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Friday, January 28, 2022

Open Thread – Entitled

Oh, happy day!  We always love when we see the light on late at night under the door of the Mudflats Art Department.  We know that usually means that flyinureye has been inspired to greatness.  This time the object of his efforts is Li$a Murkowski. What do you get with a senator who thinks $75 million is a perfectly reasonable cap for oil spill damages, refuses to acknowledge the fact that she lost, and spends her campaign teaching people how to spell her name, and handing out temporary tattoos and rubber wrist bands for people to take into the voting booth?




101 Responses to “Open Thread – Entitled”
  1. Ed says:

    as reported in the Alaska Dispatch Millers “Hideaway”

  2. Califpat says:

    You are so right Irish Girl!!! After Scarah was unleashed it seems like all the crazies here came out of the woodwork!!! So embarrassing!!!

  3. Irishgirl says:

    Seeing as I can’t sleep, I’ll add this…..the whole world is watching this madness. Sometimes I feel that I should just shut up, that I am poking my nose into another country’s affairs …and I’ll be the first to admit that Ireland is royally fecked up. But we aren’t stomping on people, yet.

    • bubbles says:

      it is entirely right and proper that you and everyone else in the world poke your nose into this madness. this is a global community. when Americans allow crazies to represent them whether in DC or in the media all the people of all the nations are effected. keep nosing and keep poking Irishgirl.

  4. Irishgirl says:

    Here is the link

    Now I know that I was right to spend so much time watching Palin…..this is the horror that she has caused. What an evil, evil woman she is, along with the GOP and teabaggers. They are the dregs of society.

  5. Irishgirl says:

    Bubbles, I just saw that…can’t sleep!

    They are going to kill someone soon. That Rand Paul supporter could have broken that woman’s neck!
    Someone in the Republican party needs to “man up” and stop this madness.

  6. bubbles says:

    this is just wrong. it is very ugly in America and ‘Fox and family’ have a great deal to do with the incivility and the hate:
    this from Huffington Post—Sam Stein reporting
    [An ugly scene took place outside the Kentucky Senatorial debate Monday night as what appeared to be a supporter of Republican candidate Rand Paul was captured by a local news affiliate literally stomping the head of a member of the progressive-activist organization]

  7. leenie17 says:

    Great column by conservative-leaning Ana Veciana-Suarez in today’s paper:

    “Yet I paw the air in anger and frustration every time I hear Sarah Palin and other conservative women talk as if they’ve been anointed by a higher power, as if they’re the only female candidates with common sense, as if they speak for me. They don’t. In fact, Palin and her Grizzlies don’t represent middle-of-the-road women who are registered independents voting both sides of the political aisle.”

  8. OMG says:

    I rather enjoyed this comment posted on FrumForum about the President Palin article (NY mag.):

    “The author is under-estimating the polarization that would occur if Palin ran. That would be a godsend for Obama and the dems since they know there is a visceral dislike of Palin on the left. Many would be moved to go to the polls just to counter the prospect of Dipsh*t McFacebook being Commander in Chief.”

    I do so like her new name!

  9. Bretta says:

    I just voted on HuffPo’s article “Keeping Fear Alive” by Steven Colbert

    on the $owah Palin picture as the most scariest, the most Fear-Inducing Person. I voted six times in honor of JokeMiller, because even though I think he’s an extremist, I think he wasn’t extreme enough in his proxy voting scheme. I had ta one-up ya, Joe.

    PS, $P’s picture is currently Number One!!!

  10. scout says:

    The current cover at Huffpo is: “Wild Alaska” Brian is featured!

  11. OMG says:

    This is one of the best ads this insane political season where the candidate uses his opponents words to his benefit.

    • Baker's Dozen says:

      Meg may have money and may have made money with e-bay (not difficult when she was there), but, frankly, she was right. California was working and Jerry Brown was a huge part of that. He made it work despite the huge hit that finances took with prop 13. People like Meg came to California because it was working. She stated a fact. It’s true, and now, she wants to take a state that’s been torn with Reaganism and make it more severe because she and hers already have their’s and people like me and Nicky can just go suck and egg–if we can afford it.
      I love this ad. Jerry, I’ve voted for you twice for Governor and I’m game for a third go-round!

  12. LoveMydogs says:

    Is anyone else as SICK AND TIRED of the anti-Obama rhetoric out there? I know that this is probably politics as usual but I, personally, am so tired of all of the commercials out there that are just pounding on a good man. He is the most intelligent person that we have had in the White House for such a long time and I am just plain sick of the things that are being said about him. He hasn’t done everything that I wanted but the man deserves our respect.

    If I ever come face to face with the screeching witch of the north I will be hard pressed not to slap that smirk off of her face. Same goes for Joe and Leasa (handcuffs or not).

    I am officially turning my TV OFF. I am so tired of it. These people have no concept of what he has done for this country so far. They have no concept of anything that they speak about.

    I was truely depressed after the “debate” on KTUU last night. It was all so mean and snarky and so NOT about the issues that we need to be discussing. Scott McAdams (bless him) had to sit through all of that just to get a few words in and then it didn’t seem that anyone in the audience cared about anything more than who got points for outslinging mud against whom. It’s pathetic. Leasa is mad and desperate. Joe is mean, foolish and proved himself corrupt. Since when is this considered “debating”?

    I can’t take it anymore. I am going to vote early for Scott and then I may just shut down completely while I make decisions about employment and try to take care of things in my own life and neighborhood. You couldn’t pay me enough to run for any public office. The amount of money that is being spent for those who are running is obscene.


    • bubbles says:

      i know how you feel LoveMD. i have stopped listening also.
      go on. do what you have to do. but you better come back…and check in. i am getting too old to have to hunt down pups in Alaska. kind of hard for me to out run them bears you got there. and i hear them there wolves like tasty little plump critters like me also. too….forsooth.

      • leenie17 says:

        Hey, bubbles, you don’t have to go all the way to Alaska to be chased by bears!

        We had one about a mile and a half from my house a few days ago, in a western suburb of Rochester. It’s likely the same rambling young ‘un that was spotted on a college campus (RIT) and in the shopping area of Henrietta, just south of the city.

        I was walking across the school parking lot tonight that’s on the other side of the fence from where he was seen the other day. It was rainy and dark and I was alone, so I got just a little spooked looking at all the shadows around me!

    • Moose Pucky says:


      Obama–two good Supreme Court nominees, brought the respect of the world back to the U.S., took as many steps as possible in the face of Republican obstruction to make health care more accessible to all, halted some of the most egregious credit card practices, works hard and ethically for all the people.

      (•) McAdams, Scott T.

    • I completely agree with you. I have so much respect for President Obama and all that he has tried to do. And I am so sick of the negative ads, on both sides. I’m tired of the phone calls – we don’t answer. Yesterday, however, the three we didn’t answer were from Dems urging us to vote. I’m OK with that – no negative message, just a reminder and the acknowledgement that it was a call from the Democrats. But still. I haven’t filled out my ballot, but it’s not because I’m undecided about the candidates. We have a number of ballot measures and some are just complicated. I think I’ll spend the rest of the afternoon with the TV off, reading through the sizable voter’s guide and get my ballot filled out and mailed.

      At least it’s something positive to do. I’ll be glad when November 2 is over.

    • OMG says:

      I too am totally disgusted with the anti-Obama tone of this country, and sadly, it’s not just from the right. I’ve said it before and I’ll keep saying it, Obama has accomplished more in his short time in office than any president in my lifetime.

      • Bretta says:

        President Obama and his wonderful family make me feel good and filled with hope for the future.

        I read this post here today and it is totally worth repeating, even if I don’t agree that the measure of the stock market should be the measure of the man.

        This is what President Obama inherited on Jan. 20 2009:
        Dow Jones Industrial Average ( DJIA ) Close – 7949.09
        Nasdaq Stock Market Close – 1440.86
        S&P 500 Close – 805.23

        These are the current numbers:
        Dow Jones Industrial Average ( DJIA ) – 11,200.60
        Nasdaq Stock Market – 2,495.54
        S&P 500 – 1,189.69

        Let us continue to take our country FORWARD.

    • jojobo1 says:

      I am with ya there. I don’t watch Tv ,haven’t for almost two years except for special ,the night President Obama won and his inauguration one or two others but not many.i have even curtailed my reading on the online papers because of them being so negative.

    • leenie17 says:

      “Is anyone else as SICK AND TIRED of the anti-Obama rhetoric out there?”

      Me, me, me…ooh, ooh, ooh, MEEEE!!!!!

      He’s the very first person I ever voted for in a presidential election that I didn’t have reservations about. He hasn’t done everything I wanted as quickly as I would have liked, but I am smart enough to realize that he inherited a truly gargantuan MESS and he’s digging us out from underneath as fast as he can, despite the Republicans blocking every move he tries to make.

      In past elections, I have always considered all the candidates, and occasionally even voted for a Republican when they were particularly good. However, during the past three years I have watched the Republican party become the most vile, despicable, self-serving, racist group of people in political history. I have no doubt that there are honest, hard-working, well-meaning Republicans whose values are not that unlike my own, but the leaders of the party have warped it and sold it out to such a degree that I could not bring myself to vote for anyone on that ticket, regardless of what I thought of them personally.

      I hope that they have finally sunk to the depth of ugliness and that the reasonable, moderate among the party will begin to take back their party from the dangerous right wing fringe.

  13. scout says:

    “Dems, Republicans to sue over write-in lists”

    “The state’s Democratic and Republican parties are planning to sue over the decision by Alaska elections officials to provide voters who ask with a list of write-in candidates…………”

    • Moose Pucky says:

      Ah, a bi-partisan effort. Good on them both!

      • scout says:

        It’s official ADN has a link to the lawsuit:

        �Democrats, Republicans join forces to sue state over write-in lists�

        â��The two political parties joined forces today to sue the state Division of Elections for providing a list of write-in candidates to voters who ask for one — a move both parties say deviates from past election practices.”……….

      • nekolibrarian says:

        And I received an email tonight from Scott McAdams’ campaign asking for more funds to help with the lawsuit. Don’t have a lot, but sent a few dollars again. I may be down here in Florida, but I really want Scott to win. He deserves the win.

  14. OMG says:

    Boy is Sarah gonna be mad! God talks to Palin, and opens doors for her… she’s working with god… it’s her mission not O’Donnell’s!

    • LoveMydogs says:

      Sorry Christine,

      I think god has more important things to think about on this day and every day. Not being big on the whole prayer thing (no offense to anyone who is), if I were a praying type of person I would be praying for the people in the world who do not have enough to eat, or are buried under miseries of environmental (man and nature-made) catastrophies, or had something else (unspeakable) happen to them on this or any other day.

      Give it up girlfriend, he/she’s just not that into you.

      • Baker's Dozen says:

        Oh, God listened all right! He heard them ask to have the eyes of the voters opened! Done. He heard them ask to have Christine elected. He said, “no.” 🙂

    • bubbles says:

      it is an amazing thing. this god of theirs. their god always seems to tell them exactly what they want to hear. this god of theirs is easily convinced of their sanctity and competence to speak it’s words and to do it’s will among all the people of the world whether they want it’s will to be done unto them or not.

      my god, on the other hand,constantly tells me to be kind to others. to do good to others even though i don’t want to be or to do good at all, in fact, promptings of the spirit are mostly a pain. i would much rather be bad. it is more fun and it pays well.

      awright! awright! i hear ya!! i AM being good. sheesh

      • LoveMydogs says:

        Oh ((((Mama Bubbles))))…. How I wish I could be in DC with you…or even just in NYC sitting on the stoop and shooting the breeze…

        • bubbles says:

          i would so love it too. i would cook a nice meal or take you for pastrami at Katz’s or a pizza at Lil’ Frankie’s. we would walk along the river and have drinks at the Seaport. we would laugh and talk and have a great time just you and me.

      • mag the mick says:

        I hope I never meet you, Bubbles – our shared desire to be bad just might get the best of us.

        But seriously – you have phrased it SO well, what the divine spirit demands of us and requires of us as residents on this planet. Oscar Romero told me about his god – the god of standing up and speaking up, and I’ve never forgotten that.

        Big hugs to you, Bubbles.

      • leenie17 says:

        If that’s the message you’re getting, I suspect that you are actually hearing god.

        They, on the other hand, are just hearing voices! 😉

    • nswfm says:

      Did her god tell her to steal campaign funds? Stiff her college on the loans? Just asking….

      • bubbles says:

        YES!!! it did tell her to do those things. it always tells her that her will is it’s will. no problemo.
        her god is HER god and it is interested in making the world and everyone and everything in it conform to her will and desires. Dontcha know?

    • Baker's Dozen says:

      Will Sarah be mad because Christine’s usurping her mission or because she’s cuter and getting more attention?

  15. fawnskin mudpuppy says:

    i need to ask a favor of the mudpups.
    we are friends with a wonderful, giving woman who has been nominated as one of cnn’s top ten heros.
    would you mind going to this site, and if it is in your heart to do so, vote for susan burton.
    you can vote multiple times.

    her story is inspiring as are all of the nominees…but we have a special fondness for our local hero.

  16. Lower48 says:

    Posted this on a few minutes ago, and got an interesting reply…
    has anyone here heard anything about this?


    From “outlandish” on

    Why Palin endorsed Miller and associated cronyisms.

    Shortly after the Alaska Legislative Council undertook its investigation of Troopergate, Joe Miller, on September 16, 2008, representing five Interior Alaska citizens, filed a lawsuit to stop the Alaska Legislative Council from looking into the scandal. He also wrote an opinion piece for the September 22, 2008 Catholic News Agency, extolling his theories and a pretty distorted statement of the facts.

    On October 16, 2008, just a month later, he voluntarily dismissed the case after a parallel case in Anchorage had been shot down. Think about it: the Judicial Branch telling the Legislative Branch what it can and cannot do about the Executive Branch.

    We would assume a constitutional expert like Candidate Miller would know about the doctrine of separation of powers and know not to go there.

    But before quitting, Palin demonstrated her gratitude to Joe Miller for his efforts. The Alaska Judicial Council selects nominees for judgeships in Alaska. Three of the positions are appointed by the Governor and confirmed by the Senate. It’s a compensated position.

    Palin nominated Kathleen Tompkins-Miller – Mrs. Joe Miller – to fill one of those three seats. Her qualifications, as shown in her resume and at her confirmation hearing on February 20, 2009, seem to have been she was the mother of 8 kids, worked in her husband’s law office and “knew a lot of lawyers.”

    And, of course, her husband had been helpful to Sarah Palin…


    My response: KatieAnnieOakley …………………… in reply to BawnyFwank

    Boy, did I just hit a nerve… obviously, this statement from outlandish needs closer examination!
    You defend with FAUX NUZE commentary? COMMENTARY?

    Is THAT the best you can do!? ha ha ha ha ha… Oops! BIG MISTAKE.

    All judicial proceedings are PUBLIC RECORDS / FOIA accountable. Big Oops!

    All letters to the editor are archived…. Oops!

    All appointments to the judiciary are public record… Oops!

  17. Terpsichore says:

    Excellent tax article here:

    Long, but interesting. I still have lots of reading left to do, but I bet I can find some good quotes and stats to sling back at righties who keep yelling the economy is the way it is – so bad – all because of Obama/Democrats.

    Also, need ideas for my rally sign for Saturday. Got any good ones? I’m going to a satellite rally in Ft. Lauderdale.

  18. Moose Pucky says:

    Thanks, flyinureye. You nailed it!!

    • Buffalogal says:

      O dear gawd – Boots on the ground reporter was close enough to $P that she could see the FLAGS painted on her TOENAILS ???

      TOE FLAGS ??!?!?!

      I keep waiting for the day she steps forward and laughingly tells us she just can’t just keep it a secret anymore and let’s us know we’ve all been part of the biggest hoax in history and that it was all an experiment to see just how low America would go.

      I’m gonna be mumbling ” toe freakin flags ” all day, i just know it …..

      • Irishgirl says:

        She obviously has time on her hands…err toes.

      • lilybart says:

        I had to see for myself, yup, this lady saw flags on her toenails. YUCK.

        Bet she did it to double-down on flag desecration that WE accused her of recently.

        • Buffalogal says:

          lilybart – I thought that very thing! Everytime she’s attacked for something, she just grabs it again, sets it aflame and runs frothing and screaming with it through the proverbial streets.

    • Baker's Dozen says:

      OK. I’m tired of my generation being trashed, and my dad’s too. So nearly everyone there was over 55 and white. Let’s just say we’re divided into two camps–1. the white people who got over racism and bigotry (or have made a darned good try at it) during WWII and the Korean Conflict and during the civil rights era, and 2. the white people that didn’t want blacks serving with them in the military and voted for George Wallace and Barry Goldwater and against civil rights and women’s rights and still live in the same towns they grew up in.

      There are a bunch of us 55 and older that have spent our lives trying to better ourselves by getting rid of prejudices we were raised with and working hard to make this a better, more tolerant and peaceful nation and world. These Tea Bags are the same people we’ve been battling all our lives–you saw them protest integration of the military, women serving in the military, and now gays in the military. They protested, often violently, against civil rights. They blocked polling places and put literacy exams in place. They blocked the Little Rock high school and attacked teenagers trying to get an education. And they did not march with or support Dr. Martin Luther King or join NOW.

      It isn’t the generation(s) that are backward, stupid. It’s just the exact same people as before. And there’s a lot more of us in these generations that are progressive than that are not. After all, we’re the generations that fought for and attained the voting rights act and more equal treatment of women and Roe v Wade. We were the ones who put flowers into guns and got gunned down at Kent State. Were we naive and often out of control? Did people looking for risk and notoriety join in? Were there violent groups as well? Yep. But a lot of us did–and do–more than pop a kid out that later joined the military, and they can’t take that away from us. Humph! Rant over.

      I’m voting Democrat. But in my heart, I’m Green.

      • jojobo1 says:

        To many people group others together.Baker’s Dozen people forget how the older generation helped with the Vietnam war.To end it and the march for equal rights was from many ages and colors.It’s like putting all republicans in one group.There are some that see what is happening and are trying to stop it. maybe not many but than maybe enough. They do not want another war as palin ,Cheney and McCain seem to want and they do not like how divisive and nasty some have become.Lets hope more see the light.

      • jojobo1 says:

        Your rant was a very good one I remember how shocked I was when I saw the tapes and news reels about Kent state.

      • bubbles says:

        ((((((Baker”s Dozen))))) well said. just a lovely comment. you took me all the way back there my friend.
        this fight has been fought and will continue to be fought. we are green not yellow.

      • Baker's Dozen says:

        Thanks, everyone! I just get tired of getting lumped in with all those white folks that are so intolerant. I’d really like to be able to ask a bunch of them what they were doing during WWII, the Korean War, the Civil rights movement, and so on. And did they vote for George Wallace? I don’t think most of those people voted for Obama, do you? And they haven’t just sort of melted away.
        My dad’s in his 80’s and he’s so liberal he makes Cal Berkeley students look reactionary, and he’s got a awful lot of friends that are pretty much the same. Then again, they all have been thinkers all their lives. And my dad was raised a workin’ stiff. Got an education on the GI bill.

    • mag the mick says:

      Interesting about the rash on the kid’s face. She was carrying him on her left hip, so that his little face was right up against her left collarbone. That’s right where she had her jewel-encrusted (cut glass encrusted?) flag pin. It’s my recollection that DS toddlers can’t hold their heads up well, so what do you want to bet his face was scrathced and irritated by her brooch? Although to tell the truth, she probably wasn’t holding him that long…

  19. OMG says:

    The Washington Post has found that the tea parties are smaller and less effective than the media has credited them. Not surprising to most of us, at least 11 percent cite Obama’s race as something that led them to join the movement (not at all surprising since these groups started forming immediately after the President took his oath of office):

    • Irishgirl says:

      He’s never going to admit that he made a mistake.

      • bubbles says:

        they ought to call their new party “Narcissists United”

        • nswfm says:

          ….scum sucking thieves united is more like it.

          Since this is an open thread, can someone address the closing of AKM’s store? I must have missed it in the comments as to why, but have been too busy to read every comment. Is it moving to a different location or is AKM moving on to bigger and better things?

          Thanks in advance.

    • It just proves that he doesn’t understand us or Sarah, for that matter. That he can’t see or admit what a mistake it was to choose her also shows that he is too rigid in his views to ever listen to anyone else. We’ve seen that anytime he was challenged on things he said. He seems to be clinging to his past without a vision of the future. Sad.

    • Baker's Dozen says:

      He’s taking Sharon Angle’s advise and turning lemons into lemonade. He knows she was a disaster, he knows the party set him up to be a sacrificial lamb–and her, too–because Obama looked pretty unbeatable. And now, he uses her to further his career whenever possible and uses user for fund raising and so on when it’s convenient. When they’re done with her and the party leaders decide to expose her, he and everyone else will be shocked at the allegations and stand by her until they’re prove–about 2 weeks later.

      When the leaders are ready to get rid of her, all the stuff about unpaid taxes, ethics violations, problems with her kids, Levi, ex friends, associates, and so on will suddenly become very important, they’ll bring them out like they’re just finding them, along with some other juicy stuff we should already know, except the lamestream media treats her with kid gloves. The party machine will crush her like a grape. There won’t even be a stain left.

    • jojobo1 says:

      Yes he has especially as neither him nor palin have the values Reagan had, They just like to pretend they do. Sure wish Nancy would come out and put a stop to palins shenanigans about that.

    • merrycricket says:

      He is obviously psychotic now.

  20. Anonymous says:

    Why are you poking fun at “Lease-A-Murkowski”?

  21. bubbles says:

    Fly Eye…. you have done it again. lovely work.

    i haven’t said very much about the election in Alaska because i have been thoroughly captivated by all the posts and comments by Alaskan pups themselves.
    i have been reading and learning. thank you all. i do have one question about Ms. Murkowski’s campaign: why does she believe that the Alaskan people are so woefully ignorant as to actually need lessons in spelling her name and coloring in a bubble?
    i am some 4,000 miles away but even i am insulted. i mean… really?…..oh yeah. i forgot. her own campaign spelled her name wrong. jeesh!!

    • fawnskin mudpuppy says:

      bubbles…do you see any fedx guys outside your apt?
      they can’t find your address for some reason.

      like at this moment

      • bubbles says:

        they don’t usually have a problem. i will call fedex right this minute

        • bubbles says:

          ok…the scarves will be delivered tomorrow. they had the wrong apt# but your people fixed it on your end. your people are on the ball dear Fawn. while i was talking to Fedex they were already on the case.

    • bubbles says:

      thanks OMG. great article by Diane Roberts of the Guardian. this was one of my favorites. and i quote:

      It’s not just science they’re clueless about; they must have skipped their history and geography lessons, too. Joe Miller, candidate for the US senate from Alaska, held up the old German Democratic Republic as a model for how to control immigration: “East Germany was very, very able to reduce the flow.” Sharron Angle, speaking to a Latino student group in Nevada, said that some of them “looked more Asian to me” and claimed to have been mistaken for Asian herself. She then informed them that “our northern border is where the terrorists came through”. The Canadian ambassador promptly lodged a protest.]
      they are going to be judged very harshly by history and there are women not yet born who will curse their very names.

  22. scout says:

    This is what President Obama inherited on Jan. 20 2009:
    Dow Jones Industrial Average ( DJIA ) Close – 7949.09
    Nasdaq Stock Market Close – 1440.86
    S&P 500 Close – 805.23

    These are the current numbers:
    Dow Jones Industrial Average ( DJIA ) – 11,200.60
    Nasdaq Stock Market – 2,495.54
    S&P 500 – 1,189.69

    Let us continue to take our country FORWARD.

  23. jimzmum says:

    Well, this is frightening. Preaching to the choir, but ick anyway!

    To view, please remove the spaces. /news/politics /69130/index2.html

  24. benlomond2 says:

    was reading ADN comments on last nites debate – one of the commenters pointed out that Joe snuck in during the debate that he had been docked 3 days pay for discplinary action at the borough…. haven’t played the debate back myself to see if this is true… can someone check on this – I gotta go to work in a few minutes….

  25. thatcrowwoman says:

    another gem, flyinureye.

    I O U O I L
    gotta laugh to keep from crying

    “Just three days after the U.S. Coast Guard admiral in charge of the BP oil spill cleanup declared little recoverable surface oil remained in the Gulf of Mexico, Louisiana fishers Friday found miles-long strings of weathered oil floating toward fragile marshes on the Mississippi River delta.

    The discovery, which comes as millions of birds begin moving toward the region in the fall migration, gave ammunition to groups that have insisted the government has overstated clean-up progress, and could force reclosure of key fishing areas only recently reopened.”

    Corporate citizens like these, and their enablers, also, too, really burn my biscuits.
    Really, Chevron?! Deeper than BP’s failed Deepwater Horizon?! Say it ain’t so!!!

    I’m leaving for Orlando tomorrow…will be there for most of the next 2 weeks on Union and then Library business. (back to back conventions, whew!) But I exercised my freedom and voted early this weekend. It felt really good to fill in that oval by Alex Sink for Governor of the Sunshine State, and by Kendrick Meek for US Senate.

    Off to the library, followed by bargaining for my teachers’ union with the district…can we please agree to go ahead and roll the annual salary step increases, then bargain for raises?! (Not holding my breath on that one.)


    • Baker's Dozen says:

      You must have a lot of burned biscuits! I’m sure there’s more to come.

      One reason we all were enthralled with the rescue of the Chilean miners was that people came together and worked to free them. The mining company was probably at fault for lax safety precautions, and perhaps there were problems with the government oversight. But during the rescue, that didn’t matter. People weren’t throwing up their hands, declaring that they weren’t at fault and there was nothing they could do now, nor were they obligated to do so. Everyone worked together for the good of the trapped miners.

      Now, we’re back to the daily grind of “I’ve got control of the money and what are you going to do about it?” and “We’ll cut your pay and increase your hours, but I won’t cut anyone in the district office so my workload would increase.”

      Think how much we’d accomplish if every day were “Treat it Like a Chilean Mine Rescue Day.” It really wasn’t that hard to do.

  26. austintx says:

    From reddit by Aneak.

    It would be a long journey, full of peril. At times it would seem impossible, but failure meant certain death. The road would be lonely, but what awaited at the end would make everything worthwhile. Throwing caution to the wind he took matters into his own paws. He was on his way.

  27. austintx says:

    Harvey Phillips, a Titan of the Tuba, Dies at Tubaranch.

  28. GoI3ig says:

    The problem with royalty. They just never want to give up the crown.