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Honoring Our Veterans; An Afternoon at the Symphony–Events for Saturday, May 14th

If Friday was any indication, today should be a beautiful, warm day perfect for lawns, gardens, parks, etc…However, when I looked at my Facebook invitations, it seemed that EVERYONE decided to do SOMETHING on May 14th. Since my daughter has her own band practice on Saturdays, I had to narrow my schedule down to several of the events that (to me) stood out the most.

Starting at 10:00 am and running until 5:30 pm is the annual “Gathering for Veterans.” It will be held this year at the Curtis Menard Sports Center in Wasilla:

The Gathering of Veterans is an event for everyone, veterans from all eras, their families and all those who stand with them. Bring any American Flags you have to help dress up the event. You may also bring any flags that you may need to dispose of and come enjoy the entertainment and information of local organization that work with veterans. The Gathering is also a fundraiser for the Veterans Aviation Outreach, a 501 C3 organization of veterans and pilots who assist other veterans all over the State of Alaska. Contact Dave or Sabrina Alvarez (907) 746-6969 or Ann Bailey (907) 357-7603 for more information.

The Gathering is put on each year by Veteran’s Aviation Outreach, an organization founded by my friend Maurice “Mo” Bailey, his wife Ann Bailey, Family, and many Friends. Ann is still carrying it on with the help of Dave and Sabrina Alvarez as well as many others. This is the first Gathering since Mo passed last July and I hope folks show up to make it great for him, Ann and all the folks who have worked so hard to bring help and hope to veterans all over the state of Alaska.

This afternoon at 4:30 pm, the Anchorage Civic Orchestra will put on its Family Pops Concert at the Sydney Laurence Theater.

The ACO is special because it contains many talented “musicians-next-door.” These are folks who are not professional performers but who want to continue to play and enjoy music in an orchestra while still working their “real jobs.” It’s fun to attend performances and realize the oboe player is your daughter’s favorite teacher, etc… Followers of Alaska blogs will recognize Progressive Alaska’s Phil Munger as the lone tuba player on the roster.

ACO provides an outlet for talented musicians representing citizens from many local industries, including retail sales, law, accounting, pharmacy, dentistry, medicine, finance, fishing, teaching and the oil industry. The most represented occupations are music teachers and students. For over twenty years, we believe that arts lift the spirit and raise the collective consciousness of Anchorage residents.

The musical line-up will be:

+ Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov: Dance of the Tumblers from the Snow Maiden
+ Alexander Borodin: Notturno from Quartet No 2 (arranged for Strings)
+ Serge Prokofiev: Peter and the Wolf
+ Dmitri Shostakovich: Romance from The Gadfly
+ Pyotr Tchaikovsky: The Year 1812, Festival Overture in E-flat

There is a reason that I bolded Prokofiev’s “Peter and the Wolf” that is special to Mudflatters. The narrator of this year’s performance is noneother than our very own Shannyn Moore!

I’m taking my daughter after her practice so she can see what’s in store for her as she gets older…that there is a place where even if she decides not to be a professional musician, she can still enjoy her music!

Tickets are available at the door — adults are $17.00, Seniors and Students are $12.00.



9 Responses to “Honoring Our Veterans; An Afternoon at the Symphony–Events for Saturday, May 14th”
  1. bob benner says:

    Here some off topic trivia questions on Bob Hope

    1) What country was he born in???

    2) What was his real first name???

    3) What was his funnies one liner???

    Answers below (don’t peek)

    1) England

    2) Leslie


  2. Dan Heynen says:

    Phil Munger traded his tuba for the baton at today’s Anchorage Civic Orchestra concert – he was the conductor! A man of many talents!

  3. Elizabeth says:

    May 14th isn’t the day in my part of the world: next week-end is, and then Memorial Day week-end following. May 21st, DH birthday, I have two activities accepted, two I would love to accept, and several turned down. AAAAKKK! The following Saturday is the “Ski to Sea” event in Bellingham so we’ll be busy. I sure hope for good weather.

  4. Alaska Pi says:

    In my part of Alaska there is a Maritime Festival today

    and our wonderful annual Museum Day !

    The sun is shining and we are even forecast to hit 60 for the first time this year!
    Need to wash the dirt from the garden off and head downtown soon.
    Have a wonderful day all!

  5. Lacy Lady says:

    On WHO TV–Des Moines, Iowa—-had a story of Ray (Bubba) Sorensen II and the Freedom Rock.
    Sorensen has been painting this freedom Rock—which is a huge granite boulder from a rock quarry in Adair County,Iowa. He re-paints the rock each year, and this year his new paintings will be finished in time for Memorial Day weekend—May 30th.
    This year he will have include OBL.
    There are pictures of the Rock from past years on the internet. Just Google
    Freedom Rock——Ray (Bubba) Sorensen II to see his work honoring our Veterans from all Wars.
    I am anxious to see this year’s creation.
    This young man is a graduate of Iowa State University.

  6. UgaVic says:

    Sending good thoughts that today is nothing but large crowds and people enjoying their time with family and friends attending special events like these!!!

  7. ks sunflower says:

    Have a great day, Linda.

    Your daughter is very lucky to have such a wonderful mother in you, and I know she will appreciate you even more in the years ahead. You are helping her build a fantastic foundation for a satisfying life.

    Nice to read about mothers who actually care about their children, unlike the woman most people unfortunately identify with Alaska – ole SP, her own self.

  8. Zyxomma says:

    Sounds like a great lineup. Have fun!

  9. mike from iowa says:

    My adopted hometown has built a Memorial to honor Veterans at a local cemetery. This is to be dedicated on May 30th. For a small farming community with a population of around 700 there is an impressive list of names of the brave men and boys whi answered the call to serve their Nation in war and peace. There are veterans from every conflict dating back to the Civil War. I fully expect there will be many more and hope that there won’t be.