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Open Thread – Almost September

It has always seemed to me that September has the most beautiful sunsets in Alaska. We’re not quite there yet, but tonight’s gorgeous colors deserved the Open Thread.



35 Responses to “Open Thread – Almost September”
  1. bubbles says:

    hey pups here is a webcam at Broadway near Times Square.

    • Alaska Pi says:

      couldn’t get it to load, bubs, so will check in the morning. best wishes to you all there. check in when you can-

  2. merrycricket says:

    I’m thinking of all you Mudflatters on the east coast tonight. Please stay safe!

  3. Zyxomma says:

    Hi, all, from the East Village of NYC.

    The rain started in earnest about half hour ago. No high winds yet. I looked further into the threat of a power outage. Con Edison has stated that they are likely to cut power way downtown (Wall St. area) to protect underground cables. They have not threatened to take my village offline.

    So far, it’s just a lovely rainstorm. If possible, I’ll check in periodically with updates. Everyone, stay safe.

  4. benlomond2 says:

    We evidently had an earthquake (4.something) last nite – wife felt it as she was up talking to daughter who’s in hospital,for kidney stone ( they zapped the stone w/laser on Thursday) and ovarian cyst ( Doc’s will be removing one of her ovaries tomorrow am)…. I slept thru the quake…Sounds like Irene turning into a big wet one at this stage..

  5. puffin shrapnel palin says:

    Gorgeous! Wish I were there instead of DC with Irene bearing down on us. Also anxious about my friends in NYC who are right in the path of the hurricane. Sigh.

  6. Zyxomma says:

    With all the brouhaha about Irene, I forgot to mention how much I love that photo!

    Several women I spoke with while at the grocery (half hour line to self-checkout) were very grateful that I mentioned checking the storm drain on the roof for obstruction, and making sure the roof door was bolted shut. They’d forgotten about the roofs. We agreed that if Irene hasn’t visited by midnight, we’ll all go to our roofs and sing “Goodnight Irene” at the top of our lungs.

    No, I’m not taking this lightly, it could get quite serious. Con Edison has warned that they may have to cut our electricity, to lessen underground damage. I have everything I need (although without power I wouldn’t have internet and would be wary of using up the charge on the iPhone).

    If I still have power, I’ll visit again later. Everyone, stay safe. Health and peace.

  7. We had severe weather in my area last Tueday night. Damage in the cropfields is evident about a half-mile north of me. Wind and hail does wonders for standing corn and soybeans–not. The farther North you go the worse the damage.Some corn is broke over so bad you couldn’t combine it if your life depended on it.Soybeans will have to be windrowed so they can be chopped for cattle feed. so much for record high grain prices. At least no one I’m aware of was injured or killed.

  8. GoI3ig says:

    The beauty of Alaska, is that you can get an awesome sunset and sunrise fairly close to each other. The sunset was nice last night, and so was the sunrise at 5:30 this morning. Fall is awesome!

  9. Zyxomma says:

    So far in NYC, Irene has produced a drizzle. The line at the local grocery for the self-checkout was half hour long; the line for cashiers quite a bit longer. Our buses, subways, and rail lines were suspended at noon; taxicabs are making money.

    I have all my supplies handy. When I got home earlier, I went up to the roof to make certain nothing was blocking the roof drain, and to ensure that the door to the roof was locked tightly.

    I am not in the evacuation zone, unless Irene visits New York as a Category 3 or higher. In that unlikely event, I would get out of here.

  10. Irishgirl says:

    Stay safe everyone.

    AKM, what a lovely photograph! I wish that we got sunsets like that.

    • Why not move to America? You know everyone that comes to America can become rich and set their own course and be the Master of their own destiny. Then you could have these beautiful sunsets for your ownself-minus whatever the wealthy can talk rethuglicans into charging you as an entrance fee. You have to pay the wealthy for the privilege of living here because they don’t want to pay for it. Let me know when you fly over NW by god Ioway and I’ll wave at you new homesteaders.Please do so before Winter sets in. I don’t get around too good on ice and snow.

  11. AKMuckraker says:

    Thinking of all you east coast Mudflatters today. Stay safe, and please evacuate if they tell you to. I actually agreed with Chris Christie, the governor of my former state when he told people staying at the Jersey shore to “get the hell off the beach.” Mother Nature reminds us how powerless we really are. Take care of yourselves and your loved ones.

    • leenie17 says:

      I almost never agree with what Christie says or how he says it, but I’m 100% behind him this time.

      I’ve been following a lot of stories out of Long Island and some of the comments make me cringe. Far too many people are being stupid and claiming that the hurricane will veer off to the east or weaken down to nothing. They say that the media and government is making too big a deal about the danger of this storm and they’ll be fine with their beer and BBQ grills. I can’t even count the number of people who have commented online or in news stories who say they “have a feeling” that Irene will be no worse than a regular summer storm. Apparently, they know better than the hundreds of meteorologists and disaster experts who are warning people to take precautions.

      I would bet that the families of the four people who have already died, one of them an 11-year-old boy who was killed when a tree hit his home, have quite a different perspective on the severity and danger of this storm than the idiots who are going to ‘ride it out’ within the evacuation zones.

  12. UgaVic says:

    ‘Am watching live news coverage of the storm while making sure that FIL, at 90+ y/o, is safe in SC. So hoping and praying that all Mudpups and for that sake everyone else can heed the warnings and are getting to safe places.
    Having been through a few of those out there on the East Coast, and a few storms with winds in the same range here, it is not something I envy.
    Stay safe and know this part of AK is thinking of you all.
    Oh yes, have to agree AKM that Sept brings some of the most beautiful sunsets here in AK 🙂

  13. CO native living in NC says:

    In Durham it’s not bad, but go East and it deteriorates rapidly. The coastal areas are getting hammered. The video I’ve seen looks more like “The Perfect Storm” than the usual beach and tides scenes. Irene is moving into Virginia now.Thanks fellow mudpuppies for keeping the East Coast in your thoughts and prayers. Here’s a link to NC news:

    • tigerwine says:

      Thanks for the link, CO Native! Right now I’m glad my niece has moved from VA Beach!

  14. beaglemom says:

    Last week I went outside and heard (distantly) the local high school band practicing and I immediately realized that summer was coming to an end.

    Another sign of summer ending, unfortunately, is hurricane season. The worst that I remember, from my childhood near Philadelphia, was Hurricane Hazel. We got out of school early (before lunch even) and I spent the afternoon at the kitchen table drawing Halloween-inspired pictures and listening intently to the wind and rain against the windows. We lost power just after dinner and, as the eye of the storm passed, my father and a neighbor were asked by an elderly neighbor to rescue her garage, which had blown away. The next day, a friend of mine and I terrified our parents by riding bikes all around looking at fallen trees, etc. We were about 11 and clueless about all the downed power lines. Watching a Weather Channel program recently, I learned that Hurricane Hazel has been the worst weather catastrophe thus far in Canada! And it went right over my house in suburban Philadelphia!

    My sister and her family have hunkered down now in Philadelphia; I talked to her yesterday and wish them and all the others in the path the very best.

  15. ks sunflower says:

    Beautiful photograph. It’s a sunny day here, but my thoughts are going out to those in the path of Hurricane Irene. If any are readers of this blog, may you and yours be safe even if you cannot read of our blessings towards you right now. Even if they avoid injury or property loss, many will loss income as businesses shut down for a few days. Take care.

  16. Buffalogal says:

    Watching that sunset in 3-D must’ve been food for the soul. Just seeing it by way of photo filled me up for the morning.

    Deep breath. Big sigh……

    • thatcrowwoman says:

      I feel the same way, Buffalogal, deeply satisfied.
      I’m saving this photo is my Moment of Zen folder,
      and counting my blessings, also, too.


  17. jimzmum says:

    So pretty! Tapestry colors. Good thoughts for those dealing with that witchy Irene.

  18. justafarmer says:
