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Friday, January 28, 2022

If at First You Don’t Succeed…

Sean Parnell is trying again. The thing he seems to be having trouble with is appointing the newest member of the Alaska Judicial Council.  The council vets applicants for judicial vacancies, and evaluates judges’ performance on the job.

Last time governor SP 2.0 gave it a shot, he picked Don Haase.  Mr. Haase as you may remember was not particularly fond of… er… um… “romantic relations” that fall outside the legal union of marriage.  He was all about criminalizing adultery, and possibly even premarital sex. He did not indicate whether stoning until dead would be the method of punishment, or whether good old fashioned jail time would suffice.

Believe it or not, even Alaska is too darn liberal for such notions. Mr. Haase withdrew his name after being vetted in the media, and by a shocked public of which, no doubt, 98% would be behind bars as sex offenders if Mr. Haase was King of the World.

If you were expecting that I was now going to tell you that Governor Parnell was sheepish and red-faced about this whole mess, you would be wrong. Parnell publicly stood by his man who swore that nobody had asked him to step down.

It’s taken four months, but finally Parnell found Ken Kretizer, the husband of Sarah Palin’s former head of Administration, Annette Kreitzer. (You may remember Annette Kreitzer as being part of my imaginary Palin administration German law firm Kreitzer, Nizich and Van Flein)

Kreitzer retired with more than 25 years of public safety experience, including work as a police officer, a firefighter, a corrections officer and an airport safety officer, Parnell’s office said. Among other things, he is a former legislative liaison for the Department of Corrections…

No word yet about how round two will go, but he will still have to be confirmed by the legislature.




12 Responses to “If at First You Don’t Succeed…”
  1. akcoins says:

    Sounds like the guy didn’t quite fit in any of the jobs he had. Sure moved around a lot.

  2. Man_from_Unk says:

    How do we become ‘buddies’ with Mr. Parnell? I’d like an important appointment too.

  3. kiksadi50 says:

    why did anyone think that parnell was going to be an improvement over Palin?

  4. GoI3ig says:

    Ken is cut from the same bolt of cloth as Haase. Another religious fanatic.

  5. Ratfish says:

    Annette Kreitzer’s husband?


    Can’t Parnell think outside the Palin box?

  6. rm says:

    This morning on Cafferty file:Are Sarah Palin & Donald Trump The Answer To The Country’s Problems?

  7. I See Villages from my House says:

    Looks like I’m writing my Rep and Senator again. Thanks for the heads up AKM. Ever vigilant.

  8. Juneaudream says:

    That “I’ll wait”..has SUCH..a nice ring to it………………;)

  9. lisa says:

    I can only say the council appointments are a hodge-podge. Joe Miller’s wife Kathleen Tompkins-Miller is on the council. She worked as a secretary in a law office and she is listed as a school teacher in the council write-up. She does not have a teaching certificate. I guess it is pretty safe to say “political appointment” is the usual situation when discussing members of the council.