Open Thread – Argh!
The internet connection at Mudflats Central is finally restored. A day without internet is a day like… this.
Chatter on, Mudflatters…
March 7, 2025
Thursday, August 3, 2023
The Quitter Returns! -Monday, March 21, 2022
Putting the goober in gubernatorial -Friday, January 28, 2022
The internet connection at Mudflats Central is finally restored. A day without internet is a day like… this.
Chatter on, Mudflatters…
Well, my take on the Rapture is that it DID happen and other than me (see post 26 above), nobody was good enough to go, so (since I came back) we’ll all be destroyed next September or whenever it is. Those people that sold all their stuff just have to tough it out for a few months. And, hey, since the world’s ending and us with it, it doesn’t matter how you get it, does it? Time to employ some Republican Methods of Acquisition (based on Ferengi Rules of Acquisition). These last few months are going to be FUN! 🙂
I may have to move from my home in Phoenix, AZ.
Sarah Palin is house hunting in Scottsdale. I wonder if she’s trying to establish residency for when Jon Kyl retires from the Senate? Or is she just planning on being a snowbird?
At least there are *some* sane folks in the state…57% — woo-hoo! beth.
“[snip] In any event, buzz surrounding Palin’s supposed purchase were enough to prompt Public Policy Polling, a Democratic company based in North Carolina, to ask Arizona voters in an automated survey whether they would like Palin to move to their state. Fifty-seven percent said no, 27 percent said yes, and 16 percent were not sure. Just like in the political polls, Palin has her work cut out for her.”
Full article, “Palin’s Rumored New Home in Arizona Revives 2012 Speculation”, here:
Didn’t realize they made such nice book case wall paper. It looks great in Palin’s interview with GVS. But what is it with her hair? As a teacher, I’ve watched kids for years, and those with hair in their eyes tend to spend a lot of time fussing with their hair so they can see and much less actually working.
Did you watch her shake her head no-no-no when asked if she had the fire in her belly? Ha!
Dang- Now I feel sorry for these folks.
Not Mr Camping though , no way.,0,5118540.story
Goodbye Cruel World.
We are having some bad weather,so I put my newer Jeep in the North side of the barn,where it spent last winter. I heard a commotion by the feed shed and a raccoon popped out of a ground level hole with a woodchuck right behind it. I think Woody wanted the coon raptured. Must be something going on when animals can’t abide each other. They must be of different political persuasions.
Everything quiet in Kansas (except the GOTPers).
Was talking with our daughter at the appropriate hour when our call got dropped. She was quick to call back and make sure we weren’t “raptured” – knowing full well we weren’t expecting to be. It was just AT&T having fun with us. Of course, we will be calling her when it turns 6 p.m in her time zone just to chuckle. Of course, she is pretty much on top of the San Andreas Fault, so the chuckles may be a bit subdued – not wanting to trouble trouble if you know what I mean.
I think that fire in Palin’s belly is something she’s mistaking for real desire and ability when all it is is the flames licking around her torso from her flaming pants!
I had me some good laughs at this write-up on $Ps “fire in the belly” remarks. The first one that tickled me was:
“In fact, Palin has so much fire in her belly, she talked about service of country and the sacrifice it took for those who chose to run for president, about the sacrifice of one’s personal life and that of family for the greater good, and about having fire in her belly. She said the phrase half a dozen times, almost as if she had just discovered something bright and shiny and wanted to share it with others.” [[Somehow the author manages to get all word-saladesque just talking about $P — quite a feat! b.]]
The second bit that chuckled me was:
“Still, a fire in her belly does not necessarily mean Sarah Palin will run for president. Given the Left’s penchant for parsing everything she says, the established Right’s more than dismissive tone, the general public’s attitude that she is not a worthy presidential candidate, and the fact that there are several tell-all books about to be released, that fire just might be a bit of anticipatory indigestion at what is to come. Best perhaps to just let it pass — media scrutiny, books, presidential campaign and all.” [[Ouch! That’s gotta hurt. b.]]
I believe you are right, Baker’s Dozen – the heat lapping up around her belly is from the flames from her Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire pants. Either that, or the flames of h-e-double-hockey-sticks have already come to claim her divisive, lie-spreading, numb-skulled, soul-ugly adz. beth.
Full article, “Sarah Palin: ‘Fire in My Belly’ for Presidential Run”, here:
Well, everyone, you haven’t heard from me all day because I got Rapturized early this morning. I got bored without all of you, so hitched a ride back. Take it from me, you aren’t missing anything. It’s much more interesting here! 🙂
That’s ’cause all the FUN people are still HERE!
welcome back! we missed you.
My fave line from the latest at Stonekettle Station, about why The Rapture seems to have failed:
“9. Turns out Heaven is a place where nobody works, everybody is equal, you don’t need money, food’s free, and nobody gets sick. It’s a socialist hell! The Rapture is on hold until it can be privatized. You’ll be issued a voucher which can be redeemed for redemption at a later date.”
although #2 is a great little mind mini-movie:
“2. It did happen, but it turns out nobody qualified for Rapture. Heaven is all ready. Big banners, “Grand Opening! Welcome Saved– thanks for a lifetime of not being a selfish dick and for doing what Jesus actually said.” Staff all turned out in bright shining white coats. Granite polished. Fresh coffee. Harps playing. And nobody shows up. Turns out they had a shitty business model. Did you know that nine out of ten new businesses fail in the first year? Bummer.”
Holy feck…the rapture died a death in Dublin.
LOL! jeebus.
It just turned 6pm eastern standard time…nobody is flying into the air in my neck of the woods…I guess that does not bode well for us. Still waiting for the shaking to start…still waiting….still waiting…. Oh forget it, I’m going to uncork the wine and enjoy the rest of the Rapture.
Whew, OMG, looks like we dodged the bullet! We had a wedding at 5pm in the vineyard today = happy to say the happy couple tied the knot and are now joining friends and family at the reception.
So glad their day wasn’t ruined. Or, on a more practical note, all that cash was spent for naught.
The shaking happened around 8p.m. on the 20th. I tripped on a rug and fell into my computer desk. Registered about a 6 on the RS around my kitchen. My right foot drags when I don’t pay attention. LMD-so sorry to hear about your MIL. Sorry about the airport experience as well. I have never flown,never will I hope. Laughter really is the best medicine for whatever ails you. You have lots of sympathetic friends here for moral support. I suppose of none of us get raptured,we really are all in this together. Fine with me. I know we can do better without the fundies.
The only things flying in the air at my house at 6 pm were sparrows, cardinals, crows, grackles and goldfinches!
Happy Rapture Day everybody! It won’t be 6 pm here for awhile. I shall be so disappointed if SP doesn’t go. This place would be heaven without all the fundies.
My mother in law died last Saturday and it was a crazy week. First I had to find DH (who was working nights and thus asleep when the news came that she was on her deathbed–unexpectedly) on the North Slope. Called every darned oil office in the state it would seem (as they were all closed on Sat) until I finally found someone in Deadhorse who could read a list and find his camp and send security to rouse him. They were keeping her alive with an ambu bag long enough so that he could say goodbye on the phone (very sad) and then rush him onto a plane. My job, as it usually is, was to make plane reservations to get us to NM. Whatever happened to human beings on the other end of the line? And could we get any kind of a “bereavement” break on tickets??? He** no.
To make things even more fun, got to go through the groping at the Anchorage airport. I was so angry by the time they got done that all I could say was, “are we done violating my civil rights now so I can go bury my mother in law?” Those TSA jerks didn’t even say “sorry”. If I didn’t HAVE to fly, I would have refused and walked away from that. I was actually mad at myself because I felt like such a sheep. All I could think was, we should NOT have to put up with this. There is something about illegal search… I just cannot wrap my mind around the idea that we are allowing ourselves to submit to this crap. Did I feel safer flying? NOT. If we continue to let this go on then the terrorists really HAVE won.
The family (B-I-L, S-I-L and aunt) asked me to do the eulogy as they couldn’t get through it. AKM, I hope you don’t mind but I borrowed your line about Mom’s being our harshest critics and our biggest fans. Everyone in the church murmmered (sp?) their agreement on that one, so it touched a universal cord. Just thought you might want to know. I am really glad to be home. Man, the green chili in everything sure was good though. DH is staying down there for awhile.
It was interesting to be surrounded by right wing elderly people. I don’t think that my M-I-L was particularly political one way or the other but her friends were all going on about how we need to just punch holes in the ground and drill ourselves out of the high gas prices and how everything was Obama’s fault and blah,blah,blah, Fox news. I get off the plane in Anchorage and am waiting for the puddle jumper home and there is some guy going on about how ALL of the media is liberal, left-wing, socialist EXCEPT for Fox News and how thank god there is Fox, blah, blah, blah.
Holy crap! I thought to myself. They are everywhere! It is a little frightening when one considers that all of these people vote. The interesting part though was that all of the people I met like this in NM were really nice people (other than their politics). They were bringing food and being comforting and just generally being decent human beings. They care about their kids and their friends’ kids. They donate to charities, etc, etc. And I thought to myself that we really need some healing and something to bring us together instead of everything that tears us apart.
Oh well, there is nothing like a death in the family to make you think about what really matters. I did have a bit of trouble not bursting out laughing when the priest went on about the end times. He did mention that no one knows when it will happen. I wanted to leap up and say, “I heard it is at 6 pm on Saturday”. That would have been inappropriate though.
Hi, and so sorry for your loss. Hope you & family are all doing well. I think their lines require proof of loss (copy of death certificate, etc.). Inorderto get the bereavement discount. Check with your carrierfortheirregs &requirements, and good luck with it.
Lynn in VA (it’s nearly 6:40 here in SW VA – I guess we didn’t make the cut )
Nope, even with the right paper work, most airlines do not offer a bereavement fare of any kind anymore. The best that we could get with the paperwork was a waiver for any change of date fees. Pretty lousy.
LoveMyDogs, we love YOU, and hold you and yours in our loving arms.
understand your frustration and your loss, went thru the same last fal with F-I-L in NM… wife is a travel agent, and NO breaks on airfare for breavement…As you like the green chili, you might have DH bring a bag home, it freezes well and the NM chili seems to have extra zing…wear gloves when peeling, it WILL make your hands sting !
Sorry for your loss, but glad to see you retained a sense of humor and were able to deal with the fundies in a civilized manner. I wish they could do the same with us.
You know, I remember a time (and not all that long ago) when airlines did offer a bereavement discount and went our of their way to comfort the traveler under that burden.
If airlines would just remember that passengers are people and treat us with simple courtesy and make minor compromises such as a bereavement discount, we’d all be feeling better about traveling on planes. Whatever happened to treating the customer well? I’d settle for simple decency.
Sorry you had to endure the TSA’s groping. There is absolutely no standard for them to follow. One airport treats you respectfully and the next like you are the enemy or a sex toy. Your point is well taken – when we live in fear, the terrorists have won.
May your family find healing and loving support in one another. Blessings to you and yours.
Sounds like it’s been a stressful and difficult time for you and your family. Keep trying to find the humor where you can and know that you’ve got lots of mudpups sending love and hugs your way…
Love My Dogs i am sorry for the loss of your mother in law. the fact that you had to be searched in such an unprofessional way is horrendous and made everything so much more distressing.
hugs LoveMD♥
Another Irish song
Yo, all Mudpups! Since I only have about an hour and a half before the “Rapture”, thought I’d better go ahead and ask this question so I could go away informed.
I’m reading “The Lies of Sarah Palin”, and can’t figure out why Dunn keeps referring to Wasilla/Anchorage as SW AK. He’s done this several times, and since I lived in Bethel, which is considered Western AK, and ANC is 500 miles east, and in Homer, which is in South Central
AK, which is south of ANC, where does he come up with SW AK? Or do I need to take a remedial course in Geography?
You are correct, tigerwine, that ANC/Wasilla are not considered part of SW AK. They are considered South Central
is a decent map for looking at regions as we know them here.
Good map – thanks, Pi!
bad editing?
I like Diane Bensons compass piece today. Why not build the instate gas line?? What the heck are they waiting for? More idiotic political bickering and posturing???
And another thing, I certainly dont believe the oil reserves in Prudoe are declining, who’s running the show up there? It’s the big oil companies not us, if they say its running low then that’s that, that data by itself affect everything from the top down including new exploration and tax’s. In my humble opinion the oil companies have been falsifying real data to control profit and lease rights, the bottom line is PROFIT, they really don’t care.
Lets help the lard bottom politicians get off their soap box’s and get that instate gas line moving NOW!!!
This was written about a Down Syndrome child. Luke Kelly sang it and hubby and I named our first born after him.
Seeing as we’re all still on the planet for the time being, here’s the song for today. (In case this link doesn’t work, it’s “Obaldi, Oblada”. This was the Duke’s and my wedding song, performed by the lads themselves up at the old ducal chapel. After the reception, the Dowager Duchess, Halcyon, took Ringo for a flight over Northhamptonshire in her Stearman biplane. It was quite the bash.)
So – let’s all make music, garden, and play with our pets today. Bubbles – sorry about Cartier, but you are a woman after the late Duke’s own heart. He would’ve been right there with ya.
Dear Mag-any luck getting stuff back? I like to find music for all occasions, I have never been able to find an appropriate musical accompaniment that adequately expresses how my trip down the aisle affected my life. I discovered troe love when bundles of joy started showing up. You and the Duke are truly exceptional. May the music last forever.
Maybe we should make lists of people who need to be raptured,god probably wouldn’t mind a small assist from conscientious people like me. I’m gonna suggest every so-called evangelical minister who ever had a television audience for starters. Politicians of both stripes would be next. Named only when time is up. Then we can get to really bad actors and terrorists from all around the world. No relatives. Skip the Mother-in-law jokes.this is serious business. And just for posterity,tax all churches and religious groups at a 50% rate,payable before they float away. Having a pre-rapture give away special on asparagus. All you can correctly cut below ground and bag up and take with you. First come-best served.
My blade is at the ready, to cut yon asparagus from the earth!
Morning, Mudflatters. Wishing you all a great Saturday, and a good weekend.
Yesterday we were reading about a pastor whose interest is only in lining his own pocket. Today I’ve stumbled on a priest in the public eye who seems more in line with Biblical teachings, though he does touch on political issues. It’s only 4 minutes and worth watching.
that was absolutely wonderful Vyccan i shared it on Facebook. now that’s a priest i can love and respect. made my day.
It’s Sunday in Australia:
Horrah! They made it!
Not that was any doubt, but still nice to know. 🙂
If you want to track the Rapture, you can watch the World Clock to see who’s next…at the time of this writing, Europe will hit 6 pm in about 30 minutes.
bbbbzzzzzz..Hello, Europe? Are you there ??? bbbbbbssssssssssss.. Come In, Come in,…Europe, are you there ???bbbbbzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz CQ,CQ…Is anyone out there ??bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!
i had i the time all wrong. i thought Midnight last night which is why i asked my friend Mugsy to drive me to Cartier ( Zyx is right Cartier got more cachet) and then Bergdorf which is close to Cartier. that’s when i found out that it ain’t till today. 6 o’clock PM. which is stupid because it is still light outside so where is the drama?
i settled for a deep tissue massage, a cup of fresh ginger tea; two hours of the Borgias and two hours of the Game of Thrones then i was raptured.
Yes….Europe is good!
It is past 6pm and I am happily sozzled due to our win in rugby. 🙂
I am taking this faux Rapture Day to consider how fortunate I am and count my many, many blessings even if I am not a believer. Sometimes, it’s just nice to consciously stop and remember all the people and things that have meant and do mean so much to me.
I’ve googled and binged Camping and his organization Family Radio this morning. What I found is not scary, alarming or distressing – more sad and foolish – and a tad confusing because some of the info conflicts with other aspects of the theory. Oh, well, maybe I am just not schooled enough in this tradition to understand or accept it.
For specifics, nothing beats the source:
It seems you cannot reach Family Radio itself because they’re busy preparing for the Rapture which is scheduled to occur at 6 p.m. PDT (or 7 p.m. PDT, depending upon the source you reference). It’s rather sad to see how many people have sold everything they have, have emptied bank accounts and given notice to their employers. I wonder how many suicides will occur tonight or tomorrow. There always seems to be a trail of human suffering following these predictions. In the 19th century, there was a period called the Great Disappointment following the Millerite predictions of the end of the world. Camping’s beliefs are said to be traceable to that movement, so I wonder if we will have a second Great Disappointment starting tomorrow.
Other than the facts page, you can find the following message when you google or bing Family Radio: “Special Announcement: Donations Server Temporarily Down. Family Radio’s donation server is currently undergoing security maintenance. The donation page should be back …”
Oh, yeah, be back, huh? I wonder if they will open up donations again tomorrow (the 22nd). The lease on the Family Radio site runs until 2023, so . . . .
After reading several articles on the two topics, I decided to rely upon Wikipedia for info on Camping and Family Radio, because, well, I am just not into digging very far because I am not a believer in his predictions. What I read wasn’t necessarily alarming. His beliefs actually seem benign compared to some right-wing evangelicals.
Supposedly, he contends that the age of the church is over – that churches are now run by Satan. Hmmm – perhaps he has been to Wasilla or the Anchorage Baptist Temple? (BTW, his beliefs are Baptist-based.)
Sorry for the snark, but that he has amassed such wealth (over 72 million dollars according to some estimates) and is responsible for so many people giving up so much solely on his word, snark seems the least negative feeling I can embrace.
According to the information posted to Wikipedia (take it for what it is worth), did you know he graduated as a Civil Engineer from the University at Berkeley? I wonder how many people there are cringing at this news. His Family Radio network is based in Oakland, so you guys down there are at Rapture Central in some sense.
He also, according to the article I read, does not believe that anyone who died before May 21, 2011 will be involved in the Rapture. As far as the end of the world on October 21st this year, he believes in annihilationism, that there is not eternal suffering in Hell – just an end of consciousness. So how that info squares with the Facts page that bodies will be thrown up out of graves for the Rapture is beyond me. There just seems to be conflicting information on every aspect of this whole theory, that I am just going to ignore it all. Yes, I know they say that those who ignore this will do so at their peril, but really, even if it comes to pass, it may just be a bit late to start worrying.
Happy Saturday everyone, regardless of the Rapture.
Take care all you folks in Fairbanks! BIG fire in the southern part – Goldstream area. Just retrieved a phone call from my son. Folks have evacuated, so far he hasn’t had to. Go to the Fairbanks News-Miner for more info.
That reminds me,this week I watched a program on 360 north channel about the White Mountain Navajo Women Hotshots. It was amazing, how these women worked and supported their communities. If you get a chance to watch it, it will be worth the hour in front of the tube.
I did not know about the fire in FBX, thanks for posting that.
I love Jim Wright at Stonekettle Station. If you are delicate, though, be forewarned that he speaks his own mind in less-than-delicate ways. Since I’m NOT so delicate myself, I enjoy him GREATLY.
Oh yeah – that’s a good one. I do so enjoy his sense of humor!
Here’s one of my favorite suggestions on how to mess with poor crazies who will be waking up tomorrow and finding themselves still clothed and earthbound:
*** – Nobody post anything on Sunday morning. Stay inside with the lights off – or better yet sneak outside, start your car and leave it running with the sunroof open and the radio tuned to the Gospel Channel. Arrange a couple of suits of empty clothing on the front lawn. Don’t answer your phone. All the believers will think they got left behind. Then, about noon or so, right about the time despair is setting in, we’ll all jump out and yell Surprise! ***
That was great and I’m going to go out and buy some of those balloons.
i too love Jim Wright’s essays. i first heard of Stonekettle Station right here on the Flats. Mr. Wright has written some amazing stuff and i admire his talent. i am slowly working my way through his archives. am have sent links to his blog to family and friends.
for anyone with a precious second to spare
We’re seeing the sun for the second day in a row (woo hoo!!!) and I just MIGHT be able to get out and do some work in the garden today (fingers crossed).
We’ve had soooooo much rain in the past couple of weeks that everything planting-related is delayed including the poor farmers who can’t drive their tractors into the fields without sinking up to their axles. I never got my lettuce, peas or spinach into the ground and I’m afraid it might be a bit too late for those crops, although I’ll give it the old college try anyway. It rained for a brief time overnight and it sounded pretty heavy, but I’m hoping the sun and heat will dry the ground up enough to do a little planting this weekend. Good thing I won’t be ‘rapturized’ later today because that would be a terrible waste of all those seeds and seedlings I bought!
Happy Rapture Day, everyone, and remember that the REAL party starts at 6:30! 😉
Lettuce and peas are cold weather crops. They grow best in cool spring or fall weather and not so good when it gets hot. I’m late with my stuff in the garden because of physical limitations and cold,wet weather. Makes me happy to know so many Pups have love of the fertile Earth in their blood.Hope you get your stuff planted today. Tomorrow may not come.(guffaw)
Well, I know that spring and planting season is officially here. The pungent aroma of composted manure and humus pervades my car after a quick trip to the store!
Got my lettuce, spinach, pea and carrot seeds ready to go as soon as I get the manure and the lovely, dark, crumbly (and free!) leaf compost from my town tilled into the ground.
Weeding and tilling today…planting tomorrow (assuming I’m still here and not hung over from the post-rapture festivities!).
Wow are you in luck. I just happen to have a spare tiller for sale. I bought a new one about four years ago and a friend of my neighbors said she had a digger to give away if anyone wanted it. It is slightly older than my new one,but has variable speed drive and I can slow the ground speed down. Has electric start and new belts. I can’t officially use either one,but one has to stay. Have a fairly new snow blower I may have to rid my garage of,too.Celebrate responsibly after 6 p.m.
I am getting those crops in up here on the AK Peninsula, hopefully this weekend. Potatoes too, but need to wait for hubby to get home and quickly get some boxes made up to increase the chances of good yields on those.
The high tunnel, greenhouses with no heat, already have things in and almost ready to start feeding us and crew that will show up shortly. (Tomatoes are trying to bloom in the window so they will go out next week, with a little extra protection in the tunnels just to be safe)
We even plan to try some heirloom corn known for dealing with much cooler, drier weather than the hybrids! (We are forecasted for a drier and warmer summer than normal)
NOW to have the new pup learn that what I plant doesn’t need to be pulled or dug up.
Hope all those who love planting and the Earth get their ‘rapture’ in that mode sometime this weekend!!
“NOW to have the new pup learn that what I plant doesn’t need to be pulled or dug up”
or peed on..
Here here!!! One little perk of having a lady versus a gent pup!
She is a ‘general area’ pee lady so don’t have to worry about squirts…just extra water!!
She is learning that when I fly at her waving arms, yelling and pitching stuff at her all at the same time, it is not an approved activitiy :-))
Not to worry…….
Peeing on Lilac bushes can be good for them..the old sourdough method of fertilizing the lilacs……nitrogen..potassium..all good stuff…lowers the pH nicely…
“FACING her greatest political challenge, Julia Gillard played the man, accusing Opposition Leader Tony Abbott of behaving like the political love child of Sarah Palin and Donald Trump.
The PM made her personal crack to at the ALP state conference at Monash University on Sasturday, telling the delegates Mr Abbott was running a hysterical campaign against the carbon tax.
“Tony Abbott has said of himself that he is John Howard and Bronwyn Bishop’s political love child,” she said.
“Heaven knows that’s bad enough, but the truth is he is acting more like the love child of Sarah Palin and Donald Trump.”
Mr Abbott did not respond to the jibe yesterday.”
That’s hysterical! Just imagine that “love child” in politics . . . . Too much for my imagination on a Saturday morning. I guess the rapture is off for today – maybe this date next year?
Rapture begins at 6pm for the chosen ones and then the rest of us have 5 months of chaos to endure before the official end. Still plenty of time to stock up on canned hash and bottled water !
Again, I tip my hat (alas, only a straw Stetson, though I’d appreciate it if Bubbles could nab me a nice pink one with flowers on it) to yourIirish politicians, who can always say what needs to be said, in the best way possible. I have heard it said that when an Irish politician pats you on the back, he’s only looking for the best place to stick the knife.
I was glad to seeol’ Betty (aka Her Majesty) walkin’ about and pressing the flesh with the residents of Cork. Although it’s central section was burned to the ground by the Black and Tans in 1922, the Corkonians don’t bear grudges (except to each other), and I’m sure they were their genial best to the visitors. Cork is the best place in the Republic for the craic, though I doubt Betty and Phil the Greek would recognize a joke if they woke up in bed with one.
So, Irish – are yerself, himself, and the chislers heading for Moneygall to see our Mister Obama?
Mag, the Australian PM said that!
He (President Obama) is going to be in College Green here in Dublin on Monday. I’m trying to figure out how to get tickets. AKM, I have heard rumours on the googles that you are working for him….can you have a word in his ear? 😉
And an Irish team (Leinster) has just won the Heineken Cup!!! Hubby and I went down to the pub to watch it. It was miserable at first as Northhampton was winning 22-6 at half-time. Bejaysus, Leinster came back in the second half and trounced them.
Yay for Leinster…..the best European Rugby Team in 2011.
I’m celebrating!! Hic
What time zone is the 6 o’clock for the Rapture pinned to. I want to be prepared just as do friends and relatives in other parts of the world. We’ve got out binoculars ready to watch all the chosen ones (of which we won’t be a part of) fly up into the heavens.
I just found out that it is supposed to be 6pm local time wherever you live. It is already passed 9pm in China and no reports of flying people in the entire time zone…yet.
For those few folks who believe in being raptured, wouldn’t it also be their belief that few, if any, of the residents of China would qualify for rapturing? I mean, the rapture is only for a chosen few, right?
So, let’s keep our eyes open for other, more “raptureable” (my word) possibilities to be revealed as the clocks strike 6pm through all local time zones.
I’m waiting…It’s just a bit more than 9 hours to Rapture Liftoff here in Texas…. Surely, TEXAS, of all places — the land of Rick Perry, John Cornyn, that idiot congressman from East Texas (I know, take a number…there are too many to count… oh yes, Leo Berman), Bush senior and The Shrub —
Lots and lots of Rapture candidates in this state….
The rest of us are meeting for drinks afterwards…. Y’all join us, ya hear?
Sadly I’m too far away to join y’all. It looks like India missed the rapture as well:
It’s just coming up on 2AM, the 22nd, in New Zealand, and nothing happening there. I can listen to Radio New Zealand on shortwave from here, and they are as mellow as can be 8 hours into Rapture Day. Maybe we should make this an annual event? Keeps all the fundie chatter down…
You would have better luck converting Salties to Christianity.
For a minute there I thought I was ascending to the sky . . . but it turned out to just be gas.
Do YOU have a fire in YOUR belly too??? 😉
You should talk to my student. After Thursday’s sign language lesson with me she knows all about THAT kind of gas!
China’s gov’t is like ours. If it was raining the gov’t would not admit the fact it was raining. That’s NTK(need to know) info and we don’t need to know it.
It’s kind of like rolling black outs … 6 pm wherever you are. Guess old Camping figured he’d better leave the math on that one alone, since he’s messed up before. My theory, when he’s wrong again this time, he’s going to claim that the forgot to divide by infinity.
NP, or maybe he forgot to divide by 0. Oh wait, only Chuck Norris can divide by zero.
I never knew about the Chuck Norris facts. Had to look that up. Too funny.
Standard or daylight savings time?
I have my binoculars out, watching for rapture rockets!
If the rapture don’t get you the government sponsored zombies will!
AKM- My congrats also, too on being called a hateful blogger. You must be doing something right. Speaking of hateful people, check out the Koch spot:
Good one, Chicago Fan! I’ll probably go around with that in my head all day, now!
That was awesome!
Are Sarah and the GOTP (gentle and baggers alike) raptured yet? Did any and all of ’em leave holograms behind to continue to plague the rest of us who are curious?
Also too AKM, Palin called you a hateful blogger on the Fox interview with GVS! The interview itself (all 15 minutes of it) is well worth watching. Greta warned her that should she run for the presidency, there will be no holds barred. Palin went ballistic and was POINTING THE FINGER at Greta.
AKM and the Mudflats blog were not given a single “Dishonors Awards” from Media Research Center. I stumbled on this site and was amazed at the sheer volume of HATE possessed by the panel that decides who gets the awards. Hannity,Limpaw, coulter and a host of other vermin were listed. Was kinda of funny in a macabre sorta way.Happy Rapture Day fellow “Pups.
Oh my gosh…after about 5-7 minutes I could take no more of her fake pride in herself….she still gets to me like no other creature on Earth can….please do not run as I can not take a day without my tv and with her on it daily I will go out of my mind.
I MIGHT be able to stand the TV crap that would come with the Quitty Pants running IF we can see all of it burn like we did Trump.
Having the POTUS get a crack at some jokes about her, and a few more SNL skits and other late night comments…then we can get into the hair jokes…it could turn out to be a faster rise annd burn than Trump’s non-running run!!
Not that I think she has the ability to last more than 2 weeks at it IF she gets in the run. The sharks will be out BIG TIME and turn her to an Alaskan Salmon species –CHUM!!
Well one problem with her debating with Obama….just like Biden they will use kid gloves because you know what the media will say if he debates her just like any other man.
Problem is, no one ever makes her answer the question they ask, she skirts around it and then they let it drop….using her words “hold her feet to the fire.”
i opened the link and then closed it quick. cannot stand that woman.
Argh…..I have to pay the second installment of my daughter’s orthodontic bill next week.
Maybe I’ll get lucky and get raptured today?
I’ll start it off. I got my property tax bill this week. It always gets my BP up when I get that bill knowing that the likes of Anchorage Baptist Temple wont be suffering a similar fate. I’m not sure how the city spins the figures, but mine went up $400 over last year despite what dapper Dan in claiming.