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APOC Taking Public Testimony on Proposed Regulations Today! *UPDATE*

You may remember that earlier in the month, Alaska Public Offices Commission (APOC) held several days of workshops so that people could better understand the proposed changes being made to their regulations. The workshops went quite well (I attended them all by teleconference) and I was very pleased not only that APOC had them but that there also seemed to be so many participants.

You now have the opportunity, Alaska, to weigh in on those changes.

APOC is holding their regular meeting this week and tomorrow will be dedicated to these sections of regulations: 1) Lobbying and lobbyist, 2) Legislative and Public Official Financial Disclosure (POFD) 3) APOC procedures and 4) general provisions. Campaign disclosure will be covered in their March meeting.

Here is the agenda:

Wednesday February 23, 2011

9:00 – 9:10 Call meeting to order Approve Agenda


9:10-11:45 Public hearing on Proposed APOC Regulations
Regulation of lobbying, 2 AAC 50.550-.590, and procedures, 2AAC 50.801-.899, and general provisions, 2 AAC 50.920.

11:45 – 12:45 LUNCH

1:00 – 3:30 Continue public hearing on Proposed APOC Regulations
Legislative and public official financial disclosure, 2 AAC 50.680-.799, and procedures, 2 AAC50.801-.899 and general provisions, 2 AAC 50.920

According to the APOC website, the teleconference number is 1-800-315-6338, Code 4176 #1. I have participated both in person and through teleconference and I’ve found that either way works just fine. Also according to the website, acceptance of written testimony on the regulations covered in public testimony tomorrow will end by COB February 28th.

Thank you for getting involved in your Alaska government!

*********UPDATE 10:07 AM**********

So far, they have received NO testimony in regards to the Lobbying regulations so they are covering other aspects of their regular meeting agenda. However, up until the scheduled agenda time 11:45 am, folks can still call in and provide testimony. Once again, written testimony will be accepted only up until COB FEBRUARY 28th.



11 Responses to “APOC Taking Public Testimony on Proposed Regulations Today! *UPDATE*”
  1. LBK- after watching all this stuff,how do you ever relax and clear your mind? You and AKM and Shannon must be Wonder Woman types. Personally I would have to have my cerebral cortex immunized. I have always wanted to say cerebral cortex,even if it doesn’t fit in here.

  2. dreamgirl says:

    Good luck, especially re: lobbyists and regulation.

  3. dreamgirl says:

    OT: Indiana deputy AG Jeffery Cox is fired after he tweeted to ‘use live ammunition’ on Wisconsin protesters. Guess he can toss that kkk-ClubKard along with his Dictator Dream Kard.

    • jojobo1 says:

      Kind of tells where the GOP’S mind set is.And I heard someone say that the protesters said something like that about Walker.I have watched everything and the only time anything like that was mentioned was from a proof at all that anyone actually said that.

  4. Concerned Too says:

    Am getting ready to submit written input. Thanks for letting us know.

  5. Moose Pucky says:

    Thanks for being there.

  6. KittenStCyr says:

    Teleconferencing is easy and even fun around here (I know, I’m a nerd). Homer local Leg. office is comfy and friendly and they have good coffee. Plus, you can watch what’s happening in chambers on the bigscreen. I do like seeing without being seen sometimes.

  7. Zyxomma says:

    Linda, thank you for posting. Those of us outside Alaska are interested, too.

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  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by celticdiva (Linda), NECC. NECC said: MudFlats Blog: You may remember that earlier in the month, Alaska Public Offices Commission (APOC) held several… […]