporters: “Go home, get a good nights sleep, we have this one in the bag.” By morn., Hickel was still ahead by 300. A few weeks later though, Hammond had pulled ahead by 30. Then a box of uncounted ballots were found in the car trunk of an election official. Hickle went to court. Court said, a rerun is necessary between the two Repugs, before the General.

    State went to the Supreme Court who said, bull. The court brought in the FBI who said the ballots in the trunk were okay and sealed. Count all the ballots the high court said. They did, Hammond won by 130 or so. Hickel was really pissed, ran as a write in. Demo candidate, Chancy Croft, had double crossed all hard core Democrats 4 years prior by going against legendary Democrat and incumbent Bill Egan. General came, Hammond blew them all away, Hickel second and poor Chancy, an exiled, distant third.

    Lot of speculating here. I’m a hard core Demo. Me and momma are going to go with Scott. Lisa has really pissed me off in recent years. The problem is, that even I, am tempted to go for Lisa to keep Turd Miller out of Washington.

    I look at all the good Alaskans on TV this evening, some as far left as I am, who were chanting “Lisa” “Lisa” and providing eloquent testimony for her, so I realize, this is going to be very tough for Scott, as she is going to drag many Democrats over to her side. Fact is, we in the Democratic group here in Alaska are not near as homogeneous as the Right Wing/GOP/Tea Party is.

    Lisa getting back in the race, in my opinion, gives a much better shot for a Miller win.

    I really regret this circumstance, even more since I heard a recent poll showing Scott had climbed to only 6% behind Miller. And we still had some time to go.

    In short, sad night for us Dems. A Murkowski win. I really doubt that too, as all the odds against her, as aptly expressed and outlined here on this thread, are accurate. For those who wager, all is over except for the shouting. Miller is your new Senator. Puke!

    • Polly says:

      A few years ago, when I was an undeclared voter, before becoming a Dem and paying attention (President Obama’s campaign), I would have looked at this Murkowski, Miller, McAdams race and voted for Murkowski.. I think that would be the case for many non-partisans who aren’t paying attention -votes that would have gone to McAdams. This isn’t good news to me.

      • Polly says:

        I’ve been donating money to McAdams, but now I feel the need to volunteer to knock on doors and phonebank, and educate people. I’m glad to see Murkowski’s grit and backbone, but wish she had done something different.

        • Madeline says:

          Please do Polly, we can use the help and the phone banking is actually kind of fun! Of course you get some not-so-fun calls, but if you can reach 1 or 2 people it’s worth it. The only way we are going to put a stop to this “Tea Party” nonsense is to fight back (and get the law changed so corporations can’t spend endless money to buy a campaign).

      • Marilyn says:

        I know one undeclared and two non-partisans that are voting for McAdams and donating to him too.

    • BS says:

      We cannot lose heart. Yes, Lisa gave a great speech and brought tears to even Democrat’s eyes. But McAdams still has a shot at this. We must do what’s good for our country. We cannot let the Republicans get a majority. That’s the bottom line.

  38. leenie17 says:

    As a New Yorker who is suddenly faced with the (thankfully unlikely) prospect of having TPer Carl Paladino become governor of my state (yuck, ick, ptooey!), I feel your pain, my mudpup friends in Alaska! However, I am choosing to find a silver lining in this new and not-altogether-unexpected development.

    Here’s what I’m hoping:

    1. McAdams doesn’t seem like the type to run a down and dirty campaign, but we’ve already seen that Miller has no such reservations. From what I’ve read about Murkowski, she’s angry and feeling a bit vindictive and might just pull out all the stops on digging up dirt about Miller and plastering it all over the media (which she has far more money to do than McAdams does). Therefore, this may help to expose some of Miller’s many lies and pecadillos which would otherwise have remained his nasty little secret. In this way, Murkowski’s campaign might indirectly benefit McAdams.

    2. One of the big draws for Murkowski has been her seniority/power in the Senate, which translates to tremendous benefits ($$$) coming to Alaska. However, she is no longer running as the Republican candidate. I don’t know enough about Senatorial procedures to know if she would be able to retain her seniority or if she would have to go back to being a freshman. Anyone out there who can shed some light on this??? If she loses seniority and all her power, her value in the Senate is tremendously diminished, perhaps reducing the inclination of U and N Alaskans to vote for her. Her big swing to the right since Obama took office may have alienated some of those same people who had previously supported her because of her moderate views.

    3. It seems to me that she is most angry with Miller and might focus her campaign primarily on taking him down. If she and Miller get ugly with each other (which I fully expect), it may make McAdams look even more reasonable, smart and respectable by comparison.

    I may be completely wrong about all of this (as I am certainly no political expert!) but I prefer cautious optimism to screaming and running down the street, tearing my hair out, gnashing my teeth and rending my garments. And I’m sure my neighbors would prefer that I refrain from doing so. Also. Too.

    • BS says:

      Lisa is running as a Republican.

    • CoyoteMarti says:

      It’s up to the Repub leadership in the Senate. They can do absolutely anything they like with their committtee slots (witness the Dems keeping Lieberman in his spots to try to bribe him for some votes). If she does win, I’d bet anything she will keep what she’s got as the good ol boys really don’t want the Tea Party to take over. They just can’t say it out loud.

      • leenie17 says:

        Rats! There goes part of my big, gloomy could’s sparkling, silvery lining. 🙁

        (Oh well, I still have theory sections #1 and #3!)

        • leenie17 says:

          Make that ‘cloud’. Well, it’s 2 am here and the keyboard’s getting a little fuzzy!

          Clearly, it’s time to go to bed…

          • ks sunflower says:

            Leenie17, I am sorry to say you actually made me feel better about the race for governor in KS. Your state won the governor’s race yucky prize with Carl Paladino. There were several in the running, but NY, sorry to agree, has truly fallen into deep do-do with a candidate like that.

            I thought KS had it pretty bad with Brownback. He was in tight with The Family crowd on C-street for the longest time, then converted to Catholicism which would have been fine except the priest who converted him is rumored to be with Opus Dei. Then, as a bookend to Brownback, we have Kobach running for Sec.of State. You all know him – he’s the guy who wrote the AZ immigration “law.” He wants to shame KS by repeating his performance here.

            So, Lennie, maybe all things considered, we both shall be saying “yuck, ick, ptooey” quite a bit. Unfortunately, I think I will be the one needing consoling come November. New York has more sense than to elect Paladino, but I am ashamed to say that KS will probably go with Brownback and Kobach. So please stand ready to pull me out of the emotional dumpster come Nov. 3rd.

      • Millie says:

        I thought it was already published that Lisa has written her letters of resignation from the committee seats she held in Congress due to having lost the primary. I believe she has to start all over again (as a freshman) if she were to win the ‘write-in’ race. Did anyone else hear or read this?

        • Joel says:

          I saw that, too. She resigned her committee chairmanship.

          My question:

          What are the numbers? What is the solid Democratic base who’d vote for Pickled Herring (D) over Murkowski? And what is the Teabag base, who’ll vote for Miller over anyone?

    • LoveMydogs says:

      I think that the scenario of Lisa and Joe getiing truely ugly with the mudslinging might just float McAdams in. I, for one, cannot stand the ugly ads and believe me, I think it is going to get UGLY. A lot of moderate people are really tired of the political drama. if Scott stays out of all that, people might just vote for him in the end just because he isn’t flinging mud. And the great thing about Lisa being in is, now he doesn’t have to but she does.

      Vote McAdams!!!

    • justafarmer says:

      Mitch McConnell has already informed Lisa that if she did NOT get behind Miller, she would lose ALL of her committee seats.

  39. St. Elias says:

    Well, as already acknowledged by Mudflats, this is indeed going to be a tough one. Going down in history too, for certain, bet on it.

    Only other time in our history a significant write in was mounted in a general, this occurred back in 1978. Started when Hickel ran in the GOP primary against Hammond, Hammond was going for his second term and had beat Hickle by a landslide, 7000 votes in the primary four years before, Hickel came out about 600 votes ahead around midnight or so primary election night 1978. So much ahead that he famously told his supporters: “Go home, get a good nights sleep, we have this one in the bag.” By morn., Hickel was still ahead by 300. A few weeks later though, Hammond had pulled ahead by 30. Then a box of uncounted ballots were found in the car trunk of an election official. Hickle went to court. Court said, a rerun is necessary between the two Repugs, before the General.

    State went to the Supreme Court who said, bullshit. The court brought in the FBI who said the ballots in the trunk were okay and sealed. Count all the ballots the high court said. They did, Hammond won by 130 or so. Hickel was really pissed, ran as a write in. Demo candidate, Chancy Croft, had double crossed all hard core Democrats 4 years prior by going against legendary Democrat and incumbent Bill Egan. General came, Hammond blew them all away, Hickel second and poor Chancy, an exiled, distant third.

    Lot of speculating here. I’m a hard core Demo. Me and momma are going to go with Scott. Lisa has really pissed me off in recent years. The problem is, that even I, am tempted to go for Lisa to keep Turd Miller out of Washington.

    I look at all the good Alaskans on TV this evening, some as far left as I am, who were chanting “Lisa” “Lisa” and providing eloquent testimony for her, so I realize, this is going to be very tough for Scott, as she is going to drag many Democrats over to her side. Fact is, we in the Democratic group here in Alaska are not near as homogeneous as the Right Wing/GOP/Tea Party is.

    Lisa getting back in the race, in my opinion, gives a much better shot for a Miller win.

    I really regret this circumstance, even more since I heard a recent poll showing Scott had climbed to only 6% behind Miller. And we still had some time to go.

    In short, sad night for us Dems. A Murkowski win. I really doubt that too, as all the odds against her, as aptly expressed and outlined here on this thread, are accurate. For those who wager, all is over except for the shouting. Miller is your new Senator. Puke!

    • Moose Pucky says:

      That’s excellent–those poll numbers. McAdams has always been a strong candidate, strong against Murkowski, strong against Miller, strong against both of them at the same time. Do not underestimate McAdams. He know what he stands for–serving the best interests of Alaskans, for kids, for education, for Native language education in schools, for a sound energy policy, for improved health care, for healthy fisheries, for money for needed projects in Alaska, equal rights for all.

  40. RJ says:

    this is complicated
    I too am torn between Lisa and any case do not want Joe crazy tea bagger.
    BTW the gov’s race is important and taking a back seat.. we need to pay attention
    and figure out where we stand there, just saying

    • LoveMydogs says:

      Stand fast progressives. As I said earlier, the Joe Miller folks are already saying the Democrat will win. They may just cross over and vote for Lisa to try to keep that from happening. Further insuring that joe is done.

  41. frsbdg says:

    i couldn’t resist dropping in over at the Sea of Pee and yanking their chains a bit. My, but they are annoyed right now…

    • CO almost native says:

      heh heh…keep up the good work.

    • moseyon says:

      Saw your post frsbdg.
      Nancy wanted to play with you LOL.
      I will have to venture back to see if your post is still up.
      I take a look but never try to post. they are too cult like for me.

  42. jo says:

    He’s a good guy.

  43. Zoom Zoom says:

    Just arrived in Email.

    Dear Alaskan,

    This is it! Senator Murkowski has decided to run a long shot campaign that’s just not going to work. And Joe Miller? He’s helping Alaska welcome back the Tea Party Express. He uses every opportunity to use his divisive rhetoric to figure out how to take money and resources away from Alaska and Alaskan families. These politicians are putting themselves and their political interests ahead of yours. They’ll say and do anything to win. And together, we will stop them.

    In just 45 days, Alaska voters will make a historic decision about our state’s future. We’ve been waiting for the candidates to be finalized and today we truly begin the race for the United States Senate. I’m not running in this race against anyone…I’m running for something. I’m running for Alaska, for Alaskan families and to bring new ideas to the Senate that move Alaska forward. As your Senator, I’ll bring my experience as a local mayor, school board member, educator and deckhand to fight for the values we both share.

    I’ve spent the last 10 days running an aggressive campaign to win. I’ve hired staff, I’ve opened offices in Juneau, Anchorage and will be celebrating our third office opening in Fairbanks this week. We’ve already reached out to thousands of voters and we’re on the radio making sure our message is heard in every corner of the state.

    Polls in this race show that if we have the resources to talk to Alaskans, we’ll win. I’m up against two well funded opponents and that’s why I need your help today. Please join my campaign with a contribution of $25, $50 or whatever you can do today. It will help us communicate to voters what’s at stake in this election and we need the resources to do so now.

    There is no time to waste. With just 45 days left, we have to talk to every voter in every corner of Alaska and make sure they vote for the candidate who will fight for them-not for their own self-interest.

    I am forever grateful for your support and hope you’ll stand with me in this fight.

    With gratitude,

    P.S. 45 days is a very short time to get our message out. Please go online now and contribute $25, $50 or whatever you can to ensure we are victorious this November.

    Paid for by Scott McAdams for US Senate | PO Box 200569, Anchorage, AK 99520

    • frsbdg says:

      this may be one of the best by-products of this announcement: Miller won’t be able to duck the debates now. If he does, he’ll look like an even bigger fool than he already does (and even more like a chickehsh*t than Palin already is).

    • leenie17 says:

      How very intelligent, thoughtful and un-crazy he sounds!

      • ValleyIndependent says:

        He sounds that way because he really is intelligent, thoughtful and un-crazy. I also asked a friend in Sitka about him and was told he has done a good job there.

    • Kath the Scrappy says:

      Thanks, you just gave me another reason to donate to McAdams. Just love ActBlue for making it simple.

      He is a nice, pleasant candidate with a history of serving and a desire to serve your state more. Yikes! Who would want either of the Republican pair of (self-serving critters) representing your state? The vote in the Senate matters to all of us, not only to Alaskans.

    • Eddie in Anchorage says:

      “Polls in this race show that if we have the resources to talk to Alaskans, we’ll win.”

      What kind of poll is that? I can’t imagine the question that would yield that kind of data.

      I hope when the Lisa / Barley Miller rhetoric dies down in a few days people will start listening to Scott. He sounded pretty solid in the debate, at least in terms of being forceful. People really do need to hear him, because they might suddenly recognize the kind of authoritative, moderate voice this state could benefit from.

  44. jo says:

    I went to her rally tonight, frankly it was wonderful. Very unifying, she spoke to democrats, republicans and independents who were well represented there. I think we need to get behind her, as Scott McAdams has said either she or he is fine. That is the choice. It’s the first time in three years I’ve felt REALLY positive political energy, she was at the top of her game tonight.

    This is about Alaskans not outsiders and their money, she took a big swipe at Sarah.

    Byron Mallot is her co-chair, amazing native man/alaska man. We need to get out the vote in November, and she is energized.

    • BS says:

      NO! Do not give up. Vote for McAdams! He has just as much a chance as either of them. And then we would contribute 2 democrats to the senate. The big picture is we must “refudiate” the republicans. We can make a difference in this way, being a small state and all.

    • Wolf Pack says:

      No way. Lisa was against education, health care reform, and wants to shut down the EPA. She is a denier of global warming. We need to safe the planet, not make the petro fat cats in Texas richer.

      • Millie says:

        Agree…Lisa stood up there w/the four or five top heads of the R party in Congress almost nightly and was assuredly shown as being a participant in the ‘party of no’! If she is elected this go around, she will no longer have seniority and has to start all over again. I hope that information comes out during the next two months of chit chat.

      • Marilyn says:

        Not to mention that she was behind the no “cola” for seniors last year, and again has the bill to cut SS payments again for this year. She, however voted for and took the one to the congress people. Beigich I understand did not accept it. She wants it done away with, just thinks doing it in steps is the way to go.

    • CoyoteMarti says:

      New here?

      • Writing from Alaska says:

        I am not convinced to vote for her, but have to agree that the diversity of support was impressive and does speak well for Alaskans, no matter who wins. She was certainly right about one thing, Alaskans are not particularly predictable. I think many of the people there are very angry at the way Miller came in with so much support from outside Tea Party resources and are determined to have a fair fight with people who more represent the interests of the state. And I do admit, I prefer to have a real choice between more reasonable people. I never did see the value of getting Miller on the ticket in order for McAdams to have a better chance. Let him hone his skills against someone who is a real candidate, it will pay off in the long run and be a much healthier dialogue for the state. At least one can hope.

    • Simple Mind says:

      This and other progressive sites will be full of Republican moles making comments like this. Remember Lisa during the Health care debate, during the Louisiana oil spill liability debate. Remember her political commercials how she will work tirelessly to fight Washington and repeal the health care bill. She is totally at the beck and call of Mitch McConnell and the Republican leadership.

      • ValleyIndependent says:

        Be careful not to write off the realists as moles. I like Scott. He’s in politics for the right reasons. And, UgaVic is right – she has been pandering for the last 6-12 months, and unsuccessfully tailored her ad campaign to fight the very real (and at least temporarily successful) threat from the very far right.

        However, I saw the video of her speaking during the liability debate. I hadn’t liked her vote, but I think I now see why. Likewise, I understand why she would want to repeal and replace the health care bill. It has some very real flaws that will be very hard on small business, and the math says it will be cheaper for many employers that offer coverage now to drop it and pay the fine. As she told me a few weeks ago, we still have not addressed the real issues – getting the cost of health care down enough to make it or insurance affordable for everyone. She is a realist, she has been a solid advocate for Alaskans, especially our many veterans, and she, like Scott, is in politics for the right reasons.

        I am very worried that the reasonable people will split their votes between Murkowski and McAdams, and that Miller, who has already demonstrated a lack of honesty and an overabundance of paranoia just getting this far, will be the winner, and we will all be losers. Let’s keep the dialogue open at least long enough to solidify a strategy to make sure Miller doesn’t win.

    • UgaVic says:

      Are you forgetting all the pandering she has done the last 6-12 months to the ultra conservatives?
      I am sorry…if she stayed moderate she MIGHT have gotten my vote, but the flopping all over and being the big oil guy talking head during the BP spill…nope I am not getting behind her!!

      • Alaska Pi says:

        I’m not forgetting!!!
        Whatever was verifiably moderate about her record has been smeared over by her votes and stances in the last year or so…
        Whether it was pandering to the ultra conservatives or sucking up to the Party theme I don’t trust her anymore.

    • manyamile says:

      well, of COURSE she was stressing ‘unity’ and speaking to ‘everyone’.
      she will need every stray vote from every available Alaskan to pull this off.
      The woman isn’t stupid!
      and i bet she WAS brimming with energy, lots of adrenalin, positively glowing.
      she’s on task and has to act quickly, and she smells vengeance.
      nothing wrong with that, but step back from the glow and in the light of tomorrow think about it.
      there’s one candidate who is above the fray and wants to work for Alaska.
      no drama, just good solid service .. no vicious infighting, no revenge, no drawn out ,months long tarnished election returns..
      i would start fresh with a good , competent Alaskan candidate:
      that would be Scott McAdams.
      i’m not an Alaskan voter,( though i was born there).. just my 2 cents. and also , i have a really screwed up state politically , (AZ), so all offers of help appreciated!!!

    • seattlefan says:

      I beg to differ on the point that “this is about Alaskans not outsiders and their money”. We “outsiders” are just as invested and interested. Our Senate affects us all. Your election will dictate who will be sitting in that Senate seat. Our whole country is being held hostage by a bunch of partisan hooligans in our House and Senate. To say that your election only is meaningful to your state is sadly wrong. We are all in this together aren’t we?

      • LoveMydogs says:

        Yes, we are.

      • lemonfair says:

        I was going to make the same point at the end of the thread. It matters hugely that we don’t lose the senate to the Republicans. And it’s really sort of okay that the House turns Republican temporarily. It will show everyone before 2012 how disastrously unable they are to do anything, and will remind people they really don’t want the government shut down. It’s important people get that reminder before 2012. But if the Republicans are in control of both the House and Senate it will just be disastrous. What a mess.

      • Alaska Pi says:

        I think we all have to be careful about what we mean…
        jo appears (but does not say for sure ) to be talking about the outside Tea Party Express $$ .
        If so- I’m not sure how it differs from oil donor $$ to Ms Murkowski

        We, all of us, know that this is an election which affects Alaska and the whole US .
        We need to know where money comes from and who is giving it that we might add that into our calculations about who to vote for.

        • ValleyIndependent says:

          Good point.

          It looks pretty hypocritical to complain about Outside money from one source, while not complaining if it comes from somewhere else. We really do need to know where the money comes from.

          I am very distressed about the degree to which our “representative” form of government has become corrupted. The people in the district or state to be represented should be the ones to choose their representative. While it is true that the vote of one senator may affect us all, I really think people should choose their own, and not have them chosen for them by Outside money and influence. We need clean elections now.

    • A Fan in CA says:

      Lisa is owned by outside interests like Big Oil and Mining who do not have Alaska best interests at heart. She may be AK born but her money is from Outside.

    • Moose Pucky says:

      No way did Scott McAdams say any such thing. McAdams can give quite the rundown of Murkowski’s shortcomings.

      • Doodlebug says:

        I read that somewhere too, that Scott had said that if he didn’t win he hoped she did.

  45. merrycricket says:

    Well now, this is an interesting development. Honestly, if I lived in Alaska right now, I would need some serious pepto. Furtunately, I get to sit in the peanut gallery here in Ohio and watch the moose dung fly. I am pulling for McAdams but Joe and Lease-a should be entertaining.

  46. slipstream says:

    The calliope playing, spotlights focused on the elephants parading ring right, spotlights following the solitary horse prancing ring left, I am the next thing to night itself quietly stepping into the darkened center ring, the microphone lowering from the upper reaches of the great canvas to the exact center.

    The two side acts done and the performers filing toward the darkened exits, trunk holding tail, trainer leading the stallion, the calliope falls silent. Then booms throughout the stands the thunderous roll of the big bass drum as one by one each spotlight in its turn picks me out and throws the center ring into brilliance. I look out at the crowd from under the rim of my great top hat, throw open my cape to reveal the dazzle of gold lining, and reach for the microphone. Every eye is on me.

    Laaaaaddiiiieeees annnd gentlemennnnn . . . .
    the preliminaries are over.

    And now in the Center Ring you will see
    a show to Astonish and to Amaze,
    a marvel to Awe and to Amuse!

    Comes now a Circus
    which you will remember for the Rest of your lives,
    which you will tell to Grandchildren gathered wide-eyed at your knee,
    why, people who were not present this day will Claim they were!

    Rarely Attempted, seldom Seen,
    always Bloody, ofttimes Fatal;

    In the center ring, our Stars
    Miller, Murkowski, and Palin
    will attempt

    The Republican Circular Firing Squad!

    And the calliope soars, the spotlights snap to Miller and Murkowski, and I am plunged into darkness.

    • BS says:

      Yup – here we go again. Haven’t we paid enough for our sins?

    • Writing from Alaska says:

      my – ! stunning images indeed – ! though even I have trouble identifying Joe as a Republican, just convenient to be able to grab on to a major party name.

    • MonaLisa (inCT) says:

      Slip, you just curled my toes!
      (On multiple levels! 😉 )

  47. seattlefan says:

    Alaskan friends…..I hope you elect McAdams and banish Joe the Palin. 🙂

    It sickens me that Sarah Palin has any part of this and I’m sorry that Lisa couldn’t do the right thing and step back. I’m outside, but I do have a vested interest in this election. Our United States Senate really needs this seat to be blue. Good luck to us all.

    • Non Sibi says:

      I agree. I jokingly said that I might donate to Murkowski if she decided to go write-in to split the rethug vote, but I won’t. Another donation to McAdams. The lower 48 does watch what is going on there in AK, and we really want you to win.

    • 1smartcanerican says:

      Blue is good, but an intelligent educated person who represents the people is most important. I think McAdams would fit that bill best in this race.

  48. overthemoon says:

    it would have been cool…or a dream…for her to have endorsed McAdams and then given him every bit of insider knowledge she has.

    • Moose Pucky says:

      Lisa would never, ever support a Democrat or anything other than the industrial/corporate funders she is beholden to. The real Lisa should be shunned by both sides–and, well, as a matter of fact, is being shunned by both sides.

      Both Joe Miller and Scott McAdams folks are tired of politicians who work mostly for their corporate funders.

  49. Zoom Zoom says:

    Does Joe have a regular job anymore or is he another Todd Palin drop out of manhood once bought by Sarah?

  50. jaegermeister says:

    Nate Silver at says she’s got a shot

  51. tallimat says:

    AND very nice write up Linda.
    Thank you.

  52. tallimat says:

    Ah, consider this rude, but gosh, I can’t wait to see Joe actually do some campaigning in rural Alaska.
    He is gonna get roasted and not even know it.

  53. Writing from Alaska says:

    I gave an extra, extra loud cheer for all of us when she said that it was time the naysayers in Washington meet a Republican woman who won’t quit on Alaska. That was fun. Seems her supporters were rather certain that the Tea Party is a bunch of nutty extremists. It was rather encouraging. Nothing if not interesting.

  54. flex gunship palin says:

    Just gave $500 to Scott McAdams I will not wake up on Nov 3 to see miller has won by a hand full of votes because I did not do enought .

    • We love you!

      • Zoom Zoom says:

        Ya all would do well to be supporting Ethan first or equally as gov. That is a Dem seat worth grabbing.

        Reality is senate race is about Murkowski against Miller which is really about Palin. How much do you hate what Palin has done to Alaska? Do you want to go after her puppet? Jon Stewart asked how can Dem’s f’up the new gift of TeaParty winning primaries. His take was clever & hialrious but the point was/is to FOCUS FOCUS FOCUS. McAdam’s simply cannot go against both Miller & Murkowski expecting to pull the votes to win. He won’t. Won’t. He wasn’t ready to be senator before today & after all is said & done he does not have a majority now that Murkowski is in. If you have him split a few points that could go to Murkowski he will give an advantage to Miller for the seat.

        This is what Andrew did back when against Tony that got us Palin in the first place.

        Focus everyone. Thrill in the delight McAdam’s got some fame, will get some more airtime. He is already a winner on a personal level. Distract from the true heart of the race, do not belly ache over the results. Miller gets in and we all might as well move. With him & Parnell taking the state back 50 years no one will be able to afford to stay.

        • I believe that this race was already going to pull the un-affiliated voters out of hiding, but now it will with a vengeance. That can only be good for Ethan/Diane!

          • A Fan in CA says:

            It just may.

            Also hasn’t Miller already gotten his maximum number of votes in the primary. Who else is going to add to his numbers. They bused the church folks in.

            It’s time for Dems to focus on the issues. Let the R’s have the knock down drag out amongst themselves.

        • Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

          Nope, I’m voting progressive. I’m not blaming all the people who voted Miller to send Murkowski a message with two distinct outcomes in mind. What that tells me is that if those people voted for someone and not against someone, we can get a Democratic candidate into office. There is just no solidarity, or hope – and in doing so, we get manipulated.

          • Alaska Pi says:

            Yup… and not moving if Mr Miller gets in either.

            He can just find out what a burr under the saddle means when he takes that Tea Pony show to DC and it rears up and dumps him come the clear light of day…
            He’s on and on now about the govt needing less regulation…
            Are we sure he was really here for the last 10 years and not on an ice floe somewhere?
            How did he miss the implosion of the de-regulation frenzy which got us in this dadgum mess he proposes to fix by deregulationg some more ???!!!!

            We survived the Contract for America horsepunky, we can survive some more of the same.
            Getting awful tired of the just surviving game, sure would like the get -something done- thingy to get a solid run going…

    • Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

      Way to go! Cool!

    • Alaska Pi says:

      ((((flex gunship palin )))) !!!!
      I signed up yesterday to help with the McAdams campaign- have more time than money and almost none of each but want to be very sure I have done what I can do to not only defeat Mr Miller but bring forward Mr McAdams.
      I don’t do compromise or strategy votes.
      I vote for who I want or I leave the slot blank.
      I want Mr Mc Adams to stand for Alaska in the US Senate.

      • Alaska Pi says:

        (and unless something changes dramatically I will be leaving the governor slot blank )

        • Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

          Woe is me, also too for that oval.

          • nswfm says:

            My first election, I went to vote with my dad who drove (he still insists on driving—some things will never change). When we left the polling place, he told me he’d voted for me for mayor. I said “But Dad, I wasn’t even running.” He said, “Yeah, but I think you could do a better job than the guys who are, and I wasn’t going to vote for them.” He works at that same polling station now that he’s retired.

            Write in your sister and fill in the oval, that’s my advice.

          • CO almost native says:

            Awesome! Better than writing in Mickey Mouse or Superman… 😉

        • frsbdg says:

          me too, and all because of Diane Benson. I had a personal encounter with her, and wouldn’t want her next in line at Taco Bell, much less the Governorship.

          • nswfm says:

            CO almost native, imagine that I was only 18 and a few months, graduating from HS in a few weeks with 8 scholarships, accepted to attend one of the leading universities in the world and think about how many lessons I learned from my dad with just that interchange. I wish everyone was lucky enough to have my parents.

            I vote, EVERY SINGLE TIME.

            GOTV, Mudflats amigos, wherever you are.

    • bubbles says:

      yeaaay!! way to go Flex!

    • Moose Pucky says:

      Thanks, flex.

  55. essjay says:

    “Miller supporters have already threatened to have people named “Lisa M” run write-in campaigns simply to GUM-UP THE VOTING SYSTEM”

    If these people wish to be considered sane, rational, mature citizens of the United States of America it doesn’t show. If I were a candidate and thought I was drawing that kind of ‘supporters’ I’d be outta there in a New York minute, Alaska or no. They’ve surely hit the bottom of the barrel in the good citizen department (not to mention honesty and a few–no, lot–of other areas.

    • CoyoteMarti says:

      Mature citizens? Voter disenfranchisement goes deep into their DNA. Thus the need for the Voting Rights Act in the 60’s to kill the poll tax down south, the Republican bully-boy teams screaming and intimidating the Florida recounters in 2000, and the huge cadres of poll watchers and attorneys the Obama campaign had to stand up in 2008. To name a few.

  56. Jerry G says:

    If looking forward to two months of local republican cannibalism is wrong, I don’t want to be right!

  57. BS says:

    You have to give Lisa credit – Very good speech (a bit Evita-ish) and an impressive line-up of supporters. Wonderful to see how the crowd reacted to teabagger references. I’m still voting for McAdams, but if I can’t have that – I hope Lisa beats the Joe. Lisa really has the political clout, that’s for sure.

    • Zoom Zoom says:

      Miller people keep up their hate rants there’re going to give themselves hearattacks. Damn they are whinny.

      From ADN

      Spambalaya wrote on 09/17/2010 06:48:14 PM:
      I’m wondering just how many of those criticizing Murkowski for deciding to run as a write-in candaidate are aware that current Tea Party darling Christine O’Donnell ran as a write-in candidate for senate in Delaware’s 2006 general election after she finished third in the GOP primary that year?

      That’s right–she lost to Jan C. Ting in the 2006 primary and, instead of putting party unity ahead of her personal ambitions and endorsing Ting in the general election, she ran against him and Democrat (and eventual winner) Tom Casper in November 2006. In other words, she did exactly the same thing that Lisa Murkowski is doing.

      But hypocrisy is a virtue in the teabagger world, so O’Donnell’s a hero to them while Murkowski is a schmuck. LOL

    • Moose Pucky says:

      I don’t want six more years of Murkowski “political clout”. Against better access to health care for all, against the two women Supreme Court nominees, against the EPA involvement in clean air issues, against increasing the liability cap for oil companies who cause catastrophic oil spills.

      • Elsie says:

        I have something to contribute about Murkowski. Here are some places to start:

        “Newtok is a Native Alaskan village that is being forced to relocate as the river and ocean erode its shorelines. The erosion rates have been exacerbated by thawing permafrost, declining sea ice protection, increased storm surge exposure, and warming temperatures. In 1994, Newtok was one of the first villages to consider relocating to a new, less vulnerable site.”

        Take a minute to look over, with special care given to the link at Immediate Action Work Group Final Report There you will find a 168-page document that’s worth a perusal.

        Additionally, here’s an older publication from the U.S. Corps of Engineers, titled: “Alaska Village Erosion Technical Assistance Program” which examines erosion issues not only in Newtok, but also five more Alaskan communities as of April 2006.

        The point of this is to show that a heck of a lot of Alaskans are suffering TODAY from climate change issues. The permafrost is actually melting… yes it is….and because of that, homes drop down into the spongy mess below their foundations. Flooding and erosion are tearing up many coastal villages. River ice melted much earlier in some parts of the state this last spring, making the wintry ice’s snow machine trails dangerous with fluctuating warm/cold temperatures at unexpected times of the year, etc. I could go on, but maybe you see my points here…CLIMATE CHANGE IS REAL, AND ALASKA IS SUFFERING. So what does Murkowski do?

        She introduced a bill that would block the Environmental Protection Agency from limiting the amount of greenhouse gases that major industries can produce, effectively nullifying the EPA’s authority to regulate gases that contribute to global climate change. She said that we can’t “turn a blind eye to the EPA’s efforts to impose back-door climate regulations with no input from Congress.” (Wikipedia)

        I’d really like to know when she stops playing her corporatist games, and starts worrying about the citizens of Alaska whose houses are dropping down into the melted permafrost or washing away in coastal erosion?

        The woman is a shill for corporate America. She might not have started out that way, but in recent times, she’s certainly climbed in bed with them.

        Vote Scott McAdams. Please.

  58. pacos_gal says:

    Maybe it’s not about winning for Lisa, maybe it is about being really, really PO’d at Miller and Palin.

    • Zoom Zoom says:

      I thought the same. Lisa could go home & be a very happy, loved, satisfied woman. Payback will be a bitch for Palin. Losing Miller in a clean sweep with a historic vote is going to be quite a feather in Murkowski’s hat. Palin should have sat down and shut up for once counting her money. Going against a Murkowski with nothing to lose…epic blood bath.

      Lisa is firece but her mother is deadly. Palin better check flight role calls before the doors close. Mama Murkowski, enclosed area = OMIGod.

    • A Fan in CA says:

      PG I think you may be on to it for Lisa. She’s PO’ed and it is going to come out in her campaign. Miller and Lisa may end up covered in a thick coating of the dirtiest mud we’ve ever seen.

      Scott needs to run an honest pro AK campaign and show he’ll be working for the people. Surely all the Begich voters will consider voting for him. Let Lisa and Miller split the rest.

      • mudkitten says:

        That’s what I am hoping will happen. If Lisa tries to target the moderates or frighten them into voting for her to avoid a Miller win, though, Scott won’t get the votes.

        • Moose Pucky says:

          There are no “moderates” who will be voting for Lisa. There will only be Republicans (even if they are only registered as U or N) who like her seniority who will be voting for Lisa.

          Real moderates who want what is best for Alaska will choose McAdams.

  59. Laurie says:

    Good for her! He ran a mean and hard campaign against her. Now she will get a chance to do the same.

  60. far from fenway fan says:

    Won’t it be something if we progressives get the long, last laugh and defeat all the Tea Party candidates. Way to go, Sarah – you picked off the giants for us and now we go head-to-head with the light weights. The Delaware seat was an “R” for certain until $P stepped in and got her clone to win the primary. Palin is a Republican nightmare, but we Progressives may live to thank her yet!

  61. BigPete says:

    “No-holds-barred, pedal-to-the-metal stuff.”

    Of course she has a good chance!
    Who would want to be in Miller’s situation- pulling off a “miracle on ice” twice in a row?

    • Moose Pucky says:

      Nah, Miller’s folks are really, really loyal to Joe Miller.

      And McAdams folks are really, really loyal to McAdams.

      Murkowski is not popular in either camp. It’s a long shot for her.

  62. Elizabeth says:

    I’m thinking that the dirtier the campaign gets, the less likely Joe will get much of the vote. Alaska seems to be getting tired of Sarah, and Lisa’s emphasis on Joe’s outside backing will be enough. I really think the battle will be between Scott and Lisa. I wish the National Democratic Party would get behind him, so you folks don’t have to carry all the water. I can’t vote in Alaska, but I’m pulling for Scott.

    • “I wish the National Democratic Party would get behind him, so you folks don’t have to carry all the water.”


      After today, who knows?

      • Zoom Zoom says:

        They were probably waiting to weigh in on endorements until after Lisa’s statement. I don’t see two months being a game changer?

        Is it true Palin was a Dem for ten years before being tapped by Ted?

        Leslie Andrews, Mark B’s cousin said she was on a commity with Sarah for years & she was a Dem at that time.

        Andrew’s as well had some first person experiences with Bristol in 2007 when L said Bristol was very, very, knocked up drinking, smoking, helllll raising at the Palin cabin.

    • jojobo1 says:

      Me too but I can send donations even if it is not a lot.

  63. austintx says:

    Didn’t take long for the twit to tweet.


    1. Primary voters spoke. Listen to the people, respect their will; w/a 40-pt incumbent lead & $2.8 million war chest, voters chose Joe instead

  64. Zoom Zoom says:

    Murkowski is not an unknown. She has the task of making the point at the polls to clarify her full name and to make sure EVERYONE brings a pen. Wouldn;t put it past Miller or Palin to send their offspring into the booths snatching writing instruments. McAdam’s had his moment of national spotlight however, unless he & Joe Blow scare Ak’ers into not voting for Lisa because of possible senate seniority loss or show she has no relationships of trust or respect to fall back on….she’ll win.

    Myself, I am voting for her if she is shown in later polls as a runaway canidate. Should she & Miller be canceling each other out, I’ll go McAdam’s but there is no way in Helllll Iam throwing a vote away that will benefit Miller.

    • Zoom Zoom says:

      I am though voting for Ethan. Hope he rallies well enough to pick off Parnell.

    • Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

      “Myself, I am voting for her if she is shown in later polls as a runaway canidate. Should she & Miller be canceling each other out, I’ll go McAdam’s but there is no way in Helllll Iam throwing a vote away that will benefit Miller.”

      This sentiment is exactly what Halcro / Murkowski are counting on to swing the vote her way. All they have to do is stay neck and neck or past Miller in the polls, and they are figuring to pull in the left and moderate votes away from McAdams at the end of the race.

      Not me – not doing it the way they want me to. I’m voting Democratic. I’m voting for someone, not against someone.

    • Zoom, Hickel lost his write-in campaign as well. He was definitely NOT an unknown.

      However, the circumstances this time are unique. It’s going to be a very interesting (and agonizingly painful) process!

      • Zoom Zoom says:

        Linds can you find out why; Soneone explain why Joe’s OFFICAL TWITTER ACCOUNT FOR SENATE is intentionally following little girls fanning over the tween Justin Biber?

        This is who a 40 something old man is following…HE IS FOLLOWING HER…WHY? Does he also too, like mini cows and poptarts?

        Name SuHana Firman
        Location Ala-la-la-la-laska
        Bio I love Justin Bieber, Cody Simpson, Aaron Fresh and Christian Beadles. I love mini cows, too!Poptarts! YUMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      • Zoom Zoom says:

        Palin better start another trust fund for Van Snidely. All those hours of recounts that are gonna happen won’t be on a volunteer basis.

      • Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

        They are unique, but all these progressive strategists now have to reach the well trained Democrats who have been led to believe progressives / Dems can never win here. I know a bunch of them.

        No one is talking to them about strategy. No one is telling them how good the chances are for a progressive to win due to these unique circumstances. They are registered Ds, so they are not going to get all the crazy stuff on the phone that Undeclareds and NonPartisan voters get. They are in a bubble. As long as they are in a bubble, a whole bunch of them are going to vote for Lisa to keep Miller out.

        • A Fan in CA says:

          Can someone explain to me how just 2 years ago a Dem won over a very loved Repub who was having some legal problems?

          Why won’t those who voted for Begich want to send another sane person to the Senate this time too?

          Lisa is acting like a spoiled rich girl and Miller, well, he’s Miller. Nuf said.

          Scott is a great candidate and is exactly what the March for Sanity in DC is about.

        • LoveMydogs says:

          Not me!!! I will not vote for either one of them. The JM people are spooked now. I was talking to one at the office today and she said “Oh man, now the democrats are going to win”. She had no idea who the democrat is. I, of course, had to enlighten her about Mr McAdams as well as about the Koch Bros., who they are and the fact that they are funding her guy. Eyebrows went up.

          I’m telling you, for every JM lover you meet (and they really dislike Lisa) there is a Lisa lover standing at the ready with their very own pen. The Reps will split the vote and if moderates and progressives stand their ground for once, McAdams just might win. There are certainly people on the other side of the political fence who are worried about it. Wonder if they will chicken out and vote for Lisa just to keep a dem out?

          The main point is that we have to stand our ground and go down swinging if necessary.

          That being said, it would seem that the villages will vote for Lisa (from all the interviews I’ve seen on the local news). Scott needs to get out to western Alaska and do some talking.

          • Moose Pucky says:

            Hooves dug in and antlers swinging. Well said, LoveMydogs.

            McAdams is the best candidate to hit Alaska in years. Will put the interests of all Alaskans first and is politically savvy, respectful, smart, funny, and kind.

            Six more years of Lisa Murkowski’s partisan/corporate/industrial grandstanding is the worst thing that could happen to Alaska.

            Worse than Joe Miller even–who is really, really out there. But refreshingly fresh.

        • ValleyIndependent says:

          I would still like to know how many Dems voted for Miller, because they thought he would be easier for McAdams to beat. I wonder if it was enough to be the difference that landed us in this dilemma?

    • Ben in SF says:

      “Starts with Murk”

    • Ray says:

      How about Murkowski handing out pens with her name on them so they spell correctly at the polls or even before, pens are cheaper than lots of things.

  65. LA Brian says:

    “So let’s just say that unicorns start popping up around Alaska . . .” I just hope I get the chance to visit before they declare open season or approve aerial hunting.

    Thanks for the analysis, Linda.

    • Zoom Zoom says:

      Have you caught the reports Quittypants is a liar about her recent kill shot on caribou? Hope she gets nailed about fishing without a licence also too.

      • Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

        She LIED about working her family fishery business while in Homer, where she was so aptly crowned WORST GOVERNOR EVER. She has no commercial license in that region.

        PALIN posted “And here I am, thousands of miles away from DC out on a commercial fishing boat, working my butt off for my own business, merely asking the Democrat politicos and their liberal friends in the media: “What’s the plan, man?”, and they seem to feel threatened by my question. So, I’ll go back to setting my hooks and watching the halibut take the bait, and when I come back into the boat’s cabin in a few hours…”

        SHANNYN: Strange. The Palin’s fishing business doesn’t include IFQ’s (Individual Fishing Quotas) necessary for commercially harvesting halibut. Her baiting hooks and keeping a manicure is laughable. Halibut are on the bottom of the ocean, hard to watch them “take the bait”. I hope she’s got a crew license.

        • My reply to Palin tweet, which advised Lisa to do what everyone should when they see a grizzly, “Don’t run!”:

          “@SarahPalinUSA You can’t fool another Alaska woman…you are no more a grizzly than you are a hunter–others do the “grizzly-ing” for you.”