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Open Thread – Happy Valentine’s Day!

Happy Valentine’s Day, Mudflatters! May your day be full of love in many ways.

Here’s one of my favorite love songs, suitable for slow dancing on a rooftop, I always thought.



99 Responses to “Open Thread – Happy Valentine’s Day!”
  1. JUST A THOUGHT says:

    Send a valentine wish to Gabby Giffords.

    Her wonderful husband is singing this song to her.

    His love for her is helping Gabby make remarkable recovery.


  2. auni says:

    Oh leenie17–some days just suck!!!! Hope tomorrow is a better one for for you.

    • leenie17 says:

      Thanks! I knew I could find some mudpup support here at the flats! 🙂

      • boodog says:

        How about we change it to Happy Treat Our Teachers Better Day? Have a good one anyway, leenie!

      • seattlefan says:

        Just look at it as another crumby day. Afterall, Valentines day is truly a fabricated holiday and makes more trouble for everyone involved. I enjoy the benefits from it but feel bad for all the peeps who don’t have a reason to celebrate. I agree with boodog above. Happy chocolate Day!! Who cannot celebrate or enjoy a bit of chocolate. 🙂 Hope your day is better tomorrow!

  3. boodog says:

    Happy Chocolate Day, everyone 🙂

  4. Jen in SF says:

    Happy Valentine’s Day, everyone. ^_^

  5. CorningNY says:

    I got an early Valentine’s Day present from my honey of 14 months…we had moved in together in the fall, but in December he had to take a job in Philadelphia, 4 1/2 hours an 250 miles away. But he just got a job offer in NY only 36 miles away–a long commute, but he can come back home to live! It’s less pay, but not by much when you factor in how much he’s paying to rent his apartment. And as he said, the fact that we can be together again is priceless.

    Happy Valentine’s Day to all.

    Here’s an interesting article (even if you’re married or in a relationship):

  6. bubbles says:

    got this from a sweet mudpup down in Texas. enjoy.

  7. Kath the Scrappy says:

    HELP info needed from the dear Alaskan Mudpups!

    My Sis is coming up on 2 cruises to go salmon fishing. When we last went during July, they had fantastic fishing in Ketchikan so she’s coming in July this year.

    Later she will come in September when my brother can travel. They are wondering if fishing is still good in Sept?

    Can anyone tell us? I will check back here tonight for any comments so that I can relay info to her & him. Thanks so much in advance!

    • TX SMR says:

      Not really… Maybe for halibut charters?

      If you do a search on dipnetting open to the public (Kenai River?) you might be able to get a better idea of the best times for fishing. I seem to recall the salmon all spawned out near our place in Kenai well before September. But that was a long time ago, so I could be wrong.

      There are certainly plenty of others who know more about it here on the flats. Searches of fishing licenses might help, as would checking the AK Dept of Fish & Game’s website.

      Best trip ever: Halibut Cove. Take the Danny J out, have lunch or dinner at their sweet little restaurant (can’t remember the name for the life of me), and if you have plenty of disposable cash stay in the cove for a few days. If you’re willing & able to kayak it is totally amazing. We used to take our kayaks out & stay for several days at a time. When the tide is really low in the cove’s lagoon you can reach down and touch the starfish & sea urchins, and the otters frolic around you. There are public-use cabins, but I imagine the waitlist for them (there are very few of them) is long, so anyone wanting to do that would have to plan far ahead and get themselves on the list. Halibut Cove is my favorite place in AK. And I’ve been to many many many places in AK (born & raised there & worked remote for many years).

  8. Kath the Scrappy says:

    Happy Valentines Day Everyone! Just got off the phone with kid Sis in Phoenix, so I’m having a good one myself.

  9. Irishgirl says:

    ((((Leenie and Kilia)))).

  10. I love listening to Nat King Cole, and that is the perfect song for today. Hubby and I started a tradition a number of years ago when I was teaching. My second graders always brought me those cute (ahem) boxes of chocolates. I love chocolate, but I just don’t like the ones with all that stuff inside – especially nuts and coconut. So he got the boxes of chocolate and bought me flowers instead. We are still doing it. I bought him a box of chocolates – only considerably better than the ones I used to get. We’ll see if he remembers the flowers. But even if he doesn’t, I’m OK with a nice card.

    No fancy dinner for us. We will be watching the Jayhawks play Kansas State on TV. And since it’s at dinner time, we’re ordering a pizza. 😉

  11. Kilia says:

    Happy Valentines Day to one and all!

  12. Bodie P says:

    So Happy (un)Valentine’s Day! Here’s a link to my own personal holiday greeting:

    Bodie P

    • leenie17 says:

      It is SO definitely UNvalentine’s Day for me today!

      For a number of reasons, Valentine’s Day is generally my least favorite day of the year to begin with and, as a teacher in an elementary school, I am forced to spend more than a week drowning in hearts, and red and pink paper projects, which just prolongs the agony. I knew this day was going to be a long one.

      This morning I was woken up an hour before I needed to be by the howling wind which was making my roof rafters squeak and pop. That reminded me of the article I read yesterday about the signs of an imminent roof collapse, which include all of the noises I was listening to above my head. I laid in bed in the dark, waiting for the roof to come crashing down on me. I wasn’t able to get back to sleep. Shocker, I know.

      This afternoon, I had to teach what is always my worst class of the week by far, which was made even worse by having a sub for the classroom teacher (NEVER a good thing!) and three different interruptions during my lesson, which threw the class into even more chaos than normal. As I left the room after the longest half-hour in history, one of my first grade cherubs said, “She’s gone…yayyy!” When I was telling the other first grade teacher about the comment later this afternoon, she guessed on the first try who had said it, so it’s typical behavior for this particular bra.., I mean ‘child’. I try very hard not to take it personally because I know she’s rude and disrespectful to everyone, but it still stings. I have to remind myself that my other classes have actually cheered when I entered their room, and some of the kids who I haven’t taught in 3 or 4 years still make a point to say hi to me in the hall. I’ve been known to cause traffic jams in the hall when the kindergarteners are passing and have to stop to hug me. I’m NOT a mean person…really, I’m not!!!

      I left there, feeling pretty rotten, and trudged across the building to another classroom where I work one-on-one with a 4th grader. Halfway through our lesson, he got a funny look on his face, said he didn’t feel good, and proceeded to empty the contents of his stomach into the (thankfully) nearby garbage pail. Oh, Yippy Skippy, what a fun day we’re having!

      On the way home from my zippity doo dah day, I decided to stop off at the grocery store and pick up a few things. I got $6 in change and thought, hey, the day’s been pretty crappy so far, but maybe my luck’s due for a change. So I tried to buy a lottery ticket with the one dollar bill I had just gotten. It was an almost new bill. The lottery machine refused to take it and spit it out three times.

      I think I’ll go to bed now and wait for today to be over…

      (Under the circumstances, I just can’t bring myself to wish anyone a Happy Val…, but I CAN wish y’all a Happy Ferris Wheel Day!)

      • slipstream says:

        C’mon, leenie, look on the bright side:

        — your roof didn’t collapse
        — the fourth grader resisted obesity
        — you were saved from the evils of gambling
        — and that mean smart-mouthed little girl will one day be half-term governor of Alaska

        • leenie17 says:

          Okay, I’ll agree with you on most of those points, except for the last one.

          I want to move to Alaska someday and do NOT want that rude little girl to be my half-term governor!

      • Baker's Dozen says:

        You should have retorted: She’s not coming with me. Yayyyy!

        It is truly amazing all the things that can come along in elementary school to interrupt learning. Some days I was amazed we got anything done. I ended up preferring high school even though the kids are rude because it seems somehow that the administrators and office staff were less likely to interrupt with inane announcements, and you got to change classes every hour. Holy salvation, Batman!

        • jojobo1 says:

          Thats why what is happening in Wisconsin is so very important.So many people treat teachers as babysitters.

  13. Irishgirl says:

    I just got 14 gorgeous roses.

    I’m also preparing for two baby mudpups who are going to be making there way to me tomorrow from afar.

    Does vegan mean no cheese, mayonnaise or eggs?

    • Irishgirl says:


    • slipstream says:

      No, “vegan” is an American term meaning “no fun.”

      • Irishgirl says:

        Ah, I’ll put away those bottles of wine.

        • Buffalogal says:

          Vegan = food that is made from nothing that comes from animals ( I think!)

          ( As my epitaph will most likely read, “Behold the Power of Cheese” , I admit that I could never go the vegan route. )

          • Jen in SF says:

            Buffalogal is right about vegan. I know a couple vegans that consider themselves “virtually vegan” though, because they’ll bend the rules for certain things. Usually safest to ask or offer. 🙂

            (And I agree with you about cheese! Two friends gave me enrollment in a Cheese Class for my birthday; I will be learning about cheese making around the world.)

          • Baker's Dozen says:

            Yep. That includes honey for real vegans. My daughter’s a vegetarian. Dated a vegan for a while until the limited diet drove her insane. I guess he was consumed with every little detail.

            Now she dates a strict carnivore/chocolate dessert ivore (only eats meat and chocolate flavored desserts. No fruits, no veggies. Pasta is suspect.) They’ve made an adventure out of finding mutually satisfying restaurants and cooking meals together.

    • boodog says:

      Yep. Good luck 🙂

  14. beth says:

    FACT: All chocolates and any decadently-rich foodstuffs consumed today are totally calorie free. Similarly, any beverage (adult or otherwise) consumed today whilst listening to Nat, Johnny, or any other crooner, are also totally calorie free. Trust me, this is absolutely true.

    Happy Valentine’s Day, mudpeeps and hushpups; love yourself and your dears with complete abandon! beth.

    — As an RQ*, I unhesitatingly and whole-heartedly vouch for the veracity of the above FACT. b.
    (*Registered Quack )

    • Buffalogal says:

      I have read many research papers that back this statement. I’ve done my own experiments , just to be sure, and have come to the same conclusion.

      **** passing beth a chocolate-tini, a slice of cheesecake and a crooner cd ****

      A big ” MwwwAAaaahhHH!” , Valentine’s kiss to the Flats !

      Natalie Cole and Johnny Mathis w/ Boston Pops – “Let There Be Love”

      Happy Valentine’s Day !

  15. Just Me says:

    I had every 78 record from both Johnny Mathis and Nat Cole and went to concerts of both. That certainly tells my age and from reading all the comments, there are a lot of Mudpups in my age group. That was still the best music by far. Today’s so-called music just sounds like a lot of noise to me.

    • Millie says:

      Just Me: You are so cute…78’s! I indicated I had all the 33 1/3 of Nat King Cole…and thought I was telling my age. Thank goodness we were able to enjoy such beautiful music throughout those years…it calms me – today – more than anything!

      Enjoy all the love in your life.

      • Iremember,vaguely,a Nat King Cole show on tv. Does anyone remember if he used to smoke cigarettes on tv? I have some recollection of this and I’m not for sure. Some newscasters used to smoke on air,too. I know it has nothing to do with Valentines Day,but then,neither do I.

        • kathy67 says:

          I do too, also other shows , it was not unusual to see on TV back in the 50’s. Does anyone remember the plastic film we used to use for “color” tv?? the top half was blue and the bottom half green!LOL. There used to be, also, a stand to put in front of the tv that magnafied the tv to make the image bigger….

          • jojobo1 says:

            Yes I do a neighbor gave us one for our black and white TV Can ya immagine that now days.My brothers and sisters that are left(younger than me) don’t recall but I do.

    • psminidivapa says:

      I teach a unit on Poetry/Figurative Language to my eighth grade students right before the holidays.To help them identify poetic language, I play music with examples. I use Nat King Cole’s “Christmas Song” (Chestnuts roasting on an open fire…) as an example of IMAGERY = language that appeals to your senses. Every year, at the end of that class, the eighth grade girls ask me, “Who was the guy with the sexy voice that sang the Christmas Song? It was yummy!” There’s hope for young people and music. They just need to hear it.

  16. slipstream says:

    It’s a Valentine’s Day miracle! At slipstream’s house — in the mountains on the north side of Anchorage — on Valentine’s Day the sun flirts with the jagged ridgeline to create four sunrises and four sunsets. I have seen two sunrises and one sunset already today. On a clear and cold (3 below) day like today it’s beautiful to watch — from inside the house.

    • benlomond2 says:

      you Slip – played golf yesterday in shorts… plum tree in full bloom ,just in time cuz it’s raining here for the next4-5 days… just thought I’d share… 🙂

      • slipstream says:

        yo Ben — Saturday I was in the Chugach mountains, about 5 below and before sunrise, snowshoed across an avalanche slope which killed somebody about five winters back, went out to a viewpoint to see the entire sweep of mountains from Redoubt to Denali pink in the sunrise. Sat up there with Quackers and had a cup of hot chocolate. Just thought I’d share.

        • benlomond2 says:

          now THAT is totally awesome ! (except for the 5 below part ! 🙂 ) I’ve heard that Denali is shrouded in clouds a good portion of the time,so it sounds like a spectacular and rare view ..

        • boodog says:

          Quakers hasn’t flown South yet?

        • slipstream says:

          Yeah, in summertime Denali is in the clouds about 2 days out of 3. Most sumer visitors (even those entering the park) never see it.

          The best viewing is in winter during an extended high-pressure cold and clear period. It’s about 135 miles north of Anchorage, so you need it to be really clear. Redoubt is about 105 miles SE. So no clouds in over 200 miles.

          boodog — Quackers is still saving up for a airline ticket to Jamaica. Wanna pitch in?

          • boodog says:

            Of course- it’s the least I can do for misspelling Quackers. But I might need to chaperone .. 🙂

          • slipstream says:

            Oops. “summer visitors.” And Redoubt is SW.

            Must be getting old.

      • Baker's Dozen says:

        I kayaked outside the harbor with some dolphins, ate lunch, including freshly picked oranges and some great avocados, walked to work and back without a sweater and never turned on the heat.

        I miss the snow.

        Just thought I’d share.

  17. Irishgirl says:

    Love…love…love to all you mudpups. I can’t bring myself to say Happy VD. I don’t think any VD could be happy. 🙂

  18. Wayfarer Scientista says:

    De-lurking here because I want to bring the expansion of the Joint Pacific Alaska Range Complex (JPARC) to the attention of Mudpups. Please, please, go check out the EIS for this and the proposed actions at their website ( and comment! The commenting period has just been extended until FEB 18, 2011. Some of the proposed actions include extending the area for low altitude flights (500m – lower than they are allowed to fly in combat). The area is huge and covers much of Alaska pretty much all of the Tangle Lakes area and much of the area between Denali National Park and the Richardson Hwy (please look at their website for exact locations).

    I am particularly concerned about the lack of timing given for public comment. I went to the public scoping meeting and found it discouraging for several reasons: 1) they gave very little advanced notice, 2) they kept telling us that they were expanding it in this region because “no one lived here” (to a room full of people who live here), 3) they commented that in N. Korea and other places where we fight the military doesn’t have to ask public opinion to practice. From what I understand the low level of flights they want to practice are lower then what they are allowed to fly in the theatre (the reason given at the meeting was that “you have to be prepared for new things”. This area is a significant subsistence area – it is home to caribou, moose, and many other animals, it has a great trail system. The BLM just finalized the scoping for new management goals for the area with a lot of public comment – why did the JPARC not comment then? – and this would totally undo most of it.

    (PS- I’ve been reading here for several years and really appreciate the coverage of important Alaskan issues! Thanks!)

  19. Enjay in E MT says:

    It is terrible when I start “pondering” about things – could be it’s just been too long of winter.

    Why is HIPAA (Privacy & Security portion) so sacrosanct except when it comes to abortion? Is it only because its Health Insurance vs – Doctor / Patient?

    • scout says:

      Thank you, South Paw, that was wonderful!

      Happy Day, mudpups.

      • jojobo1 says:

        Yes it was we saved one that got caught in our garage,wrapped it in a cool wet cloth and gave it a few drops of sugar water left it alone and if finially flew away.

    • Wow – that was awesome. I have actually held an Anna’s hummingbird. We have a lot in our neighborhood and my neighbor has contacted a man and his wife who make official counts. Once the hummingbird has been weighed and measured, someone gets to hold it so it can be released, and I was the lucky one that day. And I have a couple of great photos that someone took for me. Ours don’t migrate – they stay in the Puget Sound region year round. Our challenge in the winter is to remember to bring in the feeders at night so they don’t freeze. I love watching them at my kitchen window. We’ve never tried hand-feeding them, but they will come to the feeders even when we are out on the deck.

      • Baker's Dozen says:

        We raised a couple of hummingbirds when I was in middle school and later, in high school. We hand fed them and let them fly around the house. They made our pet parakeet look like a big, clumsy oaf. The one when I was in high school, named Anna, would sit on our fingers, loved lamp shades, and was a real treat to have around. Prior to releasing her, we had her outside in her cage near the feeders so she could watch the other humming birds and get a clue as to what was going on. When we let her go, she came back every day for about a week and buzzed us. She left with the others when they migrated. The next spring, Mom had the sliding door open to the family room, and when she went to close the door, there was Anna, perched on her favorite lamp shade! They had a nice chat, Anna took a tour of the house with Mom, and when they went back to the family room, she went back out the door. It was gratifying to know she’d survived for a year and hadn’t been handicapped by having foster parents who didn’t speak her language. Raising her was a special experience.

  20. Enjay in E MT says:

    Awesome voice ~~

    Have a special day everyone – with your special someones!

  21. Diane says:

    Happy Valentines Day to all!
    My Dad loved Nat King Cole. When I hear him sing, it reminds me of my mom and dad dancing in the living room, while my sister and I watched. Even though I was young I knew they were very much in love.
    My dad died at 39 when I was 9 and my mom a few years ago.
    Thanks for the memories!

  22. omg says:

    Here’s another thought provoking piece (from the WSJ no less) about how the President is NOT trying to weaken or destroy the US as Palin and Limbaugh have suggested:

    • Carol says:

      Suggested?!!!, Not even close, they have hammered that point time and time again, suggested, my fat foot! And they’re wrong, as usual.

    • A fan from CA says:

      By trying to make Obama a villain they are alienating everyone except their base which really isn’t that big.

      The Con world is know for opposite think, black is white, up is down, etc. Most people like and respect the man, even those who disagree with him on some policy issues. When are we going to leave the Cons behind and bring back real debate?

      • Carol says:

        Read a spot today on why the Repub “?leaders” won’t stand up to birthers, name callers, etc, and there was a link to a McCain campaign town meeting where John McCain DID tell the people in the audience that Obama was a good man, an loving family man, just McCain had differences of opinion on how to get the country into the future and McCain thought he would be a better president than Obama. He shut down the people who said they were afraid of him, that he was not a Christian, Was an honorable thing for McCain to do and while I know we elected the better of the candidates, it was an honest thing for John McCain. Now why can’t the other “?leaders” of the Republican party stand up for the truth like McCain did?
        Rhetorical question, I know.

        • I don’t understand their reluctance to just come out and say what McCain did. That, honestly, was the only thing McCain did during the campaign that I admired.

          Boehner saying that he can’t tell people what to think is just silly. As Speaker of the House, it seems to me that is part of his job. That doesn’t mean they have to agree, but he is supposed to be their leader. And he’s not leading when he says it’s all up to them to think whatever they like. In the meantime, valuable time is being wasted on legislation that is aimed at discrediting Obama in 10 states.

          Actually, when it comes to it, I don’t have my original birth certificate, nor could I get it. I was adopted in Kansas in 1949. Those record are sealed. The birth certificate I have is the one issued to my adoptive parents – it is not the original the “birthers” are requiring. But it was certainly good enough for any driver’s license, a marriage license, and a passport.

          The birth certificate that was sent to us by the state of Washington for our youngest looks like the one that Obama has shown. And as far as everyone is concerned, that’s official.

          I wonder how many of them actually have their original birth certificate? Having an original means that no one lost it due to fire or just because it was misplaced. And if that’s the case, then whatever they would have is a replacement. I doubt they’ve really thought about what they are asking people to produce.

          Pure silliness. In some ways, I hope they keep it up and more people start to see them for what they are – a party of hipocracy and not one with any solutions. But my fear is that when something is repeated often enough, more people start to believe it.

          • Baker's Dozen says:

            I have my original birth certificate. My mom was obsessive about keeping her files neat. It’s hand typed by someone at the hospital, signed in real ink, and one was sent to the county, I guess. My husband’s isn’t original; it’s a photo copy with raised seal. My kids have their originals, but they’re just photocopies, too, with a raised seal. None of them today look like anything special. That’s why the hospital gives you the fancy one for the baby book.

  23. omg says:

    On another note: take a look at Greg Sargent’s post today:
    (posted: Obama invokes specter of Eisenhower)

  24. OtterQueen says:

    Happy Valentine’s Day, everyone! My honey’s asleep right now because he’s working 12-hour night shifts for the next few days. But we’ve decided to celebrate by going hiking and packing a picnic lunch. Here’s one of my favorite songs for the day…. gotta love Ella!

  25. omg says:

    Happy Valentine’s Day everyone! I’ve always celebrated with friends out to lunch, my kids with special treats and a nice dinner (usually cooked by me) with spouse. To me, the day is simple and special. Today, I’m taking my (soon to be 90) mother out to lunch at a fav. spot.

  26. CO almost native says:

    Love Nat, love Johnny– and Tony Bennett, and all the crooners 🙂

    Happy Valentines Day to all the Mudpups!

  27. Hope says:

    Happy day of Love!!!

  28. Nan (aka roswellborn) says:

    I once heard Nat ?King Cole sing… I was 3 yrs old at the time and really didn’t last the whole concert. Woke up to find my cotton candy had evaporated, and wasn’t happy about that.

    I just had no couth whatsoever I guess.

    And on a very happy note – Gabby Giffords is walking talking – and working on singing “happy b-day” for her hubs on his birthday.

    Amazing and wonderful

  29. Lacy Lady says:

    Nat King Cole—-loved his music. Those were the days when Music was Music!!!!! Our hearts were touched!!

  30. Baker's Dozen says:

    Love on a different note:

    Obama’s remarks on Mubarak’s stepping down.

  31. PollyinAK says:

    wow! thanks for the trip down Memory Lane. delightful.

  32. bubbles says:

    Somewhere over the rainbow blue birds fly….

    sending love and rainbows to you and yours. love bubbles

  33. kathy67 says:

    Johnny Mathis is STILL singing, here is his website:

    and is voice is as good if not better than when he first started more than 50 years ago. I also remember watching the Nat King Cole show every week, back in the Black and White days of TV.

  34. Iamamoonbat says:

    The only thing better than the love songs were the Christmas songs. Even the guinea pig would roll over on her side and look up wistfully when the “Oh Holy Night” cut was playing, and I thing she was Rastafarian.

  35. thatcrowwoman says:

    and one more before I go to work
    to my DH Happy…still holding hands after 34 years…”…my love I can’t hide…”

    Love makes the world go ’round, eh?


  36. thatcrowwoman says:

    But for dancin’ in the dark…

    • Brilliant. Love Van Morrison even though my hearing is almost gone. Fred Grandy(Purser “Gopher” Smith on the love boat”) was my Congressman for a few years. Happy Valentines Day to you and all the ‘Pups.

    • slipstream says:

      You Van Morrison fans may recognize the reference to “slipstream.”

      • Some of us(me for instance) are pretty thick and need clear directions to see the obvious. So what is it I am missing? Did I mention I might be thick?

        • TX SMR says:

          Queen of the Slipstream — from Poetic Champions Compose, one of my favorite VM albums.

          As for talk of oldies, not so very old, but yesterday someone was talking about the David Cassidy “I Think I Love You” song and said to me “you’re not old enough to remember that…” And I said “thanks, but I am old enough! Had the David and Shawn Cassidy records and posters & Partridge Family lunchbox!” then I went on to sing the rest of the words to the song.

          Happy Any Day everyone! I hate to put in a plug for Valentine’s Day. It seems like a sad sort of holiday, doesn’t even deserve the name. Happy Commercialized-Undermining-of-the-true-value-of-a-relationship-day! I like to think that every day is love love love around here!

          • slipstream says:

            Dig deeper, TX. “Poetic Champions Compose” was 1987.

            “Astral Weeks” was 1968. Opening lines:

            If I ventured in the slipstream
            Between the viaducts of your dream
            Where immobile steel rims crack
            And the ditch in the back roads stop
            Could you find me?

  37. thatcrowwoman says:

    Here’s another little blast from the past, with a wink to someone special from
    The Love Boat

  38. dee says:

    When I was an eighth grader, my friend Carol and I skipped school and sat for an entire afternoon listening to Johnny Mathis and mooning over our latest heart throbs. So many, many years ago.

  39. LaniN says:

    Oh, my, yes! Johnny Mathis! Guess that dates us…..

    • Pat in MA says:

      Actually saw Johnny Mathis in concert several years ago, it was wonderful, wonderful… 🙂

      • Susabelle says:

        Oh, guys…Nate and Johnny. The memories they bring are sooo good!
        Thanks you for bring those thoughts again.
        Makes me feel so good!

      • Millie says:

        He was here in Anchorage years ago – his show was done at West High School in those days. Wow!!! He brought his orchestra with him – the show was outstanding! Great memories!

    • MonaLisa (inCT) says:

      Johnny Mathis was the only man that made my dad jealous…. 😉

  40. Millie says:

    I have so many of his old records – then bought tapes and finally CD’s. We danced to much of his music in high school. Play his music often – as well as Johnny Mathis. Brings back wonderful memories. Happy Valentine’s Day everyone!

  41. jimzmum says:

    Ooh, that voice. Thank you for the good wishes, and I return them to you and all the pups with interest.

  42. LaniN says:

    Ah, Nat King Cole – What a wonderful singer! What a joy to hear him sing!

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  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Chris Lynch, NECC. NECC said: MudFlats Blog: Happy Valentine’s Day, Mudflatters! May your day be full of love in many ways. Here’s one of my f… […]