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Friday, January 28, 2022

Open Thread – I See the Moon

I see the Moon and the Moon sees me,

Shining down through the old oak tree,

Please let the light that shnies on me,

Shine on the one I love.

Over the mountain over the sea,

Back where my heart is longing to be,

Please let the light that shines on me,

Shine on the one I love …



19 Responses to “Open Thread – I See the Moon”
  1. mike from iowa says:

    Harry Potter did a measly 92 million bucks on opening day. If it hadn’t been released at the same time as the wanna-be quitter-in-chief’s mockumentary “Undefecated” it would possibly have done as much as 92.1 million dollars. Bad timing,what? I can’t hardly wait for Faux Noise to claim Paylin as the box office champion of the Universe. Until then I’m working on my gag reflex. Have a safe and amusing weekend everyone except Palinbots.

  2. Mo says:

    Holy cow – I don’t watch TV much, so I missed this:

    I really wish we could have seen stuff like this in high school civics…wouldn’t have been so dreadfully boring.

  3. beth says:

    A fond memory from when my DS1 was a chickadee of about 4-yo… I’d told him about what’s known as a “harvest moon”, and as the moon was working its way up to full, I’d been singing (and if you heard me ‘sing’, you’d know I use that term with great latitude!) the refrain from the Shine on Harvest Moon song. They are:

    Oh, Shine on, shine on harvest moon, up in the sky;
    I ain’t had no lovin’ since January, February, June or July.
    Snow time ain’t no time to stay outdoors and spoon,
    So shine on, shine on harvest moon, for me and my gal.

    DS1 started singing the refrain with me — but with a ‘twist’. He knew all about farms and harvests and livestock and farmers and all, so he ‘logically’ sang: “So shine on, shine on harvest moon, for me and my cow!” Poor wee thing, he knew what a “cow” was and how it was part of rural life, but a “gal”? Eh, not so much. Funny how one’s mind searches for that which ‘computes.’

    To this day, our family sings his version of the song. People look at us strangely, but we just chuckle. beth.

    Johnny Cash & Emmylou Harris : Shine On Harvest Moon [refrain only] —

  4. I didn’t know it was a full moon – it’s been cloudy and rainy here for the last couple of days.

    Great photo – I love it.

  5. Mo says:

    Wow, drop into PoliticusUSA today, they’re on a roll over there:

    “So much for the party that purports to follow in the footsteps of the Founding Fathers. So much for Democracy. When it doesn’t get you the desired result, they suspend the two-party system and then democracy itself. Pay close attention, America. The Republicans are not even pretending to be American patriots anymore.”

    Maher said, Republicans have to stop thinking up intricate psychological explanations for [why] liberals don’t like Sarah Palin or Michele Bachmann. Let me save you all some time. Are you ready? Because they’re crazy people. People who are not that bright and full of awful ideas. Pretty much the same exact reasons we didn’t care about George W. Bush, and make jokes about him. So trust me, it’s not because they have breasts. It’s because they are boobs.

  6. leenie17 says:

    Well, Waukesha County Clerk Kathy Nickolaus strikes again. In case you weren’t paying attention, she’s the person responsible for losing and (conveniently, in the nick of time) finding those 14,000 votes in the state Supreme Court election that put misogynistic, volatile David Prosser back in judge’s robes.

    This time, her office lost a certified letter (signed for by someone in the office) from Waste Mgt that nearly cost the county a million dollars. Her excuse is that her office staff was overwhelmed by the recount. You remember – the recount that was a result of her complete incompetence! Just how many times does this woman need to screw up before people elect someone else for that job?

  7. mady says:

    I haven’t checked here for awhile. I’m wondering if there has been any follow-up with Palin’s jury duty. Did she get picked? Did the trial get cancelled? Any news?

  8. merrycricket says:

    Good morning all. I had the day off yesterday and the only “work” I did was picking a few veggies. I don’t know what’s gotten into me lately but I feel like I need a vacation. I just want to pack up and to camping somewhere. I keep hoping a new job will come along and I can take a bit of a break before starting the new one. It doesn’t help that 50% of the associates at work have horrible attitudes and spend their time hiding. I’m working closing shift tonight. Spending the morning in my garden living room visualizing better days ahead.

  9. beaglemom says:

    The moon was beautiful last night. At our house it was obscured a lot by foliage. A couple of months ago (and no leaves on the trees) the full moon over the bay was just stunning. I’m sure last night’s was too if your house was right on the water.

    We could use some rain here (just .17 ins. so far this month). However, we want the coming two weeks to be gorgeous because we’ll have a lot of company and then the Traverse City Film Festival will take place. Tomorrow we’re planning to give the two beagles a bath – on the deck and then hose off the outside furniture. Actually the dogs will contribute to spiffing up the furniture when they shake the rinse water off! Should be a good day for cavorting with wet beagles because the temperature will probably go over 90 degrees.

  10. CO almost native says:

    Looks like a Hunters Moon, with that red color. I’ll be glad to send our monsoon rain- 10 straight days!- to anyone who needs it, as long as you send in back in a month 😉

    We needed the moisture, but really! I’ve got stuff growing I don’t remember planting, let alone know what it is (peering at the back yard suspiciously).

    Happy weekend, all.

  11. thatcrowwoman says:

    Missed the moon last night, but that’s OK. It rained most of the day yesterday and through the night; this morning is cool and cloudy with steady showers…and no thunder, so I can stay putter around the webz awhile. When thunder comes, I’ve always got a book or two(hundred! hahaha) and it’s lovely napping weather, also, too.

    bluesy moon song:

    Moon at the Window (Joni Mitchell)
    “…Oh, but sometimes the light
    Can be so hard to find
    At least the moon at the window–
    The thieves left that behind…”

    or, if you prefer a more upbeat rain song:
    I Love a Rainy Night (Eddie Rabbit)
    (no threat to the gardens, that Rabbit, but might could use mike’s rehab anyway…)

    Whatever your weather, have some fun today, eh?


  12. jimzmum says:

    Thank you for the picture! What a pretty shot!

    Have a great weekend, everyone! There are some people stomping around our bottom yard with the biggest chainsaws I have ever seen. This is going to be a very fun day of watching and hoping these professionals don’t kill themselves! How they are going to get those logs out is anybody’s guess. I suggested to Himself that, since the downed trees are primarily red and white oak, we should just have the tree people cut them into chunks and we could make rustic furniture to sell along side the road. Didn’t go over all that well. Hah!

    • benlomond2 says:

      but if you have a fireplace, I’d have then cut in to the 18″ sections and stack them for your use or sell them .. might as well try and make back SOME of the deductible… sell below market and have people come & pick them up themselves…

      • jimzmum says:

        We did that already. Plenty of firewood for the winter for us and the neighborhood. Firewood is like zucchini around here these days!
        These are blasted apart trees anywhere from three to four feet in diameter. Poor old things. My tree people gave me a discount because they can sell it. Fine by me!

  13. GoI3ig says:

    The moon has been awesome the past couple of nights. Nice shot!

  14. jen in SF says:

    Good morning. 🙂