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Mudflix – Bristol Bay and the Threat of Pebble Mine

Seven minutes and 23 seconds.

This is one of the best short videos I have seen on the proposed Pebble Mine. It’s a fantastic tool for those who are not familiar with the issue, and even though I am, I found it riveting. Interviews with local residents at the end are wonderful, and moving. The images of the region are breathtaking.

I sincerely hope that all of you take that seven minutes and 23 seconds to get informed, or stay current on this issue that is so very important to Alaskans, and to anyone who cares about the preservation of an incredible wilderness ecosystem, a world-class sport and commercial fishery, and an indigenous way of life that has lasted for ten thousand years.


Learn more at



13 Responses to “Mudflix – Bristol Bay and the Threat of Pebble Mine”
  1. CG says:

    Bristol Bay on the brink. LA Times.
    Great slide show with audio. Interesting, though. It seems to be from 2007. Not one thing different.,0,296244.flash

  2. CG says:

    About Pebble Watch –
    Pebble Watch is an impartial, educational and fact-based initiative intended to disseminate information regarding the proposed Pebble Mine project.
    “Pebble Watch does not attempt to integrate or interpret data; this would occur during an Environmental Impact Statement process. Instead, we seek to help better understand data by providing summaries as well as context, such as how the data may be used in the permitting process and how it relates to regulatory benchmarks.”

  3. gm says:

    And now there’s another gigantic open pit mine in the works upstream from Misty Fiords National Monument in S.E. Alaska (Seabridge Gold–KSM project). The mine’s over the border in Canada, with huge dams for 2.3 billion tons of tailings. I think only Pebble is larger. Once again, mining companies are entering pristine wildlands, and people downstream are concerned about water quality in rich fish streams and rivers.

    • CG says:

      Unlike the Pebble Partnership, KSM HAS presented its plan to the Ketchikan community. They aren’t happy, but they are involved. The strategy is completely different. The mining company expects to have to show a plan.

  4. Zyxomma says:

    Wow. I’m very well informed on Pebble, and have signed countless petitions, emails, etc. to try to stop its development. Still, with all my knowledge, the film moved me to tears. Thanks for posting it.

    Health and peace.

  5. GoI3ig says:

    The kid at 6:50 is priceless. We should have the election results from the borough within a week. Then stand by for the court battles.

  6. Alaska Pi says:

    AKM- link to save bristol bay sent me to 404 error land .
    Is this where you are directing people to go ?

    Also the sportsman alliance link CG notes above has a very good history of news stories and info .

  7. marlys says:

    Thank you for posting, i will be fwding *~~~

  8. CG says:
    Proposed Pebble Mine Plan. In this image, the pit is approximately two
    miles wide, while the toxic tailings lagoon covers nearly 20 square miles.
    ©Bristol Bay Alliance with image from Northern Dynasty Minerals.

    The rivers you see within the mine footprint are Koktuli and Talarik. Mulchatna is directly to the left. I saw a photo (with my own eyes) of a 39-inch rainbow trout on Wednesday.

    “Between a Rock and a Hard Place.” Innu Nation Task Force report on mining activities.

    Aboriginal Peoples and Mining. Six case studies.

    Taseko = Hunter-Dickinson. A sister company to Northern Dynasty.
    “Taseko claims that it has addressed all of the issues raised by the review panel and that it continues to work collaboratively with the First Nations on whose traditional territory the massive open pit operation would be located.”

    Ramsey Hart, MiningWatch Canada: “These claims are more PR fiction than reality and represent a gross misrepresentation of the federal review panel’s findings — and of Taseko’s toxic relationship with First Nations.”