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Parnell Smacks Down Treadwell… Battered Lt. Governor Syndrome?

It’s time for another episode of “Elephant on Elephant Violence.” Grab the popcorn Alaska progressives. In our daily slog through the muck of the state’s politics, and to take a much needed mental hiatus from frustration, let’s take our joy where we can.

We hear all the time about the cycle of violence – abused children become abusers; freshman who are the victims of hazing become the senior bullies… So perhaps this syndrome extends as well to the position of Alaska Lieutenant Governor.

Remember when Sarah Palin was gnashing her teeth over having to run on the ticket with Sean Parnell? She wasn’t his biggest fan, and would much rather have had ne’er-do-well Jerry Ward as her partner for half a term. But Sean won the day, and joined the Palin-Parnell ticket with tens of thousands of dollars of campaign debt that the future ex-half-governor didn’t like. Her staff was assigned the task of credit counselor, bugging Sean to settle up. She even refused to have his name added to her campaign signs until he paid his debt.

And when she ran for VP, she refused to turn over the reins to Parnell, preferring instead to try to run a campaign and a state from dual Blackberries. How’d that work out Alaska and the nation?

Of course, by the time she quit, she’d be telling us all in what capable hands she was leaving the state.  Because she’d never desert Alaska to a guy she didn’t like and didn’t trust. Nope, she’d never dream of doing that.

Now that Sean Parnell (SP 2.0) has ascended the throne due to abdication, he’s getting to take out his frustrations from his last relationship by kicking the dog – his Lieutenant Governor, Mead Treadwell.

The Alaska Ear reports this week on an email that Parnell sent to all his commissioners. (Translation: Parnell was begging for a leak to the media and got one) It’s quite a read. Apparently the gossip for months has been that Parnell thinks Treadwell has grown a bit too big for his britches. If Parnell had to spend his time getting scolded, and sitting in a corner, then by golly so should Treadwell.

Now we have proof in the form of a July 28 letter from Parnell to Treadwell, warning him to stop using “my name (or) the office entrusted to me” to bypass the governor’s staff and commissioners in attempts “to direct agency, boards or commission personnel.”

The nastygram reminds the lite gov that “Alaska’s constitution provides that the lieutenant governor shall ‘perform such duties as may be prescribed by law and as may be delegated to him by the governor.’ ” It goes on to criticize Treadwell for alleged over-reaching regarding federal programs on Arctic research and sea floor mapping. “This delegation of authority related to these organizations is not meant as a broad delegation of authority in every Arctic policy area,” the letter says.

“Commissioners have expressed concern over not knowing something is being requested of their lower level staff by you and your office staff. Additionally, you and I have discussed the concern and confusion generated by you attempting to direct agency work,” Parnell scolds.

When asked for a comment Friday, Parnell spokeswoman Sharon Leighow replied: “Just read the letter. I think it speaks for itself.”

Oooooooooooo. Somebody’s in TROUble….



12 Responses to “Parnell Smacks Down Treadwell… Battered Lt. Governor Syndrome?”
  1. Man_from_Unk says:

    Geez, this is silly. Sean Parnell has more serious matters to attend to; important staff bias toward private citizens based on lies and misinformation. Supporting liars and cheaters that have access to millions and millions of Public Monies while the state sits on Billions in the PFD fund leads me to believe that there are people in his administration that will prostitute the state for a dime.

  2. fishingmamma says:

    Our old leaders have passed on….we need new ones….Scott McAdams, what is your vision for the future of Alaska?

    • beth says:

      Ten thumbs-up! LIKE! beth.

    • redstate says:

      mcadams? in what universe can he get elected? tony knowles only got in because he’s a vet and just as good as a republican as far as the oil companies are concerned. this is a red state mostly execuvitized by the oil patch. thank dog for sarah palin, les gara and aces. the only ray of light this state is gonna see this century. unless bill walker gets in.

  3. blue_in_AK says:

    This is a great story. How about a cage match? :rofl:

  4. slipstream says:

    Anybody got a link to the Parnell to Treadwell letter, so we can enjoy the fun?

  5. Polarbear says:

    I thought Treadwell did a good job handling the Murkowski-Miller runoff election and ballot-counting. We would still be counting ballots if Captain Zero had handled it.

  6. Ice Gal says:

    Didn’t they prey for each other the other day with republican rick from Texas?

  7. Sourdough Mullet says:

    Ha! Serves Parnell right to have to deal with him.
    Ask any ADEC employees who worked under Treadwell when he was Commish – not a whole lotta love for him there. He who faxed Drafts of Proposed environmental regulations to the oil companies for their input and approval. Oily to the core, both of ’em.

  8. GoI3ig says:

    Rats eat their own. It happens every time.

  9. Alaska Pi says:

    ah jeez.
    Cap’n Torpedo is gonna hurt himself here. Treadwell, for good or bad, has some knowledge in the area Torpedo is warning him off of…
    Gov- you whine about the fed and a land grab via the clean Water act and tell our scientists we can’t play with the fed in joint research and tell the Loot he has to stay in his room?
    and you wanted the coastal thingy to expire? And…?
    What ARE you doing , you dingbat?