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Friday, January 28, 2022

Open Thread – Wall Street Occupation Continues (PHOTOS)

Zach Roberts, our NY Bureau Chief has been providing ongoing coverage of the Wall Street occupation. The mainstream media is all but ignoring the demonstrations, so the photographic and video record of this event will have particular historical significance. Zach’s photos have been picked up by more than one of the very limited outlets who have had some amount of coverage on the subject.



14 Responses to “Open Thread – Wall Street Occupation Continues (PHOTOS)”
  1. Lani says:

    Excellent coverage as well at, which has its former intern Randy camping at the site. His reports are great! is covering events, too, also. occupytogether gives us opportunities to join in as does

  2. marlys says:

    BIG Thanks Zack !

  3. John says:

    If three people show up at a Palin event, it is national news. If Wall Street is occupied by protesters, it is ignored. Liberal bias in the media? I don’t think so.

  4. yukonbushgrma says:

    Nicolle Wallace has a new book out — “It’s Classified.”

    It’s a novel – fictional – but it still sounds pretty interesting. I’m especially interested in hearing anything that might relate to how she had to deal with Palin during the campaign. She was right there, trying to make everything right after Palin got the nomination.

    BTW, Wallace and Steve Schmidt were on Rachel’s show tonight — who ever woulda thunk that?

    Here’s the link to the book:

  5. yukonbushgrma says:

    oops, “being RUNNED”

  6. yukonbushgrma says:

    Zach, thank you. It’s a travesty we aren’t seeing/hearing about this.

    Sadly, it’s pretty clear that our country is now being running by the folks with the money and clout. Didn’t we try to correct that with the election of 2008? I hope Prez O keeps on keepin’ on with a spine and stands up to them — althougn I know he, too, has connections to them as well.

    A very sad day for the people of the United States.

  7. Zach Roberts says:

    Thanks everyone for the kind words…

    I’ve also been taking video – lots of interesting people down there…

  8. Zyxomma says:

    Thank you, Zach. Thanks also to everyone who’s gone to Wall Street to let their voices be heard.

  9. bubbles says:

    i was not so very surprised at this. i was just wondering why it took so long for NYPD to respond the way they did. this is par for the course with them.
    i was reading some of the comments in The Daily News and was astounded at some the virulent hatred expressed by some people until i realized that several of the comments reminded me of paid trolls who seem to be everywhere these days.
    some folks were simply worried about their jobs at Wall Street firms. there are many stores and restaurants in the area that are being impacted by the protesters.
    now we are hearing of Google’s decision to join with Fox and the extreme right. i am hoping that people take them to task for supporting Pebble Mine and other crazy schemes. for years Google represented itself as a respectable corporation doing good things for people and the planet through it”s ‘social responsibility arm. although to tell the truth i couldn’t find one daggone thing they have ever done for anyone here in America. tis a shame, really.

  10. With the media’s normal frothing at the mouth urge to cover even the smallest bit of news, it is really odd that this has hardly been seen on any of the stations. Is it Wall Street that has managed to shut down the coverage, the government, or . . . who? We may never know.

    Thanks, Zach, for being there to record what the rest of us are not seeing.

  11. lacy lady says:

    Haven’t seen much of anything on CNN or other news stations. However, I heard that Michael Moore was on the Pierce Morgan show last night.
    My own opinion is that Wall Street is holding the American people hostage—with the help of our elected officials. ——-My grandson is working on a cruise ship which goes to turkey. He upset his Nana when he sent a picture of the riot police with a notation of “tear gas city”.!! UGH!
    Just wonder if we are one step away from this scene!

  12. Ripley in CT says:

    YAYY ZACH!!! Thanks for being there!

    ROAD TRIP!!!!!!

  13. PollyinAK says:

    I’m impressed.