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Friday, January 28, 2022

Open Thread: Peter and the Wolf featuring Shannyn Moore (by LKB)

I promised this for yesterday. Well, it’s a day late and the blog didn’t cooperate, but here it is — the Anchorage Civic Orchestra directed by Phil Munger performing Prokofiev’s “Peter and the Wolf.” Your narrator is our own Shannyn Moore!

Here are a couple of photos I grabbed in the beginning.

FYI — Concertmaster Walter Oliveres will be working with the Affetti Orchestra this summer (Morrigan is in it) so I’ll get to enjoy his playing a great deal!



24 Responses to “Open Thread: Peter and the Wolf featuring Shannyn Moore (by LKB)”
  1. benlomond2 says:

    interesting perspective from Mr.Monegan…

  2. Baker's Dozen says:

    I don’t like McCain, but when it comes to torture, I figure he knows whereof he speaks.

  3. scout says:

    lol ~ “limited edition” Made in the USA T-shirt

  4. Irishgirl says:

    Duking it out: Our tips for gaffe-prone Prince Philip on his way around Ireland.

    “OF ALL THE BURDENS Queen Elizabeth II must bear on a State visit, her husband must be one of the heaviest. Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh, has an impressive track record of causing offence wherever the monarch’s party goes.

    This morning, as the royal party visited the Guinness Storehouse, he teetered on the edge of creating another awkward moment when enquiring about the ingredients in the national tipple. Referring to the less than crystal clear, occasionally whiffy Liffey river nearby, AP reports that Philip joked with master brewer Fergal Murray:

    Is it made with Liffey water?”

  5. Zyxomma says:

    Residents of South Carolina (and greenies everywhere) should read this and be outraged:

    A plastic bag manufacturer is suing Chico Bags for publishing VERIFIABLE FACTS on its website.

  6. leenie17 says:

    WHY is this kind of thing happening in this country??? WHAT is to be gained by this insanity???

    The Ohio House just passed legislation that would allow people with a concealed carry permit to carry a weapon…INTO A BAR!!!

    A recent poll found that 80 percent of Ohio residents don’t want this legislation to be signed into law. Bar owners don’t want this to become law. Cops certainly don’t want this to become law. Even many members of the NRA realize this is a stupid and dangerous idea. But the Ohio legislature doesn’t seem to care about the wishes of the constituents who put them in office.

    And Ohio would be following in the footsteps of Tennessee, Arizona, Georgia, and Virginia which already allow people to carry guns into bars.

    Why does the NRA have this much power? Do they really give THAT much money to the Republican Party?

  7. G Katz says:

    Sarah PAC starting a direct mail campaign to raise money for 2012.

    Heaven help us.

  8. Zyxomma says:

    Please sign the petition, along with Senators Schumer, McCaskill, and Whitehouse, to END taxpayer subsidies for Big Oil:

    (Why am I hearing Prokofiev as I type?)

    • bubbles says:

      done Zyx. thanks for posting this. don’t worry about the Prokofiev. it’s all in your head but it’s all good. you could be hearing Palin screeching from wherever the old bat is hanging from.LOL.

    • leenie17 says:

      Signed this last week when I got it in an email from Senator Schumer. Sooo glad he and Senator Gillibrand represent me!

      • Zyxomma says:

        I, too, signed it last week. Very pleased to have the Senators from New York, as well as my Congressional Rep, Ms. Gillibrand, representing me and mine. Today, I got the email inviting others to sign, and posted it here rather than emailing a few individuals.

    • mike from iowa says:

      Apparently all but two rethugs and three Dems don’t think big oil should nelp reduce the deficit, They claim stopping subsidies would not help bring down gas prices. Taxing the oil companies would help bring down the deficits. The consumer gets screwed every way from sundown regardless of whether big oil gets subsidies or not.Looks like America is gonna have a welfare dependent class of people-the wealthy.

  9. bubbles says:

    quite lovely. thanks for posting Linda. Shannyn is a grand narrator and i hope to hear and see little miss playing someday.

  10. Baker's Dozen says:

    No time to listen now, but I’m going to! I love Peter and the Wolf. Had the ENTIRE thing on those large-sized 78’s when I was a kid. That was a pretty big stack of records. It was made to stack them on the record changer, play through the stack, and then flip the stack over and listen to the second half.
    I don’t think they’re around any more . . .

    On another note: Pics of the Queen of England in Ireland. How’d the visit go, you unreal unAmerikuns for over the pond?

    • Baker's Dozen says:

      from over the pond.

      • Zyxomma says:

        I had an LP album, from Leonard Bernstein’s Young Symphony collection. Leonard explains which instruments represent which creatures and people, etc. I treasured it.

        Shannyn did a great job narrating, and I love the baffles to either side of the orchestra — makes it look as if they’re playing within a giant cardboard box. I was a teensy bit disappointed that no one made use of duct tape — this IS Alaska, after all. The wolf headgear was appreciated.

  11. OMG says:

    Interesting repercussions that could affect FOX personalities if Stephen Colbert is denied a PAC:

    • G Katz says:

      I can hardly wait to see how this one goes. I figured Colbert was up to something more than meets the eye (my eye, anyway), when he started this process. Now that I see the possible repercussion, I am more awe of him than ever. Brilliant move, Stephen!

  12. Zyxomma says:

    Lifelong lover of Peter and the Wolf. Will come back later to listen to Shannyn’s narration.

  13. Cinquifoil says:

    My demograhic generation of Alaskans love Peter & the Wolf – the whole story is about a creek, a pond, the trees of the forest, animals, danger & safe. Lived it in Spenard when was a child.

  14. mike from iowa says:

    I missed something here. Where exactly does the guvernator send in helicopters and kill the wolf and save Peter’s hide? I guess I forgot the original storyline.