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Open Thread – Brrrrrrr!

The frozen waters of Cook Inlet from the Seward Highway southbound, just past Beluga Point. Anyone care for a swim?



162 Responses to “Open Thread – Brrrrrrr!”
  1. JUST A THOUGHT says:




  2. ibwilliamsi says:

    Driving down rainy I-205 today I saw a silhouette of Brian on a tailgate. It made me feel warm & less alone. 🙂

  3. Am presently at Shannyn’s show at Taproot – AKM is sitting across the room, Slipstream is here and I understand that CRFlats is here somewhere – !

  4. Irishgirl says:

    This has nothing to do with politics. I have updated the day I spent with Snoskred in Australia. Just pics and words and memories.,10995.msg125716/topicseen.html#new

  5. London Bridges says:

    Boren, Ross, McIntire were the three Dems who voted in the House to repeal the health insurance law along with all the independently minded Republicans..

  6. flying pig ranch says:

    Boring late afternoon here. Snow, cabin fever, Palin Derangement has set in with a vengeance. So I turned on Glenn Beck. Cow, cowboys and Columbia University…..mama’s don’t let your babies grow up to be Columbia Professors. WTF!!!! I am so confused……..that anyone could watch this for more than 5 minutes without their head exploding!!!!! Where is the remote?

  7. OMG says:

    Alert all Tea Partiers…THE FOUNDING FATHERS SUPPORTED GOVERNMENT HEALTH CARE! I found this bit of news on Greg Sargent’s The Plum Line (Washington Post). Here are a few links for you reading enjoyment (then, by all means, send them to any nay sayers on your list): (scroll down to “Newsflash: Founders favored “government run health care” By Greg Sargent ) (FLASHBACK: Did John Adams Hate The Constitution?) (Congress Passes Socialized Medicine and Mandates Health Insurance -In 1798)

  8. OMG says:

    This is a great column about the dumbing down of American politics, focusing in on the GOP:

  9. TX SMR says:

    Re: Queensland, here’s a site that has auctioned goods, the proceeds for which go to a fund for Queensland efforts. Some of the stuff is gorgeous.

  10. JuneauMissesAnchorage says:

    I don’t know if anyone has posted this or not: The school in Kokhanok is competing for a million dollar grant and a trip to New York City. They’re one of ten finalists and are competing against some really wealthy schools. They created a video about math and science in their community. The decision of who wins is based partly on public voting, and I thought the power of Mudflats might help them out a bit.

    • TX SMR says:

      That would be wonderful for the students!

      The power of this mudflatter — I’ve cast one vote. The email confirmation says that you can vote up to 5x/day, will try to make it to the site that often.

      Crossing fingers!

    • thatcrowwoman says:

      and will do my 5X/daily

      Best of luck to Kokhanok schools for promoting math and science in their community!

    • Zyxomma says:

      registered and voted. Please remind us in the coming days, so we can continue voting.

  11. TX SMR says:

    This will always have a special place in my heart:

    If we could just get that phone call between SP & “Sarkozy” (spelling?) replayed over & over for a couple of weeks that should put a nail in her coffin. Can anyone imagine that as presidential material? O. M. G. I’ve been mentally trying out a GWB phone call with Sarkozy and even though it’s kind of painful, it has nothing on that exchange above. This one needs to be trotted out now & again to remind people of how poorly she shows on the international stage. Ugh. Laughter is good medicine, though.

    Okay, back to homework. Not solving any world problems, just math problems.

  12. tubette says:

    Any news on the National Enquirer article about the first dude and the massage therapist?

  13. fishingmamma says:

    Here is a list of proposed cuts by the repubs in congress. Read the whole list – and start writing letters.

    • Zyxomma says:

      Okay. I read the entire list. WHY no cuts to the military/”defense” budget? Why is war sacrosanct? Why no cuts to “farm” subsidies, which give virtually no money to family farms, but support GMO crops (largely corn and soy) and agribusiness? Why the giveaway to Monsanto, Novartis, and Bayer? Yet, of course, they’re ready to cut the organic certification. Yes, we’re going to have to write loads of letters, sign endless petitions, and BEAT them in the next election.

  14. Dagian says:

    The photo reminds me of Lake Ontario in the dead of winter.

    Okay, this is for those of us who know and love people affected (or no longer affected) by DADT.

    Posted at 2:25 PM ET, 01/20/2011
    Report: ‘Don’t ask, don’t tell’ cost military $193.3M over five years
    By Ed O’Keefe

    The military spent about $193.3 million between 2004 and 2009 to replace approximately 3,660 troops discharged under the policy known as “don’t ask, don’t tell,” according to a new audit released days before the Pentagon is expected to detail how it plans to end its ban on gays and lesbians serving openly in uniform.

    Over five years, it cost about $185 million to recruit and train replacement troops and $7.7 million in administrative costs. Each individual separation cost $52,800 on average, according to estimates by the Government Accountability Office published Thursday.

    The findings, requested by Congressional Democrats at the height of the debate over ending the ban, come almost a month after President Obama signed legislation beginning the repeal process. The Defense Department is expected within the next week to announce plans to train senior commanders, chaplains and the rank and file about changes to its personnel policy before officially ending the policy, senior Pentagon officials said Thursday.

    In an attempt to stall the repeal process, Republican lawmakers introduced legislation this week that would require the chiefs of all four military branches to sign off on the Pentagon’s plans to repeal before the policy ends in addition to Obama, Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates and Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Adm. Mike Mullen. Even if the bill passes the Republican-led House it would face stiff resistance in the Democratic-controlled Senate.

    Of the troops discharged over the five-year period, about 39 percent held infantry or security roles or had critical foreign language skills, the report said. Those figures appear to confirm the concerns of gay rights leaders and supportive lawmakers who faulted the military for removing highly skilled troops at an unnecessarily high expense.

    The $193.3 million cost of discharging openly gay troops is a fraction of the Pentagon’s more than $600 billion annual budget.

    Thursday’s report updates a 2005 GAO study that could not conclusively determine the cost of discharging openly gay troops, because the Pentagon did not compile such statistics. Five years later, the Army and Air Force provided auditors with detailed costs associated with recruitment and training, while the Marine Corps and Navy could only provide estimates.

  15. G Katz says:

    This is just disgusting. Blaming Michelle Obama for increased pedestrian fatalities:

    • Dagian says:

      I liked this reply to that rubbish!

      “How do the pedestrian fatalities tally with the number of times $arahMe has screeched on TV?

      Or twitted?”


    • Millie says:

      Sounds to me like the Republicans are trying to move things away from the horrid press Palin is getting. And, I really dislike putting Palin in Michelle Obama’s category, because she is by no means in her league.

    • flying pig ranch says:

      In a word, Spoof!

    • Irishgirl says:

      That is a great article!

    • G Katz says:

      Palin Fatigue Syndrome may be reaching epidemic proportions. The good news is, ultimately she’s a bigger problem for the Republicans than for the rest of us.

    • GAmom says:

      My favorite comment below the article: “I know Palin won’t shut up but I am waiting for her to say something”. (Sometimes the comments are more interesting than the article in itself).

    • TNbluedot says:

      I missed that one – thanks for the link. Another good Borger article, for sure. Best quote…
      “Successful candidacies and presidencies are not just about the foibles of the opposition. They’re about our own ability — as John McCain was fond of saying — to become a part of something greater than ourselves. Palin, alas, is still stuck on the “me” part.”

    • Baker's Dozen says:

      You know those orange traffic cones? They’re called pylons. Their name is literally taken from the fact that you can pile them up (and from truncated pyramids. Those engineers weren’t no dummies). So I’m imagining Palin with a pylon stuck over her head down to her shoulders, with more and more being shoved on top! 😀

  16. ks sunflower says:

    Irishgirl may have already posted a link to this site because I saw her comment there, but the information there is so important I am going to put up the link. The maps alone give you a deeper appreciation for the damage being done and the suffering being endured.

    I haven’t seen all that much coverage on this devastation in the media sources I normally watch, so if you are like me, this may be eye-opening. Queensland is in need of our attention.

    Despite all the bad news, the blogger for this site retains a sense of humor which gives me hope that resilience runs deep in Australia. They will need ounce of it. I wish I knew of reliable agencies we could donate to help out.

    • OMG says:

      Thanks for the link. I’ve heard, read and watched a few news stories about the plight of these people, but not enough. You are right, these people need the help of the world community.

    • Irishgirl says:

      I hadn’t commented here ks sunflower so thanks for providing the link. We do have a thread about it on the forum.,10948.msg125576.html#new

    • Baker's Dozen says:

      I have friends there. They’re doing OK, but, wow. They’ve asked for everyone’s prayers. But, frankly, I’m not sure that “everyone” was really meant to include Palin, Muthee, O’Donnell, et al.

      Thanks for the link. It’s good to keep up and I do’t always hear from them. Their internet circumstances aren’t always to be trusted.

  17. OMG says:

    More conservatives say “it’s not all about Sarah”:

  18. Speaking of cold, I know a couple of winter’s ago Anchorage was running with just a few days of reserve natural gas during cold spells. Has the municipality and the state gotten the natural gas supply thing straightened out?

    • slipstream says:

      Not to worry, WC, we discovered a HUGE supply of natural gas nearby in Wasilla.

    • Pinwheel says:

      Very good question. One hears about new leases and restorations of old ones, but it is curious that no comments come from the mayor or CEC.

    • Millie says:

      Did anyone look in shock at their recent bill from Enstar? Mine was $250 and I keep my temperature gage between 65 and 68 all the time. In fact, I increase what I wear daily to compensate for the chilliness. This is the highest bill I’ve ever had….25+ years in my place..

  19. Bretta says:

    Show people the icefalls. Aren’t they gorgeous?
    I drove down Turnagain a few days ago but forgot my camera.

  20. OMG says:

    I missed this column from Sunday; it is absolutely great…a must read (if you haven’t already).

    “The whole business felt less like an episode in American political history than a scene from a particularly toxic marriage — more “Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?” than “The Making of the President.” The press and Palin have been at war with each other almost from the first, but their mutual antipathy looks increasingly like co-dependency: they can’t get along, but they can’t live without each other either.”


    “Palin, meanwhile, officially despises the “lamestream” media. But press coverage — good, bad, whatever — is clearly the oxygen she craves. She supposedly hates having her privacy invaded, yet her family keeps showing up on reality TV. She thinks the political class is clueless and out-of-touch, but she can’t resist responding to its every provocation. Her public rhetoric, from “death panels” to “blood libel,” is obviously crafted to maximize coverage and controversy, and generate more heat than light. And her Twitter account reads like a constant plea for the most superficial sort of media attention.

    “It’s a grim spectacle on both sides, and last week’s pointless controversy was a particularly low point. So let me play the relationship counselor. To the media: Cover Sarah Palin if you want, but stop acting as if she’s the most important conservative politician in America. Stop pretending that she has a plausible path to the presidency in 2012. (She doesn’t.) Stop suggesting that she’s the front-runner for the Republican nomination. (She isn’t.) And every time you’re tempted to parse her tweets for some secret code or crucial dog whistle, stop and think, this woman has fewer Twitter followers than Ben Stiller, and then go write about something else instead. ”

    more at:

    • ks sunflower says:

      Ouch! That must sting the Palin mania machine.

    • leenie17 says:

      And I also read in several places that her farce of a reality show had fewer viewers than Sponge Bob Square Pants. Now THAT puts things in perspective!

  21. Baker's Dozen says:

    An Anniversary quiz about Mr. Sunshine’s work:

    Quoth the raven, “Also , too.”

    • OMG says:

      I didn’t quite fail but came very close.

    • Wallflower says:

      I got seven out of eight. One was a lucky guess, and I let myself fall for the trick question! Gah!

    • thatcrowwoman says:

      Sent this on to Littlebird who is a huge Poe fan…

      not one of my favorite authors, but I’ve got lots of Poe tomes in my library because so many high school students eat them up. I got 6 of 8, and will forward this to English and Reading teachers at my school tomorrow. bet lots of the young’uns will beat my score!

      Thanks for sharing, Baker’s Dozen.

      • Baker's Dozen says:

        I had a parakeet named Littlebird. He was so smart and so dear. What a member of the family. We used to let him out in the car when we were on long trips. I remember the first time he flew in the car and we turned a corner. He was in midair and suddenly not going anywhere near where he wanted. Never knew a look of panic could be so evident through all those feathers. He quickly decided that the car was an alternate universe in which walking was the preferred mode of transportation. 🙂

        Quoth the Littlebird: Forevermore!

  22. Zyxomma says:

    Today is Tu B’Shvat, when we celebrate the rebirth of the trees. We do this by eating fruits and nuts (a wide variety), and drinking both red and white wine. I read about a Tu B’Shvat seder in the redwood forest of California. Today, I’ll hug a tree, and right now, I’m going to eat a persimmon. Tikkun olam shalom. Health and peace.

    And no, I don’t feel like swimming; I’ll just admire the photo.

    • Bretta says:

      In my spiritual world view we have a ritual for trees in January that involves cider and singing. The tree gets some of the cider – hope you share your wine with your tree, too!

    • thatcrowwoman says:

      Tikkun olam shalom, Zyxomma,
      and L’Chaim, also, too,
      to you and All Our Relations.
      *clink* (red wine)
      *clink* (white wine)

      far anyone interested in learning more about one of my most favorite holidays, here’s a link with links to many stories/articles:

      and some Jewish folklore about the Tree of Life:

      *passing the wine, and welcoming you all to a virtual smorgasbord of fruits and nuts*

      with much love,

      • Zyxomma says:

        Mitakuye oyasin, thatcrowwoman. (That’s Lakota for “all my relations,” and includes everything that grows, burrows, crawls, walks, climbs, swims, floats, and flies.) *clink* (white wine), *clink* (white wine with a drop of red), *clink* (red wine with a drop of white), and *clink* (red wine). When I told the young man at the wine store that I needed a bottle of red and a bottle of white that would blend well, and why, he made the perfect suggestion. Yum.

        Today’s fruit/nut feast included avocado, cucumber, tomato, green olives, black olives, cherries, cranberries, blueberries, dates, prunes, goji berries, Incan berries, pecans, jungle peanuts, and sunflower seeds. Oh, and cacao and coconut. Did it up righteously. And hugged a cold tree.

  23. OMG says:

    I’ve been posting a few articles about how some in the world view the US, China talks ( One article, highlighted from Canada, had one line that struck a familiar note (that had nothing to do with US/China relations):

    “The question-and-answer news conference was a rarity for Mr. Hu, whose public appearances are almost always scripted.”

    Just like Sarah! Do you think that she’ll like the comparison?

    • A fan from CA says:

      I thought of that also. She’s just like a Communist Dictator when it comes to Press relations.

      Her opposition to a “Free Press” should be brought up more. I’d like to see someone ask her if she agrees with Christine “I’m not a witch” O’Donnell that the Constitution does NOT provide for Freedom of Religion from when she debated Coons.

      I do love my Freedoms and it appears Baggers want to take mine away.

      • Cammie says:

        And don’t forget she endorsed a Senate candidate who had a member of the press arrested and detained for asking questions he didn’t want to answer.

  24. OMG says:

    The UK has free speech but discourages hate speech that could inflame violence. Some Americans on the far right have been denied entry in to the country. I would encourage the Home Office to take a look at denying another spewer of hate-speech when Palin rears her head into British airspace.

    • Irishgirl says:

      Ha, can’t wait for Palin’s visit to Maggie Thatcher.

      • Baker's Dozen says:

        I’m going to make a correlation where none exists, but what the hey! If Glenn Beck can do it on his chalk board, I can do it on my post! (BTW I love the mental models and suggestions that using a chalk board instead of a projection board or even white board imply.)

        Announcing my non-correllative correlation:

        Ronald Reagan had mental difficulties
        Margaret Thatcher had mental difficulties
        Far right political positions are caused and exacerbated by hard right political policies

        It’s a Communist/Fascist/Socialist/Greenie/Liberal/Tory/Founding Father/George III plot!

      • Dagian says:

        I thought Mrs. Thatcher’s family announced that there was no possibility of that occurring?

      • psminidivapa says:

        I have friends who write for the Guardian in London. When we visited them at Christmas, they said they were waiting with bated breath for Caribou Barbie’s visit. She will be destroyed by the British press! They all think she is the biggest joke, and they have been doing their homework. While we may never see it here (unless we follow the UK news), the minute she steps foot in the UK, she will be fair game for the British press.

    • Evidently no one pointed out to the vitriolic pastor that other countries don’t necessarily have the same rules that the United States does. I’m so glad that the UK has taken this stand.

    • jojobo1 says:

      If only,that would sure put her i her place wouldn’t it? She is not allowed into an allies country because of her advocating violence even though she claims not to. He speeches belie what she claims. JMO

  25. OMG says:

    Advice from Roger Simon (Politico): It’s too early to count Palin out.

    • Irishgirl says:

      I disagree with him. I think she is finished as a presidential candidate. I don’t think there is anyway she can win over the independents. However, she still has the ability to cause trouble with her nasty mouth within her own base.

      Her family values schtick seems to be crashing around her at the moment as well. While it appears that it is Todd who is the villian this time (see IM), I imagine most Americans must be getting heartily sick of these tawdry revelations. Her base as usual, will paint her as a victim.

      • OMG says:

        Take a look at this poll that shows Palin in a statistical tie with Huck and Romney for the GOP nomination. It’s not surprising that the more educated the voter, the less likely they are to support Palin with Romney receiving 30% of the college educated vote and Palin receiving 9%.

        • Irishgirl says:

          What do I know? 🙂

          • OMG says:

            Every time something hits Palin and her poll numbers drop, she rises again as a contender for the GOP nomination. Never in my (too many) years have I seen anything like this. She is totally ill prepared and ill equipped to run for higher office. She was not qualified to serve as governor and certainly not qualified to be the Vice President of the United States let alone the President. Yet here she is.

            She did not write two books but she is called a best selling author. She did not write her acceptance speech that she read at the Republican convention and yet people are still crediting her with a great speech. She is paid hundreds of thousands to speak about things that she does not understand or simply to spew fear and hatred. She is a demagogue and a proven liar and a danger to the very principals of democracy that she says that she supports. And yet again, here she is.

            I don’t get it either but I’m going to continue to work against her until she is finished politically.

          • Dagian says:

            OMG says
            January 20, 2011 at 6:35 AM

            Every time something hits Palin and her poll numbers drop, she rises again as a contender for the GOP nomination. Never in my (too many) years have I seen anything like this. She is totally ill prepared and ill equipped to run for higher office. She was not qualified to serve as governor and certainly not qualified to be the Vice President of the United States let alone the President. Yet here she is.

            She did not write two books but she is called a best selling author. She did not write her acceptance speech that she read at the Republican convention and yet people are still crediting her with a great speech. She is paid hundreds of thousands to speak about things that she does not understand or simply to spew fear and hatred. She is a demagogue and a proven liar and a danger to the very principals of democracy that she says that she supports. And yet again, here she is.

            I don’t get it either but I’m going to continue to work against her until she is finished politically.”

            I think her supporters are big fans of the badly adaptation of “Forrest Gump” and have latched on to the phrase, “Stupid is as stupid does” as their theme. I strongly suspect that if she were an unattractive woman, she wouldn’t have any traction, at all. She certainly doesn’t have the brains or education to make her way…only her beauty pageant looks.

            The author of the book “Forrest Gump” was legally robbed, by the way. He agreed to a cut of the NET profits. Movies NEVER show a “net” profit! He also hated what they did to the character of Jenny. She was an incest SURVIVOR and a lot more complex than portrayed.

            *steps off of soapbox*

        • Hope says:

          I would not be surprised if she runs, her numbers are good with Republicans just to become their candidate. Did you read Mercede Johnson’s blog? More drama.

        • Baker's Dozen says:

          Are the 9% from Potato U, Oral Roberts U, and Liberty U? (Apologies to those that graduated from any of these, but I think I see a trend here.)

        • Mo says:

          OMG – remember John Dean’s comment that 25% of the American electorate is insane and would vote for Adolf Hitler?

          We seem to be in the midst of Interesting Times with regard to class warfare and governance.

      • Baker's Dozen says:

        If the Todd stuff is true and she has to marshal her lawyers to save her image, what will she quit this time to keep from having to pay for her defense?? 🙂

      • slipstream says:

        The Republicans are capable of nominating a candidate with no chance of getting independent voters or carrying the presidential election. Anybody remember Goldwater? The “we’re angry and we’re just like you, doncha know” approach might carry the primaries.

        Not smart, but we already knew that — they’re Republicans.

        • A fan from CA says:

          I’m with you on this. I think we could end up with 2 candidates for Pres from the right. A Bagger/Xtain type and a more traditional GOP type.

          If the Baggers and Friends take over the GOP organization then the Country Club/Sane set needs a place to go. Many cannot fathom becoming a Dem so they will need to form an organization to represent their ideas.

    • G Katz says:

      I found this link yesterday, and it just made me sick. Although he admits to having no insider knowledge, the infamous John Ziegler thinks Palin’s reaction to the Tucson shootings shows her strength and that she will run. Read at your own risk:

      • Hope says:

        G Katz
        There are a lot of people not only on the left that want her to run. Maybe for not very nice reasons.

        • Cammie says:

          Yes, people who think she would be the weakest candidate against Obama. While I agree, I think it would be rotten for our country if such an unfit person like Palin was actually nominated to be one of the main candidates for president. Would say a lot about how coarse and uncouth of a nation we’re becoming, that’s for sure. There was a time in this country where you had to be a somewhat civilized human being to even be considered for the office.

          • Baker's Dozen says:

            I think it would be rotten for our country if such an unfit person like Palin was actually nominated to be one of the main candidates for VICE president. I had a bad dream about that once. Involved McCain, motherless calves, and lipstick as I recall. What a nightmare!

          • leenie17 says:

            After seeing what the SCOTUS did to us in 2000, saddling us with Bush as President, I don’t want to see anyone chosen as the Republican candidate that I couldn’t put up with for four years. There has been too much election fraud and manipulation in the past decade to ever assume that even the worst candidate has no chance of winning.

            Having a candidate like Palin running against Obama would also make a national, and international, mockery of our election system.

            And don’t forget, we all saw how the theory of choosing the weakest opponent very nearly backfired in Alaska, didn’t we?

      • G Katz says:

        Remember, Ziegler is the guy who made the movie, “Media Malpractice: How Obama got Elected and Palin Was Targeted.” He’s been pro-Palin from the gitgo.

        • A fan from CA says:

          Yep, he’s a foot soldier in the “Big Lie” propaganda organization.

          • Evelyn says:

            Ziegler’s reference to the Winston Churchill quote about being shot is more than a little creepy – I’ll bet none of the survivors of the Tuscon attack feel “exhilarated”

    • jimzmum says:

      I think it is too early as well. I also think she will announce on February 6. It doesn’t matter to her what polls say. What is important to her is that she knows deep-down that she should be the leader of our country. She is as fixated on this as a dog listening for Pavlov’s bell. Nothing else matters. She doesn’t care.

      • Baker's Dozen says:

        Maybe she’s the Superbowl’s halftime show!

        Another “clothing malfunction? Pleeeezzzzzze?

        • Bretta says:

          If she were cute it might be worth it – but I don’t think she’s attractive – if you compare the Runner’s World pictures and consider the ropey neck and skeletal hands – meh.

          • Baker's Dozen says:

            Oh, I was just thinking of all the publicity and pictures of McCain in the front row! 🙂

      • G Katz says:

        I think she’s going to run either as a Republican or as a third-party candidate. And whether the accusations about her husband are true or not, she will find a way to use the news in the tabloids right now to the best advantage a martyr can muster.

        • my thinking is she will just declare herself the people’s ruler and bluff her way in. as disorganized and as easily buffaloed as dems have been in the recent past.she might pull it off.

          • slipstream says:

            Or as Willow said, “she represents the whole country now!”

            Sheesh . . . I guess everybody was too kind to tell poor Willow that her mommy lost the election.

          • jojobo1 says:

            slipstream both Bristol and willow need a reality check for sure

    • “In fact, whenever Palin stays within her comfort zone, which is a zone containing a sympathetic interviewer with no tough, let alone “gotcha,” questions, she usually does fine.”

      I think this quote shows that Simon really has missed the point with Palin. She has only stayed in her comfort zone with interviews or public appearances since 2008, and she is showing that she is worse than we imagined.

      Later in the article he made some reference to Reagan (when will that ever stop), even though he was quick to point out that Palin is not like Ronnie. The reference was that he used to read something and use it without checking the facts but people loved him anyway. Apparently Simon (the author) did, but not all of us were found that so endearing.

      The same goes for Palin and I think more and more people are getting wise to her lack of knowledge and intelligence. And I don’t think they’ll be forgiving enough to elect her to anything.

      He apparently is still hoping or expecting that she will take the time and effort to bone up on her education. But I think that if she had ever meant to do it, she would have done by now. That was the advice she was given right after 2008 and she didn’t take it then. Now that she’s a celebrity and has millions, what makes this guy think that she really will take advice from anyone else?

      • KJ in NC says:

        I think that it is not so much that she doesn’t take advice, but that she is not capable of learning whatever is necessary to be a real leader. How many people have, since 2008, said all she needs to do is….(fill in the blank.) She just doesn’t have the mental and emotional capability, and expecting her to do somehow become a policy guru is an exercise in futility.

        • Baker's Dozen says:

          *******IRREVERENT ALERT***********
          I’m making fun of the full term Quittinator. But if you like your Bible stories straight up and not fractured, I suggest you skip this post. I love my Bible and I love my church, but I’m not what one would call “straight laced.” You should have seen the looks I got when I suggested that the new sign for the church should probably be at least as visible as the Adult Book Store sign a couple of blocks down. Tee Hee Hee!

          If you are chosen by your deity for a job, that’s all you need. He or She will guide you to whatever you should do or say, and so whatever you do or say came from said deity. I mean, she got this from the Bible where it tells about preschool Jesus sneaking off with his dad’s carpenter’s tools and chopping down the holy fig tree. When he was caught he said, “I cannot tell a lie. G– made me do it.” Mary and Joseph beamed.

          No, wait. That was about some a founding father–probably all of them.

          So the Jesus story from the Bible is when he didn’t go home with his parents after Pesach but stayed behind to open the first Jerusalem artichoke and falafel franchise called Der Wienerschnitzel, which now is a world wide chain. When his parents found him, he told them that G– had told him to spread the good news about ketchup. They beamed and passed the chili. He went home and opened his second store where he spread the good ketchup and mustard until he was of age. His BFF Paul of Tartar Sauce ran the Jerusalem concession. Later, they found a money launderer named John that helped them cook the books down near the Jordan River and Jesus left on his “walking” scroll signing tour for some scrolls and codices ghostwritten by Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. And this shows that when G–has picked you, everything you do or say is exactly what He wants you to do and can’t be wrong to do. Just ask those ministry guys Calvin and Hobbes.

        • leenie17 says:

          People at that level of politics and government usually have many years of rigorous academic study behind them. They pursue knowledge in many topics and from a variety of sources. They work hard to achieve success, often starting at the bottom and working their way up to the higher levels.

          Palin stumbled and winked her way through five colleges before one got tired enough to give her journalism degree (astonishing for someone who cannot construct a simple, grammatically correct sentence). She has quit nearly every job she has been hired to do and blames everyone and everything around her for any mistakes or failures (which she NEVER actually admits to). She has no interest in the actual day-to-day WORK of governing, preferring instead the attention and glamour of celebrity, reveling in the adoration of the fawning crowds.

          There is no possible reason for anyone to believe that she will suddenly change the habits of 46 years and become a student of government, economics, foreign policy, etc, when she can’t even be bothered to find out which Korea is our ally and whether Africa is a country or a continent. She has such an enormous academic deficit that she could not possibly learn enough in the next 2 years, even if motivated to do so, to successfully run the country. She has already demonstrated, repeatedly, that she takes no advice or counsel from anyone and she believes that she is the sole authority for all wisdom and truth. She cannot possibly learn from her mistakes because SHE NEVER MAKES MISTAKES!

      • Zyxomma says:

        Ronald Reagan began the destruction of this nation, which continues to the present moment. If you haven’t read “Ronald Reagan’s Reign of Error,” you’ve missed out. He was neither as moronic nor as self-involved as La Palin, but his beliefs were so misguided. I’m sick of all the hagiography. The distrust and hatred of government began with him. When he took office, we were the largest lender nation on the planet. When he left office, we were the largest debtor nation. Deregulation? Started with Reagan. Trashing the environment? ditto. I could go on, but I won’t. I’m preaching to the choir, here. Go to amazon, get a copy of the book, read it (it’s tiny), and lend it to all your friends. Let’s set the record straight.

      • Cammie says:

        I think he’s wrong, too. She doesn’t do “fine.” She comes across as if she’s reading her answers from a script, or bullet points with suggested ad libs, something I’m convinced she and Hannity were actually doing in their last interview. Notice how her eyes never veered away even for a split second, and how without pausing to deliberate any of Hannity’s questions, she launched into answers that sounded very artificial and pre-prepared? Watch footage of the interview again and you’ll see what I mean. We know that Fox put a Teleprompter in her studio. Now we know what it’s likely being used for: her paid Fox interviews. And she STILL comes off bad!

    • jojobo1 says:

      Thats why everyone needs to keep everything they can about her and her family and how they especially treat others(intimidate).

  26. GreatGranny2C says:

    I’ll second that brrrrrr! Very chilly here in KY today but haven’t gotten the predicted snow – yet!

    When we lived in Alaska back in the 1970s, we heard much about squatters and how easily they could obtain land. Came across this interesting story that explains it and that laws were only changed in recent years to protect the original land owners as well as the squatters.

  27. Irishgirl says:

    Joan Rivers Disinvited from Fox and Friends Over Negative Palin Comment

    Joan and Melissa Rivers were on Joy Behar’s show tonight promoting their new reality/comedy TV show called, “Joan and Melissa” when Joy asked them about being disinvited from Fox News’ “Fox and Friends.” Melissa explained that Fox was upset over her mother’s comment, “I don’t think Sarah Palin is very smart.”
    ……..So now because of Palin’s rather weak self-esteem, the Rivers have been banned from Fox. Perhaps they don’t realize what a gift this truly is for them. It’s interesting to note that Palin can’t stand anyone else’s opinion and dissent, but insists that we put up what she incorrectly labels “dissent.” This is a perfect example of the hypocrisy that rules the Palin world.


    • Hope says:

      I don’t understand that fair and balanced thing.

    • Laurie says:

      First it was Madonna, Sarah Bernhardt, and that little starlet Ashley Judd. Now it’s Joan Rivers saying mean things about her. Poor Sarah, too bad she can’t ban them all from her sight (and her favorite magazines).

    • A fan from CA says:

      Scarah is living in an alternative reality if she thinks Joan will sit down and shut up. Popcorn a poppin’.

      • Yeah, it’s kind of like when she decided to go after Letterman. He got a lot of mileage out of that, and so will Joan Rivers. She’s a bit over the top often, but sometimes she really does have a good point to make, and I’m sure she’ll make the most of this ban.

    • Dagian says:

      “Joan and Melissa Rivers were on Joy Behar’s show tonight promoting their new reality/comedy TV show called, “Joan and Melissa” when Joy asked them about being disinvited from Fox News’ “Fox and Friends.” Melissa explained that Fox was upset over her mother’s comment, “I don’t think Sarah Palin is very smart.”

      Well, that will jump start any comedian’s career.

      Sarah can dish out the insults and pretend she’s tough, but no. She isn’t. She’s just a bully who doesn’t like being held accountable. And you know what? I doubt she’s actually physically capable of holding her own in a fight, too.

  28. OMG says:

    I’ll take the sauna.

    Open thread news: Signs of Sanity in American (not so much from the GOP but we really can’t expect miracles):

    “PPP’s annual look at the public’s trust in various TV news outlets finds that Fox News’ credibility is on the decline, that the traditional networks are seeing an up tick in their numbers, and that PBS is at the top of the heap.

    “-A year ago a plurality of Americans said they trusted Fox News. Now a plurality of them don’t. Conservatives haven’t moved all that much- 75% said they trusted it last year and 72% still do this time around. But moderates and liberals have both had a strong increase in their level of distrust for the network- a 12 point gain from 48% to 60% for moderates and a 16 point gain from 66% to 82% for liberals. Voters between left and center tend to be more trusting of the media across the board, which is why a fair number of them were still rating Fox favorably even a year ago at this time. But it looks like with a lot of those folks it has finally crossed the line to being too political to trust.”

  29. jimzmum says:

    I will pass this time. But, thank you for the invitation!

  30. thatcrowwoman says:

    Polar Bear Plunge, maybe…
    just a quick dip, then into the sauna, eh?

  31. Irishgirl says:

    Brrrrr is right. No swimming for me!