Juneau Has a Senator, and the Agony is Over.
Yay. (clap……clap……clap) Juneau has a new senator.
Don’t get me wrong. I really am very happy that the insane drama of filling this empty seat is over. I want to be able to summon some real enthusiasm. I want to revel in the Dem’s spineliness in sticking to their guns, and not appointing Tim Grussendorf or Joe Nelson. I want to jump up and down, and pop a cork, and spray champagne all over the capital city. I want to congratulate the people of Juneau for getting a decent person to fill the seat, and finally give them representation.
But frankly, I feel like after more than a month of watching the governor turn a simple appointment into some kind of a crazy partisan blood sport, all I want to do is slump down in my chair, look at the ceiling and say, “FInally!” After the brutal and unnecessary political whiplash induced by the governor , it’s more like relief that the pain has stopped, than the celebration it should be.
Dems: The Senate seat is vacant. How bout Beth Kerttula?
SP: NO! (throws chairs)
Dems: OK, how bout someone from this list?
SP: NO! How about Tim Grussendorf?
Dems: NO! Here’s a list of names.
SP: NO! How bout Joe Nelson?
Dems: NO! How bout that list of names we gave you?
SP: NO! I made a list of my own. You pick.
Dems: NO! Because, um….that’s illegal.
SP: FINE. How about Tim Grussendorf?
Dems: We already rejected him, which makes that illegal too. How about Dennis Egan?
SP: Well, if you reject Grussendorf again, I’m just going to appoint Joe Nelson again.
Dems: (heavy sigh) Illegal. Really. Again.
SP: (stomp stomp stomp) FINE! Have your precious Dennis Egan! (slams door)
And of course, all this happened at the last minute, because if the session had ended with no appointment, it would have meant a special election, which would have meant Beth Kerttula, and we know how the governor feels about that possibility. (see above)
So congratulations people of Juneau, and Dennis Egan. I mean it. Honest. Now that the dull throbbing in my temples has stopped, I’m just going to go drag my weary bones to bed and celebrate the end of the error by staring at the inside of my eyelids for a while.
Whomp! (sound of head hitting pillow)
Donna in Michigan – you can contribute to any candidate anywhere. (Look how much Tinklenberg raised after Michele Bachmann’s rant on Hardball.) Poe doesn’t have a donate button on his website; something he should change.
OMG or Oy Vey as Lori has it – I don’t need any other info on Sean Parnell except that in every video or photo with Sarah he looks like he is seriously in love with her. I’m not being snarky.
So he would be a perfect choice wouldn’t he. (He really should watch Double Indemnity and see where being a sap for a dame will get him.)
It sickens me to know Joe Schmidt, yet again another WHS alum is moving up.
Brings new meaning to her being the “real deal.” No more real people in government please.
OY VEY – possible news regarding the new AG of Alaska from Shannyn Moore:
Palin’s “caving” on the Senate seat may have been to avoid a special election that would have favored Kerttula but…..she also finally got most of the $9 million ($7 mill) that she requested for the in-state pipeline project that she reeeeally, reeeeally wanted. Quid pro quo….
Her resume would be enhanced in the lower 49 by “pipeline/energy issues”…… but not with the issue of a state senate seat appointment.
Congrats on getting the right person for the job!
I am not a citizen of Alaska. I live in Michigan
However, I would like to know, if it is legal to send money to contribute to the Bob Poe for Governor of Alaska campaign fund??
And does he have a fund going as of yet?
UK Lady, yep, that’s a good one on KOS.
Just noticed the following statement at the bottom of KOS homepage.
“Site content may be used for any purpose without
explicit permission unless otherwise specified.”
Moose Pucky likes KOS!
Is Palin the Rev. Jackson of the GOP?
This story nails it on the head.
91 UK Lady Says:
April 20th, 2009 at 9:47 AM
Don’t fret. Those TS fools can’t spell or even throw a coherent sentence together. I don’t think anyone is going to take them seriously. They are just circling the drain with their no hope heroine.
I’m sure you are right… there’s a big YAWN on Huffpo too. I just panicked.

43 Nan Says:
April 20th, 2009 at 6:30 AM
I am not sorry you OT on this one she IS great. There are a lot of Mayors that should go up there, keep their mouths shut and their ears open
Acceptituding your conservacrat–for the time being.
Oh my good grief!!
Just read this story on Kos, please read it folks, and the comments, they are just so damn funny over there!!
Sarah Palin Heading for Hell!
And yes, Mr. Egan is definitely a conservacrat (is that a word?) but he will do just fine til our next election.
Looking back at it all, I think she was trying to do a few things here with the appointment process. I think she was doing one of her favorite things, which is to exert her power over others, she was working to ensure that Beth Kertulla would NOT be appointed to this seat since Beth had DARED to voice concerns that were critical of Sarah last Fall, and she also wanted to keep the numbers of Democrats to a minimum to help her hopes of confirming Wayne Ross to the AG position. Sarah Palin is obviously not a brilliant person, but she is coniving and purposeful toward her self-serving goals.
@ Moose Pucky
Dennis Egan HAD been approached earlier to be put on the list and he declined. He’s pretty much retired and was probably looking forward to some down time! However, when twit brain started playing games w/ the selections and choosing Juneau residents who had never been elected to office, Bruce Bothelo (and who knows who else) talked him into it and his name was submitted.
A brilliant move, actually – and everyone I know in Juneau is very happy w/ Mr. Egan for now. He’s smart, he knows Juneau and Southeast like nobody’s business, he’s funny as heck and he gets along w/ everyone (I can’t imagine meeting someone who didn’t like him – he’s just great). He’s been on the radio for years here, in addition to being a past mayor, so everyone knows him and anyone can approach him.
The only downside is probably for Senator Egan – like I said, I think he was looking forward to goofing off! A well deserved goofing off, I might add. Palin has gone down in Juneau folks’ minds as a major twit who was trying to mess with us. This has not done her any favors – I believe that she has forgotten that although Juneau is blue, our Juneau Empire endorsed her for VP (which disgusted me at the time). Don’t think that’s going to happen ever again – the editorials have been more than a little unflattering to her and her ilk (they called WAR her lapdog). She hates Juneau anyway, don’t know why anyone gave her the benefit of the doubt to begin with.
So yes, I’m taking some time away from the twit gov and my yard is calling to me! And my dogs! And my life! We have a Senator, and this is good. Palin is leaving Juneau, and this is even BETTER! I hope every door slaps her butt on the way out.
Moose Pucky Says:
April 20th, 2009 at 9:44 AM
Of course, they couldn’t reject Egan, once they finally put Egan on their list. But why wasn’t he on the list in the first place, or the second place???
Not on the Juneau Dem’s list because he didn’t express his interest early in the process?
Not on their radar until the Mayor had a brain wave?
Love the reference here to “Sarahmnesia”. Wish we could forget her as fast as the GOP is doing.
That would be Gara/Kerttula Gov/Lt. Gov. in case that wasn’t perfectly clear.
Kerttula may have come out the winner anyway. Handled the Governor’s rejection with grace, acceptitude (new word?), and amazingly good humor. She serves the people, not the Governor. How refreshing!!
Moose Pucky’s dreaming of a Les Gara Gara/Beth Kerttula ticket. Dream, dream, dream. And of lots of skunk cabbage soon.
Yes what is SparklePlenty going to do now that the session is over? Whose life is she going to make H*ll now?
Is it hunting season up there? Is it time to kill more wildlife?
Nan Says:
April 20th, 2009 at 6:30 AM
… but too darn good not to post
Husband just sent me this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fY79KbCptTo
I can’t imagine anyone or anything winning 92% of any vote – until that video.
Hazel was my Mayor for 11 years when I lived there!! Loved, loved, loved her!!
She donesn’t campaign. Rarely do people run against her and when they have, they may as well have burned their money.
My realty taxes did not go up for 9 years. The City has no debt. If they didn’t have the money, they didn’t do it.
I would still be living there but had to move to my mother’s to homecare her.
Hazel should be cloned!!!
@ Moose Pucky:
close votes – Well, there was WAR …
Don’t fret. Those TS fools can’t spell or even throw a coherent sentence together. I don’t think anyone is going to take them seriously. They are just circling the drain with their no hope heroine.
Let them eat-CROW! Ha, ha, yukonbushgrma. Yes, I agree, stalling for better odds on close votes was probably part of her agenda. I don’t recall any votes being close, however.
(re: Crow) … apologies to ravens, one of my favorite critters.
Let them eat – CROW!
What ticks me off about this fiasco is that Juneau went through almost the entire session without that seat being filled. Sure looked to me like she purposely stalled the whole thing until the last day of session just to give herself better odds on the votes. Kinda similar to “taxation without representation.”
If the Dems had held out for Kerttula, then it would have gone to special election?? Then why didn’t they??? I think this part may be in question???
Of course, they couldn’t reject Egan, once they finally put Egan on their list. But why wasn’t he on the list in the first place, or the second place???
It’s a compromise. Not a celebration.
But if Juneau’s happy, Moose Pucky’s happy, I guess.
Will it get us better ferry service?? Or more push for the The Road??
Will it help us with taking care of Alaska’s wild fish stocks or be more of a push for irresponsible development of Kensington, Pebble, fossil fuel extraction, hydro in bad places?
Lots of questions yet to be answered.
These sad, pathetic women are organizing TODAY.
“Today’s the day! Our Not on Our Watch! Phone Bank Blast is set for TODAY from 2pm – 4pm ET.”
Mudpuppies, that’s less 30 minutes from now. They are set to flood the phonelines of the members of the Senate Finance committee.
The vote is tomorrow. Let’s make this another WAR effort.
Make your call, send your emails and sign this…
SP was successful in assuring that her least favorite Alaskan city was not represented in the Senate the late session.
Saw hand written in the mud on the back of a car driven by an Alaskan Native looking woman yesterday: ‘Sarah is a ‘tard’
Being SP’s brain would be a very lonely experience in that big dark empty cave.
Palin’s background isn’t nearly as problematic as Jackson’s, and she has, of course, been elected to public office. But Palin was widely perceived to be deficient in knowledge of national and international politics. Her inability to appear even minimally competent made her one of the rare vice presidential nominees to damage the ticket in November.
As I said during the campaign, John McCain’s most effective attack on Barack Obama was calling him inexperienced. But McCain’s choice of Palin, who seemed to have the foreign policy knowledge of a bowling alley waitress, made these attacks sound silly.
Here is a great story on Politico about GINO
a teaser if you need one:
Is Palin the Rev. Jackson of the GOP?
Many leading Republicans and Democrats are, for one reason or another. The problem is, Palin doesn’t know she’s unelectable, and neither do her followers.
So, what does she do now that the session is over? Ribbon cuttings in between traveling to her base in the bible belt?
She has way too much time on her hands.
I wouldn’t say that about most women with a special needs baby!
What was it Sarah said about supporting other women….
An online community of female supporters of Gov. Sarah Palin is launching a last minute campaign to derail the candidacy of Kathleen Sebelius for the secretary post at the Department of Health and Human Services.
Team Sarah, which was founded to support and mobilize for the McCain-Palin ticket and claims tens-of-thousands of members, blasted out a petition on Monday morning urging members to “flood the phone lines” in opposition to Sebelius’ candidacy.
Can you imagine being Sarah Palin’s brain. She is so calculating & indecisive I don’t know how she even dresses herself in the morning. Glad to hear the GOP is throwing her under the bus. There is no way she can make it to 2012.
Beats the drum!! Sanctimonious Sarah!! Amen!
Good news for Juneau… albeit a little too late.
Palin may have realized she needed to cave on the Juneau appointment, but I warn against taking this as a sign of weakness. This woman told her Indiana audience that she had her Mojo back. She may be delusional, but she has plans and an agenda. Be ready for WAR of a different kind. Not that she’ll get anywhere… the GOP is wiping their hands off as fast as they can, and we all remember what happened to Perot. And she’s no Perot.
And that Politico article… ouch!
As I was reading this story and breathing a sigh of relief that GINO finally made the appropriate compromise (although under extreme pressure to do so) it occurred to me that a desire for ‘change’ can lead to extraordinarily different results.
The election last November clearly showed that we wanted change in our national politics. We ended up with someone who is intelligent, yet is aware of what he doesn’t know and surrounds himself with experts in those areas. He is willing to talk to our allies AND our enemies, and extends a hand instead of waving a fist. He repeatedly attempts to reach across the aisle even when rejected by those seated there. He takes bold, yet thoughtful, steps to solve the immense problems he is facing, and intends to leave our country in a better condition that he got it in. Change is good.
And then there’s Sarah…
Ah, so that was it. If no one was appointed before the end of the session it would have gone to a special election. In which case Beth Kerttula would have won in a landslide.
That explains it even more.
And I was still right. I just didn’t know why.
from AKM: because if the session had ended with no appointment, it would have meant a special election, which would have meant Beth Kerttula, and we know how the governor feels about that possibility
So, THAT”S the ‘backstory’ …always an underlying motive with that palin …see? you can NEVER trust her! NEVER EVER!
That divisive jingle the Queen of Flip Flops carries in her pocket will continue to be her Bridge to Nowhere. Mike Nizich looked pretty relaxed yesterday when he made that flip flop nosedive into the Gastineau Channel from the MeShip Palin. Who will be next to walk the plank?
pat, washington: remember someone telling me when our girls were young teens to “pick your battles carefully” – i.e., stand firm on drugs and alcohol, unprotected sex, etc
I heard that same advice when my kids were teens. And I give it to everyone. I remember the advice as stand firm on the important things – education, sex (teach sex-ed!) , drugs, alcohol …. Let up on others like music choices, clothes choices, friends and messy rooms. (And believe me that isn’t always easy.) But I can say as a MOT (mother of Teens) survivor with 3 out of 4 out of the house and all having graduated college and my baby #4 now a 14 year old High School freshman getting straight A’s I think the advice has worked for me at least.
Terpsichore….. Did you see the news conference on Gavel to Gavel last night? SP was once again defending the whole WAR thing, her hair just about stood on end when one of the folks at the conference kept trying to pin her down about the whole senate vs. WAR debacle. Very interesting, she swore Egan in and that was that. By the way everyone, from my spouse, who lived in Juneau for a long while and knows him personally, Egan is pro drill, mine, but is acceptable to Juneau in the meanwhile. Did you see him smiling on the frontpage for ADN, egads, what is it with men and Palin.
oops. meant right-click to copy/paste.
Terpsichore #57 – “… my browser is not letting me copy text to copy and paste and I don’t know why! ”
Terpsichore, if you’re using left click to paste and you’re not seeing “paste”
you can do ctrl-v to paste. If you’re not getting the copy, ctrl-c will work even if its from a different browser window.
Congratulations to Juneau and to Mr. Egan. It’s nice to see at least another issue with the gov resolved.
So, even though WAR was rejected, there still isn’t an AG, right? On to the next battle.
I remember someone telling me when our girls were young teens to “pick your battles carefully” – i.e., stand firm on drugs and alcohol, unprotected sex, etc. And that advice worked well for us. But with GINO, she turns everything into a battle that needs to be fought. I also remember hearing that you can tell how your teenager will act by thinking back to her behavior at age two, only it will be magnified. So GINO has gone from temper tantrum toddler to out of control teenager. Glad to see that the legislature grounded her at least for a day.
congratulations Juneau. Mr. Egan sounds like a good man and a good choice. For a person with his accomplishments to come out of a well-deserved retirement to serve his community is a grand and great thing to do….b
Here is someone else today following up on Newt’s remarks about GINO’s future in the GOP.
OT OT OT (last time, I promise)
AustinTX, problem child, Writing in Alaska & Mercer fans
Omigawd! I just saw a YouTube with Mercer, and am still guffawing (“talking with Americans”). Leave it to a kid to set things straight!
Back to regularly scheduled commenting now, and I’ll behave from now on
still chortling
Hazel, is a real hockey mom. No lipstick either.
On Saturday, Nizich stated that Palin wanted to meet with the nine Senate Dems. Anyone know of any meetings, “telephonically” or otherwise?
At that time, Nizich said Sarah continued to challenge Grussendorf’s rejection which she considered unconstitutional.
When did Sarah realize that if the process itself was unconstitutional then her appointment of church elder Vic Kohring was equally invalid?
(still OT. Mostly)
AustinTX, Problem Child & Writing from AK
Wasn’t she great! I only wish we had a Hazel here, too (also, even) lol
I’ll look for more on Mercer; I like his choice of topics so far
Meanwhile, with the session over, and Juneau (finally) represented, does anyone else have a sort of “what now” feeling?
…& not sure if it’s a good or bad thing.
Check out the Polito article linked at #27 above: Palin “…seemed to have the foreign policy knowledge of a bowling alley waitress…” hee hee.
OK, that is settled, but how about the AG position? What happens there?
Also OT
THANK YOU NAN for posting the link to the video of the Canadian mayor – now there is a woman in politics – hooray!
If you didn’t see it – check out post 43 – for a little encouragement, education and light hearted fun.
Congratulations on the latest plus for Alaska!
And this is not the place, probably, to ask but what happened to the stimulus money? Did you get it all? Did Palin block it? I can’t seem to find out about it anywhere.
Be sure and rest up for whatever she will think of next. There is sure to be something.
I’m going a little crazy because for some reason in the last few days, my browser is not letting me copy text to copy and paste and I don’t know why! Makes it hard to reply to posts.
Anyway, jo in AK, if your quote in No. 46 was accurate and I have no reason to think it was not, then SP is calling AK citizens liars again, which is a very seriously bad thing for a politician to do.
A good diplomat, politician, lawyer, judge, jury member, thinking human being – in any contradicting “he said, she said” situation, will give all sides the benefit of the doubt first before acussing anyone of being liars, e.g., “Leah Burton just ‘thought’ it was WAR saying those things, she was mistaken” or “WAR just might not have remembered that he said that – it was so long ago”. Neither is lying, someone (perhaps both even, are simply mistaken.
To be lying, one must be perfectly cogniscent that what they are saying is not true.
For SP to use the “L” word so quickly (and seemingly more frequently these days) further suggests to me she does not understand that not-so-subtle difference. Would that be how she would deal with foreign dignitaries or heads of state at meetings as President? Call them liars?
To quote someone’s marvelous sign at the little rally I went to in Boca Raton last year the day of SP visit (private fundraiser):
“I want my president diplomatic and sane”
Whew. Dennis Egan is an excellent answer. I almost wrote ‘choice’ but that verb was out ages ago when the swordplay started. Egan knows Juneau from the bottom to the top, is intelligent and actually gives a hoot. Congratulations Juneau indeed!
Nan – Thanks for the link. Wow – Hazel rocks !!……..and she plays hockey. Too cool.also.
C’mon folks- we were NEVER gonna get Ms Kertulla but it sure was nice to let the ghastly gov know that was our true choice.
The absolute dismissal of the 2nd list was the big slap, the advertising for folks outside the majority was a bigger slap, and playing games with the rules was the biggest. We can live just fine with Mr Egan til next election…
It looks like three strikes, and she is OUT! Please start the recall. (Now I’ll read the other commenters!)
Speaking of this appointment, does anyone know exactly when SP got Egan’s name officially ‘sent up’ from the House Dems. for her consideration? I am trying to make a timeline of all this (to counter claims it was the Dems. playing games – hey! it rhymes!). I see the name bandied about on April 13-14 but no confirmation that it had been officially submitted to the Governor at that point. Thanks for any info you can provide.
It is becoming quite clear that the GOP not only has kicked her to the curb as any potential GOP national candidate, but will actively destroy her if she mounts a third party effort.
One thing the GOP is the master of is dirty politics, and when they get though with her, this blog will look merciful by comparison!
Perhaps this is sinking into her pea brain, and is why she looks like hell!
Palin’s term in office is like a stone skipping on water. We all know what happens after the last skip. Wa-lah.
@saurkraut, I heard in Idaho, that they have SP’s pic up like a shrine saying, look at what you can accomplish? I still dont think they get that shes a joke. Not even SP.
I have missed alot of the news, there are too many things to do and I m tired of SP’s games. But, as for the reasons why, that will never come to light.
I suppose congratulations are in order, but it is hard, when I believe it should be somebody else.
Emmay@32-”The problem is, Palin doesn’t know she’s unelectable, and neither do her followers”.
Twodux@30 raises the possibility that Palin-possibly at a subconscious level-realizes that she is not electable.
GOP puts Palin on ebay like a used pair of shoes.
Looks great, doesn’t quite fit, like new. Bidding starts at $.99
By her ‘my way or no way’ mentality, I think Palin has irreversibly screwed herself re: a political future. Every time she opens her mouth now, there are more people listening, laughing and shaking their heads. She may get some good advice, but it’s obvious she doesn’t take it.
Oh and didn’t you notice how snipey she got when the asked questions about WAR, “You heard all the lies they said about that wonderful man, they were lies”. No Sarah, we just heard him say on the radio that we shouldn’t pay attention to the LAW. On Gavel to Gavel, her eyes were red and her jaw was sagging. Gee, she’s starting to look her AGE.
Emmay@32-“The problem is, Palin doesn’t know she’s unelectable, and neither do her followers”.
Twodux@30 raises the possibility that Palin-possibly at a subconscious level-realizes that she is not electable. Palin, who desperately hates to lose, certainly understands that she cannot afford another electoral loss, at any level.
If the ‘wildly popular’ Alaska Governor were so certain of clinching the GOP nomination as her ticket to Washington DC, why risk everything obsessing with petty local issues? Might Palin be so absorbed with Beth Kerttula, because of nagging doubts that she’s not going anywhere?
Dennis= conservative democrat. It was a compromise, Sarah looked like crap last night, ate a little crow I believe.
… but too darn good not to post
Husband just sent me this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fY79KbCptTo
I can’t imagine anyone or anything winning 92% of any vote – until that video.
I compare this Juneau Senator soap opera to what is going on in Minnesota right now where the Repubs are doing everything legally possible to block Franken’s appointment to the Senate. I truly believe there was method to Palin’s madness as she anticipated a close vote on WAR and was just stacking the deck in any way possible in her favor by prolonging the Juneau appointment
Of course, she once again underestimated the power of the APJB (Anonymouse PJ bloggers) and didn’t realize how quickly the truth about what a jerk WAR really is would be plastered on every blog from Anchorage to Huffington Post.
I really think Palin is backtracking quickly right now. She may be a lots of things but she really does read her press reviews and right now she is getting slammed everywhere. Even Newt won’t give her a pass.
She has made some very, very questionable PR choices lately. And for someone who’s whole career and success is based on controlling the media through PR and short soundbites (as opposed to providing real leadership and governance) I think Palin has to rethink how she does business.
Egan was a compromise, not the dems first choice. And Palin made it because as AKM pointed out, there would have been a special election. The probable winner, Kerttula, can’t have that, now can we. Gryphen, has an interesting take on Egan’s appointment. Has something to do with dust, and I’m not talking about the “black blizzard,” era. I have to agree with him, Palin is as twisted as a licorice stick.
UK Lady, I believe it is unlikely Egan will run for the seat. As I understand, he came out of retirement for this. It’s not unheard of for talented retired folks to agree to help out and serve in what they know will be only a temporary appointment.
I’m sure that’s one of the reasons SP didn’t immediately pick him when his name was sent up to her – because she was hoping any of her choices would run against Kerttula, at least making the chances of her getting the seat through election (presumably) more difficult.
The other, of course, was simply to have one less Dem. vote in the WAR confirmation hearing.
If a Dem. governor had done what SP has done with a Rep. appointment, you know the Reps. would be all over that Gov. saying how wrong it was, etc. Over at C4Pee? Nope. She’s perfect, everything she does is smart, masterfiul, completely legal, and we should all shut up about it.
@Nan Says:
“At least Juneau will be represented in the *next* legislative session.”
and at all points in between…
AKM- rest up. We need you to keep up your strength to keep an eye on things.
Watching and being part of the ghastly gov unravelling is not pretty but necessary to completing the story of how a fresh-face in politics can get ripe and rotten pretty fast when purchased past it’s sell-by date.
We were so anxious to get a “reformer” we did not look carefully enough at the fact that the ghastly gov has the same old stale take on Alaska’s future which has held us back for quite awhile now.
She focussed relatively well the first couple of years but this year – whoa! The endless tantrums and flip-flops have made a stench we cannot ignore.
Juneau will be fine. If our neighbors round the state grow to understand the arrogance of the ghastly gov attempts to give us representation which does NOT represent us we will be one giant step towards getting rid of her.
I’m proud of the Democratic Senators hanging in there for us .
I’m pleased Republican Senators spoke up about the stupidity of the ghastly gov’s demand for all to vet the appointee…
If it takes a village to raise a child, it takes a full Legislature to rein in a temper tantrum throwing toddler gov.
Kids learn best when the adults around them are consistent…
Holy Molely!! I just read the Politico article… Ouch!!!
That was a 2×4 upside the head, if ever I’ve seen one. Anybody have a band-aid?
Kertulla for governor ( or Lt Gov) has a ring to it!
Congratulations to Juneau! About dang time, too (snark is not at Juneau, but at the fracas fed by “others.”)
At least Juneau will be represented in the *next* legislative session.
Heartfelt congratulations to Juneau residents and Dennis Egan (oh, and the legislature). I’m so glad y’all have joined the rest of us ‘represented’ Americans.
On the Jesse Jackson comparison, if Sarah reads it (or if Meg does), I don’t think she’ll ‘get’ it. Bet the c4p folks are going (more) nuts.
“WHAT could possibly turn SP off to her so drastically ?”
Stanford doesn’t give people degrees just to get them the heck out of the college. At Stanford, you earn your degree. And you have to be smart to get in. Idaho, perhaps not so much emphasis on intelligence or earning the sheepskin if Sarah Palin is any indication of their educational “standards.”
21 Gindy50: She’s a Mean Girl on political steroids.
me thinks: GiNO is mean girl on stupid steroids…
OR a stupid girl on mean steroids…..
This is little OT, but I had to share it. http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0409/21425.html
Is Palin the Rev, Jackson of the GOP?
Love the play-by-play! Palin really is a sad child.
I just hope this didn’t come about because she finally realized her chances of National office are squat so she is trying to shore up her support statewide for her next run at Governor. This State couln’t survive another Palin term.
As I posted on Shannyn’s site, I’d prefer to think somebody upped her dose of hormones this week-end. That would explain the drama and mood swings we’ve been watching this last year.
In the Washington Post – ‘Palins Choice’
Can someone please explain to Ms. SP how the law works? It seems that she really feels that SHE is the law.
Congrats to Dennis Egan. Will he run against Beth in the next election?
OT – Politico has an article on Palin – Is Sarah Palin the GOP’s Jesse Jackson?
21 Gindy50: She’s a Mean Girl on political steroids.
me thinks: GiNO is mean girl on stupid steroids…
Someone call Nanny 911 and submit sarah.
Congrats to Mr. Egan. Congrats to the citizens in Juneau that you finally have representation. Mr. Egan has some really big shoes to fill. Mr. Egan now has to realize how hard everyone fought for this appointment, those mean ole nasty Dems treating Gino so bad, lol. I am extremely proud of the Dems believe it or not you did do the right thing.
I was at the ACLU state conference on Saturday and thought of all of you while sitting in the womens reproductive rights workshop. The presentation included a great cartoon of Sarah Palin screaching about abstinance only and no condoms while a hugely preggo Bristol stood behind her. We all laughed as the presenter assured that Sarah Palin had done more to encourage the 85% of parents that want sound sex education taught in school to fight for sound science and reproductive education that anyone else. Her situation is used as a prime example while abstinance only doesn’t work, ever for the far right.
“WHAT could possibly turn SP off to her so drastically ?”
That’s easy.
Beth is a confident, able, intelligent political person hence the exact opposite of Sarah. The governor can’t stand any female who is smarter than she (thinks) she is and there for would never appoint anyone female she can’t control. She knows she can use her wink, nudge, and looks to manipulate males so that’s what she appointed.
She’s a Mean Girl on political steroids.
“WHAT could possibly turn SP off to her so drastically ?”
That’s easy.
Beth is a confident, able, intelligent political person where Sarah is exactly her opposite.
Sarah can’t stand the thought of a competent woman showing her up on any stage, so she chose men only. It’s a Mean Girls thing, you know? Typical 12 year old bitchy chick crap.
Congrats…now if we could get MN all set, that would finish off the election of Nov ’08, um right!?
Cheers from Germany!
What a pill that GINO is. AKM I love your play-by-play recap of this whole mess.
Get some sleep those on the East coast will stand guard a few hours more. Oh and thank you to AKM and all who could sit through that speech GINO gave a few posts back. I couldn’t take it. her voice is akin to nails on a chalk board for me.
happy raining earth day!
and also, too, so…Congrats Juneau!
Was just looking at Beth Kertulla’s resume (http://house.legis.state.ak.us/ker.php) and it is quite impressive. A B.A. from Stanford and a J.D. from Santa Clara School of Law.
Member of the House for 11 straight years, and a long, successful resume as a lawyer.
WHAT could possibly turn SP off to her so drastically ?
Maybe Beth should run for Governor in 2010.
Poor Silly Sarah.
Aussie Blue Sky Says:
April 20th, 2009 at 1:19 AM
The fact she did all of this out of pure hatred should be a warning to all Alaskans.
That’s just it isn’t it? Gov. Palin had no reason other than personal spite not to agree to Beth Kerttula. There was absolutely no other reason for her rejection and that is disgusting in and of itself.
I trust this will be the last governor who gets to appoint a senator.
The fact she did all of this out of pure hatred should be a warning to all Alaskans. Even the Republicans won’t be sleeping well.
Whew!!! You are in bed AKM but I just got up and read your latest post and now am exhausted again!! My ol bones need a lil more shut eye too! BTW congrats to Mr. Egan!
By Dan Fagan
The Alaska Standard
Former Speaker of the House and one of today’s top conservative minds, Newt Gingrich, casts Sarah Palin as a long shot for the White House in 2012. Gingrich asses the potential field for the Republican nomination…
I just bet he does!!!
Good to see you are taking a well deserved rest, AKM and you too Ann. I know a little bit about cutting wood to keep warm, and though we cut enough salvage and slatch wood when we were young and had 3 healthy kids to help, to last us for another ten years, well maybe six if the winters here get any longer and harder, it was labor intensive. Even with gas at less than $1 per gal it was hard to decide on a gal of milk or a gal of gas. Heat or food was always an issue when we started our family. Even when they promised us inexpensive propane or electric heat (we build dams in the hopes of bringing fuel cost down, and lost our steel head) and yet as near as I can remember heating costs never have gotten any cheaper, because someone has always figured out away to make it cost more, not less.
I can’t believe the duffus in the last thread, that worked for the electric company up there was talking about deadbeat folks that couldn’t pay their heating bills not deserving federal energy assistance because that little bit of pork goes straight to the electric company, hardly passes through the rank and files hands at all. I should know, I wrote the very first energy assistance grant for the state of ID, and that was the biggest complaint even in the 70’s, deadbeats would not work if they were given money to heat their homes. My question then was ok, who is going to build your big dam if they have frozen to death in their trailers? So, they stopped complaining and signed off of the bill. Some of these critters just don’t have the slightest idea what it takes to make a village or a city work.
I bet when GINO gets taken into custody, it won’t be because of any action by an Alaskan. Too bad, it’d be a better trophy than than a big old moosehead or elk rack!
The GOP – Newt Gingrich and John McCain in particular – will probably set her up and sting her good within the next 6 months to prevent her breakaway party from forming.
So are Alaskans gonna let Newt take that prize away from y’all?
Beth K., she will be there sarahcuda
Does it really end here? After all, GINO only attempted to unfairly influence the confirmation vote on the AG appointment…regardless of the outcome she attmpted to tamper with the vote.
Doesn’t someone, anyone, have the right to step up and file an ethics complaint against her now for attempting to make illegal appointments and engage in yet another ABUSE OF POWER????
Here’s a thought. If she used a telecommunications carrier to communicate across State lines in an attempt to commit an illegal act, shouldn’t the FBI arrest her?
There won’t be a tree left in Nunam at the rate you are chopping them down Ann. Take it easy girl!!
so that temper tantrum in Juneau is over!!
Wonder what the next one is going to be?
I already have an almost 2 y/o that I am having problems keeping up with and temper tantrums…UGH I don’t know if I can stand another SP infantile Temper Tantrum.
What’s going to be the next one SP decides to throw?? Y’all remember how “Funniest Home Video’s” used to put the face of the host on some of the dumb videos? Wouldn’t it be hilarious to do that with SP’s face on some of the You Tube videos of toddler temper tantrums??
Ok well it’s late, I am very tired from having to cut down all those trees here in Nunam to make dinner. Where did those come from? They just sprang up from the last post?! Very wierd!!
Please visit us at anonymous bloggers (http://anonymousbloggers.wordpress.com/) and see what spring is bringing to Rural AK
Good Night All !!
Ann Strongheart
Nunam Iqua Food Drive
c/o Ann Strongheart
P.O. Box 7
Nunam Iqua, AK 99666
Warum einfach wenn es auch kompliziert geht?
Why make it easy if it can be made complicated?
Sleep well…
I love the play by play recap with humor and hitting it once again right on the beat. Is there a Pulitzer for blog authoring? You deserve it!
And I forgot to say Congratulations!!!
Finally…..so it is to be Dennis Egan!!!!
AKM, I do understand your frustration.