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Open Thread – What Would George Clooney Do?

This photo of a rally sign from the D.C. Restore Sanity Rally came from Mudflatter Cassie Jeep Pike Palin! Anyone else who wants to send a photo of a rally you attended, pass them along to akmuckraker@yahoo(dot)com!



19 Responses to “Open Thread – What Would George Clooney Do?”
  1. JUST A THOUGHT says:


  2. OMG says:

    The Palin is indeed strong with this one: O’Donnell blasts TV station for not running ad even thought the ad in question was not received in time nor paid for:

  3. OMG says:

    Take a look at the “Repent or Perish” Tea Bagger ad. Scary times ahead if Palin’s Pals gain control.

  4. OMG says:

    Hey to all the Tea Bag enthusiasts we know: Obama Lowered Your Taxes!

  5. OMG says:

    I think the only way that the GOP can destroy Palin’s chances are to employ FOX to do its dirty work (as they’ve done before). Right now Palin has a safe (and powerful) haven, but if FOX starts to work its magic against her then she’s toast.

    FOX will have to chose who they want to anoint king of queen of the party. Are they stupid enough to be ruled by Palin? They can use her, just like the GOP did, but do they really want to answer TO her? Does O’Reilly want to bow before her? Does Beck? Does Murdoch?

  6. Califpat says:

    I just cannot wait until Sarah “pizzes” somebody off, and believe me it is going to happen, and the dam will break and all those suffocating skeletons will fall out of that overstuffed closetof hers. She really feels that she has the power to shut most of Alaska up, but wait until those angered old school Republicans get at her. She will not know what hit her. Right now, she is delusionally power struck and deliriously unaware that the old school boys have been at this for a long, long, long, time and they will not have her coming in and embarrassing the party with her stupity. Let her run, her own party will crucify her! Popcorn and tortillas should be in abundance for this true reality show!!

    • OMG says:

      She is one of the nastiest creatures that I have come across. She has nothing constructive to say, she only takes pot shots at anyone who disagrees with her. She blast one person or group for doing things that she and her ilk are doing or have done. She truly believes that she is allowed to do or say anything she wants but no one else better do the same. Like the Blues Brothers, she is on a mission from God.

      By the way, it is reported that she said that she has a “video” about the CBS affiliate kerfuffle. Does she not know the difference between audio and video?

  7. Dagian says:

    “What’s that saying about speaking with a forked tongue?”

    She has the lizard lips to go with it.

  8. OMG says:

    Wow…Palin’s rampage to discredit one news affiliate while she defends her buddy Fagan for his free speech rights.

    What’s that saying about speaking with a forked tongue?

  9. OMG says:

    Can the GOP destroy the monster they created? “Stopping Palin”

    • Nan (aka roswellborn) says:

      Maybe they should have thought of that before they turned that (so-called) grizzly loose on the rest of the country.

      Not gettin’ much sympathy from this quarter.

      • OMG says:

        First the GOP embraced the religious right and now Palin and the Tea Parties. They gave the party a lot of support. But in the end, all of them will work for their own benefit and the GOP had better tow the line or, as Palin has already told them, they are through.

        The Party may have thought that they were using Palin and she was loyal to them but they ignored all the warnings by people who knew her. She is out for herself and has loyalty to no one. Now they have created a monster and sadly, it is a monster that has the potential to really hurt the country.

    • Alaska Pi says:

      They let the harridan loose.
      Fooey on ’em.
      We might well be just about rid of her here if they hadn’t made the calculated cynical play for a group of voters I can’t understand why anyone wants on their side with the VP tap.
      An unobstructed view of the original Troopergate investigation, minus all the money, lawyers, and obfuscation the Republican party set up around it, would have gone a long way toward letting Alaskans see just what they got when they voted for her.

  10. Love it. And thanks for the link, Nan. That should be interesting. But why is it Sarah always manages to get herself into the news cycle when we should be paying attention to someone, anything, else. Hasn’t it turned out in the past that she is hiding something even bigger? Wonder what it is now.

  11. Nan (aka roswellborn) says:

    Wonderful sign! But I liked the original “stars” better…

    Just saw this – apparently, Fox News isn’t exactly backing up SP in her claims against the tv station!

    We sure do live “in interesting times.”

    • OMG says:

      Take a look at the article I posted at #3. Could it be that Fox is closer to the GOP leadership than the Tea Parties?