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Open Thread – Brian Occupies the Desert?

Brian the moose and a small group of humans including Mudflatter BeeJay occupied the Arizona desert!

Just a photo of Brian helping to occupy the desert here. It’s 88 degrees currently, 13% humidity, and not a cloud to be seen.

Our group may be small, we may be on the edge of nowhere, but Brian does not complain about the heat, no sir! He and I know what’s right and what’s wrong.


[Send your Occupy pics, with or without Brian to akmuckraker(at)yahoo(dot)com]



33 Responses to “Open Thread – Brian Occupies the Desert?”
  1. OMG says:

    A great column about the time honored tradition of ‘elites’ feeling a sense of responsibility to society that is lacking in today’s culture and how that has fueled the fire of discontent of the majority:

    Have today’s privileged adopted the “let them eat cake” mentality that destroyed a monarchy.

    • mike from iowa says:

      today’s “elite” are by-products of Nazi experiments to build a better race of humans with absolutely zero conscience and their only concern is for self. Looks like it has worked rather well.

  2. merrycricket says:

    By now I am sure many of you have heard our sad news for the animal kingdom here in Ohio. So many important exotic animals gone because of the actions of one man in the pit of depression. Our governor failed to act and allowed a law that prevents people from keeping exotic animals as pets expire. That is not what would have prevented this tragic story from unfolding, but it may prevent others. Many of us in Ohio have heavy hearts this evening.

    • leenie17 says:

      Thank goodness no innocent bystanders, law enforcement officers or children were hurt by the animals after they were released by what was clearly a disturbed individual.

      It’s such a tragedy that they had to be put down, but I can understand the need to protect public safety under those extraordinary circumstances. On the news tonight I saw an interview of Jack Hanna, who was involved in the search, and he looked devastated. He explained why they couldn’t use tranquilizer guns on the animals, but it must have been heartbreaking for them to kill all of those magnificent creatures. I just can’t understand people who keep those kinds of animals as ‘pets’. The laws that prevent that kind of thing from happening MUST be maintained and strengthened so this type of tragedy never happens again.

  3. Lacy Lady says:

    The Republican debate last night was truly a farce! Can’t believe anyone would vote for any of these jokers. I can see why the Republicans are still “looking”. Is is too late? Think they need a Captian Midnight come to the rescue.
    See where McCain is complaining about the President running for office on the tax payers dime.
    Guess Gov Perry,& M Bachmann is running on a penny. Looks like McCain, and Bachmann should be in DC voting on the JOBS bill. The big story–the Bus! The one that the FBI orders from Canada. Just as they have done in the past for the FBI and other Presidents. What the hell!
    I say—get off your A——and get to work

  4. scout says:

    Dear Senator Murkowski;

    Anchorage, a city with a surplus of money, took a $5,000,000.00 FEMA grant in 2010 for the purposes of keeping firefighters on the job and purchasing needed equipment. (“$5 million federal grant will add firefighters”: )

    Please, Senator, tell me how a city with a surplus of cash qualifies for “emergency” funding while you vote down legitimate monies for the same purposes for Alaskan cities that are not as well heeled or well connected as Anchorage.

    I expect a “YES” vote from you re: the following article, this Friday, Senator: “Reid Tees Up Key Test Vote On Teacher, Firefighter Jobs Bill.”

    Are you an Alaskan Senator or are you first and foremost a Republican? Your vote will stand as your response to my question.

  5. bubbles says:

    time to get fired up folks. i am sick of traitorous teabggers. where the hell is Justice dept.? where the hell are the people who said they would stand by this president? for shame!!!

    • merrycricket says:

      Even if I were a racist tea partying business owner I would not kill my business in an effort to make the president look bad. That is the dumbest thing yet to come out of the tea party.

    • mike from iowa says:

      Back when Bill Clinton left office rethugs put out the word to businesses and korporations that congress would not do business with them if they hired William Jefferson Clinton as a speaker. That didn’t work out to well as Clinton is one of the highest paid and most knowledgeable speakers on the circuit. Can’t hold a candle to dumba%% dubya as a speaker though.Guffaw,guffaw.BTW Tom Delay made korporations hire some of his staff as lobbyists as a prerequisite to doing business with him as SOH. And they are just as slimy now.

  6. CO almost native says:

    Awesome graph! Someone should print it out and hang it up at every Cain appearance.

  7. Zyxomma says:

    Beautiful. And here’s something else that’s beautiful. It’s Marine Sergeant Shamar Thomas, who stood up for Occupy demonstrators in Times Square (telling the police that they weren’t to harm unarmed civilians exercising their first amendment rights), being interviewed by Keith Olbermann on Countdown:

    I don’t have cable TV (only cable internet), so I don’t see Keith except on the web.

    • bubbles says:

      thanks Zyx. the Marine is a beautiful man in all his parts. if’ n i was 30 years younger. oh boy.
      did i ever mention that i adores me some Marines and Naval men and also too them there Army and Air Force and Coast Guardsmen as well?
      one time i was on base in Pearl Harbor when the fleet came in and i fainted at the very sight. those was the days. sigh.

      • leenie17 says:

        Hey, Bubbles…great minds think alike!

        In a previous life, I fell head over heels in lust with a submariner. He was 6′ 3″, dark-haired, mustached and handsome as all get out. The first time he ever put on his dress blues for me, I finally understood what previous generations meant by ‘an attack of the vapors’. Oh my goodness, he was impressive!

        Several months later we became engaged…and then several months after that we became dis-engaged when my common sense beat out the lust. But what a hunk he was. 😉

        My sister was stationed at Pearl when I was in high school. I visited her several times and was just beside myself, surrounded by all those nice young men in uniform. Sigh…

      • benlomond2 says:

        Dang !!…wonder if I can still fit into my Navy dress blues,,,,, rats! nope, can’t do it girls.. that 28″ waist is long gone….. 🙂 Barbers PT, Hi. for 2.5 years,,, 2 bdrm bungalow on the beach… tough duty, I can tell ya, but somebody had to guard the Pacific !!! 🙂

        • leenie17 says:

          Well, ben, thank you for your tremendous sacrifice on behalf of our nation and on behalf of the safety of the sand dunes of Oahu and the bikini-clad ladies who frolic there. 😉

          (My sister lived in the base housing in Ewa Beach so, if you were there in the late 70s, you might have almost been neighbors! I remember going to eat at one of the other bases – Hickam maybe? – and having all you could eat prime rib and king crab…mmmmmm)

          • benlomond2 says:

            actually, I WAS there in the late 70’s ! VP-22 got out in 79 .had an apartment in Ewa before moving over to Nanakuli..there was a little bar/resteraunt called Sloop John B.. in Ewa that had GREAT Eggs Benedict, and a leopard shark in aquarium behind the bar. the base has been closed, and it’s now a big hotel resort..ggaacckkk! and THAT’s enough…hehehe… what happens in Hawaii, stays in Hawaii !

            and of COURSE I was glad the Coasties were there- somebody had to scrape the barnacles off the buoys ! Ben runs for his airplane….( I was a “brown shoe”)

        • BeeJay says:

          Well, Ben, thank the Coasties for protecting the Navy while you’re at it!

          And, no, my Coast Guard Blue uni doesn’t fit anymore either, darn it. 🙂

          • BeeJay says:

            Black shoes here, Radioman 2nd to be specific.

            Never got to Hawai’i, but I did go to Alaska twice on patrol, as well as far south as Cabo San Lucas in two years afloat. The last two years were spent holding down teletype machines in San Francisco.

            The Sea Services: for those who have real stomachs (I’ll include you Airedale types)!

  8. tinydancer says:

    13% humidity???? I’ve never experienced 13% humidity.

    • BeeJay says:

      TinyD – it gets as low as 6-8% here from fall to spring. Summer is the rainy season, so it gets pretty high in the thunderstorms and monsoons we have from late June through September.

      • mike from iowa says:

        do youse guys grill over mesquite coals or is that a Southwestern fairytale? Please don’t tell Brian I mentioned grilling. He might be upset with Moi.

        • BeeJay says:

          We can, the valley around here is covered in mesquite. You can grill entirely with mesquite wood, no charcoal necessary at all.

          Bovine steak and chicken are especially flavorful done entirely with mesquite. I say bovine exclusively to reinforce that we do not talk about eating m@@se flesh here.

  9. OMG says:

    It’s good to see that Palin is still tossing the salad on Fox:

    “By providing in state tuition for those who are not residents of his state, because the illegal immigrants who are there — they are not even obviously — not residents of America legally much less the state of Texas,” Palin said. “It sounds like Rick Perry is having a heck of a time trying to explain his position on illegal immigration when he has incentivized some to be able to really grasp a benefit that the majority of Americans would never be able to take an advantage of: in state tuition in the state of Texas.”

    Of course, the people receiving tuition are actually long-time residents of the state and are there because their parents chose to come to the country (illegally) for a better life. Many of these young people receiving help have been a US and Texas resident most of their lives but were born elsewhere.

  10. OMG says:

    It’s good to see Brian participating…and I’m betting that we’ll see him attending as many rallies across the country, and perhaps around the world, as he can manage.

  11. Ripley in CT says:

    I have a picture I need to take… gimme a few days. It’s raining moose and ducks here.

  12. mike from iowa says:

    Brian looks uncomfortable in the sand and heat. Please send his Excellency to Iowa-posthaste. It is 22 degrees this morning and their is so much corn in some of these harvested fields the big guy could pick up and backpack enough corn to Alaska to feed all Alaskans all winter. Plus it burns nicely and throws off lots of heat. The cobs also have their uses. Why should scrawny pheasants and turkeys and deer and rabbits have such succulent fair when the largest ungulates in the world eat twigs?

  13. WakeUpAmerica says:

    It was 88 degrees in the Upper Mojave Desert yesterday, so I’m wondering if that is where Brian is. If so why didn’t I hear about the “Occupy the Desert” movement? Darn it!

    • BeeJay says:

      This particular Brian and I reside 11 miles east of Bisbee, Arizona, a small blue dot in the sea of AZ red. We’re also only 7 miles north of the border here in the mesquite flats of the Sulphur Springs Valley.

      Brian was not uncomfortable: after all, it’s a dry heat… 😉

  14. GoI3ig says:

    He seems a little out of his element there. Fall in Alaska is awesome. (ok, I admit that I’m jealous of 88 degrees)