Open Thread – Happy Easter
Happy Easter, Mudflatters! Thought you’d all enjoy Brian the Moose bedecked in all his Easter finery. One man’s Peep is another moose’s Easter bonnet. May your day be full of lovely springtime traditions, whatever they may be.
Sooooo . . .
Does Brian like chicks?
And what does Brenda have to say about that!?
I love peeps. I grew up back east near where they are made and I am shocked, shocked, shocked at the multi colored rabbits and peeps that now go under the Peeps name!!!! I look at them and say “It’s not a peep unless it is a Peep” It’s gotta be a yellow chick- like shape!!
Just having fun and happy the company is expanding it’s brand. But remember everyone- “It’s not a peep unless it’s a Peep!”
Happy Easter!
I’m sorry (hanging head low) but I prefer the bunny peeps. I try to be a peepurist, but I just can’t help myself.
Shame, shame, shame on me.
Actually, I eat the ears first and it always reminds me of a story a friend told me. She grew up on a farm and for several years they wondered why the rabbits were all missing their ears, thinking it was some kind of odd genetic mutation. They finally figured out that the baby bunnies were freezing in the grass out of fear when they heard the tractor coming, and the mowers were going right over them, removing their ears. They survived, but were earless. After they realized what was happening, my friend’s job as a kid was to walk out into the fields in front of the mowers and shoo all the bunnies out of the grass. Voila! Eared Bunnies again!
I posted a comment this morning about my birdie adventures but it disappeared into….?
Soooo…Happy Easter to those who celebrate and a Happy Sunday evening to everybunny else!
You guys bucking for a promotion from Mudpups to Mudpeeples?
Today, we are ALL ‘mudpeeps’….
(Oh well, ok, YESTERDAY we were!)
Here’s a question for you Anchorage ‘flatters. Does anyone know if Mr. Whitekeys still lives in Anchorage? I ask because he’s originally an Arizona boy, and for about the last year, I’ve been hearing what I could swear is his unforgettable voice on a number of commercials on radio and TV from Tucson stations.
Not sure where he lives, but I know he does a show or two still up here. I went to one last year, and heard about two other shows since.
Happy Easter to those who celebrate, and Happy Spring to everyone.
It’s fall in the southern hemisphere.
oh heck. we forgot.
I have had a great day and was able to prepare and serve a fun afternoon lunch for the father-person and a few of his friends. Used many items that had family significance – the salad set my grandfather sent from Africa, the silverware that belonged to my grandmother, the dishes that belonged to my mom. It was a simple menu, but it was so much fun.
Have a blessed day, all of you, wherever you may be.
Spring is here, panic attack in progress! I had two greenhouse windows installed in my kitchen, & sis filled them up with seed trays. I had no idea…oh my gosh…with our long days now those windows get sun from 6am to 9pm…oh my gosh! I’m in full panic mode.
Peeps, peeps everywhere at the Gov’s mansion. Peeps in the trees, in the hedge, on the lawn, on the welcome signs. Very fun! No ravens to be seen – no ravens eating peeps. Just me and other humans.
I guess that makes our Gov either Captain Peep or Peep Little today.
Or…S-Peep Light, S-Peep2…
If nobody gets my great puns I’m going to stomp my feet!
Oh just think of all the goodies you will have to feast on from those window plantings. IF by some chance there is too much for all of you, THAT is why there are neighbors:-))
The idea of all those peeps, at least someone has a sense of humor, something the last one proved she did not!!! Be thankful for even little things!
Yeah…it went from “Oh, look at those cute little window trays, filling my lovely new shelves just perfectly” to “OH MY GOD WHAT HAVE I DONE?”
I haven’t grown seeds in years because my cats ate them out of the windows like cat grass. So I completely forgot how many and how quickly you have a zillion little green heads popping up!
I TOLD you it was 288 seed starts!
Nobody ever listens to me in this family!
Well, that’s not true- you went and looked at the gov peeps, eh?
Made me smile this morning.
First Brian and his snappy chapeau here and then all the peeps popping out of the hedge at the mansion.
Happy Spring!
Ok, I am chuckling. I also might have not ‘listened’ when you said ‘288’ :-)))
I am not sure I have all that even in my entire ‘tunnel’….maybe sis needs to start planning for a ‘feast’ ….I can see it coming to that :-)))
Gotta luv those nenw windows!!
I’m also playing with beheading Barbies today. You’ll get pictures soon! I promise they are not bloody.
Ravens are eating humans?
yup. they getting in practice for when the Teabag cruise docks in Juneau.
teabags are human?
Sentence structure is everything – you got me.
I know a Martha with a wooden leg named Yard Sign.
Do these peeps march down to the sea and drown themselves like lemmings? That would make sense to me.
London ! Buffalo is known for our Dyngus Day celebration and we do it up like in a HUGE way. The day begins at the Polish churches with blessings and thanksgiving and then, Lent is officially ended and … we’re off !!
I have a few articles over on my South Buffalo news site : and the link that London has posted has excellent info.
I’ve not yet been brave enough to jump on the Sobieski Vodka Bus Tour of the Dyngus Day Taverns but my son might take it on. We’ll be running stories from those Buffalonian bravehearts if any remember to write in.
Along with Dyngus Day, our Buffalo Sabres are in playoff battle today in a home game, and it’s packed, inside and out. My thought is that a foreward thinking entrepreneurial type would do really well to rent an ice cream truck and take it out to the streets Monday and Tuesday, offering bland comfort food and Alka Seltzer smoothies.
Get your pussywillow branches ready and put your Polish beer and vodka on ice !
I remember that 190 proof Spiritous (sp?) which came home from a Poland trip.
Wicked stuff! Literally!
ha!! The recipe was posted on a Dyngus Day link the other day. NOTHING good can come of that !! It’s like eggnog on steroids and carrying high powered weapons!
Tonight is the “Blessing of the Instruments”. The 20+ polka bands that are coming in from all over can come to the church for blessings and prayer. Then tomorrow the festivities begin and hopefully the blessings help to buffer the effects, just a bit.
You are supposed to thin it to a workable potency. Pure alcohol is tasteless. It can be what ever you want from there.
Happy Easter to all.
Tomorrow is one of Buffalo’s biggest holidaze! Dyngus Day!
Right, Buffalo Gal?
Wish I were attending!
Front page headline from Sioux City (Iowa), Journal this morning asks, “Did god save Mapleton”? Could be I guess,although he/she could have prevented serious damage if he/she acted sooner. I am glad no one got seriously injured.
Happy Easter to all who celebrate (or who just enjoy the annual arrival of Peeps and chocolate eggs!)!
Whew…the birdie abode is almost back in business in the yard! For the past 2 years, I’ve had a robin’s nest in the climbing rose on the arch that leads onto my patio. Last year the arch finally rusted out its feet and broke towards the end of the summer. I’ve been looking for a replacement that I could afford and was in a bit of a hurry to get everything fixed up before the robin came back.
Last week I found a nice arch on sale but it had a gate which wouldn’t fit in that spot. However, I also had an arch at the entrance to my used-to-be-pool circular flower garden in the middle of the yard. The new arch would fit there and the old arch could go near the patio. Two minor problems: clematis on the garden arch that needed to be unwound before it could be moved, and several years worth of heavy and prickly rose canes that needed to be pruned before the broken arch could be removed and replaced.
I planned to do just a little bit of work yesterday afternoon but, once I got started, I just kept going. The rose was given a major haircut, the clematis disentangled and the broken arch has been replaced. The gated arch is still in the box so that might have to wait until the drizzling stops later today or next weekend. Since there’s not too much left of the rose canes to hold the nest, I’ll wire it to the arch today and hope for the best. The location is perfect – just under the garage overhang and protected by all those nasty thorns. I can see the nest from my kitchen window and I talk to the babies every year so they peek their heads out when they hear my voice – sooo cute!
I saw a robin perch on the rose cane yesterday and look around and I wonder if it’s the same mama robin wondering where her house went!
On the other birdie front, the war with the sparrows trying to build a nest on my awning continues…
a friend sent this to me. thought you might like a giggle.
All I need to know
I learned from the Easter Bunny!
Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.
Everyone needs a friend who is all ears.
There’s no such thing as too much candy.
All work and no play can make you a basket case.
A cute tail attracts a lot of attention.
Everyone is entitled to a bad hare day.
Let happy thoughts multiply like rabbits.
Some body parts should be floppy.
Keep your paws off of other people’s jelly beans.
Good things come in small, sugar coated packages.
The grass is always greener in someone else’s basket.
To show your true colors, you have to come out of the shell.
The best things in life are still sweet and gooey.
May the joy of the season fill your heart.
Bubbles-did you get the egg faces that went with that? Simple drawn faces and the expressions are incredible.
“A cute tail attracts a lot of attention” reminds me of an email I got from my neighbor in which she said “Happy Keester!”
I am not touching that one.
Doesn’t really make sense. Maybe you had to be there.
I started singing “In Your Easter Bonnet” as soon as I woke up, so I must’ve been having a premonition about Brian. Brian, the rotogravure is after you – run, Moose, run! While outside filling up the bird feeders, I watched three different species of Orioles (Bullock’s, Scott’s and Hooded) sipping at my hummingbird feeder. They look like flying Peeps, and after that hummingbird nectar, they’re probably just as sweet. Happy Spring!
Happy Easter and also for the holiday just past, Passover!
A quiet morning with some good tea and biscuits….spouse being gone for work. We shared giggles, via IM, about new pup’s sleeping antics (not only runs around for at leaser 30 minutes each night before dropping like a rock to snore like a trucker) before he scooted off to do a project.
Here is to lots of sunshine for all, time with family and generally warm and positive things for the entire day!
Hope you are feeling better AKM!!
Thanks, UgaVic, it’s still Passover. It’s an eight day holiday (so is Chanukah) that starts at sundown (in this case, Monday).
<3 This Easter weekend I'm taking a moment to wish a 'Happy and Colourful Spring to Everyone!' in the Mudpups/Hushpups world! :heart:
Happy Easter and other Spring festivals of rebirth.
We started our Spring renewal yesterday planting annuals. Big storms were forecast for last night and today – but the sun was shining when I woke up and now it is only hazy. So much for listening to my dead husband about not needing to water in the plants (the soil was damp from storms earlier in the week). Have to run out and check on them all just to make sure none wilted – that would not be the way to start Spring.
We’re also celebrating the return of many bird species. How glorious to see them and to hear their songs. Putting out organic lint (from organic clothing) for their nests. Trying to stay away from nesting areas (though the nest under the eaves of our front porch cover makes that a challenge.
Love biking around enjoying the richness of other people’s landscaping. Breathtaking beauty in all the flowering trees, scrubs.tulips, daffodils, hyacinths, and other Spring-bloomers. Buds opening on azaleas and rhododendrons. Magnolias in all their splendor. All the shades of green in the trees – wow. Every Spring is a miracle to us.
No eggs or big meals here. Just the two of us. We did buy a small sack of malted Easter eggs yesterday for the little kid within us all – ah, we each got our own bag. Any guesses as to how long those will last? Hehe.
[Yes, we also get crazy over the autumn as well. We get cheap, natural highs around here – here being our household. We’re just goofy folks enjoying simple pleasures.] May everyone find beauty, love and peace.
i love goofy folk. lot’s of goofiness round here chez Bubbles.
Happy Easter. It’s just the two of us until later. So we still had egg salad sandwiches for lunch and we’re watching it trying to rain. But it’s much warmer than it’s been. Yesterday was positively glorious. It was in the upper 60s and sunny all day. Guess that was our spring.
Still I can’t complain with all the horrible weather in the rest of the country this year. I’ll take our cold rainy days over tornadoes any day.
Organic lint makes great nesting material! I give “my” birds hair: trim the roommate’s hair on the roof, and give them my 2′ long hairs from the brush. They always appreciate it.
Happy Easter, Happy Passover, Happy Spring.
You realize,of course.that birds take any human hairs directly to the nearest FBI lab and they run genetic tests to make sure you mind your P”s and Q”s?
If you can catch it, “This Week” with Christiane Amanpour is a good one. She is focusing on the role of religion in our current politics. Franklin Graham interview compared to the one with Pastor Teller of a NY church – quite interesting. Guess which one I related to. ( hint – NOT GRAHAM!)
Round table is starting out pretty well, too.
Happy Lovely Day to All !!!
Do you mean Tim Keller, who wrote “The Reason for God”? I heard him the other day on TV and he sounds so reasonable and yet doesn’t distort Christian teachings. Everytime I see Franklin Graham I can’t help thinking that he is nothing like his father, not that I am too fond of Billy Graham either, but . . .
Yes !! I’m laughing and guessing that I merged “Keller ” with “tell” , as in “the good word”.
Really did enjoy listening to him and would like the chance to hear more of what he has to say.
Thanks for the correction!
Happy Easter …and happy FEASTING ! ahhhh! for us it’s morphed into an afternoon feast …as the years have gone by and as non organizational belivers, and this year I was told the Easter Egg hunt was off…. youngest is now 20,, DRAT ! was so much fun watching the girls look for eggs in the backyard …. even a $20 in the Golden Egg can’t entice them out there anymore!
Happy Easter to those of you who celebrate it, and Happy Sunday for the rest!
And BTW, Mmmmmmmm peeps!
Glad Påsk, Mudflatters, Mudmods and Mudpuppies!
Also working today (healthcare), so I hope everyone who observes the holiday has a great one.
Brian’s Easter bonnet is gorgeous! i would be proud to stroll down Fifth Avenue this morning with him. he would be the finest gentleman at the parade.
spring has arrived in all it’s glory here in New York. after a rainy week the sun has come out to play and the flowering trees across the street are out to welcome it.
i have eaten all my Peeps already so i am off to get more. love you guys.
also. too here is an Easter present:
That peep Easter bonnet will rival some of the hats we’ll be seeing at the royal wedding. Love it!
And here ya go Bubs…. *** pushing all peeps in the house over to you **** Overdosed one year as a kid and now they give me the willies. Their little beady eyes are trying to hypnotize me, I just know it.
mmmmm. yum.
I did that with Reese’s peanut butter cups one Easter and, although I love both chocolate and peanut butter, I haven’t been able to the two together ever since!
Peeps, on the other hand…
Yes – You can have my peeps also….too sweet for me!
Missy Cat doesn’t look too pleased with HER bonnet.
We buy peeps every year, and keep them for two years. At that point, they are perfect to take fishing, and to smash them with the backside of the hatchet. Family tradition. Great fun.
Best wishes for a beautiful day backatcha, AKM, and also to Linda, Shannyn, and your wonderful team of mods everywhere, and to our family of mudpuppies.
Slightly off kilter,and no offense to anyone,but,is that a roll of quarters in B’s pocket or is he just looking for some tush? Messr. B looks to be anatomically correct. Beautiful and serene Easter Sunday in Mudpup NW Iowa. Sun is shining for the first time in several days. Maybe its just me,B,me old piglet. Walk with pride brother.
Yes, Mike, Brian is indeed anatomically correct. The German company that makes these miniatures is Schleich, and all of the critters they depict are wonderfully done. When I bought my first miniature (not a Brian, although I have one of those, too) the sales person advised me that all the adult animal figures made by this company are “correct”, in case I was buying them for grandkids or something.
Muchas gracias-the Mudflats is like having a talking encyclopedia with knowledge of everything. You made my Sunday as I don’t pay attention to Holidays. Learning stuff is so much fun and interesting,too.
Unfortunately, I have to work today. It will probably be slow too. I’m sick of working holidays. If I worked in a hospital or back in the shelters, I would feel differently about it, but a hardware store is hardly essential.
Happy Easter to all who observe this day!
Ah but it is…
Hardware makes the world go well.
I will be standing behind the same counter for plumbing disaster relief or pointing out the seeds to grow lovely beets or lettuce because it’s spring .
Mixing paint , cutting chain, making keys, rooting around in the nether regions in the back for the right motor brushes to keep that old saw working.
Explaining how new pressure treated wood needs different fasteners and how shark bites work…
In hardware solidarity I stand!
Happy Spring!!
‘Happy Easter’ and ‘Happy Spring’ to both of you! I hope you at least have tomorrow off. I actually went out early this morning to pick up some vegetables and a rake and found that the two grocery stores and the hardware store near me, as well as the WalMart, were all closed. And they will be closed tomorrow too! I actually thought ‘kudos’ to them, because the workers need family time too and I could easily do without the things I went for. In fact, not having a rake perfectly suited my mood – the lawn will just have to wait until the next time I get the urge.
I did get to mix a quart of the prettiest shade of lavender today. I’m actually having dinner with two of my brothers right now.
I only got some baby….browns to mix but lots of lovely seeds went out the door with lots of happy people so that evened out ok .
Have a wonderful dinner!
Happy for you that the day ‘evened out’ and you both had a sense of satisfaction! Hope your tomorrow will be terrific!