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Friday, January 28, 2022

Open Thread – Rally Against the War on Women March!

This Saturday, about two hundred or more women and men gathered at the Park Strip in Anchorage, for a march to Town Square Park to participate in a national event. All across the country, people have joined in solidarity to protest the hundreds of  bills that have sprung up nationwide that seek to limit women’s health choices, and reproductive rights.

The day was really wonderful, and there was so much good material, I’ve decided to spread this post out over a few days of open threads so you can really enjoy it.

This first video was at about the midway point between the two parks. Many were waiting at Town Square to greet the marchers to the square. It took almost four minutes at a brisk clip for everyone to pass. I saw many familiar faces, and some new ones, but all there for a common purpose – for women, and daughters and granddaughters who will come of age, and for grandmothers, and wives, and girlfriends, and ourselves – all sisters in heart and mind.

There’s a popular bumper sticker in the state that says “Alaska Girls Kick Ass.” It’s time to live up to it, and remind those in office that we are here, and we are the 51%, and we vote.

[The sign at the top of the post is the handiwork of Linda Kellen Biegel’s daughter Morrigan, an awesome woman-in-training, with a great role model for a mom]



19 Responses to “Open Thread – Rally Against the War on Women March!”
  1. mike from iowa says:

    For those of us old enuf to remember November 22.1963 you might find this article interesting.

    I wasn’t aware of the whole autopsy story and have just now read about this bit of history.

  2. thatcrowwoman says:

    DH Happy called this photo to my attention, but it’s NOT SAFE for work.
    I blushed, chortled, snorted…

    Now I’m going to time out.

  3. leenie17 says:

    I love that there are women of all ages and a lot of men as well. Good going, Anchorage!

  4. Sally says:

    So where are the men who love and respect these women? What they haven’t figured out is is the GOP is permitted to put women in a tidy little box, men are next.

    • Lacy Lady says:

      Men next? I doubt it. Too many men in congress/Senate. They have no feelings. Brain dead.
      Too much crap going around on the internet, knocking women. Churches are sticking their nose in where it doesn’t belong. I remember the l950’s. We had to fight to get where we are today.
      And now, I see everything we fought for, getting crushed by these &*())***!.
      I was a working woman, when it wasn’t popular. By the time I retired—-Things had changed.

    • slipstream says:

      I was there, Sally! If you watch the video, you will see slipstream hisownself.

      Easy to pick me out — everybody else is marching, but slipstream is sauntering.

      • leenie17 says:

        I’ve always wondered – how does one distinguish between ‘sauntering’, ‘moseying’ and ‘meandering’?

        Is it determined by the choice of footwear?

        Do any of the three require the donning of a cowboy hat?

        Does there have to be musical accompaniment to any of them?

        Is the presence of livestock a factor?

        Would the carrying of a picnic basket establish the category?

        Does the presence and type of precipitation or temperature have any affect on the choice of terminology?

        Oh dear, I forgot about strolling, ambling, and roaming. Soooo many questions…

        • mike from iowa says:

          Leenie 17-in iowa,meandering streams(Slip qualifies) means they are public up to the normal high water mark and so is the bottom. Non-meandering but navigable-stream is public-streambed is not,meaning you can’t touch bottom. I’m not going there with Slipstream. Riparian is a cross between dead skunks and Liberterians,I think. You can saunter,gambol.amble or roam to your heart’s content in meandering conditions.

        • slipstream says:

          I have two speeds. Usually I saunter. Sauntering is defined not by choice of footwear but by overall coolness. A cowboy hat is not necessary for sauntering, but would certainly contribute to the saunterly atmosphere.

          When I have reason to hurry I mosey. Later on Saturday afternoon Quackers and I had to go help find a lost backpacker, so we grabbed packs and bear spray and moseyed on over to the canyon. You don’t saunter when somebody’s life is at risk.

          Meander is what rivers do. Strolling is beneath my capabilities. Walking is pedestrian.

          Roaming requires a co-conspirator. Come see me in Alaska and we’ll do some roaming.

          But ambling: ambling is a lofty goal which I may someday achieve. I suspect a cowboy hat is essential for ambling.

          • CorningNY says:

            Thank you for the definitions. If these comments had a “like” button, I would click on it for yours!

          • leenie17 says:

            Thanks ever so much for the clarification. I will sleep better tonight having these various permutations all sorted out in my mind.

            I think perhaps you also need bowed legs for ambling, along with the cowboy hat. I have a friend who is going to the Kentucky Derby and has a lovely big black and white hat with feathers. I do believe she’ll be strolling since I’m fairly certain that sauntering is not permitted at the Derby.

            I, on the other hand, grew up on Long Island just outside of NYC, so I tend to sprint, although I have learned to slow down somewhat since I moved north. I did, however, enjoy my all-too-brief forays into roaming about Alaska the few times I was there. There is no better place to roam, I would say.

  5. thatcrowwoman says:

    Good one, Morrigan!

  6. goI3ig says:

    I can’t really understand why there are any female republicans?

  7. Henchwoman says:

    I’m a bit disappointed in the turnouts nationwide, but kudos to those who participated.

    “Alaskan girls kick ass”? Why the use of patriarchal language? Not much thought there. It’s offensive, and women have much more to offer than being imitative of violent male rhetoric and actions.

    • luckycharms says:

      I don’t think “Alaska Girls Kick Ass” is literally advocating violence. How can it be patriarchal, and imitative of male rhetoric at the same time? That slogan is fairly ubiquitous up here. “Alaska women are strong and assertive and awesome” just doesn’t really have the same oomph.

      Recognize it as a regionalism.

      Going to finish my first cup of Raven’s Brew Alaskan roasted coffee now. It, also, kicks ass.