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Open Thread – Have You Ever

Happy Sunday, Mudflatters!



62 Responses to “Open Thread – Have You Ever”
  1. Marnie says:

    Holy Shit. Rockville Md. We just got hit by an earthquake about 2:00 ESt
    Funny how fast you can get out of a building when the tiles are jumpin’ over head.

    Not bad here, just scary.

    Hoperully there is no big one some place.

  2. beth says:

    I know I shouldn’t sweat the small stuff, but there are some things that just bug the ever lovin’ chit out of me — things I can’t avoid. Like weather forecasts and the terminology the forecasters use.

    What idiot decided to use the terms “warning” and “watch” in *total* contradiction to how they are used in all other situations? According to the weather gang, “warning” means it’s going to happen, no question about it…”watch” means conditions are favorable for it to happen. Say what?

    Warnings I’m not so much worried about — we get warnings all the time. Warned too much salt will raise your blood pressure. Smoking can cause cancer. Not getting enough sleep keeps you from optimum performance at school and work. If you keep crossing your eyes, they’ll stick that way. Yada, yada, yada; some might happen, others, absolutely not. Warnings, in other words, are *not* a certainty.

    I guarandamntee, though, if someone tells me to “Watch Out” or “Watch It”, I *know* something is in the immediate offing and I’d better pay super attention to the imminent danger of it. (Think: the foul ball is headed right my way — someone hollers: “Watch Out!”)

    Why do the weather people assign different meaning to these words than are used in everyday life? Arrrgh!

    It was a rough weekend. beth.

  3. scout says:

    “PUBLIC NOTICE, AQ1227MSS03, Usibelli Voal Mine Inc,Wishbone Hill Mining and Processing Operations” (Location: 8 Miles North of Palmer, AK)

    “The Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC) proposes to issue Air Quality Control (AQC) Minor Permit AQ1227MSS03 to Usibelli Coal Mine, Inc. (Usibelli) for Wishbone Hill Coal Mining and Processing Operation”

    “Please direct written comments about the proposed permit to Krystin Bablinskas by 5:00 pm September 19, 2011 at the Anchorage address: ADEC Air Permits Program, 619 E. Ship Creek Avenue, Ste 249, Anchorage, AK 99501-1677; by facsimile at 907 269 7508 or send e-mail to [email protected]

  4. Baker's Dozen says:

    I found this article very interesting. You don’t have to dislike women in order for a society to be bad for them.

  5. OMG says:

    As if their cluelessness was not the worst thing about the current crop of republican presidential wannabes, take a look at the drive for dominionism by Bachmann, Perry and a whole slew of their contemporaries:

  6. Lacy Lady says:

    We all need to write letters to our president. Tell him to stop being Mr. nice guy. He has nothing to lose by getting tough. Just be “Give im Hell Harry”.

  7. DuckDriver says:

    Mike from Iowa has a point. Our President needs to quit caving in to the rethugs at the first
    sign of opposition. Check out this cartoon by Greenberg.


  8. Lacy Lady says:

    Mike——Careful what you wish for. People in Iowa didn’t like culver—-and now look what we have!

    • I voted for Culver because I had 16 years of the joke Braindead the first time around. He has only gotten worse with age. At least I don’t have to hear how much trouble his oldest brat got into anymore. i can’t imagine anyone who is happy with Obama. I don’t see a rethuglican or t-bagger who can actually beat him.

      • beaglemom says:

        I for one am happy with President Obama. I am not in the least happy with the Republican Party which has been in a state of perpetual tantrum since Inauguration Day 2009. How irresponsible of them to accept their federal pay and benefits and then refuse to work for the American people.

        • ks sunflower says:

          I, too, like President Obama and I know many others who do as well.

          Mike, perhaps the Repub ads are drenching the airwaves and causing side effects on otherwise sensible people such as yourself. I know they’re dumping money in truckloads to try to brainwash voters, but I never figured they’d get to you. Yikes!

          Thanks to leenie17 for the link and others who are trying to convey the positives of Obama’s first term. May his second be even more productive if we all stand behind him.

  9. Madeline says:

    Thanks for the video! Saw Brandi twice here in Anchorage, she and the “Twins” are great!

  10. auni says:

    Mike–I have a lot of reasons to vote for President Obama. You can’t be serious saying you need a reason to vote for him. Once he is reelected (and he will be) I believe the road will be easier. The Republicans have had one focus–get rid of Obama–and that is what keeps any real progress on our economy from being made. He came in telling us we all need to work together. He continues in that belief. Even though the Republicans block him at every turn, his quality of wanting this country to be represenative of all sides is noble and brave. It’s what we elected him on. If you look at his record, he has accomplished a lot of his goals, saving the auto industry, etc. As time goes on the true nature of the Far Right will become more obvious. People are mad at them for locking up progress. We need to be out there fighting for our President, not giving talking points to the other side. He is a smart man–and he will prevail.

    • tigerwine says:


    • The true nature of the far right is painfully obvious and I stand by my decision to need a reason to vote for the potus. Not being one of them is not good enough. He has kept dumb&*s dubya’s legacy nearly intact and has not made a strong effort to keep any campaign promises. I will never vote for a rethug for a position where they can do actual damage.However,the lesser of two evils is still evil. I will write in a candidate that I feel is worthy of my vote.

      • ks sunflower says:

        Mike, I suggest you research what President Obama has accomplished, mostly against great odds against the achievements.

        That’s the problem, really: so many people are unaware of what he’s done for the progressive movement.

        Granted, most of us would have liked to see him do more, but considering what he’s been up against such as the horrendous economic mess Bush-Cheney left us in, two wars, increasingly obstructive Republicans, the total insanity of the Tea Party members of Congress (many of whom are millionaires themselves), and a conservative majority on the Supreme Court, not to mention corporate America actively lobbying against him. Goodness, Mike what exactly did you expect from him. He cannot accomplish the vision he set forth alone.

        Only when we vote in progressives and moderates in both branches of Congress will he stand a chance of moving this country forward. Remember, he tried to get speed railways, solar and wind projects, hybrid cars, and a host of other things through but the Republicans canceled his efforts right, left and sideways – not only in Congress but at the state level. Republican Governors and their legislatures did not put stimulus money into jobs as they should have,

        Though I like your input here very much, if you vote for someone even as honorable as Sanders, I will be saddened to think of you as part of the problem, rather the solution because you and others like you will have undercut our best hope to continue progressive change.

        I hope in the months ahead you will research and reflect upon what President Obama has done that can make you proud and give you hope and instill trust in him, and that you will change your mind. President Obama is not a man to tout his own horn, and that is part of his problem regarding how people feel about him.

        Perhaps you could start petitions on or organize email campaigns to let Obama know you want a more forceful approach on issues near and dear to your heart where you feel he needs to push more. That would be more constructive than throwing your vote away.

        You are a smart and savvy man, and I believe you may slowly change your stance on this as you gain insight into what President Obama has done and what he plans to do if we give him the tools (Congressional and Gubernatorial seats) to bolster and implement his vision. I sincerely believe he will keep his promises if we keep the faith and follow-through.

      • carol says:

        Pollitifact keeps a promise meter, look at what Obama has promised and which have been kept, broken, in the works, not yet rated. Some of those listed as broken were compromises that he made that were the lesser of two evils.

    • bubbles says:

      Auni. well said and thanks.

    • leenie17 says:

      Here’s a list of President Obama’s accomplishments compiled by presidential historian and American History professor Robert P. Watson. The list only includes accomplishments in 2009-2010 so it’s not even complete and yet still contains 244 items.

      I think we all sometimes become frustrated at how slowly things get done in Washington, but must remind ourselves that he’s done an extraordinary amount of work in the past 2 1/2 years. This despite a historical use of the filibuster and the determination of the Republican party to obstruct any and every positive accomplishment that might possibly reflect positively on the President. They have proven, by words and action, that they will enthusiastically sacrifice the welfare of our country and its people in order to achieve their political goal of reclaiming control of the White House.

      We need to give President Obama a Congress which will help him move this country on the path to recovery AND replace the many dangerously radical right wing state legislators who are trying to bring our country back to the 19th century.

  11. Juneaudream says:

    Without those trees..and all their worldwide kin..I would die..a dry and crinkly death..asleep on sands and rock-strewn paths..left looking like a moonscape. So then..daily I do walk among trees, hold onto roots from a semislide..down-slope the river..holding..with firm care..roots from a cottonwood..well over 200 years old. I breakfast among them..and….I thank them..and their kin..everyday. 🙂 Thank you for the music and the picture.

  12. Lacy Lady says:

    I enjoy Fareed Zakaria GPS program on Sunday Morning. One of the topics today was The infamous Rick Perry. His statement about the chairman of the federal reserve , Bernanke.
    Perry said if he printed more money “before” the election, it would be treasonous.
    What caught my eye, and have never heard anyone mention the word “before”.
    Does he mean if Bernanke prints more money before the election—-it would help Obama?
    But——if he—–Perry——wins the election, it would be O.K.?

    • ks sunflower says:

      Interesting reflections there, Lacy Lady. I think you may be on to something. Sometimes people betray their real intentions through one word. Great catch.

      BTW, I think the Fareed Zakaria GPS program is great, and I wish more people would tune in to listen to his astute interviews and editorials.

      • leenie17 says:

        I used to really enjoy his comments when he was on This Week when George Stephanopolous was the host. He’s an extremely intelligent man who’s very skilled at analyzing political news that others in the media often miss. I also find his voice extremely soothing to listen to, between his beautiful accent and the warm tone.

  13. AKM, lovely song and gorgeous picture. What a way to start the day.

  14. Some useless trivia from the state where every fifth person is Asian(tee-hee)-the first ever gold record was awarded to Iowa born Glenn Miller for Chattanooga Choo Choo in 1941.The first ever certified gold disc was awarded in 1942 to Iowa born Glenn Miller for record sales of 1.2 million copies of Chattanooga Choo Choo.

  15. benlomond2 says:

    nice trees – looks like the approach shot for the 2nd hole at local golf course in Boudler Creek – get it right or else you’re palying Bumper Pool with the trees !

  16. Ripley in CT says:

    I just want to say “Go Bernie Sanders!” Bernie for President 2016.

    I wish more patriots would throw back the curtain on the rampant corruption and palm-greasing in our system. It’s worth the risk. Imagine if fuel prices plummet to where they should be. Sen. Sanders will be a hero. However, I believe the cover-up and obfuscation over this information will be beyond comprehension.

    CT gas prices are outrageous. Add on our ridiculously high gas taxes, and it makes for a very stressful commute to work every week.

    • Bernie is the only politician I can conceive of voting for next year. He will be spread pretty thin if he wins every race I plan to write him in for.

    • benlomond2 says:

      gas is $3.79/gal here in the Bay Area..typically higher than the rest of Cal…and that’s with refinerys located above Oakland.

      It would be interesting if Congress would start from scratch on subsidies and tax breaks for businesses EVERY YEAR…so the idjits would have to justify them continually, rather than have them go on perpetually.

      • Diane says:

        Our gas is about is $3.83- 3.85 in the Adirondacks.

        And. Please don’t worry about Rick Perry. The truth will come out about his shenanigans I’m sure.
        Have read a couple of articles now how Karl Rove does not like him or think he should be POTUS. Finally, the republicans are coming to their senses.

        If I were a thinking republican, I would be agitating for the the party to distance themselves from the tea party and force it to become a third party for the crazies.
        The republicans may take a hit for the next couple of years, but in the long run the party would become sane, stronger and truer to it’s core values.

        The song was lovely. Am sitting in my porch with a gentle rain hitting our metal roof. Soothing and nice.

      • I think that’s what I paid on Friday when I filled up. Maybe a few cents less, but not much.

      • Baker's Dozen says:

        According to AAA, you’re lower than us. And here we sit, on the Santa Barbara channel, offshore oil rigs in sight, and our gas is really high.
        However, I just have to look at the prices where I used to live. Bridgeport, CA’s lowest gas is now $4.80 a gallon. Yep, that’s not a typo. It’s a beautiful area on the Eastern Sierra, but make sure you’ve taken out a home loan before driving.

    • ks sunflower says:

      While I respect Senator Sanders, I would not consider throwing my vote away by writing him in for President. He does not have the name recognition or money behind him to win. You might as well vote for Perry or Bachmann as to vote for a Democrat or Independent who doesn’t stand a realistic chance of winning.

      For those visiting to support Sanders, consider contributing to his re-election campaign, but do not waste your vote for President.

      Remember what happened when folks voted for Nader in 2000. Progressives need to stay unified or we will get the GOP/TP folks in the White House. Just saying.

      • It’s also what happened back in 1980, or sometime back then. I didn’t like either major candidate so I voted for John Anderson. Not even sure what happened to him and I probably wouldn’t vote for him now. I did it as a protest, but once whoever it was got elected, I remember thinking I had thrown my vote away and I figured out that I would have been happier with the Democratic candidate after all. I won’t make that mistake again.

        • I don’t like being the dog in the manger,but,our Potus needs to grow a huge pair and give me a reason to vote for him. He does not appear to have any principles to stand up for and caves in to rethugs at the first sign of resistance. He has said he is okay with being a one termer. I want someone that wants the job of protecting Americans from greedier Americans. Someone with a backbone and a clear vision of where America needs to go and how the majority of us can get there. If Obama hasn’t figured out that rethugs will block every thing he proposes,then we need some one with some street smarts that can fight back.

          • Well, here’s the problem, though, mike. Who else would you vote for that wouldn’t just result in tossing your vote out the window. Or is there a repub who could get your vote? In my case, the answer is a resounding no!

        • North of the Range says:

          I remember that election very well. The “whoever it was” that got elected was Reagan.

          I, too, voted for Anderson. I had been raised in a moderate Republican area, and was young and hadn’t come to the realization yet that my worldview did not sync with that party affiliation. But I found the Reagan juggernaut deeply disturbing. So I did what I thought was best in supporting Anderson even though it was clearly not going to be successful. The horror I felt when I realized the candidate I opposed the most had been elected changed how I view third party attempts at the Presidency forever more.

          I suspect there are more than a few ex-Nader supporters who know exactly what this feels like.

        • leenie17 says:

          I remember being so disappointed that I was finally old enough to vote in my very first presidential election…and I had to choose between Reagan, Carter and Anderson. 🙁

          I was so UNenthusiastic about that election that I don’t actually remember who I voted for but I think it might have been Anderson as well. I certainly didn’t want to vote for Reagan (even though I had grown up in a very Republican household) but I don’t think I could bring myself to vote for Carter.

          I think Carter was one of those men who was a much more effective President AFTER his term was over. He’s done so much more for our country since he left office than he did while he was in the White House.

          • carol says:

            I voted for Anderson that time, would have voted for Carter, but by the time I was able to vote, results were known, so I protest voted, knowing that Carter had lost.

  17. ks sunflower says:

    Just got back from the long trip to MCI (the KC International airport). Heavy, heavy fog going up, just heavy fog coming back. Huge “lakes” of flood waters on either side of the Missouri River – larger now than earlier this summer. The heat is making the flooded fields stink. Pooh-eee!

    Our “little girl” is off on the first leg of her trip back to China; this time for a Fulbright year. The scholars are not allowed back in the states for more than 14 days during their academic year so it will seem a long time before we get to share hugs. The news has been discouraging from China – increased suppression, increasing violence against their own people and foreigners (look up news stories on how one of our basketball teams was beaten up by the home team), so it’s tougher to see her go over this time. However, she’s older, wiser, and more aware now than when she went over as a newly graduated undergrad, and now there is Skype and improved email (with internet cafes being more common) – as long as China doesn’t crack down further on the internet. Still – so far away for so long. Sigh.

    Sure makes us aware of how lucky we are to have affordable access to the net. I do fear that the corporate-friendly GOP/TP would make that a thing of the past if given half a chance. I hope none of us take the internet for granted because we could lose it, not to government actions as in China, but through pricey tiered-access thanks to corporate greed and political corruption. Not a day goes by that I am not grateful for the internet and its gift of being able to keep in touch with family and friends, no matter how scattered about the country and world we all are.

    Anyway, just wanted to give context for my thanks for access to sites such as this. Beautiful photographs, thoughtful commentary and conversations, and good people all round. Thanks Jeanne, for your post this morning because it made the day easier.

    • A Fan in CA says:

      We need to do everything we can to protect the Internet. Senator Al Franken really seems to get it. We also need to champion “Municipal Broadband” systems. ALEC is fighting hard to ban these in many states, especially in the Southeast. ATT and Verizon are big backers of ALEC and stopping affordable Internet access is a major agenda of ALEC.

      I haven’t been here in awhile because I’ve moved and been remodeling. I have checked in to keep up a bit.

  18. merrycricket says:

    Good morning. Getting ready for work and it’s humid right now. We are expecting rain and a new cold front that should help cool things down. I’m tired from working so much and I have 5 more days in this 14 day stretch. We’ve had quite a few customers get mad at staff because the store was closing. They think it was our decision. I found out yesterday that the developer that owns the shopping center doubled our rent. He has plans for the property our store is on. And if I hear the words “it’s just business” come out of someone’s mouth one more time, it’s not going to be pretty. Enjoy your Sunday.

    • I can imagine some customers thinking you greedy employees with outrageous wage and benefit demands have forced the store to move overseas just to stay open. It is always greed from the working class that is the cause of America’s decline,just ask a rethug or t-bagger. The picture above is a micro-cosm of the USA. You see the majority standing tall and proud and just about pushed out of the picture by the accumulated greed of the minority,who surround themselves with material possessions to further isolate themselves from the rest of us. If you touch a tree,you become a tree.

  19. Scott in South Austin says:

    I’m not one to start something controversial but I am asking my fellow Mudflatters to please quit giving Rick Perry any credence. We Texans are still unsure of what our State final budget is but I know we’re going to go through another round of layoffs to teachers and their staff. The Houston Chronicle reported on Saturday that the number in this state is around 12,700, but Hell, they aren’t sure.

    Rick Perry is only concerned about one thing and that’s Rick Perry. He couldn’t give a tinkers damn about the U.S., and with all his bravado and B.S., I can assure you he doesn’t give a damn about Texas, my family or my neighbors.

    Sorry to awaken the Mudflatters with such a gloomy message. However, given the opportunity, Rick will plunge this nation into 3rd world status while he and Anita enjoy pettifores and Black Tea in London at 4:00 PM.

    Stay safe and god bless.

    Scott in South Austin

    • fishingmamma says:

      Scott – We feel your pain. We survived Sarah. But on this forum, you may be preaching to the choir.

      • tigerwine says:

        fishingmamma – you took the words right out of my mouth “preaching to the choir” is right!

        Scott – you don’t have to worry ’bout us Mudpuppies taking Rick Perry seriously!

      • CO almost native says:

        Ditto. also, too. How I wish Molly Ivin was still with us- she’d zing him but good.

    • OtterQueen says:

      Who would elect a secessionist to the presidency?

      • dahlia97 says:

        good question… at the time, I was shocked so many people voted for Bush.

        Because of all the logical thinkers on this forum and others that I read, I sometimes I forget the number of people that vote with their emotions. The front runners of the Republican candidates appeal to those emotions, including Perry…who started off with a ‘prayer meeting’ and moved on to attacks on printing money (religion and money–two highly emotional subjects).

      • carol says:
        Also, he apparently didn’t advocate secession.
        Perry, et al, have done enough stupidity and said enough crazy things, we don’t need to perpetuation inaccuracies and falshoods to discredit them. Let’s keep things honest.

    • leenie17 says:

      If it makes you feel any better, it seems to me that a lot more facts about Perry’s reign in Texas seem to be coming out that contradict the spin he’s been putting on his record.

      I’ve seen a lot more statistics in the media in the last week that show exactly what he’s done to the citizens of your state…and it ain’t pretty! There hasn’t been as much attention paid to him prior to this because other RWNJ candidates joined the race earlier and the media has been kept busy debunking their spin. I think that we’re starting to catch up with Perry now and, with the way he unapologetically shoots his mouth off, I suspect he’ll do plenty of damage to himself without the media having to work too hard!

      Don’t worry…we know he’s a dangerous, narrow-minded, uneducated, narcissist who has done tremendous damage to Texas with his policies and radical right wing beliefs.

    • Scott, thanks for the reminder, but as everyone else has said, we mudflatters have Perry’s number. What I don’t understand is how the man has been elected for so long. Are Texans finally starting to see him for the louse that he is? I mean, really, someone had to vote for him or he wouldn’t still be the governor. Just asking.

    • bubbles says:

      my favorite beauty salon has lovely little piece on the Governor of Texas purveyor of prayer and pretty pictures.
      I was at a Democrat function yesterday and some folks there were plenty excited. They see this national attention on Perry hurting him in Texas, too. For the most part, Texans hate folks who embarrass us in public. And by “in public,” I mean in foreign states. George W. Bush couldn’t get elected hide inspector in Texas anymore. It’s one thing to make a fool of yourself in Waco or Abilene or Lufkin, in fact it’s kinda expected, but when you make a fool of yourself on national news, we don’t like it.

      It would be nice to think that Rick Perry finally bit off more than he can chew and spit out. I imagine that’s the only thing that Karl Rove and I have in common.

      Rick Perry is eating the lunch he cooked for himself
      there are quite a few Mudpups around who live or have lived in Texas. i hope we will hear from them and i hope you keep us informed Scott.

      • beaglemom says:

        I really wish that people wrote “democratic” when using the word as an adjective; a person is a Democrat, the political party is called the “Democratic Party” and it holds Democratic events. It doesn’t take too much energy to add the “-ic” at the end of the word.

        • I agree – but apparently the repubs and the tp-ers have figured out that we Democrats make that distinction and they do it on purpose. That, or they really did skip all those grammar classes in school. Yeah, that’s probably the truth of it. So in the mean time, I refuse to capitalize republican, for the party or the person, and I usually don’t write out the whole word. That little bit of snark makes me happier, most of the time. 😉

    • Bob Benner says:

      Rick will plunge this nation into 3rd world status


      Really?? Are those teachers being laid off members of a Union by any chance??? The U.S. is already well on the way to 3rd world status and now you’re ready to blame Perry who hasn’t even been involved in National Politics???
      If Obama doesn’t win a second term, are you also going to be OK with the winner blaming Obama and his 2 years with a Democrat majority in both the Senate and the House, similar to how Obama is now still trying to blame Bush??? Sheesh, get real…