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Friday, January 28, 2022

Open Thread – Fuchsias (LKB)

I have tons of work to do in my garden, but fortunately, my hanging plants are absolutely gorgeous this year.

Here’s my 2-tone pink/lavender fuchsia combined with blue, lavender and white lobelia, and…

Here’s the one with pink/lavender flowers with just blue lobelia.

I’m hoping to have more garden pictures for you this week…if I actually get some work done in between doctor’s appointments.



21 Responses to “Open Thread – Fuchsias (LKB)”
  1. Wallflower says:


  2. bb says:

    Beautiful hanging baskets! In TX they would not be.

  3. Mag the Mick says:

    One of my best memories is seeing hedgerows all along the roads in the west of Ireland, decked with little red and purple fuchsia blossoms in spring. And also too, of seeing them growing wild in southern Patagonia. I believe the flower originates wild in South America. I don’t know who first turned it loose among the hedgerows of County Kerry, but it was a great idea!

  4. Lee says:

    Linda, thank you for sharing these beautiful pictures. My what a great idea. I have never seen anyone pair lobelia and fuchsias, but the result is stunning.

    Thanks, LEE

  5. Lacy Lady says:

    On the WHO TV station tonight, it was reported that the half term Gov. was in Pella, Iowa today. The reporters were NOT allow to view the movie. What I understand, tickets were given to 300 people.
    Before the movie, MS Quitty visited a bakery where they gave her a box of Dutch letters–make just for her —with the letters S & P. Also it was reported that after the movie there would be a meeting someplace in Pella, where a larger number of people would be invited. NO reporters allowed again.
    Soooooooo—–she is still up to NO good!!!!!!!

  6. Dagian says:

    They look great! I only grow poison ivy and prickly things without fruit…


    Okay–time to catch fish using vomit as bait. Ready? Hang on! Here it comes:

    Team Palin: Sarah and Bristol Palin to sign books together at Mall of America appearance

    NEW YORK — Sarah Palin will be stopping by for the start of her daughter’s book tour.
    The former Alaska governor and Republican vice-presidential candidate will appear with Bristol Palin on Wednesday in Bloomington, Minn., at the Barnes & Noble in the Mall of America. HarperCollins Publishers announced Monday that the two will sign copies of their latest books.

    And everyone please note that Bristol is backpedaling away from her WRITTEN account of having sex with Levi for the first time. NOW she’s saying it wasn’t rape (but if you read what was written, you can see why people would come to that conclusion). I can’t believe that an editor or a publishing house legal team would have let that go by (unless it was marketing strategy). NOW she listens to the lawyers. I hope Levi’s lawyer has gotten hold of it too–because it would go a long way towards ensuring he spends more time with his son.

    • mike from iowa says:

      Speaking personally,I doubt either one is a good choice as a parent. That poor kid will grow up with a chip on his shoulder,thinking the world owes him because he is a Palin.

      • Dagian says:

        Oh, I agree. But I’m fairly appalled that a non-vanity press publishing house didn’t insist that she clarify that camping trip.

        I wonder if she has the good sense to insist that her child be paid separately AND is putting it into an account that he can access as an adult. Plus keeping her mitts off of…

        *laughs uproariously*

    • aeroentropy says:

      OK, major giggle factor. At the mother-daughter signing event at the Mall of America, if you want a signed copy of SP’s book, you are required to buy Bristol’s book first. Hmm…

  7. Oooo, lovely, Linda! I love having hanging baskets on my deck. They are pretty and the hummingbirds love them. Once in a while, other small birds have decided they look like a ready-made nest. And then there is one squirrel that thinks it’s a good idea to try to jump from the basket to the cedar.

  8. Carole says:

    These are stunning! I love fuschias; unfortunately they will not grow in FL. It was nice to enjoy them vicariously. 🙂

  9. Zyxomma says:

    Lovely, lovely, lovely. I think I’ll go weed in my community garden, just for fun.

  10. Alaska Pi says:

    Holy moley, Linda!
    Hoping for more garden pics!

    For fun, I’ve been using Rainbow chard with all it’s lovely stalk colors of red, pink, yellow, and orange in large container plantings the last few years. It’s turned out to be a nice way to add color AND room for veggies.

  11. Elsie says:

    Beautiful flowers there, Linda. Absolutely lovely.

    How’d the fishing go this year?

  12. aeroentropy says:

    I always keep a red fuchsia hanging off the porch roof in summer. It helps attract my friends the hummingbirds, but more importantly, it isn’t summer without it.

    My mom always hung one out in the summer, and once I asked her why, and she said her mother always did it. I remember them both fussing over them, keeping them watered (they’re unusually thirsty), and nipping off the spend flowers so more energy would go to new flowers.

    Happy summer gardening to everyone!

    • merrycricket says:

      I like that story. So many interesting things people do because their mother did it. I think it’s a way of staying connected with our past.

  13. merrycricket says:

    Nice groupings of blooms. My yard has been providing a lovely show for the neighborhood lately. I transplanted some flowers into the yards/gardens of some neighbors and now, the crazy one has decided she ia next in line to get flowers transplanted into her yard. Go figure!

    • leenie17 says:

      See…told ya that the flowers would eventually win her over! Congratulations on your victory, you sneaky little gardener person, you! 😉

    • Zyxomma says:

      Merrycricket, you’ve won the war of the flowers!! Congratulations, you gardener, you!

    • merrycricket says:

      I think something even better has come from it. There has been some tension among some of the families up until recently. Tonight, I look out the window and the three families that have barely been getting along are out there helping crazy lady put in paving stones as a border for her flower bed. Life is just better with flowers.

  14. GoI3ig says:

    Interesting mix on the flowers. It makes for a nice contrast. The darn wind has been getting the best of mine.