Open Thread – Moment of Zen (Video)
I made a call. The open thread tonight is early by several hours. This is for two reasons. First, I forgot to post one last night. Let’s just say the past 36 hours have been a little bit hectic. And second, we all need a little moment of Zen.
Breathe deep, Mudflatters… And enjoy Sleeping Lady (also known as Mt. Susitna) who, this time of year is draped in a lovely white blanket. This picture was taken from an airplane flying to Tyonek across Cook Inlet. I’m still working on a post about my day there and the hearing I went to. I think you’ll all enjoy it when I manage to get it up on the blog!
Here’s a video I shot of the moments before I snapped the picture. Mt. Susitna is in the first part, and Cook Inlet is on the left side of the plane.
Whoops, I should have said politicalgates
As some of you might know, I’m on the emailing list of an über, Über, “Patriotic” group: Constitutional Emergency – Patriots for America.
99% of their emails leave me shaking my head over the ‘information’ they share with each other, and quietly chuckling over the inevitable panty-wadding of those who read the ‘information’ and share in the blog their indignation over the ___[insert whatever –along with “Obummer”, “usurper”, “moslim”, and “socialist”– here]___ that’s been offered for their ‘edification.’ It’s both disturbing and amusing.
Approx 1% of their email “Alerts” (along with shaking my head over the [overt but, surely, unintentional] whackadoodle-ness of the emailed “subject”/’tease’) make me laugh out loud. Heartily! One of the 7 I’ve gotten from them (so far) today, falls into the 1% category. Below, copied and pasted, is verbatim what that email’s ‘tease’ said. beth.
(I know these folks Vote — I fear for our nation that they do. In their ‘patriotism’, they are, I do believe, downright spooky! b.)
Check out the discussion ‘Montana, Arizona and Tennessee take the lead on broad-based Nullification’
Here is legislation to get it going in your states. The difference with this one, it has no lupe-holls. ACTION ITEM……This will work………already is in some states.Contact the Reps you voted for
Discussion posted by [name removed to prevent the person from being further embarrassed. b.]:
The Patriots News As the battle for states’ rights heat up across the country, Montana and Arizona have leaped out into the lead by intro…
Discussion link: Montana, Arizona and Tennessee take the lead on broad-based Nullification
[link removed to spare you the embarrassment of their whackadoodleness. b.]
I’m very concerned about those ‘lupe-holls”. As anyone should be!
“Ex-officer Rollins found guilty of sexual assault”
Good on the jury! Can’t wait for the sentencing for the essohbee. beth.
AKM, get that book out as soon as you can. If I could buy it on the internet from you tomorrow, I would. I’d willingly pay $50 for a copy. I
“Sarah Palin’s email address was recently revealed and that email address led the Wonksters at Wonkette to do liberal things like investigate if there was a Facebook account associated with it. Sure enough, the Grifting Queen of Mean and Democratic Slayer Sinner does have a Facebook account under that email address….and its purpose is to “like” Sarah Palin stuff.”
“This is so sad it’s almost time to put away the Palin bashing, even though she’s a vicious, cruel person who’s so incompetent and obsessed with her own myth that she’s ruined just about everything she’s touched. Still, this is sad.”
I love Sarah Jones!
me 2: & comments like: “This sounds like it might be her water Lou”
Well, she is a lou natic.
loon as in whackadoodle.
tick as in blood sucking parasite.
oops, lost a lou there, return to buffgal, need refill
She is just lou dicrust. 🙂
Dylan Ratigan had a great panel discussion about WI and the underlying causes of the problem there and in so many other states.
It’s 10 minutes but worth the time IMHO.
Meet you there, let me feed the cat and grab a beer.
6:30 EST and heading to chat for the first time in …..forever ?
Care to ?
Buffalogal- I have a nephew by marriage that spent several years playing linebacker and special teams for the Bills. You probably knew him well. I think his career is probably over in football and he is a CPA,something to fall back on. Good luck chatting. I can’t seem to get the hang of it and stopped trying for the time being.
I never get bored viewing pictures of our great State.
We’re looking forward to your article on the meeting you went to in Tyonek. We were upset with the reply of our letter from Dept. of Nat. Resource that they were allowing further permits because it was just for exploration…how much damage do they do in just exploring, etc.?
I had a “funny” day today. After all the trauma at the ‘flats over the weekend, I was glad to leave the computer and American politics behind and take my daughter to the orthodontist.
Imagine my amusement as I sat in the waiting room opposite a young priest, whilst someone on the radio interviewed an American about abortion and how they are trying to change the law in the red states.
Did you make him squirm just a little? Some day soon,I’ma gonna screw up my pluck and hit the nearest bar for a shot of something that looks and sounds Irish. I am gonna propose a toast to all the “Pups and especially the ones with the hilarious “Irish brogues”. And then I will hate myself for the next 10 years and take it out on wimps from the wrong side of the political tracks. Hair of the dog in your vacuum cleaner?
I kept my mouth firmly closed.
Not sure if this has been posted here, but it’s delicious:
“That’s Political Entertainment!”
……“A new political-entertainment class has moved into the noisy void once occupied by the sage pontiffs of yore, a class just as polarized as our partisan divide: one side holding up a fun-house mirror to folly, the other side reveling in its own warped reflection.”……
Great article, I especially like the paragraph that begins:
“Like soul brother Beck, Sarah Palin has moonshot herself into a zero-gravity zone that is beyond parody, where brazen self-caricature takes on the bold outlines of cartoon stardom and nothing she does perturbs her fan base. They have adopted her as their mommy savior and the ridicule and criticism she receives only endear her more to the faithful, proof of how much she gets under liberals’ prickly skin. With each new iteration of herself (tweeter, best-selling author, Fox News political analyst, Facebook avenger), Palin becomes more of an infotainment fembot, an irresistible force impervious to the political rules that hamstring lesser phonies. Had Al Gore or John Kerry made the gaffe Palin made over the Korean conflict (“Obviously, we have got to stand with our North Korean allies”), it would have been pin-the-tail-on-their-donkey-butts for weeks, whereas for Palin it’s just another dot in the pointillism of her ongoing cavalcade. “
A message to Mrs. Todd Palin. You will enjoy this!
wow! just wow. sending this out. thanks.
I’m glad I waited till the end. Great video!
Loved it!
That’s kinda the way Rethuglicans pick political candidates-measuring their perceived brightness.Rust Limpaw really let Michelle Obama have it and all the little god-almighties chimed in with their chorus of nasty remarks. Rust is probably not the spokesperson of choice to be making fun of Michelle Obama’s physique.
Loved it and already sent it to several people I know who are into space and science-y things!
Some good news about Gabby Giffords.
she is really coming along isn’t she?
It seems to me that the attack on Collective Bargaining is being well coordinated by the Kochotpus.
Here in CA they don’t stand a chance with the legislature or Gov Brown so they are trying to get a measure on the ballot.
Watch this from the local Santa Barbara station.
He got the same talking points. Public Employees make more than private employees, retirees make huge pensions. Lie, Lies and more lies. Unfortunately many believe this nonsense because it is just not disputed very often.
Let’s not scapegoat hard working public employees when we have real targets to blame for what’s happening in WI and so many other states.
Today is spay day, mudpuppies and hushpuppies. Here’s the email I got today:
“Today is Spay Day!
Dear Zyxomma,
Today is the 17th annual Spay Day — with critical spay/neuter events taking place across the nation and abroad. More than 50,000 animals were reported spayed or neutered in 2010, including Jack Jack, shown at left with members of his loving family.
Help support the hundreds of organizations helping to fight pet overpopulation this year as part of Spay Day 2011.
Learn more about Spay Day here. Then, enter the Spay Day Pet Photo Contest to show your support.
I don’t have pets; I feed wild birds. However, I know this issue is near and dear to many of my friends here at the ‘flats, so I thought I’d post it. (I know, right now there’s a certain famous author some would like to see neutered … )
The Iowa Gov. is a “double dipper”! He has a $50,000.00 pension. Plus his Gov. salary.
These Republican Governors are on a roll!!!!!!!
So, how is that legal? I’m so sick of hearing the republicans trying to sell us all their bill of goods. I’m not buying. Unfortunately, many did and now these nitwits are in office where they can do real damage.
It’s usually legal. Folks assume that they earned their pension since they took less in wages during their working years to have some compensation put into a professionally managed trust.
Cons typically want everyone in 401K’s so it’s self directed eventually and then you can take payments even if you are still working some job. Hypocrisy.
Of course, the real problem is that every decade or so the unregulated Fraudsters on Wall Street can steal a chuck of workers retirement savings. And they do as long as we have a financial system that is based on the creation of bubbles not real investment activity that of course would create jobs and a more stable economy.
I think that’s legal. My pension will be based on the number of years I worked and my rate of pay; I will probably have to work at something (probably not governor) after I retire from this job. Social Security, however, does have a cap on the number of hours you can work in a year and still draw. A “governor” looks dramatic; the real issue here is that people of retirement age can’t live on what they are getting and have to find another job. You call it double-dipping, I call it poverty; you say tomato, etc.
According to the ADN, in addition to the effort of Wisconsin’s Republican Governor Scott Walker to make it illegal for public employees to collectively bargain for any work conditions other than wages, the Republican Governor in Iowa has proposed to bar public employees from bargaining over health insurance and Indiana’s Republican legislature has joined the states debating laws to prohibit union membership from being a condition of employment. You see, there is a terrible problem with federal and state deficits. These governments claim they are going broke. So, the Republican response is to pass a tax break for millionaires and bust the unions.
Just read that the Democratic legislators in Indiana are also heading to Illinois to escape the vote on collective bargaining. We’re turning into Noah’s Ark!
I am really “lost” as far as all this book stuff is concerned. I know that SP put out two books. Then there was a man living next door to the Palins that was writing a book. As for all the others—–I don’t know where they all fit in. Guess I will just keep reading and hope that all this mess is made more clear. I will keep reading what you all have to say, and maybe something will “click”!!!!!! DUH!!!!!!!
I have had a medical problem the past few weeks—-so maybe I can blame it all on the stuff I am taking.
Yesterday, I took my “night” pill in the morning by mistake. This thing puts me to sleep. I had no choice but to go back to bed and didn’t wake-up until 4:00 o’clock in the afternoon. EEEEEEEE!
Then I couldn’t go to sleep last night.
Think I will start color codeing them with food coloring——as I don’t wish to make this mistake again.
You all can now call me—-“sleepy”
Lacy Lady, hope this clears up the confusion for you.
I’ve taken the dog “hares” off you too. 🙂
be careful there with the food coloring, lacy lady. the colors could react with the chemicals of the pills.
i mark my supplement bottles with an big black marker both on the cap and on the label.
you might try that.
The GOP narrows as Thune says he will not run in 2012:
Thank goodness! Thanks, OMG, for the link.
Not overly surprising though considering how anti-women’s issues South Dakota has become. If he ran, he’d have to drag the state’s position on abortion around like an albatross hanging around his neck.
I wonder how many others are going to rethink their run. Even with all this evidence coming out on Sarah, I doubt her ego will allow her to back down. However, there are just one or two GOP men who I still worry about so I am hoping the feasible ones back off/ because people are beginning to wake up to their lies and tactics.
Thune from Sodakota had Laura Ingrateham from Fake News actively campaign for him in Sodakota against Tom Daschle for Dascle’s senate seat. She even bragged about it on Fake News. And she has the unmitigated gall to complain about liberal journalists having no integrity.
Yours is such a Great Land, I thank you for always sharing.
nice, but I would go ‘mad’ without some color…I need to see shades of green, sky blues, & yellow warmth from the sun! I guess it takes a certain type that can endure that most of the year. come to think of it…maybe that is why palin turned ‘mad’. grasping for explanations. ;D
Please explain what is this “green” of which you write. And what is “warmth from the sun” ??
What’s a ‘sun’?
A male hare!
Phonetics is the key here. I feel as if that is my most brilliant contribution to Mudflats.
slipstream & boodog…LOL hang in there
Would you please take me off your list? Moving and about to get super busy. Thanks!
Not sure what you mean, Hope… If you’ve subscribed to the RSS feed or comments, then you’ll need to unsubscribe on your end. Thanks! Good luck with the move. AKM
But if we do that . . . then there is no hope.
what list????
We’re on a list?
who knew?
Yup, we are targetted with dog hairs!
Thanks for the photo and video (which I recommend watching without sound), AKM. Blessings to New Zealand; you need them.
I think we’ve caught Sarah in something we knew to be true anyway – thanks to AKM’s sifting through 60,000 emails Frank Bailey gave her access to:
On the car seat, Monegan sent an e-mail to the governor on June 30, 12 days before he lost his job, that said: “Via a soon-to-be-retiring legislator, we received a complaint that had you driving with Trig not in an approved car seat; if this is so that would be awkward in many ways.”
The governor fired back from her private e-mail account: “I’ve never driven Trig anywhere without a new, approved car seat. I want to know who said otherwise — pls provide me that info now.”
Read more:
“Sarah spoke of an aversion to our no-smoking in restaurant and motorcycle helmet laws. As governor in September 2007, she wrote specifically, ‘I want to make sure DOT knows my position on helmet laws – I don’t support them.’ After alerting us to her aversion to these laws, Sarah then added, ‘Heck, I don‘t even believe in Click-it or Ticket seat belt laws, and I filmed the damn commercial for ‘em.’”
Read more:
Sorry AKM and fellow writers, but the politico was a “just have to read.” I can say, it does make one want to read more, more, more.
So TP basically admitted his lying wife lied to Monegan when she said she never drives anywhere without the child restrained and he said she did,but,she gets a mulligan because it was private proprty at low speed and no traffic?
Absolutely breathtaking.
On another subject–I want to send good thoughts out to any Kiwis who read this site and those who do not. What I was hearing on the news this morning is tragic.
We will all buy the book.
I can’t help but think that palin or her buddies are somehow involved in all of this.
A couple of nights ago our littlest one asked if I’d take her to AK, to Juneau specifically. I said someday I would.
We then had a good discussion about my favorite places in AK, none of them the places where I was born/raised (Anchorage, Wasilla & Kenai – blessedly short periods of time for those two, but any time was too long). On my list: Halibut Cove, Juneau, Palmer Creek (not in Mat-Su Valley), and Beluga, seen in AKM’s photo/video above. My fab husband and I worked there together for a short time (his project was short-term), and there were a few weekends when we’d slip away to a friend’s cabin, having flown our mountain bikes over, and bike along the beach (nice where the sand was packed as hard as a bike trail, other times quite difficult!). Many moons ago our daughter, now in college, flew over to meet me for “daughter’s day at work” before it wasn’t PC to give daughters those special sorts of privileges… I have so many wonderful fabulous memories of Beluga, and so many terrifying flight stories. I was lucky to have worked there for so many years and to have had those experiences.
Our little one will hardly know AK, but she knows the rest of the world, and parts of the US.
Thanks, AKM, for that little bit of Beluga to go with my recent discussions with little-one — now I can show her a video. And it has led me to take my own little stroll down memory lane, revisit many pleasant memories, and reinforce my determination to focus on how many blessings I have and have had in my life. Now I will phone my husband to tell him how wonderful he is & how lucky we are & TG for Beluga and so many other things.
Have a great day everyone! And stop obsessing about the book — sit back, take a deep breath, and let those things unfold as they will, something that we have no control over, can only support our favorite blogger!
I lived near Flat Top mountain overlooking Anchorage in the late seventies, overlooking the city of Anchorage and Sleeping Lady. Sleeping Lady is where I told my kids to spread my ashes-although I raised my family in Homer for twenty years, and most of my childhood was spent in Monterey Bay area (two astonishingly beautiful places)- Sleeping Lady is where I’ve chosen to be the place for my “dust to return.” Next to Mt. McKinley (Denali), I think Mt. Susitna is the most photographed mountain in Alaska. “She” has many many moods.
(I found the photo via google, so the person isn’t me.)
Zenning the leak.
We need to wait patiently to see how the current broo ha ha washes out.
Yes it is hugely important that the mss. was leaked and who and why it was leaked. And the harm that has done the authors and the complexity of getting it published.
In the end though the point is Sarah. To show Sarah for who she has been and is.
Supposing, just supposing the worst, that Bailey and his emails are a plant and the mss., and the leak were manipulated, all from Sarah’s side.
The intention being to embarrass and discredit certain bloggers and authors we know and respect.
When that is discovered, and it will be, who will look the worse, the authors and bloggers or Sarah and her gang of thugs.
Let’s be patient and alert and mature about this.
If this is a huge punk Sarah looks bad, if it is not Sarah looks bad.
(If it is a huge punk then that’s the next book for someone to research and sell.)
This has Breitbart written all over it in letters 9feet-11inches high. Divide and conquer and ethics? be damned.
Something about her was familiar,I could swear I’d seen her face before. But she said I’m sure you’re mistaken and she didn’t say anything more. I need some new superlatives for your talent as a photographer and writer. Maybe I’ll just stare in awe and say nothing. I have made a personal vow to return my Royal Wedding Invitation when it arrives, to show my solidarity with teachers and other union employees. Besides I haven’t a thing to wear.
Oh Mike, please reconsider. Think of the publicity you’d give the Wisconsin strikers if you made a passionate speech from the steps of Westminter Cathedral. All the world’s press will be there to hear it. I have a lovely morning suit that’s just your size hanging in my closet. (It used to belong to me husband the Duke, before the unfortunate incident with the South Sea cannibals.) I’m sure Willie and Kitty will allow you to bring a date – I’m dusting off me old tiara as we speak.
and i can see you at the champagne and caviar reception after sweeping England’s queen off her feet to do the Mudpup Boogie Woogie. she will be so thrilled with your dance moves that she will tap you on the head with her sword of state and declare you “Lord Iowa”. you will then receive a castle with a moat and serfs. Mag will of course dazzle the great noblemen of Great Britain with her wiles and smiles not to mention that tiara. she will be named Dame Maggie Mudpup and get to go live in Buckingham Palace and live happily ever after…..ahh dreams and wimsy. i am in a happy zen like state of mind. thanks AKM.
I love that name – Dame Maggy Mudpup. It just seems so right.
We are amused.
(((((((((((Dame Maggie Mudpup))))))))))))
it IS a great name for a great lady.
Was you feeling sorry for the cannibals or your late husband Duke? Inquiring minds want to know. I was told in no uncertain terms by a nutter to keep my nose out of Wisconsin’s official business. Of course I can’t,won’t and didn’t. I asked someone to start a recall petition for the guv and I would gladly sign it. Haven’t heard yet if it will happen. I can’t make it to the big wedding because I’m ascared of flying and I can’t rightly swim. If my invite actually gets here,you can take my place. You are much prettier than me and won’t frighten the horses as I would. I would normally let sleeping dogs lie,but, Quitty lies too much and needs a size 14 EEEE up her backside. I feel better already.
Sleeping Lady is such a peaceful contrast to the rugged Alaska Range. Whenever I’d see it, I’d know I was home. Thanks for the memory.
Sad news from New Zealand.
“New Zealand’s prime minister says at least 65 people have died after a 6.3-magnitude earthquake hit Christchurch.
John Key said the toll was expected to rise further, adding: “We may be witnessing New Zealand’s darkest day.”
The tremor caused widespread damage as it occurred at a shallow depth of 5km (3.1 miles) during lunchtime when Christchurch was at its busiest.”
Irishgirl. i just woke up and didn’t know about the Quake. i am so sorry the people there are going through this. troubles everywhere.
i found these pics of some of the damage in New Zealand. oh my goodness!
Thanks, bubbles, for the link. That was the most extensive collection of photos on this tragedy that I’ve seen yet. I am holding the people of Christchurch in my thoughts. I hope the worst is over for them.
This is terrible news- sending hope and good wishes, NZ
Oh , a BIG thank you for letting me see Sleeping Lady and the inlet again. It made me want to come back to AK. I love Alaska in the winter.
Right now we are colder in upstate NY -5 than you guys in Anchorage. Sometimes it happens!
No moose in my yard………
Another favorite thing I like..Is to be in AK on my birthday. The first day of summer. That night on Flat Top is so special.
-1 here.
But sunny and no wind. -7 last night and below zero again tonight!
I was really “zenning” out until the camera panned over to the left. I know it’s the effect of the camera speed and the sped of propeller, but YIKES that looked way too slow!
…Never a dull moment at the Flats..
Koch Brothers dirt for what it may be worth.
Thanks for the link. My goodness, that is amazing information.
I recommend that all mudpups read the article London Bridges suggests.
I found the bit about William (Bill) Kristol just as interesting as all the information on the Koch family and its notorious past. Bill Kristol was instrumental in getting Sarah Palin on the 2008 ticket,wasn’t he? It sure seems to fit that he would pick pious Palin to work the religion angle in the campaign. My goodness, those folks have no shame or morals whatsoever..
I think this is really scary, but believeable for sure. And I don’t mean in a ‘Faux News’ way. The reflection of amalgam of ideologies of each side of our current political landscape makes it difficult to know who to trust. But the old ‘trust but verify’ is more important now than ever before.
Just added a video. Try to ignore the engine noise… ;0)
That is so pretty, and it looks really, really cold!
Ooo, video! And I like the engine noise – reminds me of the times I’ve flown in a small plane. As long as I’m with a pilot I trust, I like it.
Beautiful! Thx.
Thanks, AKM for this lovely and peaceful photo. Wonderful. 🙂
I feel better now.
AKM, no matter what, I have your back!
What a beautiful picture, AKM. So peaceful. Wish I were sleeping! Some four-footed something or other was yowling a love song a bit ago and woke me up.
I am now taking up a collection to pay for voice lessons for this Lothario, who is sadly in need of pitch training.
This is like whacking a hornet’s nest with a stick. Calm down, get the whole story. figure out what really happend. Get the facts. All of them. Take a deep breath. Calm down.
Or…..go off half cocked like a bunch of teabaggers.
Investigate. Do what we have been asking the right wingnuts to do.
It won’t cost too much to make sure you are right. Your credibility will be gone if you are wrong.
My feeling is that something is amiss here, and I would like to know what it is, before I name a suspect.
Good advice for any of the ‘big news’ shockers we get on a nearly daily basis. Things are seldom what they seem at first scream.
Thank you for the picture of Sleeping Lady, AKM. It is both awesome and relaxing. And now, if you don’t mind the suggestion for your self-care, you should be sleeping, lady. 🙂
gorgeous…and I head off to sleep now…
ahhhh… beautiful.
I will always support you AKM and of course i would buy any book you are involved with.
click on this and close your eyes. Total relaxation will ensue.
I wanted to post some Marina Raye, but she doesn’t have anything on Utube. I love her music. This is just fine.
I doubt seriously that Devon is “trying to make money off a book”… Her character is irreproachable… However, I believe McLeod’s point is relevant in the aspect that Bailey would unfairly be making money because he has access to emails that should have been available to the public…
Anchorage activist Andree McLeod, meanwhile, is charging that Bailey, Morris and Devon are acting unethically by trying to make money off a book based on emails Bailey collected as a state employee. McLeod first filed an ethics complaint against Bailey last year when she found out he was working on the book.
The executive ethics act bars current or former public officials from using information gained during the course of their work for personal gain if the information hasn’t been publicly disseminated. Most recently, McLeod wrote Alaska Attorney General John Burns on Friday asking what he was going to do about it.
McLeod emphasized to the attorney general that Bailey’s agent wrote the emails are ” not subject to FOIA requests and therefore will not be included in the email correspondence scheduled to be released by Alaskan officials this May.”
Morris last week said that Bailey had thousands of e-mails from the Palins. The state is currently reviewing Palin’s e-mails for an expected spring release in response to public records requests, including from news organizations and McLeod.
First, what a beautiful mountain. 🙂
Now, with respect to bob’s post, I read something similar on another blog and have a funny feeling that we’ll never know the truth behind the leak. And, having said that, I’ll be anxiously awaiting the releae of all 3 books…………….sometime in the future.
Ah-ha! This answers my question from yesterday about Frank’s emails availability for the authors to see and use when I thought all emails involving anything to do with Palin’s administration was under some jurisdiction gobbley gook until May.
Beautiful photos AKM –
What a quandry!
I would think if Bailey was cc’d or included in those e-mails – technically they are his to do whatever he wants. He obviously saved the documents.
Yes on the Zen,ohmmm-ohmmm, dang so much happenin’-ohmmm,ohmmm…..
Perfect timing for a Zen moment AKM!