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Friday, January 28, 2022

Open Thread – More Clouds

I was thinking today, that maybe it’s perhaps you can see so much of the sky in Alaska, or maybe it’s something else, but clouds here seem extra-magnificent, and also seem to me to be the most overlooked part of the Alaskan landscape. Understandably, the mountains and the glaciers and the rivers get most of the glory. But the humble cloud gets nary a mention. And it’s the cloud, after all, that is ever-changing minute to minute, painting our vistas before our eyes.



22 Responses to “Open Thread – More Clouds”
  1. bb says:

    I’m a cloud watcher/photographer in TX. Magnificent here too.

  2. Lacy Lady says:

    I heard about another so-called religion on Cnn yesterday. Jack Cafferty said he had never heard of it——and when told a little about it, said it scared the hell out of him.
    My understanding is that Wolf Blitizer called both the M. Bachmann and Rick Perry people to ask about it.– As to their connection with this Dominionism, but neither reponded to their calls.
    I looked this up on Google and was shocked to read what it is.
    Check it out—-

    • leenie17 says:

      This is one of the best kept and most terrifying secrets in politics today. To call this movement the ‘Christian Taliban’ is not an exaggeration (although it hijacks the term ‘Christian’, which none of these people really are).

      Perhaps the most frightening thing about this movement is the level of power they have already achieved. Palin, Bachmann and Perry are aligned with it and I suspect several other Republican candidates may as well. The group of Congresscritters that live or associate with the K Street gang are also connected with this movement. Their goals are to achieve power and wealth rather than to truly bring Christian values to the country, since they are some of the most UN-Christian people you could hope to find.

      There is a very strong effort to change our country into a theocracy based on their warped view of Christianity, and far too many real Christians are being ignorantly sucked into the evil dark hole created by these people. If these people do ultimately achieve control, it will be the end of the democratic nation we have been since our founding.

      And ain’t THAT a scary thought?!?

  3. beaglemom says:

    We saw the movie “Tree of Life” this afternoon. Stunning cinematography and music plus an interesting narrative especially for those of us who were kids in the 1950’s. The cloud photo reminds me of some of the nature and astronomy scenes in the movie. Highly recommended although I know that some people did not like it.

  4. Mo says:

    Politics as a hobby:

    Y’all have probably read about the teabagger infiltrator’s report at The Awl:

    “In the end though, the biggest enemy of the organized grassroots faction of the Tea Party is that it’s a lot of work for a hobby.

    The most active presences now are the Tea Party leaders who’ve gone whole hog with the movement and have nothing to lose in doubling down (such as Kim Simac) and the professional Tea Party organizers such as Freedomworks, American Majority, Tea Party Express and 9/12, who are, at the end of the day, simply community organizers for corporate advocacy

    Meanwhile, nearly everyone else, Simac included, will go back to the grassroots anti-abortion, pro-Christian activism they were doing before this brief hiccup of interest in economics occurred.”

    Remember, it’s immoral to vote Republican, lest these so-called “Christian” talibani become further enabled to wreck our country.

    • Mo says:

      Heh – the comments at ginandtacos about AbeSauer’s article are worth a grin, too:

      “Most of the Tea Party people to me sounded like a lot of so-called “independents” that I’ve known.

      The ones that say “I’m mad at both parties” (I just happen to always always always vote for the Republican).”

      [Sounds like the average Alaskan voter, eh?]

  5. carol says:

    Most of the GOP candidates don’t understand science. Notable exception seems to be Romney.
    and if private industry was so good about cleaning up pollution, there wouldn’t be any

  6. OMG says:

    A must read from a conservative website:

    My favorite passage:

    “Mrs. Palin famously quipped in 2008 that the difference between a hockey mom and a pit bull is lipstick. Mr. Obama subsequently noted that a pig with lipstick “is still a pig.” Since then, Mrs. Palin has constantly pursued celebrity over credible politics in a time of national crisis. Hence, the biggest pig in the room with lipstick on it turned out to be the half-term governor of Alaska, Sarah Palin.”

  7. Andrea says:

    Living in Florida and having lived in mountainous states, the clouds are my solace and enjoyment every day. They have been incredible at sunset as of late. Gray with edges of pink. Awesome! Thanks for this.

  8. Ann Strongheart says:

    R.I.P. Segundo Strongheart
    Nov. 27, 1970 – Aug. 18, 2009
    We love and miss you!

  9. Baker's Dozen says:


    I posted this response to your gardening dilemma yesterday, but so late, it looks like you didn’t see it. So I’m pasting it here. And may you eat many ripe tomatoes!

    I’m having trouble with birds stealing my tomatoes. Dang blasted birds–and I love birds. My grandfather was an oologist–keeping picking them. Watch your crows and mocking birds. They may be boosting them over the fence. You may have to get a net.

    • leenie17 says:

      Hmmm…don’t have mockingbirds around here (I don’t think) and the crows may be going after my grape tomatoes, but the romas too? The one I found half-eaten the other day seemed awfully heavy for them to carry halfway across the yard.

      This is the first time I’ve ever had problems with anything eating my tomatoes and I’ve been in this house almost 11 years. Lettuce, beans, spinach, peas, strawberries, raspberries – yes – but never tomatoes before. Thanks for the heads up and I’ll keep an eye out for black-feathered thieves.

      I don’t know what it is that’s munching my produce but I’m definitely starting to have a new understanding for Elmer Fudd!

      • gran567 says:

        Leenie I’ve watched squirrels carry my tomatoes off! They take a couple of bites then drop them.

        • leenie17 says:

          I DO have lots of squirrels around and the tomato was only half munched. They’ve never bothered them before but with the wacky weather we had this year, their diet may have changed a bit and they COULD be the culprits!

          Arrrrgggghhhh… 🙁

  10. beth says:

    Spent many a happy hour outdoors looking for Cloud Pictures when my now-growns were little chickadees; always fully entertained, enthralled, and engaged were we. I don’t know why it should, but I’m always surprised when I run across folks who don’t tease out objects and scenes from cloud formations — what a grand, free-for the-looking, free-for-the-taking opportunity to let their imaginations soar, they miss! And to not share and teach the activity to a young person? Well now, to me that’s just a crime. beth.

  11. fishingmamma says:

    Ice cream castles in the air…

  12. merrycricket says:

    Good morning. Today is the last day of our Sears hardware store as we know it. Tomorrow morning we open as a store in liquidation and the games begin. I am not going to miss some of our rude customers who have become even ruder lately. Spent most of my shift yesterday making signs for tomorrow morning and several cranky old men made rude remarks accusing me of goofing off and I might not have my job for much longer if I keep sitting on the job. What is THAT about? All is quiet in the neighborhood and the sisters were sitting beside each other on their front porch last night.

    • ks sunflower says:

      I am sorry to hear that customers are being rude. Why on earth people think they can say rude things is beyond me. I suspect they just like easy targets, knowing as an employee, you are not allowed to be rude back (not that you would anyway). What a sad, unhappy life they must be living.

      Will your Sears hardware store shut down or transition into something else? Whatever happens, merry, I hope you will find a more nurturing environment within which to earn a living. Your contributions here say to me that you deserve much better than what you have been dealt recently. I shall be thinking of you, wishing you a better situation where you will be surrounded by those who appreciate you. Remember, you are appreciated here. Good luck now and ahead.

    • leenie17 says:

      I don’t understand why some people assume that it’s okay to treat people who work in service jobs like they’re second class citizens. Someone who’s working retail, food service or in any job that deals with the public, is no less important and deserves the same respect you’d give a banker or a doctor.

      I used to work for both county and state recreation departments and often had people scream at me for insisting they follow the rules (usually instituted to protect their safety) and rudely tell me that THEY paid my salary. I always thought – but never said – that they should start paying more because I was not making enough to deal with their cr@p! I had people call me every name in the book, threaten me with violence and I even had an entire softball team moon me because I had closed the field they were scheduled to play on because of weather conditions (again, a safety issue). A colleague of mine actually had an off-duty police detective pull aside his jacket to show his gun when she refused to provide his softball team with bases, despite the fact that his league had been providing their own bases for years! Unfortunately for him, she happened to know his CO and he got in a world of trouble for the implied threat.

      Does being rude to employees make these people feel more important somehow, because it’s certainly not going to get you better service!

      Well, merrycricket, ignore those rude people because WE know how wonderful you are! 🙂

  13. GoI3ig says:

    We have had some awesome convective activity the past few days. That’s a bit unusual for August. It spelled bad news for the Penn Air flight that was struck by lightning yesterday on the way to McGrath. We just don’t get that much thunder and lighting around south central. That hasn’t been the case around Eagle River the last couple days.