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Friday, January 28, 2022

Open Thread – Occupy Anchorage on Saturday!

This Saturday from 3-7:30 pm, join the Occupy Anchorage rally in Town Square Park next to the Anchorage Center for the Performing Arts.

Step out in solidarity with the protesters of Occupy Wall Street!

Come early to join in the organization of action committees. Stay to enjoy a peaceful protest to make the voices of the other 99% of Americans heard for equality, financial justice, and democracy.

Please bring your signs, food to share, musical instruments, ideas, costumes, puppets, friends and purpose to join us for an afternoon of street theatre and consciousness raising.

Stay tuned, as it may also be the beginning of the occupation for those brave enough to do so.

See the Facebook Event page HERE.



9 Responses to “Open Thread – Occupy Anchorage on Saturday!”
  1. leenie17 says:


    John Ziegler, (former) President of the Sarah Palin Fan Club, has written a blistering open letter to her in response to her announcement that she will not be running for President. While he is glad that she has made the decision he encouraged her to make, he has eviscerated her for how she did it, how long it took her to do it and how she begged for money right up until the end, even asking if she plans to return the money.

    “Now that you aren’t running you have made yourself almost totally irrelevant.”

    “However, based on my personal experience, I have lost my faith in your ability to correctly perceive reality or to be totally honest with yourself and the public. ”

    “While I don’t regret my efforts to set the record straight about what happened to you, I do wish I had never taken up your cause and made the mistake of thinking you wanted honest and truthful counsel.”

    Reality bites, doesn’t it Mr. Ziegler?

  2. CorningNY says:

    I just e-mailed Massachusetts Senator Scott Brown, calling him out for his insulting and sexist remark about Elizabeth Warren–saying “Thank God” she didn’t take her clothes off.

    “Senator Brown,

    I believe you owe Elizabeth Warren an apology for your tasteless comment on her appearance. Ms. Warren did not comment on your looks, just your choice of job to make money. By the way, I don’t feel posing nude is wrong. But making a denigrating comment about a woman’s appearance at a public event was sexist and incredibly rude. You owe her an apology. “

  3. Zyxomma says:

    And here’s the “We are the 99%” tumblr blog. It’s 60 pages, and growing:

  4. Zyxomma says:

    Here’s the eloquent Naomi Klein on what’s going on:

    Stay safe and have fun, Anchorage.

  5. Baker's Dozen says:

    Have fun this weekend, y’all! I shall be unplugged!

  6. fishingmamma says:

    Also, too, I hope to be there for this.

  7. fishingmamma says:

    Since this is open thread – did anyone catch the channel 2 news report on the chuitna mine? I missed most of it, but it did not look favorable for building the mine, and I cannot find mention anywhere.

  8. Writing from Alaska says:

    Let me the first to say – very cool – ! Thanks for the info.