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Open Thread – Spotted in Spenard

Afternoon. Spenard. SOMEthing dancing down the sidewalk. Drive-by Blackberry photo.

The Tlingit Indians of Southeastern Alaska called it “Kushtaka.”
The Den’aina Indians of South central named it “Nant’ina.”
The Eskimos of southwest Alaska call it “Urayuli” or “Hairy man.”

I call it “The Dancing Mystery Beast of Spenard.”



52 Responses to “Open Thread – Spotted in Spenard”
  1. Man_from_Unk says:

    As soon as it starts to cool off in the fall, some peoples cabin fever starts to set in.

  2. Enjay in E MT says:

    Yesterday (on the Murkowski vote post) I commented about how one of the two Dem. Montana senators had also voted no. Today – I received an e-mail from Sen. Tester and wanted to share his reason(s) for the NO vote.

    ” This week, I cast a vote in the Senate that was praised by some and criticized by others. I voted against the American Jobs Act after considerable discussion, research and listening to many folks. I stand by my vote, and I want to share my reasons directly with you.

    First, we can’t forget our own history. A few generations ago this nation made an incredible investment in infrastructure, and the jobs it created helped lead us out of the Great Depression. President Roosevelt’s vision was to create a stronger and more productive America using the brains and brawn of American workers.

    Roosevelt’s example should guide our nation now as we rebuild from this recession.

    We built our way out of the Great Depression with an unprecedented investment in physical infrastructure. We built highways and bridges and parks and factories. We connected the nation with industry. We electrified rural farms and ranches. In Montana we built lodges and trails that help people the world over to enjoy Glacier National Park and Montana’s natural beauty; we built airports; we created water and irrigation systems.

    We knew that investing in infrastructure, education and research-and-development are powerful, long-term job creators. We were right.

    Today we know that America’s bridges, roads, electrical grids, national parks, and schools are in need of repair to carry our nation and our economy into the future. We also know that we have educated and able people ready to get the work done.

    My vote against the President’s jobs proposal came after considering our own history and our path to the future.

    The American Jobs Act invested far too little in actual job creation. In fact, only 20 percent of the $447 billion was dedicated to physical infrastructure, and only about half of that money would have been available right away.

    Over $250 billion of the bill was devoted to temporary tax gimmicks that don’t create jobs. History shows us that too.

    Of course, there are provisions I supported. I support the surtax on millionaires. I feel strongly that this nation’s wealthiest should pay their fair share in taxes.

    But we should use the revenue from a new surtax on millionaires to pay for things that build our economy, like roads, bridges, transmission lines, rural broadband, and water projects. The President’s bill would have used this revenue to pay for expensive, temporary tax gimmicks that won’t create jobs in the long-term. I have no doubt we will put that revenue to much better use in the near future.

    In the weeks ahead I will be working with colleagues on both sides of the aisle make sure that we put Americans back to work in the short-term, while making also jobs investment in the long term. I’ll work on proposals for the entire nation and specific to Montana to address our infrastructure needs, to ensure continued research and development to carry our economy forward, and to continue educating and training the children who are the future.

    All of this can and must be done in a way that addresses one of the underlying problems hurting our economy: our growing deficit and the uncertainty it creates. To get there, we need a wholesale reform of our tax code to make sure wealthy Americans and big corporations pay their fair share, and to make taxes more fair for working families. And we need to ensure that critical initiatives like Social Security and Medicare are built to last, so they can benefit our kids and grandkids.

    Doing nothing will not create jobs. Not paying for infrastructure now will compromise our future. I am committed to finding the balance for today’s workers and for tomorrow’s children. Jon “

  3. Baker's Dozen says:

    Dedicated to AKM, with mud!


    Oh, the Spotted Spenard is a dandy sort
    It’s a treat to have this pet.
    It loves to trave–a year-roud sport
    Never sick of it will it get.

    Its habitat is Turnagain Arm
    But a compass it still needs.
    The Spotted Spenard, dazzling with charm,
    Is trekking north before the freeze.

    “Which way is Wasilla?” the Spotted queries
    “Set me towards Lake Louise”
    Another query: “Must I take the ferry?”
    I wanna p**p on the Grifter’s trees.

  4. Ndjinn says:

    No way (or duh, Spenard) a plushee!

  5. leenie17 says:

    What a sweet story I heard tonight!

    This is a wonderful story about some of those ‘greedy, shiftless, lazy’ public employees who have been so maligned of late.

    A 6-year-old girl in Washington lost a teddy bear on the side of the highway when she became carsick on a road trip. It was a special bear she called ‘Daddy Bear’ and was given to her by her father when he went to Afghanistan several years ago, to act as a ‘stand-in’ until he got home. He’s now serving in South Korea so the bear is very important to the little girl and she was devastated when she lost it.

    Her grandmother posted a notice on the Department of Transportation’s Facebook page. The agency sent out a tweet and encouraged its employees to look for the bear. Two Transportation workers went out searching, found the bear and personally drove four hours to return it, in person, to the little girl.

    Let’s hear it for the public employees!!! Woo hoo!!!

  6. Lacy Lady says:

    Isn’t Cantor the one that Cain would like to have as his running mate? Whew

  7. Zyxomma says:

    The LA Times,0,4093225.story?obref=obinsite says that Eric Cantor is “walking back” his remarks on Occupy, but he remains a clueless asshat:

    β€œThe tea party were very different. The tea party were individuals attempting to address their grievance from the government they elected,” Cantor said. Occupy Wall Street protesters β€œare pitting themselves against others outside government in America. That’s a difference.”

    That’s a difference? Wall Street has nothing to do with politics in this country? Please, Virginia’s 7th district, vote him out next year!

  8. bubbles says:

    nah. youse are all wrong. that’s me old friend Harvey as i lives and breathes. Good old Harvey.

  9. hedgewytch says:

    So that’s where Peter Rabbit has gone! Too sad; fur worn, coat torn, obviously inebriated, must have been what happened after Farmer Brown and the court system got through with him…all for the want of a few tasty carrots…

  10. Jim K says:

    He had better watch out Sarah Palin is hot on his tail; and she hates brown things like that.

  11. mike from iowa says:

    I officially nominate “themudflats” participants as having the world’s most awesome sense of humor-bar none.

  12. Baker's Dozen says:

    Oh my goodnessssssss!

    Sarah’s finally combed her hair!

  13. akglow says:

    It is Mayor Sullivan after learning that the Equal Rights Ordinance had passed.

  14. CQAussie says:

    GREAT must-read article from Henry Blodget of Business Insider on OWS:

    Read it – then share it!

  15. Lynn in VA says:

    My money is on Sarah Palin’s wigs…. any of ’em, all of ’em

  16. benlomond2 says:

    Rick Perry just announced his energy/jobs plan. By Executive Order, he will open all federal lands and offshore areas to oil drilling, naming Alaska, the Gulf of Mexico specifically….and shorten up the permitting process…some people just don’t chose to learn from current events…

    • leenie17 says:

      After reading some of the high (or low, depending on your point of view) points of his plan on Think Progress, I decided that it would be much more efficient if all of us just turned over a percentage of our income directly to the oil companies.

      President Perry could decide, with the assistance of the oil bigwigs of course, what the appropriate percentage would be, and we would just write a check every month to insure that those hardworking executives have enough money to buy all the yachts, vacation homes and private islands they need to maintain the lifestyle they deserve.

      ‘Cause it’s tough, ya know, to manage with only ONE private island to vacation on!

  17. Mag the Mick says:

    Ah-ooo, werewolves of London!

  18. Lacy Lady says:

    Things like this drive me crazy like the little ole lady that knits on this video.

  19. Zyxomma says:

    The proposed Keystone XL pipeline is alleged to be a huge job creator. A new Cornell study calls BS:

    and says the risks of a spill (or spills) make it not worthwhile.

  20. A Fan From Chicago says:

    Have you ever seen Sarah Palin and this critter in the same room? Just askin’.

  21. Nan (aka roswellborn) says:

    Some days, do you just wanna go home and see if you can manage a “do-over” for the day?

    Interesting state, Alaska… Wild.

  22. mike from iowa says:

    The end of Obama is near. Former pro-rassler Hulk Hogan went on Fauxknee Noise yesterday and recanted his support for the president. The writring is on the wall. Some misguided fake rasslers will body-slam Obama into retirement and take the crown to the WWF. Or the BBC or HTV or whatever their fake world is called. Fare thee well,O Obie one. We hardly knew yee.

  23. tallimat says:

    Wait, is the my hubby? Huh? Hold on, let me go see if he is in our bed.

    • UgaVic says:

      I know it is not mine only because it is not bright red in color and the head also has hair on it!!

  24. juneaudream says:

    The ..Dancing Spirits..who lead us to health..a grin and a a time…so live long………

    • benlomond2 says:

      and prosper…

    • merrycricket says:

      I love what you come up with juneaudream. I have a file on my phone with some of your gems.

      • mike from iowa says:

        HM is absolutely adorable,but I’m kinda worried already about her. In watching the video I saw a dog walk on the wall paneling right behind her. Is your dwelling devoid of gravity? Can that be good for younguns?

        • merrycricket says:

          LOL That’s a sign of a happy household. There are cats here and as anyone knows, cats are in charge of gravity. When they are mad, they turn the gravity up! Those are the days when you can hardly move. Cats don’t like rainy days and that’s why it makes you want to stay in bed and sleep. πŸ˜€ Actually, I had the phone turned sideways because it’s the easiest way to operate one handed. πŸ™‚

  25. mike from iowa says:

    It is what it is.

  26. jimzmum says:

    Dang. Looks like one of my cousins has moved up there. Funny!

  27. ks sunflower says:

    Maybe he’s on the way to an OWS gathering. His work boots and blue jacket seem to imply he is a hard-working man who could identify with the movement against Wall St. greed and de-regulation of the financial industries. Go, Hairy Man, go! Power to the people, hairy or not.

  28. GoI3ig says:

    Maybe he escaped from Mr. Whitekeys show?

  29. Exit 35A says:

    I can’t help myself… Its CatManDo

  30. Blooper says:

    Whoa. Trippy.