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Friday, January 28, 2022

Open Thread – Halloween Hat Tip to Senator Mark Begich

A nod to Senator Mark Begich who won the newly created Halloween Hat Tip Award for his unorthodox and completely awesome holiday activities. While the little ghouls and goblins rang doorbells for candy, Senator Begich visited his fellow Senators delivering these killer No Frankenfish buttons.

Begich proposed legislation earlier this month that would make it illegal to sell, posses, and/or purchase genetically-altered salmon in the U.S. It has gained support from his Republican counterpart in the Senate, Lisa Murkowsi (R-Alaska)…

Both Alaskan senators have questioned the economic and environmental impact of introducing genetically-altered salmon into the national food supply.




22 Responses to “Open Thread – Halloween Hat Tip to Senator Mark Begich”
  1. A nod to Senator Mark Begich who won the newly created Halloween Hat Tip Award for his unorthodox and completely awesome holiday.

  2. Zyxomma says:

    New York mudpups: Please sign a(nother) petition to prevent hydraulic fracturing in NY’s piece of the Marcellus Shale:

    It’s imperative that we protect our water! Nothing on earth is more precious than fresh water, and our legislators need to hear that.

  3. Lacy Lady says:

    bubbles —-I think all this racists stuff started with The quitter from Alaska. When she was in Florida, giving a speech, and a man from the Sheriff’s office was on stage with her ( in uniform), raising his fist and beating up on Obama—–and a reporter was attacted in the crowd. I said at the time, it reminded me of Nazi Germany and Hitler. I believe that the man from the sheriff was released from his duties. I found this to be inciting violence. And know it is getting much worse.

  4. Baker's Dozen says:

    On a happier note:

    Do we feel safer now than in 2008?

    I do. No bin Laden. No Quadaffi. No whatever that cleric’s long name guy.

    And now, an app. Kudos to the administration for encouraging this:

  5. bubbles says:

    dear Mudflatters please take a look/see here:

    i don’t know about you but i have had it with these racists in Virginia and indeed all over this nation.
    this is not alright. i will not sit still and shut up. any so called friend who insults my President in any way shape or form can expect a swift kick in their nether parts and fast departure either by elevator or window. since i live on the fifteenth floor i will of course suggest the elevator. it may not get them down as fast but at least they get to walk away.
    people we need to lift our voices about this. it is serious. this country will never recover from these morons unless we drive them back to their miserable holes in the ground.

    • leenie17 says:

      The Secret Service need to knock on some doors…loudly!

      I saw the image online last night and was horrified. Bad enough if this was sent out by an individual, but to be sent out by a county political organization???? Despicable

    • bubbles says:

      i just called and spoke to a Secret Service agent. i let him know that i am not amused. i told him in no uncertain terms that i expect something to be done about it. he did not want to discuss the investigation, i said fine but that i am watching and waiting and that i expect to hear of arrests in this case. i hope you will join me in calling their office in Washington DC
      Public Affairs
      U.S. Secret Service
      Office of Government and Public Affairs
      245 Murray Drive,
      Building 410,
      Washington, DC 20223

      • Zyxomma says:

        Bubbles, I just saw on the local news that Secret Service is investigating. Your call (and others) did some good!

  6. Baker's Dozen says:

    Hey, all you wannabe writers! NaNoWriMo is here!

  7. Baker's Dozen says:

    The Right ought to love this–a way to cut down on divorce:

  8. Baker's Dozen says:

    No Frankenfish, but we still love Senator Franken!

  9. What would be the difference between genetically altered fish and the atrocities found in the wild after coal dust and cyanide are introduced into their diets via coal or gold mining?

  10. Man_from_Unk says:

    It won’t be long until some other country is producing “genetic engineered fish”. Alaska use to have a very viberant salmon fishing industry all over the state. Now we just see pockets here and there. Management has to abide by the constitution and start managing for sustainability. Restrict commercial fishers until the stocks rebound and fine the Bycatching trawlers with higher fees until they figure out a way to fish for pollock without hurting the salmon in their nursery.

    • Zyxomma says:

      I could not agree more. The environmental damage done so McDonald’s filet-o-fish can be cheap is unconscionable. I’ve seen video of how these trawlers discard salmon as if they were garbage. Made me sick.

  11. jimzmum says:

    “Both Alaskan senators have questioned the economic and environmental impact of introducing genetically-altered salmon into the national food supply.”

    Thank you. This possibility scares me to death.

  12. GoI3ig says:

    Nothing scarier than a Frankenfish. Genetic engineered fish sounds like a disaster waiting to happen. It is almost inevitable that some will somehow find their way in to the wild stock. I don’t trust them for a minute.