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Friday, January 28, 2022

Thursdays in the Mud Returns!

Thursdays in the Mud is back after a little summer hiatus!

I’ll be back in the studio with Shannyn Moore talking about all your favorite miscreants, ne’er-do-wells, and the news of the day. You can tune in to KOAN 1020am and 95.5fm in Anchorage, KXLJ 1330am in Juneau, or stream it live on the internets HERE.

1-2pm Alaska Time, 2-3pm Pacific, and 5-6 Eastern.

See you in the mud!



9 Responses to “Thursdays in the Mud Returns!”
  1. Really? says:

    It’s Friday, one day late for Thursday’s in the mud. I listened to my first Shannyn Moore up North the other day, 7-31 , Shannyn called don youngs office in Washington and a foreign exchange student from England answered his phone representing him, and Alaskans.. Shannyn “rocks” she sure does her homework on Alaskan politics and knows how and what to say. Just listen to her show and you will know she means it when she wants to make a red state blue. I plan on listening to more of her live stream. My tv no longer works properly, and since the Loran Station moved from the Tok area I have fewer options for radio. The Fairbanks Daily News Miner no longer has a person in Tok to distribute their paper to the personal driveway boxes, but the News Miner can be purchased at a few of the local businesses. I checked the only grocery store in Tok, Three Bears , and they no longer sell the News Miner. , but the gas station and liquor store does.

  2. carol says:

    Okay, which is who in the picture?
    signed, not from Anchorage

  3. Man_from_Unk says:

    Great picture, great gals!

  4. Zyxomma says:

    Aw, I read about it too late. In any case, I wasn’t home till 6:30. Great picture of Jeanne and Shannyn and the perfect sign.

  5. merrycricket says:

    Dagnabit! I’m at work! Have fun!

  6. Ivan says:

    yaaayyyyy. , this ne’er do well is thrilled.