Today is International Women’s Day. Let’s hear it for all our sisters around the globe making life better for their families, cities, nation, and the world. The Arab women who were integral in the demonstrations; the Wisconsin union members, and AKM. A big shout out to all of us. And Muddogs, you can be honorary sisters for a day!
This sunset is so gorgeous, I didn’t start reading comments for a few minutes. Happy Fat Tuesday, Mardi Gras, Carnevale, or whatever you call it in your neck of the woods. Love, health, peace, prosperity, and joy to all who visit here.
Just an update re the server. It was not our server, it was much higher up. Seems like China is not especially in love with freedom of speech –
A distributed denial-of-service attack that affected thousands of customers at Codero and other hosting providers appeared to come from within China and to be launched at a Chinese site that is critical of communism or its Domain Name System provider, Codero said today.
Unfortunately DDos (distributedt denial of service) attacks are a part of the internet world we live in today. It happened to just last week – and that attack originated from China also –
All is good with our server. Things like this can happen from time to time and we just have to wear it, it isn’t anything we have control over at all. However I can assure you that the techs at Codero (our host) have been working up a sweat to make sure we are back online ASAP. And here we are.
It might be worth bookmarking this link for future reference –
Thanks for th info Snoskred. Makes one wonder why people think we should not be able to stop those kinds of attacks.We have the knowledge I sure hope we use it in a safe manner
I noticed that some of the mudpups were requesting Iditarod stories. AKM has not asked me to write anything but if she does, I can probably summon up a couple. Henkimma (sp?) had some gorgeous pictures of Hugh Neff’s dogs all decked out in tie-dyed fleece coats at the start. And he is running for some rural reading program so he and his team of handlers all had Cat in the Hat hats on. Pretty cool. Since Colleen isn’t running in the Iditarod this year, I am not as much in the inside loop. I miss my friend Lance and wish him the best on his attempt at win #5. And I am rooting for Newton (Jamaica) as well. Colleen and I can stay home and gossip about how all of our neighbors are doing this year.
I have an aquaintance who is a wolf expert from Colorado who will be in Fairbanks studying 300+ wolf skeletons this month and I am trying to get her hooked up on a sled dog ride….so much to do.
Unlike some people we know, the writing of my book has been a long and slow process (with draft after draft). And we have no expectations that it will be a bestseller or anything like that. The other author and I are not in the same state so we spend long hours hammering stuff out on the phone every weekend. Sigh.
We had a puppy party (1rst birthdays) at my place last weekend and I am still working on cleaning the place up. And trying to give my babies the attention they need (the darn graders obliterated my sled trails with death chunks of ice off the road last week….we are NOT happy about that).
All of this on days off from work and between trying to find out as much as I can about what is going on in Wisconsin and writing e-mails to lawmakers/signing petitions etc. I wrote a rip roaring one to Yon Dung about the PP BS last week. Of course he is a sponser of that bill. Jerk.
And, of course, worrying about what our present lawmakers are going to do to the possibility of my ever being able to retire (somehow I can’t see myself crawling around on the floor working with kids when I am 70—how is that supposed to work Mr Boehner???? Who, exactly, is going to keep someone employed at a job that requires flexibility in body and temperament when they are 70?) WTF? We were making jokes the other day about how all of us age 50-55 are going to have to hire caregivers to take care of us at work.
I read your comments as often as I can and miss all of you. This place keeps me sane.
It,s not only Boehner it’s governors like Walker who are cutting public school help and giving it instead to private schools.Wants to end charter schools for the kids that need them end Badger care for kids. Wisconsin could have opted out of the new health care plane before Walker went with his cuts if they go thru.It affects everyone but those with the money to afford private schools and to pay for all their own medical coverage,which is not the majority of the people from Wisconsin.Just because they can all sit on their butts and have someone else do the work for them doesn’t mean the rest of us have that option.
That’s a beautiful photograph of a stunning moment.
Okay–we need funny. THIS is funny! So much for being thick-skinned (and it’s extra-funny given how Palin has such horrid things to say about Obama’s family):
Looks like Kathy Griffin’s taunts have finally awoken the Mama Grizzly.
Griffin, who has made sport of taunting the Palin clan, is set to play a Palin-type Tea Partier on an upcoming episode of “Glee,” something Fox News host Jeanine Pirro brought up to Palin in an interview over the weekend. That’s when the Mama Grizzly’s claws came out.
“You know, Kathy Griffin can do anything to me or say anything about me, because you know, she’s kind of this – she’s a 50-year-old adult bully is really what she is,” Palin said. “She’s kind of a has-been comedian and she can do those things to me. I would just ask for respect of my children. As she had stated on CNN that her New Year’s resolution was to destroy my 16-year-old daughter, that takes it a little too far.
“Kathy, pick on me, come up to Alaska and pick on me, but leave my kids alone.”
Griffin has made clear her dislike of the Palin family over the past two years, attacking both the matriarch and her TV-starring children. She’s called Bristol “the White Precious,” vowed to take down Willow, has taken Levi Johnston to events and even ripped Palin in a performance in Anchorage, Alaska.
The family has fought back before; in February, Bristol brought up Griffin’s near-fatal liposuction experience.
It’s International Pancake Day. The only reason I know about it is that one of the towns that participates every year in the race is Liberal, Kansas, which is just 70 miles down the road from my home town, Garden City, Kansas. I always saw it as a bit of fun and an oddity. We didn’t celebrate Mardi Gras on the level of New Orleans, but we always heard about which town won the race.
Thanks for the feedback. I’ll send you a couple of bucks to buy me a beer and see how long it lasts before you toss it down or pitch it. One full beer would last me a lifetime and a shot of whiskey even longer. You do,however,have my permission to imbibe some suds,not that you needed it.
That is an amazing video. Thanks for sharing. Carl Sagan was a man with great knowledge, wisdom, and foresight. The person who made this video did a great job of justapositioning today’s images with Sagan’s words and insights. Simply amazing.
Funny you post about the sunset after I witnessed a spectacular sunset yesterday. On top of Mt Scott in Okla, a place where I have actually seen people applaud the sunset on more than one occasion. Everything perfect. the place , the weather , and the music from my car cd, Jackie evancho’s version of Nella Fantasia.
I am humbled by this community. On Wisconsin!! If I listened correctly this challange comes to Alaska without warning.
Today is International Women’s Day. Let’s hear it for all our sisters around the globe making life better for their families, cities, nation, and the world. The Arab women who were integral in the demonstrations; the Wisconsin union members, and AKM. A big shout out to all of us. And Muddogs, you can be honorary sisters for a day!
That is awesomely pretty! Thank you, AKM! Hope you had a good ‘International Women’s Day’.
This sunset is so gorgeous, I didn’t start reading comments for a few minutes. Happy Fat Tuesday, Mardi Gras, Carnevale, or whatever you call it in your neck of the woods. Love, health, peace, prosperity, and joy to all who visit here.
Hi all
Just an update re the server. It was not our server, it was much higher up. Seems like China is not especially in love with freedom of speech –
Unfortunately DDos (distributedt denial of service) attacks are a part of the internet world we live in today. It happened to just last week – and that attack originated from China also –
All is good with our server. Things like this can happen from time to time and we just have to wear it, it isn’t anything we have control over at all. However I can assure you that the techs at Codero (our host) have been working up a sweat to make sure we are back online ASAP. And here we are.
It might be worth bookmarking this link for future reference –!/CoderoNOC
That is where you can find updates when there is a larger issue that might be affecting our server.
Much obliged for the update or is it a down-under date?
My “Palin’s an Idiot” folder just gets bigger and bigger!
Thanks for th info Snoskred. Makes one wonder why people think we should not be able to stop those kinds of attacks.We have the knowledge I sure hope we use it in a safe manner
She’s called Bristol “the White Precious,”
Bwahahahaha. oh dear. snort. rotflmbao. oh my.
I know–too funny. It led to some unseemly sounds and almost killed my keyboard when the coffee spewed.
Now THAT is funny, eh?
I noticed that some of the mudpups were requesting Iditarod stories. AKM has not asked me to write anything but if she does, I can probably summon up a couple. Henkimma (sp?) had some gorgeous pictures of Hugh Neff’s dogs all decked out in tie-dyed fleece coats at the start. And he is running for some rural reading program so he and his team of handlers all had Cat in the Hat hats on. Pretty cool. Since Colleen isn’t running in the Iditarod this year, I am not as much in the inside loop. I miss my friend Lance and wish him the best on his attempt at win #5. And I am rooting for Newton (Jamaica) as well. Colleen and I can stay home and gossip about how all of our neighbors are doing this year.
I have an aquaintance who is a wolf expert from Colorado who will be in Fairbanks studying 300+ wolf skeletons this month and I am trying to get her hooked up on a sled dog ride….so much to do.
Unlike some people we know, the writing of my book has been a long and slow process (with draft after draft). And we have no expectations that it will be a bestseller or anything like that. The other author and I are not in the same state so we spend long hours hammering stuff out on the phone every weekend. Sigh.
We had a puppy party (1rst birthdays) at my place last weekend and I am still working on cleaning the place up. And trying to give my babies the attention they need (the darn graders obliterated my sled trails with death chunks of ice off the road last week….we are NOT happy about that).
All of this on days off from work and between trying to find out as much as I can about what is going on in Wisconsin and writing e-mails to lawmakers/signing petitions etc. I wrote a rip roaring one to Yon Dung about the PP BS last week. Of course he is a sponser of that bill. Jerk.
And, of course, worrying about what our present lawmakers are going to do to the possibility of my ever being able to retire (somehow I can’t see myself crawling around on the floor working with kids when I am 70—how is that supposed to work Mr Boehner???? Who, exactly, is going to keep someone employed at a job that requires flexibility in body and temperament when they are 70?) WTF? We were making jokes the other day about how all of us age 50-55 are going to have to hire caregivers to take care of us at work.
I read your comments as often as I can and miss all of you. This place keeps me sane.
It,s not only Boehner it’s governors like Walker who are cutting public school help and giving it instead to private schools.Wants to end charter schools for the kids that need them end Badger care for kids. Wisconsin could have opted out of the new health care plane before Walker went with his cuts if they go thru.It affects everyone but those with the money to afford private schools and to pay for all their own medical coverage,which is not the majority of the people from Wisconsin.Just because they can all sit on their butts and have someone else do the work for them doesn’t mean the rest of us have that option.
Thanx for what your do, ;LoveMyDogs, Dagian, Snoskred!!
I’m late to this lunch, but thanx for saving me a seat. nem
That’s a beautiful photograph of a stunning moment.
Okay–we need funny. THIS is funny! So much for being thick-skinned (and it’s extra-funny given how Palin has such horrid things to say about Obama’s family):
Looks like Kathy Griffin’s taunts have finally awoken the Mama Grizzly.
Griffin, who has made sport of taunting the Palin clan, is set to play a Palin-type Tea Partier on an upcoming episode of “Glee,” something Fox News host Jeanine Pirro brought up to Palin in an interview over the weekend. That’s when the Mama Grizzly’s claws came out.
“You know, Kathy Griffin can do anything to me or say anything about me, because you know, she’s kind of this – she’s a 50-year-old adult bully is really what she is,” Palin said. “She’s kind of a has-been comedian and she can do those things to me. I would just ask for respect of my children. As she had stated on CNN that her New Year’s resolution was to destroy my 16-year-old daughter, that takes it a little too far.
“Kathy, pick on me, come up to Alaska and pick on me, but leave my kids alone.”
Griffin has made clear her dislike of the Palin family over the past two years, attacking both the matriarch and her TV-starring children. She’s called Bristol “the White Precious,” vowed to take down Willow, has taken Levi Johnston to events and even ripped Palin in a performance in Anchorage, Alaska.
The family has fought back before; in February, Bristol brought up Griffin’s near-fatal liposuction experience.
It’s International Pancake Day. The only reason I know about it is that one of the towns that participates every year in the race is Liberal, Kansas, which is just 70 miles down the road from my home town, Garden City, Kansas. I always saw it as a bit of fun and an oddity. We didn’t celebrate Mardi Gras on the level of New Orleans, but we always heard about which town won the race.
Did not know it was international; pancake day but we all did have pancakes this morning.
and there’s still light in the sky at almost 8pm. We made it!
Wow, where a45re you? I have light until 745pm. Enjoy, I have sunshine @ 6:45am. nem
Happy National Women’s Day everyone. Oh, and of course Happy Pancake Day
Has your server been a problem? Was unable to acquire mudflats from around 7 a.m. CST until nearly 2p.m. CST.
Me too.
yep. we had a meltdown. server stopped serving and i ran out of beer. dang!
Thanks for the feedback. I’ll send you a couple of bucks to buy me a beer and see how long it lasts before you toss it down or pitch it. One full beer would last me a lifetime and a shot of whiskey even longer. You do,however,have my permission to imbibe some suds,not that you needed it.
Egyptian and Tunisian Revolutions in Carl Sagan’s “Earth the Pale Blue Dot”
Somehow I messed that up (sorry)
That is an amazing video. Thanks for sharing. Carl Sagan was a man with great knowledge, wisdom, and foresight. The person who made this video did a great job of justapositioning today’s images with Sagan’s words and insights. Simply amazing.
beautiful sunset AKM and a Happy Fat Tuesday to all Mudflats readers.
Happy Fat Tuesday, all.
Let the good times roll!
Now I’m off to the library…”everybody’s having fun!”
Funny you post about the sunset after I witnessed a spectacular sunset yesterday. On top of Mt Scott in Okla, a place where I have actually seen people applaud the sunset on more than one occasion. Everything perfect. the place , the weather , and the music from my car cd, Jackie evancho’s version of Nella Fantasia.
Oh, so pretty! Ahhhhh is right. Thank you for sharing the beauty.