Open Thread – Andrew!
For those of you who have been reading the Sunday serial “Dispatches from the Congo” here at The Mudflats, you’ve already heard of the star of this open thread. Tonight, I got to meet Andrew in person for the first time, and it took about 10 seconds to fall head over heels in love! He stole my shoes, and then my heart.
OK, since this is the open thread, this belongs here. This is an expose´ of the phony media story about Solyndra (a solar energy company):
Please read it. I know it may make your head explode, and I apologize for that (remember, deep breaths!).
🙂 ! This little girl reminds me of all you helpful mudpups, and the cuteness quotient is off my charts. If I haven’t told you all lately, thank you for all you share here at the flats. 🙂 !
“Madison shows how to do a sunflower costume for Halloween”
I want to hug Andrew too!
Love this photo and the previous one of Andrew. I’ve returned here several times to enjoy his beautiful eyes and the wonder of a child, so it’s about time I write to say so!
…The New York Times isn’t so much loving the latest Joe McGinniss book. At all. Probably couldn’t happen to a nicer guy. [/snark] beth.
snip “…her possible commitment to such extreme theological ideas as dominionism, although here too “The Rogue” is too busy being nasty to be lucid. ”
…too busy being nasty to be lucid…
Now who does that remind me of?
*note to self:
beware the slippery slope;
pause and think;
don’t ever get too busy being nasty to be lucid*
Whoof! {{{{{jimzmum and bubbles}}}}}
Off to the library, where school nurses have taken over for the day to do health screenings on all the 9th graders. I’ll be mixing and mingling and getting to know folks. 🙂
The library will officially open (at long last) on Friday morning. Just in time to check out a good read for the weekend, eh?
and so it goes.
To lucidity.
hugs Crowwoman.
it’s a big world ,but he will grow in to it……… and the shoes .
I just read the whole serial. I felt like I was experiencing everything along with the writer as it was unfolding, including falling in love with little Andrew. And now seeing his picture…I’m REALLY besotted! What a beautiful and blessed little boy. Thank you for sharing their story with us.
Everyone benefits from such love. I truly believe it takes a village to raise a child. Andrew is one lucky little boy.
Oh. My. Golly. What an adorable child.
This is the kind of picture you keep for those frustrating days. It reminds you of who he really is because that will never change.
I’m sure he’s already changed you in many many important ways. May you do the same for him.
Welcome home Erin and Andrew. What an amazing journey you have both had. May the life ahead be filled with joy, adventure and love.
Awwwwwww, adorable!
And now I want to play, so this one is for Andrew: The Wiggles – Rock-A-Bye Your Bear
Blessings to you both, Mama & son.
Thank you, AKM, blessings to you and yours too.
My first thought, prior to reading the post, was “what big shoes on a darling little boy; he’ll grow to be big.” Congratulations to the new family for its wonderful addition..
Have a lovely life, little guy.
He is absurdly cute! What a lovely photo!
Okay, I’m going to enjoy the privileges afforded by the title “open thread”.
The wise-ass gene runs wide and deep within me, I saw this header on the WaPo page and naturally thought a mean (and profoundly incorrect thought):
Is the GOP afraid of being smart? (OH, please, do NOT feed me lines like this! PLEASE!)
GOP should not fall into the trap of being proudly ignorant
By Jennifer Rubin
Republicans have sometimes mistaken anti-elitism with anti-smarts. Put differently, Republicans should not have contempt for the voters or for ideas, lest they be judged unworthy of serving in office. It’s one thing to heap scorn on liberal elites who parrot unsupportable leftist dogma or who show contempt for ordinary Americans’ values; it’s quite another to celebrate ignorance. We’ve had two rather appalling examples in 24 hours, which I would suggest, are perfect examples of what conservatives should reject.
Oh blessings all around. This is what the good part of life is all about–walking in the light. When I first came to this blog a year or so ago, I had been spending time doing battle on the Glenn Beck site. bubbles told me to come away from the dark side–and I’m glad i did.
To auni: bubbles is is good. Welcome/
Erin, I hope you’re printing copies of the outpouring of love and blessings for you and your son.
As everyone who reads my posts (here and at The Forum) regularly knows, I’m vegan. I just read this post from a fellow vegan visiting the Alaska State Fair:
I hope that someday he gets to read all of the greetings from Mudflats. How cool to know you were welcomed by a world of folks wishing you the very best , right from the first.
Big “high fives” to you , young Andrew ! Fill those big shoes and go forth as a do-good’r .
We’ll be rooting for you !
Andrew fell completely in love with Jeanne….and had a lot of firsts last night with all of the love and attention from Jeanne and Shannyn! Most heart-melting moment — he pointed across the room at me and said “my mama!”
Andrew is so lucky to have such amazing aunties. And I’m so lucky to have him….I’ve been given the most amazing gift in the world.
Of course he fell in love. You, Erin, have provided him the opportunity to love. And he has chosen good people to pass that on to. Well done.
And welcome to the “flats, little man.
Erin, Andrew is adorable. You are both lucky to have found each other. I love that picture – and the shoes are priceless. Hearing your story gives us all a big smile and hope that our world can be a better place.
Gosh darn it…I just got finished wiping tears away after reading the serial, and now the “my mama” annecdote is going to turn on the waterworks again!
Ditto to what Moose Pucky said, also. too. ((hugs)) to the new family…
Awww. What a cutie pie!
Congratulations on your new baby! He’s so adorable!
Glad you explained about the shoes – I was thinking you would have to double your savings to his college fund to feed the hollow legs to come.
Too Cute!
But he has very big feet. That would have me concerned. 😉
Support Elizabeth Warren for Mass. Senate:
Yes! So relieved she is running for the Senate. We need her!
I want to kiss his face all over! What a Cutie pie. What is it with kids and grown up shoes? I have a picture of my first son in diapers standing in his daddy’s hunting boots. The boots reach the kids middle thighs and were to heavy for my son to walk.
Andrew, may your life be full of love and laughter.
Blessings to Erin and Andrew, and to our dear Jeanne, also too! Love, health, peace, joy, and prosperity to all.
Erin, may you and your son grow closer together each day, and may you find family and friends to be a truly supportive network in the days, months, and years ahead! Blessings!
ditto – 🙂
Such a treat to drink my coffee and see this newest photo of the sweet little guy we’ve read so much about! He’s adorable.
The only thing that makes it better is to get a glimpse of the lovely Miss Jeanne, as well, also and too. I think the shoes are perfectamente, unless he trips in them and takes a header.
Waiting happily for the next installment of the saga of Andrew and new mom…
love is a wondrous thing. because there was a woman in Alaska who loves, there is now a small boy in Alaska who is loved. loved deeply and without reservation.
Erin may you and Andrew be blessed with all the good things in life now and forevermore.
Jeanne you are the best. you make this site a joy to come home to. kisses and hugs for Andrew.
What a wonderful little boy! Andrew, may you find joy and wonder every day of your life.
That photo made my day! Thank you, and a warm welcome to Andrew!
May he and his family enjoy decades of health and happiness. May he enjoy the beauty of Alaska and the love of his new family and friends.
What a little cutie!
Only the best of wishes for this young family.
Welcome to the mudflats, Little Andrew!
Welcome home.
Meet Seasick Steve, everyone.
He was homeless in Mississippi, got ripped off buying a 3-String Trance Wonder, and is now making music with it all around the world.
Here’s the story of the rip off
with Cut My Wings?Captain, How Long?
and, also, too,
That’s the way the thing go down
it fall fall to the ground
Seasick Steve and the 3-string Trance Wonder
We KNOW about you, Sherman!
I give thanks for all of you, for family and friends and home and music and this wonderful world we share. L
L’Chaim, y’all! To Life!
excuse teh typos, eh?
My initial reaction gazing upon this warm and fuzzy photo
is a glimpse of JoJo the Wonderbeast, of blessed memory.
As a pup, we new he’d be a Wonderbeast when he grew into his paws.
Such energy and curiosity and spirit,
all well-grounded, standing solidly
(when not running tirelessly)
on his own magnificent 4 feet!
need I mention that I’ve worn size 9 shoes since I was eleven years old?
Skis, they called me.
and I’m okay with that.
*waving my magic wand*
to our feet!
to the memories!
to the Wonderbeasts within us!
and to the library with me, also, too
Got you beat on the shoe size: I wear an 11 (since 7th grade). My dad always said big feet made for a good understanding 😉
My mom (who worn size 10 at an early age too) was told something about good balance so she could play the game she so loved, basketball. Of course she went onto play for the US Air Force all over the world in the 50’s so she was never unhappy about that shoe size….of course except when it came to buying neat shoes.
We still have fun going to buy shoes, much easier nowadays!!
I’m 5’9″, my mom’s 5’1″. She says she likes my size 11 feet because if half of me weren’t folded under she’d never be able to hug me.
My sister was 5′ 10″ and wore size 6 shoes. She always looked like she was about to fall over!
That has got to be one of the cutest kids on the planet. The shoes, the shoes! They totally make the outfit. I think I would have just let him keep them!
On a silly note, poor Piper was being bribed during the Palin “One Nation” bus tour, but it’s not what you think…
Wonderful, brilliant, as always.
He can grow in to those rascals. Cute pic!