Open Thread: The Mudflats and Sleeping Lady
Over the last 3 weeks or so, I have been taking some pictures with my Sony Bloggie, a little video cam that I got for my birthday in April. It’s like a “Flip” only better. The photos are HD quality until I shrink them for the blog, but I obviously get better shots with my Nikkon. Still, it’s a nice, portable little gadget that I can use if I happen to go to the Hillside on a nice day to look at the Mudflats (above) or Mount Susitna (called The Sleeping Lady) below:
I thought the story of Sleeping Lady was from the Dena’ina but have read that it’s not. Ann Dixon captured it for a lovely children’s book back in the early 90’s but even she said it was her retelling of the legend.
Fox News Presents: Our Next President!
What a beautiful picture and a story to go with it. We have found a better way,sounds like the plantive wails of Democrats right before they get bulldozed by right wing fanatics. Would that our world was as peaceful as back in the earlier times. any thanks for the story of the Sleeping Woman and the photos.
Nearly every community with mountains, or high hills, that I have visited in my decades on the planet has a version of the Sleeping Lady story. I wish sleeping with long hair is as easy as SL makes it look.
Before I’m banished to Intertubeless Land, a lesson Ms. Palin (any of them, all of them) could take to heart.
The repair shop is going to pry my computer out of my hands for a few days. I shall be experiencing Mudflats withdrawal, I’m sure. Love the pics.
Don’t you have access at your local library, BD?
Why doesn’t she just go away? Okay, we all know the answers (plural) to that. And if she did, who would we talk about? How about real issues with real attempts at solutions. Never fear, even if the half term quitter did go away, there are enough RWNJ and other nutzos to fill in if she departed. I just bought the Blind Allegiance book and will take off that cover. It’ll be bad enough reading it without looking at pictures of her.
More bad news for Palin, her biggest cheerleader in 2008, has eyes for another in 2012:
It’s hard to take a break from Palin with the momemtum building up against her from every corner. Remember the guy in Blind Allegiance who complained about the traffic? He’s suing her. (Maybe I’m the last to hear about it.) And the case was just moved into Federal Court.
Also, too, the thick-skinned Mama Grizzly with the Reaganesque “still” spine demanded an apology from Bachman’s campagin manager, Ed Rollins, because of a remark about Palin’s intelligence. Lost the link, but pass the popcorn!
I hope that Bailey will be called to testify against her, since he did write about her orchestrated campaign against the guy (complete with Piper’s lemonade stand and moving the trampoline) .
I also saw the story about how Palin’s camp wants (with stomping feet) for Rollins to “take it back!”. How middle school can you get?
With all the things that the public finds out about Palin, she continues to defy the odds and keeps on strutting her insane stuff–is she, perhaps, powered by Energizer batteries?
The media is her energizer bunny.They think it is a game…..god help them all if she gets her way. They will be all out of a job – and deservedly so. Time to start afresh.
Chip has been a thorn in the side of every elected official that doesn’t want to follow the rules.
A British columnist takes a look at Palin’s attempted Thatcher photo-op:
That bloke looks quite similar to a much younger Ron Jeremy-movie star. If you don’t know which movies he starred in,consider yourselves lucky.
Linda, I love the photos and especially the link to the legend. I hadn’t heard it and wondered about the name The Sleeping Lady.
Paul Revere’s Ride Revised by Sarah Palin
Fukushima Radiation in the Pacific: Research Cruise, June 3 -17
Daily updates:
Thanks, scout. A very interesting site – will try to follow the daily updates.
Bravo might be missing an opportunity for a new series, Housewives of the TeaParty, featuring the two darlings who would be president if only…
I’m on a Palin roll but had to post this article about how Palin not only does not know American history but took a vacation from it during her recent publicity stunt:
OMG, I think that last link is the best summation of Palin on her latest failed tour. A failing grade, indeed, for not at least getting something out of her history tour. It’s not that difficult to pay attention to the guides or interpreters at historical centers. They usually make a point of not sounding like a stodgy old-fashioned history teacher by telling about the people, places and events in a way that is easy for everyone to understand and remember. (And for the record, the only uninteresting history teachers I had were the ones who really weren’t interested in history themselves – the coaches who had to teach something so they made them teach history.)
I’m so jealous of the trip that the Palin family is taking. I would love to go to all those places (without her, though), and I bet I could give better answers than she has. Of course, I wouldn’t be trying to put forth a 2nd Ammendment agenda or some of the other crap that comes from Palin.
From the Atlantic:
“Palin bears ultimate responsibility. A more mature politician who learned from mistakes would understand that an off-the-cuff misstatement is perfectly normal and inconsequential, whereas complaining about the world’s most innocuous question makes you look insecure, petty and ridiculous to everyone save your apologists. Far harder to learn from mistakes, however, when amid a lost election, public missteps, and tanking popularity, intelligent ideological allies do nothing but make excuses, going so far as to write a book positing that among all politicians you’re uniquely persecuted.”
“It’s time that the right stop coddling its rising stars like trust-fund brats who are bailed out of trouble and assured at every opportunity that it’s someone else’s fault anytime something goes wrong. What do Paris Hilton and Palin have in common? The privilege and burden of knowing that even if they accomplish nothing of significance for the rest of their lives, they’ll stay rich.”
Palin “nuts” and “unstable”
Hi, everyone! I have a whole lot of work to do today, so I don’t know how much time I’ll have to hang out here. This morning, I found something so sweet in my inbox, I just have to share it. The source is a great website from Mike Adams, the Health Ranger. Here ’tis:
(NaturalNews) In a role reversal that would bring satisfaction to many a struggling American, a foreclosed couple foreclosed on a Bank of America branch last week.
Warren and Maureen Nyerges, of the Naples, Fla. area, bought a home with cash in 2009, yet in 2010 Bank of America tried to foreclose on them. It eventually took a court intervention to remedy the situation.
In December 2010, a judge said that the bank wrongfully tried to foreclose on the Nyerges home and ordered the bank to pay the couple $2,500 for the attorney fees resulting from the mess. But months later, the bank still had not paid up.
The Nyerges hired a lawyer, who pursued a levy, and Friday, June 3, it all came to a head. The lawyer came to the local Bank of America branch with the sheriff, the media and a moving truck.
“I’m either leaving the building with a whole bunch of furniture, or a check or cash or something,” the attorney, Todd Allen, said.
Sheriff’s deputies entered the branch shortly after 9 a.m., and presented the bank manager with a court writ and the choice familiar to so many former homeowners in America: Pay the money or prepare to lose possessions.
Allen ordered the deputies to take photocopiers, desks, computers and whatever cash was in the drawer to settle the debt. The bank manager on duty was “visibly shaken” he said.
“Having two sheriff’s deputies sitting across your desk and a lawyer standing up behind them demanding whatever assets are in the bank can be intimidating, but so is having your home foreclosed on, when it wasn’t right,” Allen said. “They’ve ignored our calls, ignored our letters, legally this is the next step to get my clients compensated.”
The Nyerges submitted multiple pleas for the money owed directly to the bank many times.
“I talked to branch managers, I called anyone who would listen to me,” the couple said. “And I wrote a certified letter to the president (of the bank). No response, nothing.”
After about an hour of being locked out of the bank, the bank manager relented and handed Allen a check for the legal fees.
“As a foreclosure defense attorney this is sweet justice” Allen said, because this situation is just a symptom of a larger problem.
Learn more:
Very sweet indeed! π
Hey, back up a bit. Third paragraph says they bought the home with cash in 2009, but in 2010 BofA tried to foreclose on them. ???? Is anyone willing to explain how this could happen.???
Ask Skank of America. They think they own everything!
The is a great op-ed about how Obama’s decisions saved the auto industry when Romney said to let them go bankrupt.
Ann Coulter tries praising Palin to prevent her from running. Will it work or will Sarah see through the charade and dig her heels in?
Lovely photos Linda.
Begich disses Palin.
“Sen. Mark Begich is turning a deaf ear to Sarah Palin’s demand that he make drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge a condition for his vote to approve raising the nation’s debt ceiling.
“She’s not really on my radar screen to take advice from,” the Alaska Democrat told reporters Tuesday.
“Let me put it this way. It’s always interesting to read what she has to say,” Begich said. But, he added, “Someone who quit Alaska is not someone I look for to get Alaska policy decisions on.”
Read more:
Mudflats, mountain, and a folktale while munching melon on the first morning of vacation. Life is good.
Graduation and the Project Graduation drug-and-alcohol-free-overnight-after-party at a local theme/water park are now but memories, and after a long nap, the class of 2011 is on its way. π
We got another brief shower in the forest yesterday morning, also, too, progressin’ the green around here. Looks like sunny skies today, so I’m going for the first swim of the summer shortly. A couple of stacks of books are waiting; Blind Allegiance is on top, so pool float here we come. π
I’m with Begich on taking advice from Mr$.Todd Palin. I’ve implored Mr$.Todd Palin numerous times, on this very blog, even, to please go home (to any of ’em she finds in front of her) and take care of herself and her children and the rest of her family (any of ’em she finds in front of her). I’ve reminded her also, too, on more than one occasion, that silence is golden, so she should Shut Up (sorry, Grandma Shorty) and get rich. She hasn’t taken my advice, so I guess we’re even. Pffffttttt!
How about some music for my lazy day?
First, a morning meditation from my wayback machine
Morning Has Broken:
“Morning has broken, like the first morning
Blackbird has spoken, like the first bird
Praise for the singing, praise for the morning
Praise for the springing fresh from the word
Sweet the rain’s new fall, sunlit from heaven
Like the first dewfall, on the first grass
Praise for the sweetness of the wet garden…”
and I’ll leave you this morning with Janis Joplin’s Summertime,
“…One of these mornings you’re bound to rise up singing
Then you’ll spread your wings and take to the sky…”
with love (to and) from the class of 1973
Good morning thatcrowwoman and everyone else. I have the day off and some weeding chores to get at. I woke up to a fresh crop of poppy blooms this morning. The cone flowers are all getting ready to bloom and I have some volunteer sun flowers I need to transplant. Have a great day everyone.
Oh, the joys of the last day of school!!!
We still have 11 more days to go (12 for staff) and today was miserable with temperatures in the low 90s. My school is old and has no AC so everyone was really cranky and short tempered. I am convinced that both of my kindergarten classes were competing for the Most Naughty Behavior Award (which BTW was a tie!) and I used my ‘mean teacher look’ and most stern voice wayyyy more than I usually do! Of course, it was particularly amusing that the most naughty of my kindergarten students (who was SO bad today that she didn’t even get to do the coloring worksheet!) saw me later this afternoon on the way out of the art room and ran over to give me a hug. Apparently the mean teacher look and stern voice…not so scary after all! Oy, they make me crazy!!!
Thankfully, we did the very LAST session of testing on Monday so we can at least breathe an enormous sigh of relief that we are free of that joy until November.
Looking forward to kindergarten moving up (they’re just SOO darn cute!) and 6th grade graduation in two weeks.
That crowwoman,I’ve an idea that will take care of your rooster problem and provide you with some smug satisfaction. Place one recalcitrant rooster in a burlap bag(provided by yours truly) float to middle of nearest swimming hole and start timing to see how long it takes one rooster to figure out life preservers aren’t made of burlap.
“Itβs always interesting to read what she has to say…”
*Interesting* is a Very Useful Word in my experience, especially during 20+ years in 6th grade (way back in the last millennium) and in middle and high school libraries in this millennium…a Very Useful Word indeed.
As an art education major in college, that word was the kiss of death when used to describe a piece of artwork. You NEVER wanted anyone to call your painting or sculpture “interesting” because it meant that it was awful and they were trying to be polite without lying!
I haven’t agreed with all of the votes by Begich, not that it matters much since I can’t vote for him. But I’m glad to see him state so bluntly that he doesn’t value her opinion and that he views her as a quitter.
In a way, I have to thank palin.
If not for her, I would not be reading your blog and looking at your pictures!
Thanks for all you do and the other staff do. And thanks to all the other people who comment on the blog. It’s nice to know that I am not alone in the crazed palin world.
Diane AKA mgardener
Beautiful photos! Thank you for them and the link to The Sleeping Lady – I will share that with my children. We all love folk legends and stories.