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Friday, January 28, 2022

Open Thread – ?




26 Responses to “Open Thread – ?”
  1. mike from iowa says:–Exchange-Lego-Sculptures/

    Any of you dear pups have Legos as children? This gentleman has a definite imagination and in pursuing his dreams hasn’t started any wars or robbed the poor to help the wealthy. Legos must be some good therapy.

  2. Zyxomma says:

    Here’s another must-read on the Military Religious Freedom Foundation from God’s Own Party:

  3. Zyxomma says:

    There are similar signs in the NYC subway. Can’t read? Get help! As if they understand … OTOH, I’m very pleased to report that Dogs Against Romney (we ride inside!) now has over 50,000 FB friends.

  4. mike from iowa says:

    I find this quite interesting from a former Molly Ivins colleague. Oh mikey,you misspelled college.

  5. OMG says:

    Former Governor Crist learned the hard way about GOP loyalty when he was booted out of the Florida governor’s office because he warmly greeted President Obama (oh the horrors of civility and true patriotic respect for the office of the president!). Now he’s free to speak his mind and let’s hope some of his supporters listen:

  6. mike from iowa says:

    She,who shall remain nameless etc.,was so mad at Secret Service agent who vetted her rear quarter panels that she fired him on Faux Noise Thursday night. That’ll learn them guys not to disparage her carriage.

  7. leenie17 says:

    PLEASE tell me that it really IS Friday and it’s not just a malicious rumor being spread around my school to torment me!

    This was state testing week for ELA (reading and writing) and anyone who’s ever worked in education knows how brutal this week can be (right, TCW?). It only gets more fun when you’re working with kids who have hearing losses that cause significant language delays.

    I’ve spent the past four days, from 8 am to 2 pm (with a 20 minute break in the middle of the day when I got to inhale my lunch) listening to my little cherubs read aloud or watching them sign EVERY SINGLE WORD of EVERY story and EVERY question on the entire test.

    And, of course, it’s always a treat to administer a LISTENING comprehension test to a DEAF child!

    Do you have any idea how much I hate talking vegetables, naughty dogs, paper cranes and Cleopatra’s barge right about now?

    Next week is math.

    I’ll be opening my bottle of wine shortly.

    I’ll have to remember to buy another one for next Friday. Maybe two.

  8. mike from iowa says:

    I gotta confess that if ioway ever passes the “Stand Your Ground” law,there are gonna be some severely perforated Jehovah’s Witnesses tool around my state. Them devils won’t take no fer an answer and you cain’t escape them ornery varmints. Their rights to free speech and religion won’t stand up to my right to eradicate threats to my right to freedom from religion. Yee Hah.(Just kidding)

  9. Lacy Lady says:

    I posted late on another blog, but needs to be repeated. This Bishops needs to apoligize to our President, and then resign as Bishop of the diocese.

  10. Man_from_Unk says:

    The sign is a good idea but the population the foundation is trying to reach probably don’t understand the word. Something a little more simple: Can’t Read or Write? Want to Learn? Come See Us., would probably draw in some takers.

    • But. . . if a person really is illiterate it means they can’t even read the sign so. . . that sign just doesn’t work for them. No?

      • slipstream says:

        I can’t read your comment, so I can’t answer that. What?

      • zyggy says:

        they tried writing it in braille, but that didn’t work either. =) Too bad illiterate is so hard to spell.

      • Man_from_Unk says:

        Most illiterate people have somebody around them that can read. Pictures work for those who can’t read would convey the message.

  11. mike from iowa says:

    “Ousted Secret Service agent admits he “leered” at YKW(she who shall remain nameless and clueless).” See,I told you she had been vetted………….from behind.

  12. thatcrowwoman says:

    the illiiterati strike again?

    Seems like in a world of multiple intelligences, everyone would have Some, eh?

    *shaking head and heading to the library*