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Open Thread – Dive in!

I know there are some of you out there for whom this will not cause the reaction I intend. But for those of you on the northern tier, or in Alaska itself… this one’s for you. We still have a couple weeks left where we’re losing light, and there’s just no way to put the brakes on. We’ll have to tough it out until then. Hope memories like this will help you make it.



51 Responses to “Open Thread – Dive in!”
  1. bb says:

    have you seen this?

    And now she turns not only against the fibre and backbone of her country, but against its democratically elected President, accusing him of being incompetent for not stopping Wikileaks. Where was she and where was her GOP before and during the 9/11 attacks? She accuses President Obama of not taking “steps” to assure the leaks were not published. What “steps”?……

    But why is she still our media’s ‘darling’?

  2. LoveMyDogs says:

    Does anyone out there know if the part of the health care reform act that deals with pre-existing conditions for adults has gone into effect yet? We just got a letter from my husband’s insurance company (that he has been paying handsomely out of his check to cover me) stating that because they didn’t recieve a certificate of previous coverage (from my previous corporate employer- which they told me the faxed to his employer) they will not cover me for 12-18 months. What is this BS? They are taking our money and then pulling a stunt like this? What a bunch of BS. Is this still legal? We now have to go back through all of the hoops that we already jumped through and appeal this crap. I thought that the HCRB was supposed to make it impossible for them to do this. Anybody out there know? Cause if they are going to do this and then NOT cover my blood pressure meds then I might as well just stroke out now and be done with it.

  3. Zyxomma says:

    Here’s a link to one of my heroes, Senator Bernie Sanders:

    Hear him roar! It’s great. (Or, for a quote that a baby boomer can relate to, it’s GRRRRREAT!)

  4. Just a simple man says:

    Sorry if this has been brought up before but I am convinced that SP will be running as an Independent. She saw first hand that it can be done and she could do anything better then Lisa (In her humble opinion)

    The beauty about running as an Independent is that they are not invited to national debates. She can run her entire one sided campaign through twitter, FB and Faux News with adequate excuse. While we see the two parties ripping each other apart she can stay out of the fray while never exposing to much.

  5. Baker's Dozen says:

    Even a non hunter like me can tell she can’t shoot let alone hunt.

    And what’s this with the boots and wading through the water, getting everything wet? You take off your shoes, you moron.

  6. Ann Strongheart says:

    OMG… sad!! Can’t she just go away?? Please please someone just let her go away!!

  7. bubbles says:

    i just wandered over to Wonkettes and was feeling a little down. it’s winter and cold and a bit dreary today. i clicked on an article about Wikileaks and there in the comments section was one Dr.Zhivago. i sat there and laughed, the tears came and i laughed some more. every once in awhile something or someone is just so awful and funny at the same time. here is the paragraph that sets up the comment by Dr. Zhivago:

    Thus far, the WikiLeaks cables have provided the world much needed Sarkozy and Putin gossip items, but has their appeal been broad enough to the public? Look no further: There’s a list of “pipelines, communication and transport hubs” the U.S. secretly hopes won’t be attacked, because that would destroy us all.
    and the doctor:

    Holy jumpin’ Jehova-witz!!! That’s NOT the real list. Here’s the real list of critical sites the USA CANNOT AFFORD TO HAVE ATTACKED:

    1. Facebook and Twitter data centers – absolutely would end life as we know it.
    2. Wasilla, AK and suburbs – home of America’s savior and family
    3. Entire border with Mexico (vital to drug traffic, as per agreement with UK Royal Family)
    4. Viagro factory in Somerville, NJ
    5. Trucknutz factory in Zenchang, China
    6. Fox News HQ and Uplink Satellite in New York and Staten Island
    7. NY Times HQ (libruls, but no one will believe world is over until it makes it in the Times)
    8. Little Debbie Factory in White Plains, NY
    9. Walmart global distribution center and 521 “Critical Retail Infrastructure” Walmart stores.
    10. NFL and NASCAR
    about ten people replied and the comments just got funnier. Dr. Zhivago even referenced Snowflake and family.

  8. OMG says:

    “The guile of the artful dodger” in The Globe and Mail (Canada) features a picture of Palin and talks about dodging questions and sometimes answering questions that were not asked. According to the Harvard Business School research: “It’s troubling because we’d like to think honesty would be rewarded, but in fact, people who deftly sidestep questions are rewarded…”

    Sarah Palin is now the poster child for dishonest, evasive politicians world-wide.

  9. Bob Benner says:

    Obama is now extending tax cuts to the richest billionaires. Wall Street and the Banks are still playing games and hoarding all the money. Guantanamo is still open for business. American’s are still fighting in Afghanistan. Who won the election again?

    • bubbles says:

      i did. i won. my bills are paid. i just got Medicare. my social security check was on time. so was my pension check. the buses are running. my trains are on time. i got meat and veggies in the fridge. i can walk to my doctor’s office and go shopping when i leave. my children are gainfully employed. because of the president’s policies my son-in law has hired 5 more employees this year and hopes to hire more in the coming year. i don’t know about you but i won. i won big. my family won. my city and my state won. as for the rest. you are not in Guantanamo nor are you in Afghanistan. instead you are here spreading doom and gloom. put a sock in it Bob.

      • Love your post, Bubbles! It’s absolutely lovely……there is nothing better or finer than what you described….anywhere…!

      • Bob Benner says:

        I don’t think I’m spreading doom and gloom. I just don’t understand why Obama continues to flip on his promises. The very promises I voted for him on. I realize it takes two to tango. But that doesn’t mean Obama has to suddenly start dancing with Bristol Palin to make the tea baggers happy. If I sound mad, I’m not. I’m just disappointed. Maybe Hillary will run and shake things up. Those trees are loaded with money the fat cats are hoarding and they need a good shaking to free it up.

    • Baker's Dozen says:

      Why is it Obama’s fault? Why aren’t you blaming the republicans in congress who won’t give the middle class their tax cuts without giving the uber wealthy theirs? Obama can’t sign what isn’t going to make it to his desk. So, no Obama isn’t extending the tax cuts to the Koch brothers, republicans did.

      And I’m with bubbles. I won. My taxes are down. Jobs are up in my area because of his programs and hope for my husband having a job has increased. The democrats have consistently, fortunately, worked to extend unemployment which was a boon until he could pick up his retirement (which isn’t enough to live on, but better than nothing) and I hope they can do it yet again. I won. Friends came home from the Iraq war. We have more friendly nations overseas. Friends say they now travel without being embarrassed to say they’re from the US and don’t lie and say Canada. When we’re back on our feet, I’ll get to do that, too. I won. He’s working on closing Guantanamo, a much harder job than opening it to begin with.
      Is there a lot more to do? Yep. Bush had 8 years to tear things down and make a mess. It’s always harder and takes longer to build than to destroy. We can’t expect Obama to fix in 2 what Bush did in 8, now can we.
      And Obama’s slogan, which is still believe in, was “Yes, we can.” That’s “we.” Not “I.”

      Get a grip on reality. And if you want instant gratification, get a video game.

    • leenie17 says:

      I won for many of the same reasons that Bubbles and Baker’s Dozen mentioned but most of all because McCain and Palin didn’t. Anything that can keep those two from setting foot in the White House except for a public tour is good enough for me.

      Yes, there are some things that the Obama administration hasn’t done, or done as quickly or as well as I’d like. However, the country has been brought back from the brink of an economic disaster eight plus years in the making, scads of important but overlooked legislation has been passed, and our standing in the world is substantially higher than it was a few years ago. Do I wish he was tougher and willing to call the Republicans’ bluff more? Sometimes, but I’d rather have someone who is willing to negotiate and compromise, even if I don’t like the specific compromises, than someone who annoints himself “The Decider”.

  10. WhichTruth says:

    When I see a picture of Mitch McConnell, I think of the Grinch Who Stole Christmas, and unemployment assistance, and…

    • Waay Out West says:

      When I see a picture of Mitch McConnell I think of a baby with a wet droopy diaper.

  11. twain12 says:

    wouldn’t she have to talk to the LSM, be accountable and all that ??
    Don’t think she would be interested.

    • twain12 says:

      this was a reply to OMG 8:22am 🙂

      • OMG says:

        Who knows…the media gives her a pass to communicate anything she wants through FB and Twitter. I think that, even if she runs for president, they’ll let her play by her rules. I hope I am wrong but so far she has become a multi-millionaire and is followed closely by every media outlet which lets her get away with her one-sided dialogue.

  12. twain12 says:

    Joe Miller Blames Native Alaskan Groups For ‘Writing In Corruption’

  13. Irishgirl says:

    Lovely pic,AKM. Here are some more snow photos from Ireland.

    • OMG says:

      Fantastic pictures.

    • Laurie says:

      Great photos. I take it from some of the captions and the lack of snow shovels this is an unusual occurrence. Enjoy.

      • Irishgirl says:

        Very unusual!

        • bubbles says:

          i remember snow days. wonderful, magical snow days. a big pot of soup or a stew. perhaps, if uncle was at home that day, his signature chicken ‘n dumplings.
          thank you Irishgirl. for a sweet moment i went back to visit that time in my life.

          • Irishgirl says:

            (((bubbles))). Glad it brought back good memories. I have always loved the snow…however, we are now into the second week of this freeze, and it is getting kinda difficult. The snow has not melted, the footpaths are extremely dangerous, and it generally getting to be a pain in the a*se now. We are not set up to deal with snow. Just trying to get my car out of the driveway gives me the heebie jeebies, it’s only a few yards but I’m afraid that I will slide out into oncoming traffic. Not to mention thawing out the car and clearing the driveway!

            I comforted myself with the thought that I am going to Australia at the weekend. Our trip of a lifetime. But it appears that after years of drought, Australia is having a deluge.

            I swear, if there is no sun in Oz……I will blame Sarah Palin.

          • bubbles says:

            Irishgirl. enjoy your time in the land down under. you will be thrilled to visit old friends and family. i am so glad for you and yours. love bubs.

        • Mag the Mick says:

          I absolutely did not recognize Howth Harbor! What a difference snow makes.

    • Bob Benner says:

      And I always thought the snow in Ireland was green…

    • Baker's Dozen says:

      I thought Ireland was green. And here you are with all these white pictures! 🙂

  14. OMG says:

    Tea Party Nation begs Palin to run for RNC Chair. I’m crossing my fingers that she does; let your imagination run with this one–pure entertainment!

    • Waay Out West says:

      Here is the CBS link which actually made me laugh out loud, not a frequent occurance these days

      Politico had a lovely picture which didn’t quite go with the reverential tone of the article.

      I did enjoy Sawas response
      “However, the primary role of the RNC chair seems to be that of fundraiser-in-chief, and there are others who would probably be much more comfortable asking people for money than I would be, and they would definitely enjoy it more.”

      It would appear to be all about Sawah, which is not new or news

  15. Juneaudream says:

    All my life..I have been drawn to fire and to water. The beauty of the pool water..random fluctuations of the waves and light, color density of the unusually soothing. In tribal truth..there is no time in life..where going to sit near, to waters not a healing thing. Even..when in the mass panic and life threatening instances of trauma to self and community..the power, the chance escapes to..higher ground..lead us a people, and as creative ability..and to fuel that..a calmness of giving ourselves ..Worthyness..understanding our others. Always..we are a ..part of the whole. If we dispence with trying to name it..peace follows..grows.

    • Blooper says:

      That is a beautiful sight on this cold Alaskan Monday morning. And yes it did prompt a warm fuzzy response in this winter hardened soul. Thanks for the energy boost!

  16. Terri says:

    I miss Alaska – and strangely, I miss the darkness…it was an excuse to hibernate, to meditate, to fold into myself and stay warm. It wasn’t always easy, and every few years I felt the affects, but the Spring held such a wonderful awakening – you could see it in the trees as they “greened up” and as the crocus escaped from the snow…the people would open up in the same way. Alaska is so very beautiful and I truly miss that existence. My wish is for everyone to have a very wonderful holiday season, filled with warmth and love … and eventually light!

  17. OMG says:

    From a Russian (and Portuguese) viewpoint, the US is ignoring the majority of its citizens in favor of the guys at the top (obviously written by someone who is not a fan of free enterprise and is clinging to a staunch socialist doctrine). Sadly, their viewpoint is not all wrong (although I do disagree with some points). What should speak volumes to the right however (who love to claim that Obama is a socialist), is that this opinion piece does not claim Obama as someone who shares their philosophy.

  18. thatcrowwoman says:

    5th day of Chanukah…the light increases…

    “I flip my latkes in the air sometimes sayin ayy ohh spin the dreidel
    Just wanna celebrate for all eight nights singin ayy oh, light the candles.”

    I’ll be singing/humming this one all day long now… 🙂

    • Mag the Mick says:

      I’ve been posting Chanukah songs from youtube on my Facebook page, and so far (shofar?) this is everyone’s favorite. Those Yeshiva University boys are incredibly cute! Happy Chanukah to all. Light a light, catch a fire!

    • Baker's Dozen says:

      Make enough for me! I’m coming over!

  19. AKjah says:

    Being here in the north is a blessing. I love the light. 30 years i have been in awe. I remember some years ago this lady asked me how i could stand the winter and i said it’s the light. We here on the Kenai we don’t see total darkness. The lighting on the mountains is just so magical that one cannot forget. Painters would ask for it to last forever so they could paint it. It only lasts for a few weeks. The rest of us Just work our asses off. Hey what can i tell you. Winter sucks but winter is my favorite time of year. And no where but on the the mudflats would you hear anything else from me.

    • slipstream says:

      For magical light, nothing compares to being encircled by mountain peaks just after sunset on a cold, clear evening. Admittedly, sunset comes rather early . . . 4:30 or so. And the temperature will be in free fall. But an hour or so later, in a cirque like the Independence Mine bowl (Hatcher Pass area) you are surrounded by silent ridgelines and peaks; the snowfields far above you seem to glow with the dark blues of the evening sky; it seems as though you have stepped into a different world. A cold world, but beautiful.

    • Bretta says:

      The winter light is what I live for, too. The baby-blue sky, the baby-pink glow of the fungal layer of the birch bark, the alpenglow, the intensity of the strange light reflected by the snowy hills in the fading afternoon sun, the patterns of dark peeking through snow-laden branches, phases of the moon against the dark, and when it’s really cold, the millions of diamonds of stars when driving the highway a hundred miles from the city.


      Some years ago, I came home from work in the middle of the night, a cold clear night, maybe 5F, no moonlight, checked on my horse – she was looking East to the mountains and the starshine.

      There is no way anyone can tell me she saw anything but the stunning beauty there.

  20. OMG says:

    As always, I have been dismayed to hear the left’s attacks on President Obama (I expect it from the right but I would expect the left to defend…heavy sigh). If Obama loses in 2012 to anyone, the left will be just as guilty as the right in losing the WH.

    Interestingly, it takes a conservative like Andrew Sullivan to make the case to praise the President:

    • bubbles says:

      This strikes me as grotesquely unfair. I sure know what matters to the president, and a brief survey of his first two years would reveal it rather baldly. “Non-argumentative reasonableness” so far has prevented a second great depression, rescued Detroit, bailed out the banks, pitlessly isolated Tehran’s regime, exposed Netanyahu, decimated al Qaeda’s mid-level leadership in Pakistan and Afghanistan, withdrawn troops from Iraq on schedule, gotten two Justices on the Supreme Court, cut a point or two off the unemployment rate with the stimulus, seen real wages for those employed grow, presided over a stock market boom and record corporate profits, and maneuvered a GOP still intoxicated with failed ideology to become more and more wedded to white, old evangelicals led by Sarah Palin. And did I mention universal health insurance – the holy grail for Democrats for decades?
      thank you OMG. it is terribly sad how the president has been abandoned by so many. sad and predictable.

    • jojobo1 says:

      I see that more and more everyday OMG It is like they think he shouldn’t compromise to get things done.He was right about DADT even in old man McShame is holding it up.If the courts had handled it it could have gone up to the supreme court and with how they are now it would not have been a good thing.They gave us corporations ability to take over our government.Seems funny to me that these leaks are mostly about this administration and not others also that this man is an Australian and we know who is another Australian and who supports a real threat to our country and put her on Faux noise.

  21. AKaurora says:

    Beautiful photo!

    Here’s a video to remind us all that when our feathers get ruffled and we’re blown off course, it’s best to roll with the punches and stay focused on where we want to go. Enjoy!

  22. twain12 says:

    love it…nothing like water