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VENT (Your Election Night Open Thread)

OK, Mudflatters…

Here’s your place to vent. Talk about any race you like. What’s going on in your neck of the woods?  Share the good news if you’ve got it.  If you don’t, share anyway.  We’ll hold your virtual hand.

Polls will be closing across the country throughout the night, and Alaska is later than most.

I’ll be tweeting from Election Central. Follow me at

Shannyn Moore will be broadcasting live from Election Central at 1080am in the Anchorage area, or for live streaming.



345 Responses to “VENT (Your Election Night Open Thread)”
  1. Judi says:

    was listening to Stephanie Miller today….now feel a bit better.
    One thing they said…is that only 1/3 of the candidates Palin endorsed won…that means 2/3 LOST yea!!!

    and just hear Bennet won Colorado!!

    Now listening to President….

    If tea and GOP want to reduce deficit how can they vote to extend tax breaks for all…including the rich? And just exactly what do they plan to cut from the budget? During campaign they refused to answer. Now…if it was the military defense part…I just might jump on board. LOL like that will happen.

  2. just sayin' says:

    We have to remember that it’s not the vote that counts, but who counts the votes…this election was bought and paid for long ago. Did experience some serious hinkiness when ballot kept getting coughed out of machine, 3 ballots later, had to vote a question ballot…can’t figure it out, except ‘it’ didn’t like the voted for candidates in a repub tea party soaked district. Plutocracy wins again.

  3. Freakout in Kansas says:

    Well….sheeee-it! We all saw it coming, but it doesn’t make it any more palatable.

    With Brownback governor here in Kansas we can all look forward to random bible checks. Violators will be fined and thrown in jail. Even most of my Republican and (extremely) Xtian friends couldn’t bring themselves to vote for Sam.

    And with Kobach (the author of AZ SB1070) as secretary of state Kansas won’t see anyone but middle aged white male Xtians in office for a long time to come!

    Hey Snos…anymore room down there in the other Oz?

  4. tinydancer says:

    Stock up on Vaseline cause we are going to be taking it up the a– for some time to come. Does KY Intense work in that area?

  5. Polarbear says:

    Here we are, back to gridlock and even worse hyperpartisanship. Republicans believe govenment cannot work, and that is exactly what we get from Republicans – government that does not work. The US Supreme Court is going to be even more important now.

  6. Forty Watt says:

    I eventually fell asleep and woke up about 5 a.m. here in PA, grabbed the computer which was still in bed with me, and discovered Joe Sestak has gone down to Toomey. Bad move people of PA. 🙁

    But you’ll find that out and we will prevail in time. 🙂

  7. Judi says:

    Still going through all the results….feeling quite ill this morning. OMG Feingold, Perriello, and Grayson gone? wtf are those people idiots living in those states?…

    For me here …a sigh…Coumo slammed Paladino (who got drunk this past sat and hung out with a guy in black face, picture and all in our local paper)….Gillibrand!!!! Schumer!!!! and my rep Brian Higgins!! yea all the way

    Woke up in the middle of the night..had to come down just to check results…just as Reid was giving his speech. Oh I admire him and wow a huge sigh of relief that he won

    Bubbles THANK YOU for the uplifting positive message…you are right…must look at positive and not negative

    I just fear a huge driving the car off that cliff with NO seat belts this time to save any of us…

  8. jimzmum says:

    Illinois. Sigh. Not surprising. When, oh when will the Democratic honchos realize there are people in Illinois who live OUTSIDE of Chicago! I am so very tired of this.

    • Lower48 says:

      When I saw Alexi ahead early in the evening, I was hoping it was to be a dream come true.

      Then, it turned into a nightmare. Alexi lost. Bill Foster lost. Be careful what you wish for wingers…

      I told my husband (a right-winger who stopped cold in his tracks to watch every. single. time. Palin came on the screen) well, OK – this is supposed to be a referendum on Obama and his supposed “non-results”? Then, with all the wingers in office, we should expect to see IMMEDIATE RESULTS to all the nations problems… after all, they THINK they know it all – now prove it.

      I know I am going to ride Hultgren like a pony… gimme results, NOW – Bee-otch!

      Put up or SHUT UP!

  9. beth says:

    One of the non-partisan measures on the state-wide ballot today was for a Constitutional Amendment to have an additional $10 tag fee for all private passenger vehicles — the purpose was [to fund] the expansion of a network of trauma centers across the state. There are *some* trauma centers in the state, but not enough to ensure *all* trauma patients can get to one within the crucial ‘golden hour’ (30 minutes, for a child). This measure would fund it so there were. Incredibly, by 52.6% to 47.4%, the measure FAILED! Ten damned dollars per year per car to *save* lives. And it failed. Folks saw it as “another tax” and they voted it down.

    One of the more vocal and prominent opponents to the measure was then-candidate, now-Gov-elect, Nathan Deal. He was/is the Conservative, and ran against anything even hinting at additional taxes or bigger government or government intruding on healthcare.

    Funnily enough, when directly asked about his position on Amendment 2 at a debate a week or two back, he said he’d changed his mind about it. He said he used to be against it, but his daughter and granddaughter had been in a really bad car accident a couple of weeks prior and he knew if they hadn’t had a trauma center close by, he would’ve lost them. I sat here and listened to him and I shook my head. What is it about these “conservatives” that they can’t –or won’t– comprehend the ramifications and/or consequences of actions/non-actions *unless* it happens to *them*? *Personally*! Why is the “conservative” incapable of –or unwilling to– project, for a second, any life except for *theirs*?

    So, to keep from being ‘taxed’ and having the government assist state hospitals, the measure was voted down. Never mind that the state’s rate for death due to trauma is 20% higher than the national average, never mind that >700 lives could be saved every year, never mind the simple $10 per car could raise upwards of $8million a year… Arrrrrgh! beth.

    • Lower48 says:

      It’s just like them to react this way.

      Their position on abortion: NEVER ACCEPTABLE.

      But once that baby is born… hey kid – you’re on your own….

      – KatieAnnieOakley

  10. Bretta says:

    Okay, I’m totally disgusted with her chanting “yes we can” and bragging how ignorant we are because she came up with pictograms. Now I’m turning off the TV.

  11. beth says:

    Georgia turned an even darker shade of red today. Rabidly, so. Every single office up for state-wide elections, held by a GOPer now. Let me clarify that, not just a “Republican, but “A Conservative”. Seems voters all see “conservative” applicable to their concern, as a good thing. I understand that. I, too, think ‘conservative’ is sometimes a good thing. A very good thing.

    B…U…T, the difference as I see it, is that I am fully aware a candidate who touts that they are a “conservative”, does not stop with their being conservative *only* on the issue *I* believe should be handled/treated ‘conservatively’, but on ALL the issues…ALL the time. There are too many voters, from what I see, who haven’t figured that out yet — they figure the “conservative” candidate will *only* be ‘conservative’ on the issue(s) the *voter* thinks should be handled conservatively.

    I’ve talked to person after person after person who thinks ‘Obamacare’ is fine, taxing the upper 2% more is fine, the stimulus package was fine, but they want a more ‘conservative’ approach to Wall Street. [Take those examples and switch their order any way you want.] Folks I’ve talked to are pretty OK with *most* of what’s going on, just not *all* of it. And when a candidate comes along and says they are “conservative,” those folks figure that candidate is speaking *only* of *their* grumble. Forgetting the candidate is conservative on ALL the issues, ALL the time, the voter votes them in. Quite incredible.

    I’m very sad for my state’s citizens tonight. And, for the most part, for all my fellow citizens across this nation of ours. I do know, though, our nation has survived worse than this insanity of GOP/T-Baggy innundation into our houses of government…our nation will survive, this, too. On to 2012!beth.

  12. Bretta says:

    I’m proud of supporting Scott McAdams. I’m turning off the TV now because I cannot stand to see Leas A Murkowski come in and claim victory when the write-in ballots have not even been looked at…
    she might feign graciousness but I still know she’ll take it as a ‘mandate’ but I want her to know she has behaved very inappropriately in the last two years.

    • Polarbear says:

      Concur. Baby Lisa is now the Joe Lieberman of the Republicans, but the leverage she now possesses will not be used to defend our hard-won health care rights. She is now Corporate Lisa.

  13. Teresa says:

    some of tonight’s highlights: watching american tv here at 6am in hong kong; knowing i sent in my early ballot before departing Wasilla, seeing Carly & Christine go down, hearing Harry Reid’s great speech, knowing I voted my values for Scott, proud to have gotten the chance to know Harry Crawford.

  14. Moose Pucky says:

    Uh oh. First AK results.

    28% precincts reporting

    McAdams 25%
    Miller 34%
    Write-Ins 39%

  15. akgrrl says:

    Num. Report Precinct 438 – Num. Reporting 121 27.63%

    McAdams, Scott T. DEM 17424 25.32%
    Miller, Joe REP 23504 34.15%
    Write-in Votes 27142 39.44%

  16. mmboucher says:

    Come on Ak, we really need you to vote in Scott to put the seal of approval on the Senate, Sarah will go nuts.

  17. Moose Pucky says:

    I just want to say how much I have admired Nancy Pelosi. She would have delivered the Public Option on health care if it weren’t for the rest of those Blue Dogs in Congress. We tried to tell folks that “mandates without a public option” wasn’t the smartest move on the block.

    Thank you Nancy Pelosi.

  18. Blue Idaho says:

    Reid wins!

  19. Evelyn says:

    IL senate race has been called for the R. Aaaargh. haven’t heard about the gov race.
    NV just called for Reid on MSNBC – some good news. Go Alaska = go Scott, go.

  20. Enjay in E MT says:

    Faux calls REID —

  21. Enjay in E MT says:

    Our only Congressman for Montana won – Republican – Not News really

    We do have TWO Dem Senators tho !! 🙂

  22. Baker's Dozen says:

    Yes! Take that you heartless Texas oil poops! Prop 23 in CA is going down in carcinogous (sp) smoke and flames not seen since they tried burning the oil from the oil “spill!” Yes! We’re keeping out stricter standards. Pfffft!

    The votes in CA so far look really really sane. I’m considering staring a CIP–California Independence Party. We’ll secede, let all the rest of you guys thumb wrestle over our representative seats, and clear out Orange County (renamed “Blue County”) and Fresno with a bulldozer. Then, we’ll seal our borders, and where will all of you go for skiing? Sure, you can surf in Hawaii, but where else can you ski in the morning and surf in the afternoon, see a super ball game at a great park overlooking the bay in the evening, and have dinner at a world famous restaurant at night? All in less than 24 hours and only using your hybrid for transportation? Oh, and see considerably more people in that one day than Alaska has population. That’s a major downside.

    Then again, maybe we’ll just stay and try and help out you poor red states. Except Texas. We hate the Dallas Cowboys here. 🙂

    • benlomond2 says:

      …AND the Dodgers !!! Go Giants !!!!

      • Baker's Dozen says:

        Giants won!
        Dalla Cowboys vying for cellar
        Yankees out of playoffs

        Hmmmm. What else?

        Oh, yeah.

        Brown won
        Boxer won
        Newsome won
        Prop23 lost
        Prop 8 is in retreat of some sort
        Mostly dems winning for state office
        benlomond’s district must be blue (I mean Santa Cruz? Didn’t they ban R’s from town?)
        my district is blue

        Of course, my elected officials aren’t as important as the first three, but pretty darned nice. My week is shaping up very nicely, California-wise. Wish it was going this well other places. Maybe CA has finally figured out that there is a difference between R and D. Then, I can vote Green! 🙂

    • Gimme-a-break, Sarah says:

      There are times when secession sounds tempting! 🙂

  23. 1smartcanerican says:

    How long does it generally take to get any numbers in an Alaskan election? I realize that the pockets of voters are all over the place and way out in the boonies, so don’t know when we could realistically expect any results.

  24. CanadianGuy25 says:

    A sign of the night: CNN ticker declares Idaho elects Crapo.

    • Blue Idaho says:

      The people here are morons. Idaho will always be red. Today I passed a construction crew blasting ” I’m Proud to Be an American where at least I know I’m Free”, but the was several illeagals on the job. There is no hope here.

      • Blue Idaho says:

        You are right nothing but crap here.

        • blue eyes says:

          I think Idaho will always vote for the GOP. As long as there is an R next to the name, they will always win. A tree stump could win with an R next to it.

        • blue eyes says:

          I think Idaho will always vote for the GOP. As long as there is an R next to the name, they will always win. A tree stump could win with an R next to it.

  25. AKjah says:

    Got it

  26. Just another D says:

    This afternoon I got a call on my cell. Because I was in a meeting, I didn’t take it. It was Scott McAdams thanking me for volunteering on his campaign. I’ve worked on dozens of campaigns. This is the first time the candidate has done that. Scott is a CLASS ACT. Polls just closed, holding my breath.

  27. Moose Pucky says:

    Yes, Feingold did concede. And Sestek lost to Tooney in PA. A total flip in the Midwest.

    • yukonbushgrma says:

      We came from Wisconsin. My mother-in-law there was totally convinced Feingold would win. She was shocked a few weeks ago to hear that his seat was in jeopardy.

      It’s too bad that someone like him — who held true but didn’t always hold to the party line — is on his way out. He was a pretty good guy. Wouldn’t be surprised to see him working for POTUS the next few years.

  28. Largo says:

    There will be 40 million new (young) voters in 2012. You think they are gonna put up with this GOP BS?
    Keep your powder dry. They’ve won their last victory. They will seriously overreach going forward, and pay for it.

    Don’t give up.

    • LibertyLover says:

      Unfortunately, we have a whole generation that believes in trickle down economics instead of Keynesian economics. Get ready for third world America. 🙁

    • Exit 35A says:

      I not so sure, the Republicans won a number of Governorships which will greatly influencing redistricting and hence house races for the next five cycles.

    • LibertyLover says:

      Sadly, AZ reelected Mccain and and our goofy Governor. And my district is going red this time. Depressing.

    • Krubozumo Nyankoye says:

      Good look at things, I sure as hell hope you are right.

  29. AKjah says:

    Any one know is Shannyn still broadcasting tonight?

  30. Smokey Mountain Blue says:

    When will we start seeing results from the Alaska Senate race?

  31. marcus2 says:

    I certainly hope McAdams wins. That would be excellent. Arianna Huffington said that the Demos and President Obama made a critical mistake of focusing on Health Care and not jobs, and she is right. President Clinton had the right intuitive sense and always put the focus on the economy.

    The Republicans will only make the job situation much worse for us. Continual outsourcing jobs to Third World countries is what they do best. Yes, millionaires and billionaires at the top get richer, and the middle class and poor go down.

    • Krubozumo Nyankoye says:

      Marcus2 – while what you say is generally true and that it was not good politics to focus on health care, in the long run it will make an enormous difference.

      So why does the so called electorate give these whack jobs power? Your analysis is spot on upto a point. Did no one who is out of a job vote? Possibly, considering that finding a place to sleep tonight might be a higher priority.

      You draw a false comparison between what clinton faced and obama faces. For starters alone, two wars.

      In my opinion, if Obama had just quit these wars without conditions, it would have made an enormous difference.

      It is a pity that we will now have to endure two years of even greater obstruction.

      If nothing else this indicates that a plurality of active voters are pieballed idiots.

  32. Moose Pucky says:

    And maybe quite a bit of the country didn’t vote.

  33. puffin shrapnel palin says:

    Boner drunk and crying…just like me! Scott-you’re my only hope!

  34. LibertyLover says:

    Looks like Meg Whitman is losing.

  35. Valerie Smith says:

    Educated Kentuckians, yes we exist, apologize for yet another idiot we are sending to Washington.

    • Enjay in E MT says:

      So Sorry Valerie — don’t feel too bad –
      looks like quite a bit of the country voted “Idiot”

    • Alaska Pi says:

      My father’s family is from Kentucky. Lots of good decent folk there- even plenty of the uneducated ones…
      Every state in the Union sends fruitloops to Congress …
      tis the nature of the beastie
      Don’t apolpgize.
      I won’t be apologizing if Alaska sends Joe Miller- I’ll be yelling at the top of my lungs
      I won’t be apologizing if Alaska sends Lisa Murkowski- I’ll be gagging in a bucket

      Don’t apologize.
      Unless , of course, you voted for the lying sack o spuds yourself…

  36. LibertyLover says:


  37. LibertyLover says:

    Goodness! Am I going to have to wath a crying Boehner for two years?

    • Enjay in E MT says:

      maybe he was just a bit early celebrating?

      Thought it was a heart attack for a moment,
      then remembered he was a Republican …

    • Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

      Yeah, but he’s more about whining and tanning than finding solutions. He’s in the hot spot now, and he will show himself to be a whack job Mr. Nowhere.

      I believe that this needed to happen to take away the “mystery” and fear of the Pee Party. Now some of them have jobs to do, and guess what? They have no clue how to govern. Had we not elected some of them, their power was actually stronger in the Peenut Gallery than having landed some jobs they will perform so poorly with.

      Now, we get to rate them. Now, we get to take our magnifying glass and burn some ants. Now, they have to answer to the people. If they don’t, they’ll drop like flies next time around. Or burned ants.

      • yukonbushgrma says:

        Yep, MUYS, but things are gonna get ugly — and will get worse before they get better. Unfortunately, we will have to watch Mr. fake-n-bake pontificate as we go. I have faith, though — eventually they’ll bring themselves down.

        “Or burned ants.” —
        dead BEDBUGS sound pretty good too …

    • Hannah says:

      HELL NO!!!

      (Just turn off your TV)

      Speaker of the House John Boehner, what a joke. He might even have to work after 5 pm.

  38. Moose Pucky says:

    OH and PA Governors lost to the Republicans.

  39. Ali girl says:

    WHY is Bristol Palin still on DWTS????? Dang teabaggers.

    • Bretta says:

      Because she is five months pregnant and we are on baby-bump watch. The $PayMe fans who adore her didn’t get the memo that Bristle was supposed to b voted off by now so she could quietly birth the next quivver-filler…

      My 84-year old mother noticed last night that BP is preggers then asked, “don’t her parents teach her about birth control?”

      Surprised me.

  40. Jen says:

    Boehner is on and I am going to be absolutely sick.

  41. Moose Pucky says:

    It appears a high percentage of Latino turnout in Nevada may be saving Harry Reid’s butt.

    I think it was Sharon Angle that was reported to have looked out across a crowd of folks and said, “You don’t all look Latino. Some of you look Asian.”

  42. Enjay in E MT says:

    Reid is up by 9% right now

    • Enjay in E MT says:

      The bad news is Angle will run again in 2 yrs for that other seat

      • PA_John says:

        But … in 2 years, the country will be well-informed of the failure of the new GOP to get anything done, and will be lucky to hold onto this year’s gains, if not lose ground to the Dems again. If Angle makes it tonight, she’ll be out in 2012. If she doesn’t make it tonight, she won’t make it in 2 years.

    • Elizabeth says:

      I just spoke to my Mother in law who lives in Nevada. She voted a straight Democratic ticket for the first time in her life!!! She is 85.

  43. Moose Pucky says:

    A report is coming in that Feingold has not yet conceded. Some outstanding votes left.

  44. Lainey says:

    I’m FURIOUS at SCOTUS setting precedence 4 buying elections! …FURIOUS at Repukes 4 choosing obstruction and bigotry over sincerely caring to fix America for ALL of us ~how can this gov’t be as blatantly corrupt as many dictatorships? I wish I was a witch to make those self-serving, lying, $%&())*$# DISAPPEAR! palin would be the first!

    • LibertyLover says:

      It is going to take that depression to take hold to change things. So hold on to your bootstraps! It’s going to get much worse before it gets better. Returning to the failing policies of the early Bush years is going to be really ugly.

      Obama got the blame for Bush’s economy. Pity.

    • beth says:

      Yup. beth.

  45. Call results – left lots of messages –
    Most of the people who I spoke to in person offered that they had already voted for McAdams –

  46. Gimme-a-break, Sarah says:

    Just got back from voting here in CA about a half hour ago. This morning, after reading a few emails from my very dear but politically ignorant Republican relatives, I just sort of went over the edge, feeling absolutely nauseous. So for the sake of my mental and physical health I took the day off from politics, avoided any news coverage, and concentrated on housecleaning. But now, of course, I’m looking at the election results and feeling heartsick for all the good Dems who lost, and very sad about the state of the country.

    When is this national epidemic of stupid going to end? Sigh….. 🙁

    At least it looks like Brown and Boxer will win in CA….I sure hope Scott McAdams wins!

    • aussiegal77 says:

      I have no idea when the Tidal Wave of Stupidity will end. But I hope soon…….

      And yes, big big hopes for a McAdams win!!!!!

      I have a lot of dear friends who are Republicans – who are sadly, ignorant too. This is what comes of watching Fox News exclusively. That network is a greatest threat to American democracy and I am not even remotely kidding.

      • GA Peach says:

        You are so right! A television was put in my BANK w/ Fox on! Didn’t take long for me to write the CEO a scathing letter about their participation in the dumbing down of America.

      • Gimme-a-break, Sarah says:

        I am in complete agreement with your statement about Fox News (or Faux News, as we call it here). They are a right-wing propaganda machine.

  47. Moose Pucky says:

    Chandler holds House seat in KY by 600 votes.

  48. Jamie Smith says:

    Yesterday I actually had a canvasser for McAdams make it up the long and snowy “driveway” out in a neck of the woods to the cabin. That act alone gave me some real inspiration!

    Talk at the coffehouse this morning and on campus today was McPositive too.

  49. yardwork says:

    I cast my ballot for McAdams, Berkowitz …. @ Chugiak HS about 6:30 pm. My gut impression was that I was surrounded by mostly Miller, supporters – just a gut feeling. A slogan, pack of lies and a perpetual 5 o’clock shadow apparently gets you pretty far these days.

  50. Moose Pucky says:

    KOS reports 10 Blue Dogs have survived. 20 Blue Dogs down. (House)

    PA and OH losing about everything to the Republicans.

  51. Eddie in Anchorage says:

    Go Justice Fabe and Judge Postma!

  52. skunkcabbage says:

    Already have had one panicked email from my mother in Wasilla about being so worried about the GOP wins and what will happen here.

    So, I’m trying to be sane and calm for both of us.

    Yeah, O’Donnell is out. Eeww, we have to watch Boehner’s smug self-satisfied orange mug be Speaker.

    Hope Leahy keeps his seat.

  53. Moose Pucky says:

    Awesome, Writing.

  54. Moose Pucky says:

    Yay California. Yay Jerry Brown. $140 million couldn’t buy California.

    Yay. Barbara Boxer.

  55. McCalling for McAdams – 50 calls down – one hour to go – eek!

  56. MonaLisa (inCT) says:

    Blumenthal won!

    “Connecticut, today, has held an election – NOT an auction!”


    • MonaLisa (inCT) says:

      (Chris Dodd’s senate seat)

    • MonaLisa (inCT) says:

      Actually, so far it looks like my whole state will be solidly Blue! (Rosa DeLauro, my congresswoman, retained her seat with 67% of the vote!)

      Bridgeport, our most populous city, actually ran out of ballots. A judge ordered that the polls stay open an extra 2 hours, until 10 pm (unprecedented here!)

      The republican challenger is crying fraud. Shocked?

      “Today, multiple instances of voter fraud are being reported in Bridgeport,” Debicella spokeswoman Ashley Maagero e-mails in a press release. Debicella is challenging Rep. Jim Himes.

      Maagero said members of Himes’s staff were removed from the Registrar of Voters office because they were campaigning there.

      Not true, Himes’s campaign says. “Voter turnout in Bridgeport today is tremendous because people are exercising their right to choose the direction of this country,” Himes spokeswoman Liz Kerr said. “It is unfortunate that Dan Debicella is again engaging in deceptive tactics and attempting to win at any cost.”

      Democrats were angrily dismissive of the charges. “These claims are blatantly false, and further demonstrate the causal relationship with the truth Dan Debicella has shown over the course of his campaign,” one Democratic source said.

      A point backing that up: Debicella’s campaign also claimed its lawyers were denied access to voting tallies in real time. They were denied — but only because such tallies are not allowed, and tallies are not released before polls close.

  57. Enjay in E MT says:

    Faux called Boxer & Jerry Brown

    • Baker's Dozen says:

      Palin’s sweetie lost again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


      That means Boxer won. And Jerry Brown won! And I want all the stupid $$$$$$$$ Meg Whitless poured into a badly run campaign to put into a CA stimulus package.

      So, in CA the two twits were tossed. And sanity ruled the day!

      Now, anxiously awaiting returns from AK, just to see what might happen next.

  58. Moose Pucky says:

    At least people won’t be able to blame the Democrats for everything anymore.

    • Fairbanks_Rick says:

      Actually, the same crowd will. Dems will still have the Senate and the Presidency come January. We get to do this all again Nov 6, 2012

  59. Valley Mom says:

    Has anyone else overheard chit chat at the polls about the “write-in” list by poll staffers? What I heard while voting at my polling place was probably not illegal but defin. was inappropriate. There was lots of banter back and forth between poll workers and friends and neighbors coming in about the “correct” way to use the list and how they couldn’t let anyone else who might be close by see it if they didn’t ask. This was done very sarcastically and with lots of laughter. As other people entered the polling place the jokes continued with lots of discussion about the legality of the list. Everyone who entered while i was there certainly knew about the list, knew exactly how to ask for it, where it was going to be shown to them, and how it could be used. The sarcasm and laughing by the poll workers was disturbing especially since I know most of them and certainly know where they stand politically. thanks for allowing me to vent here.

    • Moose Pucky says:

      Yep, same thing happened here. The list publicity sure kicked in the last few days. Like a big fat joke.

    • fishingmamma says:

      I saw nothing. No sign of the list, no mention of it, no request for it. There were general directions for filling out the voting form hanging in each booth. Just the “fill in the oval completely” variety. People filed in, filled out forms, and left.

  60. Maria says:

    I have the horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach that Palin is going to see this election as her mandate and the way the power structure is set up she could go pretty far – if so many Americans insist on embracing their ignorance and hatred and so many more insist on being petulant about Obama not being some kind of impossible magician. There is so much unrealistic immaturity out there among those fair-weather ‘Democrats’ and Obama supporters. At least we voted. At least we tried to keep the Change we voted in in the first place.
    Do I sound discouraged? Yes, I am. We need a fully functioning Congress to grapple with the problems besetting us and all we are getting from the R. opposition is OPPOSITION of a mean-spirited and mindless variety.

    • Moose Pucky says:

      She can go play marbles with Christine.

      • Baker's Dozen says:

        They don’t have two marbles between them. They’ll just have to play with . . .

    • aussiegal77 says:

      I’m very disappointed at so many Americans being so so short sighted. How many times did Obama say that this was NOT going to happen overnight? Fear really is a powerful tool and between Palin, Fox News and Glenn Beck, they really bludgeoned this country.

      All my conservative friends say that this is a Christian country but if that is really true – WHY are so many so called Christians so willing to be cowed by irrational fear? Isn’t there supposed to be hope and trust and faith in a GOD that is in control of everything that happens and does not happen? And how is it that Christians can only see the short term? Can only see what they WANT to see and ignore the empirical, demonstrable FACTS?? Can never be patient, be faithful? Support those who do GOOD? But no, the supposed Christians in this country and their leaders support the liars, the frauds and the craven. And oh – let’s not forget Wall Street and the Billionaires cuz heaven FORBID they don’t get a tax break!!!!!

      It just absolutely blows my mind and I AM a Christian!


      • Baker's Dozen says:

        I, too, am a Christian, and I don’t subscribe to much of anything they do. Practically nothing. I can’t think of a thing offhand. 🙂
        The Christian right uses some very narrow parameters for being Christian and for being electable:
        1. Anti abortion, with very few if any exceptions
        2. Anti LGBT no exceptions
        3. Christians are fundamentalists. If you aren’t then you’re at least suspect
        4. Capitalism is Christian and Christianity is capitalistic
        5. Our democracy and constitution are capitalist and therefore Christian. Therefore, democracy, capitalism, and true Christianity are actually one and the same. They may not say so, and they may honestly deny it, but their actions say otherwise.

        And I’ll wager a Baker’s Dozen on that!

        • I don’t necessarily believe there really is a god,but can you imagine the amount of grief Palin will causehim/her on judgement day? I suspect whoever if forced to face the face of fear at the Pearly Gates will probably become an outright alcoholic afterwards.

  61. Baker's Dozen says:

    Now I’m ranting about something completely different.
    W. low point in his presidency wasn’t the dead in Iraq, the dead after 9/11, the dead after Katrina or any of his actions, poor actions or inactions that helped to cause or exacerbate these problems, it was being called a bad name! Boo hoo hoo. I now have out my violin. Sad music. Homer Simpson blowing nose.

    MATT LAUER: This from the book. “Five years later I can barely write those words without feeling disgust.” You go on. “I faced a lot of criticism as President. I didn’t like hearing people claim that I lied about Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction or cut taxes to benefit the rich. But the suggestion that I was racist because of the response to Katrina represented an all time low.”

    What a selfish, self absorbed, self aggrandizing, self adulating, self justifying jerk!

    And, now, people have decided, in their infinite stupidity, that putting this party back into partial power is a good idea.
    Arne Duncan would do this country a world of good if he insisted on education about the constitution for every school year and a competency test on same to get out of eighth grade and to get a high school diploma.

    • aussiegal77 says:

      I mean seriously. And this man is a champion of the Christian Right? That’s just sad to me. I would think 9/11 and Katrina would have been tied for LOW LOW LOW points – given the incompetency that lead directly to the loss of thousands of innocent lives. This man is bonkers.

    • Alaska Pi says:

      Not exactly…
      People have decided to play with matches and the current R party has been holding the matchbooks in hopes they can warm their hands over the bonfire…
      Problem is none of them are well-suited to get along with each other for any length of time…

      It’s a pain in the pazoo and some will suffer unduly while this latest horsepunky plays out but we’ll outlast them or they’ll self destruct like the wacko Contract for America goon-squads did…

  62. chalzrivahmom says:

    Good news from Massachusetts. Barney Frank (the congressman from our district) has won handily over his opponent, Deval Patrick (D) has been re-elected governor, and Ed Markey is returning to congress as well…he’s been tireless for the environment. I’ll be watching AK with eager anticipation. Go Scott McAdams! In fact here in Blue State Massachusetts, it looks as though we’re returning all Dems to congress. Now if we can just get rid of Scott Brown!

    • aussiegal77 says:

      Good news indeed – we’ll need the tireless Dems in the House!

    • ks sunflower says:

      Love, love love it – or should say, I love Barney Frank. Glad that Patrick won and Markey is headed back as well, but the thought of losing Frank’s energy was just too much to bear. So glad I can go to bed with many more happy thoughts than I feared — there really have been some Good News races here and there. Will be keeping good thoughts about those still to settle out.

      Best thoughts to Scott McAdams and to B. Boxer. We need them both!

      • Congressman Frank has been getting beaten up badly in comment sections from RWNJ that hold him responsible for the collapse of Fannie and Freddie. They also claim he ran a prostitution ring for boys out of his DC office. You can’t reason with sick nutjobs. I’m getting stuck with Bachman clone Steve King in Iowa again and the whole state looks to be turning red. Help all is lost. Can’t hold on much longer. Send Brian with much needed bourbon or something. Can’t see. Its getting dar……

        • Alaska Pi says:

          Brian and bourbon and backbone flying your way via gold streak!
          Hang on !
          Hang in there!
          Help is on the way!!!!

    • Baker's Dozen says:

      Yay! 🙂

      Brown must have been enough dirt!

    • ChiCat says:

      I know, no matter what else happened on election night, at least my own MA is still solidly blue! I’m proud to have been able to vote for Ed Markey; I wish he had run for Kennedy’s seat as I’m sure he would have beaten Scott Brown!

  63. Moose Pucky says:

    Really bad news. We’ve lost Russ Feingold.

    • ks sunflower says:

      Oh, man. Was hoping that would not happen. Geez.

    • Bavet says:

      To a nasty teabagger Ron Johnson and a Palin clone Rebecca Kleefisch for Lt. Governor. Kleefisch refused to debate the Dem Lt. Governor candidate and was taped saying if WI allows gay marriage, what next, people will want to marry their dogs.

      I’m beyond anger. Numb, resigned. Bullies do win, how do I explain this to my daughters?

      • Bavet says:

        duh, sorry. Didn’t type that correct. Feingold lost to Johnson for Senate. Repubs Walker and Kleefisch, won over Dem candidate Barrett (current Milwaukee mayor) for Governor and Lt. Gov. Our current Dem governor, Doyle, decided not to run.

        So I’m going from Dem Gov and Ind Senate to Repub Senate and Repub Gov. Help.

    • Baker's Dozen says:

      That IS bad news. How he got caught up in “throw the bums out,” I’ll never know.
      Other than Joe McCarthy, I used to think you northern midwestern states were full of reasonable people. Seems like the reasonable has been over ridden by deranged.

  64. Moose Pucky says:

    When did NPR become such a bunch of Republican cheerleaders? Sheeesh. They sound almost giddy and hopeful for a big Republican sweep. There must be some corporate media tax breaks lurking in wings.

  65. Judychicago says:

    Delaware: Chris Coons defeats Tea Party’s Christine O’Donnell……………Yeah! That makes me smile.

    But the fact is we can’t have it all. Never happens. Gotta be grateful for what there is. History will show us the good, bad and ugly. If the Rep’s get the House, so be it. Then they can’t bitch and moan about Washington “nothing getting anything done” can they?

    They will need to perform miracles fast in order to fulfill all of the b.s/ campaign promises. WE need to hold them accountable for their promises. In my opinion, this is where we often fall short.

  66. CorningNY says:

    A little bit of fun for election night: $arah’s sporting a new hairdo!

    The comments are ROFLMAO funny!

    • ks sunflower says:

      Helmet head.

    • Enjay in E MT says:

      Its almost like her head is deformed —
      A-Do from the 60’s —
      guess thats how far BACK she wants
      to take the country

    • Baker's Dozen says:

      Distracts one from looking at her wrinkles, which wouldn’t matter if she hadn’t campaigned on looks and sax appeal.
      But it really looks like a wig covering a Conehead! Which is why she has trouble with English.

      If I were her stylist, I’d be crawling under a chair, hoping no one ever found out what the celebu-pol had made me do to her hair.

      And how could you possibly have a serious talk with someone that looks like that!

    • leenie17 says:

      She’s starting to look like she should be a character in ‘Dilbert’!

      Maybe this has something to do with those mouse-human brain transplants her BFF CO’D was talking about…???

    • MTinMO says:

      Looks like she has one of those Bump-its under there!

    • Bretta says:

      $he didn’t have time to wash – too busy voting to keep Bristle on DWTS to keep the big money rolling in to pay for the baby due in four months. Greasy creepy whackjob.

  67. North of the Range says:

    What a bizarre election. Walked into our local precinct this morning and the first thing I saw was a hand-printed sign, “Do not say any candidate’s name out loud.” I can see why they posted it, but it still bugged me that any of this stuff was even alluded to sideways.

    However, annoyance was quickly replaced with good feelings about McVoting. Have rarely had such thoroughly positive experience voting for someone. Scott’s class and sincerity has made this entire grubby election season tolerable. Thank you, sir!

  68. Sydney says:

    Boy, oh boy. Georgia is just lost to the Reds. I don’t think this state could ever crawl out from those Republican rocks. To quote John Mayer, “Why, why Georgia, why?”

  69. LA Brian says:

    The “group costumes” at the West Hollywood Halloween Carnival are some of the best. I saw another group of ladies dressed as gourmet food trucks (yes – they’re a hot item out here).

  70. Krubozumo Nyankoye says:

    I’ll be sitting it out for a while yet before making any comments other than to say that it appears the right wing sweep the media so lavishly hoped for is not going to be complete.

    Just got off work a bit ago, we had elections down here as well and the expected winners won, that is how it works here. No one is surprised no one is very passionate about it really. The election was over the weekend so it was easy as pie for anyone who wanted to to vote. I of course could not vote here and only discussed the elections after the fact. It is interesting that tonight some locals are coming around to see what is happening in the US.

    I’ll check back in in a couple of hours.

  71. Fairbanks_Rick says:

    Shocker in PA? Sestak (PA-D) is up by 80,000 votes with 81% reporting. Oh Wow!

  72. Baker's Dozen says:


    It fries my biscuits when people are too stupid to look at what candidates say and then come up with a reasoned decision, but my hair goes up in flames when people are disenfranchised.

    This is a comment from HP
    A polling watchdog group says about two dozen Los Angeles residents have received Spanish-language robocalls and mailers instructing them to vote a day after Election Day.
    Election Protection said Tuesday that the Hispanic voters received phone calls and printed reminders telling them to vote on Wednesday, Nov. 3.

    • Bretta says:

      That makes me apopolyptic (sorry about the spelling). This election has really gotten evil – reverting to the good ol’ days, I guess.

    • sierraseven says:

      When some people see they’re going to lose a fair game, they just knock over the chessboard. The right-wingers keep claiming they want to focus on the issues – but just like the “Operation Chaos” nonsense, they’ll do anything to win.

  73. aussiegal77 says:

    This segment on Maddow last night was excellent:

    President Obama – country over self, policy over politics. Still the best man for the job.

    • Cassie Jeep says:

      …and he’s got some time yet. Lame duck session will be interesting, but when the “new kids on the block” face reality in January, the game gets REALLY interesting.

      Quitter predictions, anyone?

    • ks sunflower says:

      I love this man and what he is trying to do. So proud he’s our President. At least he can veto any bills like trying to repeal health care. Surely the Rethugs understand that?

      Oh, right, they want to impeach him. Sigh. Do the Rethugs ever, ever, ever put America first?

      • aussiegal77 says:

        Nope, never. Brace yourself dearie for more Repub shenanigans. I’m expecting impeachment dramas….

        • leenie17 says:

          My only consolation is the hope that the tide of opinion will turn on them like it turned when they impeached Clinton. Even people who hated Clinton were furious at the time, money and energy that were wasted in that debacle.

          People may be angry and frustrated at the slow pace of progress now, but wait until the Republicans do everything they can to stop goverment cold and get nothing accomplished for the next 2 years. Now the Repubs won’t be able to blame everything on the Dems.

  74. TX SMR says:

    Voted here in TX. I was really wishing that I had an absentee AK ballot. Voted straight Dem ticket. If there wasn’t a Dem option I didn’t cast a vote in that race. I have never voted straight Dem ticket, but so fed up with Repubs, never mind the insanity of Repubs here in TX, this was the year for it.

    My daughter called from AK to say that she’d cast her vote for McAdams. Go Scott!

    • leenie17 says:

      Straight Dem here, too. I even voted against the state senator I voted for in the last election because I just couldn’t bear to vote for anyone on that R line.

  75. BritGal says:

    We lost Grayson in FL..Rand could be reponsible for throwing US into another serious depression..O Donell is neither a witch or a US senator, but definitely still a moron

  76. AKPetMom says:

    Just got home from voting and running errands and felt so proud to fill in the oval for McAdams and Berkowitz/Benson and Crawford.

  77. MTinMO says:

    Will be anxiously waiting for Alaskan results to start coming in. Still holding out hope for the seats in CO, NV, CA, WA and HI too. I’m assuming nobody shot out transformers today or anything like that up there. How many of you remember that? I had to vote by lighter out in Wasilla. The traffic was so bad in Anchorage, we didn’t think we would make it out to the valley in time. No matter how many times we voted yes, they still didn’t move the capitol! I saw a new poll today that seemed to show Miller was still polling ahead, with McAdams 2nd and Murkowski 3rd. Is that the same you all up there are seeing today? Hope not, but I know, in Alaska,, you just never, ever know.

  78. Baker's Dozen says:

    People in some places are becoming more savvy about money and what it can buy. I think CA voters actually became more aware, and wary, after prop 8. When they found out, mostly after the election, just how much out of state money, and from where, was poured into that campaign, they were angry. That worked against voting for Meg Whitman, prop 23, and Carly Fiorina.

    AND after years of looking at Carly and wondering, “she reminds me of something. I just can’t put my finger on it!” it hit me. She reminds me of a piece of rebar!!!!!!!!!! Really!!!!!!! I’m LOL at myself. :-p

  79. aussiegal77 says:

    Looks like we’re holding on in the Senate but the House has gone GOP. BUMMER. Nancy Pelosi is the BEST Speaker we have seen in a long long while. Boehner will be a joke.

    Interesting discussion on MSNBC re. debt ceiling and how Rand Paul will cast his vote. Will he stick to his Tea Party “principles” and filibuster raising the debt ceiling? Or will he have a collision between pragmatism and principles – and vote to raise the debt ceiling & incur the wrath of the Tea Party? Will be fascinating to see just how real a fiscal conservative he is!

    Meanwhile – still waiting on AK and NV…..

    • Bretta says:

      Sort of like the Alaska GOP’s candidate: says he’s for fiscal conservatism but he’s had his hand into every cookie jar available to him. How would he, if, god forbid, he went to DC, vote against entitlements such as federal funding for his home-schooled children, federal funding for medical care for said children, federal agriculture loans, and federal tax breaks and payments on farmland, subsistence licenses, and federal tax breaks on rental property versus earned income? Perhaps he would like to re-instate the tax break Reagan took away for credit card debt since he owes many times more than his income, incurred prior to his senate run?

      Good god, Joke Miller is a train wreck, but in Alaska, the MSM is so afraid of $arah Palin they are afraid to speak out against him. What does $he have on these people?

    • Hannah says:

      Heck, Pelosi is the best and bravest politician in the country. IMO.

  80. Kimosabe says:

    At least Maryland has stayed blue in the senate and governor. Because of MY vote!

  81. Pepper1939 says:

    Scary… Murdoch and the Koch brothers win…. very sad day

    • Cassie Jeep says:

      I agree. But remember this: they have no desire to govern, they only wanted to win. They can be fodder the next time around.

      • ks sunflower says:

        Yeah, I am thinking they can celebrate now, but in two years, they are going to be exposed for the lowlife they are.

  82. I See Villages From My House says:

    She doesn’t only lack gravitas, there isn’t enough room on the internet to spell out what is so wrong with this woman who just.won’t.go.away.

    • aussiegal77 says:

      Palin is so stupid. Governing is all about compromise. Not on everything – but without compromise, there can be no progress. This woman is mistaking governing intelligently and pragmatically with some kind of moral show-down with every single decision. It’s beyond ridiculous.

    • leenie17 says:

      Clearly, on her kindergarten report card, she got a flaming, neon F under ‘works and plays well with others’!

    • Bretta says:

      I don’t understand how someone who is supposed to be all about supporting the troops, blah blah blah, can go on undermining the commander-in-chief. She is so demoralizing for all the people who give to their community by serving in the military. Oh. $owah Payme never gave anything to the community. It’s all about her.

      • ks sunflower says:

        So true.

      • leenie17 says:

        No, no, no…you misunderstand!

        It’s ONLY unpatriotic to bash a Commander in Chief if he’s a Republican. It doesn’t count if he’s a Dem and REALLY doesn’t count if he’s one of those soshalist, Marksist, comm-yoonist, secret Muzzlim, community-organizer types from Kenya!

    • Hannah says:

      You really must read this:

      The author is a former Republican. You might even bookmark his blog. Very interesting insights.

  83. Carolyn in Ohio! says:

    Well, Ohio lost it’s chance to turn an R senate seat to a D. No surprise there, but still sad. I’m hopeful about the governor race. And our awesome attorney general is leading the polls against Mike DeWine whom Sherrod Brown beat!

    And although this probably won’t make national news (result wise), a nasty little republican (Josh Mandel), who is overly ambitious and not very smart, ran a nasty smear campaign for state treasurer. It’s making me nervous. I haven’t seen any results yet, but the incumbent didn’t do anything to deserve it (in fact, you might even say he’s done a good job!). I’m keeping my eye on this one, because this republican will definitely try to move up, and I hope we all can do our best to get well- intentioned honest candidates in the game who don’t pull the “he’s a big scary muslim card!”

    That’s my two cents. Any other buckeyes out there?

    • Carolyn in Ohio! says:

      and in other minor good news, Ohio elected it’s first openly gay state legislator! And Rich Iott (the Nazi impersonator) lost!

  84. puffin shrapnel palin says:

    I am not a witch…or a Senator. (But I’ll probably be working for FOX by tomorrow morning.)

  85. Enjay in E MT says:

    Bachmann is going to make a run for Speaker of the House — OMG!!
    I can’t even imagine Boehner in that position…..He’s too much of a
    LUSH –

    Nothing we can do — times are a changin’

    • ks sunflower says:

      So the choice is between Dumb and Dumber or Crazoid vs. Drunkard? Gee, Pelosi’s legacy is going to shine if either of those twits get the reigns of power.

      You know, I don’t know why Boehner wants that position because he might actually have to work.

  86. puffin shrapnel palin says:

    O’Donnell’s concession speech! Drinks!

  87. puffin shrapnel palin says:

    Grayson went down in FL. Too bad.

    • aussiegal77 says:

      Yeah, I was quite disappointed in that result.

    • dowl says:

      really sorry to hear that Grayson lost.

    • leenie17 says:

      That’s a loss for all of us, not just Floridians.

      • ks sunflower says:

        I agree. He was a voice of truth and really fighting for the working people. Damn – how stupid were the people in his district?

    • Baker's Dozen says:

      Unfortunately, a lot of it was his doing. He was doing well, it seemed, and then he put out an attack ad that took stuff out of context. since he was running on squeaky clean image, that kinda did him in. I was disappointed in him. I expected better myself.

  88. Cassie Jeep says:

    P.S. Cuomo is whipping the pants off (not a hard thing to do) of Carl Palladino!


  89. Cassie Jeep says:

    I am so sorry that Burr (the former refrigerator salesman) seems to have won again in North Carolina.(My state.)

    But if Michelle Bachmann launches a bid to upset Boehner for House Speaker, I’d pay to see that fight (meow!).

    I am pleased that Joe Manchin won in WV! He will not always vote in my best interests, but he will vote for his constituents…a rare thing.

    Kentucky will live to rue the day they sent Rand Paul. He will NOT vote in Kentuckians’ best interest. His view are out of our spheres.

    Gililebrand is good for New Yorkers!

    Let’s keep the hope Alaskans!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(However long it takes the re-count).

  90. thatcrowwoman says:

    ARRRRGGGHHHH! with 34%of precincts reporting, Rick Scott leads Alex Sink, 51-46%. You must be kidding me.

    Here’s hoping the other 66% didn’t vote for the lying, cheating, fraud for Governor of Florida!

    (tappy toe, tappy toe, wings crossed!)

    • Terpsichore says:

      Y’know, I can deal with a senator Rubio, but a governor Scott? He’s got no clue about running a state government.

      If Rubio AND Scott AND Pam Bondi win, I’m afraid I might have to suspect a conspiracy.

      And perhaps think of moving to another state, or figuring out how to work to stop all the nonsense they’d want to try to enact.

      ARRRRGGGHHHH! Indeed!

      • BWS says:

        I just got home from work, and am sick, everything went RED/is going red, from the littlest local to governor.

        The only bright spot in Florida is the overwhelming YES on the redistricting amendments

    • ks sunflower says:

      Floridians and Kansans can console one another. Appears both states have gone down in flames to the lunacy of the right. So sorry thatcrowwoman. I really cannot see a way to feel even a bit of hope for those living in Kansas right now. It is going to get very, very bad. Instead, I will direct my hopeful energies to Florida so that you don’t feel as downtrodden as I do right now.

      Brownback is a born-again Opus Dei convert. Sigh. Kobach (sec. of state) wants to turn our state into an armed camp.

      Oh, and a Constitutional Amendment here also ensured the right to vote cannot be denied to the mentally ill. The Republicans were really pushing that one. (No, I won’t make the obvious comment, but please feel free to think it.)

    • Laurie says:

      Is this the same Scott that was in charge of HCA here in Nashville when the company got caught ripping off Medicare via overcharges?

      • Mady says:

        YES! That crook is about to be governor of Florida. I can’t stand it. Florida went blue in 2008.

        Now, with a Scott as governor and a republican legislature, Florida teachers are doomed.

  91. SmallStepsinVA says:

    Well I too have turned the news off. Of course we only have antennae so it’s Faux noise. We’ve opted to return to PBS and see scientists drilling into tiny fragments of bone looking for neanderthal dna – evolutionary anthropology is cool.

    Here in VA – I voted for Krystal Ball and convinced spouse and several friends to vote for her. The best I could do 🙂 now I’ll watch some sane pbs and wait till tomorrow’s newspaper for the results.

    Cheers Mudpups!

  92. Gramiam says:

    Next is the other one up in Alaska (no, tonight it is in NYC on FOX) Anybody noticed any flying monkeys in Wasilla? Besides Tawd, that is?

  93. I See Villages From My House says:

    Okay. Glass of wine in hand.

    McMahon went down hard for the count in Connecticut.

    As did Christine O’Donnell. No words. Anymore on that woman. Until Sarah keeps bringing her up as her pundit BFF to tag-team the Establishment that includes all of em (Dems, Obama and the elite GOP.)

    Robert Byrd’s lifetime Senate seat for the Dem’s was saved by Joe Manchin over Florida resident with a WV dalliance, John Raese.

    Don’t want to think about a Senator Rand Paul in Washington. My only consolation, we’ve got two years to attack the Tea Party common sense conservative record before the Presidential election year.

    What is happening in California and Nevada.

    We all know Alaska is going to take forever as Joe Paranoid-and-Litigious-to-exhaustion Miller is going to contest every single vote cast for anyone but him.

  94. Martha says:

    Christine O’Donnell lost so I just can’t help this:

    Ding Dong! The Witch is dead. Which old Witch? The Wicked Witch!

    Ding Dong! The Wicked Witch is dead.

    Wake up – sleepy head, rub your eyes, get out of bed.

    Wake up, the Wicked Witch is dead. She’s gone where the goblins go,

    Below – below – below. Yo-ho, let’s open up and sing and ring the bells out.

    Ding Dong’ the merry-oh, sing it high, sing it low.

    Let them know

    The Wicked Witch is dead!

    As Mayor of the Munchkin City, In the County of the Land of Oz, I welcome you most regally.
    But we’ve got to verify it legally, to see
    To see?
    If she
    If she?

    Is morally, ethic’lly
    Father No.1

    Spiritually, physically
    Father No. 2

    Positively, absolutely

    Undeniably and reliably Dead

    As Coroner I must aver, I thoroughly examined her.

    And she’s not only merely dead, she’s really most sincerely dead.

    Then this is a day of Independence For all the Munchkins and their descendants

    If any.

    Yes, let the joyous news be spread The wicked Old Witch at last id dead!

  95. Gramiam says:

    That’s two of the Swag Hag’s endorsements up in smoke. O’Donnell and Raese. May there be more before the night is over. I want to see the wench blow a gasket!

  96. Buffalogal says:

    9pm – voting is closed and our local NBC station is calling Cuomo as NY’s new gov . Also calling it a win for Gillibrand as well as for Schumer.

  97. lemonfair says:

    msnbc just announced the house has gone to the Republicans

    • If the House goes to Rethugs,nothing will get done for America. I fear we will see years of wasted investigations into impeaching Obama for being Black. Gridlock,here we come.

      • sj says:

        That’ same exact sentiment has been through my mind of late. The House is going to wasted money, time, and energy on constant impeachment investigations toward Obama and constant attempts to repeal healthcare reform. On and on and on for the next two years. What a waste!

        • sj says:

          Sorry! The first sentence should read: “That same exact sentiment has been going through my mind lately.” In the second sentence “wasted” should be “waste.” Frustration has clouded my typing skills.

          • 264 Crayons says:

            Yes I wouldn’t be surprised if repealing and impeaching are the first two items on their very short list of TO DO items.

      • Bretta says:

        Mike from Iowa, I think you pegged the underlying racist current that we need to call out and force into accountability. It is and has been an abscess in the USA for a very long time.

  98. NOLA says:

    I am so upset that I did not get to vote! I didn’t do early voting because I figured I’d be able to walk down to the precinct this morning to cast my ballot. However, I fell and broke my leg and ankle Saturday night and surgery was today! I am checking results now and so far am sad about Grayson and happy a out COD. I look forward to reading all my fellow mudpups comments on all the races tho!

    • lemonfair says:

      So sorry this happened to you. I kept telling my callers that come hell or high water I’d be there to vote today and didn’t need to vote early. I’ll try to remember what happened to you next time I’m that sure I don’t need to vote early. Speedy recovery.

    • Enjay in E MT says:

      Are you sure it wasn’t a Republican conspiracy?
      Ya Know – that Boehner guy broke your leg

    • 264 Crayons says:

      Oh dear that’s terrible! I was really sad to hear about Grayson as well – he surely belongs somewhere on the political playing field. I’m hoping with Obama or MSNBC to counter all the Fox B.S. Can’t believe Rand Paul either – KY what the hell!!!!

    • ks sunflower says:

      Sorry to hear about your accident. Take care of yourself. We’ll need you next time because I suspect people are not going to be so self-satisfied by the creepy people they voted in this time (aka Republicans and Tea Partiers). I really think we had to hit bottom first before people come to their senses. I think seeing the shenanigans of Rand Paul and Rubio in the Senate joining arms with DeMint will give voter’s remorse to a lot of people.

      You don’t feel bad about not being able to vote. Better to use your energies to heal and come back in fine fettle to fight another day!

      • NOLA says:

        Thanks for the encouraging words! We will survive this, the vocal minority cannot win again in ’12! It’s so important now to stand behind our president. Hopefully he will stand tough and let the fools on the right hang themselves

  99. aeroentropy says:

    Hey all — about 9 pm EDT —

    We’re gathering in live chat, aka “the treehouse”:

    come join and celebrate/lament!

  100. Alex says:

    Could not possibly be more proud of Scott McAdams — a great guy with solid political views who knows who he is and isn’t afraid to be himself.

    • ks sunflower says:

      I know. I wish we could have cloned him for many other states. I am keeping him in my thoughts and heart until the votes are all counted.

  101. mag the mick says:

    I just turned off the TV. I will wait till tomorrow to view the wreckage and remains.

    • ks sunflower says:

      Well, there are already some small saving graces – just heard Barney Frank is projected to win.

      Too bad about Grayson – too much money poured in at the last minute. Why are people so gullible to ad buys? Guess that’s why they call it the boob tube.

      We will all be hoping you will find something to celebrate in the morning, mag. Good luck!

  102. Moose Pucky says:

    Manchin (D-Gov) wins Senate seat in West Virginia.

    Shoot ’em up, Manchin!!!

  103. Was glad to see ABC came to its senses and dropped A Breitbart like a bad habit. What were they thinking?

    • I See Villages From My House says:

      Is that true? I read something but thought it was snark. Looks like LSM is manning-up.

      • ks sunflower says:

        No, ABC dropped Breitbart because he kept insisting on his blog (not that I read it – yuck) he was going to be the big cheese.

    • Laurie says:

      I sent them an email letting them know why I would not be watching him or their network.

  104. Tealwomin says:

    I just voted here in CA!
    Got my sticker too!
    Jerry Brown (hoping & praying) over that other one >>>> NutMeg Withman, (eewww). The World Series Winners holding upping the x’citment!

    Hoping AK gets it right this time…

  105. MO inkslinger says:

    Have voted primarily for GOP candidates in the past. Today, I voted primarily Democratic and crossed over for only one Republican. I am sick of the GOP/Tea Bagger antics.

    • Moose Pucky says:

      Good on ya, MO inkslinger.

    • leenie17 says:

      Thank you for voting with your head and your heart.

      While I tend to vote Dem across the board, I have occasionally crossed over and voted for a Republican if that candidate is clearly the better choice. This year, however, after all the lies, anger, fear and dirt that the Republican party has strewn throughout this campaign, I could not bring myself to vote for anyone with an R next to their name.

      I sincerely hope that, someday, I will be able to consider voting for a good Republican candidate without feeling shame and disgust. I hope that, someday, there IS a good Republican candidate that doesn’t make me feel like reaching for the disinfectant.


      • barbara says:

        i don’t believe i’ve ever voted for a republican. just can’t do it. i have left spaces blank when the dem was unacceptable to me.

    • sierraseven says:

      I’m a recovering Republican, too.

  106. Enjay in E MT says:

    Both hubby & I voted –
    Nothing special happening in the MT state election
    We only have one Congressional seat for the state – and its Rep.

    Local votes are important with County Commish & Sheriff

    Nice to see O’Donnell went down in flames!! Yahoo

  107. laprofesora says:

    Why oh why do so many people insist on voting for jackasses?

    • ks sunflower says:

      I wish I knew. What’s really nuts is that they vote for people who will you-know-what them. Makes no sense at all unless they like being you-know-what-ed.

  108. Moose Pucky says:

    She is is not “me” is lost. (Delaware) 🙂

    • Yahoo reported a while back that Indiana Rethugs picked up a senate seat and Paul won in Kentucky.

    • Moose Pucky says:

      To clarify. Ding, dong, the “not a witch” is “dead.”

    • SME131 says:

      Lucky Delaware. Now if the rest of us can be as lucky. I am astonished Rand Paul is the projected winner for KY. Poor KY.

      • Hannah says:

        Incredible results tonight. I don’t get it. People are not paying attention. I listened to the Paul/Conway debate a few weeks ago… Conway is very sharp, would have been a great addition to the Senate. I guess Paul will be entertaining, in a “did he really say that?” way.

    • slipstream says:

      Wait a minute . . . if she is me . . . and she is a loser . . . does that mean I am a loser?

      • dowl says:

        You are a ‘flatter. You are not a witch because the witch lost!

        • B in Wasilla says:

          I’m a Pagan/Druid/Lover of Nature I can tell you that She was NOT a witch Most of the witches I know have a grain of sense. O’Donnel wouldn’t know a witch for real if said witch smacked her in the head with an herbal remedy.

  109. Moose Pucky says:

    Heck the media has been calling it for months. Why change now?

  110. Terpsichore says:

    Why are races being ‘called’ an hour after polls closed? I was just over on HuffPo and I think they even called Indiana – isn’t Indiana in the Central time zone? Don’t their polls stay open ’til 7pm? How can that race be called at 7?

    I swear in the primaries it took several hours to get results in. Am I nuts? Or what am I missing?

    • boodog says:

      They were calling them before they closed!

    • ks sunflower says:

      Yeah, this has to be stopped. To me, it’s sort of rigging an election – turning people off from even trying to vote.

    • Bretta says:

      You’re right – early this morning a commenter her complained HuffPo was calling for either the tea-bagger (you suck, joe) or the write-in without acknowledging our best candidate, Scott McAdams at all. That person was disgusted with HuffPo and I am disappointed.

    • Hannah says:

      The worst thing for me was in 1980 when I was driving home after voting and hearing Jimmy Carter concede to Ray-gun. While our west coast polls were still open.

  111. physicsmom says:

    Sad for KY and sadder for IN (Rep. pickup). Expect a Dem bloodbath here in MI. Not at all happy. Only hope is that the Repubs will splinter internally once the TBs get to Washington and it will show the Dems to be the adults on the scene.

    • ks sunflower says:

      Man, the Midwest seems like a bloodbath tonight. Bleeding red in places you wouldn’t expect, though we did keep some great Dems in local seats in here Johnson County, KS.

  112. Moose Pucky says:

    That’s too early a call in KY. Coons has won Delaware. Happy dance!

    • ks sunflower says:

      I join you in the Happy Dance. So glad crazoid O’Donnell down in flames. Read that the GOP turned off her concession speech after only five seconds!

  113. Chaim says:

    I have to share this, which was posted by commenter “FarLeftFist” on The Daily Beast:

    Things You Have To Believe To Be A Republican Today:

    * Ordering the plug pulled on a brain dead spouse is an Affront to the Culture of Life, unless the one ordering the plug pulled is Tom Delay’s mother. That’s an intensely private family decision that’s none of our business.

    * Ruling against the discrimination of gays is unrestrained judicial activism; the Supreme Court giving the 2000 election to a Republican who got a half million less votes is a proper use of judicial power.

    * Questioning John Kerry’s Purple Heart for getting shot at in Vietnam is a valid political issue. Questioning George W. Bush’s attendance record in the Air National Guard is a liberal smear campaign.

    * The Geneva Convention is “quaint”

    * Political discourse has gone rotten in this country, and Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Bill O’Reilly, Glenn Beck, Michelle Malkin, and Ann Coulter are totally correct to blame it all on those filthy evil America-hating terrorist-loving Muslin communist socialist Nazi liberals.

    * Bill Clinton was a draft dodger for not serving in Vietnam. But it was okay for Dick Cheney, George W. Bush, Rush Limbaugh, Newt Gingrich, Clarence Thomas, Dan Quayle, Tom Delay, Tom Tancredo, and Pat Buchanan to not go.

    * Filibustering to stop civil rights legislation was a proper exercise of minority power in parliamentary procedures. Filibustering Bush’s anti-civil rights judges is an affront to the democratic process.

    * Similarly, taking away the filibuster to let those anti-civil rights judges through would have been proper; using “reconciliation” to give people health care reform on a straight majority vote was a tyrannical overreach of majority power.

    * Watergate burglar G. Gordon Liddy is a hero. “Deep Throat” Mark Felt is a traitor.

    * Amending the Constitution to outlaw flag burning is a good way to uphold our traditions of freedom of speech.

    * Cindy Sheehan was disrespecting her son’s memory by speaking out against the war that killed him, and we’re sure he wouldn’t have had any problem with Bush supporters calling her “Ditch Bitch” and smearing her with every dirty trick in the book.

    * Waterboarding is only torture when used against American soldiers in World War 2.

    * It’s okay to hit on underage pages, solicit gay sex in an airport bathroom, and cheat on your wife (with or without diapers, payoffs, rentboys, or trips to Argentina) as long as you’re a Good Christian(TM).

    * A cable news network that parrots right wing talking points 24/7 is “fair and balanced”. A cable news network that airs two or three commentators who question right wing talking points is “in the tank for the Left” even though it has a three hour morning show hosted by a former Republican congressman.

    * Barack Obama is a racist for picking a Latina for the Supreme Court instead of a white man. Rush Limbaugh playing “Barack the Magic Negro”, signs depicting Obama as a witch doctor, and postcards featuring the White House lawn filled with watermelons have nothing at all to do with racism, and are instead valid criticisms of the President’s health care policies.

    * Hawaii is part of Kenya.

    * Invoking Nazism when talking about warrentless wiretapping, torture, secret death squads, and starting unprovoked wars is a sign that the speaker is a shrill, paranoid whackjob. Invoking Nazism when talking about providing health care for all is a valid and appropriate comparison.

    * The salaries, bonuses, perks, “retention awards”, ect. of executives must always increase to attract and retain top talent, regardless of the company’s actual financial health. The pay and benefits of workers must be kept as low as possible, even when the company is profitable, in the name of Being Competitive In The Global Marketplace. This is not class warfare, but pointing out this fact is.

    * Similarly, the severance packages (“golden parachutes”) of the executives must be paid even if the executive’s financial mismanagement of the company is the reason they’re being removed. Unemployment claims by workers fired on a whim must be fought tooth and nail.

    * Cutting taxes to the wealthiest Americans while slashing services that benefit the poor and middle class is not Class Warfare. Pointing out this fact, however, is the worst sort of Class Warfare.

    * Deficit spending, when caused by health care, unemployment benefits, food stamps, and other programs designed to help the poor and middle class, is cause for deep concern. Deficit spending, when caused by military spending and cutting taxes to big business and the richest of the rich, doesn’t matter.

    * The differences between the exit polls and the official vote tally in the Ukraine in 2004 was proof that there was massive electoral fraud. The differences between the exit polls and the official vote tally in Ohio in 2004 was proof that something was wrong with the exit polls.

    * You are enraged when Glenn Beck tells you Barack Obama is plotting to track everyone through the OnStar GPS in their cars, but was okay with George Bush admitting to tapping your phones and reading your email.

    * Sonya Sotomayor following the law and judicial precedent in the case of a white firefighter claiming “reverse racism” means she’s a “Judicial Activist” (and of course a racist). John Roberts and his Justices overturning a century of settled law and judicial precendent to allow big business to more blatantly buy our elected officials means they’re “Strict Constructionists”.

    * A brown-skinned Muslim who calls for the bombing of Americans, the deaths of American soldiers, and the assassination of American elected officials is a terrorist. A white-skinned Christian who calls for the bombing of Americans, the deaths of American soldiers, and the assassination of American elected officials is a patriot.

    * You show how strictly you follow the Constitution by wanting to ignore the First, Fourth, Fifth, Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Sixteenth Amendments.

    * Women are inferior to men, and should be barefoot, pregnant, in the kitchen, and quiet; unless they’re really hot and run for political office as Republicans.

    * The Constitution says nothing about things like establishing justice, insuring domestic tranquility, providing for the common defence, promoting the general welfare, and securing the blessings of liberty, but does say that we are a Christian nation ordained by God and no other religions should be acknowledged in any way.

    * Anybody who thinks Bush and Cheney got us into Iraq just to enrich Halliburton and the oil companies is a shrill conspiracy theorist. Anybody who thinks Obama pushed for health care reform because he hates white people, was programmed by Kenyan socialists to be a double agent, and might be the Antichrist, is a speaker of the secret truths that “they” don’t want you to hear.

    * You are a female politician opposed to masturbation, even though rednecks who jack off to your picture are your most reliable voting block.

    * If a commentator is fired for making racist comments, it’s an example of “political correctness” gone too far. If a protestor is curb-stomped for daring to question a Teabagger candidate, it says nothing about the validity of the Teabagger movement, and she probably deserved it anyway.

    * The Bible is the inerrant, literal word of God when it talks about the Earth being created in six days and homosexuality being an abomination. The Bible is a flawed work interpreted by errant humans when it talks about loving your neighbor, turning the other cheek, and the evils of greed.

    * The greatest threat to our democracy today is billionaire George Soros giving money to political causes he believes in. The greatest boon to democracy today are billionaires Rupert Murdoch, Richard Mellon Scaife, and the Koch Brothers giving money to political causes that make them richer.

    * The candidate who concieved a child out of wedlock and sent videos of a woman having sex with a horse is an examplar of American family values. A congressman who just happens to be Muslim is a threat to America.

    * A successful terrorist attack during a Republican administration proves we need strong, Republican leadership to fight terrorism. Unsuccessful terrorist attacks during a Democratic administration prove we need strong, Republican leadership to fight terrorism.

    * Bipartisanship means Republicans and Democrats coming together to do exactly what Republicans want.

  114. Lana in Ky. says:

    Seems teatard Rand Paul is the projected winner of the Senate race here in Kentucky. It’s a sad day indeed.

    • I See Villages From My House says:

      Sympathies Lana, after that head stomping. . .I guess that resonated with those that want to take their country back from 112 pound female advocates.

    • ks sunflower says:

      Here I am down in the dumps seeing people like Brownback, and Moran (aka moron) take the Governor and Senate races here in Kansas, but having Rand Paul as a Senator is much, much worse (and that is saying something indeed – Moran is a moron).

      What really, really scares me, though is that Kobach won the Kansas Sec. of State slot. Kobach is the guy who wrote the AZ immigration law and wants to ram it home here in Kansas.

      Gosh, so close to retirement – no savings, where to go. Can’t stay in this brain-forsaken place. Deep sigh and shuddering sob.

      We even lost our moderate Attorney General. The radical GOP flooded Kansas. We had had some hope when Sebelius was our Governor. She brought over several moderate Republicans as good Dems. Now all are gone.

    • GreatGranny2C says:

      Ditto Lana – it is a sad day for us here in Kentucky. And it is sad that so many teabaggers will soon be warming seats in Congress affecting all of the U.S. Another very sad loss is that of Alan Grayson. Many had high hopes that he would continue to serve, and at some future point, would have held a higher position. If I was a drinking person, I’d be passed out by now, what with the disappointment. I no longer enjoy a good cup of tea……………so I guess I’ll just have to settle for hot spiced cider.

      RALLY PHOTOS – I’ve been trying to catch up on nearly a week’s worth of reading but haven’t yet found links to rally photos from AKM and others who attended. Can anyone provide some links?

      • barbara says:

        go to “home” and you’ll find akm’s post. lots of pictures! it was amazing, so many people.

      • nswfm says:

        Remember, the Grifter Granny says you don’t need to have a title, so I’m hoping Grayson is a big thorn in the R sides. He at least speaks in English.

    • LoveMyDogs says:


  115. I haven’t dropped by the Mudflats for a while and wanted to get my two cents worth. I’m surrounded by one of the most Rethuglican areas of the country in Northwest Iowa and there’s little chance my voice will be heard here. After much deliberation(about two seconds worth) I decided I couldn’t not at least write in a challenger for various state and federal government offices. I only hope Brian the Moose is amenable to moving to Iowa and serving this once great state with pride. We had a Brian impostor in the state about a week ago and sent him back to Minnesota with a note to grow up. I want a real Moose legislator. Please inform Brian at your/his earliest convenience. Its only a two year commitment. Thanks to all you mudflatters where ever you are.

    • Moose Pucky says:

      I’ll pass your message onto Brian. He might visit, but we kind of like him living here.

      • BTW what’s the proper terminology for Mudflat offspring? I guess I messed up in my original post.

        • Bretta says:

          Well mudpup springs to mind but mudpuppies is used more in a sibling context in the comment sections – Baby moose are called calves even though they’re in the deer family (fawn).

          Mudfaun sounds good to me.

        • Moose Pucky says:


    • Jen says:

      Hang on there Mike, we in Kodiak are working on a Brian Bear and I am sure he would love to travel.

    • Sister A says:

      Perhaps Brian has a nice cousin who could step in?

  116. Here’s how I voted:

    Grand Jury tommorrow for the Bethel torture murderers, too.
    Wish our community well.


  117. Moose Pucky says:

    You anticipating a need for venting, AKM?

  118. Fairbanks_Rick says:

    As has been pointed out elsewhere in the blogosphere the last few days, this will be the third election cycle in a row in which the vote has been for “change”. With functionally only two parties, unhappiness with the status quo means a flop to the other side, not an endorsement. Repubs learned that in 2006 and 2008 and tonight Dems are given that lesson. The political system has failed the people. I wish I could see a way out, but with corps now having a completely free hand, it’s hard for me to see you things get materially better anytime soon.

    Frustrated in Fairbanks…

    • akiceman says:

      Read this book for an insight into this. �Death of the Liberal Class,� by Chris Hedges

    • Jane in NC says:

      I agree with you on all points.

      Frustrated AND feeling helpless, and somewhat hopeless.

      • Alaska Pi says:

        Kick a rock, say some bad words,
        Rest a bit…

        It’s never hopeless

        Just a whole lot more dang work than it should be.
        Hang on and hang in there…

        None of this every-person-is-an-island stuff-
        you are not alone or helpless.
        We’re all in this together!

      • bubbles says:

        it is clear you were not at the rally Jane. hold steady dear pup. hold steady. it is going to be alright. no matter who gets in or who gets thrown out. Jon Stewart said something i will never forget. (paraphrasing)….”we are living in hard times. we are not living in end times.

        people keep saying that the rally did not have a ‘reason’. that there was no political statement made. there was though. the statement was very that at least 300,000 people stood up together and said in loud roar and a huge wave that we are here and we are moving this country forward.
        eighty percent of the people there were young college educated folk through youngish middle age.
        there were a huge amount of middle aged through senior aged folk there but the young people were my pride. they are awake and this their century. i am content with that. they will make a better world. it will take time is all.

    • Elizabeth says:

      As much as I disagree with the teabaggers, they may help. They will disrupt the status quo.

      • Bretta says:

        Their psyche was formed in the ’60s after all….

        On that point, I’d like to say that I voted against the Prop A here in Alaska, where the Alaska Housing Finance Corp would be funded to continue the benefit for veterans’ housing to the tune of $600 million+.

        Here’s my reasoning: most of the people I know who are military also are tea-partiers who wanted Miller who wants to cut federal entitlements.

        The largest federal entitlement in the USA are veterans’ benefits, fully one-quarter of our taxes go to veterans’ benefits. One quarter of our federal budget goes to the military, the largest socialist program in the USA.

        Life in the military was pretty easy picken’s until 2001 when our beloved Dick Cheney sent us to war to protect his oil interests, and when our beloved W sent us into Iran to revenge his father re: the attack in the early 90’s.

        This brings us to Joke Miller who served then, and who wants now to cut all entitlements of which he himself has partaken (child medical insurance, home schooling at $3500 per child per year) agricultural loans for land not worked, etc.) and who has shown himself to be a tax fraud, cheat, liar and one who would gladly cut off YOUR constitutional rights.

        So. I voted against a Veteran’s Benefit. It’s what you T-Per’s said you wanted. Suck it up, Buttercup.

  119. aeroentropy says:

    OK, Alaska —

    The Nation is Watching.

    We have Popcorn…

  120. Melinda says:

    Boogie Fever came on the radio as I drove past the McAdams sign-wavers in Fairbanks, which I take as a very good sign. I was in the hardware store *maybe* 10 minutes and when I came out someone had stuck a Miller doorknob-hanger on my windshield. It was from an out-of-state PAC (and BTW, the Miller volunteers working the table at the Alaska Dog Mushers Association Symposium last month were from out-of-state, too). When I was leaving the parking lot I passed someone carrying a stack of those things so I gave mine back to her.

    I should add that although I’m a die-hard pinko I had been planning a strategic vote for Murkowski until a few days ago but ended up doing the right thing and voting for McAdams, anyway, and I think there are a number of us doing that.

  121. Nebraska Native says:

    We must take hope in that even if the baggers win (please God, not AK) they can’t get anything through, their “platforms” are ridiculous and their supporters will expect major changes by Feb 2011. That’s not going to happen. What will happen (IMHO) is the repubs will fall apart trying to contain and manage the newbies and it won’t be a pretty sight. This reminds me so much of 2008, altho not so much at stake and although scary not so threatening on a personal level. When I think about the notion of McCain/ Palin, my blood runs cold…. this is not as bad. Although I am once again mixing almond joy miniatures (stashed away from trick or treaters) with wine… a strange but somehow comforting election day combo. I will never ever forgive John McCain.

    • laprofesora says:

      I’m praying that this is a “things have to get worse before they get better” scenario, but I honestly don’t know…sigh

      • Elizabeth says:

        Me too.

        • Bev says:

          My poor Ohio…what a waste for Dems to go down…How can people vote against their own interests just because they are angry?

          Well, you reap what you sow, I just do not want to go down with the rest of them.

          Those tea bags should be dunked..I am ready to leave Ohio for good.

          I see 2012 as an ending for a lot of things that used to be…I loved the 60’s, but in memory, not really wanting to go back.

          • Carole says:

            Had to chuckle at the ‘ready to leve Ohio’ comment since I was thinking the same thing about Florida. We had a major Medicare crook – Rick Scott – take way too many votes in a state that is described as God’s Waiting Room. It seems no state is safe anymore.

          • Carolyn in Ohio! says:

            I am so bummed. John Kasich? And Mike DeWine, really? And that sleazy twerp Josh Mandel?

          • jzelouise says:

            I agree with Bev poor Ohio….and I may add my poor Kentucky. They elected Rand Paul. I’m seriously trying to “get out of town” also.

    • Betel says:

      Wish I could find some comfort formula….and I agree, but, to further the punishment, John McCain should be tarred and feathered! I hope he never dares show up in Alaska!

  122. bonsai-jay says:

    Darn Texas Repub-Teabaggers.