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Open Thread – Truth Sandwich on Crazy Bread

A Mudflatter in Wasilla snapped this picture in the local Waldenbooks.

It’s like a truth sandwich on crazy bread!

On the way home, the book and it’s new owner paused at the Wasilla City Hall for a pictorial tribute.


Photos by: Beverly Serrano



44 Responses to “Open Thread – Truth Sandwich on Crazy Bread”
  1. Califpat says:

    good read all

  2. boodog says:


  3. Irishgirl says:


  4. Irishgirl says:

    Check out this comment at 9.11 at IM… is hilarious.

    “When Palin starts a sentence, she has absolutely no idea where it is going. She begins with the word “He,” and then her lone neuron fires and she adds the word “who.” Who the fuck talks like that? I am fifty years old, and don’t think I have ever started a sentence with “He who” in my entire life.

    Then, she needed a verb. What did “He who” do? With her brain bouncing around her empty head like a ping-pong ball in a clothes dryer – we have a winner: “warned!” Got it? “He who warned!” Subject (sort of) and verb! Now we’re getting somewhere, and putting that communications degree to good use, also too.”

  5. Irishgirl says:

    Someone posted this hysterically funny comment at IM. I hope it goes viral.

    “When Palin starts a sentence, she has absolutely no idea where it is going. She begins with the word “He,” and then her lone neuron fires and she adds the word “who.” Who the fuck talks like that? I am fifty years old, and don’t think I have ever started a sentence with “He who” in my entire life.

    Then, she needed a verb. What did “He who” do? With her brain bouncing around her empty head like a ping-pong ball in a clothes dryer – we have a winner: “warned!” Got it? “He who warned!” Subject (sort of) and verb! Now we’re getting somewhere, and putting that communications degree to good use, also too.

    But warned is a transitive verb, and needs an object. So who or what did “He who” warn? Looooooong pause while she rummages around that sock drawer of a skull. Wasn’t there something about the British way back then? Maybe he warned them? What the fuck, I could start clucking like a chicken and my followers would swear off eggs for a year. So yeah, “He who warned the British.”

    Wait a minute, though. “He who” was a real American. Why would he warn the British about anything? Damn! Took a wrong turn on that verb. But let’s keep going anyway. God opened this door so let’s plow on through, right? If the British were the bad guys, what could a real American warn them about? Quick palm check – there’s the word “guns” written there, so let’s make it about guns. Okay you Limey motherfuckers, just try taking away our guns and our precious freedoms to let our children shoot themselves in our own homes.

    By this time, the Palin train is picking up steam and the words are actually coming together with some rhythm, even if they are complete bullshit. Uh-oh! There’s a bend in the track ahead, so let’s slow down a bit. Listen to the way she makes the word “town” have three syllables. But once she makes it back to the straightaway, she can just recycle a bunch of bullshit from the first half of the statement (arms, freedom, more arms).

    There’s stupid; there’s really stupid; and then there’s Sarah Palin. But I’d have to say that there’s a fourth level of stupid beyond that: if you’re a Palin supporter, then you are absolutely the dumbest of the dumb.”

    9:11 AM

    I’m still laughing…..

  6. mike from iowa says:

    Just for fun Credo Action sent a request to sign a petition to tell the media to ignore Palin and cover real news. They sent a picture of the Grifter with Trumps road kill head piece. Looks right at home on top of Mt BarrenHead. Also got some pictures from St Johns Hospital in Joplin,Mo. No idea as to how anyone survived the destruction.

  7. Zyxomma says:

    Maybe the bookstore didn’t read the title; they just looked at the cover and thought this is where it belonged.

  8. OMG says:

    Howard Dean makes some very important points about how a worsening economy and voter apathy could put Palin in the WH.

  9. tallimat says:

    Okay, so I’m stuck here at my sister’s house near beautiful downtown Wasilla.
    Reading Blind Allegiance… This is a terrific idea! Apparently there are Worst Govenor Ever stickers about town. Maybe I should grab the camera, my book and take a cruise about town on my sister’s harley. …

    I am thankful Mr. Bailey decided to write this story. My anger towards him adds up to a pindrop in comparison to what it was two weeks ago. This is a good read. I can say, that once my sister or several of our cousins read this, they might get a little ticked off and repeat the “read, throw, retrieve” dance, several hundred times.

  10. mike from iowa says:

    I just read a near perfect description of Quittypants on Yahoo News comment section. Someone called Quitty a Post Turtle. That is when you drive a country road a see a turtle on top of a wooden post with all four legs flopping helplessly in the air. You know it didn’t get there by itself. You know it doesn’t belong there. You know it will accomplish nothing while it is there,and you just want to help it out of its predicament and send it on its way.

  11. OMG says:

    Another excellent Forbes piece on Palin’s botched Revere story, this time dealing with Palin’s minions trying to save their queen:

    • mike from iowa says:

      If only them damn liberal Dems had let the British waterboard Revere and get the truth we could’ve skipped the whole Revolutionary War and gone straight to the War of 1812. Liberal Dems refuse to give Palin a break.

  12. Cassie Jeep says:

    Just out of curiosity—-where did they leave the bus and the SUV’s when they abandoned the magical mystery tour?

    And who–literally–drove the bus over the cliff?

    Just askin’ in case it was left somewhere where it might get a “makeover”…..

  13. leenie17 says:

    For those of you who have not seen the recent accounts of the Palin demolition derby bus tour, there are numerous stories about how the bus and 2 SUVs have been breaking all sorts of traffic laws – speeding, running through red lights and stop signs, suddenly changing lanes without signaling and nearly hitting a biker in Philadelphia. Because she refused to give the media an itinerary, the reporters following the bus have been forced to break as many, or more, traffic laws in order to keep up. She also nearly ran right into the Springfield tornado in her rush to get to the clambake that was ‘coincidentally’ within spitting distance of Romney’s campaign announcement.

    Once again, Palin demonstrates her complete disregard for laws and rules that the rest of us ‘little people’ have to follow. I’m actually surprised that they made it through MA without being stopped since MA State Troopers have a reputation for being some of the toughest in the northeast, especially if the lawbreaker is from out of state.

    If she decides to return to her tour after her break, they’d better be more careful or some innocent bystander is going to get hurt…or worse.

  14. leenie17 says:

    Bill Maher had the best line regarding Palin’s distorted version of Paul Revere’s ride.

    “She shouldn’t be on vacation. She should be in summer school!”

    Melissa Harris-Perry was nearly hysterical at the nonsense that came out of Palin’s mouth. It sounded like she had no clue what she was talking about and, as usual, pulled some talking points and buzzwords out of her posterior and strung them together.

  15. Mo says:

    OMG. And someone is even contemplating destroying the Chuitna fishery for coal…not to mention the Pebble Mine. We’re waiting to see what the Kensington Mine does to Berner’s Bay down here in the panhandle..hopefully nothing, so long as an earthquake doesn’t rupture the little lake where the tailings are going to be dumped. Yeah, Alaska is on the Ring of Fire and had the biggest earthquake since we started recording magnitude, but not to worry, eh?

    • Alaska Pi says:

      Article puts the battle to save our fisheries in another context doesn’t it?

      Kensington here in Southeast worries the bejabbers out of me too.
      Take a deep breath .
      We can’t be hyperventilating at the same time 🙂

  16. Zyxomma says:

    A truth sandwich on crazy bread. Well said.

  17. laurie says:

    It took almost the entire week before the media actually showed how lazy and crazy Palin is.

  18. Baker's Dozen says:

    Another ode to Sarah’s midnight ride through historical fact. When the Monitor is making fun of you, you’re really on the downhill!

  19. DF says:

    I’m 2/3 through the book! Regardless of what I knew, know, and will know, this is not exactly an easy read. Details on how people change their priorities and double boil their values is pretty sickening. It’s a reminder of how much I hated politics when I was a puppy — and, still dabble in those emotions!

  20. Paula says:

    Haven’t had time to comment but have been enjoying the crazy ride. Still wish the media would ignore this woman.

  21. WakeUpAmerica says:

    Perfect caption for the picture.

  22. jimzmum says:

    Good Saturday morning! Orson hooted us awake at the crack of three this morning. Himself muttered something about my damned owl and went back to sleep. I got up, went down to the kitchen, thawed out a chicken liver, and took it out to the deck for the ingrate. He looks so different from the poor, beat up feller of two years ago. I guess a three a.m. feeding is worth it, even if he has moved in with some hussy down by the river.

    In Illinois news, Blago got his hand smacked in court this week. We will see if it takes. Disgusting man. Watching the redistricting from afar. Chicago looks like a spider. Not too obvious! Sheesh.

    • London Bridges says:

      I like the Blago man. Is he less corrupt than Sarah? Yes! Is he less corrupt than most of the members of Congress who are funded by oil, healthcare and defense industries? Yes! Has he killed thousands of innocent people abroad? No! Did he bust unions? Not that I know of!

    • Ben in SF says:

      I am envisioning the complete ritual — light of the freezer illuminating the kitchen; popping it in the microwave in a little dish? How sweet.

    • MinNJ says:

      Loved reading your story, jimzmum! Just got an new-to-me adopted 9-year-old kitty and haven’t slept that much lately. We’re both adjusting, and she’s getting used to the house, although it seems as though she’s taking over at the moment. Although I still miss my former kitty, some spaces are slowly filling in, and it’s good!

    • formerwriter says:

      Ed, this is a great article!

      Dana Milbank outdoes himself! the best comparison between Sarah Palin and Robert Gates: “The week’s dueling tours of Gates and Palin show the best and worst in American public life. Both call themselves Republicans, but he comes from the best tradition of service while she is a study in selfishness. He’s self-effacing; she’s self-aggrandizing. He harmonized American foreign policy; she put bull’s-eyes on Democratic congressional districts and then howled about “blood libel.””

    • weaver57 says:

      Robert Gates has class something that completely eludes Sarah.

    • G Katz says:

      Great read!

    • OMG says:

      Excellent article…thanks for the post.

  23. slipstream says:

    I’d recognize that hand anywhere!