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Friday, January 28, 2022

Open Thread – The Fix

Thanks to Chriz Cillizza at The Fix (Washington Post) for listing The Mudflats as Alaska’s best state-based political blog! Thanks also to those who nominated us, and all of our amazing contributors, forum staff, and Mudflatters who make this community what it is.

And yes, Shannyn and Linda, we can have cake!



52 Responses to “Open Thread – The Fix”
  1. the problem child says:


  2. Marilyn U says:

    Yes, congratulations to you and a Happy Birthday to Obama and Gramian

  3. AKblue says:

    Congratulations on your well-deserved recognition! It is nice to come to a site where discussion is rational, intelligent, and compassionate, mixed with a good deal of humor, which we need in abundance these days!

  4. Califpat says:

    Congratulations AKM!!! I do not comment regulaly but I read Mudflats daily!! It is an excellent blog with wonderful Mudpups!! Again, AKM, you deserve to be honored!! And to our President and Gramiam, have wonderful birthdays and enjoy them to the fullest extent!!!

  5. Forty Watt says:

    Many congratulations for the well-deserved recognition.

  6. bubbles says:

    proud to be a Mudpup! Bravo AKM.
    and happy birthday to Barack Obama.

    • leenie17 says:

      Just sent him a happy birthday message at I know he’ll never see it and it will be lost among the millions of messages he’ll be getting, but it made me feel good to do it, especially since I welcomed him to the club (I turned 50 a few months ago)!

      (And I have a lot more gray hair than he does, although #20B Cinnamon Stick hides it very well!)

  7. Congratulations, AKM. You are a model for us all.

  8. GreatGranny2C says:

    I can’t imagine any other site even coming close to garnering this award. You truly deserve it with all of your hard work – and that of the various contributors and mods as well. The Mudflats is the only place I can think of that honestly deserves the phrase “fair and balanced”. Enjoy the day basking in the sunshine of this honor.

  9. Lacy Lady says:

    22.1 Alaska

    I remember the cake. But It didn’t show it on you tube. It just starts out with MM singing..
    And I don’t know who today would be so sexy to sing it today.

  10. Cassie Jeep says:

    Great job, Mudflats! Congratulations!

  11. Lacy Lady says:

    Here is the link of MM singing Happy Birthday to JFK

  12. Lacy Lady says:

    Congratulations AKM & Staff! Job well done!
    And a Happy birthday to our President.
    I can still remember so many years ago when Marilyn Monrow popped out ot a birthday cake singing
    Happy Birthday Mr. President——to JFK!!!!!! WOW!!!!!! Those were the “Good Ole Days”.

  13. Elsie says:

    We always know that what news we find it here at The Mudflats is well-researched, reputable, reliable and responsible reporting.

    My congratulations to Mz AKM, The Diva, Shannyn, the admins, and all who make this space on The InterTubes the award-winning site it is.

  14. leenie17 says:

    There’s cake!!! 😀

    Congratulations to you, AKM, Linda, Shannyn, and the rest of the awesome Mudflats team…you are superb!

    Congratulations also to all the mudpups who bring humor, wisdom, sarcasm, wit, curiosity and compassion to this community.

    A very well-deserved honor.

  15. scout says:

    “Alaska’s best” yes, you are! Congratulations, AKM!

  16. Ann Strongheart says:

    Congratulations!!! As if there was ever any doubt!!

  17. Zyxomma says:

    Of course you won! I would go farther, and say that this is among the best blogs anywhere. The Forum is priceless, for both solid information and countless giggles. You’ve done a great thing, and all of you have contributed to our knowledge (even wisdom). Thanks so much.

  18. Sane in Redding says:

    Bravo!! Outstanding work AKM & staff. A must read each day for me.

  19. merrycricket says:

    Congratulations! This is wonderful news but we already knew the mudflats was first rate. It just took a while for the rest of them to catch up. Thank you to everyone for.making this such a wonderful place to hang out.

    Lazy morning here. I have to close tonight so I am conserving some of my energy for later. All the cats have turned into furry puddles in the humidity. They just lay around all stretched out. Sydney has learned how to turn on the tv and just about every morning now, I wake up to find it on. It was a little freaky the first couple of times until I caught her doing it.

  20. BeeJay says:

    Whoop whoop!

    Congratulations to AKM, and her coterie of contributors, all of whom have created our beloved Mudflats.

  21. Juneaudream says:

    Big happy grin. 🙂

  22. OMG says:

    Conservative David Frum takes republicans to task for blaming Obama about the economy and rightfully points out that President Obama should be known as the biggest tax cutter in recent history:

    He points out many more important economic truths (and in so much defends the President) that everyone should read.

    • merrycricket says:

      Read the comments. Denial is an ugly thing.

    • David Frum is one of the remaining true Republicans. I’m always glad to hear what he has to say, even though I don’t always agree wtih him. He makes reasoned arguments, not the insane rhetoric that spews from most of the rethugs currently in office. I skipped the comments. I didn’t want to ruin the good feelings I had after reading the article by Frum.

  23. A Fan From Chicago says:

    Well deserved. Congratulations.

    Very interesting piece in Politico about what Mr. Van Flea has been up to since leaving Alaska. Sounds like he’s as slippery as ever.

    • Gramiam says:

      Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!!! Lovely birthday present for me this morning! Sounds like we have a real shot at reclaiming one of the lost House seats in 2012!

    • Wow! And it’s not just Van Flea but another loyal Palin minion that’s causing problems for the republican. I almost feel sorry for the guy. Is that the reason SP wants to move to Arizona – because she sent two of her loyal followers ahead to pave the way for her? Hmm, looks like that’s not working too well.

  24. ks sunflower says:

    Congratulations, AKM and everyone who works behind the scenes to make this a user-friendly, supportive community. AKM is the heart and soul who has made one fine decision after another as she’s built this blog and has attracted other fine and articulate minds to share their facts and perspectives with us. This is one of the few blogs I make sure I visit every day. I may not comment every day, but I certainly read it without fail.

  25. Dee says:

    Good on you! I am happy to direct people to this site if they want info on what’s going on in Alaska.
    Great writing, beautiful pictures,and lots of caring ,informed readers. It’s always a pleasure!
    Happy Birthday, Mr. President!

  26. OMG says:

    Congratulations to all the Mudflats team!

  27. Really? says:

    Good job, you definately deserve the recognition. Shannyn and Linda do to. You are all amazing. I feel fortunate even being able to connect with other like minded humans. Peace to all.

  28. tigerwine says:

    So proud!

  29. thatcrowwoman says:

    Mazel tov!
    *decorating themudflats with gold stars and blue ribbons, like Alaska’s flag, eh?*

    Happy Birthday, Mr. President, also, too. 50 looks good on you!

    Littlebird is coming home today for the weekend. 🙂

    It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood
    (even though it’s 80 degrees and the sun isn’t even up yet).


    • Really? says:

      Have fun with Littlebird, lucky you. It’s 50 degrees here in the Tok Area, some clouds , no rain.

    • merrycricket says:

      Enjoy your weekend with little bird. I hope you both have a lovely time together. Somehow, I don’t think it could be otherwise.

    • Zyxomma says:

      Enjoy your time with Littlebird, and have a lovely day.

  30. Irishgirl says:


  31. Ripley in CT says:

    Nice work.

  32. Awesome! And I love the cake.

  33. GoI3ig says:
