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Mudflix – Two Lesbians Raised a Baby and This is What They Got

Zach Wahls, a 19-year-old University of Iowa student spoke about the strength of his family during a public forum on House Joint Resolution 6 in the Iowa House of Representatives. Wahls has two mothers, and came to oppose House Joint Resolution 6 which would end civil unions in Iowa.

The fight to to keep marriage equality in Iowa continues, help us support Iowans like Zach.



11 Responses to “Mudflix – Two Lesbians Raised a Baby and This is What They Got”
  1. IowaGuy says:

    Mr. Wahls parents are legally married partly because of the Iowa constitution, written in 1857, with these wonderful two lines in our State Bill of Rights;

    Laws uniform. SEC. 6. All laws of a general nature shall have a uniform operation; the general assembly shall not grant to any citizen, or class of citizens, privileges or immunities, which, upon the same terms shall not equally belong to all citizens.

    Rights of persons. SECTION 1. All men and women are, by nature, free and equal, and have certain inalienable rights–among which are those of enjoying and defending life and liberty, acquiring, possessing and protecting property, and pursuing and obtaining safety and happiness.

    Iowa has a long history on the leading edge of civil rights–some examples:

    1839 – Territorial Supreme Court: man could not be sent back into slavery “re: Ralph,” WL 2764, at *6 (Iowa Terr. July 1839) “no man in this territory can be reduced to slavery.” (US – 1865 after Civil

    1847 – State Seal – “Our liberties we prize, and our rights we will maintain”

    1851 – Iowa General Assembly: removed ban on inter-racial marriage (1967 US)

    1851 – Iowa “Code of 1851:” gave married women property rights

    1855 & 1860 & 1915 – Constitutionality of above was clarified and shaped

    1857 – Iowa Constitution included African-Americans ‘same rights’ as every citizen

    1867 – Iowa Supreme Court: broke with ‘common law’ that men would get absolute custody of children in divorce; “Cole v Cole”

    1868 – Iowa Supreme Court: school desegregation case “Clark v Board of Directors,” 24 Iowa 266 — a 12-year-old girl could not be barred from a Muscatine school on basis of race

    1869 – Iowa Supreme Court: Arabella Mansfield could not be barred from practicing law due to gender. She became the first female lawyer in US.

    1870 – Iowa General Assembly: removed “white male” from statute about lawyers

    1873 – Iowa Supreme Court: Emma Coger, mixed race woman, could not be denied eating privileges in steam boat ‘whites only’ dining room.

    1875 – Historic First: Emma Haddock, first female lawyer to practice in US Federal courts

    1884 – Iowa General Assembly: civil rights law enacted (racial) – Acts of the Twentieth General Assembly

    1884 – Historic First: Jennie McCowen, one of first US women medical graduates (U.I.)

    1920 – Historic First: (Iowa General Assembly?) When women got the vote, Iowa also made them eligible for jury service (most states still didn’t allow this for a decade or more)

    1924 — Native Americans given right to vote.

    1949 – Iowa Supreme Court: Edna Griffin in Katz Drugstore case – first successful application of 1884 Iowa Civil Rights law (national was 1964)

    1965 –1969 US Supreme Court – Tinker v. Des Moines Independent School District: Freedom of speech includes black arm bands protesting the war in Vietnam.

    1965 – Iowa Civil Rights Act of 1965: Established the Iowa Civil Rights Commission.

    1967 – Iowa Code Exempts Amish Schools from educational standards pursuant to Iowa Code section 299.24 on basis of religious freedom.

    1970 – Iowa General Assembly: no-fault divorce (one of first in nation laws)

    1971 – Adel High School’s (anti) Long Hair rule at school is unconstitutional (district court) Boys can wear their hair long.

    1976 – Iowa Supreme Court: sodomy laws violate “equal protection” clause (Legislation: Iowa struck down all sodomy laws in 1978; US in 2003)

    1980 – Iowa Supreme Court: in divorce, child custody orders must not be based on race “Community prejudice cannot be permitted to control the makeup of families.” (US – 1984)

    1990 – Americans with Disabilities Act (National): In 1990 Iowa’s Senator Tom Harkin was one of the authors of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

  2. Moose Pucky says:

    It’s going to be hard for those lawmakers to contradict an Eagle Scout. What a fine young man!

  3. 24owls says:

    A viewpoint from NH, we’ve had same sex marriage on the books for over a year and the state is still standing – hasn’t slid off into the ocean, no volcanos erupting, no plagues of locusts, lightening strikes or fires from hell burning all the buildings and forests – but we do have a republican led house and senate that threatens to bring up a bill next session to replace the word marriage with “unions, get togethers, partnerships” something else besides the word marriage. They think the word marriage should be reserved for male female couples only. And if that doesn’t work then get rid of the same sex stuff altogether. We have a govenor that will veto it. If his veto is over ridden which I seriously doubt , it just won’t pass. Legal folks have already said you can’t have a 2 tier marriage set up, regardless of whatever term you want to use and it will never hold up in court – state or federal, either everyone is married or no one can use the word marriage. Abunch of republican heads popped off over that claiming, of course, that the courts can’t tell the legislature what to do, which, of course, the legal people responded that if the legislature passes an unconstitutional bill then the court is going to tell where they can stick the bill. So for now the 1500 + married same sex couples are safe legally from the pitchfork carring mobs of bible thumpers and it is my impression that this state will uphold the word marriage for all couples, same sex or otherwise. Like other states the election of 2010 resulted in a NH republican base legislature that has shown the ugly side of politics whereas they would like to turn back the clocks to the 1900’s but thousands of residents have responded to the stupidity and 2012 will prove to be another swing year in the positive progressive road and NH will continue to move ahead. We need to have more loving homes regardless if they are two women, two men, man and women that love, support, and bring up great kids like Zach Wahls. Three cheers for Zach!!

  4. leenie17 says:

    I’m betting that both of his moms are extremely proud of their son! (And they should be equally proud of themselves for clearly doing a great job raising this fine young man!)

  5. AKPetMom says:

    I saw this when it first came out in Feb 2011. It was just a reminder that sexuality is not a choice but is biologically chosen for us. Of course two lesbians can raise a fabulous hetero son. This kid was not born “gay” and no amount of “having two gay parents” was going to change that.

    • jwa says:

      I’ve seen this before and it’s fantastic. My SIL and her partner are raising two adopted kids and doing a great job. It angers me that narrow-minded homophobes what to take away that right.

      However, not to be disagreeable with your post, but there is no indication that Mr. Wahls is hetero – or gay. As he so eloquently states, the sexual orientation of his parents has had zero effect on the content of his character. Similarly, his own sexual orientation (whatever it is) has zero effect on the content of his character. The fact that he appears to be an outstanding young man in many ways, is no reason to assume one way or the other that he is either hetero or gay.

  6. jimzmum says:

    Isn’t this just a wonderful young man? I saw this on FB yesterday, shared it, and so many others have done the same. Great way to watch this message reach so many people!

  7. Zyxomma says:

    Haha. I just came here to the ‘flats to post this on the Open Thread. Well done.

  8. Lacy Lady says:

    I heard this young man speak during a public forum in the Iowa house of representatives.
    What a nice young man. This was played on WHO Iowa news. recently.
    The big blocking stone in Iowa, is Mr Vanerpoop! He is fighting the same sex marriage law in Iowa.
    If I am correct—he is trying to get the Rep candiates to sign the “marriage pledge” As far as I know, two canidates have signed this pledge. There is sooooo much going on in Iowa and the nation, it is hard to keep up. Think they have all gone MAD!!!!!!!!
    Old Herman said, he will make a decision as to whether or not to stay in the “race”, after he talks to his wife “in person”. Maybe he is trying to come up with a good excuse as to why he was calling Miss? at 4:00 o’clock in the morning.

    Now—-I have to make some phone calls and see why one of my meds will go up 800 % in 2012.