Sarah Palin's "WTF Moment."
I’ve been regularly blogging about Sarah Palin since before she got the VP nod. And it takes a lot for me to be flabbergasted by anything she says. At this point, I kind of feel like I’ve pretty much seen it all. I have a big callous on my brain where all the Palin information is stored. But once again, I’m proven wrong in my assumption that she’s bottomed out; that she has become more of a caricature of herself than Tina Fey could ever be; that whatever tentative grip with reality and mental stability that she may have one time possessed has gone the way of the dodo. It just keeps getting worse.
This bizarre, inappropriate babbling from an angry shimmering silver-clad Sarah Palin, with fake eyelashes approaching the Tammy Faye… defies description. What follows is a transcript. My comments are below in red.
Van Susteren: Governor, there was a lot of discussion last night about the Sputnik moment that the president talked about.
Palin: (crinkle-nose and silent scoffing laugh)
Van Susteren: Do you agree with him? Is this our moment?
Palin: That was another one of those WTF? moments (sayeth the Queen of WTF moments) when he has so often repeated this Sputnik moment that he would aspire (INspire, perhaps?) Americans to celebrate and he needs to remember that what happened back with the former communist USSR and their victory in that race to space. (Ooo. It’s going to be a lesson in the history of U.S.-Soviet relations! I can hardly wait! She could see them from her house, you know.) They won, but they also incurred so much debt at the time that it resulted in the inevitable collapse of the Soviet Union.
(Oh, I see. So flinging Sputnik into orbit actually caused the collapse of the Soviet Union? Nice try, but I think not. Interestingly, “Governor,” the arms race and the space race are actually different things. And then of course there was that little matter of a war in Afghanistan, and an ever-widening trade gap…. Yeah, those things haven’t worked out so well for us either as it turns out. Go figure.)
So, I listened to that Sputnik moment talk over and over again and I think, “No, we don’t need one of those.” You know what we need is a Spudnut moment! (WTF?) And here’s where I’m going with this Greta, and you’re a good one – you’re one of those reporters who gets out there in the communities, finds these hard working people and finds solutions to the problems Americans face. (Shot of Greta in which we can imagine a thought bubble with “WTF?” in it) Well, the Spudnut Shop in Richland, Washington. It’s a bakery, it’s a little coffee shop that’s so successful. Sixty some years, generation to generation, a family owned business not looking to government to bail them out or make their decisions for them. It’s just hard working, patriotic Americans in this shop. We need more Spudnut moments in America, and I wish that President Obama would understand in that Heartland of America (Richland, Washington is the Heartland?) what it is that really results in the solutions that we need to get the economy back on track. It’s a shop like that. (And we end with a voice filled with escalating rage, and a teeth-shattering jaw clench. Wow.)
Yes, for God’s sake. Will someone in the Obama administration please explain to that idiot that what we need to get the economy back on track is more bakeries? And not just any bakeries… We need more successful patriotic bakeries – bakeries that have names that sort of sound like one of those communist things you keep talking about – like the Glass Nest, or the Cagey Bee.
~Mr. Spudnut, spokesfood for Spudnut Shops everywhere.
Can I have the jelly or the cream filled spudnut. I used to love spudnuts until I found out they were made with saturated fat. I’m Ms. Pailin would think we could get the world obese on these things and we wouldn’t have to worry about anything, just sit around the house watching Tina Fey and hoping the cops will bust the door down and bring us more spudnuts.
I was channel surfing when I turned to hear the statement. I stopped and paused for a moment, I missed the Spudnut comments until I read it hear. I can’t believe the rest of the media didn’t cut her down for this.
It truly worries me about this, she continues to gain momentum and i can’t understand why. Maybe she’s starting Spudnut franchises around the country and is going to rule the world by giving everyone Spudnuts for Christmas. I’m sure Santa Claus will be bringing them and I’m sure the tooth fairy will be busy with the bad teeth and probably be broke and cause another financial crisis, in which Alice and Dorothy will appear with lollipops and big fuzzy rabbit.
I from time to time wonder what drugs she is on?
Insert donut in mouth!
Spudnuts are yummy good.
By the way Richland only exists because the Handford Nuclear plant is right next door. The original homes were built by the army to house workers. There is not one job that is not either with Hanford or has customers that work their.
Without the government Richland would dry up and blow away.
BIG MONEY CORPORATIONS (Koch Brothers, Fox News, Washington DC Lawyers, etc.),
Wow. Once again, Palin shows an inability to take responsibility for her own failures and shortcomings. This is yet another one of Palin’s fatal flaws — she is totally incapable of ever admitting that she made a mistake in a tweet, Facebook posting, speech, or during an interview.
“Hello, America. My name is Sarah Palin, and I am so blessed that my sh*t don’t stink, don’t ya know.”
In Palin’s infamous Sputnik moment, Sarah was trying to take a Six Degrees of Separation approach to explaining causal relationships in major historical events. This is what happens when you have a simplistic, comic book-level understanding of world history.
And then she followed up this inane commentary with an epiphany — what our nation really needs to solve all of our problems is … more donuts!
Palin has repeatedly demonstrated an inability for cogent, rational, substantive extemporaneous speaking, largely the result of her brain being on auto-pilot as she relies almost exclusively on memorized shallow, often snarky talking points during her speeches and (exclusively T-ball) interviews.
Bottom line. Palin won’t waste her time with any interviewer who will not guarantee
1) advanced screening of all questions
2) no followup questions without her realtime permission.
On the other hand, her continual need to rationalize and justify her frequent faux pas with irrational and fabricated backstories illustrates why she is regarded as the Tommy Flanagan of national politics.
“slutty” is a terrible,sexist word.say she’s dumb,say she’s immature,say she’s unethical,say she’s mean spirited & lives to get even with people,say she can’t critically think to save her life, can hold a grudge forever,say she’s history challenged,but please don’t objectify her & all other women by using words like “slutty”.The way she dresses or wears her hair is so beside the point.
Palin has no idea what a “Sputnik moment” is (probably because understanding that concept requires a bit of abstract thinking, and she is a literalist). I was a kid when Sputnik was launched, and I experienced the original “Sputnik moment”– it was the shock of the United States being decisively smacked down in the space race, a wakeup call to warn us that we’d better shape up, focus, support education (especially in the sciences), and work hard to help restore America’s status as a world leader. Now we face possible “Sputnik moments” (i.e., wakeup calls to make us take notice that we are falling behind) as, for example, the world economy is shifting and China is in the ascendance. Not so hard to understand?
Incidentally, I also can recall, with fondness, a personal “Spudnut moment,” after we moved when I was in high school to a town that had a Spudnut Shop. That moment came with the first bite of my first spudnut–super fresh, sugary, and delicious.
That woman is ignorant and uneducated, beyond belief.
In case you missed it, this palin cartoon is hilarious…..don’t forget to click on “play button” under the graphic.
I actually live in Richland, a town more or less created by the cold war. Spudnuts are, bar none, THE BEST DOUGHNUT you’ll ever eat. It makes me feel ill that the “Governor” feels the same way I do about this. Spudnut has also occupied the same crummy store front forever, and probably employs 6-12 people at around minimum wage. They’re not exactly a growth industry, unless you’re talking about the growth of Richland residents’ butts. The “Governor” has an aunt here and rolls into town in her motorhomecade from time to time, expecting rose petals to be thrown at her feet. Sickening.
Hello neighbor I live in Richland too.
Does Sarah realize that Spudnuts opened in 1948 and The US guvment owned and operated the city of Richland until 1957? First 9 years of the doughnut shop’s history were under the feds.
Oh dear God. I can never un-see that.
Palin….nuff said.
I saw her lying in one part of the Gretcha interview (played on Rachel Maddow) I haven’t the intestinal fortitude to watch the whole thing.
Bottom Line: she doesn’t even believe her own crap anymore.
The interview sounds much better with this soundtrack:
You can just hear it, W..T…F…beep, W…T…F….beep W…T…F….beep W…T…F….beeeeeep
Wasilla has an out of control drug problem… Get help Sarah… The first step is the hardest…
I don’t mean to be catty, but she looks like she is on speed. She’s standing in studio lighting, yet her pupils appear dialated and she’s breathing quickly and appears to be consciously keeping her lower jaw and lips still when she isn’t talking. She looks frazzeled and a bit disheveled. She is talking like a speed freak too, and making about as much sense. I’ve always thought she had a thought disorder, but this is the first time she struck me as under the influence of meth or coke. Now I’m worried for her. I hope no one takes this the wrong way. Check out the videos on Greta’s site as they are clearer. I worked in emergency medicine when I was a young thing, and this video just triggered my drug use inner alert system. I hope I’m wrong.
I think you are correct. I think it is an amphetamine, also.
it triggered my inner drug use flashback system, and please be as catty as you wanna be, also
The best part of it was how she finished with “we need more shops like that!” as if it actually made sense. What an ultra maroon.
I’m laughing so hard. Her interviews are usually too painful for me to watch but this was hilarious. I’m feeling a bit guilty. I thought her facial expression at the end was indescribable but AKM captured it perfectly.
I would like to offer one possible correction. I’m almost positive Palin didn’t say ‘Sputnik’. After listening about 4 times, I believe she said ‘SPUDNIT’, differentiated from her proposed salvation for the economy by only one letter.
… I know she buys her clothes at a second hand store, but could someone talk to her about that blouse, and remind her that Disco is dead ?
Give her a break. She dressed like an alien to go along with the Sputnik theme.
Clever! How could we have not noticed? Maybe it was all that pink lip gloss?
AK … I only saw excerpts of Sarah’s insane spewing with Greta … none of the excerpts mentioned the “Spudnut” moments! I perked up I must tell you when I saw your mention of “Spudnut”. My grandpa moved out to Oregon in the late 50’s/ early 60’s. We went out to visit him in ’61 and ’63 and one of the biggest…fondest memories was his love of Spudnuts and how he got them for us every morning! I love Spudnuts! I live on the East Coast now and no one has ever heard of them besides me!
I’m so sorry that Sarah has reminded me of my grandpa’s love of them thar” doughnuts…. Sarah is a bane on this country… and my Grandpa would have yelled “Spudnut” to Sarah’s face had he lived to see her insanity.
Have to say it again. I can’t stand her, but I am really feeling for her. It is becoming VERY painful to watch.
She’s like the Wicked Witch……”I’m melting…….melting…… How could anyone ruin my wonderful wickedness” (or something like that.)
Yeah, I can kinda sorta relate. And then I remember all the people (not to mention, the fish and the caribou) that she threw under her bus. And I think………
I’m sure glad that’s not my karma coming.
Don’t forget the wolves and the whales, the Native people, the environment, the . . . .
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again… we are about to see the BIGGEST GIRL FIGHT OF ALL TIME! Notice how Palin & Bachmann are starting look alike???? I believe those two are about to go head to head. I mean look at ’em, they are already trying “ONE UP” one another on who is the biggest idiot.
This video reminds me of those old school sci-fi movies when too much info is put into a robot and the robot self-destructs, but not before spewing all sorts of jagged bits & pieces of info that makes no sense. Yep, that’s Sarah…it’s seems like she tried to take folks up on the “GO LEARN SOMETHING” advice and instead of getting help she decided to do it on her own by doing an all night CRAM session for the big test of running the country. All I can say is FAIL….
They said today that Bachman would outraise money over Palin. If you look at the report of funds in Palin’s PAC today, she really didn’t draw much this past quarter…even though she has a balance of one million plus. Romney has way, way more already! I really don’t think this would be a success for her – especially when you look at the negative press she is getting today on not knowing what she is talking about concerning Russia and Sputnik or Spudnut (per Palin)?
Ya just know anything harmful to her or your new governor in those e-mails will be blacked out.. If Bristol’s give the haters the middle finger did not put her followers off I don’t think a WTF will either. Not that ya can’t be a christian and still use those kind of terms.I am sure some of those running for President from the GOP have used them daily and a couple claim to be born again christians.
so agree with you! I think many of them think Sarah’s right on the money with her “WTF” usage…. they’re probably the gun toters… but I suspect many others from her far right contingency may be a little put off… it they even know what it means… one can only hope!
Oops =- quit part way through
Doesn’t Scarah have relatives in Richland? And wasn’t that where she
“ran” in a marathon, only like with everything else she’s done, to quite
part way through?
Phuket Tom
Watched an interesting News Hour interview with the current V.P. What an amazing intellect he has. And while listening, I was breathing a sigh of relief that McCain/Palin were defeated. I cannot fathom Palin speaking with the same base of knowledge and clarity regarding issues such as what is happening in N.Africa today. Mind boggling really when compared to her lack of understanding of basic history re: the space race, sputnik, the arms race, you name it.
Yes, thank goodness that McCain/Palin are not in charge. Gosh, we may have some troubles left, but I seriously wonder if we’d have a country left had they won.
Joe Biden is adorable! And a wonderful family man. Love his wife too. No scandals, no BS.
Even Morning Joe one day last week said…”is he the best VP ever?”
I am super resentful that she has dared to impugn my memory of Spudnuts by merely invoking them. I used to love them when they had shops all over the place. I used to have mine in Alamogordo, NM. Now you can only get them in one place. Sigh.
“Sputnik bankrupted the Soviet Union” ?? Gagging on laughter here. What a moron! How far the party of Eisenhower has fallen…
before i go to sleep. perchance to dream: Headline thread on Wonkette
Sarah Palin Emerges From Hole, Sees Her Shadow, Says ‘WTF’
thanks everyone. it has been a funny sort of day. you folks are the best . hugs.
Also too……didn’t Sputnik moment inspire the US to greater heights of innovation and technological advancement that ended up putting a man on the moon? I mean, does Palin seriously not get that? Is her raging jealousy and blinding resentment of President Obama so great that it blots out all rational thought? It sure seems like it.
Also too too…..if we were to lose our minds and AGREE that Sputnik and the space race was in facet THE reason for the collapse of the USSR (a communist country) – is Palin saying that was a bad thing?
She makes no sense at all!!!!! Yeah I know, state the obvious.
Team Sarah, C4P, SarahPAC – have mercy on this poor woman and just enough already. Now it’s just cruel. She’s out of her depth – pull the plug and get her some HELP. She needs it!!!
I have gone to bed and woken up again. She (Palin) is still nuts.
You mean she is still spudnuts. And keeping with the space racin’ theme doncha know, what is up with that mylar jacket she is wearing?
I really need to say this….WTF?
I don’t think she will ever be “not nuts.”
i think she’s on drugs, i really do. what is it that wasilla’s the capitol of?
Or she’s not and desperately needs to be…but not the same kind you;’e referring to!
Is Sarah in 7th grade? oh…..never mind…..
all I can say is WTF Sarah…..
Honestly–and on a more serious note–I think that the horrific events in January revealed who Palin really is to this country: non-serious, hyper partisan, defensive, and should never have risen above mayor of a small town.
Sure, she’s charismatic. And she has talents. But any hope she had of being taken seriously is gone.
Good riddance.
You’re so right. January has done her in. Imagine if, in November of 2008, she had gone all J.D. Salinger? The assumptions about what she might have been doing would likely have trended in her favor.
But she can’t sustain that. Unlike Bush who had the sense to allow people who knew politics and meme to speak for him or write the talking points memos, Palin thinks she knows what she doesn’t know.
She reminds me so often of someone in my family who has a mental illness. This person was able to sustain the image of normality for a short period of time, and only those closest to her got to see the nutty underneath layers. Everyone else thought she was a delightful, warm, loving person and couldn’t understand why we didn’t get along. As she got older, it became more difficult to keep the illusion going for sustained periods, and she often became nasty when Teh Crazy started leaking through the shiny exterior.
Palin has been trying desperately to keep the adoring hordes snowed since fall of 2008, and the stress of keeping up the facade is finally putting her over the edge. I suspect she is getting little or no real sleep, is not eating or exercising, and is physically, mentally and emotionally exhausted from the constant state of attack readiness. She seems to be rapidly heading for a complete meltdown and, as much as I hate what she’s done to our country, I hope her family forces her to get help for the sake of the little kids that she’s around.
Maybe that’s another reason why Bristol pulled up stakes and moved her son a thousand miles away from a cushy subsidized existence…
Thanks plus typo fix — it’s a callus on something, produced by repeated exposure to the callous former half-term governor.
Sent with all respect and good thoughts…
Obviously this WTF stands for “win the future.”
A common sense moment would tell Sarah that the WTF she knows and has now repeated several times for all her far right Christian family values fans to hear is not going to show up in the SOTU address.
But poor feather brained Sarah thinks she has found a fatal flaw in Obama’s speech and she goes in for the kill. Kind of like an anti-Don Quixote vs. the wind mill.
Same deal with the Sputnik moment. She misses the emotional context of the statement totally and misses the chronology by about 30 years, and in either case there is not straight line from Sputnik in space to getting your butt whipped by a bunch of guys and dresses and fashionable hats in Afghanistan.
Sarah “Inbecilis Whitetrashalopsis”?? She speaks through her Fox Hole and makes a flagrant jackass out of herself every time. Even Greta knew that she was nutso this time. Sarah and her well-constructed “family myth” is coming undone….Todd’s recent escapades, nonwithstanding. She’s made several critical errors recently which have now made her THE MOST DETESTED WOMAN IN THIS COUNTRY. She’s managed to alienate just about everyone with a brain. She’s pathetically uninformed, uneducated even about fairly recent american history, and whose intellectual ability consists of a run-on ‘sound byte’. She’s a first class buffoon and this sputnut moment makes her look even more low brow. Sarah’s incapable of critical thought or higher intelligence and, sadly, can’t even tell anyone “what she reads” …. which begs the question….”Can this woman read at all?”. Taking 6 years and 5 colleges to get through and having the intellectual curiosity of an ant leads us all to believe that she’s woefully handicapped intellectually. And THIS sniper’s crosshairs-irresponsible, illiterate queen of violence was the GOP’s candidate for the second highest office in this country. Oy! Oy! Oy!
Again, this shows us all precisely how ill-informed Sarah actually is. Nothing she says that makes a shred of sense can be believed; the rest is pure misinformation and lies. What’s left of this Vice Presidential candidate? Very little at this point, as we’re watching the “slow disintegration of Sarah Palin” and as they say….”it ain’t pretty!”.
Oh dear. Sarah doesn’t know what Spudnut is.
Oh dear. The Richland Spudnut shop credits itself with being “home of the world-famous Spudnut.” Would that be a Sarah Palin lie, or just a misunderstanding? The Richland store opened in 1948 as a franchise.
In 1939, brothers Bob and Al Pelton had a modest neighborhood doughnut shop in Salt Lake City. They invented the perfect doughnut based on potatoes. Yes, from Idaho. Will Chuck Heath take credit?
Within a few months, the Peltons entered the franchise business. The idea grew so rapidly that soon it was necessary to set up a special Franchise Department and home base in Salt Lake City.
After considering many cities, they settled on Cleveland, Ohio, to act as a pivot in handling distribution throughout the east. In 1952, the Peltons were now selling more than three-quarters of a million dozen Spudnuts per month and had franchised 350 shops throughout the United States, Canada, Alaska and Hawaii.
Too funny, Sarah, it’s a corporation that sold franchises. Like Taco Bell!
Also, too, Sarah, did you know that the single largest demographic of people who have inadequate or no health insurance is self-employed small businesses? Including owners and their children.
Kinda like commercial fisherman. You know, Bristol Bay setnetters.
Spudnut Shoppe, 810 West Faulkner Street, El Dorado, AR
Spudnut Shop, 612 East Main Street, Magnolia, AR
Spudnuts, 2445 Arden Way, Sacramento, CA
Spudnut Donuts, 1495 East Street, Woodland, CA
Spudnut & Deli, 500 Tres Pinos Road, Hollister, CA
Spudnuts, 1884 East Avenue J, Lancaster, CA
Spudnuts Donuts, 2038 West Avenue K, Lancaster, CA
Spudnut Donuts, 1977 West Avenue L, Lancaster, CA
Spudnuts Donuts, 2311 East Avenue South, Palmdale, CA
McCoy’s Spudnuts, 3053 Rancho Vista Blvd # F, Palmdale, CA
Spudnuts Donuts, 5718 Hollister Avenue, Goleta, CA
Spudnuts & Bagels, 3629 State Street, Santa Barbara, CA
Spudnuts & Donuts, 220 West Carrillo Street, Santa Barbara, CA
Spudnuts Donuts, 5752 Telephone Road, Ventura, CA
Spudnut Doughnuts, 600 South Victoria Avenue, Oxnard, CA
Spudnuts Donuts, 3810 West Channel Island Blvd, Oxnard, CA
Spud Nuts Donuts, 3303 Kimber Drive #G, Newbury Park, CA
Spudnut, 4317 Glencoe Avenue, Marina Del Rey, CA
Spudnuts Donuts, 26859 Bouquet Canyon Road, Santa Clarita, CA
Spudnuts Donuts, 2490 Sycamore Drive, Simi Valley, CA
Spudnuts Donuts, 10244 Reseda Boulevard, Northridge, CA
Spudnuts Donuts, 8225 Topanga Canyon Blvd, Canoga Park, CA
Spudnuts Warehouse, 8533 Canoga Avenue, Canoga Park, CA
Spudnuts Donuts, 16500 Sherman Way, Van Nuys, CA
Spudnut Donuts, 11285 Venice Boulevard #4, Los Angeles, CA
Spudnuts Donuts, 3027 South Hoover Street, Los Angeles, CA
Spudnuts Donuts, 3001 South Figueroa Street, Los Angeles, CA
Spudnuts Donuts, 4949 West Slauson Avenue, Los Angeles, CA
Spudnuts Donuts, 50 East Orangethorpe Avenue, Anaheim, CA
Spudnutz, 12365 West 58th Avenue, Arvada, CO
Red’s Dogs and Donuts, 2608 11th Ave., Greeley, CO
Turner’s Donuts, 902 9th Avenue West, Bradenton, FL
Spudnuts Donuts, 21301 Panama City Beach Pky, Panama City, FL
Spudnuts Donuts, 2808 West 23rd Street, Panama City, FL
Spudnuts Donuts, 7510 Thomas Drive, Panama City, FL
Spudnuts Donuts, 428 Thomas Drive, Panama City, FL
Spudnuts Donuts, 328 South Tyndall Parkway, Panama City, FL
SugarDoodles Sweetshoppe, 461 E Shafer View, Meridian, ID
Spudo’s Donuts and More, 1922 N Henderson St., Galesburg, IL
Pekin Spudnut Shop, 1308 Derby Street, Pekin, IL
Spudnut Shop, 650 Prospect Street, Berea, OH
Spudnut Shop, 21800 Center Ridge Road, Cleveland, OH
Spudnut Shop, 6930 Center Street, Mentor, OH
Spudnut Bake Shop, 525 South Main, Jay, OK
Spudnuts, Sixth Avenue & Perkins Road, Stillwater, OK
Spudnut Shop, 312 South McMasters Street, Amarillo, TX
Kountry Donuts, 217 N Dumas Ave., Dumas, TX
Sisters Spudnut, 800 West Foster Avenue, Pampa, TX
Spudnut Shop, 1806 West 5th Street, Plainview, TX
Tasty’s, 612 N Main St, Kaysville, UT
Tasty’s, 4250 Harrison Blvd, Ogden, UT
Tommies Donuts, 382 N Frontage Rd, Centerville, UT
Tommies Donuts, 3731 Jordan Landing Blvd, West Jordan, UT
Spudnut Shop, 309 Avon Street, Charlottesville, VA
Trailside Coffee, 100 Old Trail Drive, Crozet, VA
Spudnut Shop, 228 Williams Boulevard, Richland, WA
Crazy Cakes, 1102 5th Avenue South, Lethbridge, AB, Canada
…and even more…
El Dorado Spudnut Shoppe CO Inc 810 West Faulkner Street
Magnolia Spudnut Shop 612 East Main Street, Suite B
Anaheim Spudnuts Donuts
Canoga Park Spudnuts Donuts
Lancaster Spudnuts
Lancaster Spudnuts Donuts
Lancaster Spudnut Donuts
Los Angeles Spudnuts Donuts
Los Angeles Spudnuts Donuts
Los Angeles Spudnut Donuts No 4
Oxnard Spudnuts 1710
Oxnard Spudnuts Donuts
Oxnard Spudnut Doughnuts
Oxnard Spudnuts Donuts
Palmdale Spudnuts Donuts
Sacramento Spudnuts Donuts
Santa Barbara Spudnuts & Donuts
Santa Barbara Spudnuts & Bagels
Santa Clarita Spudnuts Donuts
Simi Valley Spudnuts Donuts
Sylmar Spudnuts Donuts
Van Nuys Spudnuts Donuts
Van Nuys Spudnuts Donuts
Woodland Spudnut Donuts
Arvada Spudnutz
Greeley Red’s Dogs and Donuts
Panama City Beach Spudnuts Donut
Galesburg Spudo’s Donuts and More
Pekin Spudnut Inc.
Peoria Spudnut Inc.
Berea Spudnut Shop Berea
Mentor Spudnuts
Jay Spudnut Bake Shop
Amarillo Spudnut Shop of Amarillo
Amarillo Spudnut Shop
Pampa Sisters Spudnut
Salt Lake City Spudnuts
Charlottesville Spudnut Shop
There does seem to be a Spudnut shop in Richland and the information she gave about it is exactly what it says on their webpage- it was started by the family as one of the franchise shops and has been in the family for a few generations. Like many of the things she says it is not completely incorrect, but it is so askew from what her point seems to be as to be confusing.
You got the major point; that it is nearly word for word from the website.
cg – your post is down right mean. I don’t care how many of them there are. What matters is that they are hard working, and patriotic, and they don’t need the government to tell them what to do or to help them, and their logo looks vaguely like a submissive Black man. And you can’t tell them to sit down and shut up. So there! Stop makin’ things up.
One of your most hillarious posts ever. Thank you for the laugh, after that hideous word salad from La Palin I needed a good one!
Given a choice between Snookie and Sarah Palin, I’d say Snookie has much more on the ball and expresses herself much better.
Palin’s coming undone….sputtering-nuts crazy, in fact.
She and her ilk can ride their 69 cents donuts into the future, I’ll take the high-speed rail.
sputtering or spudderin’? =)
Maybe this is why she’s wearing her space shirt:
lol to deflect all the crap she’ll be in soon? She’s going to need more than a space suit. I think she’ll be wearing a purty orange jumpsuit in about a month. At least she’ll match Boehner’s skin tone.
I thought that shirt was a stand-in for her tinfoil hat, whose place was being held by that squirrel pelt.
ok, that made me spit on my keyboard
Could this be the official Mudups coffee mug????,43219087
What amazes me is that was a prepared statement. Not off the cuff. She planned it. *boggle*
I can only bow in awe of the many hilarious comments here. Actually, I am doubled over laughing.
I have been lost since g’s comment “Is she trying to say we need more crullers with sprinkles for America to be great?”
Maybe someday she will look back and say “WTF was I talking about??”
In the meantime, only because she has satirized herself so unbelievably well – I don’t think Tina could even top this – I must now go watch the whole interview.
It would be a funny skit to see Tina sputtering some spud-nuttery with sprinkles and powdered sugar on her chin and ducking “Spud nut(k)s
Whut is this “bell out” she’z talkin’ uhbout? Is it a rill dill or whut?
Yes, I listened to the tape. Thankfully, she no longer incites intense visceral reactions in me. I have come a long way. I don’t see her as a threat—not that I won’t continue to keep an eye on her. It’s just not as painful. It’s like she’s hanging onto a balloon that somebody popped. The balloon is buzzing around in the air with Sarah hanging on throughout it’s twists and turns. Ultimately, the final puff of air will be gone and a crinkled rubber bag will be left in the middle of the road with Sarah saying, “WTF?”
Or, it just may be the temporary effects of a great massage, but I’m enjoying it while it lasts!
I like that image of Sarah as fizzling balloon, in the middle of the road as a “crinkled rubber bag” saying “WTF.” Goodness forgive me, but I like it.
Now that Fox is trying to enter the Canadian market, many are watching how they manipulate US politics:
those poor souls in Canada. i hope they know what they are letting themselves in for if they let Murdoch’s News Corp invade their country.
WTF……………just what I think every time she opens her mouth.
I’m loving watching her and Bachmann split the party.
there’s really not much party there to split, is there? I mean, Sarah’s “base” is only what- maybe 30% of the Republican party altogether?
Still, it is beginning to have a fascination akin to watching jello wrestling. How can they do that…?
Sarah, OMG you’re stupid.
As it turns out, I’ve lived in Richland, WA, and I’ve enjoyed a few Spudnuts – just down George Washington Way from Atomic Lanes Bowling if I remember right (it’s been a while). I also remember why I was in Richland – the Hanford Nuclear Reservation. And it’s no coincidence that Richland is close to Hanford since Hanford is the reason there is a Richland, WA. So, where’s that leave us, Sarah? Let’s see – without that Big Gubmint funded researchy/ innovatey thingy called The Manhattan Project, there’d be no Richland and – brace your dumb ass – no Spudnuts. But thanks for reminding us of the many unpredictable secondary/tertiary/etc. benefits that spin-off when the Big Nanny brings focus to bear on solving a problem or developing a new technology. It literally took The Manhattan Project to create the Spudnut. My file of Fruit Fly Moments is bulging.
I grew up in Richland and the Federal government did fund everything related to Hanford – and even the town until 1957 or so when people could stop renting and buy their houses from the Feds. The Spudnut Shop family has been there for decades and my family could buy their donuts due to my dad’s Federal job (via G.E.) at Hanford.
Sarah’s mother’s family lived in Richland during the 50’s, 60’s and they probably benefited from government spending along with the rest of Richland. I wonder why her own family doesn’t give her a clue.
need to update poster w/…WTF
Shouldn’t that be DOPE?
I think both are correct.
The best line today was from #56 Ratfish
“You betcha. WTF. Also. Too”.
Maybe its been mentioned already, i haven’t read thru all the comments yet, .. in (dis)respect to $pare~us eXpiring example of Spudnuts, thinks she was trying to take a swipe at our First Lady’s efforts to address childhood obesity, as well, also & too? In her home on the deranged, this may have qualified as a 2fer.
I ve read that others have called her a ‘hot mess’. well, maybe on her good days. I see her as an ice cold hell hole.
She really doesn’t care how dumb she sounds as long as she’s “bashing” Obama. She really doesn’t get the fact that when she does try it only makes herself sound even more stoopid than last time.
Beginning to think Palin hasn’t had a big “O” in a long time.
Probably something else she has been faking. Oh, Oh, Oh Tawd…….
No wonder he has been going elsewhere!
Can anyone tell me where I can get my hands on some of that industrial-strength lip gloss? I’d like to run an inch-wide strip of it around the body of my vehicle to make it 1,500-times more visible when I’m driving at night or in inclement weather. I’m sure my insurance company will give me a good discount for adding said painted-on strip as another safety feature. beth.
Okay – second time this afternoon, I forgot about the dangers of sipping water while reading this blog! Gosh, your comment is one I am going to share with hubby when he gets home. He commented on that lip gloss last night. He will absolutely love it — of course, I need to control myself and not be mean and wait until he is chewing or swallowing. I can be so onry.
I will now call Missy Quittypants, Mrs. Potaterhead.
Well, the size of the lips would match the toy Mrs. Potatohead, that’s for sure.
Oh my heavens – a new tag for the ‘flats!
“Spud-nuttery”: (noun), a word describing Sarah Palin’s Potato headed rendition of “what this country needs” mantra.
I like it!
Me, too!
me too, or three
too tooo funny, Mrs. Potatohead and her spud-nuttery, its nice to smile with coffee in the morning!
There is nothing cute about Sarah…..esp. the lip gloss. OMG, she has another birthday coming up next month. She better check her “best used by date.” Hopped up on hot flashes. Creating jobs for Botox workers, hormone injectors, nip & tuck artisans, makeup spray painters, and other wiggery craft workers. WTF=Woman Totally Fake.
forced myself to watch the video. Oh my dog, the expression on greta’s face is priceless.
$arah Palin is just too cute by far, isn’t she? She has such a marvelous way with words and can just turn the cutest darned phrases!, can’t she?
I mean, who else but $arah would take the Obama’s SOTU and declare: “his theme last night in the Speaker of the House was the ‘WTF,’ you know, ‘Winning the Future’.” Isn’t that just the cutest thing you’ve ever heard? And, oh, so clever! [side comment: “in the Speaker of the House”? Whatever, Missy Quittypants.]
It’s no surprise that she also said: “Well, speaking of last night, that was a tough speech to have to sit through and kind of try to stomach because the president is so off base in his ideas on how it is that he believes the government is going to create jobs. Obviously, government growth won’t create any jobs. It’s the private sector that can create the jobs.” WOW! Such insight! What a clever girl she is! What an expert!
No…wait… did *she* actually say: “he believes the government is going to create jobs. Obviously, government growth won’t create any jobs. It’s the private sector that can create the jobs.” Did POTUS say *anything* about expanding, growing, enlarging the government? Did I miss that part? I did hear him say there were things that needed to be done for our nation and its citizens, but I surely didn’t hear him say he wanted to ‘grow’ the government to do it. Nope: I didn’t. But then again, maybe I was listening to a different SOTU speech than $arah was, because for certain, that’s what she said he’d said.
No…wait!… being an expert on absolutely everything under the sun, surely $P knows how “government creates jobs”? After all, isn’t that one of her major beefs (amongst many!) against POTUS: that he thinks government can create jobs?
Surely she knows if the government decides to –for example– restore, refurbish, and preserve an historic site, it doesn’t have the ability to do so all by its lonesome. What does it do? It *contracts out!* that job to private sector businesses large and small, to do the work! Same with most *any* government program and its associated operations. Does she think our military grows its own food, sews its own uniforms, manufactures its own weapons and transportation, even strikes its own medals for awarding? Nope: ALL that –and billions of dollars-worth more!– contracted out to, wait for it…private sector.
Hmmm; maybe $P needs to quit being so cutely and clever with her turns of phrase and seriously ask herself: “What the if you see Kay am I doing blathering on and on about things that: A) make no sense when scrutinized, B) end up being blatantly false, and C) show me up to be the complete ignoramous so many people believe me (with good reason!) to be.” beth.
haha, great one beth
Thank Sputnik I am on an iPad and can’t see the video. (see the geek joke there? No space race, no tech race).
Wow a coffee shop with only hardworking patriotic Americans…. Must be one of those that you walk into after a few hours in the car on the back roads and are greeted with “you aint from around here, are ya?”
Remember measuring drives across the country by the distance between the place we called “Brothel House” (waffle house)?
Frantically checking the calendar to see if today is April Fool’s day or what? Surely this is a joke…. No? she Really said that? I guess the joke is on $arah, or more likely the joke IS $arah…. Good grief, won’t that woman just shut up and spare us the painful spectacle of Herself making a huge , er, FOOL of Herself. She really said a SPUDNUT moment????
With Sarah, everyday is April 1.
Sullivan’s blog weighs in on “Palin’s latest attempt to outwit the President”:
I’m enjoying watching her decline.
Great link. Again – I apologize for those directions on posting a link above. Gees, I don’t have a choice – I really need to swear off Sarah for next month. She has finally succeeded in eroding what little brain I have.
I agree with Sarah. What this country needs is more failing franchises serving fatty, calorie-laden, potato starch-based fried foods.
Once again she confirms that we made the right decision back in November 2008. I believe Michael Jackson’s estate would like that little silver jacket back. I think she’s had a tough last 3-4 weeks and have noticed she’s prone to cold sores, she must be all stressed out again. I’m wondering what Franklin and Billy Graham think about her throwing about that term”WTF”? I’m sure they know what it means. I use it but of course I don’t profess to be a really good christian and certainly don’t have my sights set on being leader of the free world. I wonder if she turned to Franklin when she saw the horrible conditions those poor people in Haiti are living in and said “WTF?” I wonder if when she saw that there had a been a tragedy in Tucson and that the very same congresswoman she had marked with a crosshairs had been gunned down if she turned to tawd and said “WTF?”
Loved the comment about the silver jacket!
Has anyone started selling and marketing the Ravin’ Sarah doll yet? Modeled after the successful Chatty Cathy doll of eons past. Pull the string and hear tidbits of wisdom like:
Eight out of ten targets ’tain’t bad. I eEnjoyed talking to you Mr. Sarcozy. I’ll stop when someone tells me it’s illegal. I invented death panels, have you seen Tawd? and more!
I saw a Sarah Palin calendar at Barnes and Noble. It was not flattering, but I still didn’t think I wanted to look at her picture and read her words every day, so I bought Harry Potter calendars instead. Ah, much better.
Saw the same calendar – on drastic markdown – lots and lots of them. What a waste of paper. Guess they’d make good Halloween masks, though.
Too funny I just bought my calendar for the yr last week and would ya’ll believe that Walden Books in little ol Wasilla had TONS of Sarah’s wall calendars on the same shelf with President Obama’s wall calendars. I found it ironic that in Wasilla there were a boat load of hers on the shelf while only two of his wall calendars were on the shelf. Lots of his desk calendars were still available as well as TONS of hers, but his were more expensive then hers. I guess because they had meaningful, coherent, publishable quotes on each day.
I think something more like the wind-up Nunzilla toy would be more appropriate.
Screeches, rather than sparks, fly from its mouth!
I’ve tried to explain things to her over on Wickersham’s Conscience, AKM. Really, I’ve tried. I use short words and simple sentences. I try to use words she understands (“wouldja,” “thingy”). But it doesn’t seem to help.
She never says “Thank you,” either.
I should know better than to be sipping water while reading this blog.
My poor keyboard is now going to have be patted dry and placed inside a plastic bag.
Thanks for the laugh.
Great Blog!!!!
Ack! Apparently I replied to the wrong comment. Honestly, how hard can this be?
Okay, second attempt, WC, to say I visited your blog today for the first time. Nice!
I have many conservative people in my family. None of them would say WTF–and I hope her conservative Christian followers listened to this interview.
I believe that she actually “out-wierded” the Bachmann with “Spudnut”.
It’s like they’re having a contest! Maybe they’re both totally sane and just have really eccentric senses of humor?
1) Silver Lemey Disco dress in the middle of an Alaskan winter… check…
2) Eskimo snow-boots to complete the ensemble…check
3) An infusion of fox-fluid to get her mouth started in the patented swag-spew flapping motion… check.
4) Gretter in her padded studio at the cluster-fox ‘home’ in nyc….check
5) beek standing by to lend a helping hand if needed…..check (only on paper – he’s gone home already)
6) A looming sex scandal in Alaska for the Swag-O family…check
7) One of may daughters readying a dash for the lower 48 with her son to start a radio career in Phoenix…check
8) Psychiatrists on emergency status to descend on the Swag-O-Pound at any time – day or night – just in case reality pays them a visit and freaks most of the family over the side of the boat…check
She’s got her plate full again…must be another book burning at the local Costco soon…..
Sure, Scarah, that’s exactly what we need: doughnuts made out of potato flour:
Trust the WGE to find a dying franchise and call it a mom’n’pop. She’s so clueless it makes my hair stand on end (and that’s quite a sight, if I do say so myself). The silver top makes me want to shoot her into space like Sputnik. No, no spaceship. Just strap her to a rocket and get her off my planet.
“Paylin ~ all booster no payload” (h/t kos)
Pat-a-cake Paylin ~ all hole no doughnut
Love that phrase – “all booster no payload.” So appropriate.
Oh, that is good!
Scout!! good ones.
You posted the link I was going to post. Interesting that she didn’t bother to do what we did — look it up and find out about the history of Spudnut. So intstead she picks a business that is dying. There were 200 shops and almost as many, internationally, but when the parent company closed, the franchises were left on there own. Now there are only 35 and they can’t get the doughnut mix so they’ve had to buy similar things and tweek it to come up with something similar. But the rest of us can buy the mix and make our own. (That’s just weird.)
A better example would have been the Puerto Vallarta restaurants in Washington state (and one in South Dakota). They were started by one family and they are explanding, it looks like some are now owned by others rather than just the family that started them. They are successful and definitely growing – unlike the dying franchise Palin picked. Keith Olberman is right – that woman is an idiot.
We have a perfect example of a corporate success story right here in Rochester…Wegmans supermarkets. It started as a family company in 1916 (still run by CEO Danny Wegman) and was just named as the 3rd best company in the country to work for by Fortune magazine where it’s been in the top ten for the past six years. It has already expanded to five states and continues to grow.
The last time Cher was performing here, she visited a Wegmans and asked the manager how to get the company to open up a store in Los Angeles!
And let’s not forget Trader Joe’s which is now expanding beyond the west coast. Part of their appeal is that they haven’t gone the way of the over-sized, sell-everything plus the kitchen sink kind of grocery stores. And their food is good, customer service is excellent, and the company has a sense of humor about it all.
Yes! We’re finally getting two Trader Joe’s in the KC metro area: Overland Park and then at the Ward Parkway center on State Line. Woo-hoo. (General addresses given for the benefit of those mudpups who lived in Lawrence or the metro area.) It is such a big deal – we had petitions and a website trying to lure Trader Joe’s here. Stores to open later this year.
My father went to school with Danny Wegman–McQuaid Jesuit. He says he was always a good guy.
Now, while I have your attention, please go get me a daisy ham and cheese at Vic & Irv’s. With the hot sauce, oh and an order of onion rings. Yum. Well, I HOPE the hot sauce is still good–Grandpa isn’t around to make it anymore.
Yep…Palin says that the President doesn’t want America to succeed and since he didn’t utter the phrase “American exceptionism” her pals point out that he really must not care about the country:
I don’t know how to post a link so here is Greg Sargent’s post from The Plum Line:
“Obama didn’t use phrase “American exceptionalism,” so he must not believe in it
By Greg Sargent
“Ben Smith catches John Boehner on Parker-Spitzer last night, nodding along with Kathleen Parker, who laments that Obama didn’t talk about “American exceptionalism” during his State of the Union:
“PARKER: You know one of the words that I listened out for in his speech last night was the word exceptional. I heard him use it when — in Tucson. In Tucson, of course, it’s been this horrific event for the whole country.
“But I didn’t hear him say it and I thought at a time when you’re building a speech around sort of defining the common purpose of America, that seemed to me a rather — you know, a simple direct line, fairly — pretty much a no-brainer, but he didn’t say it.
“BOEHNER: Well, they — they’ve refused to talk about America exceptionalism. We are different than the rest of the world. Why? Because Americans have — the country was built on an idea that ordinary people could decide what their government looked like and ordinary people could elect their own leaders.
“And 235 years ago that was a pretty novel idea. And so we are different. Why is our economy still 20 times the size of China’s? Because Americans have had their freedom to succeed, the freedom to fail. We’ve got more innovators, more entrepreneurs, and that is exceptional but you can’t get the left to talk about it. They don’t — they reject that notion.
“PARKER: Why do you think that is?
“BOEHNER: I don’t know. I don’t know. I don’t know if they’re afraid of it, whether they don’t believe it. I don’t know.
“Parker and Boehner are absolutely right: Obama never once uttered the phrase “American exceptionalism” or any variant of it. But he did describe America as “the greatest nation on Earth.” Despite Boehner’s insistence that Obama didn’t lavish sufficient praise on America’s mighty economy, Obama also said: “For all the naysayers predicting our decline, America still has the largest, most prosperous economy in the world.”
“And despite Boehner’s claim that “they” don’t talk about the fact that America was founded on a “novel idea,” Obama said: “We are the first nation to be founded for the sake of an idea — the idea that each of us deserves the chance to shape our own destiny.”
“Obama also said: “What we can do — what America does better than anyone else — is spark the creativity and imagination of our people.” The key phrase there is “better than anyone else.”
“What’s amusing about this ongoing assertion from the right is how easily debunked it is, and how casually its proponents simply pretend that the historical record doesn’t exist. In the real world Obama has hailed America dozens of times as the biggest, baddest, bestest, richest and most awesomely powerful country in the history of the world. But no matter. Bill Kristol recently made the laughable claim that Obama’s recent use of the phrase “greatest nation on earth” revealed a “new, revised Obama,” even though he’s used that phrase or variants of it for literally years now.
“I’m starting to get the sneaking suspicion that these people would prefer that Obama didn’t use such language, and are repeating this claim again and again in hopes of making it so.”
OMG – posting a link is simple. Just copy and paste or drag and drop. I usually drag and drop. I use Firefox so that may make it simpler. Don’t know for sure as I haven’t used IE for years. Anyway, after opening mudflats and its comments section, open another tab for the page you want to link to, and then left click on its icon in the URL box (or whatever it’s called that shows the location of the page you are on), hold down down that left mouse “clicker” (oh, don’t you just love how adept I am at technical terms, almost Palin-like) and then drop the icon into your comments here on mudflats.
That will drop your target page into your comments. Honest, it’s easier than my directions say.
If anyone can say it plainer, please do. Thanks.
Also, too, if your target url is very long, you can copy it and then paste it into the appropriate slot on tiny urls, follow the directions and presto-chango, you have a “tiny url” to insert into your comments instead of some of those endless creatures that take up two or three lines.
Here’s the Tiny URL site:
Have fun.
Oops – am I an idiot or what? Okay, don’t answer that. I’ve just been watching too much Palin.
I took your “don’t know how to post a link here” comment as if you were a newbie. You are certainly now. Did not mean to insult your intelligence, OMG. You post fabulous links here all the time, and I have complimented you on it countless times. Gees, I apologize.
Still, maybe it will help others, huh?
This is what comes of actually watching and listening to Sarah Palin. One’s IQ gets shaken so badly that it falls almost beyond retrieval. Please forgive me, OMG.
No worries. My wording was not very accurate so I can see why the confusion. The Plum Line is one of those blogs that doesn’t seem to let you link to a single story; it’s either the whole thread or nothing.
OMG – at the bottom/end of The Plum Line articles, there’s a line included with author and posting date/time information. Also included on the line is “permalink” – you can plunk that direct-link (to a single story) into your post. [And, no, I didn’t know that before now, before this convo came up…I went over there just now and discovered it. I learn something new every day. Woo-hoo!] beth.
I for one thank you. I often wondered about tinyurls, but never bother to check it out. That is yet another reason to love the mudflats.
i still have no idea how to do it!!! but thank you
I suspect that the problem comes from many on the right who merely parrot the standard issue talking points without really thinking about what they’re saying or understanding it. Unless they hear the EXACT word that’s in the RWNJ Official Talking Points Dictionary, they assume that the concept was not addressed. They’re so used to getting that special thrill from listening to their heroes repeat the same tired phrases over and over again, they listen only for those specific words, not for the real meaning behind what is being said.
It’s kinda like a person complaining that someone who hurt them didn’t say, “I’m sorry.” when they said, “I apologize.” instead!
Their vocabulary and understanding of the subtleties of the English language are pitifully limited.
Bachmann and the President agree?
Had Stephen Colbert said all that it would have been hilarious, satire at it’s best.
Sarah: I am unfamiliar with that Krishtain phrase “WTF.” Does it mean “With the Father?” or “Wishing Takes Faith?” or “Washington the Foundingfather?”
Please enlighten us.
Why this fuss!
As usual, Wonkette sees the entertainment value:
As Palin-related blogs implode around the internet as we speak, I just want to go a little OT for a sec and thank you for staying so delightfully above the fray, while still giving us our necessary dose of Palin reality. Really. Count me as another one thanking you for being, and staying sane.
I second that!
I’ll third it!
4th it
fifth it
I fifth it! (Guess I should therefore spring for some adult beverages. My darling daughter just introduced to ice wine. Would that work?) Oops – sorry, just polished off the bottle.
You’ve got the right idea!
Besides the ignorance of her comments, I also take issue with her use of language. We all know what WTF means and while it’s pretyy standard usage on the net (and I have no problem with that — use it myself frequently), she is using this on national TV! I know her kids use such language on Facebook — now I see where they got it from. But it is not the kind of language I would expect to be used in public discourse by a supposedly aspiring politician for the highest office in the land. She is ignorant and very tacky. Don’t all those idiot Fox listeners object to that level of language where their kids might be listening?
Yes, for all the social cons complain about our coarsening culture, they are active contributors. We recently drove through South Carolina and Georgia – very rightwing states – and I was appalled by all the billboards advertising “Adult Superstores.” We’re talking pictures of barely clothed women, XXX references…on major highways. I can tell you when my son is old enough to understand such advertisements, we will be taking a detour.
Were they right next to the billboards for the Fireworks super stores? Have a lot of those down in the South, too.
Saw those signs in Missouri along with more adult store signs…to the extent we wondered if fireworks and porn are the state’s two main industries.
The curious thing is when you get off the highway and see the huge number of churches.
Anyone can put up a shingle and call themselves a church down here.
Find christian woman, isn’t she?
UH OH! Looks like Sarah will soon need to bash Reagan as well as Obama since Reagan signed into law the largest expansion of federally mandated health care since Medicare:
Repeal EMTALA!
By Ezra Klein
“Okay, it’s a bit of an awkward slogan. But reader RC is right. A universal health-care insurance program is the logical endpoint of the bill Ronald Reagan signed into law mandating (pretty much) universal emergency hospital care:
” If the Republican Party is serious about decreasing government control of health care, they should start by introducing a bill that would repeal the law signed by President Ronald Reagan that mandates free health care for all who seek it. That law, the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA), was the largest expansion of government mandated health care since Medicare. Remember George Bush stating that all Americans had access to health care? That all they had to do was present to their local emergency department? That is EMTALA. If we are going to mandate that hospitals treat and stabilize patients with emergency medical conditions, we should mandate that individuals purchase insurance to pay for that care. If we don’t, then we truly have a health care system where the few pay for the many. I bet that many hospitals in DC collect less than 50% of their emergency department billings right now. The government has been mandating health care coverage for more than 25 years — only now President Obama wants those who utilize the system to pay for it.”
Yeah- take that you Obamas!
Barack: Making America competitive in the world economy means letting the private sector develop as many doughnut shops as it wants, unfettered by big government.
Michelle: And we are going to eat as many as we feel like and get as obese as we want. Just watch!
Sarah Palin
ps In answer to the many inquiries, I did not forget to take either my yellow pill or my purple pill with the Red Bull before the Greta interview.
You betcha. WTF. Also. Too.
You captured her!
thank you so much for making me laugh right out loud… WTF indeed! Love your comments!
A next generation comment:
and a line from that story that reinforces the President’s call to invest in education:
“Obama was mildly criticized for his “Sputnik Moment” phrase — today`s generation doesn`t know Sputnik form (sic) Snooki.”
Something about the Ex-Gov has bothered me for a long time. Is she cross-eyed? She looks it about 50% of the time. Might explain part of her ongoing problem solving abilities.
My mother and I took a blanket out to the county club and sat on a green, to watch “sputnik” fly over. If we had only known it was “spudnut” we would have taken coffee.
Ha ha!
In honor of the “Spudnuts Moment” I stopped at a *local* coffee shop this morning on my way to work. The shop is owned by Adela and her sister, who came here ten years ago from Mexico. They worked cleaning houses and Adela worked in a chain restaurant until they bought the coffee place in 2007. The previous owners were bakers and the wife was Asian, and Adela bought their recipes, so she bakes scones, coffee cake and turnovers in the morning and serves Asian-fusion wraps and noodle-bowls at lunch.
I asked Adela if she watched the State of the Union address; she said she had not but her daughters had for school. She said her oldest daughter wants to be a forensic scientist like on CSI. So thanks, SP, for re-acquainting me with my “Main Street” coffee shop.
WTF? She’s a nut and she’s a taterhead. She spews mashed taters out of her mouth. She’s a moran[sic].
The National Association of Mashed Potatos just might take issue with your discriptor of how mashed potatos are misused and abused.
Continuing to be embarrassed that woman still calls Alaska home….
hear, here.
And continuing to be embarrassed that Bachman is from Minnesota
Wow. Palin and Bachmann – it’s like Highlander. There can be only one….idiot.
Would it be o.k. if we gave them a couple of swords and let them duke it out? O.K., we’ll make it those fake light sabers – but the deluxe version with lights and sound.
Since Keith is not around now I will say it.
This woman is an idiot.
“Cagey Bee” – INSPIRED!!
And, to take your baked goods home, the Cagey Bee now offers a reusable, custom-designed bag with the logo of your favorite charity – introducing “Cause Sacks”!!
Tell you what, we’ll make a pact with the rightwingers. They can supply the donut shops, and we’ll supply them with the donut shops’ customers – tens of thousands of them, on their way to work in the morning to renewable energy plants, solar panel and electric car factories, and high speed rail construction sites.
Best post on any blog today!!
good one!!
Cammie for Secretary of Commerce!!!
You wrote a transcript?
I am in awe.
If I have to hear that speech again I swear I will throw myself into the REAL Mudflats. No way I could have subjected myself to it long enough to write it all down.
My hat is off to you.
Heck, that was only five or six minutes. Child’s play. My capacity for masochism runs much deeper, my friend. I think I’ve topped out at about 40. It required some serious detoxification afterwards.
Can I join you?
I imagine a pullstring on her back that someone keeps yanking and over the years the spring broke so she talks in fast motion……all I could think while she ranted manically was ….”WHOA”……I felt exhausted 2 minutes in…she is clearly pissed at someone. And Greta’s expression reminded me of someone by the name of Katie a few years ago…. she looks stunned or something. Like what dear sarah keeps saying — “WTF”…what in gods name made her use that acronym?? HUH? And her hard working great role model daughter…uhhmmm….oh yeah – the one that bought the house in Arizona with her dwts cash. THAT role model. The one that sent the American viewing audience a big fat middle finger because we’re haters …..the one that got knocked up at least twice and probably a 3rd time from what I’m reading in the blogs….the one that jumped on the grifter bus with her manical muttering mother? Oh yes….I wish all of us could “aspire” to be more like her….but wait! Don’t forget Toad…he’s setting a wonderful example by supporting small businesses ..ask Shailey Tripp…:-D
Oh, and WTF is $he wearing?!
H**ker gear?
I didn’t know Hiker has two i’s! Sarah, when’s the last time you washed your hair?
Me abd my spelling!
That is her space outfit, ala Spudnut.
Now that was funny!
Good answer!
Thanks for the transcript..I could never have sat through the Greta/Palin thing. Dont watch that network anyway. My blood pressure couldn’t take it.
Letting that moron have a platform is dangerous. Some misguided people believe her.
So glad to have this site of sanity
Thank you all!
I can only watch with the volume off. Watching her facial expressions is amusing and does not have the negative effect on blood pressure.
Sorry but I can’t agree on that last point. Just looking at that face makes my arteries constrict with tension. Even with the sound off I can still hear that awful screeching in my head.
I just can’t watch her on video, sound or not, so I sincerely appreciate AKM’s supply of transcripts.
To be honest, I’ve had to practice a calming dialog with myself while viewing video of Palin without the audio. Then I read the transcript. It is not possible for me to watch and listen to her without running out of the room.
To Sarah Palin:
As Lawrence Ferlinghetti (or your daughter) would say:
“I raise my middle finger in the only proper salute.”
Why do interviewers keep calling her “Governor”? She was a governor for a very short (and incredibly damaging) time and then wandered off to make money. I’m sure there’s protocol in place for referring to ex-politicians and pretty certain it doesn’t involve giving them an honorary title for the rest of their lives. Alaska has a whole new governor now and will have many governors in the future. What are they called? The Other Governor? Sigh.
She does not deserve the honorarium of “Governor” as she did not complete her term and she quit, did not leave office for some other, honorable, reason.
Only Faux News interviewers call her governor. She quit, thus she doesn’t deserve the title. Former governors who completed their terms can always be called governor (just as former presidents remain President Carter, President Clinton, etc.); she CAN’T. Unfortunately, all too many of our countrymen get their “news” from Fux and nowhere else. And on that subject, I thought she didn’t NEED a title. What gives?
Senators are the only elected officials who retain their honorific title for life. Not even presidents are properly referred to as President upon retirement. Unless you’re a Foxpert like Mr. Speaker Gingrinch.
I imagine they keep calling her governor because she insists on it. Technically, she is entitled to continue to use it, but if she told them not to, they wouldn’t.
Her proper title since her resignation is either Mrs. Palin, or Ms. Palin. Governor is NOT one that protocol would dictate.
Maybe that is the reason she hasn’t gone to the U.K. It had nothing to do with Thatcher’s family making it clear that she was not going to hassle or hustle her way into Margaret Thatcher’s personal space–someone told her that the international press would use correct terminology.
Of course, to me, she’ll always be Bellatrix Lestrange.
sarah, sarah, when will you learn? Actions do speak louder then words.
Just googled, Spudnut donuts and they sound like a wonderful company and have an incredible success story.
However, prompted by Andrew Halcro’s great blog I did some research into palin’s past.
She brags about lowering the property taxes while Mayor. Besides bashing the former Mayor whom she was running against for his big government, one of the things that Mayor did was invest in the infrastructure of Wasilla.
Palin lowered the property taxes while increasing the sales taxes on the BIG BOX stores that flooded the area. Not the mom and pop stores like Spudnuts, but the big mega stores. She also got over a million dollars in federal dollars.
So in her little speech last night, the way she governed, at least while mayor was to bring in all those big box stores, let people buy all those taxable items and then got the ‘big bad government’ to pay for the stuff that Wasilla needed. Her claim to fame was a the skating rink. And do ask how much extra was paid because she had to have it on land the city did not own.
How many donuts do you think people would have to buy before you could lower the sales tax, sarah?
Don’t even ask how much she raised the taxes on oil companies while Governor. Or how her pipeline is doin.
Palin’s ineptitude has not gone unnoticed:
they also incurred so much debt at the time that it resulted in the inevitable collapse of the Soviet Union.
I thought it was St. Ronnie of Reagan that caused, singlehandedly, the collapse of the Soviet Union? The left and most credible historians believe that the Soviet Union’s military build up, failed Afghan war, and other economic reasons caused the collapse of the Soviet Union, but the wingnut dogma has always been that it was fear of the great St. Ronnie that caused it. Now Sarah’s touting the wrong line politically, simply because she cannot reign in her hatred of Barrack Obama!
I read and re-read the transcript about the Spudnut shop. Now, bless their hearts, Spudnut, but WTF indeed? What is she trying to say? She doesn’t even say what a “Spudnut moment” is – she doesn’t say they’re either successful or in trouble, or say whatever she thinks they’re doing that is such a lesson to us.
Is she trying to say we need more crullers with sprinkles for America to be great?
And what of her appearance! Did she make a break from the nurses in the day ward, grab an old raincoat from the trunk of her car, and face the camera in the parking lot of the train station?
What is wrong with her? Seriously, the president’s SOTU speech was relatively bland, uncontroversial, full of generic inspirationals. Yet she is filled with rage, quivering with it. Even Michele Bachman, for all her nuttiness, doesn’t transmit so much unhinged emotion on-camera. I know she’s no longer a serious contender for public office, but, man, it would be frightening to have someone so unable to control herself in a position of power.
I like your last paragraph…she is filled with rage that I simply can not understand.
It’s the rage rightwingers are feeling all across the country, as it slowly dawns on them that their paranoid fear-mongering has reached its expiration date with the American people.
i hope you are right Cammie. watching my fellow Americans express such hatred and disrespect toward Black America in general and the President specifically has been an eye opening experience for those who thought outright racism was a thing of the past and not something my people deal with every moment of every day. so i am hoping against all hope that you are right in your assessment. i too am seeing an amazing push back in tiny little ways among people whose minds i had thought closed. i am seeing it in little, everyday, kindly acts. sort of like “sheesh. maybe we been wrong about some things.”
are others experiencing similar reactions?
Yes. Not myself, directly (as I’m as I am a bland little white woman), but to members of my family–or people that they love.
It floors me.
Your last paragraph reminds me of what Halcro said about Palin. It’s why she is a “populist” favorite. She ties or grabs into peoples feelings and they run to her for this moment. It really has no meaning, and she does not intend for anything to come out of it. Halcro talked about his conversation with her during the debate. Facts and reality have no meaning for her. She taps into peoples feelings (it’s been anger, so far) and pushes for meaningless answers to satisfy their (and her) moment.
We’ve seen this again and again. Now ,it hasn’t been called out by Greta and others, but this last fiasco may very well be the water slide to home base or out of the park and into a locked and padded room. Her rage is surfacing more and more. I wouldn’t want to be around for the final blowup.
“She taps into people’s feelings…” a valuable skill that could have been put to so much positive use if she hadn’t opted to go over to the dark side. Because you know what else is a powerful motivator for people aside from fear? A sense of positive, common purpose. And now more than ever, this country needs a common, positive purpose, like modernizing our infrastructure, working towards clean and abundant energy, revitalizing the living standards of the working class…
And Palin has opted instead to shriek about death panels and America’s imperiled donut shops. What a waste.
WTF!? honestly…not ALL patriotic Americans can open their own business (handed down by previous family generations) …some Americans just want to find a decent wage and working for somebody else (even a large company) is fine by them!!!
P.S. Over the years of listening to this woman almost spew indecencies…I would bet that if she wasn’t on TV, she’d actually be swearing up a storm! …in their entirety! no abbreviations, no initials, just the actual trashy mouth that she is. Anybody in AK had the pleasure?
i have the feeling that there are some folks in Alaska who have had that pleasure. just saying.
Could she be any more not-bright mean-girl? Tacky looks, trashy mouth, cheap shots. So toxic. She just might be the poster child of all that’s gone wrong with our American pop culture of celebrity,entertainment and consumerism.
Is she ever going to try to look like the middle-aged woman she – you know, mature, dignified, wise? Ooops – guess that’s kind of the Impossible Dream. I don’t any of those are within her reach.
ahem – I don’t think any of those are within her reach. (Got into the Sarah-scene so much, I forgot to think.)
Yum, steaming hot coffee and a fresh, crisp-on-the-outside maple bar doughnut–I want a Spudnut moment right now!
well, dang, now I’m hungry
Where to start? Always a dilemma after Sarah speaks. By “inevitable collapse” surely she meant “eventual”??? They both have all those similar sounds, and who has time for those pesky meanings and definitions anyway? And if I follow her reasoning *smile* then the debt incurred from 1955-1957 resulted in the collapse in 1991?
Sarah is the walking, talking – make that strutting and preening – example of why education matters.
Oh hell, let’s be kind. Also why mental health treatment is important.
Loved you comments – ” . . . example of why education matters. Oh, hell, let’s be kind. Also why mental health treatment matters.” Well done! That will have me giggling for a while.
Wow, I hadn’t thought about Spudnut since graduating from Colorado State. Apparently the Fort Collins store closed sometime after I left.
I thought we won the space race. I must have imagined that moon landing.
This woman warms her feet in front of the fire of a small time entrepreneur, warms her heart in the bank, and leaves her brain in the freezer overnight!
I don’t know where those words came from but it describes pretty well how I feel!
Sarah’s done. I really think she has jumped the shark with Todd’s Chilean sponsored sno-go, but Murdoch is stuck with her til the contract is up. I think it is a testament to the American Dream and Audacity of Hope that Sarah Palin is where she is today or at least two years ago. . .
Sarah remains ever the statesmen with her metallic silver jacket and use of “WTF” vernacular.
But I still like to take her challenges up – 1. Hold her accountable. and 2. Look at her record.
We have hundreds of examples laid out in black and white media fashion of Palin’s hypocrisy, but this is one of my favorites in response to her nonsensical reference to heartland (she does have a problem with geography and demographics) businesses as ‘successful.’
“Sixty some years, generation to generation, a family owned business not looking to government to bail them out or make their decisions for them. It’s just hard working, patriotic Americans in this shop. We need more Spudnut moments in America, and I wish that President Obama would understand in that Heartland of America what it is that really results in the solutions that we need to get the economy back on track. It’s a shop like that.”
Yet go back to 2007, where Sarah was throwing her cajones around to save the proven loser of a Mat-Maid dairy that was reporting a $2.4 million loss in the previous fiscal year (remember, Franci Harvemaster, a h.s. BFF realtor who loved her dad’s cows, was appointed as the Ag Secretary):
“Bob Havemeister said he’s been farming his whole life and producing milk since the 1950s. Matanuska Maid buys most of the 12,500 pounds of milk his 89 active milk cows produce every two days.” [in Tea Party fashion, he threatened to slaughter his cows if the government didn’t provide a market for him.]
Asked what he wanted from Matanuska Maid or the state, he said, “I’m not asking for anything.”
Havemeister said he doesn’t want a handout.
“I just want a market for my milk,” he said.
Sarah and her supporters are so small minded, they think that the government has to provide for them without providing for others, that it is a waste for the country if resources are used for others and if regulations restrict their activities. It is truly “us against them” in their mindset, but it isn’t a ‘hand-out.’ They are stunning hypocrites. It is mind boggling.
I would really like someone to expose Dairygate. I’ve read a lot about it, and as you say, it is mind boggling.
Irishgirl, I really wish we had more time to talk when we met. I’d have loved to have visited more.
(((ISV)))). I’ll be back!
As much as people keep saying that they want to see $arah in an orange jumpsuit, I don’t think she’s done anything to justify incarceration except for MatMaid. I believe that fiasco was patently illegal and many people should be indicted and tried for malfeasance. That travesty should be her downfall, and yet it has gotten little publicity. I’d love to see CREW or the Justice Dept. or some legal entity look into it.
I may remembering incorrectly, but wasn’t the country where Todd’s sponsors are Venezuela, Not Chile?
Obama lifts the country up…Ryan encourages fear of doom around the corner…Bachmann is Bachmann…and Sarah proves once again that she has not matured passed the eighth grade with her adolescent use of made-to titter and shock language. Does she liken the presidency to that of the student council?
Omg, killin’ me w/ Glass Nest & Cagey Bee!!!!!!
Reading thru, I realized I need a word for something.
What to call the inevitable upward eye-scanning from near the end of a Palin sentence to the beginning in the usually futile attempt to see how the f*ck the sentence got *there*?
“Did I miss a clause, a word? Is there ANY way this can be read to make sense?” (Not worldview-wise, but just subject, object & verb-wise)
Can’t help darting my eyes up.
Verb: to Palin back
Usage: “I had to ‘Palin back’, but then it made even less sense”.
Uh, Sarah, Spudnuts is actually franchise. It’s not a little mom-and-pop donut shop just located in Washington. They’ve actually had Spudnut stores all over the world…you know that whole global thing you know nothing about.
I remember Sputnik, and Sarah, you’re no Sputnik. Sputnik was bright, soared above it all, and moved forward. After Sputnik, it seemed like it was suddenly OK for girls to be smart and interested in science, because we were going to need all the smart, scientifically engaged people America could find to regain our lead. Without the kick in the ass our nation received from the humiliation of not being first in space, there would never have been a Mercury or Apollo program. Without government guidance and funding, I doubt the private sector would have had the direction or discretionary funds to pursue a space program. The only similar space oriented programs today are “Tourist in low/sub orbital ride” programs. Not terribly inspiring.
My mother’s career choices? Homemaker or secretary. She excelled at both, but never had the opportunity to do more. She made sure that didn’t happen to me – and because it was ok for girls to be interested in science and actually go to college, I got a degree in Chemistry and made a nice living from it, so yes, thank you Sputnik and even more so – thanks, Mom.
Sputnik was the one bright object in an empty night sky. Quitty is a dimdot of the lowest magnitude,lost in the vast cold,wasted space between her ears.
I am convinced that these odd statements are the result of her research on google going bad. While she was “researching” sputnik, she accidentally typed spudnut. She found it was a successful family business and decided it would work perfectly as one of her talking points.
And yet, somehow, it doesn’t ring as soberly as did President Obama’s reference to the small drilling company out of Pennsylvania in his SOTU speech.
yep. or the small family business in Michigan(?). they make solar roofing slates.
Here’s another cool site with top 10 things you could be using right now — also mentioning the number of patents courtesy of the space program.
Whoever linked to Andrew Halco’s article yesterday, Thank you. It was an interesting read.
A few of us sent his column to other blogs (so far, I haven’t seen it picked up)…I’m now adding the link in posts on those blogs.
here it is again if you want to do the same:
I think Andrew is away. Patrick Appel and others seem to be writing the posts the last few days.
Let’s hope that Appel picks it up.
I wrote something like this when people were blaming John McCain for $arah and was vigorously attacked. Yes, Jaime, I know you didn’t vote for her for anything:
Looking back over the progression of Sarah Palin’s political career
and her continuing political education, or lack thereof, Alaskans are
to blame for Sarah Palin’s inability to communicate on the national
stage. At the critical time of development, we failed to demand more
than just cheerleading rhetoric from our former leader…
Andrew Halcro
The woman clearly has anger issues.
There are thousands of technologies developed as a result of our space program. I couldn’t find a full list that I saw not too long ago, but here’s the wiki link that lists a few. There are thousands of products used everyday by everyone. I’m sure a lot of the products she uses are linked to the space program, a wise “investment” in our country:
Thanks for the link, Deb. Of course, she wants Amurrikkens to believe that she could make do with a gun and a campfire. I’m still giggling, weeks later, about the comments on her shooting from Field & Stream.
Her latest dismissal of science is even worse than the scoffing she did about the fruit fly research – the research that might help Down syndrome babies.
Amazing. Ignorance in the republican party must be so inspiring that anyone with brains in that party is afraid to speak up. So this is what republican feminism looks like huh? I guess republican men want their women pretty on the outside but dumb on the inside. I can’t wait for Chris Matthews comments on this interview. Bubble head she is.
Please, you are selling short the double X Rs. That guy Broun who tweeted after the SOTU? Rep. Ryan’s Roadmap to the Ditch? Boehner, McConnell, the Kings, Allyn West? The list appears near infinite.
Palin and Bachmann are just tokens.
He actually called her a balloon head. Either one is full of air.
Bubble head she is.
OY! i refrudiates that. Sarah Palin is a pinhead. from a long, distinguished line of pinheads.
Her ghost writer has been very busy, too, also. Huge new rant on facebook. I will not read it.
OMG, I have just finished watching the Fox “interview.” I can’t stop laughing. I know this is shallow – but she looks awful. I don’t know what she done to her top lip, but trust me Sarah, that was not an improvement. Then there was the matter of the roadkill swinging from the side of her head through the first half of the interview – it was very distracting and prevented me from fully appreciating what she had to say.
I loved the look on Greta’s face after Palin’s ‘sputnit’ rant. Even she was in shock!
the Glass Nest, or the Cagey Bee – AKM, that was hilarious.

I saw that thing hanging off her head, kind of in the background, couldn’t tell if it was a shadow or another mismatched thing resembling hair. I read today that Sharron Angle is not ruling out a run for the presidency. Can’t wait to see Palin, Bachmann and Angle debate each other. Palin is getting to be a synthesis of Tammy Faye (looks), Anita Bryant, and Phyllis Schafly, except even they weren’t so snotty as she is. .
I agree about Greta’s expression. That looked to me like a concerted effort not to show a reaction, or I am going to look calm though what I am hearing is nonsense.
I also think she asked some good questions. Though she didn’t get anything related to specifics, she asked for them several times – “what would you do, governor…” about unemployment, the debt, etc. Credit where credit is due.
Agreed. She did try.
OMG,ROFLMAO, ETC.. just looked at the local Minnesota Fox News web, and, of course, in their online article regarding the Snowbilly’s response to the SOTU they don’t once mention WTF, it was published 12:33 p.m. on Jan 27, suppose she had some input on how they reported her response after all the flack? If she would just go on a long hike and shut her mouth we would all be less irritated. It was refreshing to not find a headline about her for almost a week on the website.
Thanks for the morning humor. Makes arthritis nearly bearable. Next mention of homey bakeries,please to post warning in advance. My keyboard is drowning as I can smell all those bakery delights wafting through my mind. There I just gained 5 pounds.
AKM is right. $arah continues to dig a neverending hole, even though she reached China months ago. I think she took 10 steps, and is digging her way back.
Beyond moronic.
As my sweet old country neighbor would say, “Poor $arah. Bless her heart. $he cain’t hep it. $he just don’t think much, do she?”
Love it. I can just hear some of the country folks I have been around saying that. And it fits.
OMG,,WTF..Just when you think she can’t get any stoooopider she opens her mouth and says crap like this. “Spud Nut Moment”??? After spitting out my coffee I now have to go slam my head on the wall. Plus, I have the incredible urge to go shopping for a silver, vinyl jacket…………..and a super-sized bumpit. WTF, indeed.
check goodwill first, or the halloween supply store!
The bumpit bump was showing up everywhere for sale shortly after the election – 2008 and 2009. HOWEVER, they are now on sale for less than half off to the lowest bidder, but no one seems to be grabbing them.
I listened to part of the interview, and I am still in shock at the sheer stupidity of it. I listened a few times to catch Greta’s facial expressions. Comparing the two side by side, one is a mature professional woman (not SP), and the other reminds me a grade school or highschool primadona wannabe. Like night and day. I’m not a Greta fan, but she scores far above Palin. I think Greta was in pain on this interview and couldn’t wait for it to be over.
ah. a Palin post. How I miss your take on her and her little world that exists inside her head. I know you wish she would fade into obscurity, like the rest of us, but oh how I love your simple, honest and accurate descriptions of her.
Me too.
It is so much fun to hear from the people who have actually been around the Snowbilly Grifter – their vantage point is invaluable.
Richland is an interesting place. Almost entirely dependent on Federal government spending, it lies on the edge of the Hanford Nuclear Reservation, the largest and most radioactive Superfund cleanup there is in these here United Snakes. {see “Hanford Site” on Wikipedia}
If not for government spending on the employees who are doing the cleanup, the Spudnut Shop probably wouldn’t have had a history this long, or a history at all for that matter. Hanford was begun in 1942 as part of the Manhattan Project, as the plutonium production center for the bombs that were to come. Thus, the Spudnut folk came into being about the same time… Radioactive potato’s?
Far from what I consider the “heartland.”
Thanks for the history.
As usual $arah never cares to know what she’s talking about, it only has to sound good.
She said herself that people don’t care about facts, and proved it by becoming the Governor.
It is enormously ironic that Sarah Palin would use as an example of American exceptionalism a town that is dependent on the government (or in Tea Party lingo – SOCIALIST) and has become so first by being expanded during the Cold War (you know, with the Space Racin’ and Arms Racin’ and Sputnik-in’) and World War II (again, run by the Government therefore SOCIALIST) and now it is a clean up site on the National Priorities List. So in other words – probably one of a few ideal examples of why strong government regulation is good when it is sensible and can be enforced.
I think Palin is secretly a Socialist. Or…..doesn’t do much research or readin’ before she goes on the teevee and does the speakin’.
Slightly off topic,but,if Gingrich and Rethuglicans would have left the Superfund tax in place,taxpayers wouldn’t be paying to clean up these Superfund sites. At least not through tax revenues. I thought it was a smashing idea to have corporations clean up their own messes. Apparently my liberal way of thinking was wrong,wrong,wrong.
Richland, Washington is in the heartland of America? Yes, in the great north east. Remember that gaff when she didn’t even know which coast contained Alaska? If you haven’t done it, you really must watch her interview with the sound off. She looks like a ferret on speed. And speaking of WTF? moments, what was hanging off the back of her head? I think her hair piece had fallen, but it looked like some kind of animal had attached itself to her hair. What a pathetic, ridiculous woman. Actually, I feel bad for making fun of someone who is so obviously mentally ill.
Just want to make a tiny correction: Richland is in the Pacific Northwest (not East). (I know it’s early)
I had the same thought when I heard her say that, though. Richland? Heartland? Really? If Richland is in the heartland then I guess that makes Hawaii on the West Coast. Heh.
But, it’s Eastern Washington
OK, You made me watch the thing! I want to know what happened to her upper lip? It looks like a botox job to me. Does she walk around that big Walmart in Wassilla in that outfit? Did she get it in the thrift shop in Anchorage? Now I am glad I watched. See we can be snarky too!
She looks like a ferret on speed.
now that’s funny. fanned and faved!
I think it’s filler around the lip area. Botox causes a muscle relaxation, while filler should fill in the creases. It’s recent if that is what it is.
To me, it looks like she got hit in the mouth with something and is covering it up with make up and lipstick borrowed from her favorite pitbull.
I had read about her hair after the interview at Griffin’s and ended up watching the video. I couldn’t see what they were talking about until my eyes adjusted and …yep.. looked like a dead crow stuck to the back of her head. Really weird. It was gone after the break though.
One thing is for sure, Palin outshined Bachman in the clothes department. I wonder where that woman shops, bar whores are us? Honestly, I was kind of disappointed she didn’t wear the black biker chick jacket again. It would have looked great with the shiney silver top and gigumpus pink beads. With running shorts.
I’m waiting for Palin to just show up in an entire outfit made from an American flag. Maybe with the biker jacket over it, that should get the blood pressure of those 60 some year old militia men pumping.
With a bullet belt. You betcha.
She can put the stars representing MA and CA in the crotch of the ensemble!
I read a comment elsewhere that said she got her silvery coat to match her tin foil hat.
Sounds about right.
Where in the world did she get that outfit? Is Frederick’s of Hollywood one of her sponsors?
Hey, Miss Wasilla, how’s that government bailout of the Mat Maid Creamery going? Or should I say, “goin.”
“How’s that milky-creamy thing workin out for ya?”
That’s the one I’m waiting for.,, maybe Halcro can crank it up again.
Republicans are going to have to keep Palin around. She makes all the rest look like bloody genius’s. That folks is not an easy accomplishment either.
Her and Bachmann are fighting tooth and nail to be Queen Bee of the Tea Party. Only one can actually take the crown. Bachmann wins, simply because she actually has a vote that makes a difference in Congress. Her platform is the steps of Congress. Palin is stuck in her little house in Wasilla, in her home built studio, playing only with Fox, while Bachmann plays with the country.
Palin gives little whiney talks to churches and religiious schools, while Bachmann sits on an important committee in congress. (intelligence committee but I’m convinced republicans are playing a joke on her to put her on that one)
Ohhh, lets not forget she gets to go back and talk to Long Island something or other. Wow, that’s got to count for something right? Not really. It’s another go nowhere talk about nothing and to people who have heard Clinton speak. They won’t be impressed.
No wonder the chick is full of rage and can’t articulate a full sentence.
“Her and Bachmann are fighting tooth and nail to be Queen Bee of the Tea Party. Only one can actually take the crown.”
Ah. I get it! Only one gets to be the Cagey Bee!
Two walk in, one walks out, amirite?
This is starting to sound kind of kinky. Someone please cue up “the man who shot Liberty Valance” by Gene Pitney.I feel a memory coming on.
My guess is she heard the word spud-something and Sarah (arms flailing) said, “Piper, go google that, find out WTF a spud,ick,nick,ing,ding,thing is.” And up popped a donut shop in Washinton state. Which, of course, was part of Gods plan, to assure that there was a patriotic little bailout free donut shop for Sarah to use to slam Obama. Haha! Bet Obama is just sittin’ in the office dumbfounded wondering WTF hit him.
The one thing that the Snowbilly Grifter really, really wants is for Obama to pay attention to her or even mention her name – he WILL NOT do that and methinks that is what keeps her going – she wants to meet him and she will never be given that chance.
Eykis, you’re right on! Yipee-ing along with you.
I think she just misspelled “spudnik”….. lol
EVERY Sarah Palin moment is a “WTF” moment.
This is what happens when you not only devalue education, you outright scorn it. Doesn’t she realize that people know she doesn’t have the faintest idea what she’s talking about? When Michelle Bachmann says the Founding Fathers ended slavery, doesn’t she know that the average 12 year old knows she’s full of s**t?
The only good that came out of this ridiculous excuse for an interview is the notion of shopping at the Cagey Bee. Now THAT’S funny.
If you think education is expensive, try ignorance. Exhibit A for ignorance is Sarah and her band of devoted followers. Twits. And even worse are people like Greta that KNOW better and let the ignorant rail on and on and never once say, WTF!!!
When they finally kick Palin to the curb, I’m looking forward to hearing Greta tell everyone what she REALLY thinks about this nitwit.
Wow, just wow. Cagey Bee… LOL! I couldn’t watch the video of this nonsensical rant of hers, even the transcript is painful to read. “That was another one of those WTF moments when he has so often repeated this Sputnik moment that he would aspire Americans to celebrate and he needs to remember that what happened back with the former communist USSR and their victory in that race to space.” Dear God, what language is THAT?!? And correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t recall the President ‘so often repeating’ the Sputnik moment. First I heard him mention it was in the SOTU. I think I’ll get a donut with my coffee this morning so I can do my part to help the economy recover.
That will be a ponchiki, no doubt?
Palin not only doesn’t know her history, she doesn’t even know current events.
Palin, let me enlighten you. You know that big space thing up in the sky where the astronauts go and hang out and float around. We call it a space station and the last shuttle is going up soon, commandeered if possible by the husband of that woman Gifford whom you plastered survey symbols all over and then went and got shot? Maybe you didn’t get the connection or something, but after that shuttle goes up, it is the Russians who will be supplying that space thingamabob and if we want to send anyone up there, we’ll have to stick our thumbs out and ask for lift from here on out.
You probably missed all of that information by only paying attention to Fox News, which really isn’t up on current events either.
Good points!
Are you aware that it was your messiah Barry that slammed the brakes on NASA ?
It was his choice to kill the space program.
Maybe you need to pay a little more attention to facts instead of sucking for that last drop of tasty Kool-Aid.
A $6 billion increase in funding is “slamming on the brakes”?? Only in wingnut land.
The commies didn’t go broke because of the victorious Sputnik.
How about a bloated military budget compounded by an Afghanistan quagmire? Sound familiar? Not that the grifter’s neo-con patrons would advocate cutting defense spending or leaving Afghanistan- they fear that getting troops out of the Middle East might become a habit!
I’m sorry to admit this, but I cannot watch any video of that blithering idiot unless I myself have approached the blithering stage with adult beverages. And then it’s just a form of penance.
However, I do remember Spudnuts. They were all over the place back in the day, and they were delicious. SP’s WA example is one of only a few remaining stores that started as franchisees and were left holding the (doughnut) bag when the company folded.
OMG! She really doesn’t have a clue about the technological advances that have come about through government funding…like the Internet (and Tang!). Leaving people to their private bakeries does not advance us as a nation. Unless you WANT to be a nation of bakeries and car shops and tailors….and nothing else. (I’m not dissing the bakers and tailors, just saying we need government funding for R&D, too.) I cannot believe people don’t see her for the idiot/panderer she is.
But Spudnut isn’t just a mom and pop bakery, it’s a national franchise. I bet the WGE has no clue about that, more proof that she’s unaware of a world outside Wasilla.
Well, you know, when you just pull it up on Google and skim the website, you might miss that.
I never heard of a chain by that name, either. I just thought they were a type of doughnut we used to be able to get at our local bakery. Thanks for the education.
I had never heard of Spudnuts until now. I lived in Washington state for many years but never made it out to the tri-cities area where Richland is located along with Kennewick and Pasco. Lot of wineries in that area. Also home to the Hanford Nuclear site where the Manhattan project began. There is a crap load of federal money pumped into that area for the operation of and cleanup of that site. I would be curious to see how much federal money has been pumped into that area for the last sixty some years. So in a way federal money is probably being used to buy a lot of those donuts. And from what I read on line, there were about six hundred Spud Nuts at one time, but the parent company went out of business in the 80’s so if any others are out there, they are standing on their own. And when was the last time a legitimate presidential contender uses the phrase WTF moment? Really? Are we sure her dad was a teacher with her amateur use of the English language?
Some background: Spudnuts is a doughnut shop in Richland Wash. It is a local favorite and has been open since something like 1948, nine years before Sputnik!
Sarah probably visited the doughnut shop when she was in town for Thanksgiving in ’09. Her cousin or aunt lives here. There is where she must have learned first hand that true American patriotism can be found in tasty treats.
Ms. Palin is a vapid platitude drooler. No one would take her seriously if they weren’t scared for what would happen to the country if this uninformed narcissist actually became president.
One more thing. Spudnuts main clientele are Hanford Workers. Hanford works is one of the largest government run and paid for projects in the country. If it were not for Hanford’s government funding, I am not sure Spudnuts would have survived this long.
Amazing that bakeries in Nowhere, Washington state are the answer to all that ails the unemployment problem in America today. WTF is wrong with the people who use the Google for the Snowbilly Grifter? They try to be clever and FAIL miserably with each click.
The part that got me was when Greta asked the Snowbilly about Barstool’s latest “job”. Snowbilly failed to mention that Barstool is going to a college campus to talk about abstinence to COLLEGE STUDENTS while having her kid out-of-wedlock but by golly, Barstool is a “hard-working role model” for the rest of America’s youth – yeah, every kid in college wants to be ASpired by Barstool to become an uneducated, untalented, unwed parent and then take the illegit kid out of state against the court’s orders.
Yeppers, that is what college kids in America need to INspire to.
WTF is wrong here?
By speaking on a college campus Scarah can then say that “Brystil went to college”. It’s all in how you tell it.
I think Christine O’Donnell will drink to that.
I bet you’re not far wrong on this, you betcha.
Plus, so much of things that we take for granted today: teflon, satellite TV, cell phones, microwaves, personal computers, etc., etc., etc., have come about b/c of the space program. We have a retired NASA engineer speak at our school every year about the importance of the space program. I have to admit, even though I grew up in the early space age (and my first puppy was named “Sputnik the Mutnik”), I can’t say I appreciated the space program until this gentleman came to speak at our school. She is an IDIOT!!
(needing to get this all out before Feb.1)
Teflon (PTFE) was discovered in 1938. It had nothing to do with the space program. Other than that, you are correct. The Return on Investment has been enormous. Mars bitches!!
Teflon (PTFE) was discovered in 1938. It’s discovery had nothing to do with the Space Program. However, it’s uses in the Space Program has fanned out to other things. The Space Program has been a great Return on Investment in the other areas you describe. The wingnuts think we wasted a lot of money picking up rocks. They should crawl back under theirs.
The use of titanium in aerospace engineering has helped revolutionize the design of prosthetic limbs and wheelchairs. The lives of amputees and people who use wheelchairs have been changed dramatically because of this technology.
More inventions that use technology developed for the space program:
Kidney dialysis machines
Computer-Aided Tomography (CAT) scan
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
Freeze-dried food
Cordless power tools & appliances
Disposable diapers
Rotary blood pump
Fiber optics
Satellite dish
Bar codes
Ear thermometer
Fire-resistant fabrics
Smoke detector
Thermal gloves and boots
Shock-absorbing helmets
(applause> Great list, leenie17!
Excellent list – add to it: memory foam (TempurPedic) mattresses.
And a fashion item came out of the fabrics that they used for space-suits: a very light-weight, no-wrinkle, bright-silvery fabric (it had actual metal in it) that kept you quite warm in spite of its thinness, and which made an excellent, zip-up hoodie way back before hoodies were cool to wear. I wore it until the metal cracked and mostly fell off like glitter (for some 23 years), sad to give up my “astronaut” hoodie.
OK, my silver parka was classy, nothing like what $ wears. And it was made from actual astronaut material in the mid-70s.
Sheesh. Does anyone remember Mrs. Miller from the 1960’s? She was a lady from Kansas, fairly wealthy, who fancied herself to be a pop-singer. Sadly, she was flat-nasty awful. But, she played Carnegie Hall, sold albums, was on television. Poor thing thought it was because people felt she was fantastic. That wasn’t the reason. Here’s a You Tube of her rendition of “Downtown” and I’d advise putting the dog in the other room before playing it.
Anyway, I think Mrs. Palin has surpassed Mrs. Miller in idiocy.
Actually, she is better than I remembered, and like Sarah she cashed in on her incompetence!
Strangers in the night:
I sang in a church choir and we had an older woman member who could have given Mrs. Miller a run for her money: To protect the innocent, I’ll called her Mrs. “B.” Every so often, Mrs. B would release auditory sound waves never before or since emitted. Since we were in church, she was not permitted to wear her viking helmet.
In my church choir, we had Pearl Alt….bless her heart, she was just like one of Aunt Bees’ friends on Andy Griffith.. Miss Pearl had vibrato so extreme, it would almost change the air pressure–and induce giggling…She had a very long, swanlike neck, and her Adams apple would vibrate the higher she sang….I never, ever, laughed…but it was hard…! Whispering, whispering hoooooooope…
Just precious! I had to slam the door on her after a few notes! Hopefully, the door will be slammed on $ before long as well, too, also.
Yikes! That hurts! lol…
God bless you. I have a new favorite singer!!
Wow, how did I miss that? Or maybe I didn’t and I’ve just blocked her out of my memory.
My husband just told me that it was making his ears bleed.
OMG!!! I won $10 in a local talent contest with my impersonation of Mrs. Miller’s “Strangers in the Night” in the late 60’s!! I dressed like her and everything! (OK, showing my age here) For 25 years I have sung “Happy Birthday” to 8th graders that I teach – thousands over those years – in my Mrs. Miller voice, which my students call my “Madame Opera Woman Voice.” I’m famous for it!! They are giddy when someone has a birthday. Never thought to check for her on YouTube.
Even though her voice breaks glass, I’d rather listen to her than WTF Palin.
(by the way, if she’s such a Christian, why is she using all these skanky, trailer trash expressions like “friggin’, freakin’, and WTF???)
I’m lettin’ my snark flag fly before Feb. 1)
Darn. All of these doughnut references makes me long for my dearly-departed Montgomery Donuts. Driving past the headquarters and home store on Gude Drive, with the scent wafting out … heaven. Dunkin’ Donuts doesn’t compare.
Now to get one, I have to find it in Crystal City, Virginia. That’s just WRONG!
But then again, so is the old Gifford’s store in Silver Spring being sold and transformed into a day care center. Those beautiful wood and marble counters, the jerk for soda. *sighs*
I’d forgotten about Monkey donuts until you mentioned it. They were soooo good.
But Hot krispy kremes are an okay substitute.
I hadn’t thought of spudnuts for quite a while, but my mother always used to get them from the local bakery, and they were so good. Now you have me craving one. I wonder if the local donut shop would consider whipping up a batch?
Here is the story about Mrs. Miller:
Thank you so much for this reminder. I had forgotten about Mrs. Miller. That is such a GREAT analogy. Sarah is not ready for Prime Time either. Greta deserves an Academy Award. What I would not have given to be a fly on the wall after her “interview” with Sarah. What a pity that in the 21st Century we have such a leader as this. Thank you, John McCain. You did good!
Mrs. Miller should get together with Wing and sing a duet.
Dollars for Donuts!!!!! OMG, WTF!!!!
America Runs on Donuts. (I see a job offer from Dunkins for Sarah.)
I’m speechless. Well the only thing that comes to mind is can we get her on that show “Are you smarter than a 5th grader?” I guess fox news can list her as an expert now on the history of the USSR among all of her other qualifications. I am laughing my ass off this morning. Thanks
Oh my, that’s inspired! I wonder if they’d have to pay her the same as her speaking fee to get her to go on the show? Shoot, I might even watch that one!
She’d just whine that they asked “gotcha” questions.
Could the Witch from Wasilla beat Snooki in a debate ?
How about a contest for who can look the sluttiest ? With her beauty pagent experience Bumpit Babe could pull it out in a squeeker!