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“Let Them Cut Wood” in the Forests of Western Alaska.


The legislative session ends today, but the fun continues right to the bitter end.

Residents of rural Alaska were interested to note that Rep. Mike Kelly (R) from Fairbanks (who won the election by one vote), is irritated with the idea of appropriating state energy assistance money to rural Alaska and suggested that people shouldn’t rely on state aid, but instead should “cut wood.”

If you are picturing the rural villages of Western Alaska with dwellings nestled among stands of large hardwood trees and dense foliage, you may now disavow yourself of that supposition.  In places like Emmonak, which has a few scrubby alders, and vast areas of flat swampiness as far as the eye can see, they wait for flooding to carry logs down the river sometimes.  Otherwise, it’s a long labor intensive trip via fuel powered snowmachine, lots of manual labor, and a bunch of time using a fuel powered chainsaw to get the wood, which has to be hauled for long distances by sled, ready to use.  So all this wood ends up with a huge carbon footprint, lots of time, and needs a strong healthy person on the working end.

So why would Rep. Kelly say, in essence, “Let them cut wood?”  It’s surely not to endear himself to rural residents that don’t have wood.

He said there are other programs for people who are needy and “not for any layabouts.”

“I’d rather tell the guy, go out there and cut your own wood or do something for yourself. … I don’t know how many of the 200-plus villages have a wood supply within a rock toss, but there’s a lot of them because I’ve been to a lot of them,” he said.

Guess all those elders (aka “layabouts”) in the unresearched number of villages that don’t have a wood supply, or can’t get to one are just out of luck?  Rep. Woodie Salmon, a Democrat from the village of Chalkyitsik, angrily responded that there have been millions of dollars in state subsidies for urban energy needs.

“They spent millions and millions of dollars on a coal plant, transmission lines, then they retire off the system, and then they don’t help the rural areas,” he said.

And we learn a lesson about why it’s good, if you’re a legislator, to do research first before you open your mouth and say stuff.  (Especially if you’re working on a one vote margin)  And we also are reminded why it makes sense to be investing money into sustainable, clean energy solutions for rural areas.


~~~The lush, dense forestland of Nunam Iqua from the air~~~



177 Responses to ““Let Them Cut Wood” in the Forests of Western Alaska.”
  1. Lainey says:

    What’s that phrase, “preaching to the choir”? I’d guess nearly all of us here agree with the thoughts expressed in that excerpt, but one would hope it would reach the folks “outside the church”…
    Ain’t THAT the truth! The only reason the opposition would come here would be to fuel their arguments against…NOT see the other side…even that there IS another side of reason. It’s a shame really.

  2. KaJo says:

    Sigh….I read blog posts like your “Swan…etc….Bear” one below, AKM, and read through this one, too…

    Then I noticed that I got a magazine publication from my Suburu dealer just the other day, and happened to see this article featured: “Wild Neighbors: The Humane Approach to Living with Wildlife”. The editor of the magazine termed the portion of the essay “thought-provoking”, which it is.

    What’s that phrase, “preaching to the choir”? I’d guess nearly all of us here agree with the thoughts expressed in that excerpt, but one would hope it would reach the folks “outside the church”… 😛

  3. Lainey says:

    “Take care of yourselves. Go cut wood. Don’t count on money from the rest of the tax payers in America to help you deadbeats live your frontier lifestyle.”
    secession could make this happen…
    didja hear that, palin? this is your wish for Alaska…hope you’ll be quite happy and comfortable in the house that contractor who built sports complex built!

  4. DebinOH says:

    Words fail me yet again (and I can’t believe it wasn’t SP, Doogan, WAR)! I think some of these people need an education. From now on when someone says something this dumb they should have to get involved or do what they are suggesting. I think that is the only way some of them are going to find out what compassion really means.

  5. Frank LI,NY says:

    Way back in January, when I had a job. My title was Head custodian (civil service) In order to get this title/job, one would have to pass an aptitude test. The higher the score, the better your chances of landing a job with said qualifications. Now mind you; this is not rocket science, but the test is there for a reason.
    So, my question is thus.
    When are we going to start testing wanna be politicians?

  6. Twodux says:

    I’d like to see the rest of the country apply Kelly’s logic to Alaska.

    “Take care of yourselves. Go cut wood. Don’t count on money from the rest of the tax payers in America to help you deadbeats live your frontier lifestyle.”

    Man if that ever happened, Alaska would be a nice place to live again. Without Federal money, I’ll bet half the people in Alaska would be gone in a year. And the ones left would be a lot more like the people who lived here pre-pipeline, back in the day when Alaskans watched out for each other.

  7. Patience says:

    I had to run and put my lipstick on before I commented, so when I open my mouth and say something stupid, at least it’s sliding out between a pair of big, red lips.

  8. SameOld says:

    I actually think we need some experimental villages for people like Kelly. Six weeks of no government …. no roads, cops, schools, phones (let them try and get services on their own), hospitals, mail. Just a group of homes in Quonset huts plopped in nowhere. When it is over they have to write an essay on the value of government or how I became a survival hero on my vacation.

  9. DrChill says:

    The – “They’re lazy ” explaination is pretty standard among conservative types. It puts success or failure entirely on the individual, and dismisses the contribution of society in general, and government in particular.

    Funny how when the economy tanks, millions of people suddenly get “lazy.”

    I think if we’re ever going to have a constructive dialogue with the ‘wings’,
    we have to adjust our perception and appearance so that;
    from the right- the left doesn’t look like they think government is the first place to find solutions and
    from the left- the right doesn’t look like they think government is the last place to find solutions.

  10. Martha says:

    Other states have their dingbats but…….they are surround by “other states” and it is easy for folks to simply move if they don’t like where they live.

    Being surrounded by other states, puts a certain amount of pressure on their elected officials. They become laughing stocks and heavily exposed on radio/TV from their neighboring states.

    Folks in the lower 48 certainly have easier access to resources compared to Alaskans as well.

    If there were villages of people starving and freezing to death in the lower 48, you can bet that all major networks would be all over the situation.

    I can’t imagine the pressure the Gov of state would under in the lower 48, under those circumstances.

    Quite honestly, I don’t think Palin could survive as a Governor, anywhere BUT Alaska. I’m sure that goes for some other elected officials in Alaska as well.

  11. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    Sorry, my post was OT and I didn’t say a darn thing about burning wood in rural Alaska. Mr. Kelly’s stupid comment just leaves me dumbfounded. Is he related to Sarah? Their grip on geography seems about the same – NONEXISTENT, LOL! These two are not ones you want steering your sled, or anything else for that matter.

  12. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    I’m very happy to have a new Senator ( I like Dennis Egan ), and I’m doing a happy dance for the end of an extremely bizarre legislative session. I bet there is partyin’ downtown and many huge sighs of relief tonight. Please, no special session! We need our 120 days back, 90 days is not enough. However, this year – to have another month of the twit governor and her bad attitude toward the Legislature would be almost unbearable.

    She’s just pissy because she can’t push them around anymore, and w/o the lapdog AG (thank you Juneau Empire Editorial) she’s just cryin’. Can you say “Sarah Palin Poop Flag” 20 times really fast? I think they will be springing up with the bulbs, heh heh.

  13. Moose Pucky says:

    Pi: “…most of us never did much like the gov and that is now set in cement.”


  14. Alaska Pi says:

    @160 karen marie Says:
    April 19th, 2009 at 9:07 PM
    @Alaska Pi:

    i’m sorry if i sounded mean. it was obviously a poor choice of phrasing.

    no, i know you’re not all nuts. i’ve “met” plenty of sane alaskans here and at other alaskan blogs.

    an awful lot of the nutty ones end up as politicians though.

    Have a hunch folks forget Juneau is a mere 30,000 in population, Fairbanks around 40k and Anchorage roughly 250k…Our “cities’ aren’t any bigger than small towns anywhere else … with the attendant small town drawbacks… and throwbacks. Whatever is good about small town life is always ,at most, a mere half step ahead of the bad.
    Also, too- My guess would be that were AKM to turn a focussed eagle eye on other states , people being people everywhere, a whole lot of political types would be found to be as nutty as our pack o dingbats. Bit more polish maybe- but dingbats , nonetheless…:-)
    @162 honestyinGov –
    Juneau will continue to have a certain devoted group of ghastly gov groupies but most of us never did much like the gov and that is now set in cement.

  15. honestyinGov says:

    Even though Egan is the new Juneau Senator now…does anyone in Juneau have a feel for what people think of GINO 9in that City) at this point…
    Does she still have popularity there with her loyal defenders or has this move basically changed their opinion and will the residents act on this in the near future. Any word on the street….?

  16. Quetzalcoatl says:

    ‘Let Them Cut Wood’…

    Like they do in Haiti, AP estimates more than 90 percent of Haiti is deforested; David Adams, director of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) in Haiti.
    —For Haiti’s poorest communities, the issue surrounding trees has never been one of environmental protection, but rather one of basic survival.

    Mr. Won By A Single Vote [i believe That!] needs to read more than his bible, adn [POS rag] — Deforestation in Haiti: Weaning a Country off of Wood Fuels.

    Woodfuel use and sustainable development in Haiti[1992].

    Let me ask Mr. 1×1, is Alaska’s climate turning tropical soon and will it matter? Seems they can’t grow forests fast enough in a tropical climate let alone in Alaska.

    As dumb as a 2×4.

  17. karen marie says:

    @Alaska Pi:

    i’m sorry if i sounded mean. it was obviously a poor choice of phrasing.

    no, i know you’re not all nuts. i’ve “met” plenty of sane alaskans here and at other alaskan blogs.

    an awful lot of the nutty ones end up as politicians though.


  18. here_in_PA says:

    K, didn’t work. Go to and do a search on it, it will give all of the info.

  19. here_in_PA says:

    I found the financial disclosure for capharaS. It’s supposed to be reported mid-April according to Meg S. Here is the link. Nothing has been reported to date, for those of you that are interested.

  20. karen marie says:

    the ADN article on egan’s appointment is misleading in the first sentence:

    Gov. Sarah Palin has ended the stalemate over the open state Senate seat by giving Senate Democrats the appointee that they wanted, former Juneau mayor Dennis Egan.

    the appointee they wanted was kerttula, which the article does finally say at the very end, but how many people don’t bother to read down that far and, thus, are misled?

    they’re sure doing their part to slow la palin’s slide into the gutter.

  21. Alaska Pi says:

    @152 karen marie Says:
    “you people in alaska are N-U-T-S!’
    Hunh? You people- ALL of us?
    Some are nuts
    Some are throwbacks to frontiersy hooliganism
    Some , like Rep Kelly, are dumber n dirt…
    Plenty of us are just fine- like most groups of people…

  22. karen marie says:

    @MonaLisa IS MY NAME! Says:
    April 19th, 2009 at 5:51 PM

    Why do I have the feeling that I don’t want to try that recipe, austintx? :-p

    And how did they drain deep-fried things before they invented paper towels…?


    it’s better to drain your fried foods on brown paper bags. the food doesn’t stick to the brown paper at all.

  23. deist says:

    I wonder if Kelly’s comments remind us what republicans are really all about—feudal dominance by a few slobs over the rest of us.

    Kelly is no king and he never will be. And Palin is no queen.

    The timing of the Juneau Senate appointment is disgusting. They deprived Juneau of its democratic say in the legislature and subordinated the civil rights of thousands of Alaskans to their monarchist arrogance and greed. Palin could care less about democracy. She conveniently, selfishly, and arrogantly desecrated Alaska’s sovereignty, its citizens, and their legislature.

  24. pvazwindy says:

    Well, the legislative session is over and Palin is free to go, wherever SarahPac funds will take her. Why do I feel that the Looney Tunes will get even funnier.

  25. karen marie says:

    @monalisa has the larger quote with this above:

    “The guys that are brothers and uncles and fathers and stuff are not taking care of this problem,” he went on. “I just think it’s one more thing that insidiously is on government, and it bothers me.””

    kelly is advocating people bypass the legal system, the criminal justice system to “take care of a problem”?

    is he going to ensure that none of these people who take his advice are convicted of assault and battery or, worse, manslaughter or murder?

    you people in alaska are N-U-T-S!

    what a legislature!

  26. pvazwindy says:

    If Palin thought that this appointment was a teaching moment for Kerttula, sry Virago, the dems boxed you. Kerttula, called it as she saw it, and Palin’s vindictiveness got the best of her. A notch in the win column for the legislature and Juneau.

  27. Lainey says:

    @Rob in Ca
    It’s just interesting, politically, that Sarah caved on this and I wonder if there is a back story…
    Just because it is GINO we are all very skeptical of any actions she takes that can be viewed as reasonable.
    @Sharon Alexander
    As a compassionate observer from the lower “48″, I sincerely hope this Palin “cave-in” fools nobody.
    I agree and looks like many ppl are thinking the same way…can’t trust palin as far as I’d like to throw her – something’s up! nothing is simple with her, except her mind!

  28. The Rubber Room Hotel says:

    5 years ago we used to pay $125.00 a chord then, the next year it was $150.
    until it hit $200. then last year with the price of fuel it just doubled.
    We only have a couple of guys that do cut wood anymore hear and they have pretty full orders. That’s the only price I could get last year. We have a few acres with trees and do take wood off our land but again really hard work. We use an oil stove more now but it wont keep up when the temperature drops below -20 and then when it is above 0 it is to warm so we use wood to supplement and in the spring and fall.
    I will say this there is nothing like the heat of a wood stove on a freezing cold day.

  29. Nan says:

    In the article someone posted a link to (Shannyn’s site?) there was a link to the website which shows the status of the various bills in the legislature.

    On the last line (April 8) it states “Due back from Governor 4/25/09” So I guess there’s still time – ?

  30. BigSlick says:

    There’s not enough oxygen here…..push Mike Kelly out the airlock please.

  31. honestyinGov says:

    I was just over on Shannyns site and was reminded of the story she had posted a few days ago about the ATR. She had said this Bill showed up on GINO’s desk back on 4-8… and Shannyn’s story on 4-17 had still not been signed.
    As per shannyn….
    “Sarah Palin showed up. She may have even had some punch. However, the governor did not sign SB 89. The emergency funds from the Army had paid their last payment in March. The April payments won’t be distributed until after the bill is signed.

    Did GINO ever sign that SB 89 and did it have to be signed before the Legs. ended the session or can she sign it at any time with just a signature….Is it still on her desk…?

  32. BearWoman says:

    Just because it is GINO we are all very skeptical of any actions she takes that can be viewed as reasonable.

    I’m sure there is a back story. As a poster above said, she still has vetoes and since it is a line item capability, watch out on the capital budget (building and funding to schools and non-profits).

  33. Rob in Ca says:

    Don’t misunderstand me, I am delighted that Juneau has representation that is apparently widely lauded.
    It’s just interesting, politically, that Sarah caved on this and I wonder if there is a back story…

  34. BearWoman says:

    Spoke with a Palin supporter a couple days ago. Said I didn’t like her and it was obvious she was not getting good advice or was ignoring it, certainly didn’t have the interests of Juneau at heart. She thought maybe GINO was just mad. She agreed she was getting bad advice and being very childish in her actions.

  35. Tealwomin says:

    as I posted @ SMs, GiNO was waiting on the w.a.r. was confrim, before she ‘approved’ anyone…after all w.a.r. had already given hints as to how he would treat the process…BUT since w.a.r. wasn’t approved, GiNO knew that now she had to play by the rules…[imo]

  36. Dragon Lady says:

    This is surprising because only yesterday according to ADN, Nizich said GINO wanted to meet with the nine Democratic senators. At the same time however he was still maintaining that the Governess was standing behind Grussendorf because of his “invalid rejection” citing possible unconstitutionality.

    I think her original plan was to go to the state Supreme Court so that in the 2012 campaign she could claim she stood up for the AK Constitution and will for the US Constitution.

    Someone must have pointed out that both Grussendorf and Wilson were ineligible in any event and more importantly, that if this appointment procedure was invalid then her appointment of Kohring was equally invalid.

  37. delnorteco says:

    pvazwindy …we also cut aspen.don’t know how i forget that.could be the wine

  38. sauerkraut says:

    Does it matter if Palin lost, Rob? The important part is that the residents of Juneau won and now have a senator most of them can live with. IMHO, their ability to have a voice is more important than Palin losing.

  39. bubbles says:

    p.s. do we like egan? i am getting confused…

  40. DrChill says:

    Palin okays Egan for Senate

  41. bubbles says:

    rubberroom hotel…i had NO idea about cutting wood. never mind what it takes to cut wood in alaska. jeez louise! you get to rant as long as you want. i personally would be weeping and calling for my mommy…b

  42. Rob in Ca says:

    Ok, Alaskans….what happened here?

    Sarah comes back from her speeches to a couple of totally devoted supporters, and we reasonably expect her to be ‘all fired up and ready to go!’.
    Then, she caves and nominates Egan and ends the stalemate over the open seat.

    The question is…why? The residents of Juneau won, the Democrats won, and to my unsophisticated eyes, Sarah Palin lost. Right?
    Is there more to the story?

  43. Sharon Alexander says:

    As a compassionate observer from the lower “48”, I sincerely hope this Palin “cave-in” fools nobody. I would really like to see GINO forced to reap what she has sown, particularly with regard to the Rural communities in Alaska. Recall, impeachment or tar and feathers. Just get rid of the woman.

  44. Lainey says:

    thanks @ crystalwolf aka caligrl
    I would like to read that book!

  45. wired differently says:

    Rubber Room Hotel: That’s telling it like it is. No romantic jaunt in the woods with your Paul Bunyan ax– just a lot of hard, dangerous work. That jackass in Fairbanks just flips a switch for his lights and turns a knob to warm his house. No frickin’ clue.

  46. sauerkraut says:

    Wow… 400 bucks for a cord of wood?? Dang… I sold a couple cords this year for $125 each. What a difference a few (thousand) miles make.

    Ditto on the safety awareness. A neighbor busted both legs a couple years ago when it pitched back against him. Right in his back yard.

  47. Lee says:

    shannyn Moore’s Blog now reporting that Palin nominated Dennis Egan, and that he has been approved.

  48. The Rubber Room Hotel says:

    crystalwolf, Oh I did that earlier and you are right it did feel good.
    I am just still ticked about it.

  49. delnorteco says:

    OMG $400.00 a chord. i thought i was beening robbed at $160. a cord. i didn’t cut to much this husband freaks out when i’m by myself wood i bought most of my wood for this winter.but we live in the mountains so cutting wood is fairly easy.our permits only cost $10. a cord.

  50. Lunaluz says:

    Apparently Sugarbritches selected Egan for the senate seat, my sister let me know, she lives in Alaska, its on the State of Alaska gov. website somewhere. Hope that is true.

  51. pvazwindy says:

    Those limbs caught in trees are called “widow makers,” when your cutting wood, be sure of your surroundings. Have a whistle and or cut with a friend. And above all practice safe cutting habits.

  52. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    The Rubber Room Hotel Says:
    April 19th, 2009 at 7:04 PM

    Oh Man, this one really ticked me off.
    Rubber Room: you should go to his leg website and write this email to him! You will feel really great after you push the send button!!!!
    Its time to call these AssHats out on their lies & misinformation! Or you could use the POM system too.

  53. Tealwomin says:


    Sarah Palin is quite the fundraiser, has an obvious role if she wants it.

    Q & A: Newt Gingrich over @ Christianity Today

    THANKS but no thanks in action….raise the money for the Party, but, eerrr, well you’re kinda-sorta not invited to the Party

  54. pvazwindy says:

    Use to cut firewood back in michigan. Cherry-Hickory-White Oak-Red Oak-Maple-Beech-Ironwood, all hardwoods. And a lot of Poplar a softwood, also known as gopher wood. Always going for more. Damn hard work.

  55. WrongTruth says:

    Well, another victory, Palin appointed Egan to the Juneau Senate seat. Too bad the session is over, one more month and she would have spit fire and her horns pop out. Too bad…but the years not over. Can’t wait to see what’s next.

  56. The Rubber Room Hotel says:

    Oh Man, this one really ticked me off.
    Does this guy have anywhere near a clue what it takes to get firewood?
    I live in Rural Alaska where there are lots of trees. Spruce, Cottonwood and Birch. You are very limited in the areas you are allowed to get wood.
    In my community there is a few hundred acres of private land, surrounded by native land which is closed to wood cutting. The state land that is available for wood cutting is several miles away. Down tracks and trails that are always treacherous. You can get a permit to cut there but that is in Fairbanks 170 miles away. Then you have to have chainsaws and come-a -long’s and gas and oil. Then you have hours of back breaking work my home needs about 8 chords of wood a year if we don’t supplement with oil. Then there is the hauling and spiting and stacking. Which is all very time consuming and back breaking. It costs $400.00 a chord for non seasoned wood here if you buy it from a wood cutter but there are not many around any more so it is very hard to get.
    Wood cutting is very dangerous, cutting big trees that have many branches that can get hung up on other trees can be very bad news. Of course then you can’t cut wood on any kind of day that is windy.
    Thats just the getting the wood part. Then there is the packing of the wood. the stuffing of the woodstove, the cleaning of ashes and flue.
    I could go on and on I am so ticked about this.
    My husband and I are in our early 50’s, and we can’t get stuff done like we used to. The thing is that we both work and we do well, though my husband is gone 7 or 8 months a year. And when he is home there is snow on the ground sometimes lots and the temp is -20 to 60 below. Anybody ever try to run a saw very long at those temps let alone do heavy manual labor.
    We are off the grid, not by choice when we bought our land 15 years ago the local power company told us 2 years and power would be here. So we run generator and charge batteries and use an inverter. It used to not be so bad but with the price of gas out here it is crippling along with the cost of fuel oil. My husband and I do well enough that we would not be entitled to energy assistance aide. We don’t get the PCE that everyone in our village that is on the grid gets.
    Thanks for letting me rant I feel better now grrrrr. (sort of)

  57. pvazwindy says:

    4by4by8 is 128 cubic ft. If you bucked that into 16in pcs and stacked 4ft. high and 8ft. long, you’d get 3 face cords.

  58. delnorteco says:

    thanks, i do like learning new things,and yeah pinon does smell good,but the best thing about it,it is one hot fire.

  59. austintx says:

    114 delnorteco Says:
    April 19th, 2009 at 6:49 PM
    what is a face cord?.how do you measure that?
    A full cord of wood is 4ft high by 4ft wide by 8ft long exactly. some people call a face cord a cord of wood but a face cord is actually 1/3 of a cord 16in wide by 4ft high by 8ft long.

  60. sauerkraut says:

    Gotta love them legislators. Can’t make this kind of stuff up.

  61. austintx says:

    113 delnorteco Says:
    April 19th, 2009 at 6:45 PM
    i burn spruce and pinon.
    Man o man I love the smell of pinon.

  62. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Add to above post: Why so many are mad that the courts overturned drill baby drill, in favor of saving Salmon, is that most environmental policies are being ignored in favor of developing oil/gas/mining.
    If you read in ADN so many people were pissed off, blaming natives for this and saying their federal money shouldn’t help them!!(Like they aren’t a part of Alaska!!!!) These people are truly stupid and care nothing for the environment that sustains Salmon fishing, they just want the easy fast buck of oil. Sad. And GINO is a big part of this.

  63. delnorteco says:

    what is a face cord?.how do you measure that?

  64. delnorteco says:

    i burn spruce and pinon. don’t live in alaska,we live in the ‘san luis valley ‘colorado. it’s in southwest colorado. it gets real cold here.not as cold as alaska but january is butt cold.being cold sucks.i do feel so bad for those kids and the old.

  65. Karin in CT says:

    Mona Lisa posted this link earlier and it is a MUST READ! This man actually argued against three strikes for domestic violence? WTF?

  66. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Lainey Says:
    April 19th, 2009 at 6:22 PM

    Where did they all come from? and why didn’t we hear about these liars, thieves, and redneck supremacist types up there in AK before palin came out in the open??? they didn’t just hatch overnight…did they?
    I just got through reading Joe McGinnis “going to extreme’s” when he went to Alaska in the 70’s when the pipeline being built. (he wrote the “HIT piece” ceefourpee’s words not mine 🙂 ) recently. Its a really good book if you haven’t read it. And although it paints a not so great picture of the “new frontier” The Leg. big oil/corruption, prejudice (towards natives and back for them raping the land) he describes his journeys and the beauty of Alaska. Sometime I would love to go. But not as long as GINO and her ilk are shooting wolves, bears, polar bears, beluga’s & drill baby drill. I guess before oil was discovered it was gold up there. Alaska hasn’t developed any jobs or resources not connected to the easy big money of oil since then. 🙁

  67. wired differently says:

    Lainey– I was kidding, you know. Normally I don’t eat things with faces, especially not parts of those faces…

    But if I did, I’d darn tootin’ cook ’em on a wood stove!

  68. pvazwindy says:

    #106 delnorteco—Wow thats a lot of wood. What kind of wood do you burn? In Alaska? By my calculations thats the equivilent to 23 face cords.

  69. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Ann Strongheart Says:
    April 19th, 2009 at 6:09 PM

    OK How’d y’all miss it??

    Let us eat COOKIES!!! remember!! Sorry can’t comment more I am too busy chopping down trees here in Nunam to cook dinner with! 😉
    Ann, really it did cross my mind! But better impact coming from your mouth than mine since you were there…And now chopping wood, also, too…? (omg that guy is such a tool!)
    That’s why I said
    Wolves eat Palin,
    Mama grizzley with cubs eat Palin
    Brian eat Palin…!

  70. pvazwindy says:

    Egan will have 1.5 yrs to serve in senate seat. Then Kerttula runs, wins, and serves.

  71. delnorteco says:

    what is this guy thinking? we have a wood stove.only a wood stove.i burned at least 8 cords of wood this winter.that is 4’x4’x8′.thats alot of wood.and it was only me here this winter (husband works out of state).with the price of fuel how does this guy get off saying ‘go cut work’ it take alot of fuel to drive with a truck load of wood.if you have a pickup that you can use. i say vote his sorry ass out.heck these people don’t even have wood stoves.

  72. Lainey says:

    @crystalwolf aka caligrl: I bet palin has a freezer full of moose nose (all brown I betcha)…I wouldn’t share mine with the likes of her! 🙂
    @wired differently: personally, I wouldn’t think of trying either of those recipes, but I didn’t want to offend anyone…Moose Nose read as an authentic Alaskan fare… (gulp) palin wastes no part of her kill!
    @austintx, Mountain Oysters…”thanks, but no thanks”. hee hee

    re: as to that a**h*** Kelly’s comments…I bet he wouldn’t line his pockets with cut wood. Alaska sure has a bunch of ignoramus’ running the gov’t!
    Where did they all come from? and why didn’t we hear about these liars, thieves, and redneck supremacist types up there in AK before palin came out in the open??? they didn’t just hatch overnight…did they?

  73. Mae says:

    Ah yes, another urban Alaskan elected official, spewing racist crap. AGAIN.

    Why is it Alaskans must be MORE tolerant of racist people, rather than people of color?

    These kind of comments are getting so old and quite frankly, not suprising.
    How sick is that?

  74. How in the world do people who are obviously so stupid and so uncaring towards others ever get elected – to anything? Good grief. I’ve never been to Alaska, but the picture I have in my mind of the rural parts does not include a lot of trees. And in so many parts of the world, the effort is to get people to NOT cut down the forests for cooking and heating. We need those trees to be living.

    Apparently he skipped out on geography classes and science classes where the environment was discussed. What an idiot.

    No more talk about moose nose – the only way I want to see that is if Brian comes up to AKM’s window again. If I think very much about where any meat comes from, I can’t eat it. Please, pass the fruit and veggies.

  75. wired differently says:

    Frankly, I’m just as glad Beth didn’t vacate a House seat. The circus would have continued.

  76. austintx says:

    98 Ann Strongheart Says:
    April 19th, 2009 at 6:09 PM
    OK How’d y’all miss it??

    Let us eat COOKIES!!! remember!! Sorry can’t comment more I am too busy chopping down trees here in Nunam to cook dinner with!
    Love that sense of humor you have , always !! You are Golden for sure.

  77. Scorpie says:

    OT~Juneau just got its’ senator.

  78. ExAlaskan says:

    Let them have a rapist baby – (I thought about termination but I didn’t) Sarah Palin

  79. Ann Strongheart says:

    OK How’d y’all miss it??

    Let us eat COOKIES!!! remember!! Sorry can’t comment more I am too busy chopping down trees here in Nunam to cook dinner with! 😉

  80. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Ok I just saw it @ ADN, they say it was the dems choice…

    So, what was the purpose of all this posturing on her part???? What is wrong with her???

  81. Moose Pucky says:

    Well, that’s nice, pvazwindy. Hope he gets a lot done on this last day of the legislative session!

  82. pvazwindy says:

    its at ADN and Shannyn had a piece

  83. Moose Pucky says:

    Like seeing that photo of Nunam Iqua!

  84. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    pvazwindy Says:
    April 19th, 2009 at 6:05 PM

    anybody post this yet? Palin just appointed Egan to senate seat.
    can she just DO that without Leg confirmation???
    Do you have a link?

  85. Moose Pucky says:

    Let them eat electricity…when the fish are gone.

  86. pvazwindy says:

    anybody post this yet? Palin just appointed Egan to senate seat.

  87. tigerwine says:

    As Yukon Bush Grandma and I said in a previous post, there are parts of the Yukon Kuskokwim delta and northern Ak that have little or no trees. It’s funny that I know this down in GA, when Kelly doesn’t know this in Fairbanks.

  88. austintx says:

    MonaLisa IS MY NAME! Says:
    April 19th, 2009 at 5:51 PM
    Why do I have the feeling that I don’t want to try that recipe, austintx? :-p
    And how did they drain deep-fried things before they invented paper towels…?
    Aw – come on. Where’s your sense of adventure ??

    Newspaper maybe…….

  89. wired differently says:

    Hi MonaLisa. How are things in the Nutmeg State? I’m back from Japan. It was awesome.

  90. New Mexico Friend says:

    That’s just plain mean spirited (Kelly’s comment). Aren’t we supposed to be helping our needy fellow human beings? Regardless of political affiliation, residence, citizenship or social status, caring for others is just the right thing to do.

  91. wired differently says:

    Oh, and can I get someone up there to send me a moose nose in one of those left-over flat rate boxes so I can try out Lainey’s recipe? Thanks much!

  92. MonaLisa IS MY NAME! says:

    Why do I have the feeling that I don’t want to try that recipe, austintx? :-p

    And how did they drain deep-fried things before they invented paper towels…?

  93. wired differently says:

    Sheesh! I step away from my computer for a few hours and what happens? Another nimrod Alaska politician rears his Putin-like head!

    Alaska: Where the Outrage Never Ends!

    Even *I*, who have only been up there once, noticed that there aren’t as many trees as I thought there would be, and that the ones that are there are kinda teeny (by Western Washington standards) because of the short growing season. DUH!

    And Mr. Kelly, I will take up your suggestion about avoiding domestic violence with my 22-year-old daughter. You eff-ing fool.

    AKM, this is Numbskullery of the highest order, and should be reflected as such in the categories. Sorry, it’s the librarian in me.

  94. austintx says:

    Well – no moose down here. Lot’s of cows though………


    Calf fries as many as you want. Hot, not boiling water. Salt and pepper. Dip calf fries into hot but not boiling water. Leave 1 to 2 minutes. Longer if frozen. Drain and peel off outer membrane. Cut into bite size chunks. Beat together 1 egg, 1 cup milk, dip fries in liquid, then in equal parts of flour and cornmeal that has been seasoned with salt and pepper. Fry in deep, hot shortening. When they are done they will float to the top. Drain on paper towels; serve warm with dip.

    From Cooks .com

  95. Closet Mudpup says:

    “I emailed Kelly asking if he knew these rural villages were above tree line.”
    Having spent four summers flying for seafood buyers in SW and W AK, I’m giving you a “10” for that one. And I’m still laughing …

  96. here_in_PA says:

    OT-Back in March, I had read a comment on seefourpee saying something about CAPharaS, they couldn’t wait until April so they can see the numbers that would become publicized. She was wondering how much the CAP was bringing in. I can’t find it anywhere. Also, too, you can go to AK state web and look at the online checkbook to see where the money is supposed to be going. It is pretty interesting to look at. Sorry about the OT.

  97. austintx says:

    78 Loquin Says:
    April 19th, 2009 at 5:27 PM
    Grrr!! I so severely dislike Mike Kelly that I actually held off moving for a couple days so I could vote against him in his district.
    Dang !! I like that , a lot !!

  98. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    # Lainey Says:
    April 19th, 2009 at 4:19 PM

    OT, but I think you Mudpups will appreciate this!
    I was flipping through pages of old cookbooks (yes, nothing better to do today, while I watch a television movie). This was a ‘Potpourri” collection of recipes, bound in a spiral, from people that worked for the same company I use to work for.
    Here goes: BOILED OR JELLIED MOOSE NOSE submitted by The Hall’s (last name) from Anchorage, AK.
    1 fresh moose nose
    2 or 3 cloves of garlic
    enough water to cover meat
    2 T Seasonall (??)
    Clean moose nose by skinning or by dipping in scalding water and scraping. Remove all hair. Cut meat into small cubes and cover with water. Add salt, pepper, Seasonall, and garlic. Boil until tender, remove and chill.
    Serve cold as a consomme.

    Not my cup of tea and no access to moose anywayz, but Bon Appetit!
    Lainey: I think you should go to SOA website and submit to Poor GINO, probably feeling really, really down right about now.
    And after her AK infomercial re: AK great high protein meat…a little moose nose might be the ticket?
    (sorry Brian)

  99. Loquin says:

    Grrr!! I so severely dislike Mike Kelly that I actually held off moving for a couple days so I could vote against him in his district.

  100. Chaim says:

    Andrew Halcro nailed the SOB. He’s no “layabout,” he had to work hard to swindle the state out of millions. What chutzpah.

  101. MonaLisa IS MY NAME! says:


    Let them eat… their own words!

    Here’s an appetizer:

  102. UK Lady says:

    lee 323

    On a happier note, the ‘a dollar a day to make norm go away’, campaign has raised $18,000 already.

  103. Lee323 says:

    Perspective time:

    Rep. Kelly won by one vote and is happily but apparently ignorantly carrying out his appointed duties in the Hallowed Halls of Government.

    Al Franken has a 300 plus vote lead over Norm Coleman….which in the perspective of Kelly’s win is a freaking landslide…..but has yet to walk the Hallowed Halls of such and such and thereforth…..

    What’s up, Minnesota?

    Hmmmm. Maybe this politician “problem” is more widespread than the tundra…..

  104. TBNTJudy says:

    Re: MonaLisa’s post:

    “‘The guys that are brothers and uncles and fathers and stuff are not taking care of this problem,”’

    Um, isn’t this taking the law into your own hands? Being promoted by a lawmaker? We now have LINO…you fill in the blanks 😉

  105. AK dreamin in CA says:

    AK politicians demonstrate exactly why we need a constitutional democracy with checks and balances and guaranteed rights for all–including those pesky natives. I mean, if they don’t like it here, why don’t they go back where they came from!

    Do you guys go looking under rocks or moose pies to find your candidates!

  106. Lainey says:

    thanks, the problem child is MY NAME…good luck with the recipe! 🙂
    interesting Schwartz spice history, too.

  107. UK Lady says:

    mlaiuppa – I think a good soundbite for his next oppoent would be


  108. phoebe says:

    36 @Greytdog

    You would have the blessings of miillions of Americans whatever the result.

  109. Nan says:

    AustinTX – very good point, I wasn’t thinking (shame on me)

    Problem child – I think that’s just in MN (shame on me – again!) Ha!

  110. Lainey says:

    OT, but I think you Mudpups will appreciate this!
    I was flipping through pages of old cookbooks (yes, nothing better to do today, while I watch a television movie). This was a ‘Potpourri” collection of recipes, bound in a spiral, from people that worked for the same company I use to work for.
    Here goes: BOILED OR JELLIED MOOSE NOSE submitted by The Hall’s (last name) from Anchorage, AK.
    1 fresh moose nose
    2 or 3 cloves of garlic
    enough water to cover meat
    2 T Seasonall (??)
    Clean moose nose by skinning or by dipping in scalding water and scraping. Remove all hair. Cut meat into small cubes and cover with water. Add salt, pepper, Seasonall, and garlic. Boil until tender, remove and chill.
    Serve cold as a consomme.

    Not my cup of tea and no access to moose anywayz, but Bon Appetit!

  111. Lee323 says:

    58 the problem child IS MY NAME! Says:
    April 19th, 2009 at 4:13 PM
    “Let them have homeschooling (Palin to special needs kids)”

    Also, too. Let them eat fruit flies…….Ms. “what is science good for anyway” Palin

  112. Canadian Neighbour says:

    36 Greytdog Δ Says:
    April 19th, 2009 at 3:37 PM
    “Wonder if we could get carbon credits if we duct-taped the mouths of Boehner, Cantor, Limbaugh, Bachmann, etc? Surely they release more CO2 into the atmosphere than a million Holsteins. . .”

    If you duct-tape the mouths, I’ll volunteer to duct-tape the opposite end. Nothin’ better that a vision of them puffing up and exploding!!!
    Saves finding a cure for ‘Stupid’ 🙂

  113. Geneva FreeSpeech says:

    Let’s see…
    Doesn’t know his own state.
    Profoundly ignorant and insensitive.
    Can’t keep his mouth shut.
    Clearly he’s a rising star in his party and a future candidate for Governor.

  114. austintx says:

    53 Nan Says:
    April 19th, 2009 at 4:10 PM
    Wouldn’t it have been a greater margin if it was Diebold… Just askin’
    That is the beauty of Diebold. All it takes is one to win………

  115. austintx says:

    Thank you DR.

  116. austintx says:

    51 Canadian Neighbour Says:
    April 19th, 2009 at 4:08 PM
    Let them eat moose pies (aka moose dung)….Canadian Neighbour
    Or one of these……….

  117. Lee323 says:

    36 Greytdog Δ Says:
    April 19th, 2009 at 3:37 PM
    “Wonder if we could get carbon credits if we duct-taped the mouths of Boehner, Cantor, Limbaugh, Bachmann, etc? Surely they release more CO2 into the atmosphere than a million Holsteins. . .”
    Yup…..I think you’re on to something big here, greytdog.

    Presuming that Boehner et al are actually exhaling CO2 instead of exhaling methane like cows’ flatulations (personally, I’m not sure), then there could be substantial benefit to the Duct-Tape approach to global warming. See following for analysis:

    “Both carbon dioxide and methane break down over time after being released into the atmosphere. However, whereas it takes around 50 to 100 years for carbon dioxide to break down, methane dissolves after around 12 years. For this reason, it would be unwise to approach the greenhouse effects of methane in the same way that we approach carbon dioxide. This doesn’t mean it is desirable for large quantities of methane to be released into the atmosphere. Research is still being carried out on the environmental impact of methane.”

  118. mlaiuppa says:

    And what is the likelihood that Mike Kelly will lose by more than one vote the next time around. “Let them chop wood”. That’s a great soundbite for his opponent.

  119. Nan says:

    Wouldn’t it have been a greater margin if it was Diebold… Just askin’

  120. austintx says:

    50 phoebe Says:
    April 19th, 2009 at 4:05 PM
    Rep. Kelly won by just one vote….well, well isn’t that surprising? Shades of 2000.
    Not surprising if they used Diebold machines. Right , Phil ??

  121. Canadian Neighbour says:

    Let them eat moose pies (aka moose dung)….Canadian Neighbour

  122. phoebe says:

    Rep. Kelly won by just one vote….well, well isn’t that surprising? Shades of 2000. These elected officials need to be held accountabl. It would appear since Kelly has no clue to a solution he is just spouting off the first thing that comes to mind & throwing native alaskans under the bus. Such arrogance & mean spiritedness…………………Moron.

  123. History repeats says:

    Mike Kelly is one more reason why the villagers are getting their oil from Venezuela.

  124. UK Lady says:

    Do they make the politicians in Alaska take classes in stupid? coz they all seem to be Grade A tools. With just a few notable exceptions, they must have bunked off.

  125. Sue says:

    This is so typical of Republican (and many Christinas, too) thinking. “If you’re on ‘welfare’ (which includes ANY kind of help), then you are lazy.” As if they, themselves, had done anything on their own. Everything we have is from God, and we should be thankful to Him for what we have. Sometimes God provides via “welfare.” Who is to judge Him for that? Thank the Lord that President Obama and our First Lady, Michelle, know that Jesus wants us to help those in need.

  126. ATF says:

    IQ tests should be mandatory for those who choose to run for office. Too bad we can’t ask for them retroactively. They could be like IM tests. If the testee fails, he or she can get whatever repairs are needed, and then take the test again!

    What draws one to public service, if one doesn’t want to serve the public?

  127. AK dreamin in CA says:

    austintx Says:

    He has the IQ of a pinecone.

    A pine cone would have the sense to drip pitch on him.
    He’s a double moron. Not only is there not wood to cut, you have to let wood cure so you can burn it and get any amount of heat out of it. I know. We used to heat with wood. And that’s in CA in a no snow area. How many degrees of stupid to you have to be to know that:
    There isn’t any wood
    It must be cured
    You need cords upon cords to heat in cold weather areas
    You have to have a wood burning stove–not a coal or gas or oil stove.

    Fairbanks has a university. Obviously, he doesn’t qualify for matriculation.

    Let them eat snow–just add yummy flavors for a sweet treat
    And let HIM eat yellow snow

  128. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Let Wolves eat Palin!
    Let mama grizzlies eat Palin!
    Let Brian eat Palin!

  129. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    pvazwindy Says:
    April 19th, 2009 at 3:30 PM

    Our U.S. House Minorty Leader, (R) Boehner, says “if only cows would fart more. They’re the cause of global warming.” Surprised Kelly didn’t jump on that absurdity.
    Well Queen Gino farts “rainbows”….Huh? you don’t believe me? Go to c4p and see!

  130. austintx says:

    36 Greytdog Δ Says:
    April 19th, 2009 at 3:37 PM
    Wonder if we could get carbon credits if we duct-taped the mouths of Boehner, Cantor, Limbaugh, Bachmann, etc? Surely they release more CO2 into the atmosphere than a million Holsteins. . .
    You are a sick pup , just like me. LOL !! Funny thing , it would probably work. I’ll defer to the Dr. in the house.

  131. Dragon Lady says:

    Philip – you are too witty – all those bon mots.

    Speaking of W.A.R. – he should eat all those medals he received during the Vietnam War. Just what branch of service was he in and how many tours?? Bet you know; don’t you Philip? (Guys like Ross never get called out or up.)

  132. Ken says:

    ..then, let them eat cake. How well did that work out, Marie?

  133. CRFlats says:

    Let them eat subsistence–Outdoor Council

  134. dee says:

    I must say, the duly elected politicians of Alaska are proving themselves to be one of the least compassionate, caring groups I’ve ever read about. The mantra there seems to be if it doesn’t make money, we’re not for it. When are some of these people going to come to realize that all of us are just one major illness, one lost job,one major setback away from being in need of help,too.? I know how fortunate I am to have a good retirement plan and a decent social security payment each month. I’m not rich, but I have enough to be comfortable and some to share. I know that there but for the grace of God go I. What is wrong with these soulless people?

  135. yukonbushgrma says:

    Even in areas where there are trees nearby, so much land belongs to the state, BLM or native corporations. You might not be able to cut wood at all, or you might have to get a permit to cut (a limited amount). It’s not as simple as Mr. Kelly makes it out to be.

    Oh yeah, don’t know if it was mentioned here, but Kelly just happens to be the retired president of an electric company in Fairbanks. Gee, no wonder he doesn’t want us to get energy assistance!

  136. Physicsmom says:

    What an idiot! They do come out of the woodwork up there. I loved “let them heat with squirrel wood.” Yes, please drop Mr. Kelly out in the bush to find heat and food for himself.

  137. Greytdog Δ says:

    “Our U.S. House Minorty Leader, (R) Boehner, says “if only cows would fart more. They’re the cause of global warming.”


    Wonder if we could get carbon credits if we duct-taped the mouths of Boehner, Cantor, Limbaugh, Bachmann, etc? Surely they release more CO2 into the atmosphere than a million Holsteins. . .

  138. Greytdog Δ says:

    Let them shop at WalMart – I’m off to Neiman’s!! . . .Sarah Palin
    Let ‘im duck . . .Dick Cheney

  139. Lee323 says:

    25 Philip Munger Says:
    April 19th, 2009 at 3:21 PM
    “let them eat ARCTIC CAT LOGOS”

    corollary: Let them eat my two-cycle exhaust while I’m wearing my Arctic Cat Logos…….Mr. and Ms. P

  140. TBNTJudy says:

    Okay, I had a comment, but I’m laughing so hard I can type no more than this!

  141. Bones AK says:

    There are a lot of them out there. We still have a lot of work to do, and actually this is part of it. My memory is not as good as it once was, but collectively WE as a group remember a lot and can bring this back up when mr. kelly next sits for election (with links)

  142. Lee323 says:

    Let them eat their war medals…..Ms.”real american patriot who’s not signing SB 89″ Palin

  143. pvazwindy says:

    Our U.S. House Minorty Leader, (R) Boehner, says “if only cows would fart more. They’re the cause of global warming.” Surprised Kelly didn’t jump on that absurdity.

  144. Lee323 says:

    Let them eat that danged constitution……Mr.”who gives a flip about the 1st Amendment” Doogan

  145. austintx says:

    let them eat e-mails and Blackberry text messages.

  146. This one’s for Bristol and Levi – Let them cut classes

  147. Basheert says:

    Has Mr Kelly ever actually worked a real job in his life? Possibly he should go out with a knife and a toothpick and build a shopping mall!

    Is it possible to be so stupid you self destruct and your head explodes?

  148. let them eat ARCTIC CAT LOGOS

  149. Lee323 says:

    Let them eat polar bears…..Ms. “all wildlife is stew meat” Palin

  150. Lee323 says:

    Let them leave their homes to find jobs….Ms.” getting paid to stay in my own house” Palin

  151. austintx says:

    19 windpond Says:
    April 19th, 2009 at 2:57 PM
    I emailed Kelly asking if he knew these rural villages were above tree line. He’ll likely have to look that one up. Here’s the link to Andrew Halcro’s excellent blog on Mike Kelly.
    He is the senator in my district in Fairbanks and an embarrassment. It’s no wonder he could not find a reason to vote against WAR.
    sarah gave a geograhy lesson on AK. the other nite…..he should call her……..

  152. UgaVic says:

    I invite Mr Kelly to our villages here on the Alaska Peninsula to see all the ‘wood’ we have – NOT.
    Also if he hurries we will have a job for him IF he has a skill as there are no “lay abouts” in this area when there are jobs!
    Fairbanks – his statements on this issue and others that I have read seems to suggest this man has yet to join the 21st century. Hope you will encourage someone else to run for that seat!

  153. C. Rock says:

    Someone need to take That idiot on trip right before next winter & drop his a** off in a village & tell him he is on his own for food & warmth. Point him in the right direction to the woods with axe in hand. Then we will see Mr Kelly irritated.

  154. windpond says:

    I emailed Kelly asking if he knew these rural villages were above tree line. He’ll likely have to look that one up. Here’s the link to Andrew Halcro’s excellent blog on Mike Kelly.
    He is the senator in my district in Fairbanks and an embarrassment. It’s no wonder he could not find a reason to vote against WAR.

  155. emma,

    Let them eat “clean” coal…

  156. MonaLisa IS MY NAME!,

    Let them eat DVRO’s (domestic violence restraining orders)

  157. emma says:

    Andrew Halcro has a great blog on Mike Kelly and his years on the dole of the state. It is a must read to get a glimpse of this man’s twisted logic. This isn’t the only dumb thing the man has ever said. He is an even dumber version of George W Bush. (if that is humanly possible)

  158. Let Them Cut Wood! – Pete “Paul Bunyan” Kelly

    Let them eat lima beans – W.A.R. (AG for a week)

    Let them eat CDQ’s – Bering Sea Pirates

    Let them eat Bibles – Franklin “I’m more saved than thou art” Graham

    go ahead, Mud puppies – pitch in…

  159. Mag the Mick says:

    I hope his constituents remember tis comment next time the elections roll around. The world is changing quickly, and dumb reactionaries like Kelly have no further place in it. Alaska needs more from its legislature, and perhaps, after the WAR non-confirmation, they’ll get it.

  160. MonaLisa IS MY NAME! says:

    Ever chop wood, Mr. Kelly? Probably not. It’s hard to imagine anyone effectively wielding an ax with his foot in his mouth. From:

    Kelly made [the following] comments during a committee hearing [on Friday, March 14th] on a bill that would stiffen the penalty for third-time offenders of domestic violence. He said he was concerned that relying more on the law and an overworked police force to address the issue would allow men to shirk the responsibility of ‘taking care of their women.’

    “It just seems to me that the message is clear here,” he said, “that the female — the other half of the population — is falling down because they’re doing stupid things marrying the beasts among us, or shacking up with them. The guys that are brothers and uncles and fathers and stuff are not taking care of this problem,” he went on. “I just think it’s one more thing that insidiously is on government, and it bothers me.””


  161. Dragon Lady says:

    OT – OMG – 6:48 my time here and GINO’s Evansville speech is on cable’s CSPAN. Check your local listings.

    On the large tv screen she looks very washed out, her hair ends are split up to her ears and she has a red rinse on her hair. Scarier than usual.

    But as Letterman said: Don’t worry Sarah; you’re still adorable.

  162. anastasia p says:

    You know, even reading about Republicans makes me tired. Where do they get so much stupid?

  163. honestyinGov says:

    It’s a shame they can’t redo the election and have just …ONE …person change their Vote..? Being the ‘popular guy’ that Mr. Kelly is and all that.

  164. Lunaluz says:

    How sweet, another rider on Sugarbritches’ shortbus, he can sit next to WAR as Sugarbritches erratically gets closer to that cliff….

  165. pvazwindy says:

    Kelly wants them to burn all that gopher wood. Keep going for more. Jerk.

  166. Paula says:

    “angrily responded that there have been millions of dollars in state subsidies for urban energy needs.”

    Honestly, look at Alaskan pork and ask what in Alaska ISN’T a handout?

  167. austintx says:

    He has the IQ of a pinecone.

  168. Paula says:

    Let the natives cut wood…

    While “whitie” drills oil and gas on native land.

    And the native is asking for a “handout?”

    Maybe “whitie” oughta cut the wood for the natives?

  169. KittenStCyr says:

    “I don’t know how many of the 200-plus villages have a wood supply within a rock toss, but there’s a lot of them because I’ve been to a lot of them,” he said.”
    This is what gets me gagging every time……
    Which villages have you visited Rep Kelly? What are their names? When you visited, where did you stay? How was it heated? Did you cut wood? How did you get it? Where did it come from? Alder? Spruce?
    What….. you don’t remember?
    Another example of political gasbagging making a pretense of fiscal responsibility…..spinning like a whirlygig.
    And speaking of layabouts, what did YOU accomplish this session Rep Kelly?

  170. mwThatOne.. says:

    More on ‘moron’…..

  171. Maybe Mr. Kelly is willing to haul firewood to the elderly.

    Ditto on the ‘Moron’.

  172. MonaLisa IS MY NAME! says:
