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Palin Believes She Could Beat Barack Obama

Wow.  Confidence is not her problem.



170 Responses to “Palin Believes She Could Beat Barack Obama”
  1. Rob says:

    Sarah Palin is a phoney, she loves making her money with her stupid speeches that simply express zero
    creditabiity or even solutions.

    She is racist, a scammer and fraud. She goes and hides behind FB she feels safe and thinks she can say and slam and create more lies without being held accountable.


    Think of the money she has made since she quit her Governors job. Sarah has no solutions, its her ego, attention. school girl idea that she is still trying out for head cheer leader.

    She has ruined the DWTS with Bristol Palin, who has no talent or even skills to dance. This has become a fraud, joke. I sick of the FB posts that Bristol , Willow and Sarah and the person she has to write on FB entries are not accountable to the truth.

    We have babies being born, and more on the way, now lets hear what and why you seem to Trig simply leave him for your own selfish ego. You are no mother,

    Its time you are exposed to the world, and the money flow be plugged. Your TV show and Fox so called job its such a joke. Glad I do not watch, I cannot stand to listen to your voice. plus the over production in which you present things.

    McCain, made a fool of himself, thank you Sarah for loosing the eleciton. You deserve one another, both of you are phoney, he is fence jumper and is not even loyal to his own convictions, He flip flops, you yap and say nothing.

    Stop blaming the media, you yourself have created the back lash and you deserve even more to expose your stupidty.

    God forbid you to run, you are not fit to walk into the WH. You will destroy yourself with your own eo and stupid remarks. Grow up and take Bristol Home and keep on eye on Piper, she also needs a mother full time.

    No wonder you are a disfunctional family of lies and deceit.

  2. JUST A THOUGHT says:










  3. JUST A THOUGHT says:







  4. Most Importantly says:

    Most importantly, and many people forget/discount this: she feels that God is calling her to “save” the country – from Barack Obama especially (she clearly loathes him and the fact that her “team” of mavericks lost the election to a black man in ’08).

  5. OMG says:

    According to the Draper article, Palin’s youngest had a surgical procedure while Palin was running for VP. Palin was campaigning elsewhere but perhaps took her 2 year old with her (after surgery?). Wow…Mom of the year? Didn’t think so.

    Take a look…does anyone know anything about this?

  6. GoI3ig says:

    Don’t even confuse delusion with confidence.

  7. IsyFleur says:

    I can think of many contests where Palin could easily beat Obama… winking, cleavage, nasty tweets, word salad, witchcraft, verbal assault on teenaged boys, ridiculing of one’s own children, etc… not national elections, though.

  8. VoteNov4 says:

    She knows she wouldn’t win….after all, she already lost once! But, she also knows she’s got a narrow window of opportunity (or for her, I’ll use the God’s open door analogy she’s so fond of) to make some serious money before the next Bible Spice appears so she’s just going to keep yapping.

    • JOHNNY says:

      She is obsessed with Obama. It has nothing to do with his politics, I believe it’s racial.

  9. Lacy Lady says:

    OMG——Nightmares for me until 2012!! The queen is so mad because Mcgrandpa wouldn’t let her speak and turned the lights out after they LOST!!!!!!!! BIG TIME!!!
    In my book—-the lights are still OUT!!!!!

  10. LibertyLover says:

    I actually think that she should run. The primaries would be very interesting. Watching the candidates like Mitt Romney pointing out her lack of experience (being only a half term governor and all) would be a real treat to hear the Republicans saying these things instead of Democratic candidates.

    Although I think I might have to invest in popcorn futures.

  11. Dagian says:


    For all the Canadians reading this–one of your own won the Medal of Science. Mortimer Mishkin.

  12. Blooper says:

    I think the only good thing about having Palin try to run (whether she wins the primary or not) is that once she’s been defeated it should end any further possibility of her ever running again. Until that happens media speculation will continue to fuel her fantasies (and they are just fantasies). Following a failed presidential run her fuel will have been greatly depleted. Sure, she’ll still be in the news as a general human interest story (I know, barf) but she won’t have the one thing that she has going for her right now which is media speculation over whether she will run or not. Just my opinion, or course.

    • ChicagoMom says:

      I think this too. In fact, I go back and forth wondering whether it’s more dangerous for her to be running now, or four years later. If she doesn’t run now, I’m pretty sure she’ll try four years later. If she runs now and is defeated, at least we won’t have to deal with her four years later. I look forward to the day I can forget about this b*tch!

    • Yeah, I’d like to agree with you, but in Washington state we still have Dino Rossi running for everything even though he has lost – twice for governor and once for senator. I don’t think Palin is smart enough to see the handwriting on the wall that says she should give it up and find something else to occupy her time.

  13. Desa Jacobsson says:

    Her poor family. Years from now they’ll hear a thud, thud, thud and look upwards towards…her…room. They’ll exchange glances and one will say, ” I did it the last time.” One of them will begrudgingly shuffle up the stairs and click on her gizmo. ” She’s fine, it’s on, ” one of them will quip. A few moments later, one of them will check in on her and find her glaring, eyes glazed, at old tapes of her from the 2008 election. ” Turn it up, ” McQuittyPants will screech. The volumn is turned up and she stars vacantly into the screen……for hours……until…..” Mom, it’s time to go to sleep. You’ve been at this for hours.”

    ” Rewind it. ”

    ” Not again.”

    ” Taaaaahd!! ”

    ” No.”

    “Taaaaahd!! ”

    ” Dad, remember what the therapist said, just pile her old campaign clothes on the bed. She’ll keep herself busy by trying them on and posing in front of her mirrors. We have to humor her. ”

    ” Oh……..oh…okay. Will her old running suits work? ”

    ” No. after she quit running we threw them away.”

  14. Jim Keating says:

    I have to keep my prediction alive and it is: Palin is going to run as a spoiler in a third party called the Tea Party. many existing Legislators will defect to this new party making it a credible third
    party movement; there intention is to replace the Republicans in election of 2016. Palin’s objective is not to be president but to maintain her notoriety and increase her wealth without any responsibility. She loves being a spoiler . The Tea Party express objective is to become the dominate candidate in a two party systems.

  15. Bretta says:

    Day-yam! at this rate, Geoffrey Dunn’s book will never git here. I’m startin’ to get miffed.

  16. Progressive in VA says:

    Time for everyone to demand an open, paper-trailed, and auditable voting system. Another election theft like 2000 (and possibly 2004), but this time foisting Palin upon this bruised and suffering nation, will be an unmitigated disaster … truly an example of American Exceptionalism in its most perverse manifestation.

  17. scout says:

    Of course she’s running, how else will she get her greedy claws on all that PAC money?!

    Don’t worry, she’ll quit. First she’ll try lying and cheating, but quitting is her one true gift.

    Palin/Voldemort ~ Quit-tastic Quitter-ama from Quitterville. Quit on!

  18. Moose Pucky says:

    We could change our national symbol to the screech owl.

  19. Moose Pucky says:

    Palin knows the American electorate, at least the part of it who will swallow anything delivered with a smile–for our troops, love our freedom, gun slinging, religion toting. She maybe could win.

    But govern? For all the people? For all the land? For all the planet? For all the critters? I think not.

    For oil? For banks? For insurance companies? For the wealthy, now that she is among them? Yeah sure. Nothing new in politics there. She could join the sorry crowd of lobbyist cozies we currently have and fit right in.

    • Bretta says:

      Nah, she’d start a fight with Big Oil, the Big Banks, the Big Corporations because she has to fight with everyone to get the spotlight.
      Look at her gas pipeline to no-where. She never got anything started except to pay $500 million to some Canadian company owned by Todd’s employer.

  20. Carol says:

    Never say never. Remember, some on this blog said Lisa Murkowski could not win.
    My extended family/neighbor agrees that we will leave the US if she wins a presidential election.
    But where to go?

    • Blooper says:

      I wouldn’t mind giving Sweden or Norway a shot. Free health care, a good quality of living. That is until Palin invades Europe. 🙁

    • bubbles says:

      ahhhh. well. that is an excellent question. “Where to go?”
      i understand many upper/middle class citizens buying property in places like Costa Rica,Ecuador, Mexico, and in some cases in European countries where the Euro is king.
      that is all well and good so long as the United States remains united and strong.
      however imagine for a horrible moment what would happen if the right-wing evangelical agenda is established by the likes of a Huckabee, a Romney or a Palin in the White House and a theocracy is has superceeded our constitution; imagine please this country in civil war. cities on fire. forests on fire from Maine to San Francisco. no food. no clean water. martial law.
      would the nations of the world welcome citizens from this benighted place? your money would be worthless. your presence would be a burden on your host country. think again. we would be as welcome as a Mexican at the Arpaio family’s thanksgiving/family reunion dinner.

  21. Dagian says:

    The more I mull it over, the more I suspect that the same people that support her now, are the same people (or those with a similar mind-set) who thought Oliver North was “heroic” for NOT answering questions from Congress.

    “Ooh…that’ll show them snooty Congress-people! Yeah! Stick it to “them”!”

    Completely overlooking the fact that every single one of those members of Congress were elected and represented Every. Single. American. So to not answer to “them” was to thumb his nose at all of us.

    Sarah’s learned. It worked for him. It could work for her–but only if the press and most of us permit it to work for her (in the event of a presidential run).

  22. BBHounds says:

    I think she means with a wooden spoon.

  23. Treehugger says:

    The Alaska Standard is reprinting an article from the New York Daily News by S.E. Cupp claiming the real problem liberals have with Sarah Palin is her unbounded happiness. It is always interesting to me that the “consevatives” believe thay understand the motivation and thought processes so thoroughly of those they despise. If you want another example of being totally defined scroll down and read the article by Dennis Prager.
    The Alaska Standard claims to be promoting “life and liberty in the last frontier” and “reporting the news the mainstream media ignores”. Actually, it is all opinion and usually about stories reported on the mainstream media. Oh! Well! If we all just keep on preaching to the choir we won’t have to engage in a discussion or make any modifications to our beliefs.
    Often I find the comments after articles, whether this blog, ADN or TAS as interesting as the articles themselves.

    • Moose Pucky says:


    • Blue Eyes says:

      That must be one of the right wing talking points about Sarah. On one of the blogs I frequent one person posted that we liberals hate her happiness etc. No we question her ability and her knowledge of everything. I never understood how people can hold people to such high regard without bothering to question anything about them. They take it at face value. Then call people names when we ask questions about their people or beliefs or policies. I want intelligent conversation about things, not the same old regurgiated talking points someone heard on the radio or tv. If you can’t hold a conversation without calling someone names, then you aren’t worth having a conversation with.

    • slipstream says:

      Happiness? No. I read her as angry, lonely, and sad.

      • Alaska Pi says:

        yes- angry, frightened, and thin-skinned

      • leenie17 says:

        But when you are as shallow as her followers, you equate fame and money with happiness. They look only at the shiny, sparkly surface and never consider how her hate, anger and jealousy has turned her into a very unhappy and desperate person, willing to go to any lengths to keep her own little circus side show going. She will glady sacrifice the well being of her family and friends to continue her time in the spotlight.

        She truly would be pathetic if she weren’t so damn dangerous.

    • Conservatives are truly ‘different’ in their thinking–Cupp is immature and Prager only values his opinion. There are more bullies in the republican party than the democratic party…and in fact, ‘bully’, is exactly what $arah Palin is…. she probably bullies her family.

  24. Fairbanks_Rick says:

    I used to think that there was no way on God’s Green Earth that SP could ever win the Repub nomination. However, after seeing the success of the TP in the primaries this year, I no longer think that. If unemployment is still 9+% and the economy still flat…then whoever the Repub nominee is will have a real shot. Ugg.

    • JOHNNY says:

      i saw one article, I think on Politico, that presented the possibility that a Palin nomination will spur an indepenent candidate, a third party so to speak. She would have the extreme right who never go anywhere so they are a strong voting block. If the other person is Bloomberg with a strong VP candidate that will definitely draw the independents and moderate republicans, many of the conservative dems who would never vote for Palin. That leaves the African Americans, maybe the Hispanics, and the left to vote for Obama. Obama is alienating so many with the cave ins on Bushes tax cuts, DADT, Immigration reform, the public option, you name it. I am an Obama supporter, but I can see that he could come in third in that scenario.

      • JOHNNY says:

        And that the young vote could easily go for the 3rd party, young voters are always willing to back the “new” candidate.

    • That is why repubs. will do everything in their power to stop and subvert any progress- ANY progress- no matter how badly it might hurt the American people….the repubs. have already betrayed us.!

  25. libby says:

    I’m thinking we have a lot more of SP to see. The mainstream media will string her along because they are riding the wave. They will lure her in and show her that they really aren’t out to get her…until it pays off, that is. There are a few more “gotcha moments” to come. I’m going to try to be patient and wait for the melt down.

  26. Blooper says:

    I still think the comment she made on her show about preferring the great outdoors to governing in some stuff office (or something to that effect) will come back to bite her in the butt. But then again she did say if there was no one else who wanted to do the job that (poor her) would just have to take on that responsibility…

  27. DonnaInMichigan says:

    Thank God for the electoral college. This will keep Palin out of the oval office. That is if she doesn’t quit the primary, and actually does get the Republican nomination.

    I would love for Hillary Clinton to run for President, if Obama decides not to seek a second term. Can you imagine Hillary wiping the floor with Sarah, in a debate?

    • Dagian says:

      But you do see that her most excessive “fans” will not CARE that she cannot or will not answer any questions, let alone follow the rules of a debate, so it wouldn’t affect them at all. How many are there? Good thing they’re only allowed ONE vote, or else it would be a DWTS travesty. Again.

      I wonder if she lost the nomination if she’d start a write-in campaign.

      *shudders in horror*

    • jojobo1 says:

      The only thing I would say is better Hillary then palin

  28. LC says:

    Delusional, indeed. Mrs. Palin is going to face fierce competition within the Republican Party. She acts as if she has the nomination and she has yet to declare a thing except her absolute stupidity in all things involving public policy. I won’t even get into how the military-industrial complex will revolt like it did in 2008 if Palin comes anywhere near the Republican nomination.

  29. tinydancer says:

    I never thought I’d say this but, I hope Karl Rove is right.

  30. lilybart says:

    She couldn’t beat him on DWTS or in a running race or at basketball either.

    and he has her beat in parenting by a mile

  31. Socko says:

    Even if the economy is still in the tank in 2012, she’ll still lose. The demographics work against her. She may not even get the nomination. Palin is no “super star.” People thought Barack Obama was toast in 2008, because of Palin, and we know how that turned out. She may campaign “hard,” but she’s never campaigned for two years for national office, in a republican primary. She cannot handle criticism. She freaking snapped at a New York Times “reporter” who was doing a fluff piece on her, when he asked her a question about dodging the press. She doesn’t have the temperment. She couldn’t handle campaigning with John McCain for two months, she won’t be able to handle two years of scrutiny— from her opponents. She’ll implode. She won’t be able to handle the attack ads, and numerous debates, etc. The scrutiny from ruthless republican opponents. Her republican opponents will probably make her dodging the media a campaign issue, like it was in 2008.

  32. Molly says:

    So does that mean she will continue to not be Trig’s mother if she runs for POTUS? Maybe that’s her big plan–keep so busy that she is never required to actually handle or raise “her son”.

    Yeah, I’m a hater–of her. But she started it when she said I was not a real American.

    • lilybart says:

      YES! She disqualified herself for national office when she called a lot of us UnAMerican and I am from the anti-American part of the country, apparently also too.

      I am serious about this. Just run the clips from 2008 and say, she can’t be everyone’s president.

  33. Lainey says:

    of course she believes that…in her world, that would be true.

  34. Socko says:

    I’m tired of people comparing Palin to George W. Bush. “We laugh at our own peril. Remember ‘W’!” First, GWB did not win the election in 2000. There were caveats in that election. Al Gore won most of the popular vote. He won about 500,000 more votes than GWB. Which means most people at the time were NOT dumb enough to vote for GWB. The problem was the electoral college. Al Gore also didn’t carry his home state. The other thing, is that GWB was lucky enough, that his brother Jeb Bush just happened to be the governor of Florida, at the time. And of course, the right-wing SCOTUS installed him in the White House.

    Another thing is, a lot of people liked GWB. He didn’t have the rep Palin has, when he started running for president, and he didn’t have to work to re-brand himself. Yeah, he was a dummy like Palin, but he wasn’t seen by many (at the time) as a nasty, abrasive, divisive, demogogue. He actually got off to a good start. Most people don’t like Palin. It is usually hard to make a second impression. Palin’s unfavorable ratings have gone up, the past two years, despite her two year media blitz, and book tours, and favorable coverage from the media. She’s overexposed. Most people just want her to go away. Even though people liked GWB, and wanted to have a beer with him, most people still did not vote for him in 2000. GWB also ran as a “compasionate conservative.” He was able to broaden his base. The majority of Palin’s base continues to be older, white, conservative men. Palin will run as a Tea Party extremist. She only panders to the far right. She hasn’t made a real, strong, meaningful effort to expand her base. She probably doesn’t think she needs to. GWB also got a large chunk of the Latino vote. Like 45%, or something. That’s high, for a republican. When GWB ran in 2000, he supported immigration reform, and had his brother Jeb Bush campaign with him, and speak to Latino audiences in Spanish. Palin, is against immigration reform, and bashes immigrants, all the time, and supports the law in Arizona. Latino voters are an imporatant, and growing population. They are key in some swing states.

    Plus, GWB had the support of the republican establishment. The republican establishment could control GWB. The republican establishment, and a lot of powerful people don’t like Palin. So far, most of those people have been throwing all their money and support at people like Mitt Romney. The Koch brothers have been funding the astro-turf Tea Party, but they have been giving their money and support to Mitt Romney. Not Palin. Despite Palin, and the Tea Party bashing the establsihment republcians, she does need them in a presidential election. As for GWB winning in 2004, that was because of 9/11, and crap about Americans re-electing “wartime presidents.” If the economy starts to improve, and the unemployment rate starts to go down, when 2012 get here, Barack Obama will win, no matter who the repulicans nominate.

  35. AK Raven says:

    Are we ready for the Palin/Miller ticket?

    • Dagian says:


      All the way! The Twit and the “I’m-NOT-a-Witch”! (No offense intended towards those who do practice.)

    • Moose Pucky says:

      I think those two might just get in a dogfight for who gets to be top dog.

  36. Blue Eyes says:

    I saw this on another website.

    Sarah Palin 2012 – The Mayans Tried to Warn Us!

    Unfortunately, my in laws love her and are watching her so called reality show. I would love to ask my sister in law what she thinks about her since she lives in Alaska. But since my sister in law travels a lot for her job, I don’t think she pays that much attention to that kind of stuff.

    I think Sarah loves campaigning, but hates governing. She likes the attention and feels neglected if no one is paying attention to her. I am curious as to what the ratings for her show will be in the following weeks. It’s like a new opening movie. You can have a strong ratings for the first week, and then go downhill from there.

    The only problem I see is that Sarah only listens to Todd and herself. She doesn’t seem to like following other peoples directions regarding anything. She is good at criticizing but she nevers offer any solutions. She could get GOP voters, but I don’t see many Independents voting for her.

  37. ChicagoMom says:

    I think she’s already decided to run. I don’t think her ego will let her stay out of the race. And I actually think she will work hard on the campaigning. I think this is the only type of work she really likes. She isn’t interested in the work of governing (Lisa was right) but she is interested in the work of campaigning. She lives off the adulation and misses 2008. The crowds! The clothes! And she really, really hates Obama and can’t get over the fact that she lost to him.

    • Dagian says:

      “And I actually think she will work hard on the campaigning. I think this is the only type of work she really likes. She isn’t interested in the work of governing (Lisa was right) but she is interested in the work of campaigning.”

      I don’t think she’s going to be able to hold it together to do a credible job of campaigning. It requires endurance AND unpleasantness.

      Well, for most candidates. For some reason though (and I think Stanley Krute’s observation about frightened sheeple is sadly correct), she has many fans who think her lack of meritocracy or qualifications is a good thing. It’s like Sarah never heard (or refuses to participate) in the old spelling and life maxim: “To succeed you must proceed to exceeed”. (The only three words in the English language where -ceed is the suffix. [all the other words are -cede])

      I don’t understand people simply voting their fears, without any interest in spelling out what their hopes are and HOW TO GET THERE.

      “Harrison Bergeron”–I swear it doesn’t feel like fiction anymore. Oh, has anyone seen the movie “2081”? I see that it’s based on that story, but I haven’t seen it. I am thinking about buying the DVD though.

      • lilybart says:

        A presidential campaign is relentless and is a test in itself. She cannot hold it together for a year of intense stress.

      • ChicagoMom says:

        I hope you’re right and she can’t hold it together. What do Alaskans say about this? I mean, she must have been adequate enough for her governor campaign, although I do know she was exploiting special circumstances, running against an incredibly unpopular governor. It seems to me that she is great at exploiting circumstances. Not intelligent by any means, but politically cunning. And there are a lot of current circumstances to exploit. People are still suffering economically, and there is a lot of anger, and a lot of despair. She’s great at exploiting negative emotion.

        And I don’t think she’ll run a traditional campaign. She really thinks she can run a presidential campaign by sticking with Fox News, and a few select interviews to people she deems sympathetic to her. She’s direct post to Facebook. She’ll hold tons of rallies that will draw her faithful, who are practically religiously devoted to her. And she may even stir up an assassination attempt — I wouldn’t put it past her. She’s a dangerous person and we are at a very dangerous point in history.

      • In Ohio says:

        The more accurate movie comparison is Idiotcracy.

  38. Haven’t posted here for months ….

    But: would like to repeat: do not underestimate Sarah Palin, and the wave she is surfing increasingly skillfully.

    My prediction, made after her speech to the GOP conv. in 2008, stands: she’ll be the 2012 nominee; and, if the economy’s still in the tank, have a chance of winning.

    The GOP strategy, to do nothing, to block everything they could, worked remarkably well in this 2009-2010 period. They’ll only be stepping harder on the no-accelerator the next two years.

    Sarah has a true sociopath’s gut genius feel for the inner angers of the sheeple psychology. That’s her key skill. And, sadly, current American economic meltdown only increases the sheeple percentage of the population.

    — stan

  39. veej says:

    Sadly I think she will run. $P is certainly enjoying her super star status but more than that she loves, no CRAVES, power. Right now she’s playing cat and mouse. Just putting a few crumbs out at a time and working her supporters into a slobbering frenzy – Go Sarah Go Sarah!!! Words fail. OMG I loathe this woman!!! We must hope, must believe, that the American electorate will prevent a POTUS Palin.

    • veej, I think you are right. I think she will make a run at it. But the result will be that she throws the republican party into more disarray than we are seeing now. The focus will be on all the drama she brings to a presidential run and whoever the Democratic candidates are will be slighted in the news coverage. The populace has become too enamoured with reality TV and can’t seem to separate that kind of drama from the sometimes boring and tedious facts that are important in a political race.

      Our national debate has been dumbed down for the masses who are unwilling to do the hard work of thinking critically, much to the detriment of us all. Sarah Palin isn’t solely at fault for this, but she has certainly accelerated it.

    • slipstream says:

      She will run. That ego is not to be denied.

  40. Dagian says:

    From The Washington Post:

    Sarah Palin needs to ‘man up’ if she’s going to run
    By Jonathan Capehart

    After reading Robert Draper’s profile of Sarah Palin that will run in the New York Times Magazine on Sunday — the one in which she says “I am” thinking about running for president — I remain convinced that she won’t for three reasons.

    First, the half-term governor is a whiner. Palin is still lashing out at aides to Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) for transgressions during their failed 2008 presidential campaign. She’s still complaining about the “lamestream media’s” unfairness towards her, whether it’s twisting her record or focusing obsessively on her personal life. She bemoans the “left that came out attacking me” and says “they showed me their hypocrisy.” And she continues to rail against Republican operatives who take shots at her through anonymous quotes.

    Republican operative Mary Matilin said she didn’t know Palin well enough “to know if she’s developed the thick skin you need to be endlessly resilient, the way Reagan could take things for decades and let them roll off his back.” The answer is no, she hasn’t. Palin is going to have to quit whining and “man up” if she is going to jump in the main ring of presidential politics to compete for the privilege of having the toughest job on the planet.

    Second, to be blunt, if Palin is running for the nomination, she is half-assing it right now. Draper presents a potential candidate whose travel, writing and other pronouncements are seemingly done on the fly. She has aides with no set responsibilities. The result is that requests for interviews, meetings and other events potentially vital to a White House run fall through the cracks. “There is no über-strategy,” said Fred Malek. According to Draper, the Republican establishment eminence gris gave her great advice last year.

    Focus on amassing a good record as governor, he advised her. Run for a second term. Develop some policy expertise. Do some extensive overseas travel. Generate some good will by campaigning for fellow Republicans.

    Palin resigned the governorship of Alaska three weeks later. Despite recent speeches on the economy and other issues, she hasn’t developed any policy expertise. Palin has yet to do the extensive overseas travel Malek suggests. But she has generated good will by campaigning for fellow Republicans. And even that hasn’t endeared her to the party faithful, especially the Tea Party base. Jon Ward of the Daily Caller wrote yesterday, “Perhaps the least known aspect about Sarah Palin’s relationship with the Tea Party is that though almost all in the movement love her and support her, many of them simultaneously have serious reservations about whether they want her to run for president.” The disapproval of Palin by the wider American electorate remains very high.

    The third, and most important, reason why I think Palin won’t run for president is because she is spectacular at being a star. Look how the media hang on her every tweet, Facebook musing or Fox appearance. She’s making money hand over fist, still has an outsized role in the Republican Party and national politics and none of the responsibility or accountability that comes with an official declaration. Much of that will disappear if Palin jumps into the presidential sweepstakes. And she will prove that she’s not nearly as savvy as I think she is.

    By Jonathan Capehart | November 17, 2010; 6:11 PM

    • Progressive in VA says:

      From Mr. Capehart’s article to God’s ears!

    • davenstlouis says:

      All good points, but I belive you give her too much credit for rational thinking.

      Sarah is blind to the realities of running for president and seems only driven by her narcissistic personality and a belief that God will simply pave her way to the White House.

      She wants it all. She probably also still thinks the money will roll in and that she can keep her star power. Sadly she seems oblivious to the ramifications of dealings that can fly under the radar of local politics but become noticable on the national level (witness Joe Miller’s downfall).

      Things will not turn out well for her.

    • I love Jonathan..!

    • In Ohio says:

      IF she doesn’t run, the gravy train comes to a screaching halt because she’s no longer a threat to the left and will have abandonded her “fans” in the base.

  41. OMG says:

    As the World turns, laughing all the way…

    Living in Canada, I voiced my concern that a fraud such as Palin might run for President. Most people laugh it off until I remind them of “W”. I said that I was worried for the US and the World if Palin were ever to follow the footsteps of Bush. Of course, there has been agreement but most have said that the World can take care of itself against a Palin led US. Another wisely said that if Palin is elected then the US electorate deserves her and everything that she brings down upon them.

    Sadly, “Only in the US” used to be such a positive sentiment.

    • leenie17 says:

      The scary thing is that we are all so interconnected these days that a nutjob as POTUS can have a profound affect on the entire world. She has such an out-of-proportion, volatile, aggressive kneejerk reaction to the tiniest slight, the thought of her having control over our nuclear arsenal is a truly terrifying thought.

    • In Ohio says:

      Palin as POTUS would give some major players the excuse they need (and the opening they’re looking for) to split with the US and the USD. I can see China nailing Palin to the wall easily. Outsourcing jobs will go into hyperdrive; Wall Street will become the state-side PO Box for off-shore (non-taxed) money; and insurance will skyrocket while apy-out for services are all ‘denied’.

      Palin as POTUS will probably leave us with no other choice but to warehouse the “not yet dead” who can’t qualify as contributors and the middle-class who are currently ‘hanging on’ will have to chose between leaving the country or learning how up up-sell french fries. The Banks will grab most property and turn it over to massive factory farmed regions of pure toxic sludge producing meat and food for export to the highest bidder while our own citizens starve.

  42. Ripley in CT says:

    It’s sad to see so many decent media types descend into the Palin crevasse and throw her softball questions. Not that I expect them to ask her about her children, their behavior, her husband’s or her infidelity, or other “personal” things. But what about the mess she left in Wasilla? What about quitting? What about her AIP past and does she think that would or should affect any presidential apsirations? What about her ethics convictions and/or pending complaints? What about Dairygate, Housegate, Tax Evasiongate etc? How about the fact that her entire family seems to have LLCs? What is PieSpy? How about her George Soros connection?

    I could go on with many many more legitimate, completely prudent questions, but it’s fruitless. The “lamestream” media won’t touch them. I guess I can agree with that one thing. They are lame.

    • Alaska Pi says:

      To me ,most of the personal-gates are insignificant compared to her-government-gates. She has been able to deflect questions about real policy by playing the victim regarding the personal stuff.
      To the woman who wasn’t sure what a Vice President’s duties were, what ARE the duties of the President?
      How did your experience as mayor of Wasilla and aborted governor of Alaska prepare you to administer the budget of the United States? Will you be glossing over the passing on of the middle class to try to hand trickle-down based deregulation to big business with the same stupidity you showed in handing out energy rebates to all Alaskans when the high price of fuel which swelled those Alaskan coffers was crippling residents of rural Alaska?
      Will you ignore and fire your advisors who show foresight and attention to facts as you did over and over as governot?
      Will you hold communities whose legislators disagree with you hostage as you did to us when our leg took a job in the Obama administration? What was up with going against established procedure for filling such vacancies for so long the Rs finally joined in with the chorus of ‘whassamatta you whatzername?” How DO you rationalize leaving a district without representation through most of a session to satisfy your personal pettiness?
      Is this how you will use your veto pen if a state’s Senators don’t confirm a cabinet pick?
      California doesn’t get highway money, Oregon doesn’t get education money, New York doesn’t get…?

      And lots of questions about things no one ever seems to ask her :
      What about the UN? And our participation in it?
      What about the EPA?
      Patenting seeds of heritage plants?
      Privacy as it relates to genetic predisposition to disease in relation healthcare coverage?
      Oversight of public lands which are off-limits to private development?
      Costs to taxpayers to manage programs on public lands which do have some private industry components- like grazing land, timber sales, etc…?

      THIS list is endless…

      To date , whatzername has had charge of the conversation…
      If the wackdoodle does make a run, it would behoove the press and public to take charge of the interview for the job…
      it really would.

      • Dagian says:

        “To date , whatzername has had charge of the conversation…
        If the wackdoodle does make a run, it would behoove the press and public to take charge of the interview for the job…
        it really would.”

        And how.

        • Remember the vice presidential debate when she said that she was going to answer the questions she wanted to answer? And she did, and she’s still doing it and getting away with it. Our journalists aren’t doing their jobs. I really hope that someone will step up, who still has a modicum of journalistic integrity, who will start asking some of these questions that all of us seem to find obvious. Then they need to insist on an answer and not let her turn it into “you’re picking on me and my family”.

          To Sarah: Can’t stand the heat? Get out of the political kitchen.

          • Dagian says:

            I wholeheartedly agree.

            If she continues to NOT answer any questions that are tough (or pertinent) from the “lamestream media” or not, then she has no business being elected dog-catcher.

            But…how many adoring fans who vote does she have? They don’t seem to care or mind. In fact, they seem to find her profound ignorance ADMIRABLE.

            (See my post on when and how I think she learned how to treat Congress [and by extension–all Americans] with contempt and make it profitable!)

          • JOHNNY says:

            how long is it going to be before some interviewer asks if it’s true that her family receives free government furnished medical care. Like, right after one of her rants on repealing the health insurance reform.

      • lilybart says:

        She bailed out the dairy with taxpayer money, that should be a nonstart for teabaggers.

      • Oh, YES…!

    • jojobo1 says:

      yes but they won’t let it go if she does run.Hucklebee is scum and I think the Morman will have the same trouble JFK had being a catholic.To many stories about the morman religion and young women being given to older men as wives.

    • leenie17 says:

      It’s times like these that I SOOO miss Tim Russert. He’d never let her get away with ducking the real questions…and do it in a way that made her thank him for asking!

      We desperately need someone to take up the role that he served and ask the hard questions that the politicians don’t want to answer. Unfortunately, the media has become so controlled by megacorporations that the journalists are pressured to go easy on anyone who might lose their bosses revenue.

  43. silverball says:

    it ISN’T confidence…’s INTELLIGENCE……and having just a clue about what it means to govern for WE, THE PEOPLE….not just her cronies and corporate supporters…..we can only hope she is the nominee….how will she avoid the “lamestream” media then….???…

    • silverball says:

      oh, i forgot….her belief in being able to beat president obama clearly shows how DELUSIONAL she is capable of…..must be “listening/speaking” with ‘HER’ god….AGAIN……all this does is keep her cash register going “ka-ching”…..”ka-ching”….too many sheeple out there…….

  44. Southernmuse says:

    We can’t underestimate Mrs. Palin and the lengths to which her hubris will drive her. The more irrational the goal, the more fervently she will pursue it. In these strange times, can we discount her running as a presidential hopeful anointed by God and can we discount a groundswell of support for the caricature she has made of herself? On the other hand we can always hold out hope that self-interest will prevail over stepping in to save the country if there’s no one else who can step up to the plate (as the messiah of the 2012 election). If she runs she will be under the microscope as never before. She will have to read and think about issues, she will have to explain herself to unsympathetic audiences, she will have to talk to the mainstream media, she will have to abandon her lucrative speaking and ‘writing’ career. Should she actually be elected, she will have to work on complicated and tedious issues every day, she will be expected to serve the full term, and she will be held accountable for her every move, all of which is bound to expose her for the fraud that she is, and in her heart of hearts, maybe she knows this. I think we all know she could never survive a firestorm of criticism the likes of which she volleys at Obama on a daily basis and that any criticism of her would not be tolerated. Let’s hope she’s more interested in Sarah, the Brand rather than Sarah, Commander in Chief.

  45. Pennlawyer says:

    Sarah is the poster girl for megalomania: a psychopathological condition characterized by delusional fantasies of wealth, power or omnipotence; having an unreasonable conviction of one’s own extreme greatness, goodness or power. Given the vicious comments by Bristol and Willow on Willow’s FB/twitter accounts, this may be a genetic abnormality passed on from their mother.

    • In Ohio says:

      “may be a genetic abnormality passed on from their mother.”
      — its called psychopathy, at last estimate more than 3% of the population have it and its thought to be an evolutionary step by some scientists because psychopaths have a distinct survival advantage becaue they’re not hindered by any sense of empathy, fairness or conscience. That is how they can club fish to death (badly) and joke about its still beating heart, then casually toss if overboard. Most people I know would (a) attempt a more humane killing and (b) respect the last evidence of the creature’s life a bit more.

  46. tigerwine says:

    Having raised 4 kids, in the back of my mind is always the question: “How does she accomplish all this and still do a decent job of caring for her children (and husband!)?) The answer, if course, is obvious.

    Which brings up the youngest. I know it’s verboten to involve the kids in a negative way, but something SP said in reference to a scheduling problem was that Trigg had to have a minor operation He wasn’t shown in the first SPA program. Anybody?

    • lilybart says:

      It was on the Friday before the election but on Sat she flew to the East Coast and attended a jets game on Sunday.

      I would never leave my daughter even after minor surgery unless an emergency.

      • Gimme-a-break, Sarah says:

        Mother of the Year, that’s Scarah all right.

        It’s unbelievable that she — and Todd — would leave their toddler after a surgery and go jetting off thousands of miles away. Who is there for that kid? His parents are gone, his oldest sister is off pretending she can dance; who is with him, giving him the care and affection a toddler needs? Grandparents? Willow? Piper?

        I wish the media would stop ignoring this elephant in the middle of the living room.

      • Dagian says:

        Who the hell would leave their child–particularly a very young, especially vulnerable [respiratory issues are high for Down’s patients] child in a hospital and go jetting off?

        If something went terribly wrong–who’s going to make medical decisions on his behalf and sign the paperwork? Where the hell are the ADULTS in this family?

        I wish this little boy well, because it sounds as though his long-term prognosis (will he thrive or merely survive) depends on dumb luck.

        • Gimme-a-break, Sarah says:

          It sure shows you where her priorities are, doesn’t it?

          I wish Trigg luck too… He’s going to need it.

    • Gimme-a-break, Sarah says:

      As mother of four, this has always been my question too. And yes, the answer is obvious….

  47. fishingmamma says:

    Barbara. Please.

    What was the real question?

  48. far from fenway fan says:

    “Confidence is not her problem.” You got that right. Delusion is.

    Run, Sarah, Run! I wanna see the GOP big guns go after you. The faith-based candidates debate: Palin, Huckabee, and Romney. Who would Jesus vote for?

    Get some rest, AKM, ’cause you’re gonna be mighty busy if this fruitcake runs. And you know she’s gonna. Best thing about it will be seeing Tina Fey weekly on SNL again!

  49. Eternity says:

    Let’s look back to the beginning of the 2008 elections. Where Barack Obama, pretty much nationally unkown, beat Hillary Clinton in the Iowa caucuses. And he kept beating her. She was well-known, had tons of money and more time in the Senate. And he still won because he’s AWESOME at campaigning.

    Sarah doesn’t have a chance in hell of beating him in 2012.

  50. Blooper says:

    This woman is like a nightmare… but this is no dream. This is reality. So having said that, where can I go to escape this human plague? Arrrrgh. And being in Alaska, I’m thinking I’m going to have to go far, far away.

    • sallyngarland,tx says:

      Can’t get away from her. Turn on the tv and there she is–on EVERY single network. At the store on magazine covers. Then Bristol, tv, magagazine–someone talking about her. Now Willow. It just doesn’t stop. Makes a sane person want to get in bed, pull the covers over one’s head and only come out in time to vote in 2012. She is absolutely the most draining person I’ve ever seen but it does seem, little by little, fatigue with Palin is setting in with the MSM. People are beginning to show some weariness. I think she has almost exhausted people–except the bots. Some newscasters are beginning to seem tired reporting about her–a few anyway.

      • twain12 says:

        that is what i’m hoping for…”overexposure”

      • Blooper says:

        Thanks, your reply does give me hope. And you’re right, the only thing that is keeping Mrs. Quittypants going is others’ willingness to talk about her and keep her relevant. After all, without the support of the general populace, she has no power to speak of. At least I can take solace in the fact that no one I know can stand the banshee and that the media hopefully is starting to feel the same.

    • lilybart says:

      Isn’t she moving to Arizona? Bought a house. So you might not see much of her there, after the Miller rebuke or is that rebukiation?

      • W. West says:

        Being a former resident of Arizona, I know that Canadians don’t do particularly well in the ghastly summers of Arizona. It’s simply too much of a climate change. I assume Alaskans would fare the same. (Germans, too)

      • Blooper says:

        Arizona huh? Well, there goes my dreams of retirement in the sand and sun! LOL. Seriously though, it sounds like she’s setting up base close to someone (*cough McCain cough*) who may be willing to guide her (yet again) through the process of presidential grooming.

        • Ashkee Colorado says:

          That’s a GREAT idea, get mccrash, an also ran, to give you pointers on running for POTUS. She could also learn incoherent speechifying on the issues of the day. But wait, she already knows how to do that!

  51. Blooper says:

    This woman is like a nightmare… the only problem is that this is reality and I can’t wake up! *sigh*.

  52. North of the Range says:

    And of course she’ll accomplish this while shooing away bears and climbing Denali without gloves on, after flying Todd’s plane to the rescue of a village suffering from a severe lack of cookies, while watching out for Putin who might steal the limelight by raising his head unexpectedly, keeping her neighborhood safe from stray authors, while steadfastly, always refusing to quit no matter how great the temptation may be. Oh, and she’ll have one hand tied behind her back, you betcha also, too, just so it can be a fair fight.

    Just so long as Lisa Murkowski doesn’t decide to jump in as the Establishment write-in, it’ll be a piece of cake.

    • MonaLisa (inCT) says:

      I got the distinct impression that she NEVER flies in Todd’s plane. As she said to Greta, “To me it’s like a little tin can, a tuna fish can that you’re flying around in.”

  53. Diane says:

    Of course she would prefer to be outside then to being in a stuffy office.
    I hope that frame is shown over and over again. And her bipartisanship? If she can’t or will not get along with Democrats, what will she do when the rest of the world doesn’t do what she says?
    I shudder to think of it!

    She has this warped view of the world. Lisa Murkowski was right. She does not want to govern.
    I say, she wants the power.

  54. Jewel says:

    Palin has no common sense. She stuck her big nose on the east coast regarding children obesity and brought the kids cookies while at home her non-dancing daughter is ballooning as if she is getting ready to be a float in the Macy Thanksgiving Parade.

  55. beth says:

    Darn it — I seem to have misplaced my listing of where $P would be speaking (and fundraising) next for children with special needs and their families. I know I have it here, somewhere, because I distinctly remember her saying that spotlighting, calling attention to, the children and their families was an absolute priority of hers.

    Oh, wait …now that I think about it, she said that would be an absolute priority of hers IF she (and, oh, by the way, McCain) were elected. Well, then, nevermind. I guess special needs kids and their families can just suck it up because she is now too busy dissing POTUS and memeing the world sans solutions. beth.

    • Dagian says:

      Sarah Palin channeling O.J. Simpson.

    • M Baker says:

      She would be just like McConnell if elected, both diss the President but never offer any solution or are willing to work with Democrats for the greater good of the country,and they just try to distroy whatever Obama has successfully occomplished. If she doesn’t run in 2012, she wouldn’t be able to get back at Obama for winning the election. Her only reason for doing anything is to get back at other people. In her latest book, she is still going after Levi, and I’m sure everyone else who has “slandered her” or beat her in something in the past.

  56. Tawd says:

    So Juicy believes she can beat President Obama.

    Juicy also believed she could govern a small populated state then she quit.

    Palin can’t even govern her kids.

  57. nswfm says:

    The fact that she’s still around is what bothers me. The media isn’t doing its job. Barbara WaWa certainly hasn’t done a very good job in either interview.

    • twain12 says:

      she is pretty sly about it…..i fear her, or better i fear the inability of a lot of voters to dig deeper. The TLC thing was genius, why run adds if you can sneak politics in a reality show and get paid on top of it.I don’t think she has it in her to do the hard work, but so far she got pretty far not having to answer questions and hiding behind facebook.
      I don’t underestimate her or the stupidity of some people to vote for her if the midterms are any indication.

      • tinydancer says:

        I agree. I try not to give in to the fear mongers and live a paranoid life, but this does scare the crap out of me.

      • prisonernumbersix says:

        I refuse to watch her in any form; however, I would appreciate a list of sponsors who enable her. I am more than willing to pay extra for any product or service to signal my displeasure with Sarah Palin and the corruption and disintegration she brings.

        While i would like nothing better than to ignore her, she is threatening MY country and YOUR country. She must be watched and figuratively destroyed or de-fused. (No, not the Teabagger way or other vicious thought or deed apropos of her ilk.) This “born in a basement and never brought up’ behavior must cease!

      • The vapid look on her face as she pretends to ponder deep thoughts——-to force the appearance of intelligence in an ordinary person…..but it is her sheer arrogance and blind ambition that will be her undoing.

    • jojobo1 says:

      No she didn’t and that really surprised me as she used to be really good.

  58. Kallie in Texas says:

    OMG! Not another year of seeing her and hearing her screechy voice! God Help Us ALL!

    • GO_Alaska says:

      DITTO! I can’t bear the thought of it. Please make it stop!

      • tinydancer says:

        Whether she runs or not we will be seeing her all over for a lot longer than just another year. I’m with you all. Make it stop. Or as George Jetson used to yell . . . .”JANE STOP THIS CRASY THING!!!!!!!!!”

        • Progressive in VA says:

          I was just thinking of “George Jetson’s wild ride as metaphor for our current political culture” the other day. Funny.

  59. OK, that’s an interview I want to see. But I hope it’s the Barbara Walters that I remember, the one who asked hard questions and when she didn’t get an answer, rephrased the question until she did. I really hope that anyone interviewing the quitter queen will realize that their mistake last time was the kid glove approach they took – “oh, we can’t ask her that or say that because it will look like we are picking on her”. Well, guess what, Sarah – that’s what happens to candidates and if you sit and whine about being picked on then you’d better just stay home in the first place.

    And so help me, if she does run and people don’t go out and vote, then they deserve another Bush. That not voting because you are unhappy with the way things are going in Washington is a silly and irresponsible excuse.

  60. benlomond2 says:

    To quote an astute Lady…. “Bring it on, Buttercup !”

  61. Enjay in E MT says:

    She’s testing the waters for sure – but I have a hard time wrapping my mind about her actually running. Now if they “Crowned” her as the Republican Nominee at the convention….. 65 days before the election…. yes she’d go for it.

    But 20+ months of campaigning….. boring stragedy meetings…. several hundred rubber chicken dinners…. months on the road … all coming out of her own campaign coffers….. a real bus tour – not private jets for the first 18 months ….. econ. class when she does get to fly… I can’t see her actually WORKING to get the job.


      I’m with you Enjay…I can’t see her actually working for the job either or anything else for that matter. That narcissistic personality of hers has got her wanting and believing that she should run and possible could win, but her work ethic and bank account is saying otherwise. Oooohhhhh the fight that must be going on in that crazy head of hers?!?!?! I’m looking for her to completely breakdown and lose it any minute now. Really, I am.

      • Kat says:

        “I’m looking for her to completely breakdown and lose it any minute now. Really, I am.”

        We can only hope – and pray!

    • Bretta says:

      I agree – what’s her longevity at a job? two years or less?
      The running process takes two years – two years too long for a quitter.

    • In Ohio says:

      She has to throw her hat in at some time to keep the gravy train a rollin’ .. but, as soon as she does, she can’t get paid for speaking any more… so my bet is that she sits out long enough to pump out another book (taking bets that it will be some screed on how to raise children)… if she drops the book for summer readers, then I bet she declaires in lat Aug / Sep 2011. Otherwise, she won’t declare until Christmas (after her book is out and the tour done for the Christmas buying season) and just early enough to get her name printed on the ballots. (First votes are in Feb 2012).

      Think about it, why should she declare? Everyone already knows her, she’s already getting polling as if she’s running. Declaring would just cut off the gravy train. She has her base foaming at the bit to vote. So from a primary perspective, I don’t see her jumping in till last minute (maybe dodging a few debates in the process and then claiming “awe shucks, if the people want me so badly, I guess I’ll run” It’ll make for a great book/movie deal.

      Does she want to win? I doubt if very much, I’m sure seeing how aged she looks in her current TV screed, she doesn’t want her beauty secrets (the hoard of people that it takes to plaster her together) made public. Not to mention the work that would be involved. If she wins the primary, I see the VP taking over pretty quickly once she’s insulted a few heads of state.

  62. LibertyLover says:

    All I can say is that she will need more votes than her 5 million viewers on TLC and more than her daughter is getting on DWTS to pull that off.

    • Susan says:

      On DWTS people can vote more than once. I don’t know if Sarah knows the rules are different in an election. She may be crafting Facebook posts as I write this telling all her friends to call in as many times as they can. 🙂

  63. dowl says:

    Did Mrs. Todd Palin discuss her plans for redecorating the White House? Perhaps she’s as confident as Joe Miller–since in their world (and Christine O’Donnell’s) they did not lose, they simply won in a different metaphysical realm. For all we know Sarah is already president and our POTUS is simply some aberrant shadow that follows her where ever she goes.

  64. gm says:

    She could beat Obama at. . . hmmm. . .at dancing? Probably. At rock climbing? Naa. At bumpit installation? Definitely. At slinging verbal putdowns? Yup, she’d beat him there.

    • Annie says:

      Nope, I don’t think Palin could beat Obama at dancing if he really let loose. He did a pretty good job on Ellen.

    • MonaLisa (inCT) says:

      Ever see his interview with Ellen Degeneres? When he’s not dancing with children, our Prez has real grace.

      I’ve only seen Sarah ‘raise the roof’ on SNL, but her general posture says ‘not a dancer’.

    • Bretta says:

      President Obama would be so smooth in his verbal putdown that, proverbially, she would be told to go to hell and end up enjoying the ride. Could she beat him in a verbal putdown? No. He would be classed with the skills of Julie Andrews and $he would be classed with… well, see her children’s face book work from a couple of days ago.

      • Dagian says:

        Truly. Her kids did not pull that attitude out of thin air. ONE of my kids has a facebook page, we are “friends”, and yet–if the kid posted ANYTHING like what the Palin spawn posted, there would be serious consequences.

        Not only that, but colleges LOOK at what applicants have posted online. It can and DOES affect whether an offer of admission is tendered. Plus they can rescind the offer if the prospective student does something they deem so foul they don’t want them on their campus.

        Something to think about if any of the Palin children are serious about college.


        • So far none of the Palin kids have shown any particular interest in college, and barely any in high school. So, I guess that’s not an issue for them. It might, however, be an issue for some of Sarah’s conservative voters if they actually read it and could be convinced that the “libruls” didn’t phony it up.

          • Dagian says:

            I know. Hence the bray.

            Wait a minute, didn’t someone (Sarah?) say that Bristol was attending college and taking care of her baby?

            I realize that “attending college” may be in the same vein as “working as a receptionist”. You know, in between being paid thousands of dollars for her big accomplishment of single teenage motherhood.

            I don’t suppose Bristol has actually donated any money to any charitable causes. (I realize that no one knows, I’m just mulling out loud.)

  65. Elizabeth says:

    I’m wondering about two non-fox interviews reported in one day. This looks like the lady has decided to run for President and knows she has to get out more to the mainstream media. Not a good sign in my opinion.

    • Millie says:

      I just hope they ask her ‘tough’ questions….all they have to do is follow what she posts daily on Facebook and go from there. How about questions as to how our government works…$100 bucks she’d flunk!


      I think the two NON FOX interviews has more to do with money than her running for President. She needs to sell that book and she knows that the person most inclined to crack open a book would most likely NOT be watching FOX.

    • Concerned Too says:

      She will be part of the “10 most interesting people of the year” that Walters does. This is not a hard, tough interview and probably why she agreed!

  66. Sourdough Mullet says:

    I’ll say it again – Palin is the living embodiment of the Dunning-Krueger Effect (ie: confidence being inversely proportional to competence).

    • Baker's Dozen says:

      My thoughts exactly. Of course, if Ms. Walters had asked her about the Dunning-Krueger Effect (which it would be entirely understandable if she didn’t know what that was) and explained it to her, she would still say it was “gotcha media” because she wouldn’t understand the explanation or why someone would say it about her.

      But I’m even more surprised that she’s doing an interview not on FOX. And frankly, I wish she’d stay on FOX and the rest of the media would ignore her or put her on E!

      • 264 Crayons says:

        Exactly! I was quite disgusted that last night while my husband was watching the Science Channel to hear the ad for Sara Palin’s Alaska! WTF??? This chick thinks the world is 6,000 years old! (And by the way so does my husband’s best friend – yikes!)

    • n djinn says:

      Thank you, that explains so much.

  67. Dan Heynen says:

    On what planet?

    • Pennlawyer says:

      The only way she could beat Obama is if he picked her for his VP running mate.

    • Arlis Nessman says:

      Mrs. Palin………….

      I knew Ronald Reagan and you are NO Ronald Reagan.

      Yeah, you could beat President Obama.

      To the bathroom.