IMPORTANT: TODAY — Redistricting Plan Public Testimony in Anchorage!
Redistricting is going on across the country as a result of the 2010 Census. It is the single most important political event happening this year because these are the districts we’ll all be voting in for the next 10 years. Lucky us…the way that Alaska’s Board selection is set up gave us 4 Republicans out of 5 members this time!
So, you can imagine how some of the proposed districts look.
Example: in Board Option 2, Sen. Wielechowski’s District J moves from Muldoon, Mountain View and Wonder Park (traditionally more Progressive areas) farther north to the military base and Eagle River…very conservative.
Sen. Hollis French’s Spenard/Turnagain/Inlet View loses most everything west of Minnesota Drive in Board Option 2 as well. (Turnagain area…Democratic stronghold).
The most ridiculous Senate district to me is District Q (again, Board Option 2), where they want to change from a Kenai Senate seat and have it start at Funny River Road in Soldotna, include all of Turnagain Arm and Girdwood (Democratic), and extend all the way up to the most conservative areas of the Anchorage Hillside.
To get from one end of the the District to the other would be about a 4 hour drive.
For more redistricting information, check out What Do I Know? blog by Steve Aufrecht. He has done us all a service by attending many of the meetings leading up to the draft plan. He also warned us about the coming public comment schedule.
The Redistricting Board is having it’s only public comment meeting in Anchorage TODAY:
Alaska Redistricting Board Public Hearing
When: Monday, April 18
Community: Anchorage, Alaska
Location: Anchorage Legislative Information Office Building, 716 W. 4th Avenue, Room 220
Time: 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
If you can’t make the public comment, you only have about 60 days to send written comments on these plans and help make these reasonable. Please participate!
Moderate, I don’t even know what these acronyms mean. Redistricting is the greatist and problably the only reason why we have boondoggled, gridlocked, faux reality that all is well in spite of what we hear. Not only for Alaska but many districts throughout our country, huge change will occur if all of us (we) are not vigilant. It will be on us and that reality is not one we want to live with for another 10 years.
Pinwheel: They are group. AFFR = Alaskans for Fair Redistricting. AFER = Alaskans for Fair/Equitable Redistricting. People have mentioned these names in prior coverage.
Could you clarify what you meant, exactly?
You’re mad about Bill Wielechowski put in with the bases?!!
He purports himself as a champion of the military and their families.
Sounds to me like it makes MORE SENSE! If he fails to do the correct outreach, that’s his own damn fault. Jeanne, you don’t have to worry about him, if he does a good job getting out the word.
BY THE WAY. 10 years ago Knowles appointed a majority-Democrat board and the equivalent of today’s AFFR drew their plan with big influence from sitting Democratic legislators, Knowles staffers on state e-mail and state time, and with little care to others. Looks like this board is doing better than that other board–their plan blends different ideas and doesn’t mold with the Republican/AFER plan.
Oh, yeah… what about the fact that Democrats/AFFR are protesting the only plans that recognizes Natives?? The plans that Democrats/AFFR/AFER PUT OUT DO NOT RECOGNIZE NATIVES. These people are actually trying.
Do not assume too much!!!!!
The Redistricting Board’s options are not compact, not contiguous, and not constitutional. Better options are out there. Be informed. Weigh in. It’s your life.
Off topic-Donald Trump’s whole political platform is, and I quote, “I’m richer than Mitt Romney”. Beats lock and load all to heck.
Donald Trump is a jackass.
S. Fla. activists pen ‘The Uterus Song’
The flap over the word “uterus” in the Florida Legislature has been made into a song, thanks to South Florida’s Raging Grannies.
Read more:
Thanks so much for the heads-up about the song. I couldn’t find it on the url you gave, but I did find a whole directory of songs, including The Uterus Song at:
Lacy Lady, I owe you one for teaching me about this organization. Because it is an international one, I am really excited about learning more about them. The energy behind it sounds so positive and fun. I hope there is a group near me.
I apologize, Lacy Lady, the url I just gave only had the lyrics. Here’s a YouTube video with a group of Raging Grannies singing it.
Again, thank you for the heads-up!
Just read on the book will be published soon. Looking forward to it! Congratulations!!!
So if, as bubbles said, Alaska has Recall, Referendum and Initiative, why aren’t petitions circulating?
sheep !
“What do you get for pretending the danger’s not real.
Meek and obedient you follow the leader
Down well trodden corridors into the valley of steel.
What a surprise!
A look of terminal shock in your eyes.
Now things are really what they seem.
No, this is no bad dream.”
i could ad all the lyrics to pink floyds album ANIMALS , but you can google them.
a scathing indictment of capitalism.
pigs, those in power
dogs those that seek power
sheep those that are used ( in Americas case, willingly offering themselves up to slaughter )
ok , one more for the quitter queen.
“Bus stop rat bag, ha ha charade you are.
You f**ked up old hag, ha ha charade you are.
You radiate cold shafts of broken glass.
You’re nearly a good laugh,
Almost worth a quick grin.
You like the feel of steel,
You’re hot stuff with a hatpin,
And good fun with a hand gun.
You’re nearly a laugh,
You’re nearly a laugh
But you’re really a cry.”
link to a paper , if you are interested in exploring the meaning of the album.
bubbles said that? How did I miss that?
amazing isn’t it?
Apologies for being Off Topic – but this is too exciting – congratulations AKM!
It’s great isn’t it?
Where can we pre-order? An Amazon Search brings up another book. I’d rather order from this site if possible.
Woo hoo! Congrats, AKM!!!
Just saw it on Politico.
Finally! Just read about it over at IM and then elsewhere.
Congratulations Jeanne, Ken and, of course, Frank. I didn’t peek at any of the internet leaks, so I am very excited about getting this book. May you all live long and prosper!
I’ve just ordered it.
Good luck, Alaska.
Passover begins at sunset tonight, so I’ll be “unplugged” until Wednesday evening, but I’ll check back about dark:thirty then. Next week will be spring break at last.
lotsa matzah
Have a wonderful Passover!
Yes, Happy Passover. May your spirit be refreshed, renewed and reaffirmed by family, friends, faith,and the joy to be found in life.
enjoy Passover Crow. see you soon.