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MudMole Reports: How Oil Execs “Rally” (Updated)

Get out the Dawn dishwashing liquid, because you’re going to need its ability to disperse oily residue after today’s “rally” to give the oil companies billions in no-strings-attached money. Starting in just a few minutes, you’ll hear from former Conoco oil lobbyist and Exxon oil spill apologist Governor Sean Parnell.

But right now, we’ve got our first shot from inside. Yes, we have a MudMole. Shhhhh.

This is how the other side holds a “rally.” Note the fresh-faced leaders of the future, the homemade signs, the air bristling with righteous indignation and the desire to benefit mankind. These protesters began their march at the Conoco building, and  have trudged long and hard from the other side of the street, some literally for minutes.

Stay tuned for more.

You can join the fun with a live feed of the “rally” HERE.



What would an oil company white table cloth rally be without the industry’s favorite blogger?  Mudmole just spotted Andrew Halcro cutting a dashing profile  in this season’s “rally-wear.”

What’s a rally without some good protest music? In the rich tradition of such, a rousing and emotional choice was made. The oil rally attendees will be joining hands and swaying to “We Will Rock You.” And by “rock” they mean “screw.”



Mudmole spots former Palin spokesman Bill McAllister (now with Channel 11) and says, “Billy Mac – keepin an eye on stuff. At least his old boss was on the right side of this.”




The crowd is estimated at 1000. That’s a $40,000 gross haul for this little rally. Pretty nice. That’s what rallying is all about, remember – turning a profit.

And the $40/plate fee is a great way to keep out the riff-raff who can’t afford it. These rally-goers are so hard-core that most will get reimbursed by their companies while they dine during their paid lunch hour….and a half.

Attendees are urged to fill out “comment cards” to send to their legislators in Juneau. This is a great reminder to all of us who are on the side of Alaska to contact our legislators. We don’t need a chicken lunch with a tablecloth and wait staff, and pre-printed “comment cards” to speak up. Contact your legislators today and tell them not to give away Alaska’s future with no strings attached.

And the festivities are underway!


Here’s the comment card.

It’s a good thing I didn’t eat a chicken lunch. Former Governor Tony Knowles sucking up to the oil companies has taken away my appetite.


For this “rally” the lunch fare is “crude.”  Oily chicken is the only thing on the menu.


The rally speakers, yukkin’ it up. Maybe they noticed the lame Sarah Palin impersonator sitting next to Governor Sean Parnell. Who IS that?


Mudmole reports that a speaker just referred to the “rally” as a “grassroots event.” Here’s visual confirmation of that claim.

UPDATE: Captain Zero Takes the Stage!

The Governor just accused those opposed to his oil tax plan of “vilifying Alaskan families,” and asked, “”When did it become ok to smear people who work in the private sector?”


Change must happen this year, he says. The situation is “urgent.” Is this the specter of Captain Zero hovering over the room? Sounds kinda like Frank Murkowski.


Parnell just asked all the lawmakers in the room to stand up and be recognized. Nobody stood. None there.

Rule #1 – “Know your audience.”


Gov. Parnell on the Senate’s bill 192: “I will accept no oil tax reductions without new production.”

“Oh, really?” says Mudmole. “Then why not ask for commitments on HB110?”

Good question.


Best for last UPDATE

The last speaker was announced as the “Best for last”. It’s the Palin impersonator – and yes, she’s from Wasilla. You can’t make this stuff up.   She spent a while talking about how she’s an inexperienced public speaker, and she hasn’t been able to sleep because she’s been nervous. She’s a mom and a small business owner. She tells us her southern accent comes out when she’s anxious.  What are her qualifications to talk about this?  “I’m a planner,” she says.


Best for Last UPDATE #2

“I’m not a politician,” she says. But she’s been learning. And it seems that it’s all stuck in the senate…. “and that’s only 20 people!”  I guess you learn something new about the government every day.

And sh breathlessly giggles, “Thanks for being so nice to an inexperienced speaker.”

Look, you naysayers, the oilies found a “real person” to come talk. She’s “regular.”


And a final word from our emcee:


You know what to do, Mudflatters. This crowd was urged to “Make it Meaningful.” And yes we should. To me, meaningful is not handing the world’s most wealthy multinational corporations $2billion a year of Alaska’s money that we need for roads, bridges and schools without getting anything in return. It may be “meaningful” to CEOs, but not to the future of this state.

Contact your legislators today, because a stack of pre-printed orange cards is on the way to Juneau. You don’t have to say much. Tell them you don’t support the governor, and you don’t support an oil tax giveaway. Don’t let the orange cards have the last word. Support your legislators so they stand up for Alaska.

It’s our oil.


And that’s a wrap. Thanks to Governor Sean Parnell and crew for being so ridiculously obvious and treating Alaskans like they’re idiots. It makes our job easier over here.

And kudos and hat tip to MudMole for the work from the trenches. If you, or any of your Mudforce should be caught or killed, the secretary will disavow any knowledge of your actions. Now, RETREAT and get out of there!


ADDENDUM UPDATE: More infiltrator pics with captions from Mudflatter Wally Kelters

This is the sign check where these pull-themselves-up-by-their-bootstraps oil company employees could leave the signs that were made for them for their fake grassroots rally!


Here’s the coat check for all those oil company employees that dared venture out and walk across the street in the brutal 35 degree Alaska cold to fight for the most profitable transnational corporations in the history of civilization already enjoying record profits here in the 49th state.

But they want THEIR FAIR SHARE!


ConocoPhillips employees heading back across the street, braving the now 40 degree Alaska weather, after a tough day at their luncheon AstroTurf event to fight The Man!

Out of 128 tables at today’s “grassroots” oil tax reform rally, there were only 4 that were reserved for individuals-and those tables all had space available. The rest were oil industry employees enjoying PTO and a $40 lunch!





16 Responses to “MudMole Reports: How Oil Execs “Rally” (Updated)”
  1. Zyxomma says:

    Beautiful reporting. Thanks for the post and the updates. I can’t laugh about this; it’s all too possible for this $2 billion giveaway to the wealthiest corporations on earth might become law in AK. Good luck defeating the Seanoco Parnellips agenda.

  2. juneaudream says:

    “so the light of christ” Oh how..I wish I had my ex auntie discuss that remark with her. She would have..blinked her eyes..and the ..information/pun..would have rolled softly..around her mental edges. A..slightly above average woman..her basic educations..rooted in the 1920s school system in the small towns of clatsop county. minds eye..I have come to understand that if ..’spoon fed’ to any human..and they do not go out into this learn and..evaluate..they are like stunted brain-parts..inside..where only when they open their mouths..does the up. They..recite..what they have been fed. Inner..cognative functions..are too any..healthy way.

  3. Bob Benner says:

    From Anchorage Daily News:

    The other speakers included former Gov. Tony Knowles, a Democrat who praised Parnell for setting “the right agenda” for Alaska by seeking to boost oil production. Knowles warned of an impending “train wreck” for the state if oil production continues to fall, and he called on the Republican Parnell and House and Senate leaders to have a united position on Alaska’s “fair share” of taxes — and to stay in Juneau until the job is done.

  4. ivan says:

    it makes me all warm and fuzzy
    inside to think how seanico parnellips wants to take money away from our children’s schools and give it to poor oil corporations.

    he is so the light of Christ.

  5. Alaska Pi says:

    The Governor just accused those opposed to his oil tax plan of “vilifying Alaskan families,” and asked, “”When did it become ok to smear people who work in the private sector?”

    Mr Governor Torpedo-

    Shame on you!
    I work in the private sector and I come from a huge Alaskan family.
    Nobody has smeared or vilifed me/us except you with this stoopid set of remarks.

    They haven’t even smeared the big oil companies though there has been some vilifying going on.
    Of the speak-ill-of sort, not the defame, slander type.

    What a load of horsepunky, sir.
    And that is the truth, sir, the vilify-speak-ill-of sort of truth.

  6. AKMuckraker says:

    And it’s worth noting that ACES (our current tax system) is about the only thing Palin did right and THAT was only with the hard work and help of Dems. She wouldn’t have shown up to see her Lite Gov try to dismantle it. And she doesn’t really care anyway.

  7. beaglemom says:

    Interesting that there was a “Palin impersonator” but no Sarah Palin. She probably would have had to pay to attend rather than the other way around.

  8. Mo says:

    “Parnell just asked all the lawmakers in the room to stand up and be recognized. Nobody stood. None there.

    Rule #1 – “Know your audience.”

    This was hilarious.

    And are they sure the Palin impersonator was an impersonator?

  9. clark says:

    orange paper and comic sans font.
    that’s probably to make it look homemade, eh.

  10. Moose Pucky says:

    Maybe they should just stay in Juneau. Or do we have MudMoles planted there also? Sure do appreciate the news and updates.

  11. Patrick Wisniewski says:

    Great job. It’s worth noting that the blonde female in the gray suit is Teamsters 959 President/Lobbyist Barbara Huff. Some of the largest bargaining groups in 959 are public employees, way more than the oil industry workers. Where will the cuts come if we give away 2 billion? Is it alright for our union to screw over the public sector employees?

  12. zyggy says:

    Really interesting none of the lawmakers showed up.

    • Moose Pucky says:

      Or would admit to showing up.

      • slipstream says:

        Um, shouldn’t all the lawmakers be in Juneau? The session is nearing its end. Somewhat surprising that the governor would not know that.

        • InJuneau says:

          Yes, it’s only Weds. They don’t head home till Friday afternoons…

          And, this late in session (only 18 days left), they’ll prob. stay to work, even ON the weekends.

  13. beaglemom says:

    Great reportage! The money that all of these monster corporations have and their never-ending greed just astounds me. Sometime it is all going to come crashing down and, unfortunately, the rest of us are going to be done in too. (I’m thinking giant meteor from way outer space. It will never be that enough voters get sick enough of the vultures that they JUST SAY NO in the voting booth.)