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Tina Fey Returns!

For those of you who missed the mock 2012 GOP Candidates Who Haven’t Declared Yet skit on Saturday Night Live last night, enjoy!

Tina Fey is back, resplendent in red blazer, life-sized flag pin, and the admiration of… Donald Trump. Sometimes I think it would be worth it to have Palin in the race, just for the entertainment value from Ms. Fey alone.



21 Responses to “Tina Fey Returns!”
  1. marcuswelbymd says:

    Quersty, Tina Fey can play Sarah Palin anytime she wants as far as I’m concerned. She does folks a favor every time. How better to combat Palin’s crazed meglo-mania than to poke fun at her.

  2. Quersty says:

    When she won the comedy award two years ago didn’t she say she hoped “never to play that lady again?” Guess $$$ talk.

  3. flex gunship palin says:

    in 1993 newt’s go pack held there first class for GOP leaders for the 21st century there ”top ” student was S P . and she has worked the same skam as newt all these years .

    • mike from iowa says:

      GoPac is the moral equivalent of the School of the Americas,whereas they turn out RWNJ dictators for political office in “Red” states. Funny that the party of avowed commie-haters would choose basically the same color scheme as their old nemesis. To the victors go the spoils,I guess.

  4. marcuswelbymd says:

    Great stuff!! Tina Fey does a perfect Sarah Palin – every time!!

  5. CanadianGuy25 says:

    Stupid Hulu. Only streaming within the United States.

  6. Bordo says:

    Fear not, the Oracle of Wasilla is too lazy to run for president. She can pocket millions every year from hapless rubes (Newt Gingrich perfected this 15, 20 years ago) and continue to enjoy her rockstar lifestyle without ever reading a briefing report or a book.

    Meanwhile, I see that young Bristol has invested in some nice plastic surgery and will soon star in a reality TV show for a cable channel I’ve never heard of. . .Bio. Her moon-faced look is now more, mmm, triangular.

  7. Mag the Mick says:

    Jimmy Fallon runs a regular gag on his show called “The Jersey Floor”, where ordinary people turn into Jersey Shore types when they get off the elevator at a certain stop.. Last week he had a sketch where Tina Fey and Amy Pohler got into the elevator looking like thier normal, demure selves. When they got off on the “Jersey Floor”, they looked and acted like hootchie-mamas. Tina, in her Bumpit and push-up bra was obviously going for the Snooki look but instead looked more like Sarah than Sarah does. Coincidence? I think not!

  8. Bev says:

    It is bad enough that we have to deal with the male version of Palin i.e. Trump, but to put her back on the spot light is just too much to handle right now.

    And if the pizza guy is the best that the republican people can deliver, pun intended, then instead of drinking the tea they are eating a healthy slice of “you have got to be kidding”. LOLLLLL

    I think Palin is a footnote at best.

  9. mag the mick says:

    I woke up screaming!

  10. mike from iowa says:

    Is it within the realm of possibility that we have been selling the Quitter Queen short? Imagine,if you dare,a world of politicians that are so efficient in their abilities that they only need two-plus years to complete a four year term of office. Now consider SP as the poster child of the efficient governmental dream team. Now slap yourself good and hard,you have been having a nightmare.

  11. Baker's Dozen says:

    I want “Tina Fey’s Alaska”

  12. Krubozumo Nyankoye says:

    It is interesting that Paylin is still acting like she has political aspirations. She probably does, she has a whole barn full of delusions about herself anyway so why not the idea of becoming POTUS? The scenario of Paylin being the republican presidential nominee is of course horrifying to the republican elite,the power brokers. They know she is an unelectable idiot. They put her on the national stage because they didn’t do enough home work to realize just how nuts she is/was. Now the crows come home to roost. Caw Caw Caw… if she cannot win the nomination, she just might run independent nut job and that would really hurt the power brokers big time.

    Changing persona to Frank Luntz (sp?) the talking points we should use to goad her into being the spoiler… she is too chicken to run for POTUS, she is a mouse attacking a tiger. Gone in one bite.
    Another good point to hammer on is her professed religiousity. She is an unrepentent and obsessive liar. Last but not least, punk her. She is so stupid that she will fall for very simple scams. Get creative people.

    • michigander says:

      I love that you ended with “punk her and get creative people”. Perfect.

      Be happy and loved (o:

      • Krubozumo Nyankoye says:

        We should all do an andrew brietbart take on everything republican. Lie as much as you want just be careful to hedge by saying in my opinion, or some say. Herewith an example.

        “Some say that the Reverend Murtha who laid hands upon Sarah in her Wasilla church has turned to the dark side. Perhaps he was always from the dark side and his blessing was more of a spell that might have led our beloved Sarah astray into the sordid quest of lucre and fame.

        The reports we have been recieving from Kenya indicat that the reverend has been placing bounties on the heads of any one who opposes him, even some of his most devoted followers are now targets for humiliation if not direct harm. Some say that Sarah holds the same kind of world view and is more bent on vengence for minor wrongs against her than doing any kind of good works. This upside down kind of behavior is evidence that she has been bewitched. It appears that the reverend Mutha has corrupted our beautiful Sarah and led her astray. We should now spend $800 billion to hunt him down and kill him. And we should ask our beautiful Sarah to go to rehab and be purfied against the false doctrines of the preacher who annoited her as god’s choice to lead the world.

        — just my feeble attempt to punk the C4P contingent. Yet in a way I think they would eat it up.

        Like I said before mudflatters, get creative.

        We are rooted in realism, but that does not mean that we are constrained by it such that we cannot ridicule the absurd and childish mind sets of those who are rooted in dogmas.

    • scout says:

      Why is she “dithering around”, er, I mean “pussy-footing around”? “It’s part of the mission” for her to declare her candidacy, isn’t it? “I wasn’t the top of the ticket” is not the legacy of a mama grrriz; more like the legacy of a lame yellow ducky floating downstream.

      It sounds like O’Newt is in, you betcha! The door is open, Lou T. party.

  13. Pinwheel says:

    I had the happy chance to catch SNL online thru Huffington Post. All things considered, the duet is really a better ‘pimp’ on ‘Palin’. Do we get quiet, now?

  14. tallimat says:

    So this is what the Worst Govenor Ever has been reduced to?
    tsk, tsk…


  15. michigander says:

    Thank you more than you will ever know!!! I so need to laugh (o:

  16. seattlefan says:

    Palin running for POTUS would be comedic gold, but honestly I don’t want to go there. The GOP machine just might make it happen with all their shenanigans and “strategery”.

    I think it is so funny that it is Sarah herself who does the most damage. SNL just takes the ball and runs. Tina Fey rocks!

  17. jimzmum says:

    Yada, yada. Which, by the way I was using long before Seinfield. How sad that Mrs. Palin has been reduced to such a state. Okay. Fine. She was already reduced, but this just underscores the obvious!