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South Carolina – Let the Games Begin! (UPDATED)

While most can no longer stomach the cringe-inducing, stomach-churning, never-ending bouts of ethically challenged mud wrestling that are the Republican debates, apparently to others they do make a difference.

CBS News notes:

Nearly two out of three South Carolina Republican primary voters say the recent Republican presidential debates played an important factor in their decision, according to early CBS News exit polls – a good sign for Newt Gingrich, who was widely seen as outshining rival Mitt Romney in both debates there this week.

…thus proving that a cow pie is shinier than a buffalo chip.

Since 1980, the winner of the South Carolina primary has gone on to take his party’s nomination, so the stakes are high between the two most reprehensible front-runners imaginable – unless, of course you chose any of the other two.

Exit polls go on to reveal that South Carolinians believe the ability to defeat President Obama in November is the single most important quality in a candidate (45%). Only 21% think experience is most important [insert animated .gif of Palin kicking herself here], and a mere 17% think that strong character is the most important (much to the delight of the Gingrich campaign, one would imagine).

And surprisingly, considering that candidates have been clawing, and climbing over each other in an elephantine stampede to the right, only 14% polled think the most important quality in a candidate is being a “true conservative.”

Today’s primary does bring something that the Iowa “we’re still not sure who won” caucuses, and the New Hampshire “Zzzzzzzzz” primary have not had – Stephen Colbert. Although the Comedy Central political satirist  and South Carolina native son did not get his name on the primary ballot, he did adopt a name that was already there – Herman Cain. Colbert told voters that a vote for the Herminator is a vote for him. Here he is at a joint Colbert/Cain rally yesterday in South Carolina, and a current commercial produced by Colbert’s SuperPAC Americans for a Better Tomorrow, Tomorrow.

Let the games begin!


UPDATE: Newt Gingrich has been projected the winner by MSNBC. His campaign party is now playing “You Ain’t Seen Nothin’ Yet”. A hat tip to whatever PR genius picked that one. Lyrics below…

I met a devil woman, she took my heart away
She said I had it comin’ to me, but I wanted it that way
I think that any love is good lovin’
And so I took what I could get, mmm
Oooh, oooh, she looked at me with big brown eyes
And said

You ain’t seen nothin’ yet
B-B-B-Baby, you just ain’t seen nothin’ yet
Here’s something that you never gonna forget
B-B-B-Baby, you just ain’t seen nothin’ yet

And now I’m feelin’ better, ’cause I found out for sure
She took me to her doctor and he told me of a cure
He said that any love is good love
So I took what I could get, yes, I took what I could get
Oooh, and she looked at me with big brown eyes
And said

You ain’t seen nothin’ yet
B-B-B-Baby, you just ain’t seen nothin’ yet
Here’s something, here’s something that you’re never gonna forget
B-B-B-Baby, you just ain’t seen nothin’ yet



107 Responses to “South Carolina – Let the Games Begin! (UPDATED)”
  1. Cammie says:

    Mudflats: “…a mere 17% think that strong character is the most important…”

    Let’s examine what this reveals about a block of voters that prides itself on a deep commitment to Christian values, which is largely that they’re full of sh–. Gingrich is the most natural choice for these people, trust me.

  2. Marilyn U says:

    Sorry about spelling of president. Error!

    • mike from iowa says:

      Actually,it is a very telling freudian slip and subliminal message. And it is 1000% true. The next rwnj potus will burden the nation with debt,just like dumb… dubya. At least the nutters running from the flat Earth society are White with pink skin,which makes them palatable to the racist South. I am glad you did it. No need to apologize from my POV.

  3. Marilyn U says:

    Telling that the most fanaticaly religous area chooses a liar and a cheat for presidebt, and want a home wrecker in the white house as a roll model for their daughters. No wonder people are leaving religion behind and turning to their bibles for truth.

  4. Jim K says:

    Question, how come every time I submit something the print jumps over over the place, and not so with others ?

  5. Jim K says:

    Romney wants to show his manicured tax returns my bet he paid from 0 to 7% prior to him running
    for president. Ginrich’s wife is a bobble head, wouldn’t it be interesting if American Elects ran
    Paul as president and Hilary Clinton for vice president. I know this won’t happen but if they did

  6. Alaska Pi says:

    Ok. Someone talk me down.
    I’m starting to feel sorry for folks who are so focused in their wish to have anyone-but-Obama they would ignore the actual things a Pres is supposed to do and what these yahoos are proposing.

    • benlomond2 says:

      sorry Pi, can’t help you out much… you just have to accept that some people will cut off their noses to spite their faces…a big part is they have no desire to spend the effort to educate themselves beyond getting their GED’s and their job’s at the Piggly Wiggly …. okay , that’s not really fair…They get their AA’s and still have a factory job … that wears them down, and are in constant nagging fear that it’s gonna go away.. Peer Pressure is another BIG factor in the South, if you don’t FIT IN with the crowd, life can be pretty miserable if you’re not self-sufficent on a personal level… too many years of White Supremacy is ingrained in the locals. Yes there are areas of enlightenment, due to such an influx of different cultures, primarily in SOME of the metro areas, but the South is still pretty rural in nature and outlook.- it’s never really left the Confederacy- which has been glorified over and over. You’ll rarely find people inviting others of different racial groups to each others homes, much less see intergrated neighborhoods as there are in California.

      A BLACK MAN as PRESIDENT ?? OMG.. We done gone died and went to H*ll, Ah Tell ya ! We’s gotta do sumpin abaout thaaat ! Y’all know that it’s dem uppity Yankee liburals that done put their “BOY” in office, don’cha? He came frum Chi-cago… outta their slums,ah betcha. and his muther warn’t nuthin’ but a cheap-a** whore for bein’ wif a n**ger… H*ll, she done lef the boy with her parents to raise in Hawaii, wher there ain’t nuthin but a bunch of Chinks and Japs over there! We gotta git a good ole boy from the South back into that Oval Office, someone who thinks like we do … goes to the same type of church we goes to,,, Ain’t gonna be that Mormon dude, either… having a bunch of wives at one time, that ain’t right… yore only suppose to have one wife at a time,,,, and so long as she don’t kitch you getting a “little on thr side”, well , then that’s alright… ‘sides, ain’t I git her a brand new doublewide to clean and cook in ? She should be grateful Ah bring home enuff, so she don’t have to go out and work… woman should stay home and take care of her man, and not getting any fool ideas in her head, anyhow..sides, the only way she’d get anywhere in the working world would be by ( phrase deleted here) and no woman of mine is gonna cheat on me that way !

      Yup… I’m gonna vote for Newt, cuz he knows how it’s suppose to go… Rick Santorum… well, maybe… but he’s got WAY too many kids, and he wears them funny sweaters without any sleeves..
      ‘sides, Palin likes Newt and she’s one hot babe, ( gagging here,,, profusely !) Did y’all see that t-shirt thingy when she went to watch the horse races ? whhwww-eee! Newt ‘s gonna make her VP, so h*ll yeah, I’m voting for Newt! He’ll put that uppity n*gger out in the street war he belongs .

      and that’s why I can’t STAND the South anymore….except to visit DisneyWorld or Miami….

      • leenie17 says:

        How sad that your apparently exaggerated representation of some rural Southern attitudes isn’t actually an exaggeration at all (or should I say “a t’all”).

        As a NY Yankee liberal, I traveled to Alabama back in the late 90s for several years in a row to work on an event I helped start. It was my first exposure to the deep South and I was absolutely shocked at some of the racist attitudes and language I heard. I know for a fact that a lot of conversations were tempered because I was there, and I shudder to think what some of those people would have said had I not been standing there listening. And these were otherwise ‘kind’ people who were volunteering to help at an event for kids with disabilities!

        Before I went there, I used to laugh at people who claimed that the South was still fighting the Civil War (or rather, the ‘War of Northern Aggression’) as being absurd. However, having experienced my own taste of life south of the Mason Dixon line, I realize that those people weren’t too far off.

        • benlomond2 says:

          nope, it’s NOT an exaggeration.. I have family in Mississippi and Northern Fla. They DO tone it down when around Yankees and people they don’t know…. while duck hunting a number of years ago, “locker room” jokes were told most evenings, and I was asked why I didn’t know any n*gger jokes,,, was able to get out of it because I lived in California…

      • Krubozumo Nyankoye says:

        Nice rant, well put too but I’d suggest you might study Mark Twain a bit, he was the master of dialects of that genre. Not that you didn’t do a good enough job of it. No harm in improving.

        I generally agree that your analysis is correct but you apply it too narrowly. Racism is more endemic than that, it is just not as blatent in some places as in others. In a sense it could be said that Obama’s administration has been tainted and stunted by racism since before it began. One of the reasons I find the Palin creature so loathsome and despicable is that she was the point for the republican smear campaign that was supposed to derail his candidacy and she took to it like a duck to water. Of course all she accomplished was making it abundantly clear to anyone with two neurons to rub together that she was an idiot and a con artist, but the run on the big stage certainly went to her head.

        That Obama managed to overcome the racism in the first place is an indelible legacy by itself, the next five years will emblazon that legacy in many more ways that I sincerely hope will mark the rebirth of our collective ability to achieve great things for the common good.

  7. OMG says:

    What a frightening outcome because I do think Palin help sway some of those voters. What has happened to America?

    • Cammie says:

      The rise of the rightwing is what happened to America. They have deliberately poisoned every possible topic for discussion, every level of governance, every media outlet, and every major institution in this country. Please understand they absolutely intended these efforts to divide America. A chaotic, divided, bickering citizenry is the best recipe for distraction while they systematically strip the public’s wealth away.

      It will take years to undo the psychological and economic damage they have wrought. I honestly wonder sometimes if there will be enough economic resources left by then.

  8. Polarbear says:

    The tea party nutcases who are so extreme they cannot get along even in South Carolina, leave and come to Alaska. We get the crackers who vote for the most hateful.

  9. Diane says:

    Both romney and newtie are smart and young enough to finish the 4 years if elected. i think they are strong enough to keep her in line.

    palin may still get a VP slot because both these men have problems with evangelicals. I think she will most likely hold her endorsement until the nomination is almost certain and then endorse this guy, hoping for a VP slot. Or a cabinet position.
    She cannot but help sticking her nose in other people’s business.

  10. Jim K says:

    These elections remind me of a supper bowl event. It is strange that these candidates go up and down as they do.You would not think that people would be so influenced by events; this shows how unconcerned people are regarding policy the important things effecting our country; it does
    not give me much faith in the American people; one good thing is Obama likes sports and competition so he knows how to play the sport of politics .

  11. tigerwine says:

    Could someone explain a “Brokered Convention”? I’ve also heard the term “Open Convention’.

    • fromthediagonal says:

      I have had a long-standing dinner bet that Jeb Bush will become the candidate by acclaim at the convention. I hope I am wrong. Just thinking about it makes me shudder.

      • beaglemom says:

        I have the same suspicion and it does not please me. I remember too well how Gov. Jeb gave Florida and the country to his brother. The Bush family is not good for America.

        • Jim K says:

          No that was the Supreme Court as I remember it. Jeb certainly did what he could
          to influence their decision.

          • benlomond2 says:

            It was because of Kathleen Harris, the Sec.of State for Fla, that halted the recount and certified the election for Shrub… The SC merely upheld her decision as being lawful (ie, followed Fla’s laws, which are screwed up concerning elections) , She was later “given” a solid Republican district to become a Congresswoman, and was later “smacked down” by the Fla Republican Party when she tried to run for US Senator.. They’ll give a “Skirt” a Congress Rep. seat, as they get lost in the shuffle, but Senator would have been too much for them Southern Boys… I have my own thoughts as to why she got as far as she did originally ( Eva Peron’s trademark act), and happened to be in the right place at the right time to turn over the state to her benefactors….

          • mike from iowa says:

            And don’t you know Eva Peron stole her classic line from dumb… dubya’s dear old daddy,G Hitler Weasel Bush when he told Argentina not to cry for him. I have no idea what was going thru GHW Bushes mind,but whatever it was,it was not coherent.

      • Forty Watt says:

        The Jeb Bush thing is never far from my mind either. 🙁

    • Jim K says:

      The delegates are required to vote for the candidate who won their state if that candidate does
      not get enough electoral votes on the first ballot they are free to vote for who ever they want
      IE favorite son Jeb Bush.

  12. WhichTruth says:

    Could it be as simple as choosing between a filthy rich “Yankee” who dumps companies and a “Good ole Boy” who dumps women?

  13. Is that song choice a joke or have they really latched on to it? Maybe no one read any of the lyrics beyond the chorus. LOL 😀

  14. osama bin levesque says:

    Is it just me or doesn’t Callista Gingrich look a lot like the “robot – assassin – woman – thing” from “Mars Attacks”, the one that tries to kill Martin Short.

    I mean she’s got the eyes for it and the hair is pretty close, now don’t take my word for it, take a look your self.

    i mean if she walked up to me chewing gum, well that would freak the cr_p outah me!!!

  15. Cow Pies are shinier than Buffalo Chips…….especially when they are fresh. 🙂

    And as for the song lyrics, subliminal truth telling….. I do think.

  16. Moose Pucky says:

    And a few more laughs from Jon Steward and Stephen Colbert:

    From the Daily Show: Colbert Super PAC–Not Coordinating with Stephen Colbert.
    On the finer points of not coordinating. 🙂—not-coordinating-with-stephen-colbert?xrs=playershare_fb

  17. Krubozumo Nyankoye says:

    Frankly, I don’t think any of the theatrics or the histrionics matter, the important thing is that the republicans have no idea who their candidate should be, because they have nothing compelling or even very interesting to choose from.

    To me that implies that there is an opportunity here for an historic sweep to form a cohesive government focused on fixing a lot of major endemic problems and to do that what we have to do is focus on the down ballot candidates and take back the house, and senate decisively.

    I don’t think it will be easy because politicians are for the most part beholden to their donors more than their actual constituents.

    Every single one of the republican candidates is a re-tread. They know they cannot beat Obama and that they are going to lose. The major question is how big will they lose? The bigger the better I say.

    One thing that I think will matter most in the long term is to take the smut out of politics. Unfortunately it seems to work very well. I don’t know if that is because the electorate is just plain mean spirited, or ignorant. Or both. But it should be obvious in the situation we currently face that issues of policy really matter pertaining to such things as energy independence, climate change, economic inequality, over population, resource depletion, and corporatism. While it is true that we should only select people of character to lead us, the nature of their character should not necessarily be the primary criterion for their selection, especially if there is a double standard and the character of only one party matters while the other can get a pass for anything.

    What we need in our leaders, however, transcends character. We need vision, farsightedness, logic, firm attention to reality, and determination. Those are collectively a rare combination of traits. We are lucky to have a man who posesses many, if not all of them at this moment. It should be our aim and intention to retain him, and empower him further.

    All this palava is easily condensed – VOTE and GOTV.

    • Moose Pucky says:


    • benlomond2 says:

      Your point is well Obama is only part of the equation;changing the nature of the Congress is the other part… In order to have progressive ideas enacted, or at the very least, promptly debated and voted on, the Democratic Party will need the majority on both houses, by a good of the weaknesses (and strengths) of the Demoncratic Party is it embraces diversity within its ranks, and it has frequently been a stumbimg block to getting things done. Congress has been useless this past year; the Republican use of the filibuster on everything from economic issues to appointing judges and Deparment Heads has damaged the Nation both economically and socially.
      FDR was able to enact the New Deal because he had overwelming support from Congress. We should endeaver to provide Obama with the same support this coming term.

      • benlomond2 says:

        ooops.. Democratic Party- not DemoNcratic… 🙂 it’s 4 am and I’m still having my first cup of java…

        • fromthediagonal says:

          ben… are you sure you did not type a Freudian Slip?
          Were you thinking of the BlueDogs in Congress?
          Just wondering…;)

          • benlomond2 says:

            FTD- you may have something there…. I WAS thinking of the Blue Dogs when I wrote about the weaknesses of the Democratic Party … 🙂

    • bubbles says:

      excellent! thank you..

    • leenie17 says:

      We’ve seen very clearly in the past 2 years how critical the positions OTHER than the President can be. It’s truly astonishing how much obstruction – or downright destruction – has been caused by radical RWNJs in Congress, and as governors, mayors and state legislators.

      While it is vitally important that we give President Obama another 4 years to continue this steep climb out of the abyss created by Bush policies, we also need to provide support from the local levels on up. President can’t do it all alone and, if you look at how much has been accomplished despite the opposition, you wonder how much more he could get done if he doesn’t have to fight tooth and nail for very single baby step.

      We’ve seen how dangerous it is to be complacent during the off-year elections. We need, more than ever, to get people to the polls, fight the Republican disenfranchisement of voters, be alert for election fraud, and give the President a Congress and state governments that will actually function and move forward in the effort to get this country back on track.

      • Krubozumo Nyankoye says:

        This is in response to everyone.

        The matter of the down ballot is critical and it can be worked from both ends, from the bottom up as well as from the top down. You have to vet the candidates for the city council as well as the candidates for national office, you have to participate in your government. It is part of, in some sense perhaps all of your duty as a citizen. Awareness is another duty, to participate without being a pawn, you have to be informed. This is a much harder goal to achieve, it takes active effort. It takes a desire to know the truth, not just accept what is purported to be the truth.

        One thing I think is going to be effective and influential though is that it is now possible to communicate with a very wide range of people. Here I am in the middle of no where, writing to people on several continents. But in a certain sense it is less effective than it could be because for the most part we are like-minded here. That is fine by itself, but the thing that needs doing is convincing the lurking middle ground people who don’t want to think about politics generally let alone actively and specifically, to get involved.

        I recall but cannot cite a source for, a statistic I heard recently to the effect that something like 20% of the eligible voters in the US are not even registered. Participation determines the size of a majority.

        This is now an election year so I think it is appropriate to raise and discuss these matters. Since Alaska is a central part of this blog, could someone please quote some statistics on the breakout of voter participation there? Even maybe take it down to the level of the big cities, say Fairbanks, Anchorage and Juneau? I’d be interested to see some numbers.

    • Scorpie says:

      Thank you~have my absentee ballot app. at the ready and will vote.

  18. benlomond2 says:

    …. Isn’t that where the Repub’s leave the women ??… In the bedroom or the kitchen ( the mistress’s get the hotel rooms!)

  19. Baker's Dozen says:

    Republicans don’t seem to have anything they’re for, only something they’re against–Obama. That’s like playing football with only a defense. And, as the most famous Cheese Head said, “The best defense is a good offense.” Don’t they realize that they’ve left half their team back at the hotel?

  20. tallimat says:

    So now the hate speech against O will really soar…
    It’s a huge turn off to my repub friends.
    Makes them vote dem…


  21. Zyxomma says:

    So, who picked the song? Caliban, I mean, Callista?

    • Baker's Dozen says:

      Helmet Hair Barbie

      • Baker's Dozen says:

        No, that’s wrong.

        Trojan Barbie

        • Oh …. really, not photoshopped? that is downright scary, like not seeing someone’s reflection in a mirror.

        • Ew, I remember when girls used that much hair spray. Nasty. Not only does her hair look plastic, so does her face. There is something very odd about her – maybe it’s just that she doesn’t look real – kind of like the visual representation of Newt’s morals.

          • fromthediagonal says:

            Pat… Madame Tussaud’s Wax Cabinet in London comes to mind…

          • Forty Watt says:

            That’s brilliant Pat!

          • beth. says:

            “Not only does her hair look plastic, so does her face”…

            I’m loathe to make [nasty] comment on an attribute a person can do nothing about without a *major* overhaul (eg. too much chin/not enough chin; too much boobs/not enough boobs; too much weight/not enough weight, etc.) because to do so, I feel, is just downright mean and incredibly cruel. Hair style, clothing choice, etc., OTH, are fair game as far as I’m concerned — they can be *easily* changed. And probably ought to be if so many are making comment on how inappropriate and/or stupid the ‘look’ is…

            That said…

            I’ve noticed that in a few –not all, but a few– pictures of the current Mrs. Gingrich, when she gets her full-blown smile going, it’s an absolute dead ringer for the one Hollywood created for Jack Nicholson’s portrayal of The Joker. A *perfect* match. Has anyone else come across any of those photos? Maybe that’s where we’re picking up on the 45-yo’s ‘plastic’ look… beth.

          • I agree with Beth about making fun of someone because of their physical features. With the current Ms. Gingrich, it is the things she can control that I find odd – hair, make-up. And since you brought up her smile – she doesn’t do that very much, does she? I saw her smile a few times for the first time when Newt was giving his victory speech in SC. Hmmm. I did notice quite a difference in the way wife no. 2 looks and wife no. 3. Maybe that quest for perpetual youth is what it takes for Newt to stay with whatever wife he has at the moment. I just find him so disgusting. I don’t know anything about Calista, except that she was a home-wrecker. And on that score, I don’t have any more respect for her than I have for him. They deserve each other.

            But the country shouldn’t get stuck with either one of them and I’m appalled that the republicans are so quick to abandon those “family values” to allow the likes of Gingrich to represent their party. They are stupider than I thought, apparently.

        • mike from iowa says:

          must have depleted half of the ozone layer with hairspray to get that concrete bunker of a hairdo.

          • Clemtown says:

            I caught a couple of earlier questions about our bridge to Canada and Matty Maroon
            (I know that’s not the last name but it’s fun).
            Anyway, here’s a link to a local commentator’s views published in an entertainment guide for the Detroit area.


          • mike from iowa says:

            Excellent article and a good read. I love my country,too. I wish the judge had seized the bridge and handed control over to the state. Many thanks to you. I hope the bastard rots in jail.

  22. mike from iowa says:

    With rethugs trying to put Obama in the unemployment line-their official jobs strategy,we can rest assured that none of the contenders,pretenders,free spenders,truth benders or Colbert are over qualified for Obama’s job.2012 is becoming the race that race/hate built. We all will be poorer even if Obama wins because of hate and race. This country will waste billions of dollars that would do much good if applied where needed around the nation to pick an underwhelming Potus from a cadre of underwhelming,undeserving miscreants. C’est la vie.

    • Baker's Dozen says:

      Faster than a Turnagain Arm ebb tide. More powerful than Syrup of Ipecac. It’s 19th Century Man. But, wait! His Caiman Island Guano Cave has just been over run by OWS! Attempting to escape to Virginia, home of slave owning former presidents, he discovers a horrible truth. He isn’t on the ballot! Virginia has stuck out her tongue at him! Now retreating to his DOMA-cile, he finds it crumbling around his ears, as O Man refused to support it any more. As he reaches to activate his super power–the white male vote, he looks up to see millions of women rowing up the Potomac, surrounding the White House, and casting their ballots for O Man.

      He returns to his Guano Cave, confused by his inability to draw people to him with his Medicare cuts, birth control suppression, union busting, and raising taxes on the middle class while assuring them that, as soon as they get jobs and quit being lazy, they’ll be rich and their taxes will go down.

  23. Moose Pucky says:

    Newt won because Todd and Sarah endorsed him. That ought to help in the general too. ROTFL

    • sallyngarland,tx says:

      I bet Sarah will use this to raise funds for Sarahpac.

    • She has not endorsed anyone yet. Having drug out the drama of her nonbid for the White House for some time, she is now dragging out the great mystery of whom she will endorse. yawn…

      • Forty Watt says:

        The Pbots, however, are claiming that he won because of Todd’s endorsement and the fact that Sarah said that, if she was in SC, she’d vote for Newt.

        The funny thing is that, up until Todd’s endorsement, many of them loathed Newt (crony capitalism and all that). Now, the fact the he won all because of Sarah proves once again she is a GENIUS, is DICTATING THE NARRATIVE, is the PUPPETEER and many other wonderful things in capital letters. 😉

  24. Moose Pucky says:

    I like it that South Carolina didn’t fall for Mitt’s “I’ve run things. Therefore I’m the best guy to be President” line. He with the most bucks did not win this one. 🙂 He with the second most bucks did.

    I would’ve voted for Colbert.

    • benlomond2 says:

      Newt wouldn’t have had as good a showing if it weren’t for the $$ that got donated recently.. Thank you – US Supreme Court and Citizens United….

      • Lacy Lady says:

        He is now giving his BIG speech. Guess he doesn’t know he has 49 more states to go. You would think he Won the big prize. What an AH!!!!!!!

  25. Ripley in CT says:

    Hey AKM. Remember when you correctly identified the South Carolina flag flying upside-down in DC at the Rally for Sanity? I guess that would still apply, huh?

  26. mike from iowa says:

    Real funny is the fact that BTO-Bachman Turner Overdrive are Canadians. Randy Bachman was an early member(if not original) of the Guess Who-my favoritest band of all times. Imagine Canadians or French Surrender monkeys as rethugs like to call them,having their Music in Newtie’s campaign, Hope they sue Newt.

    • Zyxomma says:

      The Guess Who? was my favorite Canadian band. Bachman was a founding member, and co-writer of many of their songs. He left because of health problems and the band’s lifestyle (he’d become a Mormon, and didn’t approve). I don’t think he remained a Mormon, but he did form BTO & they had a string of hits, including the one Pig Newton used. I wonder how Willard feels about that?

    • AKPetMom says:

      Rush is my favorite Canadian band.

      • Breadbaker says:

        The Band is my favorite Canadian band if you ignore Levon Helm. Which you shouldn’t, but you know what I mean.

      • slipstream says:

        My favorite Canadian band — and Quacker’s favorite band from anywhere — it the Duhks.

    • mike from iowa says:

      Randy Bachman is ,IMO,one of the most under recognized guitarists from rock and roll. Very few appreciate his work,except in that foreign land of Canada.

  27. Forty Watt says:

    Racism won – they projected Newt as the winner very shortly after the polls closed.

    • laurie says:

      I read that only 1% of people voting in the republican primary are not white, while the population of SC is close to 30% black.

  28. Memphis,NY says:

    I give up …… Where are the Republican values …… oh right they don’t have any

    • benlomond2 says:

      … and they want the rest of the nation to be like THEM !???? send our money offshore to evade taxes? have multiple affairs ? make kids work in order to go to school? Restrict voting rights? Believe that the world began 6000 years ago? Nope, not happening …

      • Don’t forget that if those kids are working to replace those “high-paid” janitors, then there will be even more adults out of a job. Why doesn’t anyone ask Gingrich how he justifies that one. Oh, wait – it would just not be at all what he said or it would be the questioners fault, somehow. It astounds me that he is still getting away with those tactics.

    • Lacy Lady says:

      And keep sending our kids to Afganistan. 1, 2, 3 4 & 5 tours of duty.
      6 were killed in a downed helicopter a few days ago. One of the 6 was formerly from our town.
      It was his 5th tour of duty. It was to be his last. Sooooo sad!
      His dad served two tours of duty in Viet Nam as did his Uncle.

      • Such a loss. One was from Ferndale, Washington. Hearing his brother and high school friend talk about him was so sad. Apparently, he was valedictorian of his high school, had a 4.0 grade average and went right into Annapolis after high school.

      • mike from iowa says:

        My condolences. When this tragedy first happened,the victims were called Nato troops,which I feel is an insult to the lives and dedication of all service members.

  29. OtterQueen says:

    Is… is that a CRESCENT on that flag!?!?!

    • ks sunflower says:

      Yes, it is a crescent, and unfortunately the official state symbols site does not explain its meaning, simply its origin – replicates the silver emblem worn on the caps of SC revolutionary troops under Colonial Moultrie (c. 1775). Scroll down to the flag section.

      We lived in South Carolina while early in our marriage while my husband was still a submariner whose sub was stationed in Charleston. That city and that state were one of main reasons he left the Navy: too much racism, too much stupidity. They hated northerners (we were both raised in Kansas) almost as much as they hated people of color. Not a place were we wanted to finish college and start a family.

      Anyway, get a chuckle by reading the TWO state mottoes after you look up the flag on this site. My goodness, they even have a pledge of allegiance to the South Carolina flag AND a state sword. The SC House of Representatives even has a State mace. What grandiosity for such a backward state.

      (My apologies to any SC mudpup, but honestly, can you deny this. Mind you, Kansas is currently no great shakes either what with Brownback and Kobach, but whenever I feel anger or sadness at living under those two, I remember that at least I no longer live in SC.)

      • I have a friend who lives in Charleston, SC. She hates it. She is from the Pacific Northwest. Her in-laws are typical radical republicans, so family dinners are painful. I guess her husband shares her more enlightened views. Unfortunately, his business is tied to Charleston and he can’t relocate. The schools were so scary to her young daughter that she has been home schooling her – not for religious reasons, but for safety and quality of education. I’ve always been opposed to home schooling, but after many conversations with her, I do see the point in some cases. Just hearing about South Carolina has made me so thankful that I’ve never lived there.

      • Scorpie says:

        Maybe the state motto should be “Save Your Confederate Money, the South shall rise again”. Just a little snark this morning.

  30. mark gamache says:

    I’m watching and writing from Canada.
    Just what the Hell is this, some sort of perverse race for the bottom, that never seems to end. An Atlanta Jewish newspaper called for Obama’s assassination, will this be he next republican debate topic.

    We meek little Canadians are afraid, very afraid!! Maybe you’ll want revenge for the War of 1812!

    OK sorry, very sorry, we just got carried away when we ransacked Washington DC. OPPS

    Yah and the torching the White House — Look that the British Guys idea.

  31. Mo says:

    Nice snark from Bob Cesca:

    “Who will win? Racism or the Cayman Islands?”

  32. Marilyn says:

    As I’ve been saying, the Republican agenda includes neither the issues nor the challenges facing America and its people….the only damn thing they care about is beating Obama, and they will use whatever money, idiocy, lies, and ass kissing they need to use to do that. There is NOTHING else that matters to them….so Democrats, fence sitters, and those who are apathetic, beware. Either go to the polls and VOTE for Obama, or prepare to live in more poverty, w/o healthcare, with women subjected to no privacy in their own decisions, with no jobs and no protections of any kind from the government. Whatever they can strip, they will strip. They want no regulations on oil, gas, coal, or gold mining. They want no education for our kids. They want no healthcare for seniors or children. They want NO Social Security, Medicare, or food stamps. No welfare. Why on earth anybody would vote for any of them appalls me. Oh yeah, mostly they want NO OBAMA. Let’s keep our eyes on the REAL objective here.

    • Lacy Lady says:

      AMEN!!!!!!!! You are right on all counts.
      I hope that all my Democrat friends work really hard to get out the vote come November.
      I am usually asked to be a poll watcher.

    • Dee says:

      Exactly right! Defeating the black man in the white house is the ONLY agenda they have!

  33. Mo says:

    South Carolina is a reprehensible racist state. David Atkins at Hullabaloo picks a good quote from Thomas Schaller’s Whistling Past Dixie:

    “Other Deep South states may stake their own claims, but South Carolina is America’s most conservative state. From a strictly constitutional-historical standpoint, its legacy of firsts and lasts reads like a rap sheet: first to overturn a provincial government during the revolutionary period; last to abandon the Atlantic slave trade; first to call for nullifying the Constitution’s federal authority; first to secede from the Union; last to abolish the white primary; first to litigate against the intregration of public schools and challenge the Voting Rights Act. Whenever America finds itself at some social or political crossroad and in need of direction, perhaps the best things to do is ask, “What would South Carolina do?” And then do the opposite.”

    And Leah Burton over at Politicus USA has a good read on the booing, despicable audiences that have been attending these GOP events.

    Atkins sums it up:

    “It’s like 31 flavors of toxic sludge. But don’t hate the sludge: it is what it is.
    What concerns me most are the customers who can’t get enough of it.”

    • tigerwine says:

      MO – you are right about SC being a racist state! I remember with disgust aroun 1964-65, when we stopped to eat at a restaurant on our way home from New England to FL. It was on I-95 someplace in SC, and I was getting scared listending to the racist conversation that was going on there. Usually southern gentlemen will temper their crude remarks in front if kids, but not them. My husband just advised us to act cool, eat fast, and we’d leave. I thought I remembered my kids being scared, but thought maybe I was just thinking about myself, so I called my daughter, who was 9 years old at the time. She surely did remember it, even the sign on the front door, which said “no N……rs allowed”, which I had forgotten. I can’t imagine us even going in there, and can only think that with 3 kids in the back seat yelling they had to use the bathroom or were starving, that we pulled in in desperation. (There weren’t as many places to eat back in the 60’s on 95.

      Gingrich’s speech that got 2 standing ovations the other night turned my stomach, but what was worse was hearing the applause from the audience.

      • boodog says:

        “Gingrich’s speech that got 2 standing ovations the other night turned my stomach, but what was worse was hearing the applause from the audience.”

        Me too, tigerwine. It’s unbelievable, and so disheartening that we haven’t progressed much since.