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In or Out? Murkowski’s ‘Big Announcement’ Tonight

We’re all getting whiplash from the back and forth speculation about Lisa Murkowski and whether she will run or not as a write-in candidate for the United States Senate.

She’s set to make a big announcement tonight at 5pm at the Dena’ina Center.  The latest thinking is that she will declare her candidacy as a write-in candidate.

The Anchorage Daily News reports Facebook postings and loose lips from the Murkowski camp.

Steve Aufrecht reports dumpster diving for Murkowski signs.

If she jumps in the race, get ready for the circus.  You thought vote counting was crazy during the primary? 

Buckle up.



No Responses to “In or Out? Murkowski’s ‘Big Announcement’ Tonight”
  1. manyamile says:

    There was a case in San Diego a few years back. A wonderful candidate named Donna Frye (who served on the city council) , ran for mayor as a write in.She won the plurality of voters actually but did not prevail bacause many voters did not fill in the bubble next to her name or misspelled her name . Many wrote ‘Fry’ instead of ‘Frye’.
    this cost her the victory.

  2. manyamile says:

    i knew from the beginning , that SP felt entirely comfortable at ‘givin’ a shot’ at ruling the world. she actually believes she is competent.

  3. beth says:

    Tangent Warning!

    Saw the below over on HuffPo. And I had to read it {like a moth drawn to a flame?} Funny thing is: I read it *WITH* little to-the-point side comments, in red, after her statements…even though none were there on the page. Our own dear AKM has addressed this bs crapolla from $P *so* many times, already, that you’d think *someone!* in the media would call the Queen of Quitters and Dame of Delusions *out* on the nutjobbery she spouts *when* she spouts it! Alas and alack…

    Anyway, below’s a portion of what’s being reported — see if you, too, ‘read’ AMKs ‘red comments’ when $P, again, comes out with such inane, mega-ego-driven, excrutiatingly “lookee-me, lookee me, lookee me, Daddy [read: POTUS]” balderdash.

    I, personally, was/am slow boil-disgusted that $P could even *think* she’d be considered anywhere *near* POTUSs league mentally, emotionally, maturity-wise, etc, but I sure was having *great* belly laughs over the [inserted] ‘red comments’. beth.

    –Like the first sentence. It opens with “Sarah Palin tends to shy away from questions” — my ‘reading eye’ *immediately* saw AKM writing in red, {“because she isn’t quick enough or intelligent enough to answer them. See Couric and Gibson interviews: here and here. And VP debate: here.”} Maybe AKM’ll give this “Yes, I’m Presidential Material” pile of moose nuggets from $P the ‘red comment’ treatment? Yes? b.

    Sarah Palin 2012 Presidential Run? ‘I Would Give It A Shot’

    Sarah Palin tends to shy away from questions regarding her presidential ambitions, but not on Friday, when she told Fox News that given some vague preconditions, she’d be willing to “give it a shot” in 2012.

    In Des Moines, Iowa, for the annual Reagan Dinner fundraiser — a perennial destination for Republican presidential hopefuls — the ex-governor and 2008 vice-presidential nominee said she’d be “willing” to go head to head with President Barack Obama if voters think she’s “the one.”

    “If the American people were to be ready for someone who is willing to shake it up, and willing to get back to time-tested truths, and help lead our country towards a more prosperous and safe future and if they happen to think I was the one, if it were best for my family and for our country, of course I would give it a shot,” Palin said. “But I’m not saying that it’s me. I know I can certainly make a difference without having a title. I’m having a good time doing exactly that right now.” [/snip]

    Full Article:

  4. manyamile says:

    hi Alaskans in the know.
    Can anyone tell me why pollsters put McAdams trailing from the get go, in either a 2 or 3 way race?
    i know I am biased, but Miller’s negatives just shriek, even at a great distance, and McAdams seems like a solid, down to earth candidate with a lot of home town, or ‘homestate’ appeal.

    what do you think the reasoning is, sheer R versus D registration numbers?

    • A Fan in CA says:

      No its not registration numbers of either R or D. The majority in AK belong to neither party. This is going to be up to the Independents. Just remember Begich defeated Stevens just 2 years ago. AK can elect a Democrat.

      Apparently the only poll was from right after the primary and a lot of folks had not been introduced to McAdam. That’s going to change and when they see what a great native son he is they may just give him the majority.

      • Zyxomma says:

        So true. One of the reasons McShame’s campaign plucked $carah from obscurity was that AK was trending blue for the 2008 election. Even though it’s only one electoral college vote, it would have been a HUGE embarrassment for the R party to have AK in Obama’s corner. Alaska is full of independents, and while they trend one way or another (progressive or regressive, to my mind), the state as a whole cannot be counted on by either of the two parties.

        Go Scott!

  5. John says:

    No matter what, there is one silver lining they can’t take away: Before Sarah and Joe Miller stepped in, Murkowski was a safe win for the R’s in the Senate. Now it is up for grabs and the party will have to put money into this race to keep it. This is money they would have been able to spend in other states to try to defeat a D.

  6. benlomond2 says:

    ..and what does the rural community think of all of this? Are they enough to swing this one way or the other ? Can enough absentee votes be sent out in time for maximum turnout of the rural community ?

  7. mudbug says:

    don’t risk miller. With Lisa in, Miller is running like a scared wabbit. Lisa is now the elephant in the china shop, and can smash a few tea cups along the way!

    • Bretta says:

      I hope she totally hammers him. I hope she beats him black and blue. We already know he’s ignorant of the law and the Constitution, he takes federal money for farming, he tried to scam his way out of a ticket for a rear-ender, and can’t keep a job. We don’t need another politician of the $Palin ilk.

  8. honestyingov says:

    At the end of WGE’s speech at the Reagan dinner tonight she was talking to people by the side of the stage after the speech. She answered someone’s question…
    ” Joe Miller is the right man to vote for to send to Washington ”

    BTW : Here is a Twitter link to someone there who Live-Tweeted the event.
    He points out the fine points…. and includes some snark as well.

  9. Polly says:

    I don’t know what to think!?? Maybe the ads and funds from the Tea Party will be more directed against Murkowski than McAdams. That could be very helpful!! Maybe Murkowski will expose some of the old dirt on Palin/Miller that we’ve been trying to get out there for the last two years.

    • Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

      The Tea Party stated they gave him the help he needed in the Primary, and it was on to smooth sailing for him! Not that I believe anything they say.

  10. Millie says:

    I really am growing to respect Murkowski less and less. She ran in the primary – she lost; she ran a horrible campaign; her ego is huge, huge, huge; she will separate the Republican vote; she is NOT thinking about Alaska – she is thinking only about herself; and, what happened to the graceful woman who gave the defeat speech after the primary?

    As I’ve said before, I’ll do everything I can to campaign against her.

    • manyamile says:

      yes, this Republican (and i include Lieberman in this category) trend of not accepting the results and running beyond the primary is weird.

      You lost!
      you lost, you’re out!
      nuh unh, i’m runniung anyway!

      i mean, why bother with a primary?

  11. Marnie says:

    Personally, I think she would do better running for Governor, and then again for the Senate.
    She would have a better footing coming out of an elected office, rather than coming from a lost primary.

    The war between Joe and Lisa will drown McAdams PR efforts.

  12. Moose Pucky says:

    Murkowski is well-funded by corporations and industry.

    The question is: Are the people ready to reject corporate politics and elect someone who will represent working Alaskans?

  13. Baker's Dozen says:

    Way OT, but since Lisa is a woman, I guess this fits in somehow.

    “The new study, by the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation at the University of Washington, found that between 1970 and 2009, mortality of children under age 5 fell by half, to 7.8 million deaths per year.

    Half of the drop is because women of a reproductive age are better educated. That helps mothers make better choices about personal hygiene, nutrition, and parenting. The study appears in the Sept. 18 issue of The Lancet.”

    Yes, Sarah, there is a Santa Claus. He’s called education.

  14. moseyon says:

    This is a thought, please correct me if it is wrong.
    You say it is nearly impossible for Lisa to win with a write in.
    Being on the champagne trail give her the freedom to attack Miller and Palin.
    If she is not running anything,what she says sounds like sour grapes.
    There is nothing like a woman scorned to get revenge.
    He called her a Prostitute and Palin told her to give it up and accept the will of the Alaskan voters.
    You people in Alaska know her. Is she capable of bring Miller and Palin down?
    I ask that because, I cannot think of any other reason for trying to do the impossible like a write in.

    • Polly says:

      There are a lot of people who like Lisa– Andrew Halcro is one for example. They all may know something we don’t and have some grand strategy in mind.

      Also. We need to focus on Berkowitz/Benson beating Mr. Parnell.

      • Bretta says:

        I agree, Andrew Halcro has been working hard to keep Lisa in the race. I think he has something in mind. I still think if it hadn’t been for the anti-pregnant teen ballot no one would have voted for joe. Since that was also on the ballot, the anti-choice people came out in droves to vote. I doubt they will have the incentive to follow through in the general.

        • Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

          Their churches tell them how to vote, then make sure they get transport to the polls. It’s been going on for quite some time.

      • Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

        Their strategy is what it’s always been – they look at the huge number or Undeclared Party voters, along with the NonPartisans, and count on those moderates and left leaners to show up and vote for Lisa to keep Miller out. Nothing has changed.

  15. Writing from Alaska says:

    hum. that is all I can say.

  16. SunRose says:

    The fact that Lisa has taken so much time to decide seems like it could only have helped Scott McAdams. People who wouldn’t have taken the time to get to know him are now thinking that he’s their guy. I predict that Lisa and Joe will split the conservative vote,and the campaigning will get so ugly between the two of them that anyone who is moderately conservative will feel that McAdams is their only sane choice. In the meantime I’d better get back to my deep breathing exercises, I’m going to need them between now and election day.

  17. Wolf Pack says:

    The decision will be big Petro’s. DO they want her to stay in the race or will they put the faith in Joe.

    • Moose Pucky says:

      Please. We do not give our decisions to big petro. If so, Lisa’s your girl.

    • beth says:

      Follow the source(s) of money to Lisa, Joe, and/or Scott for the next 6 weeks? I have a feeling the first two’ll be raking it in in a ‘battle’ between the Grande Petro and the TPExpress…ol’ Scott’ll end up as he did during the primaries: sucking hind teat. beth.

  18. CRFlats says:

    So, Lisa is in and we have a 3 way:
    Joe, Lisa and Scott

    Joe, who received about 10% of the vote and managed to win (still a marginalized candidate)
    Lisa, who has a war chest and connections up the yin yang (and brings home the bacon),
    and Scott, who has no war chest, ran unopposed, and is hardly known (and the only real moderate in the race).

    Realistically, if the voters actually turn out this time, and that is a big IF, we have a real two way race between Lisa and Scott.

    I know a lot of people (N & U) who voted the R ballot for Lisa or Joe: some because they thought Joe the weaker candidate, and his election would help Scott, others because they couldn’t stomach voting for Joe, and wanted to send that message to the party of palin, but none would vote for either in the general.

    Alaskans are more moderate than are given credit for; how else can you explain Begich’s win? This will be one for the record books, no matter who wins. We Alaskans are cursed to live in interesting times.

    • John says:

      No one knew who Joe Miller was a month before the primary. McAdams is no more of an unknown then Miller. In fact, McAdams had already made state wide connections with his work on the Alaska Association of School Boards and since then as a Mayor.

      • CRFlats says:

        Agree. Scott has a lot of work to do. And he will need a lot of help. I happen to think he has a real shot at it. But I do think that that is the race; Scott and Lisa. A clear choice for left and right, but a tough choice for many moderates. Both candidates will have no trouble marginalizing Joe, because he is already out there. Idealists will have a choice in Scott, pragmatists will have a harder time. At least that’s what appears too me.

        • Moose Pucky says:

          Lisa is right. Not a moderate. Moderates will have no problems supporting McAdams.
          The question is: How many actual moderates are there in Alaska?

    • Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

      “I know a lot of people (N & U) who voted the R ballot for Lisa or Joe: some because they thought Joe the weaker candidate, and his election would help Scott, others because they couldn’t stomach voting for Joe, and wanted to send that message to the party of palin, but none would vote for either in the general. ”

      It’s key to talk to these voters and make them aware that the progressive can win. If everyone who used this strategy panics over Joe and votes for Lisa, then they are playing the part exactly as its been written for quite some time by the conservatives. If they are panicked over Joe, they can vote for McAdams and start a whole new chapter.

      Say he1l ya to voting FOR someone!

  19. bubbles says:

    oh dear. i don’t know what to think.

  20. mudbug says:

    It’s win-win-win with her back in! Win if loses (and he will!!), it’s a win if McAdams wins and it’s a win if Murkowski wins.

    • Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

      A very likely scenario of voting leaves Miller the winner. Not win – win in my book.

    • Moose Pucky says:

      A Murkowski win is not a win. It’s six more years of pandering to industry.

  21. Kelly says:

    A write-in vote for Lesa Mercowskee = a vote for Joe the Miller…and the end of the world as we know it.

  22. Mudflatsfan says:

    Go for it Lisa. Then endorse the Dem!!!

  23. Moose Pucky says:

    Let’s see, Murkowski–voted against both Obama Supreme Court nominees, advocated reducing the the power of the EPA over clean air, pandered to the oil companies regarding liability on oil spills, opposed improvements of access to health care for Alaskans (and all Americans). A corporate shill. Hope she gets hammered by both Miller and McAdams.

  24. A Fan in CA says:

    Sure hope Scott takes advantage of her big selfish move. Lisa is out for Lisa. It’s going to take work by everyone but Scott can do it because he seems to really care about what’s best for AK.

  25. overthemoon says:

    AKM and friends…here’s something with which to while away the hours.

    Sorry if this posts twice, I think my email address was wrong so I haven’t been passing our ever diligent monitors!

  26. overthemoon says:

    AKM and friends…here’s something with which to while away the hours.

  27. windpond says: says she’s in.

  28. InJuneau says:

    Yup, sounds like she’s in (sources, sources). Scott’s my man though!

    • Mudflatsfan says:

      I would love to see the moderate Republicans work with the Dems. Oh, this would be so good. I am over the Republicans getting behind candidates that they do not even want to endorse. They have folded to the 3 stooges (Palin, Beck & Limbaugh).

      • Moose Pucky says:

        Republicans will vote Republican–even if they are not registered as Republican. Many will choose Lisa. Many will choose Miller.

        In a three way race the winner only has to get 40% or so of the vote, not 50%.

        McAdams, who is the best candidate Alaska has seen since Jay Hammond (who was a popular Republican, by the way), has a great shot at this seat.

        If Alaskans want to get past the corporate shill (Lisa) and the fringe nut-case (Miller), they will support an Alaskan who is looking out for their best interests (McAdams).

  29. lemonfair says:

    Boy, this complicates matters. It’ll be interesting to see what the polling shows. If I were in Alaska I’d be voting for Scott, but I bet there are going to be a lot of moderates torn. On the other hand, she’s not likely to win as a write in. That’s very difficult. So maybe a lot of the realists will vote for Scott instead. decisions, decisions.

  30. Blue_in_AK says:

    Lisa seems hell-bent on ensuring a Joe Miller victory by splitting the “reasonable” voters. I am sticking with McAdams who is not a hypocrite and won his primary fair and square.

    • Moose Pucky says:

      There is no “ensure” for Joe Miller here if folks take the time to get to know all three candidates.
      If they do, McAdams will be the clear favorite.

    • Elizabeth says:

      I disagree. I think Lisa will guarantee that Joe comes in third. The contest will be between Scott and Lisa. Sarah will screech, but Alaska appears to be getting tired of her.

  31. Ratfish says:

    She’s in.

    I’m on the way to get a 7 week supply of beer and popcorn.

    It’s nuclear war: Lisa vs Palin/Miller. Can’t wait.

  32. John says:

    I have heard that people have already been invited to a campaign kick off party, so…….

    I’m still voting for Scott

  33. slipstream says:

    The jungle drums have been beating all night . . . she’s running.

  34. MindVoter says:

    Ok, is it my imagination? Didn’t Lisa spend a few days this week in Anchorage after Congress reconvened, then flew to DC mid-week, and now has flown back to Alaska to make an announcement at 5PM? Does this sound like the best use of travel funds? Small detail, I realize, but this rediculous expense just irritated my last Murkowsky nerve. Waiting with popcorn for the announcement. Surely it will be exciting with all the pre-event hype.

  35. James says:

    Her ruling class sense of entitlement isn’t enough, I guess. Now she has to prove she’s an attention whore too. Lisa: Just. Go. Away. Please.

  36. FromTheOutside says:

    I’m a long-time lurker, first-time poster from the lower 48. I’m curious to hear people’s thoughts on how this will affect the dynamics of the race. I had felt McAdams had a decent shot in two-way race against Miller, but I wonder if the anti-Miller message (he’s extreme, anti-fed funded development, anti-Social Security, etc.) has become so potent that, ultimately, moderate and even liberal voters will feel they have to do whatever it takes to defeat Miller, and whether that will mean to them that they have to vote for the person they view as the most credible anti-Miller candidate, Murkowski.

    • FromTheOutside says:

      I would just add that I hope I’m wrong about all that, by the way. But if there’s a grain of truth in that, it means that McAdams either needs to become the most credible anti-Miller candidate or that he lets Lisa and Miller tear into each other while he runs as a populist outsider (and hopes there’s enough oxygen left for his message to attract attention).

  37. Jerry G says:

    The “Join us at the Kick-off of Senator Lisa’s campaign — with a theme of ‘write in her name in and fill in the oval.'” email sent out by Murkowski supporters this morning seems like a pretty big hint as to tonight’s big announcement.

  38. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    I’m going with Scott McAdams all the way. This was not the outcome envisioned by those progressive voters who decided to stratergize this time around, I’ll bet.

    If we progressive voters don’t stop, catch our breath, and quit voting against someone instead of for someone, then we will not get a progressive candidate. It’s as simple as that. We are counted on (whether we are left leaning or moderate Undeclareds, Non Partisan voters, or Democrats) – to win this campaign for Lisa. She wants us to vote for her to avoid Miller. She’s counting on it. Sorry, not this time, not this Non Partisan voter.

    We can do this! But only if progressive voters talk to each other, other Us and Ns to get a feel for how we actually can do this. If you sit back and listen to the national press, they couldn’t be more wrong. Even folks who have visited this site and met many Alaskans don’t get how we vote, either. The same rules do not apply here with all the Undeclareds and Non Partisan voters. Even our own press is not digging deep enough – and they should know better.

    WE CAN DO THIS! Go Scott!

    • nswfm says:

      MUYS, I’m at a trade show through Sunday, but go back a few posts and get the Farmer post suggestions from KN in response to my #1 post and get your friends and family to post that and other stuff about Miller and the links to positive info on McAdams out there to spread the word. I can’t get to the Forum from my phone, but HamletsMill had compiled a “mailing” list to media that you can also use.

      Get the word out people! You can do it by getting out the vote!

    • Moose Pucky says:

      Get to know Scott McAdams. Can’t think of any better candidate to represent Alaska for the next six years. He will be on APRN’s “Talk of Alaska” on Tuesday. Tune in. Listen up. Give Scott the support he needs to represent Alaska (and the whole country) well in the U.S. Senate.

    • AK Raven says:

      Early voting starts soon. GEt there and vote for McAdams, then you can help get out the vote for the campaign!

      Vote early!!

      Get everyone you know to vote early! Then they can’t be swayed by the nasty lies that are sure to come.

    • BS says:

      My two cents – I think the majority of the U’s and N’s (of which I am one) already lean one way or another. Therefore I am hopeful Lisa will split the R vote, and votes will be added to the D vote. I don’t believe for one second an N is totally non-partisan. We just don’t want to be affiliated with a party for a number of reasons. I have been accused of lying when I have revealed I am an N, because everyone knows I am a flaming liberal!

  39. Irishgirl says:

    I have no idea, and I am sure I will wake up in the morning to hear the unexpected.

  40. North of the Range says:

    Several prominent Lisa signs in Fairbanks were never taken down. Am still driving past them every day.

  41. BigSlick says:

    Her ego won’t let her not jump back into the fray.

    • Mudflatsfan says:

      I think she just might. Palin is President in her own mind. She has never stopped campaigning. She thinks she is the “one.” Predictable.

      Anything is possible. The Republicans have created their own nightmare to win.

      Note to Media: You don’t need to pay political strategists, you need a couple of psychiatrists who can strategize.

      I obviously don’t want any Republican to win. However, at some point, there really needs to be some level headed Republicans. Palin and her tea party crew will shut down the government. Intelligent minds have to prevail.