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Lisa Murkowski: She’s changed, we haven’t.

The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC) released their latest commercial for the benefit of Scott McAdams, describing Lisa Murkowski’s mischaracterization of her political stances:

The video is great and the message is spot-on.

This gives me the opportunity to talk about a piece of Senator Frank Murkowski’s history where we can see Lisa following in her dad’s footsteps.

During the Rachel Maddow Show’s visit to Alaska, Lisa Murkowski discussed the time (back in the 80’s) that the Moral Majority took over the Republican Party (5:20 on the video):

What she does NOT discuss is how her father, then Senator Frank Murkowski, reacted.

I was lucky enough back then to forge friendships with some of the most politically savvy and influential women in Alaska. We all worked together in the Pro-Choice Movement and we were of all political stripes. (Most of the Alaska Republican women I knew were pro-choice at the time.) It was through these women that I learned a very important piece of information about Frank Murkowski…he was elected into office as a pro-choice Senator. However, much to the chagrin of the women who supported him, he bowed to the will of the Moral Majority and not only changed his leaning to anti-choice but took on their other “values” as well.

Bottom line…re-election was more important to Frank Murkowski than his integrity.

Sadly, he taught his daughter everything he knows, and she has taken it to heart.

If you are getting that urge right now, go ahead and DONATE HERE to Scott McAdams. If you live in Alaska, VOLUNTEER HERE…there is still LOTS of work to do!

Most of all GET OUT AND VOTE!!!!



28 Responses to “Lisa Murkowski: She’s changed, we haven’t.”
  1. akiceman says:

    The DSCC is now against TARP? Only 9 democrats voted against it.

  2. guest says:

    The Alaska Democratic Party says that this mailer is categorically false. Not correct. Inconsistent with truth. False.
    It will be addressed on the ADP website by 11:00.

  3. kathy67 says:

    Just read an article about the difference between nice and good. Palin fans always say she’s soooo nice. Well Scott McAdams falls into the good slot. What do you think?

  4. stef g. says:

    The phony story about the ADP withdrawing it’s support for Janet Reiser is also on the R. party website. It has a picture of Patti and Johnny saying YOU’RE FIRED!!! to Janet.

  5. cg says:

    “Despite the small size of the town of Wasilla, the Master’s Commission is not the only New Apostolic Reformation based youth program offered there. The Northwind Global Ministries program features a less expensive version of training in prophecy curriculum as well as travel to conferences. The website introduction to the ministry says it “exists to train an army of end time saints.” In 2002, the Northwind Global students, then under the leadership of Patrick Donelson, traveled to Albany, Oregon to attend the Joel’s Army conference of Todd Bentley’s Fresh Fire ministry. Bentley’s prophecy for Alaska is still featured on the Northwind Global website. Donelson, who is also a part-time hunting and fishing guide and owner of iFishAlaska Guide Service, was head of Northwind Global from 2000 – 2006 and is still listed in the leadership of Northwind Global Ministries along with his partner in iFishAlaska, Howard Riley. Donelson is also the co-founder with Doug Yates of Carry the Cure, Inc. According to the IRS forms of Carry the Cure, Inc., this is an evangelizing ministry that also does presentations in public schools. Palin named Patrick Donelson to the State of Alaska Suicide Prevention Council in December 2007. Palin is also listed on the Advisory Board of Carry the Cure, beginning in 2000, and has officially endorsed the group.

    Mary Glazier, Pat Donelson, and Doug Yates, as well others in the movement, have made great progress in bringing the native Alaskan population into the New Apostolic fold through combination charitable and evangelizing efforts. In February of this year Yates and other New Apostolics including Eleanor Roehl, described by Glazier as one her prayer intercessors, participated in the Indigenous Ministries of Alaska Summit. Ian Ridpath, head of the Partners in Harvest Apostolic network, attended and reported on the event in one of his ministry websites. He posted several pages of reporting and pictures including the response by First Nation communities to the distribution of Manga Messiah Bibles. Ridpath describes a “prophetic action” conducted by the “white leaders” to protect the native participants from competing churches who might interfere with the Apostolic movement among the First Nations.

    “The white leaders present formed a circle, facing outwards with arms crossed. The native people then entered the circle. The prophetic significance of this act was that these white Christian leaders were protecting the Christian natives from the rest of those (Christian, Churches, Ministries, etc.) wanting to come in and take over what is happening in Alaska…”

  6. Kath the Scrappy says:

    Great ad! Thanks for giving us the inside information Linda & Mel Green. Over the years it is so easy for the facts to get swept under the carpet. Facts that truly matter when it comes to assessing a candidate and their potential to harm the American people via their votes in the Senate.

    Have to say, I’ve been watching Rachel Maddow for a couple of years now (my Sis is now nightly addicted, as well, after I put it up on Sis’ toolbar then she set it to Tivo). But I believe THIS Alaska episode is absolutely the BEST show she has ever delivered. I thought before that ONLY Rachel could properly do this story, but it was way more than I had even hoped for. Will be watching again for probably the 4th time. (After making another donation to Scott. They’re small enough donations, but he’s sure steadily creeping up at ActBlue. Rather remarkable to watch.)

  7. cg says:

    Interesting read.
    Native Americans Use Culture for Christ
    But the movement to use drums, feathers and costumes in worship has triggered controversy

    Read more:

  8. cg says:

    It’s all hand-in-hand with Sarah Palin/Sean Parnell and the state’s Faith-Based Initiatives and the Suicide Prevention Council. Faith-Based Mental Health.
    State-financed proselytizing and “church-building” in the name of village suicide prevention resources. It’s hard to take Parnell crediting himself with building social response programs in his campaign messages. Yes, he did authorize a bunch of stuff. No, it wasn’t real stuff, but contract money and economic opportunity for churches and their outreach.
    Patrick Donelson and Carry The Cure.

    This is what’s in village schools right now:

  9. Mel Green says:

    Yep, I heard Lisa make that comment about the Moral Majority too. And I noticed she failed to mention that (1) Jerry Prevo headed up the MM locally and (2) she spent the morning of Sunday October 10 obsequiously singing Prevo’s praises at the Anchorage Baptist Temple.

    Steve — I saw that ad about Janet Reiser too. Thanks for letting us know it was a lie.

  10. Moose Pucky says:

    The legal stuff isn’t over yet. The following voters (reeking of Murky) are taking the write-in list thing up a notch to federal court to get the party affiliation restored in order not to disenfranchise minority, voters who may not realize Lisa is a Republican, it appears.

    Info on ADN.

    Harold F. Rudolph, Sr., Greg Pugh, April Pugh, Eddie Burke, and Keven Hite (hereafter referred to collectively as “Voters”) are the plaintiffs.

    Why is this starting to feel like a game plan that’s been in effect for awhile? The Division of Elections did say they’ve been “studying this for weeks”. Guess they want it to be all about Lisa.

    Scott McAdams, good thing you are a big man. You have really risen to the occasion with your campaign. Bring it on home.

    • Moose Pucky says:

      That is to get the party affiliations restored to the write-in lists–which both Superior Court and Supreme Court justices agreed on couldn’t be used.

  11. mpb says:

    BTW, you know the ads in the sidebar say to vote Yes on Postma, don’t you? He’s the only justice the council said to vote NO on.

    • loki says:

      Yes, I’d like to know more about this. I’m inclined to follow the AJC recommendations. Is there something we should know?

      • slipstream says:

        The committee (which made the recommendation to vote NOT to retain) thinks Postma has mental health issues and anger issues. Google “judge Postma” to get several points of view.

    • beth says:

      Is this the same council Kathleen Thompson-Miller sits on? If so, would she even know “mental issues” and/or “anger issues” if she saw them? [oh, that was mean… but, considering the disposition of her husband, valid, I think.] beth.

  12. mpb says:

    Someone in a comment (APRN?) that I read, mentioned the Murkowski, pere, lost lots of people, mostly rural people, a lot of money. I know someone who had a lot invested in Frank’s bank. In fact, I believe rural folks were encouraged to invest. Frank got out just before the bank collapsed, I believe. All the invested money disappeared.

    Lisa really has changed since she started as a frosh. This is a main reason why she lost the primary, I think. Maybe she is really assuming Ted Stevens?– knows better than actual people what’s good for Alaska, with Alaska conflated with herself (she did the same when mentioning Ted Stevens– He was NOT Alaska)

  13. Valley_Independent says:

    Save money for the state – vote for Scott McAdams. If he wins convincingly, we can save ourselves the legal fees to fight over who won, and our senator can get to work for us that much quicker.

  14. Thank you…on it!

  15. Moose Pucky says:

    Lisa’s dirty tricks and negative ads are not endearing her to folks, especially those folks who have been paying attention and are already disgusted with the partisan and corporate interests she’s looking out for in Congress at the expense of Alaskans.

  16. stef g. says:

    Totally off topic: popped up on Facebook a little while ago a totally lieing attack ad for Cathy Giessel and against Janet Reiser, saying that the AK Democratic party had sent out a mailer to Eagle River voters withdrawing their support for Janet Reiser. It mentioned Patti Higgins and Johnny Ellis.


    It was news to Patti Higgins when I spoke to her about it.

    I e-mailed a link to it to you.

  17. mwThatOne.. says:

    Great post! I will be forwarding this on….