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Open Thread – M*U*S*H

For those of you wondering what to catch in the remaining days of the Anchorage International Film Festival, let me highly recommend M*U*S*H by none other than our very own, extremely talented Alex Stein. Alex is a Mudflatter from way back, and has been one of the many behind the scenes who have participated in helping to keep the Mudflats Forum running smoothly.

Now, the only running he’s focused on is… dogs! Alex took a trip to Anchorage last year to make a movie about the Iditarod. And I’m here to tell you, it turned out GREAT! I caught the first screening of the movie the other day, and was very glad to hear it will show again on Saturday at Out North Theater at 7:30pm so you can all see it too!

The film takes a look at the facets of the Iditarod that most people never see. While the mainstream and not so mainstream media all had cameras trained on the leaders and superstars of the race, Stein peered behind the curtain talking to veteranarians, lesser known mushers, trail gazers, and of course dogs galore. His Los Angeles eye view of our Alaska quirkiness was endearing, and those in the theater just loved it.  It played true to the local crowd, who are generally pretty discerning about such things.

Shannyn Moore even makes an appearance in the film talking about the women mushers who have served as inspirations for so many Alaskan girls.

And (spoiler alert), don’t leave too soon or you’ll miss the great shout out in the ending credits to Mudpuppies everywhere! That was quite a surprise, and almost made me fall out of my chair. Did you ever think you’d get a big thank you in a movie credit? Well, you did!

The movie is not available on dvd yet, but I’ll keep everyone posted as that plan develops so you can all enjoy your own copy when it becomes available for purchase.

In the meantime, you can watch a three-minute trailer and buy tickets HERE.

Check out the official website of the movie HERE.

And join the Facebook group HERE.

Congratulations, Alex!  It was wonderful to be able to be there for the world premiere in Anchorage!



80 Responses to “Open Thread – M*U*S*H”
  1. Bob Benner says:

    Sarah Palin book signing in Alaska will be on Saturday, December 18, 11-2:00pm at the Costco in Anchorage…
    Saturday’s are usually pretty packed at Costco… And it will be especially so the weekend before Christmas… I suppose that’s one way to get an Alaskan crowd gathered so she can pretend Alaskan’s are still interested in her and her pathetic “book”.

    • Rob in Ca says:

      Who is going to volunteer to ask her for her response on the Joe Miller flameout?

      Who is going to ask her why she didn’t know about his lack of honesty and integrity?

      • Bob Benner says:

        I think it would be more interesting to say to Sarah: “Lisa Murkowski says you don’t have the leadership qualities or intellectual curiosity to be President”. Then after watching Sarah either turn red, ask you if you’re a “hater” or trash Lisa, say, “But I’m a fan of yours Sarah”… Then tell her the book is a thankyou gift of sorts and politely ask her to sign the book “Thankyou Lisa”…

  2. Rob in Ca says:

    State rules against Miller!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. beth says:

    Came across this today on one of the blogs that draws me to it like a moth to a flame. The blogger is much like many young women with an online ‘home’ today: daily sharing what she and her family are up to; the trials, tribulations, and joys of having a toddler in whom she absolutely delights; being pregnant with her second child; and being a wife, daughter, and daughter-in-law. The blogger is also full of religious zeal; she is decidedly and conspicuously, so.

    A quite recent post reflects on her little one’s latest antics, the Christmas story, and how Jesus –who led a life without sin– might’ve been viewed by Mary during his toddler years. What really cracked me up is the blogger’s ‘take’ on Mary’s preparation for her child’s birth. This is what the blogger wrote:
    “I thought about how she must have felt as a young unmarried girl knowing she was carrying a baby who would be the Messiah! I thought she probably took extra prenatal vitamins and drank lots of water and got lots of rest – because you would want to take extra care of that special baby!”
    Somehow I think there might be a sliiiiiiiiight disconnect thingie for the blogger re: 1) our understanding of medicine / medical practices / pregnancy and, 2) the timeline of that understanding — you know, so it can all be placed in its proper historical context. 🙂 beth.

  4. OMG says:

    The author of this piece says he fits the description of someone on the religious right and says that he does not understand the religious right’s fascination with Palin:

  5. Laurie says:

    Go Bernie!

  6. Zyxomma says:

    Alex, I wish you mush success!! I’ll gladly see your movie when it comes to DVD (or let us know here if there’s going to be a NYC screening).

    Here’s the visual for the day:


  7. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    Yay Alex! I’m a mushing junkie. My time up north handling / caring for my neighbor’s dog team is one of my most cherished experiences. I get my year ’round fix now with regular visits with my virtual team at Rogue’s Gallery Kennel (thank you to Love My Dogs who introduced them to us). It’s winter – mushers are afoot and dogs are apaw!

    May you receive much Alaskan love in the forms of gratitude, compliments and hugs for your fun work on this.

  8. G Katz says:

    NYT bestseller list updated today for the December 19 list, and America by Heart comes in at #5 in nonfiction. Funny, I don’t think $P tweeted about that.

    • fishingmamma says:

      Keith Olberman last night talked about her book sales, compared this book to the last one. Sales are down 84% for this one. The paperback of the first book has sold less than 20,000 copies. Booksellers are starting to return unsold copies.

  9. scout says:

    Anchorage Book Swap: Sunday Dec. 12th
    1 – 5 P.M. @ Midnight Sun Brewing Co.

    “Bring books, make friends and snag your next great read.

    Simple rules: Bring books you want to pass along. Take books you want to enjoy. No cash will be exchanged. All books that are not taken will be donated to charity.”

  10. faithful pup says:

    Mucho Thanks for open threads-I hope everyone is still voting for Lynnrockets! I fear for the count–his seems to be the only liberal voice of all the candidates. If the count is honest we can make him the winner- as is said during election years–don’t forget to vote! (Again and again and again……….) Vote for Kevin on the WRKO site.

    • CO almost native says:

      Thanks for the reminder; I went there to vote again, also.too.

    • Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

      I voted, and voted and voted. Then I voted some more. I came back later and guess what I did? I voted some more. And then some.

    • jimzmum says:

      I am, I did, and I think tomorrow is the last day? Or maybe today. Whatever, I am hoping lots of you can vote a couple more times.

  11. WinBeach says:

    Looks like the showing is sold out. Darn, procrastination doesn’t work. Please tell us when the CD/DVD is out.

  12. Bretta says:

    Ooooh, this one makes me angry:

    Mayor Sullivan wants the State to repeal Alaska’s Family Medical Leave Act (it extends Federal requirements).

    If I didn’t have FMLA there is no way I could take care of my mother. She is not eligible for Medicaid – a nursing home costs $7,500 per month. We still owe the nursing home for four months last year.

    I don’t work for the city but what about the people who do, people who might be in situations like mine?

    • Dagian says:

      Sounds like it may be time for a good old-fashioned peasant uprising.

      It was quite de rigeur in the 18th century–so you just know that America’s newest leading historian ($P) will be in the forefront of the charge on the castle. So to speak.

      To mangle Robert Bloch’s quote (it is NOT Steven King’s!):

      “He has the heart of a little boy. He keeps it in a jar on his desk.”

    • Alaska Pi says:

      This is NOT a request for a repeal for city workers only… it’s for all public employees in the state.
      this will appeal to right-to-work types but is a BS proposition in general.
      Alaska’s law predated the federal law and is more generous… the major complaint seems to be that some nitwit in the mayor’s office doesn’t like the paperwork involved with administering 2 programs.
      It would be interesting to see if a paperwork reduction project could streamline the process as it now stands- no word about whether they have even tried in ANC.

      This is NOT an entitlement program- this is a hard won, long fought necessity for workers.
      If it needs tweaking to reduce costs of management, fine… otherwise butt out Sully!
      You are a disgrace to the fair city of ANC and your bozo team of efficiency-minded hacks need to be in a job swap program with the cops, firefighters, etc whom they presume to know so much about…

    • Sarafina says:

      How did this guy (Sullivan) get elected?

  13. GAmom says:

    Congratulations! I too look forward to watching the DVD. It definitely seems like a side of Alaska worth knowing/seeing.

  14. Lacy Lady says:

    Do you suppose that sister Palin will be subject to a TSA search or the X-Ray thingy? They might find what makes the woman tick?

    • CO almost native says:

      No, no- don’t do a full body! Then the rest of the world will see absolute proof of what The ‘Flats already knows: her cranium is filled with fluff!

  15. beth says:

    Ahhh — the booties on the dogs! We’ve got hours of 70-plus-years old 8mm Kodak home movies my Dad took of his team wearing hide booties my Mom made for them. She also made large, fire-engine red, yarn pom-pons and attached them to the dog’s harness(es); the pups look right festive as they eagerly go about their work of sledding. Thanks for the memory poke, AKM. beth.

  16. LibertyLover says:

    Whoa! Mush!

    Way to Go, Alex!

  17. G Katz says:

    I ran across a word I had to look up yesterday and thought I’d share it. I find it quite useful in describing people like $P and her ilk:


    adj: of or relating to the view that Christians are released by grace from the obligation of observing the moral law

    n: a person holding this view

  18. Laurie says:

    Was reading headlines in the Huff to spouse. When I read the one that says SP is going to Haiti, spouse said he hoped they would put a voodoo hex on her. Do you think she knows she will be touched by black people?

    • beth says:

      As someone else pointed out: Sean Penn, a man who actually puts his life where his mouth is when it comes to daily helping others (in Haiti and elsewhere), would be an excellent ‘tour guide’ for her.

      I know he is a strong man, but I don’t know if he’s strong enough to withstand her shallow amidst all the rolled-up sleeve work he’s doing. beth.

    • GAmom says:

      I heard this morning on NPR that the State Department was advising against nonessential travel to Haiti at this time due to political unrest. What does the silly twit think she is going to achieve by going to Haiti at such an inauspicious time? Isn’t she a little late in trying to help Haiti (assuming this is what she is aiming for)?

      • beth says:

        Possibly she will take her own brand of ‘government’ to the land so as to mediate and mitigate the additional unrest stemming from dispute over the recent elections there. Or at least, prey [intentional] over all Haitians about it…with her pals, the elites.

        Also too, then, it’ll be a grand photo-op AND she’ll be able to tweet that Obama has/has not ___(insert here whatever strikes her fancy to snot at him about at the moment re: Haiti and his overall performance)____. It’s a win-win for her; a lose-lose for Haitians. Again. My G_d, haven’t they all suffered enough? beth.

      • CO almost native says:

        Hey, who else is brave enough to deliver those much-needed cookies?

    • bubbles says:

      Gawd forbid. those poor people have been devastated by earthquake, aftershocks, cholera, diphtheria, AIDS and now Palin. the woman should just stay away. she has nothing to offer. no one knows who she is there and could care less if they did know her.
      Palin needs to leave Black people alone wherever they are in this world. however, if she should want to pay me a visit, i would be delighted to have her for dinner with a side of fava beans and a robust Chianti.

      • Alaska Pi says:

        It sounds like a re-do of the cookies -for -fuel trip she made to Western Alaska here.

        Folks from here were mostly polite ( Mr Tucker was even polite while furious with her ) but unimpressed…
        Wondering how polite folks in Haiti will be…?

        The real sad story here is her constant crap about the best-ness religious humanitarian aid along with the endless loop pull-yerself-up-by-the-bootstraps thingy does nothing to advance policies or anything else which gets at the root problems nor alleviates ongoing suffering.
        I wish the Leg here had moved faster to slap her in the face with their passage of the law which specifically allows state resources to be used to move humanitarian aid…
        She slapped all of us in the face when we collected tons of assistance for our neighbors and she waved her queenly claw against using state planes to move it… thereby rendering much of the effort moot with the high cost of transport keeping stuff stuck out of the region.
        Hmmm- maybe Haiti can slap her back in a similar way…
        hope so.

        • nswfm says:

          Am I bad for hoping they spit in her face? What a moron she is for going NOW, way too little, too late. Cholera spreading Grifter Granny. I also hope she gets bedbugs, where ever she goes.

      • Bretta says:

        Not much meat on them bones, Bubbles, but maybe we can boil them down for stock.

      • InJuneau says:

        😆 , bubbles!

      • Irishgirl says:

        Jesus, that it what bubbles fed me. I was at death’s door after it! 🙂

      • You know Haitiians survived having GWB on their island and George was the worst
        Natural Disaster” to ever hit the United States.

    • Dagian says:

      Palin to visit Haiti for humanitarian effort


      Yep, it’s true.

      I guess she thinks that bringing Herself will magically make all the problems go away. What’s she going to do? Have her daddy swing a hammer for her? I bet she doesn’t think to NOT wear her Naughty Monkeys while walking through a refugee camp.

      She’s only, what? Almost a YEAR too late to bring her Magic Cookies.

      Stupid, stupid, stupid mean-spirited sow.

      While I’m thinking about it–Yo! $arah! Drink the water!

      • Bretta says:

        You know she doesn’t wash those hands – still has ‘bou blood under the nails. Cholera would be a good take-down for her.

        I’d watch the movie.

    • beth says:

      Possibly she will take her own brand of ‘government’ to the land so as to mediate and mitigate the additional unrest stemming from dispute over the recent elections there. Or at least, prey [intentional] over all Haitians about it…with her pals, the elites.

      Also too, then, it’ll be a grand photo-op AND she’ll be able to tweet that Obama has/has not ___(insert here whatever strikes her fancy to bitch at him about at the moment re: Haiti and his overall performance)____. It’s a win-win for her; a lose-lose for Haitians. Again. My G_d, haven’t they all suffered enough? beth.

      • Millie says:

        I want to see how hands on she is w/these people – will she wear rubber gloves – will she be as warm as Princess Diana was w/AIDs patients? Somehow I doubt it as she doesn’t appear to be a warm individual in thought, word or deed.

    • jojobo1 says:

      Is murdock paying for her protection???

  19. DF says:

    I hope that Susan Butcher was covered in the film as well. She was a magnificent contribution to the Iditarod, also a magnificent Alaskan in general.

  20. Congratulations to Alex and I hope to see the film someday. Side note. I am a survivor of Diptheria. I got it when I was two and needed an emergency tracheotomy on the way to Sioux City, Iowa hospital. My folks said I almost didn’t make it and the family was quarantined for a while.

  21. dowl says:

    Hey AK ‘flatters, it seems important that y’all check out the Huffpost piece by Mark Putnam re Scott McAdams:

    There are only two comments. I know, I know, we are all sorta sick of HP’s saturation by the Palin Idiocracy Parade.

  22. tigerwine says:

    I’ll be Alex is glad that SP’s AK was filmed in the summer! Would hate to see what she would to to a reality show on mushing!

  23. OMG says:

    The UK’s take on Palin (for President):

    From the piece:

    “I say that the fact we are talking about the relation between Dancing with the Stars and a presidential election shows that Palin has, in a sense, already won in the dumbing down of American politics to a place where celebrity trumps skills.

    “And to return to my earlier point, another reason Palin wasn’t my first choice was because I considered citing the man who has done more than anyone to keep her in the public eye and bestow her with a certain kind of credibility. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you, the one and only Rupert Murdoch, who keeps her both on TV (Fox News) and in publishing (HarperCollins).

    “But only one of them can and very likely will run for president in 2012. I never thought I’d say this but, frankly, I’d rather have President Murdoch.”

  24. OMG says:

    Sarah wins the crown!

    I tried to link to the RudeOrStupid site but was unable to do so.

  25. thatcrowwoman says:

    Mazel tov, Alex!
    Looking forward to the release on DVD here in the sunshine state where it is 30 degrees out this morning. Brrrrrrr, also, too. 🙂

  26. jimzmum says:

    I decided to warm up my poor brain for the next AKM chapter review by assaulting it with SP’s twitter page. Consider me assaulted.

    # Nope, silly uninformed folks, not nec “Narnia”; the works of CS Lewis (Fellow@ Oxford, Chair@ Cambridge) should be read by the uninspired 🙂 about 8 hours ago via Twitter for BlackBerry®

    # Screwtape Letters,Mere Christianity;even The New Yorker agrees “If wit/wisdom, style/scholarship r requisites…(CS)Lewis (is) among angels” about 8 hours ago via Twitter for BlackBerry®

    Yeah, Wormwood, I can tell you read and understood. *insert snark*. I wonder if she read “Screwtape Proposes a Toast” and is preparing a tweet about that? Perhaps she will quote this in her next (God forbid) tome.

    • I can’t believe that she has read C.S. Lewis and actually understood anything he had to say. And I don’t get why she isn’t recommending the movie. Why wouldn’t she want people to see it? Often after people see a movie based on a book, they decide to read the book.

      • Dagian says:

        “And I don’t get why she isn’t recommending the movie. Why wouldn’t she want people to see it?”

        She’s a barely functional illiterate, who never read the books and is only delivering the lines given to her by her “spiritual leader”, that’s why.

  27. London Bridges says:

    A graphic picture on the tax cut “compromise.”

  28. Memphis,NY says:

    Congrats to Alex can’t wait to see it

  29. OMG says:

    Palin’s travel plans (no doubt paid for by others) to boost her foreign (policy?) experience. (The comments are spot on)

    No doubt she’ll also be taking cookies to Haiti.

    For all the world travelers out there, get your filing in order because you too are now qualified to run for President.

    • Jim Keating says:

      I find Palin qualified to run from everything. When the going gets rough Palin starts looking for
      reasons to quite; ofcourse she only quits for our benefit .

    • beth says:

      She’s going with Samaritan’s Purse — I’m assuming Franklin will be footing the bill (as he did when she travelled the nation on her bus tour…via his private jet.) beth.

      • InJuneau says:

        I would guess he is, since the ADN article mentioned she’s actually going with him…

    • Just read through the comments – I was surprised that none of them defended her, and most really called her out for the fraud that she is.

    • No_Hands says:

      $arah in Haiti? The “Dancing With The Starving” show?

  30. OMG says:

    Well done! Congratulations!

    Open thread post: Beck disses Palin, OH MY!

  31. jimzmum says:

    Congratulations! I wish you the greatest success.

  32. Jackie says:

    Congratulations, Alex!

    • Irishgirl says:

      Yay Alex! Congratulations. Will there be a DVD available. I just saw the trailer and loved it.

      • nswfm says:

        Alex, I second that yay! And raise you another yay! Congratulations on such a wonderful film!