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Help us, Rachel-Wan-Maddow, Scott McAdams Is Our Only Hope!

This election cycle, Alaskans have found it particularly difficult to breathe due to the lack of available air. The reason: it’s being sucked directly out of the atmosphere by the family feud between want-to-be-Senator-again Lisa Murkowski and professional grifter/East German Cold War admirer, Joe Miller.

Of course, the person having the most difficult time finding air is Democratic Primary winner, Sitka Mayor Scott McAdams.

It’s not for lack of good campaigning…he’s doing everything right. I even attended one of the Townhall Meetings he scheduled and was blown out of the water by his responses to every question asked of him. Also, he didn’t have ANY private security nor did he arrest any on-line media! As a matter-of-fact, he’s doing so well that he managed to raise more money in the last 30 days than the other two combined…and the majority of it is in increments of $200.00 or less.

We know you did do an interview with him right after Miller won the primary…and we appreciate that. However, much has happened since then. An excellent, intelligent Democratic Senatorial candidate with a drama-free past who pays his bills, has a solid work record, serves his constituents as Mayor of Sitka cannot compete for sound bytes with the walking catastrophe that is Joe Miller, or the desperate write-in that is Lisa Murkowski. Worst of all, it’s clear that someone from “the darkside” has worked a Jedi Mind Trick on a few Democrats in this state. Democratic Legislator Al Kookesh even chose his interest and position in the corporation over his party and constituents in order to openly endorse Lisa Murkowski over Scott McAdams:

Other Democrats found their fear causing them to actually consider writing-in Murkowski…even though her recent Senate voting record is almost no different than Joe Miller’s would be….even though she can’t possibly win as a write-in…even though a vote for her is the same as a vote for Miller.

Here is the math:

However, we see the tide turning in the polls…Scott McAdams has something that Murkowski and Miller don’t have…McMentum. The polls have shown steady losses for Miller, no real change for Murkowski and steady gains for McAdams, causing Nate Silver to declare this race a virtual three-way tie.

And that is why we need your help, Rachel.

You did a wonderful thing when you visited Delaware and attended a Townhall by Candidate Chris Coons, who is mostly being ignored by the media due to another Tea Party windbag:

We need you to do the same thing here in Alaska. (This is during what has been so far a lovely autumn…does that help?) You can show Scott McAdams doing what he’s been doing all along–traveling all over Alaska, answering questions and meeting his future constituents. Unlike Murkowski, who held speaker-phone fund-raisers with Washington D.C. lobbyists, Scott has rejected corporate PAC money. Unlike Joe Miller and the Tea Party Express, Scott McAdams doesn’t have out-of-state 527 groups pouring hundreds of thousands of dollars from corporate opportunists…90% of his donations are under $200.00 and over 50% of his total money is within the state. Neither Miller nor Murkowski can match that claim.

Alaska needs to get to know Scott McAdams better, because to know him is to vote for him. Help us, Rachel-Wan…attention from someone of your stature could be just the boost he needs to put him over the top!



97 Responses to “Help us, Rachel-Wan-Maddow, Scott McAdams Is Our Only Hope!”
  1. Barbara says:

    Rachel….I hear rumors on the wind you are coming to Alaska to help get some air time for Scott McAdams!!! YES! I gotta tell you when I went to see him speak at the Spenard Recreational Center a couple weeks back, ALL roads, except Northwood which is way out of the way, was BLOCKED with Road Closed signs. The Republican Mayor Sullivan had construction road blocked signs put up all around the facility because of one section of the West driveway that was tore up but more than passable, in fact better than most roads in Alaska! It was just so BAD! Cars doing U-turns in the middle of the road and many being discouraged and not showing up, but some just plain parked on the roads and walked to get in. Me, I drove right through them road block signs and right up that drive way that was more than passable and I’m sure glad I did because hearing the honesty and hope in Scott McAdam’s voice made me cry and pray that he gets elected. You can help make this happen. Gosh I can’t wait to hear or see the broadcast. AWESOME!!!! THANKS RACHEL…ALASKA LOVES YOU FOR CARING ENOUGH to COME UP and HELP US!!! I love ya GF>

  2. Lynne Sangster says:

    Isn’t Liza’s name spelled Merkcowskee?

  3. seattlefan says:

    Linda and Mudflats! Tonight Rachel did just what you asked of her! She did an amazing piece on the Alaska fiasco and highlighted McAdams. Your wish came true. 🙂 Rachel rocks!

  4. larry beck says:

    On tonight’s show (10/21/10) Rachel was talking about the Alaskan Senate race and while talking to Nate Silver from Five Thirty Eight she said…..This race is so interesting, I wish Alaska was not so difficult to get to.


    Pepper her with emails Jean!! She needs to be there.

  5. Kath the Scrappy says:

    Posted my ‘Rachel plea’ at her blog too. She did such a FANTASTIC story on Chris Coons in Delaware, talking and listening to the people. Hope everyone saw that truly awesome Youtube Linda has posted here! That was the first time I got a real sense of Coons and his gentle diplomacy.

    Rachel is the only one that could do justice to the story of Scott McAdam’s McMentum while showing the beauty of Alaska – amongst the whackos running amuck like Leasa & Miller.

  6. North of the Range says:

    I have been more disappointed in Sen. Kookesh than in any other AK Democrat I have ever observed. Not because he’s the worst ever, but because he was different when he first started out. It’s hard to watch someone become like this, to watch them take these steps out of sheer political expediency for the corporation they also represent. It’s not surprising it happens, given the corrosive effect of corporate worldviews on the soul. But it’s supremely disappointing.

  7. TanteF says:

    Hint: Rachel loves to fish!

    • CO almost native says:

      Nasty, nasty stuff. I hope ADN picks this up, as well as other Alaska papers. Remember, when you eat dinner with the devil, bring a very long spoon.

    • dreamgirl says:

      Oh my.

      Racheal , Alaska is beautiful this time of the year.

  8. boodog says:

    PST! Ms. Maaaaaddow… we have chooooocolate 🙂

  9. scout says:

    Please come, Ms Rachel
    Also, may the force be with us
    Also, “live long and prosper”
    Too, McAdams, McValues, McMentum!

  10. cochie says:

    I’d rather anyone but miller….so watch the polls and vote for the one that has the best numbers to keep miller from embarrassing us further.

    • Moose Pucky says:

      Vote your values, not your fears.

      Silly. Why should any progressive person vote for anyone other than McAdams?

      Help the McSurge along. Don’t listen to fraidy cats.

    • Bretta says:

      Donate to Scott McAdams now, Cochie,
      You can do it! You will feel so good and get a big return for your investment!

    • dreamgirl says:

      “The important thing is to be aligned with the majority” –Lisa Murky

      So if the majority vote to wet their fingers and stick ’em in light sockets I’m guessing you would have some charred fingers there coohie.

      Vote values, vote McAdams

      McAdams for the McWin!

  11. Califpat says:

    Just asked Rachel on her blog to go to Alaska to support the best candidate there, Scott McAdams!!!

  12. blue_in_AK says:

    We’re begging you, Rachel. Alaska needs your help.

  13. Califpat says:

    Another from California, please Rachel, go to Alaska and give Scott McAdams a bump!!!

  14. bubbles says:

    Please Rachel-Wan, i would love to see you spend a few days in Alaska. although i live in New York i have made many friends through the Alaska blog ‘the’ over the two years since Mrs. Palin left on a failed campaign for V.P.

    right now, the wonderful progressive folks there are making a huge effort to get out the vote for Scott McAdams. i hope you get a chance to interview him right there in his own state. thanks Rachel for the wonderful job you do on your show….bubbles
    this is the note i wrote on Rachel’s blog.

  15. AKMuckraker says:

    Great post, Linda. And yes Rachel, if you’re reading, you could make the difference. Do it for your country!

  16. barbara says:

    ok, i’m from CA and living in NC but i’ll join the chorus, please rachel, go to Alaska and help the dems beat back insanity.

  17. ks sunflower says:

    Maybe national shows such as the Maddow Show would be interested in investigation and disclosing the information about the Drop Zone’s owner’s ties to the extreme militia in AK. Joe Miller hired The Drop Zone as his security guards, of course, but did you know that the DZ’s owner supposedly supplies Norm Olson’s militia and is allegedly one of his commanders?

    Patrick at palingates seems to have documented this story pretty well. I recommend that anyone who knows anyone who is still considering voting for Joe Miller read his post on this. It certainly seems to provide raise some interesting questions as to why Joe chose The Drop Zone, and why everyone should be concerned about Joe’s judgment and ties to these crazies. Just saying.

    This is worthy of national coverage. Norm Olson is tracked by The Southern Law Poverty Center because of his alarming, extremist views. The links between Olson, Fuller (the Drop Zone owner) and Joe Miller deserve closer inspection. From what I’ve read here at mudflats, some believe Miller seems to buy into the AIP’s philosophy. Gee – let’s see, didn’t Todd Palin belong to the AIP? Small world. Just saying it deserves – Wednesday, 20 October 2010 posting

  18. Moose Pucky says:

    Lisa a bit on the defense against the charge of “backing up corporations over people.”

    • Dagian says:

      “Lisa a bit on the defense against the charge of “backing up corporations over people.”

      I guess she has a legal leg to stand on, now that corporations have a legal vote (by way of contributing money to their anointed favourites).

      *cough–vote McAdams!–cough*

    • Bretta says:

      Look at Scott McAdams list of donors! Pages and pages (163pp) of individuals, $1 to $2, 500 then a few PACs of $5,000 to make up a $million dollars since the primary! I am in awe.

  19. Moose Pucky says:

    Lisa: “54% of Alaskans are non-partisan. Will vote the person. I don’t approach a vote based on party…I am not that party person.”

    Moose Pucky: (See Comment #17)

  20. Moose Pucky says:

    Lisa: “Senate operates off of Seniority.”

    • Moose Pucky says:

      Moose Pucky remembers when Lisa was running against Tony Knowles. Then her line was, “The important thing is to be aligned with the party in the majority.”

      Funny how things change when one is on a different side of the elephant. No pun intended. (But it turns out to be a pretty good one.)

      • dreamgirl says:

        “The important thing is to be aligned with the party in the majority”. That’s what Lease-a’s minions have been posting here on Mudflats. Following her own words is to much to ask of herself I guess.

  21. Moose Pucky says:

    The choice is clear. Lisa Murky is Alaska’s Senior Senator or Mark Begich as Alaska’s Senior Senator.

  22. Moose Pucky says:

    Thinking about what is best for Alaska—Scott McAdams.

  23. Moose Pucky says:

    Lisa: “I was in the legislature when the Republicans had a veto-proof majority. And we didn’t have to work with the Democrats. It’s a bad process….”

  24. Moose Pucky says:

    Darkside Kookesh sure hangs out a lot with that Republican right next to him (the one with the ethics complaint filed against him for not following state rules with regard to campaign ads). Appears in that Republican’s ads also. Arghhh.

  25. Moose Pucky says:

    Lisa: I voted against reauthorization of Indian Health Care Act because it was attached to the Health Care Reform bill.

    • Moose Pucky says:

      Lisa: “As a parent I have health care for our family. I don’t want the government telling me what my plan will be.”

      Interesting comment for someone covered as Congressperson by a federal health care plan!

      • overthemoon says:

        And nowhere in the HCR does it say the government will tell you what plan you have to have.

      • Dagian says:

        Interesting comment for someone covered as Congressperson by a federal health care plan!

        Actually, it’s not that simple. You get to choose which health care plan you want from the ones available to you. There’s not some overarching federal health care plan. has the tables and the cost to the person subscribing.

        I don’t know how it works for people who don’t move their families to this area–I will guess that many of them choose BC/BS, high option. That way you are always within your coverage area.

        It’s also a disingenuous statement on her part because the government can and does tell health care plans that they must provide coverage for certain conditions, treatments, groups… Hurray for mental health parity coverage. That was a BIG fight, and one well worth it.

        Of course, I also find it irritating listening to people complain about the proposed tax on certain foods. I don’t like it either, but the truth is that many of our foods are heavily subsidized and in a sense, we’re steered towards consuming them because they are CHEAP. (Beef, for example. Sugar is another.) In a sense, we ARE being taxed, we just don’t see it. That’s a complex and thorny problem, one to which I don’t have any answers or even enough information to give a really well-informed opinion.

        But I do want FDA and USDA inspectors to have the right, authority and BACKING to shut down plants that are disgusting beyond words right away. While on-site. If the violations are THAT bad, I don’t want time to pass by. Shut them down. Impose penalties and insist that they get cleaned up to pass inspection. Of course, that means we need more inspectors too. Most plants don’t get checked out more than once every several years. Eww.

        • Dagian says:

          I just found this.

          Sorry guys, I know this has nothing to do with McAdams, not yet. But if you do elect him, this might be something that he would have an opportunity to discuss prior to voting to fund a particular bill.

        • lilybart says:

          Yes. We subsidize the junk food industry by propping up corn and soybean crops and then they make all kinds of fake food out of them that is cheap. Government subsidizes cane sugar too!!

          So, a tax on sodas might deter some from buying CrAP that is too cheap to begin with.

        • jojobo1 says:

          Yes look at the peanut butter that was bad and It just happens to be the kind we ate and it took awhile for the plant to reopen. Look at all the recalls recently.

  26. Moose Pucky says:

    Lisa: “I voted to repeal Health Care Reform.”

    • Moose Pucky says:

      McAdams has said he would work to make Health Care Reform better.

    • Blooper says:

      In my view Lisa will be just as bad (if not worse) than Joe Miller if she gets in. She’ll vote lock step with the Republicans, plus she’ll have more influence than Joe to muck things up.

      • leenie17 says:

        Exactly what I said last week. Miller’s such a nutjob that he wouldn’t last more than one term, but if Lisa wins, she’ll be even more entrenched in the position than she was before. And she’ll STILL do everything that she’s told to do by the party, AND she’s got a more power and connections than Miller ever would.

      • jojobo1 says:

        I have to agree with you she will be lissing butt just to keep up and won’t dare buck the party line.
        DCCC Files FEC Complaint Over McCain-Funded Ads For AZ Republican Congressional Candidates

        • jojobo1 says:

          Sorry did not mean to put that about McCain here. even if it is a valid point during any election.

    • Moose Pucky says:

      Lisa: There are some good things in the HCR bill. Taking care of the issue of pre-existing conditions is one of those.

      • lilybart says:

        The only thing wrong with the healthcare bill is that it was not single payer! But the way it is we need profit controls on these companies!

        Health care is two issues to me: first, we have to find a way to cover catastrophic and chronic illnesses that is affordable, and that would be in a single payer system. Then, we should pay for our own check-ups and basic care which might get people off the couch and away from the chips and sodas because it will be too expensive to get fat. And then we need some sliding scale clinics so the poorest can get preventative care too.

        • Moose Pucky says:

          I’d vote for that plan!!

        • Dagian says:

          “And then we need some sliding scale clinics so the poorest can get preventative care too.”

          Actually, the health care reform law mandates that at least some preventive care is supposed to be provided WITHOUT a co-pay.

          Currently, some health plans make that available to children up until the age of 17 (no co-pay for a yearly physical). That is now to be made available to everyone.

          In fact, there is a chance that mammogram screenings at 40+ may also be covered (no co-pay).

  27. Moose Pucky says:

    “Even Randy Reudrich is supporting the party nominee (Joe Miller).”

  28. Moose Pucky says:

    “While I’m not my party’s nominee…I’m still a Republican.”

  29. Moose Pucky says:

    Lisa (not too likable) Murky is on APRN right now.

    • Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

      That’s not enough. We need her HERE, front and center, interviewing McAdams and his enthusiastic supporters. This would go a long way toward bringing back the fear vote from Lisa by those not lock stepped in to their party (or totally off their rockers for general purposes).

      That is our biggest goal / challenge – get those Miller fear voters back to voting for sanity and to make a stand against apathy and fear.

  30. Why isn’t anyone looking into Joe Miller’s expired business license for his law practice. It expired in 2005. You can see it at

    Isn’t he currently practicing law? Maybe there’s a special business license fee for indigent attorneys?

  31. BigPete says:

    If anything, “Gestapo (or is it Stasi?) Joe” seems to be sucking the air right out of his own campaign! How is it that Murkswki can’t possibly win if the race is a virtual three-way tie? Just wondering!

    • Blooper says:

      It’s because of the inherent difficulties involved in any write in campaign. The basic premise is that people are generally lazy and will tend to pick the candidate who is already printed on the ballot. Yes, there will be a big turnout for her anyways, but there won’t be enough to counteract the ‘lazy’ people to counteract her enthusiastic supporters. That’s not to say that the people who will pick McAdams are lazy, but the people who would have otherwise picked Murkowski had she been on the ballot may choose other candidates.

      Oh, and her name is not write in friendly. And it’s only been done once before. And she already lost. And I could go on and on.

      • Blooper says:

        Got a little messy in the middle of the paragraph, I should have proof read. But oh well, hopefully you get my drift.

      • BigPete says:

        OK. But the lazy (50% of registered voters?) won’t make the effort to vote, and Murkwski campaigners will surely be in the vicinity of voting centers to keep enthusiastic scatter-brained voters up to date!

        Am I -optimistically- assuming that, as a nation, we can’t possibly be so utterly moranic?

        • Blooper says:

          LOL, these days, I don’t know. Look what happened up here in the August primaries. 🙂

    • Moose Pucky says:

      Murky couldn’t win when her name was on the ballot and only Republicans were voting.

      How’s it going to be when her name is missing from the ballot and McAdams is the McMan!?

  32. OMG says:

    Wingnut King Demint comes to Miller’s aid, citing Miller’s anti-abortion stance as reason to vote for him:

    • Pinwheel says:

      I was almost too afraid to read this article. However and also, the dollars are nearly as scary. For that kind of money couldn’t they buy hours and hours of time, maybe a whole station?

  33. Polly says:

    Miller is getting more advertising funds to run an anti-abortion campaign.

    A grassroots effort would be to go on all the Alaskan blogs listed on the rightside of Munger’s website, and just state that you are voting for McAdams. People need to know that there is viability to McAdams campaign.

  34. Valley_Independent says:

    I vote for people, not parties. I’ve never been a Democrat, and am no longer a Republican, because in Alaska, too many Republicans vote for what they think is best for party power, not what’s best for the people. How they can stomach supporting a candidate like Joe Miller is beyond me. The more that comes out about the guy, the more we know about his arrogance, lack of ethics, and overabundance of hypocrisy. He hasn’t the temperament or good sense to make a senator, and when he talks about cutting the deficit while suggesting we build a Berlin wall along our southern border, I know he can’t do math, hasn’t a sense of history, and apparently, no regard for the sensibilities of others. He doesn’t want us to know the whole story of who he is and what he’s done. Why is that, Joe?

    Yet, we may very well get stuck with the guy, because people are torn between Murkowski and McAdams. Murkowski did a good job until she started pandering to the right for this election cycle. Then instead of taking a little well-earned time off after the primary, she put us in danger of getting the worst candidate in the general election. Historically and mathematically (and my math and Tom Begich’s don’t agree) her write-in bid is unlikely to succeed.

    McAdams will get my vote, because he is the one guy in this race for all the right reasons. He’s smart, articulate, and genuine. He’s a nice family guy with solid values. He really believes “It’s about Alaska.” If it comes down to what’s best for him or his party, and what’s best for Alaska, he’s going to do what’s best for us. He has a been elected by his peers multiple times, and has had to balance a budget. There’s a track record of community service we can look at. He is the kind of person who can work well with others to get things done, and we need more of them in Washington.

    Rachel, if you can help us get the word out, so more people can see who Scott is and what he stands for, It will be much appreciated. Linda is right – to know him is to like him, and in this election year, to vote for him.

    • Polly says:

      I vote for people not parties too. Many individuals throughout the country have donated to McAdams. If they have friends and relatives here in Alaska, I hope they educate them. We need all the help we can get.

  35. Saint Roscoe says:

    NRSC is going to start spending money in Ak. I wonder who it will be for…

    I suspect it will just attack McAdams to help both Republicans. Scott needs to get a new ad up soon as well.

  36. mudbug says:

    Lisa CAN win, and with Miller doing gaff a minutes, it’s looking better an better for her. I like McAdams. But I like Lisa better.

    • Zyxomma says:

      Your choice at the voting booth is yours. My choice is not an Alaskan’s, because I’ve only spent 20 minutes there. Scott McAdams, IMO, can, should, and WILL win. I’m doing everything in my power to make it so. Let us agree to disagree. Lease-A-Merchantsky is a spoiled spoiler. She is no longer a moderate (hasn’t been in a long time), and has stood firmly with the Party of No.

      And speaking of gaffes, you made two spelling errors in your post, which I will not hold against you.

    • Polly says:

      I don’t understand why she voted against regulating credit card companies. That was a simple no-brainer for anyone interested in the welfare of consumers. But, its a party thing. Begich and McAdams are mavericky enough to vote against their party, if its better for the people. We need more legislators like them.

      • mwThatOne.. says:

        True, Polly. What I cannot understand is how people who like McAdams (and compare his solid stance FOR Alaskans) to Lisa’s voting record can vote any other way than FOR McAdams.

  37. Polly says:

    Did you see the pdf of McAdams donations that Rachel posted on FB?
    (as of 10/15).

  38. Wolfe Tone says:

    The Force is strong in McAdams.

  39. Elsie says:

    Hey, another thing, Rachel….After suffering all that oil and misery along the Gulf coast during your coverages of the BP disaster, you deserve the beauty of Alaska and visiting with the amazing progressives there, also AND too. What a fun thing to do, Rachel….oh, and don’t forget to check out the great brewskis and other adult beverages there, as well…and the halibut sandwiches, and the great and wondrous salmon meals, and the interesting characters you find in Alaska…

    It’s all there, waiting for you….head up to Alaska…soon. It’s just a few hours by plane(s) and who needs New England in the fall….you’ve seen THAT already….Go NORTH, Young Lady!!

    • thatcrowwoman says:

      What Elsie said, also, too, Rachel, with many blessings from the Gulf Coast.

      and the mudpups worldwide choir sings loudly, in many part harmony, with feeling:

      Nothing could be finer than Our Rachel in Denai’na* in Octo-oh-oh-ber..
      Nothing could be sweeter than McAdams there to greet her in Octo-oh-oh-ber..

      (*hoping I spelled Denai’na right and that it rhymes with Delilah)

  40. NMJ says:

    Yes, Rachel; please go to Alaska. Alaskan Democrats worked hard in ’08, and they haven’t given up! With all of the bad press Alaska’s received over the last two years, they deserve (and the Demos need) a visit from you.

    Alaska really is part of the United States and, after all, you went all the way to Afghanistan for America. A Rachel “bump” could give us another Demo senator and that could have good effects for our guys in Afghanistan, too.

    A whole lot of bad could be counteracted by one little visit from you!

    • EX CAT says:

      Unfortunately Joe miller supporters would not vote for Mc Adams if a skinhead security agent was standing on their groin. Those of us who oppose Palin, Miller , and Leasa Murkowski are the ones who have to vote for McAdams and show how that endorsey thingy can backfire on you.God made me write this post. NOTTTTT!!!!

  41. Zyxomma says:

    Yes, Rachel, help Alaska! Mother Jones weighs in this morning by framing this election as a fight between Scott McMustache vs. Joe Scruffer:

    Go Scott!

  42. Dagian says:

    *passes around the Crunch n’ Munch*

  43. Gramiam says:

    Well said, Linda!! Y’all come, Rachel!