Saturday Open Thread – Eagle!
Look who came to visit today! There were actually a pair of bald eagles, but not close enough to fit in the same frame. I see eagles flying overhead all the time, but this guy landed in my yard, which is not very common. I took this picture from my deck. My presence didn’t seem to bother them much. I stayed around a while waiting to get a shot of them taking off, and they waited until the exact moment that I gave up and left the room.
Well, I’ve got a very busy day today, and it’s mostly away from the computer.
(mops brow and chews lip in anticipation of separation anxiety)
Enjoy this shiny new open thread to discuss the issues of the day. I’ll check back later to find out what’s been going on in the world, and I’ll stick up a new thread if you need it.
OK, wish me luck….
(stepping slooowly away from the keyboard…..)
Can someone enlighten me…does TSA give preferential treatment to firstclass and gold travelers by having an express line to security for them? TSA-our government?
About Perry (aka Gov Goodhair) and his budget:
Our TX lawmakers are also threatening to take his “Enterprise Fund” money…the governor’s fund that has been mismanaged by the governor, to a point where money has been given to his campaign supporters, his alma mater, and businesses that are NOT paying the state back when they fail to meet the criteria of creating jobs. Goodhair uses this fund as a political tool to make himself look good…if the businesses made headlines on having to give the money BACK, it would not reflect good on Goodhair. So they either get away with NOT paying it back or they pay a very very small % of it back.
The threat by lawmakers: agree to take the federal unemployment money (which is refusing to take) OR we seize your “job creation” fund–a fund that even repub TX lawmakers are calling a “slush fund” for the governor—using the money for other purposes than what it is supposed to be used for.
The office budget seizure made headline…this other mismanaged governor fund seizure threat has not.
lilybart – YES!
Well, that’s one of ’em, anyway. The other one is the bit about the Governor’s bills are the priority (and then tell the legs to just stay home unless they have some “priority” to be there – as in the only ones they claim have priority: the Gov’s! Geez.
I used to do my own homework (when I did it – ha). The more I read, the more it seems as if she feels like she’s the high potentate and all the little underlings are only there to “make it so” whether it can fit the legalities or not.
Sigh. Yes, technically this is Alaska’s “problem,” but it could so easily become national (again too, also).
NAN: this is the phrase that gets me:
” while your own Governor’s bill for which you are responsible”
Your Own Governor! Like she is your very special girl, YOUR OWN gov’s bills need attention and you OWE it to MEEEEEEe.
Very nice, my clan is eagle! I love it!
My parents neighbor has a koi pond that she has protected with net to keep the racoons and such out but we (sis and I) did not know until sis saw a blue heron at the house in between. She said omg I just saw the biggest bird ever! and I went to take a pic with my cell, but the sun was setting, leaving the sillouette. We live near the Calif condor habitat, but I have never seen one in real life.
The neighbor said all the wildlife hang out at her house now because of the pond.
Closer to me, there are wetlands and islands that have bald eagles (trying to push out the other eagles who are non native). I am going for a walk near the wetlands with a friend now. Let’s see if we see anything…
Linda Werthiemr (sp) on NPR this am just interviewed two Repubs, 1 woman and 1 man. Linda asked basicly, what about Palin and the repub woman in essence said Palin drove women away with not doing her homework, the winking, the other behavior, etc.
If someone can post the link that would be great (hard from a blackberry).
That is simply wonderful news……thanks, you’ve brightened my day & restored my faith.
This doesn’t fit the headline subject, but I wanted to be sure that you, and therefore your legislature (who you just KNOW read your blog!) knew of the wonderful response that another state legislature made to their erring governor.
Courtesy of Daily Kos and AmbroseBurnside’s diary :
House members virtually wiped out Texas Governor Rick Perry’s office budget Friday in order to help veterans and the mentally ill.
With little debate, the House on a voice vote approved erasing 96 percent of the nearly $24 million that budget writers had recommended for Perry’s office operation over the next two years.
This brilliant move by the Texas House, both Democrat and Republican, rebuked Governor Perry for his secession comments in a way no one in the blogosphere could, by using legislative checks and balances:
The first whack at Perry’s budget was by House Democratic Caucus Chairman Jessica Farrar, D-Houston. She took $4 million for veterans’ programs. The biggest hit was proposed by Rep. John Davis, R-Houston. His provision would switch $18.7 million from Perry’s office to community mental health “crisis services” that try to keep the mentally ill out of jail and hospital emergency rooms.
“That’s the headline: ‘Two days after governor says we ought to secede, House zeroes out the governor’s budget,'” said Appropriations Committee vice chairman Richard Raymond, D-Laredo
This may be simply a symbolic move that won’t pass muster when it comes to finishing up the state’s budget, but it is an important one. It’s tough to stand up to the governor of your own party, even when he’s an idiot. But under certain circumstances, it must be done. It’s worth considering, don’t you think, Alaskan Legislature?
It’s Sunday, April 19th and I think that perhaps areas of my frontal lobe have been damaged after watching an interview of Boehner (Ohio?) by George Steph. on the ABC morning show. It hurt my brain. Tylenol will not help. Maybe a coma. I need someone to explain what it was that I watched. Puuleeez.
VERY UPSET! Pearl89 earlier mentioned a Huffington Post article on how well Palin was vetted for VP. Can not believe the pivotal questions were basically “how many innocent lives are you willing to sacrifice to obtain your goal?”.
Absolutely gave me the vapors. Had to go take a shower. GINO answer not given in article, but I doubt she replied that “all life is sacred”.
P.S. Eddie Fireplace lyrics cheered me up a little. Thank you.
@ curiouser:
Eagle medicine is the power of the Great Spirit…..
That is absolutely how we experienced it. Lifted us up on wings.
Moose Pucky – it definitely soars, gracefully moves it’s wings in like suspended motion when it turns. It is beautiful to watch and I hope it (they) come closer. I think my pond would be a puddle to this bird and it doesn’t care or would have attacked by now. My pond is only 11′ x 16′ and when the Osprey came it was a shock and only once. I think it must be a Golden Eagle and gonna make some calls Monday. Thanks (o:
honestyinGov – thank you for that link!
This sentence really puts it out there: “Bills with the Governor’s name on them are the first priority for each department. If your department is working on other bills while your own Governor’s bill for which you are responsible is stalled, you should be prepared to explain.”
“prepared to explain” – ??? HUNH??
For the life of me, all I can think of after reading that is Biff threatening Marty McFly about doing his (Biff’s) homework FOR him.
Unless there is a reason we don’t know about….I think you need to post a story back on the HuffPo again. This one deserves to be there.The way you tell a story….. this latest Press release from GINO deserves a little story from ‘ Her Highness’s Castle’ or whatever World she is living in.
Shannyn does a good job telling the ‘facts’…. but this one deserves some kind of Parable like you do.
I’m sure someone is working on it.
Excerpts from the book Medicine Cards by Jamie Sams & David Carson:
Eagle medicine is the power of the Great Spirit. It is the ability to live in the realm of spirit, and yet remain connected and balanced within the realm of Earth. Eagle is reminding you to take heart and gather your courage, for the universe is presenting you with an opportunity to soar above the mundane levels of your life. In learning to fiercely attack your personal fear of the unknown, the wings of your soul will be supported by the ever-present breezes whch are the breath of the Great Spirit. Eagle asks you to give yourself permission to legalize freedom and to follow the joy your heart desires.
Here in Mercer County New Jersey we have, though it is not widely advertised, golden eagles. I have seen them myself, magnificent. Six or seven foot wingspans. Today I saw some kind of dark hawk land and take off but I was driving at the time so limited ability to watch. Maybe it caught something maybe not.
Yukonbushgrma, what a wonderful picture you painted. That must have been an incredible experience. So glad you shared it.
I was just browsing Immoral Minority and in one of the comments someone told Gryphen to check this out. Did everyone see this..?
“Gov. Sarah Palin’s deputy legislative director put out a memo today warning agency directors to push the governor’s bills — not their own –during the final lobbying for bills to pass before the Legislature adjourns for the year tomorrow.”
So… it looks like once the GINO got back… she realized there was some more ‘ work ‘ to do…. and starts blaming the Legislature…?
How could you tell them to do that with a straight face…?
I think they need to make a Press release of their own…. and say ” Where were You Gov..?”
Eagles are magical. I really do think they show up at particularly important or needful times to give us encouragement or a good u-rah-rah. A few years ago, my hubby & his business partner completed a major project – a large tour boat (10 years of work). We had just finished the maiden voyage, a short stint on the river to get the feel of her and see how everything operated. After all the onlooking townsfolk had departed, our two families were gathered together on the top deck, looking up and down the Yukon, trying to drink in the significance of that day. Standing there on the deck, we suddenly saw one Bald Eagle fly over, swooping so low as to almost hit us …… and then another …… and another! The three of them circled the boat overhead a few times, soared high, then each one perched in the tall spruce trees nearest us on shore. They stayed there for quite a while, until we left, I think. Perhaps they were just curious about this big new thing on their river, but I can’t help but think we received a very special blessing that evening.
@ Eddie Fireplace: I just totally LOVED it! Dylan is right up there with my faves like The Beatles, and that song in particular is one I’ve always remembered. What a great job you did on those lyrics!
AKM, I’m glad the bald eagles blessed your place. It’s a thank you for your good karma for critters.
Golden eagle sounds likely. They like to eat small mammals so are generally found in interior areas over dryer land. Bald eagles, by and large, prefer fish and are therefore more coastal or near other places where they can catch fish.
A young bald eagle looks very much like a golden eagle. The bald eagle doesn’t get its white head and tail until it is five years old. First year bald eagles have very black beak and eyes. Gradually over the next five years they become lighter (eyes, beak) and more mottled in color. Good birders can almost tell how old an eagle is between fledgling and five years by color of beak, eyes, and transitioning feather colors. After five years, they all just look like adult bald eagles. In a pair, the female is the larger–keeps the eggs warmer perhaps.
Might also be another kind of hawk??? Does is fly like a hawk or soar like an eagle?
If you were in Texas (you’re not), it could be turkey vulture.
Moose Pucky – Do you know what bird would be closest to an eagle as far as wing span? It is larger than any hawk we have seen around here. We have had Redtailed, Coopers and smaller visit our yard. We had an Osprey attack the pond one year (took Sonny!) and have seen it about but this bird is bigger. This bird is completely dark underneath, can not see any white. When it tilts in flight we still couldn’t see any light colors. I thought it might be the Golden Eagle. Sorry to bug you but any thoughts?
Beautiful bird! I’m lucky to have a pair of green woodpeckers in the jungle that passes for my garden, but I’ve never been quick enough to photograph them.
On a separate tack, as AKM did say this was an open thread, does the phrase ‘out to lunch’ mean the same over there as it does here? To be completely detached from reality? Lost one’s marbles? ‘The boss would like a word’ thread at is the post I was just reading; the behaviour Mr Halcro describes there is what you’d expect from a Stalin or a Hitler, not from an elected official to elected representatives. ‘Out of her tree’ is a favourite of mine – it seems applicable. 🙂
AKM, thanks for the beautiful eagle photo!
Is there any wonder why that majestic bird is one of our national treasures?
She & Molly Ivins were just the best. Such unique, funny, intelligent free spirits. When we visited Austin last year it seemed like everywhere you went there was another photo of the governor…….just another pretty face I guess.
Northern harriers in at Chilkat. Light phase (almost pure white) is male. Browner with white rump patch is female. Catching voles on newly exposed (snow retreated) beach.
Nice song, Eddie Fireplace.
82 phoebe Says:
April 18th, 2009 at 5:46 PM
I must say I did enjoy the post on Ann Richards. I still can’t believe she lost to Bush. I’m trying to get my spouse to move from N Calif to Dallas, (near our daughter), but if Perry keeps this s*** up my changes are slim.
Thanks – I went to the cemetery that day to remind myself of the great Texans. She of course. Perry is just sayin’ that crap to rile up the far right for votes. I really think Kay can beat him. The Dems have no-one. sigh….I’ve lived in SF before , so I know you would be giving up a lot to live in Dallas. Family is the most important thing though.
Thanks for the ‘Breather’ post. Love the picture! I am an all creatures freak. Spent the day (warm at last!) tending to the yard and Koi pond. My fishies survived the winter and are happy, fat and beautiful. Birds all over the place and researching if we might actually have eagles flying over. Too high to tell what for sure but huge and not buzzards.
For what it’s worth, I am passing by all comments that IMHO fuel and give credance to allegations made towards Mudflats. AKM et al deserve better.
I must say I did enjoy the post on Ann Richards. I still can’t believe she lost to Bush. I’m trying to get my spouse to move from N Calif to Dallas, (near our daughter), but if Perry keeps this s*** up my changes are slim.
Some of us are lucky enough to live in Bald Eagle country. I live in Whatcom county, Washington. I happened to look up this afternoon to see one fly over. We do see them fairly often. I almost hit one with my car. He was coming down a corridor of trees after some prey and didn’t seem to be bothered by the car coming at him. I braked hard and fortunately it was enough. We have wonderful pictures of a Bald Eagle who had stolen a fish from a couple of very angry sea gulls.
Snoskred – Gotcha. I might have been guilty a couple of times. I usually link. Thanks for all you do , it is greatly appreciated !!
Can I just take a moment to remind everyone – you really can’t post entire articles from news sites or blogs here. There are copyright issues. You need to post just a link, or a small quote and a link.
I am sure you would all agree that you would not like to see entire Mudflats posts put on other blogs without a link back to the flats.
Please be respectful of other sites whether they be news websites or blogs or even websites that you do not agree with. 😉 They are respectful of us, so we need to be respectful in return.
Please do not post full articles. Please do not post a quote without a link. If you do this and we spot your post, we will try to find the link and edit the comment, but if we cannot find the link we will have no choice but to delete the comment.
If you need assistance with posting links, let me know. I could create a how to and put it on the forums if people are really having trouble with it.
Usually it is as simple as highlighting the link in the location bar of your browser, copying the link by right clicking and selecting copy, and then pasting it into the comments area.
Apologies for having to remind ya’all, but we do not like to edit comments and we especially hate having to delete them, so it is better for us to remind everyone. 😉
73 lynnrockets, I still have those ideas for you. Have you registered on the Forum? I would like to send you a private message about your excellent songs!
72 UK Lady Says:
April 18th, 2009 at 3:22 PM
Pearl 89
Looks to me like McCain should have vetted his vetter better. I wouldn’t have that guy pick my nose.
Of course he is going to say she is great, what is he going to say “I f***ed up!”?
Not that anyone with a brain will give him that sort of assignment ever again.
If this guy had a brain, he would have kept his mouth shut. The results speak for themselves. She helped turn red states blue, fer cryin’ out loud!
Beautiful bald eagles! …I’ve only ever seen them in a bird sanctuary.
I saw a robin today! I think it really must be spring. The eagles are here year round, but they have been circling around behind our house more lately, so maybe they’re getting ready to nest.
I wonder if the Eagles appreared and posed to show their support of your comments on free speech? How American of them! They can sense people with true integrity.
@ eddiefireplace; Brilliant!
56 LadyInCali Says:
April 18th, 2009 at 1:56 PM
I was wondering if the rural Alaskans are still in need of more boxes of food. I’d like to get some more out if there’s still a need. Thanks-
YES – we are still over a month away from spring here, although we wish it were different. and see the side bars under “help…”
There is info there for all the villages we are helping.
If there are any specific questions either Ann or I can help, just email us. Info for that is also on the site.
Victoria B
Ugashik/Pilot Point Food Drive
[email protected]
Pearl 89
Looks to me like McCain should have vetted his vetter better. I wouldn’t have that guy pick my nose.
Of course he is going to say she is great, what is he going to say “I f***ed up!”?
Not that anyone with a brain will give him that sort of assignment ever again.
Sorry to switch gears but I just found an article where GINO is blaming the legislators AGAIN while she was in Evansville. (Regarding the stimulus pkg.) Here is an excerpt:
Palin said, “We have legislators all around the country who have resolved to kind of go around their governors, that’s happening in my state, and accept that money anyways.”
And here is the link FYI. Another day on the Whiny Express!
Penny @ 63
Watched that segment here in the UK this morning. Wanted to post it here but couldn’t find it on the tubes, or remember the names of the women.
If Billo Lierry throws you under the bus you must have had it!, he was dismissive of her to the point of boredom.
He did kindly edit out the part of her speech where she said she considered an abortion though.
Tewise where did you read 6 member?
The AK Judicial Council…….I read it’s composed of 3 attorney’s (I’m not sure who they are or how they get there), 3 (Palin, gov) appointed members (that part is obvious) and the Chief Justice of the AK Supreme Court that make up the council that decide the choices that are given to the Governor to select from.
I just get the sense from her words that she’s not feeling too happy with how that process works, for her.
Her predecessor had no opportunity to seat any Supreme Court Justices. I think she’s maybe feelin she should do more to influence her god given door bustin opportunities.
Where is the governor? Doesn’t the AK legislature end tomorrow?
Ran across this article about the vetting of Palin for VP on HuffPo. According to the lawyer, A B Culvahouse, Sarah was properly vetted and that she hit it out of the park. They gave her 3 questions (I was asked more questions than that on my last job interview) in writing to answer –
1. Why do you want to be VP?
2. Are you prepared to use nuclear weapons in defense of the homeland?
3. Osama bin Laden is identified in the FATA, the CIA is ready to take a shot, but if they take a shot there wil be multiple civilian casualties, will you take the shot?
He said she told them everything, except about her daughter being pregnant. But she did tell them that before the end of the process. Good think they didn’t ask her what a vp does.
I would love to see her answers, so I could judge for myself whether or not she hit it out of the park. Culvahouse also said she could fill a room and that selecting her would be “high risk,high reward.”
They did not give her answers.
Tewise Says:
April 18th, 2009 at 2:37 PM
re the appointment of the Supreme Court judge—-
Say NO to Palin in Politics Says:……I don’t know. I read on this and it stated that the 6 member panel will come up with two names like before and submit them to Gino.
Since we already know how Palin goes about filling positions with those who share her views, such as they are, and how little regard she has for the constitutional processes of Alaska (see how she has gone about filling the Juneau position) if she gets a chance to appoint a supreme court judge, expect deja-vu.
Seems to me the only way to avoid that terrible possibility in November is to recall her before then. The idea of everyone sending a $ in support of a recall campaign is a great one. Some of us might even send more for such a good cause.
Ruh roh..
Say NO to Palin in Politics Says:……I don’t know. I read on this and it stated that the 6 member panel will come up with two names like before and submit them to Gino.
That eagle is so beautiful. I have never seen one in the wild, maybe one day I will get that opportunity.
I guess the eagles are a sign that Alaska isn’t seceding anytime soon. Interesting that while you were waiting to watch them leave, they were waiting to watch you leave. Might they have been hoping you would toss them a snack?
Enjoyed your “Texas stealing our meme” post. “Plus ca change, plus la “meme” chose ….” AK and TX, both big states, rich in oil and gas, conservative, gun-loving, with a proud tradition of federally-subsidized self-reliance and Western hyperbole … just a bit more “American” than the rest of America and proud of it.
That should be Justice Eastaugh (not Easton) is retiring this fall from AK Supreme Court Justice.
AKM, What a great sight for a spring day.
I am a serious bird person, I have 2 cockatiels (my indoor birds) and 2 rescued homing pigeons (didn’t go home) outside in a great big pigeon coup my husband built that we call the Pigeon Hilton.
But it is my wild friends that I love to watch. All winter we are visited by pairs of Pine Gross Beaks, The serene gray female and the vibrant red male. Then we have our Grey Jays (camp robbers) that are such characters and mercilessly harass my Australian Shepard. Then we have the bold little red poles and cheerful chickadees. We have had a few different woodpeckers hanging around a Downey Woodpecker and a Hairy Woodpecker that are regular visitors. Of course we have Ravens all year who are so intelligent and fun to watch. We see several Owl during the winter and have a few that we see regularly there is a Hawk Owl family that lives close to us. We also are visited by Boreal Owls and the mighty Great Horned Owl.
Now they joy of spring (ok break-up) brings with it many many more birds of all different varieties. I have heard a few Robin calls but have not seen one yet. The Geese and Swans, Ducks and Loons, Grebes and Sand Hill Cranes will all stop in my neighborhood and start nesting soon. I love the Spruce Hens and the Grouse along with the ptarmigan who live here all year.
but am lucky enough to have tons of lowbush cranberries that really attract them.
Soon we will have sparrows and swallows and Bohemian Waxwings and a few different Finches, buntings and well many more. But there is majesty in our Eagles We see both Bald Eagles and Golden Eagles here but not as often as you folks by the cost do.
This is a bird watchers paradise here in the interior.
So, does anyone else wonder whether Palin “knew” Justice Easton was going to retire from the AK Supreme Court this fall?
And does anyone else wonder about what she said in her press comments concerning “how” the “choices” are selected for her to choose from and what she’d like to change about that process?
So, in her term she’s already had the opportunity to appoint 2 Alaska Supreme Court Justices, and that last one, oh my, she had to bite a stick real hard to painfully choose the lessor of two evils. She didn’t agree with that and most likely noticed the flack from her “base”, so of course in her mind changes should be made.
That brings me back to my question, now she will appoint her 3rd Alaska Supreme Court Justice this fall. Did she know this was coming??? Did she make those statements before this release to prepare the way for her changes, that she hoped would be a shoe in with Warmonger as AG???
Just askin
LadyinCali,,,, got to this site: that is where they give all the info on whats needed and other things
I was wondering if the rural Alaskans are still in need of more boxes of food. I’d like to get some more out if there’s still a need. Thanks-
It’s been many years since I’ve seen an eagle in the wild. When I was a teenager my family lived in Sitka for several years, Alaska was still a territory, and things were generally peaceful. A $2 bounty was paid for eagle claws. My Mother informed me vocally that she would put me on a boat to Seattle if I ever shot one, and I didn’t, or any other animal. I love this website, it puts me in touch with how things should be way up yonder and far away from Texas.
Bill B.
I was wondering about the next Popularity Poll in one of my earlier questions.
I found this little bit of info online about Hays Research who did the last one. Interestingly enough…. they are right in Anchorage… Hmmm.
I sent them an email asking a ‘ question’.
You may do likewise if …..You…. have a ‘ question’…? No harm in asking.
Hey, according to C4P Sarah is engaged and available to ‘the appropriate lawmakers’ 24 hours a day?
Maybe I shouldn’t have said “wow. That sounds like hyperbole of the “farting rainbows” variety. ”
Ciao’ Mudflatters. going to my life now…
UK Lady asked: “Has anyone seen a post from Irishgirl since Thurs or so? Not like her to not be vocal.”
No worries. She’ll be back soon.
I’ve been visiting 😉 and I find humour to see those who can identify the faults of the leader within their own state and tells it, yet can’t see through the fog to recognize that within another. The fog clouds the air so much in the state they have no knowledge of, that other state leader just does no wrong!!!
Should C4P be given “the bird?”
Wasn’t it a little bit too presumptuous of the C4P people to assume that we are somehow engaged in ‘a fight’ with them? Do they need an anti-Palin site to justify their own pitiful existence?
Nobody cares about Fox, tea-baggers, or the trashy dimwitted Palins. The whole country has moved on. Yes, we enjoy having a few laughs at your expense. But we couldn’t care less about you. Personally, I’m more concerned with the ants in the kitchen than any opinion put forth by VidO.
Guys! Don’t be so “needy”-it’s embarrassing.
Here is the direct link to the Recall info. If you Alaskans want to do it, I bet we outsiders could help by sending $1 apiece to pay for the Recall. SP is much more dangerous than Coleman,although I sent the money for him to go byebye too.
Martha Unalaska Yard Sign….
Did you get your ‘invite’ to go to Trigg’s Birthday Party today….?
OMG that eagle is so beautiful!
Honesty in Gov
I love, love, the ‘a dollar a day to make Norm go away’, campaign. I have been following this race very closely on Daily Kos (wine rev) and ‘the uptake’. As you can tell I am a bit of a political nerd. This is priceless, hit the republicans where it hurts, in the pocket.
Chicago Mom
I think that cougar had rabies, if it is the same one I read about, so they probably did it a favour.
Has anyone seen a post from Irishgirl since Thurs or so? Not like her to not be vocal.
@eddie fireplace palin
Brilliant! Still humming…
I’ll trade you 3 turkey vultures for one eagle.
Come on down, let’s make a deal !!
Thanks for the Eagle picture AKM. We have a nesting pair that fishes off our property on Orcas Island. They are so much fun to watch. One day I saw one when the tide was out perched on a big rock waiting for dinner to swim by.
They catch small animals, however, and if you have a cat, bunny, or small dog you had better keep it inside or it becomes lunch for the eagle.
Eagles…song…poems…’A change is taking place’
I’m happy to enjoy it between my Spring-Cleaning!
Oh yeah, perhaps AK can recall GiNO so that she has all the time she needs for car-pooling & her family…
Forgot to mention about my hubby’s greenhouse because this was funny. It’s unusual enough looking that while he was putting together the frame in the driveway, neighbors and passers by all summer asked if he was building a boat. When it went up in the fall, we had a lot of comments about the transformer boat and how it turned into a greenhouse overnight.
I have invited some eagles to come stay for awhile around here. We have a real marmot problem and need a little balance from Mother Nature. I’m also off to Play in the sunshine. cheers.
eddie fireplace palin – that was excellent! Have you been inspired by lynnrockets? Just need the singers, instruments and a video cam to create a hilarious utube production of a medley of the parodies.
Jane in Miami – it really IS spring in Alaska! I can now see my entire greenhouse, which looked like an igloo all winter since it was covered in snow for months. I almost have a driveway, too – but the bulbs I’m afraid are still buried. Maybe I should go help mother nature along and dig them out of the snow. This is when most everyone up here starts making way too many plans and trying to fit them into a few short months. Go Victoria! I wish I could send her a greenhouse like hubby built for me – it’s a cathedral style which has turned out to be bomb proof – impervious to wind & snow and cool as all heck.
Steel, what a creep! He thinks “somebody” was making lists of who was at the event, ya right, talk paranoia to your people Steel.
Link is @ #29
“They’ve got their eye on the 3,000 Americans who assembled in Indiana last night, in Evansville, Indiana, to profess their continued effort to save the life of the unborn. … I’m sure there was somebody in the room with a notepad and a camera taking snapshots and writing down names. But that’s not the place our government needs to be.”
31 bijou Says:
April 18th, 2009 at 11:51 AM
Sorry austintx…but the words “sarah” and “thinks” is an oxymoron. Seems to me that her speech addressed “choice” as well as right to life. Her decision or “choice” to have Trig. WTF? Is that another flip-flop for the pile?
You SO busted my ass !! Right as I hit “submit comment” , I thought , hold on a sec. !! Too funny…….thanks for the correction. Seriously , LOL.
austintx, what does Steel think the spies saw? lol
Here’s a thought for you:
If you think GINO is unhinged now — after I just watched her vid about Special Olympics and she said she looked forward to the car pooling of SO kids to away games (when Trig is old enough to participate) — Ha, Ha, Ha!! Now that’s a vid I definitely want to see!!
Please know, my statement is not made in fun of SO kids. I already know & continue the experiences. A bus full of SO kids/adults, coaches & some volunteers. Tylenol is your best friend!!!
Figure skating, baseball, basketball, track. Car loads. Bus loads if further away. Been there — done that — LOTs!!
GINO — Not a chance!! That vid provided my comic relief for the day!!
thanks a.k.m. and snoskred and everone who work so hard here. have a great day. a free day like that gorgeous eagle…b
This article in the ADN about GINO getting to name a third supreme court justice in November should be a big motivator for starting a recall movement asap. California was successful in recalling a two term governor (Grey Davis) with much less cause than Alaska has in recalling Palin. We ended up with the Govenator, Schwartzenegger, but that is another story.
Good luck Alaska
Sorry austintx…but the words “sarah” and “thinks” is an oxymoron. Seems to me that her speech addressed “choice” as well as right to life. Her decision or “choice” to have Trig. WTF? Is that another flip-flop for the pile?
Bijou……here’s the link
A person, WAY back in Oct. 08 before the election was kind enough “sense the need” and write about all about a recall. Bless that bloggers heart, lol.
“Yes, this diary is written on the assumption that as of November 5, the illustrious Sarah Palin will be schlepping back to Alaska in a side-car on the First Dude’s snow-machine with the kids not far behind in a dog-sled caravan.”
That last Palin Popularity Poll was 3/25 (don’t remember the name though..?)
It has been over 3 weeks now…. there must be one about to come out.
Do they have an actual website to go to…?
Someone on TV the last few days had commented that she was probably in the 50’s. I’d say LOW 50’s at best.
Steele thinks there were spies the other nite. WTF !! We watched the wretched affair here live and did not learn anything new. Wonder what sarah thinks………….
I’m very jealous of all the wildlife AKM gets to see just by looking out the window. We did have a cougar year last year (not by my window, but still, in the big ole city of Chicago). Unfortunately, it was shot by the panicking police. If we get another one this year, I hope they find a more humane way of getting it to move to a more appropriate area (but only after I’ve have an opportunity to see it!).
Thanks “Say NO”….I will do that. I think a recall would put the whipped cream and cherry on top for a nice finishing touch. Anybody else have that “recall” fuzzy feeling?
wish I could play guitar to play all these great songs………
akm has “outed” that eagle. I pray for it’s safety. Hoping the sound of helicopters will convince it to fly to safety. After all, if no defensless wolves are to be found, why not have some “fun” and shoot at what is available?
Does anyone know where I might find the text of Palin’s Indiana speech? I TRIED to watch the YouTube clips of it, but it was just TOO ear-bleedingly painful. (Not to mention the almost irrestible urge to punch her smug face possibly resulting in laptop damage…)
Bijou……go to Regina has all the recall info…….
honestyingov…….lol, that’s cool
eddie fireplace……exquisite work!
AKM…….thanks for giving us a little breather today..maybe I will get something done around here!
Is anyone out there familiar with how if GINO’s actions would facilitate grounds for a recall? I haven’t checked on the official rules. I am taking the easy way out and just asking if anyone knows. 🙂 You would think we would have hoards of people wanting to sign right now.
And if you think GINO is bad with her repeated attempts to not get a Juneau Senate seat member in there. Norm Coleman is still at it. The Dems have come up with a new way to raise money…. because Norm won’t concede and say it’s over.
” A dollar a day to make Norm go away”
People sign up to give a dollar for every day he continues to deny the outcome.
One comment said the fund went from $5000 to $7500 in just 1 hour.
Facts on the HuffPO.
About the woman who sang and surprised the world:
See SP, it’s not all about how you look–gotta be able to produce when necessary, too. Please start governing. Those older veterans worked hard for you to have the opportunity to be such a public embarrasment.
What about the Juneau senate seat……..what’s happening there? anybody know?
we’ll miss you AKM! but we’ll hold down the fort for ya.
Okay guys…….we need to get some very deserving vets their checks that Palin doesn’t think is real important, how would she like it if she were 80 yrs old and not getting her pension check……..these people should not be treated this way and should not have to stress or worry over this!
do what we can do, it’s really stupid, Murkowski and Begich have drafted a bill to correct a “glitch” and Palin is taking her sweet time in signing it, the problem is a few months old. It went to her on April 8th, just a signature Gov……fairly easy deal.
Shannyn has the story……… thinks this could fall in the “World’s Worst Person” category. It also seems to point to how well she’s attending to Alasaka’s business, ya know, those she cares so much about.
I don’t have Keith or Rachel’s email addy. Sign the dang bill Sarah!
Watching the snow melt in the rain out here in Prince William Sound. Signs of spring are everywhere as expressed by the Avian world. Geese heard honking across the bay at night, oyster-catchers on the rocks, and a few robins sneaking around under the trees looking for a bare patch of ground.
It’s a good time to troll the internet and munch on some great guava cookies my hubby brought back to me from Kauii. (I know, but SOMEBODY had to stay home and hold the fort. He brought back the bacon – literally in a huge cooler. It’s pork and rice for dinner.)
AKM, It’s wonderful that the eagles are coming to visit. My people, the Cherokee, call him/her “Wohali”. All birds, and eagles in particular are considered messengers between us and the world “above”. For myself, when the usual pair shows up in the tree behind my house, it’s almost always when I am in need of strength or inspiration. That’s been a little more frequent lately, and perhaps I’ve just convinced myself of their influence, but it always makes me feel like things will be ok.
I am so glad that their brothers/sisters visit you as well.
Wado (thanks)
With WAR over,
GINO’s a ringless Smeagol.
And moreover,
her Gang of 3’s illegal.
at Casa AKM –pretty eagle!
Those eagles were waiting to watch you take off and when you did, they left.
I stayed around a while waiting to get a shot of them taking off, and they waited until the exact moment that I gave up and left the room.
AKM, my retired dad tries to take photos of the birds in my parents garden, and 99.99% of the time when he gives up and goes inside to go to the bathroom or something, that’s when they come take a bath or do whatever he was waiting for and then they leave. It would drive me nuts trying to take those photos!
AKM – So very happy that you are getting back to nature today !! Enjoy your day , and never forget “It’s a jungle out there”.
The eagle sensed that Silly Sarah was toast?
@ eddie fireplace palin: I LOVE it, sang it in my head. I might just have to put the words in my collection of folk songs, mostly from the 60s and 70s.
*still humming* “And Sarah, she will be failing”
I love seeing eagles. We are about 2 miles from Puget Sound and when I’m nearer the water (there is a state park they like), I sometimes see them flying overhead. A couple of years ago we saw one flying over our neighborhood. Good thing for all the squirrels that it decided to reside elsewhere, though.
Enjoy the day. It’s bright and sunny here, for a change, and the temp might even break 60. I don’t know about the rest of you, but I feel “sunnier” since WAR was defeated. Good day for Alaska, and a good day for the rest of us as GINO has to try to figure out her next move – and maybe look at the reason her choices aren’t being embraced. Well, she probably won’t, but at least it’ll be part of her public, increasingly weird, record.
Mosey over to Spring is heading for Alaska and we’re looking for ways to prevent another winter like the last one.
Victoria has been to a sustainable gardening conference and is itching to start a community garden. She also gave us a play by play from the bycatch meeting earlier this month.
We’re interested in stories/lore from people who have lived or are living in the bush and participated in preparations for the next winter. If any of you have tales from the old days, please share them. Photos are welcome too!
E-mail them to me and we’ll post them during the time when a similar activity is happening in Ann and Victoria’s villages.
[email protected]
Open thread? Okay then, let’s get protesty, and sing along to the tune of Bob Dylan’s anthem, “The Times They Are A Changing”:
Sarah, She Will Be Blaming
Come gather Alaskans where ever you roam
And admit to the faults that your governor has shown
The lies and the tantrums, these things are well known
And more of the same we’re expecting
We’re sick and dismayed of the games that you play
And Sarah, she will be blaming
Come writers and critics, who see through the fog
Keep your eyes open, report on your blogs
You have every right to question her cause
The answers she offers keep changing
And mainstream reporting is just a lapdog
And Sarah, she will be blaming
Come senators, congressmen, who heard the call
War’s not the answer, and you all stood tall
From under a rock, this joker did crawl
Now he goes backwards, retreating
And you showed the nation who really has balls
And Sarah, she will be blaming
Come mothers and fathers, regardless of age
Be kind to your children, don’t put them on stage
Don’t market their story, page after page
Soon they will be more than cringing
The love they would show you will just turn to rage
And Sarah, she will be blaming
The eyeliner is drawn, the curse, it is cast
You’re good-looking now, but soon that will pass
Clothes, hair and make-up, will not meet the task
Your beauty is rapidly fading
And those who adore you will see through the mask
And Sarah, she will be failing
Thank you for the lovely treat, AKM. Enjoy your day and just say the Serenity Prayer when you feel withdrawal coming on. LOL!
To quote an old phrase from decades ago as we stare out into Space…..
” The Eagle has landed ”
(and I…” DON’T “…. mean GINO’s airplane)
Oh how beautiful – thank you for giving us this gift.
I am saved from participating further in fussing with C4P folks due to the fact that I can’t leave comments from here, I can’t remember the password that is automatic on my computer at home. Let us all give thanks! Just wanted to say hi and have a wonderful day all – ! WfAK
It’s a sign! The great American eagle loves AKM. (That’s why it’s great)